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SLEEP RESEARCH E10.5-lateral cells, located dorsolateral to the scp

within the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPB) (fig.
S1D and Fig. 2, A and B). hM3Dq is a DREADD
Cells of a common developmental receptor that evokes neural excitation upon bind-
ing of its ligand, clozapine-N-oxide (CNO). In both

origin regulate REM/non-REM sleep brain areas, CNO administration efficiently in-
duced c-Fos expression, a marker of neural ex-
citation (fig. S2).
and wakefulness in mice We next evaluated the effect of exciting Atoh1-
E10.5-medial cells (Fig. 1 and fig. S3). CNO was
Yu Hayashi,1,2* Mitsuaki Kashiwagi,1 Kosuke Yasuda,3 Reiko Ando,3 Mika Kanuka,1
administered to three groups: mice double-
transgenic for CreERT2 and tTA and transfected
Kazuya Sakai,4 Shigeyoshi Itohara3*
with hM3Dq-carrying AAV (dTg + hM3Dq) or
with green fluorescent protein (GFP)carrying
Mammalian sleep comprises rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep. To
AAV (dTg + GFP) to control for any nonspecific
functionally isolate from the complex mixture of neurons populating the brainstem pons those
effects of CNO, and mice solely transgenic for
involved in switching between REM and NREM sleep, we chemogenetically manipulated
tTA and transfected with hM3Dq-carrying AAV
neurons of a specific embryonic cell lineage in mice. We identified excitatory glutamatergic
(sTg + hM3Dq) to control for any Cre nondepen-
neurons that inhibit REM sleep and promote NREM sleep. These neurons shared a common
dent expression of hM3Dq. When Atoh1-E10.5-

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developmental origin with neurons promoting wakefulness; both derived from a pool of
medial cells were excited during the light phase
proneural hindbrain cells expressing Atoh1 at embryonic day 10.5. We also identified inhibitory
[zeitgeber time (ZT) 5], REM sleep was drasti-
g-aminobutyric acidreleasing neurons that act downstream to inhibit REM sleep. Artificial
cally reduced and NREM sleep was increased in
reduction or prolongation of REM sleep in turn affected slow-wave activity during subsequent
a Cre- and hM3Dq-dependent manner (Fig. 1C and
NREM sleep, implicating REM sleep in the regulation of NREM sleep.
fig. S3A). The large reduction in the REM sleep

