Ventilatory Effects On Cardiovascular Function

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Arch Dis Child 1999;80:475480 475


Cardiovascular eVects of mechanical ventilation

Lara Shekerdemian, Desmond Bohn

The heart and lungs work closely to meet the throughout the respiratory cycle. Furthermore,
tissues oxygen demands. If the balance be- changes in intrathoracic pressure and lung vol-
tween oxygen demand and supply becomes ume can have additional important eVects in
disturbed in critical illness, tissue hypoxia and patients with interstitial or vascular pulmonary
cell death can rapidly result. An essential part pathology, or congenital heart disease, all of
of critical care is to maintain cardiopulmonary which are quite frequently encountered in the
function with the help of pharmacotherapy, paediatric population.
fluid management, and respiratory support.
Paradoxically, interventions aimed at improv-
Cardiovascular eVects of changes in
ing the function of one system can sometimes
intrathoracic pressure
have undesirable eVects on the other and,
although the pulmonary consequences of
cardiac disease are well recognised, the influ-
The Valsalva eVect, the physiological response
ences of changes in pulmonary physiology on
to a sustained increase in airway pressure
cardiac function are less well appreciated.
against a closed glottis, is characterised by an
Cardiopulmonary interactions (the eVects of
early increase in arterial pressure and a fall in
spontaneous and mechanical ventilation on the
cardiac output secondary to reduced venous
circulation) were first documented in 1733,
return. Although not an accurate physiological
when Stephen Hales showed that the blood
model of PPV, the Valsalva eVect clearly
pressure of healthy people fell during sponta-
demonstrates important influences of an in-
neous inspiration.1 Over a century later Kuss-
creased intrathoracic pressure on the right
maul described pulsus paradoxus (the inspira-
heart. One of the first and most important
tory absence of the radial pulse) in patients
physiological studies of the eVects of PPV on
with tuberculous pericarditis.2
cardiac function was by Cournands group,
Cardiopulmonary interactions are present in
who in the late 1940s demonstrated a variable
health, and can be exaggerated or abnormal in
reduction in cardiac output in healthy volun-
the presence of disease. This article will
teers receiving mask PPV.3 4 Cournand
provide an overview of this broad topic. By
showed that right ventricular (RV) filling was
emphasising the underlying physiological prin-
inversely related to intrathoracic pressure, and
ciples and the influence of disease states upon
as this became more positive so the RV preload
these, we hope that respiratory support will
fell, producing a detectable fall in cardiac out-
then be tailored to the individual patient.
Let us consider the circulation to be a model
The influence of ventilation on cardiac with three compartments (fig 1): the thorax,
function the abdomen, and the periphery, where PRA is
Spontaneous and mechanical ventilation in- directly aVected by intrathoracic pressure,
duce changes in intrapleural or intrathoracic abdominal pressure is aVected by diaphrag-
pressure and lung volume, which can inde- matic descent, and the peripheral venous
pendently aVect the key determinants of pressure is related to atmospheric pressure.5
cardiovascular performance: atrial filling or PRA falls during inspiration and intra-
preload; the impedance to ventricular empty- abdominal pressure increases with inspiratory
Department of Critical ing or afterload; heart rate and myocardial diaphragmatic descent, whereas the peripheral
Care, Hospital For contractility. Changes in intrathoracic pressure venous pressure remains constant throughout
Sick Children, 555 are transmitted to the intrathoracic structures: the respiratory cycle. Systemic venous return,
University Avenue, namely the heart and pericardium, and the ordinarily the main determinant of cardiac
Toronto M5G 1X8,
great arteries and veins. Spontaneous inspira- output, depends on a pressure gradient be-
L Shekerdemian tion produces a negative pleural pressure, and tween the extrathoracic veins (the driving
D Bohn the reduction in intrathoracic pressure is trans- pressure) and the PRA (back pressure). Sponta-
mitted to the right atrium. In contrast, neous inspiration increases this gradient, and
Correspondence to: intermittent positive pressure ventilation so accelerates venous return. Thus, RV preload
Dr L Shekerdemian,
Paediatric Intensive Care (IPPV) produces inspiratory increases in intra- and stroke volume all increase during
Unit, Great Ormond Street thoracic pressure and therefore right atrial spontaneous2 (or indeed negative pressure68)
Hospital, London WC1N pressure (PRA), and if a positive end expiratory inspiration. Conversely, the increase in PRA
3JH, UK.
email: 101732.2171@
pressure (PEEP) is added, these pressures during a Valsalva manoeuvre or positive press- remain greater than atmospheric pressure ure inspiration causes the venous return to
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476 Shekerdemian, Bohn

