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Lesson 2

Four girls and four boys

Marcia is from Brazil.

She is 25 years old and works as a secretary in Dublin.

She is very communicative and has a lot of friends.

Two of her best friends are Miguel and Pauline.

Miguel is from Portugal. He is 27 years old.

Pauline is a very funny French girl. She is 30 years old.

Marcia and Miguel are single.

Pauline is married to a doctor. She says they are very happy.

Marcia says she wants to go back to Brazil, but she is sure she is going to miss her friends.

Peter is from Manchester, but Paul and John are from London.

Manchester and London are cities of England. Hamburg is a German city.

Rome and Naples are in Italy. Madrid is in Spain. Paris is in France. Dublin is in Ireland.

Sandra is at school today. Jack and Peter are her friends. They are in the same class.

Anna is from Ireland. She is 25 years old. Anna is tall. Anna is a nice girl.

Peter says: "My grandfather is in hospital. I am at home with my grandmother."

What time is it? It is 9 o'clock. I am late.

It is sunny. I am hot.

English Espaol

Brazil Brasil
To work Trabajar
She works Ella trabaja
She works as a secretary Ella trabaja como secretaria
best friends mejores amigas
Two of her best friends Dos de su mejores amigas
very funny muy divertida
French girl francesa
single soltero /soltera
is married est casado / est casada
doctor doctor
She says Ella dice
very happy muy felices
She wants Ella quiere
To go Ir
To go back Volver
but pero
She is sure Ella est segura
She is going to miss Ella va a echar de menos
her friends sus amigos / sus amigas
city ciudad
cities ciudades
school escuela
today hoy
the same class la misma clase
tall alto / alta
nice simptica
grandfather abuelo
with con
granmother abuela
What time is it? Qu hora es?
It is 9 oclock Son las nueve
I am late Llego tarde
It is sunny Es soleado
I am hot Tengo calor
one / two / three / four / five uno / dos / tres / cuatro / cinco
six / seven / eight / nine / ten seis / siete / ocho / nueve / diez
eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen once / doce / trece / catorce / quince
sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen diez y seis / diez y siete / diez y ocho / diez y nueve
twenty / thirty / forty / fifty veinte / treinta / cuarenta / cincuenta
sixty / seventy / eighty / ninety sesenta / setenta / ochenta / noventa
one Hundred cien
one thousand mil
one million un milion

VERBO TO BE. Forma afirmativa:

El verbo to be significa ser, estar

Forma afirmativa

I am Yo soy / yo estoy

you are T eres/ t ests

he l es / l est

she is Ella es / ella est

it Ello es / ello est

We Nosotros somos/ estamos

You are Vosotros sois/ estis

They Ellos son/ estn

Ejemplo: I am Sam: (Yo) soy Sam. / You are student: (t) eres estudiante.

En ingls, existen tambin formas contradas del verbo to be:

Forma plena Forma contrada

I am Im

You are Youre

He is Hes

She is Shes

It is Its

We are Were

You are Youre

They are Theyre

Ejemplo: I am Steven = Im Steven. (Soy Steven) / They are sick = Theyre sick. (Estn enfermos/-as)
Exercise 1

Completa los cuadros del verbo to be con las formas afirmativas y contradas

Afirmativa Contradas








Exercise 2

Completa las frases

My name Bond

We . the champions

Chantal and her mother . from France

I fine, and you?

It . 1.30 p.m.

You . my best friend

Tom . a very good tennis player

Our parents . at home now

Sheila . a journalist

I 20 years old

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