K Phillips

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The Cask of Amontillado

Danse Macabre/Poe Project
Kaeleigh Brooke Phillips

What elements of the setting in this story

would you consider typical of a horror
story? What elements seem unusual?
Characteristics of The
Typical Horror Story
The Typical
Horror Story - Typically a monster or creature/
scary antagonist

When you look at Poes work, - Twisted endings or plot twists

you often would classify such in
the category of Horror. This - Revenge or anger repeated
may be true, but you could also
- sometimes blood or gore
argue that one of his stories,
The Cask of Amontillado, isnt
typical horror at all.
Some Horror Examples!
Horror Elements in The Cask of Amontillado
- Revenge, following in a plot for Fortunato's demise. The thousand injuries of
fortunato I had borne as best I could, but then he ventured upon insult that I
vowed revenge. (Poe, Pg. 1, Paragraph 1) This kind of thing is expected in
many horror scenarios and is commonly used in Poes works

- Death. When Fortunato dies (Poe, Pg. 5) , you realize that there's an
unsettling feeling in the air, as if this one story made you slightly creeped out.
Again, this is an effect made from many normal horrors in the genre. This is yet
another piece of evidence
Upon looking further, I realized that not many
horror stories have references of real-life
places. The catacombs is a real place, and
you dont normally see stories that reference
real places.
Things in the story that are similar to
the genre..

- death

- revenge

- suspense
In Conclusion..
Things that make the story different
The stories you hear about in than the genre...
the horror genre have
- references of real places
reoccurring themes, but is The
Cask of Amontillado a typical - quick switches of plots and a short
horror story? summary of the reason for his
So..Is our answer a yes or a no?

Well, I think that this specific piece of Poes work is a typical horror
story, mainly because of all of the elements of the stereotypes are all
in this short story. Now, Im not necessarily saying that this makes the
story typical, because this story is so far from ordinary. I think that
the horror genre really is a relief from the everyday bore of normal
stories and other medias. The Cask of Amontillado is one of many
outlets to the creative world of the alternative and away from the void
of basic inevitability.
Words have no power to
express the mind
without the exquisite
horror of their reality.
- Edgar Allan Poe

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