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Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

else (studies with this object in view are known as

diagnostic research studies);
4. To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship
between variables (such studies are known as
hypothesis-testing research studies).

Characteristics of Research:
Research: Meaning, Characteristics and types
1. Empirical - based on observations and
Research is a derivative of the French word; experimentation on theories
Researche means quest, search, pursuit and search
for truth. Research in common man's language refers
2. Systematic - follows orderly and sequential
to "search for Knowledge". Research is an art of
scientific investigation. It is also a systematic design,
collection,analysis and reporting the findings &
solutions for the marketing problem of a company. 3. Controlled - all variables except those that are
tested/experimented upon are kept constant
The purpose of research is to discover answers to
questions through the application of scientific 4. Employs hypothesis - guides the investigation
procedures process

Research is required because of the following 5. Analytical - There is critical analysis of all data
reasons: used so that there is no error in their interpretation

To identify and find solutions to the problemsEX: 6. Objective, Unbiased, & Logical - all findings are
Why is that demand for a product isFalling logically based on empirical
To help making decisions
EX: Should we maintain the advertising budget same 7. Employs quantitative or statistical methods - data
as last year are transformed into numerical measures and are
treated statistically
To develop new concepts
EX: MLM 8. Original work

To find alternate strategies 9. Done by an expert - the researcher uses valid and
EX: Should we follow pull strategy or push strategy carefully designed procedures, valid data gathering
to promote the product
10. Must be patient and unhurried activity - to ensure
The objectives of research are accuracy

1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to

11. Require effort-making capacity
achieve new insights into it (studies with this object
in view are termed as exploratory or formulative
research studies); 12. Requires courage
2. To portray accurately the characteristics of a
particular individual, situation or a group (studies THE TYPES OF RESEARCH
with this object in view are known as descriptive
research studies); Exploratory Research

3. To determine the frequency with which something This type of research is carried out at the very
occurs or with which it is associated with something beginning when the problem is not clear or is vague.
In exploratory research, all possible reasons which
Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

are very obvious are eliminated, thereby directing the Causal Research- Causal research is conducted to
research to proceed further with limited options. determine the cause and effect relationship between
the two variables.
Sales decline in a company may be due to: Example: Effect of advertisement on sales.
(1) Inefficient service
(2) Improper price Historical Research-The name itself indicates the
(3) Inefficient sales force meaning of the research. Historical study is a study of
(4) Ineffective promotion pastrecords and data in order to understand the future
(5) Improper quality trends and development of the organization or
market. There is no direct observation. The research
The research executives must examine such questions has to depend onthe conclusions or inferences drawn
to identify the most useful avenuesfor further in the past.
research. Preliminary investigation of this type is
called exploratory research. Expert surveys, focus For example, investors in the share market study the
groups, case studies and observation methods are past records or prices of shares which he/she intends
used to conduct the exploratory survey. to buy. Studying the share prices of a particular
company enables the investor to take decision
Descriptive Research- The main purpose of whether to invest in the shares of a company.
descriptive research is to describe the state of view as
it exists at present. Simply stated, it is a fact finding Ex-post Facto Research -In this type of research, an
investigation. In descriptive research, definite examination of relationship that exists between
conclusions can be arrived at, but it does not establish independentand dependent variable is studied. We
a cause and effect relationship. may call this empirical research. In this method, the
researcher has no control over an independent
Applied Research- aims at finding a solution for an variable. Ex-post facto literally means from what is
immediate problem faced by any done afterwards. In this research, a variable A is
businessorganization. This research deals with real observed. Thereafter, the researcher tries to find a
life situations. Example: Why have sales decreased causal variable B which caused A. It is quite
during the last quarter? Market research is an possible that B might not have been caused A. In
example of applied research. Applied research has a this type of analysis, there is no scope for the
practical problem-solving emphasis. It brings out researcher to manipulate the variable. The researcher
many new facts. can only report what has happened and what is
Examples: happening.
1. Use of fibre glass body for cars instead of metal.
2. To develop a new market for the product. Action Research- This type of research is
undertaken by direct action. Action research is
Pure/Fundamental Research or Basic Research- conducted to solve a problem. Example: Test
Gathering knowledge for knowledges sake is known marketing a product is an example of action research.
as basic research. It is not directly involved with Initially, the geographical location is identified. A
practical problems. It does not have any commercial target sample is selected from among the population.
potential. There is no intention to apply this research Samples are distributed to selected samples and
in practice. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research feedback is obtained from the respondent. This
conducts such studies. Example: Theory of Relativity method is most common for industrial products,
(by Einstein). where a trial is a must before regular usage of the
Conceptual Research-This is generally used by
philosophers. It is related to some abstract idea or Quantitative research aim to measure the quantity
theory. Inthis type of research, the researcher should or amount and compares it with past records and tries
collect the data to prove or disapprove his hypothesis. to project for future period. In social sciences,
The various ideologies or isms are examples of quantitative research refers to the systematic
conceptual research. empirical investigation of quantitative properties and
phenomena and their relationships. The objective of
quantitative research is to develop and employ

