A Comprehensive Review On Aloe Vera (Ghee Gangwar)

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Pallavi Tiwari et al /International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Letters 2015 Vol. 5 (6)| 618-623

A Comprehensive Review on Aloe vera (Ghee gangwar)

Pallavi Tiwari*, Hena, MK Mishra, Mayank Srivastava, Saurav Ghoshal
Shambhunath Institute of Pharmacy, Jhalwa, Allahabad- 211012 (U.P.), India

Liver is a vital organ play a major role in metabolism and excretion of xenobiotics and toxic molecules from the
body. Liver diseases are a major problem of worldwide proportions that challenges not only health care profession-
als but also the pharmaceutical industry and drug regulatory agencies. Liver cell injury caused by various toxic
chemicals (like paracetamol, certain anti-biotic, chemotherapeutic agents, carbon tetrachloride (CCL4), thio-
acetamide (TAA) etc.), excessive alcohol consumption and microbes is well-studied. Herbal medicines have been
used in the treatment of liver diseases for a long time. Popularity of herbal is increasing globally. A number of
herbal preparations are available in the market. The present review is aimed at compiling data on promising phyto-
chemicals from medicinal plants mainly Aloe vera that have been tested in hepatotoxicity models using modern
scientific system.
INTRODUCTION Bonaire, Haiti, India, South Africa, the United States of
Ayurveda and Siddha, the predominant herbal prac- America, and Venezuela [3,4]
tices in India, are considered sciences of life, preven- Vernacular Names [5]
tion of ailments and longevity. They are not a mere 1. English Aloe
collection of healing practices, but contain methods of 2. Hindi Ghee ganwar
maintaining and prolonging the health rather than just 3. Kannada Kanya kumaari
simple healing. The holistic approach of these prac- 4. Malyalam Catevala
tices, which advocates the involvement of both mind 5. Marathi Koraphanta
and body (and which complement each other) in main- 6. Sanskrit Kumari
taining the body and healing the same, is a way of liv- 7. Tamil Akki
ing [1]. ANATOMY
The name Aloe was derived from the Arabic word al- The plant has triangular, short stemmed, fleshy leaves
loeh meaning bitter because of the bitter gel present with serrated edges, yellow tubular flower and fruits that
in the leaf. [2]The species name vera means true or contain numerous seeds. Each leaf is composed of three
genuine. The species was first described by Carl Lin- layers. An inner layer of clear gel that contains 99% wa-
naeus in 1753 as Aloe perfoliata var. vera, and was ter and rest is made of glucomannas, amino acids, lipids,
described again in 1768 by Nicolaas Laurens Burman sterols and a vitamin, the middle layer of latex which is
as Aloe vera in Flora Indica. There are more than 600 the bitter yellow sap and contains anthraquinones and
known species of Aloe (Family Liliaceae). Belonging glycosides and the outer thick layer of 15-20 cells called
to a member of Liliaceae group, it is widely found in as rind which has protective function and synthesis is
subtropical and tropical areas of the world. Among all carbohydrates and proteins. Inside the rind are vascular
species of aloe, Aloe barbadensis Miller (synonym- bundles responsible for transportation of substances
Aloe vera Linn.) is considered to be the most biologi- such as water (xylem) and starch(phloem).[6] The aloetic
cally active plant. Besides acting as a therapeutic agent, juice from which the drug is prepared is contained in the
it has long been used in dietary supplements and for large pericycle cells and sometimes in the adjacent paren-
cosmetic purposes. Aloe is a succulent plant widely chyma.[7]
used in alternative medicine. The plant is native to
southern and eastern Africa along the upper Nile in the
Sudan. The plant is commercially cultivated in Aruba,

Key words: Aloe vera, hepatotoxicity, Paracetamol;

Received 16 December 2015; accepted 21 December
*Corresponding Author: Ms. Pallavi Tiwari
Shambhunath Institute of Pharmacy, Jhalwa, Allahabad
- 211012 (U.P.), India
Email: pallavitiwari25@gmail.com
Fig 1: Fresh plant and dried stem of Aloe vera
Mob: +91 9721683816