amount was due to a decrease in both the num-
esion and pharmacologic studies to unveil press the proneural transcription factor gene ber and duration of REM sleep episodes, imply-
the switching between rapid eye movement Atoh1 (Atonal homolog 1, Math1) (8, 9) and can ing that these neurons regulate both entry into
(REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep be precisely genetically labeled with the Atoh1 and exit from REM sleep (fig. S3, B and C). Uni-
have implicated a key role for the pontine enhancer (8, 11). We developed a transgenic lateral injection of AAV was sufficient to produce
tegmentum (PT) (15). Within the PT, the mouse expressing the tamoxifen-inducible form these effects. Applying CNO during the dark phase
perilocus coeruleus (LC) a in cats and the equiv- of Cre (CreERT2) under the Atoh1 enhancer (Atoh1- produced similar effects (ZT 15) (fig. S3D). Awake
alent sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLD) in rodents CreERT2). Crossing these mice with a Cre-dependent periods appeared unaffected, suggesting that these
are critical for REM sleep induction (1, 3, 4). Rosa26-loxP-stop-loxP(LSL)-NLS-lacZ reporter neurons regulate REM/NREM sleep switching, but
Neurons that negatively regulate REM sleep or strain (12) and administering tamoxifen at E10.5 not sleep/wake switching.
promote the exit from REM sleep are far less resulted in reporter expression in cells migrating Electroencephalography (EEG) properties dur-
understood, however, and whether such neu- from the CRL at E13.5 (fig. S1A) that exhibited a ing sleep vary among cortical areas (16). Simulta-
rons locate within the PT is unclear. Various dispersed distribution within the PT in adult neously recording EEG from the frontal and
models have proposed the importance of inter- mice (fig. S1, B to D) (8). These neurons (Atoh1- parietal cortices showed that transitions from
actions between cholinergic, monoaminergic, E10.5 cells) were either glutamatergic or cho- NREM sleep to REM sleep are asynchronous
GABAergic (g-aminobutyric acidreleasing), and linergic, based on the expression of vesicular between the two cortical areas (fig. S4A) (16).
glutamatergic neurons for sleep-stage switching glutamate transporter 2 (Vglut2) or choline This asynchronous state (termed transitory
(2, 4, 5). Except for the glutamatergic nature of acetyltransferase (ChAT), respectively, but not state) was reduced in the experimental group,
REM sleeppromoting neurons in the SLD (6), GABAergic or noradrenergic, based on the ex- indicating that the reduced REM sleep was not
the molecular identity and precise location of pression of glutamate decarboxylase 1 or tyro- due to an extension of the transitory state (fig.
neurons participating in REM/NREM sleep sine hydroxylase, respectively (fig. S1, E to H). S4, B to E).
switching remain elusive. These PT neurons did not derive from rhombic Atoh1-E10.5 cells are either glutamatergic or
We focused on the embryonic cell lineage as a lip areas caudal to the CRL, as they were in- cholinergic. To determine which subtype regulates
feature to isolate neurons with a specific function cluded in the midbrain-rhombomere1derived REM and NREM sleep, we used the Camk2a-LSL-
in sleep. The cerebellar rhombic lip (CRL), a neu- domain, which can be labeled with En1-Cre (8, 13) tTA strain (17). This largely reduced AAV transgene
roepithelial structure that emerges transiently (fig. S1I). expression in cholinergic neurons (fig. S5), and
in the vertebrate embryo, is the major source of We first tested the effect of activating the yet CNO administration efficiently reduced REM
cerebellar granule cells (7), but a subset of cells Atoh1-E10.5 cells with DREADD (designer re- sleep (fig. S3, E to G). We generated a transgenic
originating between embryonic day 10 to 12 (E10 ceptors exclusively activated by designer drugs) mouse in which tTA expression was Cre depen-
to E12) migrate to the rostral hindbrain and technology (14). Atoh1-CreERT2 mice were crossed dent and under the control of the glutamatergic
contribute to a subpopulation of excitatory neu- with transgenic mice carrying a Cre-dependent neuron-specific gene Vglut2 promoter (Vglut2-
rons in the PT (810). These cells transiently ex- tetracycline transactivator (tTA) transgene (CAG- LSL-tTA). This also reduced AAV transgene ex-
LSL-tTA) (15) and administered tamoxifen at E10.5. pression in cholinergic neurons (fig. S5), yet CNO
International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI- Postnatally, we microinjected a recombinant administration efficiently reduced REM sleep (fig.
IIIS), University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai Tsukuba, Ibaraki adeno-associated virus (AAV) carrying a tTA- S3, H to J). These findings strongly suggest that, of
305-8575, Japan. 2Japan Science and Technology Agency dependent hM3Dq transgene (AAV-TRE-hM3Dq- the Atoh1-E10.5-medial cells, glutamatergic neu-
(JST), PRESTO, 4-1-8 Honcho Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012,
Japan. 3Laboratory for Behavioral Genetics, Brain Science
mCherry) (Fig. 1A) targeting two Atoh1-E10.5 rons regulate REM and NREM sleep. These neu-
Institute, RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-city, Saitama 351-0198, subpopulations (Figs. 1 and 2): Atoh1-E10.5-medial rons locate near the REM sleeppromoting neurons
Japan. 4Integrative Physiology of the Brain Arousal System, cells, located ventromedial to the medial part of in the SLD, but are more rostrolateral (4, 6).
Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, INSERM U1028-CNRS the superior cerebellar peduncle (scp) between We then tested the effect of activating Atoh1-
UMR5292, School of Medicine, Claude Bernard University
Lyon 1, F-69373 Lyon, France.
the ventral part of the laterodorsal tegmentum E10.5-lateral cells (Fig. 2 and fig. S6). Animals
*Corresponding author. E-mail: (LDTgV) and the medial parabrachial nucleus spent more time awake at the expense of both
(Y.H.); (S.I.) (MPB) (fig. S1D and Fig. 1, A and B); and Atoh1- REM and NREM sleep (Fig. 2C and fig. S6A).