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

mathematical models, theories or hypothesis Empirical researchis a way of gaining knowledge

pertaining to phenomena. The process of by means of direct and indirect observation or
measurement is central to quantitative research experience. Empirical evidence (the record of one's
because it provides fundamental connection between direct observations or experiences) can be analyzed
empirical observation and mathematical expression quantitatively or qualitatively.
of quantitative relationships. Statistics is the most
widely used branch of mathematics in quantitative Empirical research is appropriate when proof is
research. Statistical methods are used extensively sought that certain variables affect other variables in
with in fields such as economics and commerce. some way. Evidence gathered through experiments or
empirical studies is today considered to be the most
Qualitative research - Qualitative research presents powerful support possible for a given hypothesis.
non-quantitative type of analysis. Qualitative
research is collecting, analyzing and interpreting data Form the point of view of time, we can think of
by observing what people do and say. Qualitative research either as one-time research or longitudinal
research refers to the meanings, definitions, research. In the former case the research is confined
characteristics, symbols, metaphors, and description to a single time-period, whereas in the latter case the
of things. Qualitative research is much more research is carried on over several time-periods.
subjective and uses very different methods of Research can be field-setting research or
collecting information,mainly individual, in-depth laboratory research or simulation research,
interviews and focus groups. The nature of this type depending upon the environment in which it is to be
of research is exploratory and open ended. Small carried out. Research can as well be understood as
number of people are interviewed in depth and or a clinical or diagnostic research. Such research
relatively small number of focus groups are follows case-study methods or in-depth approaches
conducted. Qualitative research can be further to reach the basic causal relations. Such studies
classified in the following type. I. Phenomenology:- usually go deep into the causes of things or events
a form of research in which the researcher attempts to that interest us, using very small samples and very
understand how one or more individuals experience a deep probing data gathering devices. The research
phenomenon. Eg:-we might interview 20 victims of may be exploratory or it may be formalized.
bhopal tragedy. II. Ethnography:- this type of
research focuses on describing the culture of a group RESEARCH PROCESS
of people. A culture is the shared attributes, values,
norms, practices, language, and material things of a 1. Formulating the research problem
group of people. Eg:-the researcher might decide to 2. Extensive literature survey
go and live with the tribal in Andaman island and 3. Formation of objectives
study the culture and the educational practices. III. 4. Developing the hypothesis
Case study:-is a form of qualitative research that is
5. Preparing the research design
focused on providing a detailed account of one or
6. Determining sample design
more cases.
7. Collecting the data
8. Execution of the project
In analytical research, the researcher has to use facts
9. Analysis of data
or information already available, and analyze these to
10. Hypothesis testing
make a critical evaluation of the material.
11. Generalisations and interpretation
12. Preparation of the report

1. Formulating the research problem interest or aspect of a subject-matter that he would

There are two types of research problems, viz., those like to inquire into.
which relate to states of nature and those which relate
to relationships between variables. At the very outset 2. Extensive literature survey
the researcher must single out the problem he wants Once the problem is formulated, a brief summary of
to study, i.e., he must decide the general area of it should be written down. It is compulsory for a
research worker writing a thesis for a Ph.D. degree to
Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

write a synopsis of the topic and submit it to the considered appropriate if the purpose of the research
necessary Committee or the Research Board for study is that of exploration. But when the purpose
approval. At this juncture the researcher should happens to be an accurate description of a situation or
undertake extensive literature survey connected with of an association between variables, the suitable
the problem. For this purpose, the abstracting and design will be one that minimises bias and maximises
indexing journals and published or unpublished the reliability of the data collected and analysed.
bibliographies are the first place to go to. Academic
journals, conference proceedings, government There are several research designs, such as,
reports, books etc., must be tapped depending on the experimental and non-experimental hypothesis
nature of the problem. testing. Experimental designs can be either informal
designs (such as before-and-after without control,
3. Formation of objectives after-only with control, before-and-after with control)
or formal designs (such as completely randomized
4. Developing the hypothesis design, randomized block design, Latin square
After extensive literature survey, researcher should design, simple and complex factorial designs), out of
state in clear terms the working hypothesis or which the researcher must select one for his own
hypotheses. Working hypothesis is tentative project. The preparation of the research design,
assumption made in order to draw out and test its appropriate for a particular research problem,
logical or empirical consequences. As such the involves usually the consideration of the following:
manner in which research hypotheses are developed (i) The means of obtaining the information;
is particularly important since they provide the focal (ii) The availability and skills of the researcher and
point for research. They also affect the manner in his staff (if any);
which tests must be conducted in the analysis of data (iii) Explanation of the way in which selected means
and indirectly the quality of data which is required of obtaining information will be organised and the
for the analysis. In most types of research, the reasoning leading to the selection;
development of working hypothesis plays an (iv) The time available for research; and
important role. Hypothesis should be very specific (v) The cost factor relating to research, i.e., the
and limited to the piece of research in hand because it finance available for the purpose.
has to be tested. The role of the hypothesis is to guide
the researcher bydelimiting the area of research and 6. Determining sample design
to keep him on the right track. It sharpens his Sampling is the process of selecting units (e.g.,
thinking and focuses attention on the more important people, organizations) from a population of interest
facets of the problem. It also indicates the type of so that by studying the sample we may fairly
data required and the type of methods of data analysis generalize our results back to the population from
to be used. which they were chosen.