Copyright 2011 Published by IJPSL. All rights reserved

Pallavi Tiwari et al /International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Letters 2015 Vol. 5 (6)| 618-623
Pharmacological Activities of Aloe Vera 400& 600 mg/kg of BW). The whole leaf of Aloevera
Antiulcer activity of Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel can pre- extract can be exploited as non toxic drug for the treat-
vent peptic ulcer. Indomethacin and ethanol were used ment and Chemical management of inflammation[11].
to induce gastric ulcers. Thirty six albino rats of either
sex were randomly allotted to six groups of six animals
each. The negative control was pretreated with normal
saline, the positive controls received ranitidine (20 mg/
kg) and the test group received Aloe vera gel (300 mg/
kg) orally for eight days. Then, after a 24 hour fast Indo-
methacin (20 mg/kg) or 80% ethanol (2ml) was adminis-
tered orally to induce ulceration. At the end of the study, Figure 2: Chemical structure of salicylic acid, a con-
the rats were sacrificed, their stomachs opened, the ulcer stituent of Aloe barbadensis as anti-inflammatory agent
index studied and tissues sent for histopathological ex-
amination. Both ranitidine and Aloe vera gel signifi-
cantly prevented stomach from gastric ulceration in-
duced by indomethacin and ethanol. Conclusion: The
results indicated that Aloe vera gel is effective against
indomethacin and ethanol mediated gastric ulcer.[8]
Antidiabetic activity of Aloevera :The aim of this study
was to investigate the effects of aqueous extract of aloe
vera leaves on hypoglycemic activity and after alloxan
injection in Swiss albino mice. In this study, aqueous
leaf extract of aloe vera was carried out. Diabetes was
induced in mice by alloxan monohydrate at dose of 150
mg/kg body weight injected intraperitoneally. Also al-
loxanized induced mice were administered with 300 and Figure 3: Chemical structure of emodin, aloe-emodin,
500 mg/kg body weight orally daily of extract for a pe- aloin, aloesin, and chrysophanic acid as representatives
riod of 21 days. Diabetic mice group treated by extract of anthraquinones having anti-inflammatory effects
at the dose of 300 and 500 mg/kg body weight orally
significantly . The results suggested that aqueous extract Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Aloev-
of aloe vera leaves possesses protective effect against era leaves: Hepatotoxicity was induced with a single
alloxan induced diabetic mice.[9] dose of paracetamol 3g/kg orally. The curative and re-
Antitumor activity of Aloevera : Antitumor activity of generative effect of Aloe vera on paracetamol induced
Aloevera of 50% ethanol extract (100 mg/kg) of Aloe hepatotoxicity was studied. The animals were divided
vera was evaluated against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma into eight groups (n=6). First four groups received either
(EAC) tumor in mice. Swiss albino mice were divided vehicle (2% gum acacia), Aloe vera (250 mg/kg or 500
into 4 groups (n=6). All the groups were injected with mg/kg ) or N- acetyl cysteine (450mg/kg) single dose
EAC cells (0.2 ml of 2106 cells/mouse; i.p.) except the orally with paracetamol 3g/kg orally. The next four
normal group. This was taken as day zero. From the first groups of animals received the same treatment for 7
day, Aloe Vera extract (100mg/kg) and 5-FU (25mg/kg) days along with single dose of paracetamol 3g/kg orally.
were administered intraperitoneally for 14 days to After the treatment period the blood samples were col-
groups 3 and 4 respectively. After the administration of lected from orbital sinus and aspartate transaminase
last dose followed by 18 h fasting, all the mice were (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and alkaline phos-
sacrificed for the study of antitumor activity, serum bio- phatase (ALP) were estimated. As the integrity of cellu-
chemical, hematological and liver biochemical parame- lar membranes is critical to normal cell function, the
ters. Antitumor effect of Aloe vera was assessed by ob- peroxidative decomposition of membrane, lipids may
servation of changes with respect to body weight and have widespread implications in liver toxicity. Conclu-
abdominal circumference.[10] sion: This study shows that the aqueous extract of Aloe
Anti-inflammatory activity of Aloevera : In the present vera has hepatoprotective active [12].
study aqueous extract of whole leaf of Aloe vera at vari- Anxiolytic activity of Aloevera : Aloe vera was evalu-
ous concentrations was investigated for its anti- ated for CNS activities in mice Long-term dosing was
inflammatory activity. Thirty albino wistar rats of both carried out on albino mice weighing from 25 30 gm
sexes (120-135g) body weight were used, Carageenan with equal sex distribution. All animals were randomly
and formaldehyde induced rat paw oedema was used to assigned into two groups, one group served as control,
evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity. Whole leaf ex- while other group served as treated group each -
tract of Aloevera at various concentrations (100, 200, -
Pallavi Tiwari et al /International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Letters 2015 Vol. 5 (6)| 618-623
containing ten animals and different behavioral activities
for anxiety and depression were tested on Exploratory
activity, Open field test, Swimming induced Depres-
sion test, stationary rod, Cage Crossing and Inclined
Plane test. Aloe vera was administered orally in both
sexes of mice and was found to cause significant depres-
sion in general as well as exploratory behavioral pro-
files. The results revealed that Aloe vera caused reduc-
tion of Exploratory and Locomotor activities along with
the significant decrease in traction in an inclined plane
test. The results suggest that Aloe vera may have anxio-
lytic potential with sedative action.[13]
Antiviral activity of Aloevera : In this study we tested
the antiviral activity of a crude hot glycerin extract of Figure 4: Chemical structure of mannose6-phosphate,
Aloe vera gel which was grown in Bushehr (Southwest acemannan and glucomannan as major polysaccharides
of Iran) against HSV-2 replication in Vero cell line. The of Aloe vera having anti-inflammatory and wound heal-
Aloe leaf was cut and the fresh gel within the leaf was ing activities. wound healing and anti-inflammatory ac-
extracted. The extracted gel corresponding to was dis- tivities
solved in 10% glycerin solution. The mixture was boiled Drug Interactions
for 20 min in 105 C. The hot glycerin extract was clari- When aloe vera gel is administered topical, it is gener-
fied by filtration using Whatman No.1 filter paper. The ally regarded as safe.[17]
extract showed antiviral activity against HSV-2 not only Aloe gel might enhance the ability of hydrocortisone
before attachment and entry of virus to the Vero cells to reduce swelling if applied topically.[18]
but also on post attachment stages of virus replication. If ingested, it might lead to increased hypoglycemia in
The IC50 before attachment and entry of virus to the conjunction with oral anti-diabetics or insulin.[19]
cells is 428 g/ml and the CC50 value which is the cyto- Aloe vera inner gel may significantly increase the
toxicity of the extract for Vero cells is 3238 g/ml, absorption of vitamins C and E after oral application.
while the calculated selectivity index (SI) is 7.56. Also, [20, 21]
IC50 of extract on post attachment stages of replication Aloe vera gel for systemic application is not recom-
is 536 g/ml and the SI value for inhibition of the post mended in combination with anti-diabetic, diuretic, or
attachment stages of HSV-2 replication is 6.04. There- laxative drugs; sevoflurane; or digoxin. [18]
fore, compounds of Aloe vera from Bushehr could be a In general, a 2-hour time period is recommended be-
good candidate as a natural source for antiviral drug tween oral drug application and aloe vera ingestion
development against HSV-2[14]. due to increased intestinal motility and reduced drug
Wound healing activity of Aloevera: Aloe Vera leaves absorption[22].
pulp of Aloe arborescens species is used for medicinal
If aloe vera gel is used with any other prescription
purposes, including treatment of constipation, colitis,
drug, the patient should inform the physician and/or
asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, peptic ulcer,
inflammation, heart burn, stress etc. The present study
Adverse Effects
was undertaken on experimental evaluation of Aloe
Vera leaves pulp on wound healing activity through 1. In general, topical application of aloe vera prepara-
topical route on excision wound model Adult albino rats tions has been regarded as safe as assessed by the Cos-
(wistar strain) either sex weighing 180-200 g were taken metic Ingredient Review Expert Panel .[17] However,
Aloe Vera leaves pulp was found to have better and several case reports of the development of hypersensitiv-
faster wound healing effect than standard drug Povidone ity reactions and contact dermatitis in response to topi-
Iodine ointment on excision wound model [15]. cally applied aloe gel preparations have been published.
Preliminary phytochemical examination [23-27] This allergic reaction has been attributed in most
The phytochemical screening of the extracts of A. vera cases to anthraquinone contaminations in the gel[19].
indicated in table I that shows the presence of alkaloids, 2. Macrophage infiltration and emesis has been ob-
glycosides, reducing sugar, phenolic compounds, ster- served in dogs treated intravenously with acemannan.
oids and terpenoids, carbohydrate, amino acid, flavon- [35] Oral application of aloe vera gel may lower blood
oids, tannins and saponin glycosides. Therefore, the glucose levels and enhance the activity of anti-diabetic
most important chemically active (bioactive) constitu- treatments.[29]
ents: alkaloids, tannin, flavonoids and phenolic com- 3. An important factor for adverse effects is the purity
pounds were present in the extracts of A. vera but cyano- of the aloe vera gel used, since anthraquinones like aloin
genic glycosides were absent.[16] might be related to the development of hypersensitivity
Pallavi Tiwari et al /International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Letters 2015 Vol. 5 (6)| 618-623
Uses described in pharmacopoeias and in traditional Aloe contains saponins, having antiseptic and anti-
systems of medicine carcinogen properties [46].
Aloe Vera Gel is widely used for the exter- Aloe contains Campesterol, F2 Sitosterol and Lupeol
nal treatment of minor wounds and inflammatory possessing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial prop-
skin disorder.[31,32-35] erties[47]