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Sleep was highly fragmented, resulting in in- neurons by expressing GFP and tracking their GABA transporter (Vgat) promoter (Vgat-Cre KI)
creased numbers of both awake and NREM sleep axons (Fig. 3A). Axons were detected in areas (22) (Fig. 3D). Cre-derived transgene expression
episodes (fig. S6B). The Atoh1-E10.5-lateral cells rostral to but not caudal to the soma. Axonal was detected almost exclusively in GABAergic neu-
that promote wakefulness are also likely gluta- varicosities, reminiscent of presynaptic struc- rons, as assessed by coexpression with glutamate
matergic, because the use of Camk2a-LSL-tTA tures, were detected bilaterally within the mid- decarboxylase 1 (fig. S7A). Axonal varicosities of
had similar effects (fig. S6, D to F). These Atoh1- brain, in the dorsal area of the deep mesencephalic these GABAergic neurons were detected in the
E10.5-lateral cells likely overlap with previously nucleus (dDpMe) (Fig. 3, B and C). The dDpMe dorsocaudal area of the PT, which includes the
reported awake-promoting glutamatergic neu- and adjacent ventrolateral periaqueductal gray SLD (Fig. 3E). CNO administration induced c-Fos
rons in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (18). A matter (vlPAG) contain neurons that negatively expression in these neurons when hM3Dq was
correlation analysis of the AAV transfection range regulate REM sleep, although the type of neuron expressed (fig. S7, B to D). Similar to Atoh1-E10.5-
and effect on NREM sleep amount demonstrated responsible is unknown (4, 19, 20). We examined medial cells, stimulating dDpMe inhibitory neu-
distinct roles of Atoh1-E10.5-lateral cells and -medial the roles of inhibitory neurons, because they rons at ZT 5 or ZT 15 reduced REM sleep and
cells in sleep regulation (Fig. 2D). send axons to the SLD (21). AAVs carrying Cre- increased NREM sleep (Fig. 3F and fig. S8, A,
Atoh1-E10.5-medial cells are glutamatergic dependent transgenes were bilaterally micro- C, E, and G). By contrast, hM4Di expression, a
neurons that promote NREM sleep and inhibit injected into this area in a knockin (KI) mouse DREADD receptor that inhibits neural excitation
REM sleep. We examined possible targets of these strain expressing Cre under control of the vesicular upon binding of CNO, increased REM sleep,

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Fig. 1. Atoh1-E10.5-medial cells regulate REM/NREM sleep. (A) Labeling neurons in (B) increased NREM sleep and reduced REM sleep, but had no
of Atoh1-E10.5 cells with tTA (left) and injection of AAV carrying tTA-dependent significant effect on wakefulness. Horizontal axes indicate time after CNO
hM3Dq-mCherry into an area medioventral to the scp, between LDTgV and administration. Data represent mean T SEM. n = 8 animals per group. *P <
MPB (right). (B) hM3Dq-mCherry expression (yellow) in a region cor- 0.05; **,P < 0.005; P < 0.001 [post-hoc Tukey honest significant
responding to the enclosed area in (A). Counterstain: DAPI (4,6-diamidino- difference (HSD) test; *: dTg + hM3Dq VS sTg + hM3Dq ; : dTg + hM3Dq VS
2-phenylindole) (blue). Scale bar, 200 mm. (C) Chemogenetic activation of dTg + GFP].

