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Julio Moreira

Media Studies

Title block analysis.

The title block of the Kerrang! magazine is a clear indication that the
music genre is most likely Rock or an alteration of the genre. The font
used is a manipulated to look shattered (bringing to mind the shattering of
glass when hit with a loud frequency, often associated with rock music)
accompanied with a black font colour (also associated with the dark
ideologies of rock). Also note-worthy is the use of onomatopoeia kerrang
this is the sound an electric guitar gives of when played. Possible target
audiences for this magazine are most likely teenagers and young adults
who enjoy rock and its ideologies.

Q magazine is a mainstream magazine revolving around older artists,

hence appealing to an older, more mature audience. This is evident
through the title blocks design. For instance, the font used for the single
letter is a stylish, sophisticated choice in correspondence to the mature
red work hand-in-hand to an older audience. The title itself is an evolution
from its old title Cue which references the saying Cue the music!

From Mojos magazine title block I can tell that the genre of the magazine
is classic rock for quite obvious reasons. For instance, the title uses a very
simple and classic font accompanied with a plain white colour. The font,
colour and title meaning indicates a more calming and magical effect the
music has on you. The title block suggests the target audience is rock
lovers, especially classic rock, from ages generally 35 and older.
Julio Moreira
Media Studies

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