5. Preparing the research design Population is the set of individuals, items, or data
The research problem having been formulated in from which a statistical sample is taken it is also
clear cut terms, the researcher will be required to called universe. Sample is representative part of the
prepare a research design, i.e., he will have to state population which contains each characterizes that
the conceptual structure within which research would entire population possesses.
be conducted. The preparation of such a design
facilitates research to be as efficient as possible Probability samples are those based on simple
yielding maximal information. In other words, the random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified
function of research design is to provide for the sampling, cluster/area sampling whereas non-
collection of relevant evidence with minimal probability samples are those based on convenience
expenditure of effort, time and money. But how all sampling, judgement sampling and quota sampling
these can be achieved depends mainly on the research techniques.
purpose. Research purposes may be grouped into four
categories, viz., (i) Exploration, (ii) Description, (iii) Deliberate sampling is also known as purposive or
Diagnosis, and (iv) Experimentation. A flexible non-probability sampling. This sampling method
research design which provides opportunity for involves purposive or deliberate selection of
considering many different aspects of a problem is
Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

particular units of the universe for constituting a When population elements are selected for inclusion
sample which represents the universe. in the sample based on the ease of access, it can be
called convenience sampling.

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

Judgement samplingthe researchersjudgement is form of non-probability sampling. Quota samples

used for selecting items which he considers as generally happen to be judgement samples rather than
representative of the population. For example, a random samples.
judgement sample of college students might be taken Cluster sampling and area sampling: Cluster
to secure reactions to a new method of teaching. sampling involves grouping the population and then
Judgement sampling is used quite frequently in selecting the groups or the clusters rather than
qualitative research where the desire happens to be to individual elements for inclusion in the sample.
develop hypotheses rather than to generalize to larger Suppose some departmental store wishes to sample
populations its credit card holders. It has issued its cards to
15,000 customers. The sample size is to be kept say
Simple random sampling 450. For cluster sampling this list of 15,000 card
This type of sampling is also known as chance holders could be formed into 100 clusters of 150 card
sampling or probability sampling where each and holders each. Three clusters might then be selected
every item in the population has an equal chance of for the sample randomly. The sample size must often
inclusion in the sample and each one of the possible be larger than the simple random sample to ensure
samples, in case of finite universe, has the same the same level of accuracy because is cluster
probability of being selected. sampling procedural potential for order bias and other
sources of error are usually accentuated. The
Systematic sampling: In some instances the most clustering approach can, however, make the sampling
practical way of sampling is to select every 15th procedure relatively easier and increase the efficiency
name on a list, every 10th house on one side of a of field work, especially in the case of personal
street and so on. Sampling of this type is known as interviews.
systematic sampling. An element of randomness is
usually introduced into this kind of sampling by Area sampling is quite close to cluster sampling and
using random numbers to pick up the unit with which is often talked about when the total geographical area
to start. This procedure is useful when sampling of interest happens to be big one. Under area
frame is available in the form of a list. In such a sampling we first divide the total area into a number
design the selection process starts by picking some of smaller non-overlapping areas, generally called
random point in the list and then every nth element is geographical clusters, then a number of these smaller
selected until the desired number is secured. areas are randomly selected, and all units in these
small areas are included in the sample. Area sampling
Stratified sampling: If the population from which a is especially helpful where we do not have the list of
sample is to be drawn does not constitute a the population concerned. It also makes the field
homogeneous group, then stratified sampling interviewing more efficient since interviewer can do
technique is applied so as to obtain a representative many interviews at each location.
sample. In this technique, the population is stratified
into a number of non-overlapping subpopulations or Multi-stage sampling: This is a further development
strata and sample items are selected from each of the idea of cluster sampling. This technique is
stratum. If the items selected from each stratum is meant for big inquiries extending to a considerably
based on simple random sampling the entire large geographical area like an entire country. Under
procedure, first stratification and then simple random multi-stage sampling the first stage may be to select
sampling, is known as stratified random sampling. large primary sampling units such as states, then
districts, then towns and finally certain families
within towns. If the technique of random-sampling is
Quota sampling: In stratified sampling the cost of applied at all stages, the sampling procedure is
taking random samples from individual strata is often described as multi-stage random sampling.
so expensive that interviewers are simply given quota
to be filled from different strata, the actual selection Sequential sampling: This is somewhat a complex
of items for sample being left to the sample design where the ultimate size of the sample
interviewersjudgement. This is called quota is not fixed in advance but is determined according to
sampling. The size of the quota for each stratum is mathematical decisions on the basis of information
generally proportionate to the size of that stratum in yielded as survey progresses. This design is usually
the population. Quota sampling is thus an important

