Stem Fair 2017

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The 4th Annual KPIS STEM Fair

Engineering Competition
March 17, 2017

Team Selection (KPIS students)

Each grade level for G6-G10 must have at least two teams for each event. The teams may be
divided by homeroom or may be mixed, per science teacher discretion. G11 must have at least
one team for each event. Additional teams are allowed with science teacher approval.
All students in grades 6-11 must be on one (and only one) team. Teams must have a minimum of
two students.
All teams must register for their events with Mr. Steve by Friday, June 10. Students who have
not registered by the deadline will be assigned to a team.
High School (G9-11) and Middle School (G6-8) teams will compete together in the same events,
but are considered different divisions and are scored and ranked separately.
Grade 12 students will not participate on teams but will assist primary school classes with their
projects as needed and will help manage the engineering competitions.

Visiting Schools
Visiting schools may enter teams in one or more of the events and will compete in the same division (MS
or HS) as KPIS students. Visiting teams must be composed of two or more students per event. Because
events run concurrently, it is not possible for one student to participate in more than one event.

Event Rules
Event rules are subject to change.

Event A. Time Masters

For this event, teams of students will design, construct, test, and optimize a device
capable of accurately measuring time intervals between 10 and 300 seconds with a
precision of up to 0.1 second.

Judging and Scoring

Teams will test their devices in a series of six trials. All teams will have the same intervals during the six
trials (and will likely all be tested together.) During each trial, a warning tone will sound, followed by a
start tone. After a target interval of time has passed, a stop tone will sound. Students will have one
minute following each trial to read their device and record their measurement of the interval between
tones with 0.1s precision.

The six trials will include two trials with intervals of 10-30 seconds two trials with intervals of 30-90
seconds and two trials with intervals of 90-300 seconds. The interval range will be announced before
each trial begins.

The score for each interval is the measurement error in deciseconds (10 times the absolute value of the
difference between the actual interval length, to the nearest 0.1 s, and the team estimate, to the
nearest 0.1s). The team score is the sum of all six interval scores. Lower scores are better than higher

In the unlikely event of a tie, the event manager will rank the tied devices based on aesthetic appeal.


Common designs include trickling water or sand, pendulums, oscillating springs, etc. There are
lots of good ideas on the internet.
Electronic components that can be used to keep time (electric timers, watches, etc.) are not
allowed. Electronic components that cannot be used directly to measure time (such as an
electronic balance) are allowed.
Commercial timekeeping devices (or parts) are not allowed.
The device may not use electronic timekeeping, chemical reactions, or physiological processes in
any form.
The device may have interchangeable parts and parts may be exchanged between trials.
The device may be designed to be read post-hoc or dynamically and may be designed to read by
one operator or multiple operators in tandem.

Event Manager: Mr. Krishna

Venue: TBD (Breezeway or music room, probably)

Event B. Return of the Tennis Ball Launcher

For this event, students will design, build, test, and optimize a device capable of
using elastic or gravitational energy to launch a tennis ball accurately across a
distance of 8 to 16 meters (HS) or 8 to 12 meters (MS) and hit a target a specified
distance away.

Judging and Scoring

Teams will be told the exact distance (in 0.5 m units) between a launch zone and the target
immediately before testing begins. The target to be hit will be a flat plastic ring approximately 70 cm in
diameter. Only one target distance will be used for each division (MS or HS) of the competition.

Teams will be tested in turn. Each team will be allowed two launches, and will be allowed to make
adjustments between launches. A tennis ball that hits the interior of the target ring or hits the target
itself is considered a direct hit. Teams may provide their own standard tennis ball to use as a
projectile. Teams may request the event manager hold a vertical target above the target ring before
loading the launcher to assist in aiming the device.

If a launcher fails to launch, or disintegrates in any way at launch no score will be recorded. The team
may try to repair the device while other teams are competing, but will be allowed a second chance only
if time permits.

The score for each launch either 0 (in the case of a direct hit) or the distance, in cm, between the
location where the tennis ball first hit the ground and the nearest edge of the target. The total score is
the sum of the two launch scores. Lower scores are better than higher scores.

In the unlikely event of a tie, the event manager will rank the tied devices based on aesthetic appeal.


Common designs include catapults, trebuchets, tube launchers (slingshots with a track), etc.
There are lots of examples on the internet.
The device may use elastic or gravitational energy only. Compressed air, chemical reactions
(including chemical reactions of muscle contraction), etc. are prohibited.
Launchers must be free-standing. Hand-held or carried launchers are prohibited.
The device may include an aiming component (such as a laser pointer) and/or a launch trigger
that is not a permanent part of the launcher. All other components are not permitted to
separate from the launcher.

Event Manager: Mr. Mihnea

Venue: Football pitch

Event C: Wheeled Vehicle

For this event, students will design, construct, test, and

optimize a self-propelled wheeled vehicle powered by elastic
energy that can travel as far as possible (up to 8.5 meters), as
accurately as possible, and as fast as possible.

Judging and Scoring

Each team will be allowed two consecutive trials. During each trial, the wheeled vehicle will be placed
behind the starting line in the center of a 2-meter-wide lane. The vehicle will travel, self-propelled, in
the lane until it stops of its own accord or it crosses an outer lane boundary. Travel time between the
0.5 meter mark and the 8.5 meter (HS) or 6.5 meter (MS) mark (tier 1 score) will be recorded only if the
vehicle successfully travels the full distance without crossing the lane boundary. Otherwise, the total
distance successfully traversed, in cm, is recorded (tier 2 score).

If a vehicle does not begin travelling or stops before the 0.5 m mark, no score will be recorded. The team
may try to fix the vehicle while other teams are competing, but will only be allowed a second chance if
time permits after all other teams have been run.
Tier 1 and tier 2 scores will be summed across the two trials. Vehicles with two successful trials will be
ranked first, followed by vehicles with 1 successful trial, followed by vehicles with no successful trials.

In the unlikely event of a tie, the event manager will rank the tied devices based on aesthetic appeal.


Pre-fabricated or commercially produced vehicles or vehicle parts (except wheels) are

All energy for the vehicle must come from elastic potential energy stored in a non-metallic
elastic device (rubber band, bungee cord, surgical tubing, balloon, flexible wooden rod, etc.) The
vehicle may have more than one engine as long as all engines meet this criterion.
The vehicle must self-start either when released or when a trigger is actuated. Push-starting or
launching is prohibited.
Vehicle chassis may be constructed from any non-metal material. Wider chasses tend to travel
in straighter lines, but the chassis width may not exceed 30 cm.
Lighter chasses and wheels tend to travel faster and further because there is less mass to move.
It is not required that the vehicle have 4 wheels.

Event Manager: Ms. Mags and Mr. Collin

Venue: Sports Hall

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