The gel is used in the treatment of minor skin irrita- Aloe gel can help to stimulate the bodys immune
tions, including burns, bruises, and abrasions . system [48].
[31,32,36] REFERENCES
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S. No. Chemical Constituent Test Reagent Observation Result
1 Alkaloids Mayers reagent White ppt Positive
Dragendroff's reagent Orange ppt Positive
Sodium Picrate Solution Yellow ppt Positive
Wagner's Reagent No Reddish Brown ppt Negative
2 Glycoside 10% Lead Acetate Solution White ppt Positive
3 Reducing Sugar Benedict's Solution Reddish Brown ppt Positive
4 Phenolic Compounds Ferric Chloride Soln Green Color Positive
5 Steroids & Terpenoids Acetic Anhydride & Conc H2SO4 Pink Color Positive
6 Carbohydrates 10% -napthol and Conc H2SO4 No Purple Ring Positive
7 Amino Acid Ninhydrin reagent Pink color Positive
8 Flavonoids Benzene FeCl3 (or) conc HCL, Mg Yellow ppt on boiling Positive
turning dissolves
9 Tannin FeCl3 and 10% Lead acetate White ppt Positive
10 Saponin Glycosides Distilled water Frothing Positive
11 Acidic or Basic Bromocresol green Blue (base) Positive
12 Cyanogenic Glycosides Distilled water,conc H2SO4,Sodium No pink color Negative
picrate paper
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