Fig. 2. Atoh1-E10.5-lateral cells regulate sleep/wake ratio. (A) Injection of 0.05; **,P < 0.005; ***,P < 0.001 (post-hoc Tukey HSD test; *: dTg +
AAV carrying tTA-dependent hM3Dq-mCherry dorsolateral to the scp, within hM3Dq VS sTg + hM3Dq, : dTg + hM3Dq VS dTg + GFP). (D) Correlation
the LPB. (B) hM3Dq-mCherry expression (yellow) in a region corresponding between location of hM3Dq-expressing cell medial boundary and effect on
to the enclosed area in (A). Counterstain: DAPI (blue). Scale bar, 200 mm. NREM sleep. Each symbol represents an individual mouse (dTg + hM3Dq),
(C) Chemogenetic activation of neurons in (B) increased awake state and and the vertical axis indicates NREM sleep amount at 2 hours after CNO
reduced NREM sleep and REM sleep. Horizontal axes indicate time after CNO administration relative to that after saline administration. Pearson correlation
administration. Data represent mean T SEM. n = 7 animals per group. *, P < coefficient r and level of significance p in two-tailed test are indicated.

958 20 NOVEMBER 2015 VOL 350 ISSUE 6263 SCIENCE


mainly by increasing REM sleep episode num- The function of REM sleep is poorly under- manipulated REM sleep by chemogenetically acti-
bers (Fig. 3G and fig. S8, H, J, and L). Similar stood. Longer REM sleep episodes are associated vating or inhibiting the identified sleep regulatory
results were observed in a transgenic mouse with longer subsequent NREM sleep episodes, circuit. First, REM sleep was transiently reduced
strain carrying Vgat-Cre (Vgat-Cre Tg) (23) (fig. suggesting that REM sleep contributes to NREM by DREADD activation of either Atoh1-E10.5 me-
S8, B, D, F, I, K, and M). Thus, dDpMe inhib- sleep expression (25). We assessed this hypothe- dial cells or dDpMe inhibitory neurons. During re-
itory neurons negatively regulate REM sleep, sis using our transgenic systems to manipulate duced REM sleep, the NREM sleep delta power
possibly by inhibiting REM-promoting neurons REM sleep. We first examined whether REM gradually decreased (Fig. 4, A and B). SWA seemed
in the SLD. Atoh1-E10.5-medial cells might help sleep enhances slow-wave activity (SWA) dur- to recover immediately after REM sleep recovery
to regulate REM/NREM sleep switching by acti- ing subsequent NREM sleep, as higher SWA is (Fig. 4B and fig. S11). We defined three classes
vating these neurons. dDpMe neurons fire maxi- associated with longer NREM sleep episodes. of REM sleep episodes: natural REM, short-
mally during REM sleep, increasing their firing SWA, typically quantified as the spectral power ened REM, and post-DREADD REM (fig. S12;
rate toward the end of REM sleep episodes (19). of EEG in the delta range (0.5 to 4 Hz), reflects see supplementary materials for details). We
Thus, it might be that, during REM sleep, a grad- synchronized oscillations of cortical membrane compared the EEG spectra of these episodes as
ual increase in dDpMe neuron firing promotes potential and is most prominent during deep well as the NREM, transitory, or awake epi-
the exit from REM sleep, whereas basal activity NREM sleep. Moreover, SWA contributes to syn- sodes surrounding them (fig. S13). Shortened
during NREM sleep regulates entry into REM aptic plasticity and memory consolidation (26, 27). REM was associated with a slight increase in
sleep, although further studies with cell-type We analyzed the correlation between naturally the delta range power (fig. S13A). By contrast,
specificity are required. occurring REM sleep episode duration and delta NREM sleep episodes around shortened REM
REM sleep is homeostatically regulated, and power in the subsequent NREM sleep. Absolute initially appeared unaffected, whereas delta power

