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Introduction to Performance Coaching

A Blended e-Learning Course from Ira C. Eaker Center for Professional Development

Course Director:
Mark Logan
DSN: 493-953-9090

Instructor/Curriculum Developer:
Robert Southard
Cell: 706-593-0598


Adobe Connect:

Purpose and Description:

This course is an introductory overview of Performance Coaching as it relates to the implementation
of the DoD Performance Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP). Introductory coaching concepts
will be explained along with real-world Air Force examples relating to employee appraisals. The students
will learn how to identify the coaching elements necessary for improving performance.

Course Objectives:
At the completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1. Know the definition of coaching as it relates to high performance organizations.

2. Know the foundations of coaching facilitation skills as it relates to communicating successfully,
fostering valuable relationship, managing conflict beneficially, and connecting to the performance
management process.
3. Know the relationship between active listening and high performance organizations.
4. Know how to collaborate effectively to promote the organizations mission.
5. Know how to use emotional intelligence to improve performance management.
6. Know how a performance coaching culture supports a performance management environment.
7. Know the performance management processes and practices.
Course Integration and Rationale:
This is a 9-week blended e-Learning course, which includes asynchronously and synchronously in a
virtual classroom setting. Students will accomplish assigned readings, videos, asynchronous discussion
posts, and weekly curriculum milestones before joining two synchronous webinars at a specified time each
week. Students will be encouraged to explore and discuss performance coaching as it relates to the Air
Force and DPMAPs. Students are encouraged to share strategies learned in both the classroom as well as
their own learning environment (the work environment) with one another. The students are also encouraged
to take back the Knowledge they learn in class and share with their coworkers. The class promotes
interpersonal skills through online discussion posts, and webinar discussions. Additionally, the course is
designed to strengthen the students writing skills through an interactive discussion board each week.

Course Organization: This course is organized into nine weeks of performance coaching fundamentals
relating to high performance organizations. The students will participate in weekly activities and webinars.

Instructional Strategies

Case Analysis X Library and Internet

Debate Practice/drill
Discovery/Independent Research Problem solving
Discussion/Questioning/Interviewing X Reading assignments X
Experiential Learning X Role playing/simulation
Field Experience Service Learning
Group Presentation Video/Audio Review and X
Laboratory Experiences X Other
Lecture X

Methods of Assessment

Abstracts Participation X
Attendance/Class Participation X Peer Evaluation
Capstone Project Portfolio
Case Study Portfolio Lab Performance
Exams X Presentations
Group Projects Professional Development X
Homework Assignments Quizzes
Internet Research Research project
Journaling X Other
Lab Performance
Oral/written review of literature
Methods of Instruction:

The principal method of instruction we will use is online blended eLearning managed through a
Learning Management System (LMS) available 24/7 after the course start date. Students will use the LMS
for asynchronous academic engagement including lesson narrative, videos, exercises, assessments, and
interactive discussion board posting. Faculty instructors will monitor and comment on peer-to-peer feedback
in the discussion threads. Faculty will give feedback on assignments and are available during normal duty
hours to clarify curriculum issues and other student questions via telephone or email. Synchronous
instruction will include weekly webinars via an online collaborative web conferencing platform to discuss
specific application of weekly curriculum concepts to the Air Force organization. Each topic is introduced
through selected readings, videos, and interactive courseware assigned by the course director. Students are
expected to bring thoughtful, stimulating comments and questions to share with the class in dialog. Active
participation is key to learning in this course.

Methods of Evaluation:
1. Methodology. This course seeks to capitalize on the strengths of on-line course delivery by offering a
range of learning materials to facilitate a variety of learning styles. These include: threaded discussions,
readings, videos, curriculum exercises, writing assignments, observation and journaling assignments, and
live class webinars. The course includes the following graded events:

Discussion Board Assignments 15%
Learning Lab Discussion Assignments e-Journal 25%
Webinar Participation 10%
Activities 15%
Final Assessment 35%

2. To complete the course, students must achieve a minimum cumulative score of 70% on all graded
assignments listed above. Students will have one attempt on the final assessment.