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

adopted under acceptance sampling plan in the into a few manageable groups and tables for further
context of statistical quality control. analysis. Thus, researcher should classify the raw
data into some purposeful and usable categories.
In practice, several of the methods of sampling Coding operation is usually done at this stage
described above may well be used in the same study through which the categories of data are transformed
in which case it can be called mixed sampling. It into symbols that may be tabulated and counted.
may be pointed out here that normally one should Editing is the procedure that improves the quality of
resort to random sampling so that bias can be the data for coding. With coding the stage is ready for
eliminated and sampling error can be estimated. But tabulation. Tabulation is a part of the technical
purposive sampling is considered desirable when the procedure wherein the classified data are put in the
universe happens to be small and a known form of tables. The mechanical devices can be made
characteristic of it is to be studied intensively. Also, use of at this juncture. A great deal of data, especially
there are conditions under which sample designs in large inquiries, is tabulated by computers.
other than random sampling may be considered better Computers not only save time but also make it
for reasons like convenience and low costs possible to study large number of variables affecting
a problem simultaneously.
7. Collecting the data
10. Hypothesis testing
Types: Primary data & Secondary Data After analysing the data as stated above, the
researcher is in a position to test the hypotheses, if
Data can be collected through any, he had formulated earlier. Do the facts support
Observation the hypotheses or they happen to be contrary? This is
Interview the usual question which should be answered while
Mailing of questionnaires testing hypotheses. Various tests, such as Chi square
test, t-test, F-test, have been developed by
8. Execution of the project statisticians for the purpose. The hypotheses may be
Execution of the project is a very important step in tested through the use of one or more of such tests,
the research process. If the execution of the project depending upon the nature and object of research
proceeds on correct lines, the data to be collected inquiry. Hypothesis-testing will result in either
would be adequate and dependable. The researcher accepting the hypothesis or in rejecting it. If the
should see that the project is executed in a systematic researcher had no hypotheses to start with,
manner and in time. If the survey is to be conducted generalisations established on the basis of data may
by means of structured questionnaires, data can be be stated as hypotheses to be tested by subsequent
readily machine-processed. In such a situation, researches in times to come.
questions as well as the possible answers may be
coded. If the data are to be collected through Null Hypothesis Ho- There is no relationship exists
interviewers, arrangements should be made for between vaccination and prevention.
proper selection and training of the interviewers. The
training may be given with the help of instruction Alternate Hypothesis H1 - There is a relationship
manuals which explain clearly the job of the exists between vaccination and prevention.
interviewers at each step. Occasional field checks
should be made to ensure that the interviewers are CV<TV accept null hypothesis.
doing their assigned job sincerely and efficiently. TV<CV Reject null Hypothesis

9. Analysis of data 11. Generalisations and interpretation

After the data have been collected, the researcher If a hypothesis is tested and upheld several times, it
turns to the task of analysing them. The analysis of may be possible for the researcher to arrive at
data requires a number of closely related operations generalisation, i.e., to build a theory. As a matter of
such as establishment of categories, the application of fact, the real value of research lies in its ability to
these categories to raw data through coding, arrive at certain generalisations. If the researcher had
tabulation and then drawing statistical inferences. no hypothesis to start with, he might seek to explain
The unwieldy data should necessarily be condensed his findings on the basis of some theory. It is known
as interpretation. The process of interpretation may
Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

quite often trigger off new questions which in turn

may lead to further researches Research Methods

12. Preparation of the report Experiments

Finally, the researcher has to prepare the report of
what has been done by him. Writing of report must People who take part in research involving
be done with great care keeping in view the experiments might be asked to complete various tests
following: to measure their cognitive abilities (e.g. word recall,
attention, concentration, reasoning ability etc.)
usually verbally, on paper or by computer. The
1. The layout of the report should be as follows: (i) results of different groups are then compared.
the preliminary pages; (ii) the main text, and (iii) the Participants should not be anxious about performing
end matter. well but simply do their best. The aim of these tests is
In its preliminary pages the report should carry title not to judge people or measure so-called intelligence,
and date followed by acknowledgements and but to look for links between performance and other
foreword. Then there should be a table of contents factors. If computers are used, this has to be done in
followed by a list of tables and list of graphs and such a way that no previous knowledge of computers
charts, if any, given in the report. is necessary. So people should not be put off by this
The main text of the report should have the following either.
(a) Introduction: It should contain a clear statement
The study might include an intervention such as a
of the objective of the research and an explanation of
training programme, some kind of social activity, the
the methodology adopted in accomplishing the
introduction of a change in the persons living
research. The scope of the study along with various
environment (e.g. different lighting, background
limitations should as well be stated in this part.
noise, different care routine) or different forms of
(b) Summary of findings: After introduction there
interaction (e.g. linked to physical contact,
would appear a statement of findings and
conversation, eye contact, interaction time etc.).
recommendations in non-technical language. If the
Often the interaction will be followed by some kind
findings are extensive, they should be summarized.
of test (as mentioned above), sometimes before and
after the intervention. In other cases, the person may
(c) Main report: The main body of the report should be asked to complete a questionnaire (e.g. about
be presented in logical sequence and broken-down his/her feelings, level of satisfaction or general well-
into readily identifiable sections. being).
Conclusion: Towards the end of the main text,
researcher should again put down the results of his Some studies are just based on one group (within-
research clearly and precisely. In fact, it is the final group design). The researchers might be interested in
summing up. observing peoples reactions or behaviour before and
after a certain intervention (e.g. a training
(e) At the end of the report, appendices should be
programme). However, in most cases, there are at
enlisted in respect of all technical data. Bibliography,
least two groups (a between-subjects design). One of
i.e., list of books, journals, reports, etc., consulted,
the groups serves as a control group and is not
should also be given in the end.
exposed to the intervention. This is quite similar to
1.Index should also be given specially in a published
the procedure in clinical trials whereby one group
research report.
does not receive the experimental drug. This enables
2. Report should be written in a concise and objective
researchers to compare the two groups and determine
style in simple language avoiding vague expressions
the impact of the intervention. Alternatively, the two
such as it seems, there may be, and the like.
groups might differ in some important way (e.g.
3. Charts and illustrations in the main report should
gender, severity of dementia, living at home or in
be used only if they present the information more
residential care, etc.) and it is that difference that is of
clearly and forcibly.
interest to the researchers.
4. Calculated confidence limits must be mentioned
and the various constraints experienced in conducting
research operations may as well be stated. Surveys