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REM sleep deprivation (REMD) leads to a subse- delta power was not compared because it is was reduced after prolonged REM sleep inhi-
quent rebound (24). We examined the effect of highly variable, even within the same individ- bition (fig. S13C). The reduction in delta power
6-hours REMD from ZT 0 to ZT 6 on REM sleep ual (28). Therefore, the mean delta power of recovered in the NREM episode immediately
inhibition caused by activating dDpMe inhibi- the subsequent NREM sleep episode (NREM_b) after post-DREADD REM (fig. S13C).
tory neurons (fig. S9). During REMD, REM sleep was calculated relative to the previous NREM Next, in each class of REM sleep, we compared
amount was reduced from ~6 to ~7% to less than sleep episode (NREM_a; fig. S10A; see supple- the mean normalized delta power between NREM_
0.8% (fig. S9, B to D), and the number of entries mentary methods for details), which revealed a a and NREM_b. SWA in NREM_b after short-
into REM sleep gradually increased (fig. S9E), significant positive correlation (fig. S10B). A ened REM was reduced compared to NREM_a,
suggesting an increased REM sleep pressure. previous study in humans did not reveal a whereas SWA in NREM_b after post-DREADD
Even under increased REM sleep pressure follow- significant correlation (29). This might be be- REM was increased (Fig. 4, C to E). In addition,
ing REMD, dDpMe inhibitory neurons strongly cause absolute delta power was used for the DREADD inhibition of dDpMe inhibitory neu-
suppressed REM sleep (fig. S9, F and G). Thus, previous analyses, which did not show a signi- rons occasionally evoked long REM sleep epi-
negative regulation of these neurons might un- ficant correlation in our study either, although sodes of at least 4 min, which were not observed
derlie the homeostatic REM sleep rebound, or ar- a difference between the two animal species is under other conditions, although the mean REM
tificial activation of these neurons might erase also possible. sleep episode duration was not significantly
(or override) the preceding history of REM To determine whether REM sleep occurrence changed (fig. S8, L and M). These REM sleep
sleep loss. led to enhanced SWA during NREM sleep, we episodes, which we termed prolonged REM,

Fig. 3. Inhibitory neurons in dDpMe inhibit REM sleep. (A) Injection of KI mice. Counterstain: ChAT (green). (E) hM4Di-mCherry (magenta)positive
AAV carrying tTA-dependent GFP into an area ventromedial to the scp (same axon varicosities were detected in a wide area in the dorso-caudal region of
area as in Fig. 1A). xscp, decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle. the pontine tegmentum. 4V, fourth ventricle. mlf, medial longitudinal fascic-
(B) GFP (green)positive axons were detected in a region rostral and con- ulus. (F and G) Chemogenetic activation (F) or inhibition (G) of dDpMe in-
tralateral to the AAV injection site, corresponding to the enclosed area in (A). hibitory neurons reduced or increased REM sleep, respectively. Horizontal
Counterstain: ChAT (magenta). (C) Higher magnification of the area enclosed axes indicate time after CNO administration. Data represent mean T SEM. n =
in (B). GFP-positive axon varicosities were detected. (D) AAV carrying Cre- 6 animals per group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.001 [one-way analysis of
dependent hM4Di-mCherry (magenta) was injected into dDpMe of Vgat-Cre variance (ANOVA)]. Scale bars, 200 mm.

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Fig. 4. REM sleep inhibition or extension affects SWA in subsequent control AAV and administered CNO. See supplementary materials and fig. S12
NREM sleep. (A and B) Examples of delta power change after administering for details. Numbers in parentheses indicate mean episode duration T SEM.
saline (A) or CNO (B) to a mouse expressing hM3Dq in REM sleepinhibiting Gray lines represent pairs of NREM sleep episodes. Black lines represent
neurons. (C to G) Comparison of mean relative delta power in NREM sleep mean T SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.001 (within-within-subjects
episodes before (NREM_a) and immediately after (NREM_b) the indicated ANOVA). (H and I) Correlation between NREM_b to NREM_a ratio and
REM sleep or awake episode. Shortened REM refers to REM sleep episodes duration of intervening REM sleep (H) or intervening awake (I) episode.
less than 50% the mean duration that appeared after CNO administration. Pearson correlation coefficient r and level of significance p in two-tailed test
Post-DREADD REM refers to the first REM sleep episode after shortened are indicated. Statistical outliers and analyses including the outliers are
REM. Natural REM refers to REM sleep episodes in mice transfected with indicated in gray.

