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Strategy Focus questions When have I experienced this in the past?

How have I
used this
strategy as
a teacher?

Deep knowledge Are higher-order thinking and critical I have completed a postgraduate unit which
and higher order analysis occurring? culminated in an assessment which required us
thinking to use all of knowledge from the semester to
solve a legal problem. The problem presented
required us to link knowledge, make distinctions
surrounding the facts and combine complex
aspects of the law in order to present an
argument for one side of the issue.

Does the lesson sequence cover See above. The lessons in this unit were
operational fields in any depth, detail or designed to cover the various statutes and legal
level of specificity? precedents that were important for a detailed
understanding of this unit. Each lesson would
have a central theme and all of the detailed
knowledge that was covered would have a
connection to that central theme.

Do the work and response of the As above. Without a deep understanding of the
students provide evidence of depth of concepts and ideas covered in this unit,
understanding of concepts or ideas? completing this assessment satisfactorily would
not have been possible. A holistic view of the
particular areas of the law and the associated
precedent was necessary to effectively argue the
Collaborative Does classroom talk break out of the I have experienced many learning environments
and social initiation/response/evaluation pattern where teachers or lecturers have fostered
learning and lead to sustained dialogue between sustained dialogue between not only the students
students, and between teachers and themselves and also the students and the
students? teachers. DIscussions like these often bring up
questions that do not necessarily have a right or
wrong answer but enable students to apply their
learnt knowledge to intelligently discuss various
ideas or responses.

Knowledge as Are students critiquing and second- In both my high school learning and my university
complex and guessing texts, ideas and knowledge? learning, students were encouraged to ask why.
linked to I particularly remember debates held in our high
interests and school legal studies class about various aspects
experience of the law. We were encouraged to question
whether particular laws were effective and
whether the Judge's interpretation of the laws
was fair and just

Does the lesson sequence range across I cant recall a time during any of my study where
diverse fields, disciplines and lessons involved diverse fields, disciplines and
paradigms? paradigms.

Is there an attempt to connect with I cant recall being aware of this in my past
students background knowledge? learning experience, however, maybe it was
carried out so seamlessly as part of the lesson
plan that, as a student, I didnt consciously take
note of the connection.

Problems that Do the lesson sequence and the I recall many business lessons at high school
are real and assigned work have any resemblance or which were directly related to real-life contexts.
relevant to connection to real-life contexts? Examples might include profit and loss
students statements, writing resumes, writing letters in an
appropriate style. This content was engaging for
us as students as we could see how it related to
the world outside school.

Is there a focus on identifying and I have found this to be part of many learning
solving intellectual and/or real-world environments that I have experienced in both
problems? high school and at a university level. Real world
problems enable students to apply their
knowledge, discuss the issue with their peers
and develop an informed solution.

Student direction Do students have any say in the pace, I dont think that I, as a student, have ever been
direction or outcomes of the lesson consulted about the pace, direction or outcomes
sequence? of the lesson sequence. Both during my high
school years and my university studies, there
was required content and lessons with very little
room for deviation.

Explicit quality Are the criteria for judging student I have experienced this during my high school
performance performance made explicit? years and my university years. In both levels of
criteria education, assignments were set and marking
criteria were released in conjunction with the
assignment. Both provided explicit statements
regarding tasks or assignments and the
performance or achievement expected at each
level of grading.

Cultural Are diverse cultural knowledges brought Unfortunately, I dont think I have ever
knowledges into play? participated in any learning environment where
diverse cultures were recognised or where
Active citizenship students from different cultural backgrounds were
given an opportunity to pursue activities which
supported their individual backgrounds.

Are attempts made to foster active I have experienced this during my time at high
citizenship? school. Many of my subjects involved units of
work which tackled not only local but global
issues. I recall completing assignments which
asked us to research the issue and then make
informed recommendations which may assist in
the resolution of the issue.

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