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(ECE Board Exam March 1996)

Question Answer
System that performs parallel to serial and serial to parallel DTE
conversion of data
Quantization is caused by Approximation of
the quantized
Convert current variations into sound waves Speaker device
An object farther from a converging lens than its local point always Inverted image
has an
Loss in signal power as light travels down Attenuation
Energy that has neither been radiated into space nor completely Standing waves
Why is FDM replaced by TDM Noise is amplified
with voice if FDM is
Determines the number of sideband components Modulation index
One can squeeze more channels in TDM frames by Shortening the time
delay for each
Master and slave message handling Polling
Number of satellite orbital slots that are requested by the Philippine 6
Output of balanced modulator LSB and USB
RS232, RS449, RS530, V.24, X.21 are examples of Standards for
interfaces between
terminals and
Special service circuit connecting 2 private branch exchanges Tie trunk
Baseband frequency of standard of FDM basis supergroup 312 kHz to 552 kHz
Data rate of ISDN of channel B 64 kbps
Tester used to measure SWR Reflectometer
Transmission rate of a GSM cellular system 270 kbps
Pulse carrier at the ratio of 8000 pulses/sec is amplitude modulated by PAM
an analog signal
Collects very weak signals from broadcast satellite Satellite dish
Seven bit characters can represent one of _______ possibilities 128
Maximum power suggested by KBP on 919-1312 AM broadcast station 20 kW
in Metro Manila
Clearance above the obstruction is equal to the radii of from the Is decreased
fresnel zone at point of reflection the RSL
Both frequency and phase modulation utilize ______ modulation Angle
Different angle of entry of light into an optical fiber when the diameter Mode
of the core is many times the wavelength of the light transmitted
Invitation from the primary to a secondary to transmit a message Polling
Agency of UN that formulates standards for all civil action ICAO
Transformer signal coding method for T1 carrier Bipolar
When the value of k increases, the effective result is ______ of the Flattening
equivalent curvature
Satellite signal transmitted from a satellite transponder to earths Downlink
Multiplexing scheme used by baseband transmission TDM
Stands for dB relative level dBr
Maximum color TV bandwidth 1.3 MHz
Digital modulation technique used in modems PSK
Not a baseband signal of modulation RF Carrier
Noise from random acoustic or electric noise that have per cycle over a Gaussian, Thermal,
specified total frequency band White Noise
When was the UHF channels (14-83) channels of tv added? 1952
Multiplexing in a time division multiplexer occurs based upon The positioning of
data within a frame
Ethernet is baseband system using CDMA?CD operating at 10 Mbps
Nonresonant antenna Rhombic antenna
First commercial satellite Early bird
Proposed the use of a clad glass fiber as a dielectric waveguide Bockham and Kao
What band does VSAT first operate C-band
What is the method of diversity reception where the signal is Polarization
transmitted on 2 different frequencies over the same path
The wavelength of light has no role in Polarization
The standard ASCII Has 132 characters
including 32 control
Luminous efficiency is least for a Low-wattage light
Transmission lines when connected to antenna have Resistive load at the
resonant frequency
Satellite engine use Ion propulsion
Low power radar uses IMPATT
Electromagnetic waves are propagated through a waveguide Are reflected from
the walls but do not
travel along them
Combination of modulator, channel, and detector Discrete channel
What is the stage of the sand becoming a silicon Molten
Noise reduction system used for film sound in movie Dolby
What is the principal difference between asynchronous and The clocking is
synchronous transmission derived from the
data in synchronous
What is the type of emission used by standard AM radio broadcast A3
Is the average rate of transmission of sound energy in a given Sound intensity
direction through a cross sectional area of 1 sq m at right angle to the
Top loading is used in an antenna in order to increase its Effective height
What component in the telephone set has the primary function of Induction coil
interfacing the handset to the local loop?
The first passive satellite transponder Moon
The primary purpose of the data modem To interface digital
terminal equipment
to analog
Is the out of band signaling between toll central offices 3700 Hz
Which symbol indicates that only one sideband is transmitted H3E
Lowest resistance grounding on earth Surface loam soil
Tropospheric scatter uses the frequencies in which band UHF
What kind of receiver is used in conventional telephone handset Carbon
Basic speed rate of digital system 64 kbps
What is the power loss of a telephone hybrid 3 dB
Space diversity transmission means transmitting and receiving on Two or more
antennas operating
on the same
Rules governing the transmission of digital information Line protocol
A digital identification associated with a cellular system ESN
Is measuring the propagated field strength over the project ed service Radio survey

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