were followed by NREM_b with increased SWA SWA is most intense in the first NREM sleep of REM sleep in neonates (32) and the confine-
(Fig. 4F). Our results are somewhat consistent cycle in humans, and sleep deprivation also en- ment of increased SWA during NREM sleep in
with a study in humans showing that SWA dur- hances subsequent SWA, homeostatic NREM sleep birds and mammals suggest that REM sleep closely
ing NREM sleep is gradually reduced during pressure accumulating during the awake state is resembles prototype sleep in ancestral animals.
selective REM sleep deprivation and returns to likely the major factor responsible for SWA en- Further investigations into the function of Atoh1-
the initial level after REM sleep recovery (30), hancement. Our findings therefore suggest another E10.5 cell equivalents in animals lacking obvious
although we cannot completely exclude the in- role for REM sleep. Finally, our transgenic sys- REM and NREM sleep, such as reptiles, might be
volvement of a third factor evoked by the DREADD tem for REM sleep inhibition might also be ef- meaningful toward understanding the evolution
manipulation (e.g. hormone levels, neurotrans- fective for testing other proposed REM sleep of mammalian sleep to its current complex state.
mitters, etc.). functions, including brain development (32) and In summary, our cell lineagetracing approach,
During the late light phase, when all SWA data memory processing. in combination with chemogenetic tools, will be
were collected, NREM sleep episodes were oc- Our developmental cell fate mapping approach useful for further investigation into the evolu-
casionally interrupted by short awake episodes. allowed us to identify a single genetically marked tionary origin and function of sleep, and other
These NREM-intervening awake episodes were cell population that contributes to two distinct circuits controlling complex behaviors.
followed by NREM_b with significantly reduced aspects of sleep regulation: neurons that pro-
delta power (Fig. 4G). Thus, in contrast to the mote NREM sleep at the expense of REM sleep,
well-known SWA-enhancing effect of long awake and neurons that promote wakefulness at the
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critical reading of the manuscript; H. Hirase, Y. Koyama, and to multiple cues (2). Netrin-1 and other signals to midline guidance.
M. Matsumata for technical advice; C. Yokoyama and S. Tonegawa for
comments on the manuscript; L. Luo, S. Tonegawa, T. Kaneko,
expressed by floor plate attract these axons (3). We screened an extracellular protein micro-
B. Roth, C. Cepko, and K. Deisseroth for providing reagents; and After midline crossing, floor platederived repel- array (15, 16) with the Robo3 ectodomain fused
all members of the Itohara laboratory and Hayashi laboratory lants, including Slit proteins, expel them and to Fc (Robo3-ECD-Fc) and found that a fusion of
for their support and discussion. CAG-LSL-tTA and Camk2-LSL-tTA prevent recrossing (4, 5). Commissural axons NELL2 and Fc (NELL2-Fc) binds Robo3-ECD-Fc
mice were provided under a materials transfer agreement with
Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
are insensitive to the repellants before crossing (fig. S1A). NELL2 is a secreted glycoprotein con-
respectively. This work was supported by the Japan Science and and insensitive to the attractants after crossing, taining a laminin Glike domain, six epidermal
Technology Agency PRESTO program; the Ministry of Education, indicating a switch in cue responsiveness (5, 6). growth factor (EGF)like domains, and five von
Cutlure, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (MEXT) World Slits signal through Robo family receptors. All Willebrand factor (vWF) C domains (Fig. 1C) and
Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI); the MEXT
KAKENHI for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas Systems
three Slit genes are expressed by the floor plate, is a human ortholog of chick Nel (neural EGF
Molecular Ethology (23115724) and Memory Dynamism and commissural neurons express Robo1, Robo2, like) (17, 18). Nel can inhibit retinal ganglion cell
(26115503); the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Robo3 (7). Slits bind Robo1 and Robo2 with axon growth and induce growth cone collapse