3. Assessment Criteria for Online Discussion Thread Posts

In the online discussions, your responses will be assessed on whether one or more of the following are

a) You should begin at least one through and provide at least three posts in response to other
participants thread.
b) Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word
totals for each post should be in the 100 to 200-word range. Whether you agree or disagree explain
why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a
reference, link, or citation when appropriate.
c) Be organized in your thoughts and ideas.
d) Incorporate correlations with the assigned readings or topics.
e) Stay on topic.
f) Provide evidence of critical, college-level thinking and thoughtfulness in your responses or
interactions. Avoid summarizing.
g) Contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant
in the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion.
h) Be aware of grammar and sentence mechanics.
i) Use proper etiquette. Remember that being respectful is critical.

4. Rubrics. Rubrics will be provided prior to an assignment as a guide in preparing for the final turn-in.

5. My Grade Center. Students can access My Grades in Blackboard to check scores on graded assessments.

Expectations of Students:

Students are expected to complete academic engagement self-study as a foundation for discussion
prior to the weekly webinar sessions. Additionally, students will complete independent and collaborative
study outside of class on curriculum concepts and the major course project paper. Students are expected to
attend and participate (graded) in all the weekly webinars. For emergency situations (with instructor
coordination), students can miss at most 2 live webinars and make up with recordings. All other work
assigned for the week must be completed during the class week. The class week runs from Monday to
Monday each week.

Expectations of Faculty:

Faculty are actively engaged with student instruction and learning through the LMS. Faculty
instructors will monitor student progress in the LMS lessons, lead synchronous webinar sessions and
comment on peer-to-peer feedback in the discussion threads. Faculty will give individual and group
feedback on assignments and are available to clarify curriculum issues and other student questions via
telephone or email Monday through Friday 0730-1630 Central US time. If primary faculty instructor is not
available, the student may contact any of the other faculty listed in the Staff/Contacts listing in the LMS.

Course Overview

Final Exam

Learning Objective: Comprehend the foundations, facilitation skills, and how coaching for performance can
create a cultural change within the Air Force.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:

a) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching

b) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
c) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

The final exam will be 18 questions long and encompass topics from all 9 weeks of the class. Students will
have 1.5 hours to complete the exam. Once the student has completed the exam they will not be able to take
it again. The exam counts as 35% of their grade.
Week 1 Overview: Foundations of Coaching

Know the definition of performance coaching as it relates to high performance organizations. To

begin, students will complete a block of self-paced readings and videos covering definition of performance
coaching, the difference between mentoring and coaching, and the importance of a coaching culture for high
performance. The synchronous and asynchronous facilitator-led lecture and guided discussions will lead
students to examine the role of coaching, a definition of coaching, and consider its relationship to the Air
Force (AF) organization and the implementation of DPMAPs. The students will post a weekly discussion
thread and respond to at least three colleagues using the guidelines specified above. After spending time in
the learning laboratory (the work center) observing activities that display how performance coaching relates
to high performance organizations, students will write a 100 to 200-word journal entry summarizing lessons
learned; students will provide thoughtful, constructive feedback to two other peers.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

a) Define coaching
b) Describe how a coaching culture creates a high-performance organization
c) Describe the difference between coaching and mentoring
d) Explain how coaching ties in with the implementation to DPMAPs

Final Exam Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:
e) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching
f) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
g) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 1: Foundations of Coaching

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c, d LMS/ AF e- 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) Learning
Asynchronous Faculty-Guided Discussion Board posting b LMS 3:00
Discussion and response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Attend two 1.5 hrs. a, b, c, d Connect-webinar 3:00
Lecture webinars
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss e, f, g Home/Work 3:00
Experiential Learning/ this weeks concepts in the Center
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer work center. Then discuss
Discussion Engagement those learning experiences
with peers in weekly
reflective journal
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback LMS 1:00
through LMS
Week 2 Overview: Coaching Facilitation Skills

Know the interpersonal skills required for performance coaching. The first activity of the class day
consists of a 5-hour block of asynchronous (self-paced) readings and videos. Journal posts will reflect
lessons learned in the learning laboratory (work center). The 3-hour synchronous facilitator-led webinars
and guided discussion taught within normal duty hours are designed to lead students to examine the essential
performance coaching facilitation skills, including active listening, building relationships, and effective
communication. After spending time in the learning laboratory (the work center) observing daily work
interactions and considering the applicability of performance coaching facilitation skills, students will write a
100 to 200-word journal entry summarizing lessons learned; students will provide thoughtful, constructive
feedback to two other peers.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

a) Define coaching facilitation skills

b) Define active listening.
c) Explain how building relationships creates high performance organizations.
d) Explain how coaching facilitation skills ties into coaching for performance management.