Patmos using volume loading of the right heart to aug-

ment venous return,11 12 cautious use of
adrenergic agonists or inotropic drugs, and by
mitigating the eVects of a positive intrathoracic
pressure by ventilatory strategies recom-
mended by Cournand 50 years ago.
Alveolus Thorax
To understand the complex eVects of changes
RH LH in intrathoracic pressure on the left ventricle
Diaphragm (LV), it is necessary to understand the concept
of transmural pressures (the diVerence be-
tween the pressure within a chamber or vessel
and the pressure around it). When we inva-
EGV Abdomen
sively monitor pressure in a peripheral artery,
we measure the intravascular pressure relative
to atmospheric. However, the thoracic aorta,
being within the thorax, is subjected to changes
Patmos in pleural pressure rather than atmospheric.
Systemic The transmural pressure (Ptm) of the aorta is
circulation therefore the diVerence between the pressure
Periphery within the vessel and the pleural pressure (Ppl).
Ptm = intravascular systolic pressure Ppl
To illustrate this, during spontaneous or
negative pressure inspiration, both Ppl and
Figure 1 Model of the circulation, showing factors that
influence systemic venous drainage. The right heart (RH) intravascular aortic pressure fall, but the fall in
and intrathoracic great veins are subjected to pleural pleural pressure is relatively greater than the
pressure (Ppl), which varies throughout the respiratory cycle. fall in aortic pressure. Therefore, Ptm actually
Intra-abdominal pressure increases with inspiratory increases, resulting in an increased LV after-
diaphragmatic descent, and normalises to atmospheric
(Patmos) with expiration. Peripheral venous pressure is load and a reduction in LV stroke volume. The
unaVected by respiration and so remains at atmospheric influence of spontaneous and negative pressure
pressure throughout the respiratory cycle. Systemic venous respiration on LV afterload is unimportant in
drainage (broken arrow) depends on a driving pressure
gradient between extrathoracic great veins (EGV) and the health and in patients with normal myocardial
right atrium, and so during spontaneous respiration is function, when the eVects on the right heart
maximised during inspiration as the pleural (and right predominate. However in patients with acute
atrial) pressure falls, and the intra-abdominal (and
therefore EGV) pressure rises. asthma or in the child with acute airway
obstruction, the inspiratory pleural pressure is
decelerate; thus, RV preload and hence cardiac already considerably negative and LV afterload
output can all fall as intrathoracic pressure is greatly elevated. In this situation, a minimal
made more positive.9 10 PEEP prevents intra- further negative swing in intrathoracic press-
thoracic pressure from returning to atmos- ure can precipitate an acute increase in
pheric pressure during expiration, and at suY- afterload, and result in pulmonary oedema,
cient levels can diminish cardiac output even in the previously healthy heart.14 15
throughout the respiratory cycle.11 12 Changes in intrathoracic pressure can also
Cournand suggested the following strategies produce clinically important eVects on the LV
to protect the cardiovascular system during afterload of patients with impaired myocardial
PPV: a slow rise to peak pressure during inspi- function. Negative swings in intrathoracic
ration should be followed by a rapid fall; the pressure16 17for example, during a Mueller
mean mask pressure should be as near to manoeuvre (deep inspiration against a closed
atmospheric pressure as possible, and the glottis), or the discontinuation of PPV,18 can
expiratory time should at least equal inspira- cause acute increases in afterload in the
tory time. If we apply these principles, with the presence of poor LV function. Conversely, PPV
input of the bodys baroreceptor response, with PEEP can reduce or overcome negative
where the sympathetic system responds by inspiratory swings in intrathoracic pressure,
increasing heart rate, systemic vascular tone, and by lowering the afterload, will potentially
and myocardial contractility, cardiovascular restore the haemodynamics to a more favour-
compromise secondary to changes in intratho- able position on the Starling curve.19
racic pressure can often be minimised during
PPV.13 Cardiovascular eVects of changes in lung
Clearly, there are certain clinical situations volume
where the eVect of a positive intrathoracic EFFECT OF CHANGES IN LUNG VOLUME ON RIGHT
pressure may cause major compromise second- VENTRICULAR AFTERLOAD
ary to cardiac output by impeding venous Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is the
return. These include hypovolaemia, septic main determinant of RV afterload and is
shock, gas trapping associated with obstructive directly aVected by changes in lung volume.20
airways disease, and obstructive right heart The total resistance of the pulmonary circula-
lesions with venous to pulmonary shunts. In tion depends on the balance in the vascular
these situations we frequently compensate by tone of its two components: the alveolar
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Cardiovascular eVects of mechanical ventilation 477

