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Elige la forma de futuro correcta.

Future I (will o going to), future II, simple present o present progressive
1. The train. at 11:20. ( to arrive).
2. Wait! (help).
3. As we want to get better marks in English, we. harder in the future. (study)
4. Josh... to the cinema with his friends tonight.(go)
5. I am afraid they.. everything by the time we arrive. (eat)

Completa las frases con el tiempo adecuado:

1. Aaron is carrying two tyres he (change)... the tyres on a car.

2. Next week (be)... the beginning of winter and the weather forecast says
that there (be). snow tomorrow.

3. Thats why many of the garages customers have made an appointment and (pass)
by today to get their winter tyres.

4. By the end of the day, Aaron (mount). about 80 tyres.

5. He (be/probably)... tired after that.
6. Its a lot of work for one day, but his customers promise that next year they (have)
.. their tyres changed earlier.
7. Thats what they always say, but they (forget/surely).. about it by next year.
8. Some customers have agreed that they (pick up). their cars tomorrow.
9. They have decided to go home by bus, which (stop).. in front of the garage
every hour.

Completa con futuro simple continuous o futuro simple:

1. At eight oclock on Monday evening we...over San Francisco (fly).

2. He..(visit) our university next month. I..him then (ask).

3. I .to lend you the bike tomorrow (be able to). all day

4. What...early on Saturday night (you do).

5. Next month England (live).

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