Final Exam Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:

e) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching

f) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
g) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 2: Coaching Facilitation Skills

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c, LMS/ AF 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) d, e e-Learning
Asynchronous Faculty-Guided Discussion Board posting and b LMS 3:00
Discussion response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Attend two 1.5 hrs. webinars a, b, c, Connect- 3:00
Lecture d, e webinar
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss this f, g, h Home/ 3:00
Experiential Learning/ weeks concepts in the work center. Work
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer Then discuss those learning Center
Discussion Engagement experiences with peers in weekly
reflective journal
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback through LMS 1:00
Week 3 Overview: The Power of Listening

Know how the power of listening can improve performance management. The first activity of the class
of a 3-hour block of asynchronous (self-paced) readings, videos, and guided discussion over the readings.
The 3 hours of synchronous webinars and guided discussion taught within the normal work day examines the
power of effective listening and how listening can improve two-way feedback and inform effective
questioning. After spending time in the learning laboratory (the work center) observing daily work
interactions for activities that display examples of how effective listening can improve feedback and
performance, students will write a 100 to 200-word journal entry summarizing lessons learned; students will
provide thoughtful, constructive feedback to two other peers.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

a) Explain how to listen actively.

b) Explain how to use two-way feedback in conversations.
c) Identify and write effective questions.
d) How to clarify and reflect on active listening and feedback.

Final Exam Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:

e) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching

f) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
g) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 3: The Power of Listening

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c, d LMS/ AF 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) e-Learning
Asynchronous Faculty- Discussion Board posting and b LMS 3:00
Guided Discussion response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Attend two 1.5 hrs. webinars a, b, c, d Connect- 3:00
Lecture webinar
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss this e, f, g Home/ 3:00
Experiential Learning/ weeks concepts in the work center. Work
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer Then discuss those learning Center
Discussion Engagement experiences with peers in weekly
reflective journal
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback through LMS 1:00
Week 4 Overview: Introduction to Collaboration

Know how strategic collaboration can improve performance. The first activity of the class week is a
block of self-paced readings and videos discussing the use of strategic collaboration, building rapport,
conflict resolution, and building trust. The webinars will guide students to explore the importance of
collaboration and positive rapport on trust and conflict resolution. The students will also discuss how a plan
for collaboration can help improve performance. After spending time in the learning laboratory (the work
center) observing daily work interactions for activities that display examples of collaboration and planning,
students will write a 100 to 200-word journal entry summarizing lessons learned; students will provide
thoughtful, constructive feedback to two other peers.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

a) Define what is rapport and describe how to build rapport within an organization.
b) Understand the importance of conflict resolution.
c) Why building trust is important in a high-performance organization.
d) Explain how to plan for collaboration to improve performance both individually and for the

Final Exam Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:

e) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching

f) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
g) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 4: Introduction to Collaboration

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c, LMS/ AF 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) d e-Learning
Asynchronous Faculty-Guided Discussion Board posting and b LMS 3:00
Discussion response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Lecture Attend two 1.5 hrs. webinars a, b, c, Connect- 3:00
d webinar
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss this e, f, g Home/ 3:00
Experiential Learning/ Asynchronous weeks concepts in the work Work
Peer-to-Peer Discussion Engagement center. Then discuss those Center
learning experiences with peers in
weekly reflective journal
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback through LMS 1:00
Week 5 Overview: An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

Know the elements of emotional intelligence and how emotional intelligence can improve individual
and organizational performance. The first activity of the class week is a block of self-paced readings and
videos discussing the definition and qualities of emotional intelligence. The lecture webinars will guide
students to explore the value of emotional intelligence, and discuss the qualities necessary effective
emotional intelligence. After spending time in the learning laboratory (the work center) observing daily
work interactions for activities that display examples emotional intelligence, students will write a 100 to 200-
word journal entry summarizing lessons learned; students will provide thoughtful, constructive feedback to
two other peers.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

a) Define what emotional intelligence is.

b) Identify the qualities for emotional intelligence.
c) Understand how to manage emotional intelligence.
d) Explain how emotional intelligence impacts performance both individually and organizationally.