the interventricular septum, and this impedes

Pulmonary vascular resistance

diastolic LV filling.11 23 Second, the inspiratory
increase in RV volume causes the pericardial
Total pressure to rise,6 and this increase in pressure is
then transmitted to the LV, and in turn
impedes pulmonary venous return. There is
Alveolar good evidence to suggest that ventricular inter-
dependence is a major cause of pulsus
paradoxus in patients with a restrictive pericar-
dium as a result of tamponade or constriction.
This eVect becomes more exaggerated as the
pleural pressure is made more negative, or with
RV FRC TLC a fluid bolus that acutely fills the RV.
Lung volume Conversely, the application of PEEP can be
Figure 2 Schematic representation of the relation between beneficial to these patients.
lung volume and the pulmonary vascular resistance
(PVR). As lung volume increases from residual volume
(RV) to total lung capacity (TLC), the alveolar vessels AUTONOMIC TONE
become increasingly compressed by the distending alveoli, The autonomic responses to changes in lung
and so their resistance increases, whereas the resistance of volume during tidal ventilation result in sinus
the extra-alveolar vessels (which become less tortuous as
lung volume increases) falls. The combined eVect of arrhythmia, where spontaneous inspiration
increasing lung volume on the pulmonary vasculature increases the heart rate by withdrawal of vagal
produces the typical U shaped curve as shown, with its stimulation, and the reverse happens during
nadir, or optimum, at around normal functional residual expiration. If the lungs are hyperinflated, or
capacity (FRC).
excessive tidal volumes are applied, then vagal
vessels, and the extra-alveolar or parenchymal overstimulation leads to a reduction in heart
vessels. PVR can become raised at both rate, and reflex arteriolar dilatation.13 Smaller
extremes of lung volume (fig 2).21 When the infants in whom respiratory rate and resting
lung is inflated above functional residual sympathetic tone are high can be particularly
capacity (FRC), alveolar vessels become com- sensitive to vagal overstimulation when PPV is
pressed as a result of alveolar distension. As initiated.
lung volume falls from FRC towards residual
volume two events can occur, and both can MECHANICAL COMPRESSION OF THE HEART
independently increase the PVR. First, the As lung volume increases, the lungs push
extra-alveolar vessels become increasingly tor- against the heart, the chest wall, and dia-
tuous and tend to collapse. Second, and phragm. While the chest wall expands out-
perhaps more importantly, terminal airway wards and the diaphragm descends, the heart
collapse at low lung volumes can cause alveolar and pericardium, and even the coronary arter-
hypoxia and, at an oxygen tension of below ies, become compressed by the lungs.24 At
60 mm Hg, this results in hypoxic pulmonary extremes of lung volume, or in patients with
vasoconstriction. hyperinflated lungs, ventricular filling can be so
If the healthy cardiopulmonary system is compromised as to produce the clinical picture
ventilated near normal FRC without exces- of tamponade. These eVects can usually be
sive shifts in lung volume, it is unusual to see avoided by use of conservative tidal volumes,
clinically important changes in RV afterload with particular caution in patients with hyper-
with a PEEP of less than 10 cm H2O. However, inflated lungs.
the situation can be very diVerent in patients
who have hyperinflated lungs secondary to Heartlung interactions on the intensive
asthma or obstructive pulmonary disease; and care unit
in children with pre-existing pulmonary hyper- On the intensive care unit, we can apply many
tension. For the reasons described above, of the physiological principles that have been
apparently small changes in lung volume can described to limit detrimental cardiopulmon-
cause considerable haemodynamic compro- ary interactions and enhance those that are
mise secondary to acute elevation of PVR in beneficial, depending on the clinical situation.
these patients, and particular care should be
taken to avoid additional gas trapping, or large INITIATING MECHANICAL VENTILATION: FLUID
shifts in lung volume during mechanical venti- STATUS
lation. An acute reduction in systemic venous return
during the initiation of PPV is one of the most
VENTRICULAR INTERDEPENDENCE: THE commonly observed heartlung interactions on
INFLUENCE OF THE RIGHT VENTRICLE ON THE the intensive care unit. Moreover, this is the
LEFT VENTRICLE most likely cause of acute cardiovascular col-
As well as being independently aVected by the lapse seen after intubation. In small infants,
pressure and volume changes that occur during the inflation vasodilatation response due to
ventilation, the eVect of filling one ventricle can vagal overstimulation can further aggravate
directly influence the function of the other. A this. The onset of PPV can unmask a patients
number of studies have shown that the increase volume status, and this can be particularly dra-
in RV volume during spontaneous inspiration matic in hypovolaemic patients and in those
leads to a reduction in LV compliance, and who are vasodilated with systemic sepsis.
hence LV filling.22 There are two mechanisms In children, we rarely have the luxury of
for this: first, RV filling causes leftward shift of intravascular catheters to give us accurate
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478 Shekerdemian, Bohn