KAKENHI grant nos. 23700403 and 21800090; the Mochida high affinity to mediate midline repulsion in post- (19). We confirmed the interaction between NELL2
Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research;
the Astellas Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders; the
crossing axons (4, 5, 8, 9), but Robo3 does not and Robo3 by means of surface plasmon reso-
Sumitomo Foundation Grant for Basic Science Research Projects; bind Slit proteins (1013). Robo3 exists in two nance (SPR) (Fig. 1A). Robo3-ECD-Fc also binds
the SENSHIN Medical Research Foundation; the Japan Foundation splice isoforms with different intracellular do- human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells ex-
for Applied Enzymology (TMFC), and the RIKEN Special mains: Robo3.1 is expressed on precrossing com- pressing a NELL2enhanced green fluorescent
Postdoctoral Researcher Program (to Y.H.); and the Funding
Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and
missural axons and allows midline crossing by protein (EGFP) fusion construct tethered to cell
Technology (FIRST Program) initiated by the Council for Science inhibiting Slit repulsion, whereas Robo3.2 is surfaces by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)
and Technology Policy (CSTP) and the RIKEN intramural fund expressed postcrossing and prevents midline re- anchor (NELL2-EGFP-GPI) in a flow cytometry
(to S.I.). All data are stored in the International Institute for crossing (12, 14). In mice lacking Robo3, all com- assay (FACS) (fig. S1, F to J) with high affinity
Integrative Sleep Medicine, University of Tsukuba and the Brain
Science Institute, RIKEN.
missural axons fail to cross the midline and instead [median effective concentration (EC50) of 10.9
project through the ipsilateral ventral horn (12). 1.6 nM] (Fig. 1B). To determine whether NELL2
Midline crossing is partially, but incompletely, binds Robo3 expressed on cells, we transfected
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS COS-7 cells with expression constructs for Robo3.1,
1 Division of Research, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA Robo3.2, and as controls, DCC, Robo1, or Robo2
Materials and Methods 94080, USA. 2Laboratory of Brain Development and Repair,
Supplementary Text The Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10065, USA.
and tested for binding of alkaline phosphatase
Figs. S1 to S14 3
Department of Neuroscience, Brown University, Providence, (AP) fusions of Netrin-1, Slit2 N-terminal fragment
Reference (33) RI 02912, USA. 4Department of Protein Chemistry, (Slit2-N), or NELL2. NELL2-AP binds cells that
Data file S1 Genentech, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA. express Robo3.1 or Robo3.2 but not any of the
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
27 July 2015; accepted 7 October 2015 (A.J.); (M.T.-L.) Present address:
other axon guidance receptors (Fig. 1E and fig.
Published online 22 October 2015 Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases, Novartis Institutes for S1B); binding of Netrin-1-AP to DCC and of Slit2-
10.1126/science.aad1023 Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. N-AP to both Robo1 and Robo2 confirmed that

SCIENCE 20 NOVEMBER 2015 VOL 350 ISSUE 6263 961

Cells of a common developmental origin regulate
REM/non-REM sleep and wakefulness in mice
Yu Hayashi, Mitsuaki Kashiwagi, Kosuke Yasuda, Reiko Ando,
Mika Kanuka, Kazuya Sakai and Shigeyoshi Itohara (October 22,
Science 350 (6263), 957-961. [doi: 10.1126/science.aad1023]
originally published online October 22, 2015
Editor's Summary

Neurons that regulate sleep stages

Just what sleep is for remains a bit of a mystery. During sleep, we switch several times between
so-called rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep. Hayashi et al. used sophisticated
developmental cell fate mapping to look at the neurons involved in the two types of sleep in mice (see
the Perspective by Vyazovskiy). They identified a genetically marked population of neurons that
promote non-REM sleep at the expense of REM sleep.

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Science, this issue p. 957; see also p. 909

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