Final Exam Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:
e) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching
f) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
g) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 5: Emotional Intelligence

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c, d LMS/ AF 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) e-Learning
Asynchronous Faculty-Guided Discussion Board posting b LMS 3:00
Discussion and response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Attend two 1.5 hrs. a, b, c, d Connect- 3:00
Lecture webinars webinar
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss e, f, g Home/ 3:00
Experiential Learning/ this weeks concepts in the Work
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer work center. Then discuss Center
Discussion Engagement those learning experiences
with peers in weekly
reflective journal
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback LMS 1:00
through LMS
Week 6 Overview: Performance Coaching and Performance Management

Discuss how a performance coaching culture impacts performance management. The first activity of
the week consists of a block of self-paced readings and videos. The webinars will guide students to explore
the value performance coaching for effective performance management. After completing the SMART
standards activity, students will reflect on how the application of SMART standards directly impacts
performance management, students will write a 100 to 200-word journal entry summarizing lessons learned;
students will provide thoughtful, constructive feedback to two other peers.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

a) Identify the three Performance Management Phases

b) Explain how performance coaching impacts performance management.
c) List and describe SMART standards

Final Exam Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:

d) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching

e) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
f) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 6: Performance Coaching

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c, LMS/ AF 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) d e-
Asynchronous Faculty-Guided Discussion Board posting and b LMS 3:00
Discussion response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Lecture Attend two 1.5 hrs. webinars a, b, c, Connect- 3:00
d webinar
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss this e, f, g Home/ 3:00
Experiential Learning/ weeks concepts in the work Work
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer center. Then discuss those Center
Discussion Engagement learning experiences with peers in
weekly reflective journal
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback through LMS 1:00
Week 7 Overview: GROW Coaching Model and Performance Management

Know how the GROW coaching model fits into performance management. Student learning will focus
on the elements of the GROW coaching model and how the model fits within the performance management
process (DPMAPs). The webinars will explore the GROW Model in detail and discuss how the model
improves performance using DPMAPs. After spending time in the learning laboratory (the work center)
observing daily work interactions for activities that may benefit from the GROW coaching model, students
will write a 100 to 200-word journal entry summarizing lessons learned; students will provide thoughtful,
constructive feedback to two other peers.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

a) Define and Explain Goal

b) Define and Explain Reality
c) Define and Explain Options
d) Define and Explain Will
e) Explain how GROW model integrates into the performance management process.

Final Exam Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:
f) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching
g) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
h) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 7: GROW Coaching Model

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c, d LMS/ AF e- 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) Learning
Asynchronous Faculty-Guided Discussion Board posting and b LMS 3:00
Discussion response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Attend two 1.5 hrs. webinars a, b, c, d Connect- 3:00
Lecture webinar
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss this e, f, g Home/Work 3:00
Experiential Learning/ weeks concepts in the work Center
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer center. Then discuss those
Discussion Engagement learning experiences with peers in
weekly reflective journal
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback through LMS 1:00
Week 8 Overview: Performance Management Planning Meeting

Know the importance of the performance planning meeting and how coaching can improve the
process. The first activity of the week consists of a 4-hour block of asynchronous (self-paced) readings and
videos. The webinars will explore the performance management process and introduce the performance
management planning meeting. The students will discuss how performance coaching can assist in the
development of the planning meeting. From the supervisor and employee perspectives, as required by
DPMAPs, students will write a 200-word journal entry describing the performance management meeting
plan and actions; students will provide thoughtful, constructive feedback to two other peers.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

a) Explain the performance management planning process.

b) Identify the performance coaching facilitation skills for performance management planning meeting.
c) Explain how the GROW coaching model impact the performance management planning meeting

Final Exam Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:

d) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching

e) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
f) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 8: Strategic Performance Management Planning Meeting

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c, LMS/ AF e- 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) d Learning
Asynchronous Faculty-Guided Discussion Board posting and b LMS 3:00
Discussion response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Lecture Attend two 1.5 hrs. webinars a, b, c, Connect- 3:00
d webinar
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss this e, f, g Home/Work 3:00
Experiential Learning/ weeks concepts in the work Center
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer center. Then discuss those
Discussion Engagement learning experiences with peers in
weekly reflective journal
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback through LMS 1:00
Week 9 Overview: Course Review and Final Exam

Comprehend the basic traits and principles that make up your personal management style in the Air
Force organization. Students will complete a 1.5-hour final exam assessment in the LMS. After reflecting
on the past 9 weeks, students will write a 200-word journal entry explaining how they could create a cultural
shift within their organization utilizing performance coaching to improve performance management.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): By the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

a) Explain how performance coaching enhances the performance management process.