measurements of right or left atrial pressure, lessen the work of breathing, it should be
but anticipatory management can help prevent applied cautiously to avoid further cardiovas-
cardiovascular compromise at the onset of ven- cular deterioration. Adjunctive treatment
tilation. A fluid bolus can partially oVset the should be aimed at improving the intrinsic lung
reduction in venous return that can accompany mechanics with secretion clearance, broncho-
PPV, especially if high levels of PEEP are dilator treatment, and so on.
anticipated. Careful selection of anaesthetic
agents, and avoidance of those that cause ACUTE AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION
vasodilatation or negative inotropy, can also Pulmonary oedema precipitated by an acute
help maintain stability. Positive inotropes can and dramatic fall in intrathoracic pressure has
also be very useful adjuncts in patients with been reported in between 9% and 12% of chil-
impaired myocardial function, and systemic dren and adults with acute upper airway
vasoconstrictors can attenuate cardiovascular obstruction, and commoner causes of this are
depression in vasodilated patients. The ad- croup and other upper airway infections,
vance administration of an anticholinergic foreign body aspiration, and postextubation
agent can also help attenuate the vagal laryngospasm. As intrathoracic pressure falls
responses to intubation and ventilation, which well below zero (which is inevitable in this situ-
are exaggerated in smaller infants. ation), the intrathoracic great veins collapse,
The eVects on venous return of sustained thus any beneficial eVects on RV preload are
increases in intrathoracic pressure during PPV transient. The excessively negative intratho-
can be limited by applying the strategies racic pressure can increase LV afterload
described by Cournand. Moreover, if the suYciently to cause pulmonary oedema, and
patients clinical status allows, a method of this can be further exacerbated by an increased
ventilation that allows patient initiated breaths, pulmonary capillary pressure resulting from
such as intermittent mandatory ventilation, pulmonary vasoconstriction secondary to hy-
pressure support ventilation, or continuous poxia and hypercapnia. Acute management is
positive airway pressure (CPAP), will result in a aimed at correcting hypoxaemia, and control-
lower intrathoracic pressure than if all breaths ling the intrathoracic pressure with mechanical
are ventilator derived. ventilation.