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

Surveys involve collecting information, usually from important for interviewees to decide whether they are
fairly large groups of people, by means of comfortable about inviting the researcher into their
questionnaires but other techniques such as home and whether they have a room or area where
interviews or telephoning may also be used. There they can speak freely without disturbing other
are different types of survey. The most members of the household.
straightforward type (the one shot survey) is
administered to a sample of people at a set point in When conducting the interview, the researcher might
time. Another type is the before and after survey have a check list or a form to record answers. This
which people complete before a major event or might even take the form of a questionnaire. Taking
experience and then again afterwards. notes can interfere with the flow of the conversation,
particularly in less structured interviews. Also, it is
Questionnaires difficult to pay attention to the non-verbal aspects of
communication and to remember everything that was
Questionnaires are a good way to obtain information said and the way it was said. Consequently, it can be
from a large number of people and/or people who helpful for the researchers to have some kind of
may not have the time to attend an interview or take additional record of the interview such as an audio or
part in experiments. They enable people to take their video recording. They should of course obtain
time, think about it and come back to the permission before recording an interview.
questionnaire later. Participants can state their views
or feelings privately without worrying about the Case studies
possible reaction of the researcher. Unfortunately,
some people may still be inclined to try to give Case studies usually involve the detailed study of a
socially acceptable answers. People should be particular case (a person or small group). Various
encouraged to answer the questions as honestly as methods of data collection and analysis are used but
possible so as to avoid the researchers drawing false this typically includes observation and interviews and
conclusions from their study. may involve consulting other people and personal or
public records. The researchers may be interested in a
Questionnaires typically contain multiple choice particular phenomenon (e.g. coping with a diagnosis
questions, attitude scales, closed questions and open- or a move into residential care) and select one or
ended questions. The drawback for researchers is that more individuals in the respective situation on whom
they usually have a fairly low response rate and to base their case study/studies. Case studies have a
people do not always answer all the questions and/or very narrow focus which results in detailed
do not answer them correctly. Questionnaires can be descriptive data which is unique to the case(s)
administered in a number of different ways (e.g. sent studied. Nevertheless, it can be useful in clinical
by post or as email attachments, posted on Internet settings and may even challenge existing theories and
sites, handed out personally or administered to practices in other domains.
captive audience (such as people attending
conferences). Researchers may even decide to Participant and non-participant observation
administer the questionnaire in person which has the
advantage of including people who have difficulties Studies which involve observing people can be
reading and writing. In this case, the participant may divided into two main categories, namely participant
feel that s/he is taking part in an interview rather than
observation and non-participant observation.
completing a questionnaire as the researcher will be
noting down the responses on his/her behalf.
In participant observation studies, the researcher
becomes (or is already) part of the group to be
Interviews observed. This involves fitting in, gaining the trust of
members of the group and at the same time remaining
Interviews are usually carried out in person i.e. face- sufficiently detached as to be able to carry out the
to-face but can also be administered by telephone or observation. The observations made might be based
using more advance computer technology such as on what people do, the explanations they give for
Skype. Sometimes they are held in the interviewees what they do, the roles they have, relationships
home, sometimes at a more neutral place. It is amongst them and features of the situation in which
Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

they find themselves. The researcher should be open retrospective pilot study preceding a prospective
about what s/he is doing, give the participants in the study may be helpful in focusing the study question
study the chance see the results and comment on and clarifying the hypothesis and feasibility of the
them, and take their comments seriously. latter (Hess, 2004).

