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If you walked into the Slushie store with five friends and you
each spun the wheel for a slushie, what color or colors would you
expect each of you to receive?
I would expect to receive a yellow or red slushie.

2. Use the data you collected to predict and then compare with two
other groups
The highest percentage was 54.4% and it was for yellow.
The next highest percentage was red with a 54.3%.

3. Defend how your data supports your answer.

The survey results say that yellow and red had the two
highest probability/percentage.

4. Do all of you agree on the answers? Why or why not?

I agree that those are right because I looked at my info and
based on that I thought that those two colors were going to have the
highest percentage and they were based on the survey.
1. Looking at your new spinner, which color will have the highest
probability of hits, and which one the lowest out of 20 spins?
Orange will have the highest probability of hits. Purple will
have the lowest probability of hits.

2. How did you do?

Orange had the most at 10 hits and purple and green each
only had 2 hits.

1. Did your prediction come true?

Yes, my prediction came true.

1. When you changed the spinner, why did this change the results?
When I changed the spinner, the results changed because
there was now a higher/bigger chance of getting one color rather than a
different color.
2. Was this a good solution to the problem? Why or why not?
Yes, it was a good solution because it allowed you to see
what colors you would most likely get.
3. How does the data you collected support your answer?
The data shows how many times I got each color.

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