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Form 3 Chapter 1

1.1 The Human Breathing Mechanism
1. Respiration
2. In cellular respiration, glucose combines with oxygen in the cells to release energy. The word equation
for this process:

3. Our body takes in from the atmosphere and releases . The process involving an
exchange of gases is known as .

Structure of the Human Respiratory System

The human respiratory system consists of:
a) f)
b) g)
c) h)
d) i)
e) j)

Parts of human respiratory system:

Flow of Air from Atmosphere to the Lungs

Form 3 Chapter 1

1. The walls of nostrils are lined with hairs to in the air.

2. Nasal cavity secretes mucus that .
3. Trachea does not collapse because it is kept open by .
4. Gaseous exchange takes place in the lungs by .
5. Properties of alveolus which allow it to exchange gases effectively:

The Breathing Mechanism

1. process of taking in air into the lungs. air which enters the lungs.
2. process of expelling carbon dioxide from the lungs into the atmosphere.
air expelled from the lungs.
3. Model of human respiratory system:

4. Comparing inhalation and exhalation

Inhalation (Breathing in) Exhalation (Breathing out)

Form 3 Chapter 1

1. The external intercostal muscles . 1. The external intercostal muscles

2. The rib cage moves 2. The rib cage moves

3. The diaphragm 3. The diaphragm

4. The volume of thoracic cavity 4. The volume of thoracic cavity

5. The air pressure in the thoracic cavity 5. The air pressure in the thoracic cavity

6. Air from surroundings enters the lungs. 6. Air is forced out of the lungs.

1.2 Transport of Oxygen in the Human Body

1. The transport of oxygen involves the following processes:
a) Diffusion of oxygen from the into the
b) Transport of oxygen by
c) Diffusion of oxygen from the into the
2. Concentration of oxygen in the alveoli is higher than the concentration of oxygen in the
capillaries. The difference in oxygen concentration in these two parts causes diffusion of oxygen
from the alveoli into the blood capillaries.
3. Once the capillaries are rich with oxygen, they pass the oxygen to the cells in the various parts
of the body.
4. Concentration of oxygen in the cells is lower than the concentration of oxygen in the capillaries.
As a result, oxygen will diffuse from the blood capillaries to the cells.
5. Oxygen is not soluble in blood. However, the red blood cells in human blood contain a special

Form 3 Chapter 1
respiratory pigment called which is red in colour. Oxygen combines easily with
haemoglobin to form . Oxyhaemoglobin readily gives up oxygen when it reaches
the body tissues which have low oxygen concentration.

1.3 The Importance of a Healthy Respiratory System

Effects of Harmful Substances
1. Smoking is very harmful to the respiratory system. The three most hazardous chemicals in

cigarette smoke are , and .

2. Summary of various chemical substances found in the air, their sources and their harmful

Form 3 Chapter 1
Chemical Substances Sources Damaging Effects
Tar Cigarette smoke
Nicotine Cigarette smoke
Carbon monoxide Cigarette smoke,
car exhaust
Sulphur dioxide Industry, vehicles
Hydrocarbons Industry, vehicles
Oxides of nitrogen Industry, vehicles
Haze Industry, vehicles,
open burning

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