In non-participant observation studies, the researcher Studies using the Delphi method
is not part of the group being studied. The researcher
decides in advance precisely what kind of behaviour The Delphi method was developed in the United
is relevant to the study and can be realistically and States in the 1950s and 1960s in the military domain.
ethically observed. The observation can be carried It has been considered particularly useful in helping
out in a few different ways. For example, it could be researchers determine the range of opinions which
continuous over a set period of time (e.g. one hour) exist on a particular subject, in investigating issues of
or regularly for shorter periods of time (for 60 policy or clinical relevance and in trying to come to a
seconds every so often) or on a random basis. consensus on controversial issues. The objectives can
Observation does not only include noting what be roughly divided into those which aim to measure
happened or was said but also the fact that a specific diversity and those which aim to reach consensus.
behaviour did not occur at the time of observation.
Different ways to employ this method have been
Observational trials devised but they tend to share common features,
namely a series of rounds in which the participants
Observational trials study health issues in large (known as panelists) generate ideas or identify
groups of people but in natural settings. salient issues, comment on a questionnaire
Longitudinal approaches examine the behaviour of a (constructed on the basis of the results from the first
group of people over a fairly lengthy period of time round) and re-evaluate their original responses. After
e.g. monitoring cognitive decline from mid to late life each round, a facilitator provides an anonymous
paying specific attention to diet and lifestyle factors. summary of the forecasts/opinions made by the
In some cases, the researchers might monitor people experts and of their reasons.
when they are middle-aged and then again after 15
years and so on. The aim of such studies is usually to There is no limit to the number of panelists involved
determine whether there is a link between one factor but between 10 and 50 might be considered
and another (e.g. whether high alcohol consumption manageable. The panelists are chosen on the basis of
is correlated with dementia). The group of people their expertise which could take many forms (e.g.
involved in this kind of study is known as a cohort academic, professional or practical knowledge,
and they share a certain characteristic or experience personal experience of having a condition, being a
within a defined period. Within the cohort, there may service user etc.).
be subgroups (e.g. people who drink moderately,
people who drink heavily, people who binge drink
Research Ethics:
etc.) which allow for further comparisons to be made.
1. Honesty: Strive for honesty in all scientific
In some cases, rather than following a group of communications. Honestly report data, results,
people from a specific point in time onwards, the methods and procedures, and publication status. Do
researchers take a retrospective approach, working not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data. Do not
backwards as it were. They might ask participants to deceive colleagues, granting agencies, or the public.
tell them about their past behaviour, diet or lifestyle
(e.g. their alcohol consumption, how much exercise 2. Objectivity: Strive to avoid bias in experimental
they did, whether they smoked etc.) They might also design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review,
ask for permission to consult the participants personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony,
medical records (a chart review). This is not always a and other aspects of research where objectivity is
reliable method and may be problematic as some expected or required. Avoid or minimize bias or self-
people may forget, exaggerate or idealise their deception. Disclose personal or financial interests
behaviour. For this reason, a prospective study is that may affect research.
generally preferred if feasible although a

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

3. Integrity: Keep your promises and agreements; 14. Legality: Know and obey relevant laws and
act with sincerity; strive for consistency of thought institutional and governmental policies.
and action.
15. Animal Care: Show proper respect and care for
4.Carefulness: Avoid careless errors and negligence; animals when using them in research. Do not conduct
carefully and critically examine your own work and unnecessary or poorly designed animal experiments.
the work of your peers. Keep good records of
research activities, such as data collection, research 16. Human Subjects Protection: When conducting
design, and correspondence with agencies or research on human subjects minimize harms and risks
journals. and maximize benefits; respect human dignity,
privacy, and autonomy; take special precautions with
5.Openness: Share data, results, ideas, tools, vulnerable populations; and strive to distribute the
resources. Be open to criticism and new ideas. benefits and burdens of research fairly.

6. Respect for Intellectual Property: Honor patents, 17. There are many other activities that do not define
copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property. as "misconduct" but which are still regarded by most
Do not use unpublished data, methods, or results researchers as unethical. These are called "other
without permission. Give credit where credit is due. deviations" from acceptable research practices and
Give proper acknowledgement or credit for all include:
contributions to research. Never plagiarize.
Publishing the same paper in two different journals
7.Confidentiality: Protect confidential without telling the editors
communications, such as papers or grants submitted Submitting the same paper to different journals
for publication, personnel records, trade or military without telling the editors
secrets, and patient records. Not informing a collaborator of your intent to file a
patent in order to make sure that you are the sole
8. Responsible Publication: Publish in order to inventor
advance research and scholarship, not to advance just Including a colleague as an author on a paper in
your own career. Avoid wasteful and duplicative return for a favor even though the colleague did not
publication. make a serious contribution to the paper
Discussing with your colleagues confidential data
9. Responsible Mentoring: Help to educate, mentor, from a paper that you are reviewing for a journal
and advise students. Promote their welfare and allow Trimming outliers from a data set without
them to make their own decisions. discussing your reasons in paper
Using an inappropriate statistical technique in
10. Respect for colleagues: Respect your colleagues order to enhance the significance of your research
and treat them fairly. Bypassing the peer review process and announcing
your results through a press conference without
11. Social Responsibility: Strive to promote social giving peers adequate information to review your
good and prevent or mitigate social harms through work
research, public education, and advocacy.
Conducting a review of the literature that fails to
acknowledge the contributions of other people in the
12. Non-Discrimination: Avoid discrimination
field or relevant prior work
against colleagues or students on the basis of sex,
Stretching the truth on a grant application in order
race, ethnicity, or other factors that are not related to
to convince reviewers that your project will make a
their scientific competence and integrity.
significant contribution to the field
13. Competence: Maintain and improve your own Stretching the truth on a job application or
professional competence and expertise through curriculum vita
lifelong education and learning; take steps to promote Giving the same research project to two graduate
competence in science as a whole. students in order to see who can do it the fastest
Overworking, neglecting, or exploiting graduate or
post-doctoral students