Left ventricular failure and pulmonary oedema Ventilatory management of patients with pul-
are associated with an increased intrathoracic monary hypertension should be aimed at
blood volume. By limiting venous return and avoiding factors that exacerbate pulmonary
lowering LV afterload, a positive intrathoracic vasoconstriction: hypoxia, hypercapnia or aci-
pressure, or often simply the use of PEEP can dosis, atelectasis, and excessive changes in lung
improve the cardiac output of these patients. volume. High frequency oscillatory ventilation
PEEP also helps to maintain alveolar patency can be particularly useful in neonates with per-
and therefore lung volume in these patients sistent pulmonary hypertension: this ventila-
who are at great risk of secondary atelectasis as tory strategy allows lung volume to be
a result of oedema, and so improvements in maintained near FRC, but avoids the detri-
oxygenation and in lung volume towards FRC mental eVects on PVR of large swings in lung
can also have a beneficial eVect on RV volume.25 26 Inhaled nitric oxide plays an
afterload. Thus, an increase in intrathoracic important adjunctive role in patients with
pressure can improve cardiac output in patients reversible pulmonary hypertension,27 both in
with LV dysfunction. the neonatal setting25 26 and in children with
The use of non-invasive PPV is becoming congenital heart disease.28
increasingly popular as combined cardiorespi-
ratory treatment for patients with ventricular CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE
dysfunction. If tolerated, mask or nasal prong The approach to the ventilation of patients
CPAP or bilevel positive airway pressure with congenital heart disease can play a key
(BiPAP) reduce the work of breathing while role in their haemodynamic management.
benefiting LV function, and have the added There are a number of important groups to
advantage of avoiding endotracheal tube re- consider.
lated problems, such as the need for sedation
and the high risk of pulmonary infections. Patients with a duct dependent systemic
AUTO-PEEP Neonates in whom the systemic circulation is
Patients with airflow limitation secondary to wholly dependent on a persistent ductus
increased airway resistance (acute broncho- arteriosusfor example, babies with a hypo-
spasm), or reduced elastic recoil (interstitial plastic left heart or variants of thisare highly
emphysema), are at particular risk of develop- susceptible to the sequelae of systemic hypo-
ing auto-PEEP. Cardiac output becomes com- perfusion, such as cerebral ischaemia and
promised as a result of sustained increases in necrotising enterocolitis. We often electively
lung volume on the cardiac fossa and on PVR, intubate and ventilate these babies to aVord
and of course from the eVects of an increased better control of their PVR, and so optimise the
intrathoracic pressure on venous return. Venti- balance between pulmonary and systemic
latory settings should be carefully adjusted to flow.29 Ventilatory management should be
avoid further air trapping, using a long expira- aimed at avoiding factors that lower the PVR,
tory time; and although extrinsic PEEP will such as over-oxygenation and alkalosis. Thus,
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Cardiovascular eVects of mechanical ventilation 479