b) Describe how the GROW model fits into DPMAPs.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Upon completion of the final exam, students will be able to:

c) Know the fundamentals of coaching with an emphasis on critical performance coaching

d) Understand the facilitation skills that are the most effective in a successful coaching relationship
e) Understanding how coaching for performance can create a cultural change within the Air Force

Week 9: Course Review and Final Exam

Title Student assignment SLO Method Time
Blackboard Readings, Videos Readings, videos, exercises a, b, c LMS/ AF 5:00
(asynchronous student-led) e-
Asynchronous Faculty-Guided Discussion Board posting and a, b, c Learning
LMS 3:00
Discussion response to 3 peers
Synchronous Faculty-Led Lecture Attend two 1.5 hrs. webinars a, b, c Connect 3:00
Asynchronous student-led Recognize and/or discuss this a, b, c Home/ 3:00
Experiential Learning/ weeks concepts in the work Work
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer center. Then discuss those Center
Discussion Engagement learning experiences with
peers in weekly reflective
Weekly Lesson Feedback Provide course feedback LMS 1:00
through LMS
Deliverables and Assignment Details

Exact due dates and deadlines are presented in the online course schedule and in the course announcements.
Please check there often for unanticipated changes to the schedule. This list will not include regularly-
recurring weekly events such as discussion boards. Rather, it will cover only one-time or major
requirements due.

***Week 1 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal

***Week 2 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal, Interpersonal Skills Assessment

***Week 3 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal, HRU Coarse on Active Listening

***Week 4 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal, AF e-Learning Course: Building Trust

***Week 5 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal,

***Week 6 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal, SMART standards assignment

***Week 7 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal

***Week 8 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal, AF e-Learning Course Business Coaching
Conducting Coaching Sessions

***Week 9 Assignment***
o Student- Discussion Board, e-Learning Journal, Final Exams
COURSE SUPPORT: Throughout this course you may require assistance on a variety of issues. As a
general rule, your primary point of contact will be your course instructor. You can reach your course
instructor via e-mail, through the Blackboard messaging system, or by telephone. Your instructor will
establish clear expectations for communications early in the course.

1. AIR FORCE PORTAL TECHNICAL ISSUES: For all Air Force Portal technical concerns (access,
outages, password reset, CAC-limitations, etc.), contact Air Force Portal Technical Support at DSN
596-5771, Commercial 1-334-416-5771, or Toll Free 1-877-596-5771. Select option 7 for the Portal
Help Desk.

2. BASIC IT SUPPORT: For all IT issues please contact IT at (334) 953-0540. You may also email them

3. COURSEWARE ISSUES: Our goal is current and effective course materials to empower you to be
the best you can be. For all course content, presentation and policy issues contact your course

4. STUDENT SERVICES: If you have questions regarding; enrollment, dis-enrollment, extensions,

testing, program eligibility, grades, withdrawing from a course, or any other issues please contact
your instructor.
Course FAQ

What are the readings for the course and where are they available?
Readings and other curriculum are located in the Blackboard (Bb) Learning Management System (LMS).
You have access to Bb prior to week 1 of your course.

What is the format of the class?

This is a 9-week blended eLearning Course. Part will be asynchronous (the student will accomplish these
activities in their own time) and part synchronous in collaboration with classmates (students will attend
lectures and discussions in a virtual classroom with the whole class). The course has weekly curriculum
milestones to accomplish, and two synchronous webinars at standard times each week. You will have
weekly observation and journaling requirements, and will work on your Final Paper outside of class each

What is required to successfully complete the class?

To complete the course, students must complete all discussion board assignments, final exam with a
minimum 70% score. Students must attend a minimum of 16 out of the 18 live webinars and make up
missed webinars with recordings. Additionally, students must complete all discussion board assignments,
and both the final paper and the oral presentation summarizing your final paper.

Is it ok for students to collaborate on assignments?

Students may collaborate with peers on any assignment or exercise except when taking assessments (exams
and/or quizzes). You may give feedback and ideas. However, you CANNOT accomplish assignments for
anyone else.

Do I need to watch the webinars live?

Students are expected to attend and participate (graded) in all the weekly webinars. For emergency
situations (with instructor coordination), students can miss at most 2 live webinars (except the final
presentation week) and make up with recordings. All other work for the week must be completed during the
class week. The class week runs from Monday to Monday each week.

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