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

Failing to keep good research records A Symposium is typically a more formal or

Failing to maintain research data for a reasonable academic gathering, featuring multiple experts
period of time delivering short presentations on a particular topic.
Making derogatory comments and personal attacks
in your review of author's submission A research article is a primary source...that is, it
Promising a student a better grade for sexual reports the methods and results of an original study
favors performed by the authors. The kind of study may
Using a racist epithet in the laboratory vary (it could have been an experiment, survey,
Making significant deviations from the research interview, etc.), but in all cases, raw data have been
protocol approved by your institution's Animal Care collected and analyzed by the authors, and
and Use Committee or Institutional Review Board for conclusions drawn from the results of that analysis.
Human Subjects Research without telling the
committee or the board Two beliefs about the paper and article.
Not reporting an adverse event in a human
research experiment Both are same.
Wasting animals in research When it is published, it is called article. When it is
unpublished , it is called paper.
Exposing students and staff to biological risks in
violation of your institution's biosafety rules
A thesis isa formal and lengthy research paper,
Rejecting a manuscript for publication without
especiallya work of original research,written in
even reading it
partial fulfillment of the requirements for a graduate
Sabotaging someone's work degree
Stealing supplies, books, or data
Rigging an experiment so you know how it will University Graduate Council
turn out
Making unauthorized copies of data, papers, or
computer programs Thesis and Project Report Format Guidelines
Deliberately overestimating the clinical
significance of a new drug in order to obtain UGC approved: April 28, 2006
economic benefits
This guide is designed to provide graduate students
These actions would be regarded as unethical by
most scientists and some might even be illegal. Most with the formatting requirements for all theses and
of these would also violate different professional project reports. It covers structure, layout, form, and
ethics codes or institutional policies.
style. Departments may use additional requirements
A seminar is a lecture or presentation delivered to an that do not conflict with the guidelines provided in
audience on a particular topic or set of topics that are
educational in nature. It is usually held for groups of this document.
10-50 individuals. A seminar is frequently held at a
hotel meeting space or within an office conference 1. Thesis and Project Report Arrangement
Assemble the thesis/project report in this order:
A workshop is a series of educational and work
sessions. Small groups of people meet together over a
1. Cover page: includes the title, author, degree
short period of time to concentrate on a defined area
of concern. (Thesis/Project submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree
Conferences often features keynote presentations
delivered to all attendees, as well as multiple break- of Master of in ), and date.
out sessions. Attendees often expect to receive
2. Thesis/Project Approval Form.
information about industry trends and developments.
3. Plagiarism policy compliance statement.

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

4. Copyright page that grants LAU the right to 2- Literature Review: chronological,
use and reproduce fully or partially the work categorical or related theoretical view points
related to topic.
being presented.
5. Dedication page (optional). 3- Proposed Solution/Methodology: research
6. Acknowledgments page (optional). design or approach (quantitative, qualitative
7. Abstract: a concise summary of the essential or algorithmic); population and / or sample;
information of the work being presented, collection and tabulation of data; and data
namely of the studys scope, purpose and analysis procedures.
results. The reference-free single spaced
4- Solution Validation, Analysis of the Data, Results,
abstract should not exceed two pages. and Discussion: presentation and discussion of the
8. Table of Contents: includes all the findings, including limitations.
subsections of each chapter and the list of
5- Conclusions, Recommendations: summarizes the
appendices (if applicable) and page numbers. entire research effort; addresses the initial purpose of
9. List of Figures: includes figure number, the study (stated in the introduction); stresses the
importance of the work accomplished; leaves a final
caption, and the page number.
impression on the reader. It can also include
10. List of Tables: includes table number, suggestions for further work.
caption, and the page number.
6- Bibliography/References: references should
11. Abbreviations page: lists all the abbreviations
acknowledge any work done by someone other than
used in the text alongside their fully written the author. The reference should also include work
unabbreviated form. performed by the author if presented or published at
an earlier date. References should adopt one of the
12. Thesis/Project text; the layout is described in
standard international styles; the American
the next section. Psychological Association style for references and
2. Layout citation is recommended. For more information,
contact the library.
The following presents a framework for a
7- Appendices: material too detailed or lengthy for
thesis. The information is offered as a
inclusion in the body of the study (e.g.
general guideline. Students should always
questionnaires, maps). Appendices may also contain
consult their advisor for additional
information that might clarify the thesis but is routine
guidelines. In particular, the layout of
in nature or indirectly related to the thesis. Raw data
project reports can be different depending on
and examples of calculation could be incorporated.
the type and scope of the project. Note that
each chapter should start on a new page. 3. Style and Form
1- Introduction: background; statement of
the problem; definition of terms; purpose of 3.1 Paper: Use high-quality acid-free A4-size
paper, with only one side of the paper.
the study; theoretical basis; contributions of
the study; organization of the remainder of 3.2 Printing: A high-quality laser printer should
the study. be used for the final copy.
3.3 Headings:

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

In disciplines where section numbering is 3.8 Tables and Figures: Figures and tables should
normally used, the following guidelines apply: be inserted at the appropriate place in the text.
Figures must have numbers and captions under
Chapter title: 18 24 pt size, bold. the figures. Tables have their titles and
Main Section Headings: can be numbered numbers above.
as chapter-number.section-number (e.g.,
3.2 for chapter 3, section 2) in 14 pt size,
bold. 3.9 Drawings: Any material which cannot be
Second Headings: can be numbered as typed or computer generated should be drawn
x.y.z (e.g., 3.2.4 for chapter 3, section 2, with permanent black ink in neat and heavy
subsection 4) in 12 pt size, bold. lines. Photographs of drawings are acceptable.
First Subheadings: can be numbered as Xerox reproductions of drawings are
w.x.y.z (e.g., for chapter 3, section acceptable if they are of high contrast.
2, subsection 4, sub-subsection 1) in 12 pt
size, regular.
Second Subheadings: preferably 3.10 Photographs: Mount small photographs with
unnumbered, 12 pt, italics. glue. Do not use rubber cement or tape. High-
clarity Xerox copies of photographs are also
3.4 Text Font: Acceptable fonts generated by acceptable. However, high-quality scanned e-
word processing programs include, but are not images can also be inserted into the thesis text.
restricted to: Times Roman 12, Helvetica 12,
Letter Gothic 12. The font provided through 3.11 Footnotes: In disciplines where footnotes are
LaTeX is acceptable. Bold and italics should normally used, they should appear at the
not be used excessively in the text. bottom of the same page as their reference.
Furthermore, colored text should not be used. Footnotes should be numbered in Arabic
numerals. The footnote reference is
superscripted and the explanation at the bottom
3.5 Spacing: Double or one and a half spacing is of the page begins with the footnote reference
required for the text. Only footnotes, long number. Footnotes should have a smaller font
quotations, bibliography entries(double space size than the text (e.g. 10 pt).
between entries), table captions, and similar
special material may be single spaced.
3.12 CDs and DVDs: identify with title, name of
student, and date.
3.6 Margins: Left, 4 cm; top, bottom, and right,
2.5 cm. These are necessary to allow for
binding and trimming. 3.13 Computer Software:Describe in separate
section in prefatory pages (e.g., list of figures
and tables). If applicable, state requirements
3.7 Page Numbering: Preliminary pages of the for the use of the software (e.g., hardware,
thesis, that is, those preceding the text are to be screen resolution type) and any other
numbered in Roman numerals. The first page information necessary for proper viewing of
must not show its page number. Pages of the the software.
text itself and of all items following the text
should be numbered consecutively throughout
in Arabic numbers, beginning with number 1 3.14 Oversized Material: Oversize foldout pages
on the first page of the first chapter. Page may be included, though ample margins for
numbers should be placed in the lower right binding must be included. Leave oversize page
corner or center of the page. Only the number unfolded. The bindery will fold and insert
should appear, not page 9. them. All pages must appropriately numbered if
found in the text.

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Research Methodology An Overview in line with UGC NET Syllabus

3.15 Binding: Binding will be arranged by the Will your reader want to read the rest of your essay?
library, for a fee, in order to ensure Do you make your argument sound important?
consistency. At least two copies of the thesis
should be submitted to the library of the
campus concerned. Further reading:

Characteristics: Research Methodology C.R.

1. SPECIFIC? Kothari
******* All the Best*******
Do not make your thesis statement so general that it
doesnt mean very much. Avoid ambiguous or vague
words (e.g. thing) and sweeping claims
(e.g. there are many similarities and

You know what your thesis means, but will someone
else? Try reading it to a friend and see whether
he/she knows what you are getting at.

Do you list several points without showing their
connection? A good thesis makes one strong point,
not many unrelated ones.

A thesis statement should be one or two sentences in
length. If it is longer than that, you are trying to say
too much. You do not have to list all your upcoming
arguments in your thesis statement.

Is you r thesis hidden away where your reader may
not see it? Usuallybut not always, your thesis will be
at the beginning or end of your introductory

A thesis statement presents an argument; it does not
restate the topic. You should make an assertion which
you then attempt to prove in the body of your essay.
You can tell that your thesis is argumentative if it is
debatable- that is, if you can think of a counter

Is your thesis on topic? Does it accurately capture
what you argue in your essay? If you revise the body
of your essay, be certain your thesis still fits.


Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :

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