we usually maintain a mild respiratory acidosis, Patients with the Fontan circulation
and in most cases we avoid the use of additional The Fontan operation was first introduced as a
inspired oxygen (we ventilate in air). surgical procedure to separate the systemic and
pulmonary circulations in patients with tricus-
pid atresia.32 Since its introduction, the Fontan
Patients with a left to right shunt operation and its modifications have been
Left to right shunts with increased pulmonary widely used as surgical palliation for a variety of
blood flow are commonly seen in babies and complex congenital cardiac lesions, which in
children with septal defects (atrial, ventricular, essence share a common feature: an absent or
or atrioventricular), or a persistent ductus arte- inadequate subpulmonary chamber. The surgi-
riosus (PDA). In the early neonatal period, the cal approaches can be divided broadly into
raised PVR partially protects the pulmonary those that anastomose the right atrium to the
vascular bed from excessive flow, and so pulmonary artery (atriopulmonary connec-
neonates with large lesions can initially be rela- tion), and those that directly join the superior
tively asymptomatic. However the PVR sponta- and inferior venae cavae to the pulmonary
neously falls at 4 to 6 weeks of age, thus artery (total cavopulmonary connection).
increasing the flow into an unprotected pulmo- Patients with the Fontan circulation have
nary bed. Depending on the degree of the unique cardiopulmonary physiology: in the
shunt, myocardial function, and general status absence of a right ventricle, pulmonary blood
of the child, this can produce symptoms of flow, the major determinant of cardiac output,
heart failure: tachypnoea, failure to thrive, and is a passive diastolic phenomenon, which is
recurrent chest infections. exquisitely sensitive to changes in intrathoracic
Positive pressure ventilation plays an impor- pressure. It is enhanced as the pleural pressure
tant role in the haemodynamic treatment of becomes negative during spontaneous inspira-
patients with a large shunt secondary to exces- tion, but reduced or even zero when the
sive pulmonary blood flow. Some patients intrathoracic pressure is made more positive.33
require mechanical ventilation purely because For this reason, when ventilating these pa-
of uncontrollable symptomatic cardiac failure; tients, conservative settings should be used,
others, such as premature neonates with a with short inspiratory times, low inspiratory
PDA, might already be ventilated for a combi- pressures, and minimal PEEP, and haemody-
nation of reasons. In all cases, ventilatory namic management should include early extu-
strategies should be directed at avoiding factors bation where possible.
Patients with the Fontan circulation are typi-
that increase pulmonary blood flow, such as
cally resistant to conventional manoeuvres to
hyperventilation and excessive oxygen admin-
improve their cardiac output, and often the key
istration. A slightly raised CO2 may be
to optimising their haemodynamics lies in
beneficial and, in many patients, saturations
achieving early extubation. However, this is not
might best be maintained at around 90%, always possible and, paradoxically, it is in those
thereby providing adequate tissue oxygenation children in whom this is most desirable that
while protecting pulmonary flow. PEEP also continuing ventilatory support is needed. By
plays an important role in these patients: a mimicking spontaneous respiration, negative
reduction in LV afterload and venous return pressure ventilation augments the cardiac out-
may be desirable in patients with a large shunt, put of Fontan patients to levels that are
especially in the presence of reduced myocar- unrivalled by other forms of treatment. There-
dial function. Finally, a modest elevation of fore, this can be an extremely useful haemody-
PVR with PEEP may limit pulmonary blood namic tool in Fontan patients with a low output
flow, producing an additional beneficial eVect. state in whom early extubation is not
possible.34 35
Post-bypass patients
Cardiopulmonary bypass leads to diVuse Summary
endothelial damage with increased vascular It is easy to underestimate the eVects of venti-
permeability, and this inevitably leads to a lation on the cardiovascular system, or to mis-
degree of pulmonary and myocardial injury interpret cardiopulmonary interactions as pri-
that fortunately is usually reversible.30 31 Al- mary cardiovascular events. We have described
though not always clinically apparent, alveolar, how simple ventilatory interventions can some-
interstitial, and chest wall oedema can reduce times be used to obviate the unnecessary esca-
lung compliance; so necessitating higher in- lation of pharmacological support, and have
spiratory pressures and PEEP to deliver discussed how in other situations, anticipatory
adequate tidal volumes. These ventilatory management with fluids or vasoactive agents
strategies should be applied with care because can minimise cardiovascular compromise dur-
cardiovascular instability can be easily precipi- ing mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventila-
tated in the early post-bypass patient, and tion plays a crucial role in the haemodynamic
compensatory fluid boluses can be poorly management of critically ill children, and
tolerated in patients with borderline myocar- application of the principles that have been
dial function and a high systemic vascular described are an essential part of intensive care
resistance. Certain patients with congenital management.
heart disease are particularly susceptible to the
hazardous eVects of PPV, and these will be dis- 1 Hales S. Statical essays: containing haemostatics. In: Willius
FA, Keys TE, eds. Cardiac classics. St Louis: Mosby,
cussed below. 1941:1337.
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Cardiovascular effects of mechanical

Lara Shekerdemian and Desmond Bohn

Arch Dis Child 1999 80: 475-480

doi: 10.1136/adc.80.5.475

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