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UFMED7-30-M MEng Group Project

Final Report Submission Requirement

The final report for the MEng group project is due on 30 th July 2016 and must be
submitted at the Coursework Collection Box, Room 207. The report counts for 80% of
the whole module and the oral presentation counts for 20%.
Your final report should be treated as a formal report and written as such; and it should
be a concise and accurate collection of every work that has been carried out during the
course of your project. It should accurately demonstrate; the scientific rigor, the breath
and depth of the work done, the validity of your work and novelty/originality. The report
is generally expected to contain the following within the main body/text:
1. Product Requirement Document/Specification
2. Clear statement of aims and objectives
3. Review of literature (state of art) relating to the project
4. Analytical, numerical or experimental work carried out so far
5. Evaluation of proposals
6. Analysis of the findings
7. Discussion including consideration of the original objectives;
And all additional or extensive material/theoretical derivations must be included at the
end of your report as an addendum. This should include a section on Team
Management Report, in which you generally would report/include any issues that arose
in managing your team, and what solutions you adopted and end results; in this section
you should also include information on how you managed any financial aspect of your
project; how you used the budget you were given; highlighting your purchasing
strategies and any constraints posed due to lack of funds; any publicities, publications
or any engagement with external parties; a copy of all meeting minutes and so on.


On the basis of the completed investigations by the authors (investigators), the report is
not just a record of the work done, but it is a report that cumulates the contributions to
engineering through your findings, analysis, formed opinion,
recommendations/proposals and conclusions. You by now have some experience in
writing reports but would have much more experience in reading and learning from
written material. When writing the report you are considering the potential readers that
could pick up your work however many years later. You should ensure accurate
information is portrayed and passed on through your technical project report.
Exclusive information, which would interrupt the flow of the report, should go into
appendices (these include perhaps lengthy analytical derivations, program source
codes, a lot of concept pictures, a lot of screen shots showing results or an explanation
in the main text, certifications or regulations that you feel must go in to the report or
generally anything that digresses away from its use in the main text). You should beat in
mind however that, discussing extensively in the main report a figure that is in the
appendix makes it very difficult to follow as well, so if the reader would have to keep
going back and forth to the appendix to follow what you are discussing in the text then
perhaps the material should go in the main text. So in essence if the material, would
need to be referred to as one follows your main text then it should be closer to the text,
if the material can act as standalone then it most likely fir for appendices.
Readers cannot be expected to study the presented material and formulate the
conclusions; they must be led by the author so that the readers can follow his/her logic.
Then after studying the report, readers will decide if the presented view is credible or
not. If a reader is not convinced, then the author has not achieved his/her aim.
Therefore it is your job as the author to prove the validity and credibility of your work,
findings and conclusions/hypothesis solely through the content in the report. You should
never expect to buttress your explanations through planned presentation as the report is
a standalone article. Even though, you are at a Masters level you should aim your report
for readers of the utmost expertise in the corresponding field. In other words, your report
should depict your depth of understanding in the topic, as this reflects on the resulting
credibility attained from the readers view point, whilst putting in theories you dont fully
understand will also be clearly visible to appropriate readers.


The report must be written in good English using the impersonal style (i.e. not in first
person) and although the whole report is a compilation of each team members writing,
the different individual writing style must not be noticeable. In other words, the report
must read in one consistent style. The final report should conform to the following
The word limit for your final report is 5000 words per team member and this
excludes title sheet and appendices (however you should be aware and able to
assess what needs to be reported and what does not, so dumping excessive
materials in the Appendices adversely affect the assessment of your report).
The authors for every section of the report must be accurately and clearly
annotated and each team members full name, student number and their degree
must be listed on the Cover page.
The report should be on A4 paper, printed either single or double sided, with one
and half line spacing.
The report must be page-numbered continuously right from the Cover Page,
regardless of different numbering styles (such as Roman and/Arabic numerals).
The left hand margin (only for bounded copy) and the bottom margin should be
40 mm; other margins should be 20 mm; Type is to be Times New Roman, 12
point size.
The report is to be word-processed and you can Word, Writer or similar; although
Latex is strongly advised if you are proficient it its use.
All sections (and perhaps subsections) should clearly annotate the authors initial
(this could for example be in the form of a superscript just after the corresponding
heading) and a clear indication of everyones initial (perhaps in the main page
where you list the group members names).
All pages number starting from the Introduction chapter should be consecutively
numbered in the center of the bottom margin. The pages preceding the
Introduction should be numbered in Roman numerals (i.e. i, ii, iii, iv..).
Groups name (and logo if applicable) should be printed in every header or footer.
Two copies of your final report must be printed; an electronic copy of your report
should be burned on a CD and handed in with the printed copy and all sheets
should be securely bounded together.
Neatly drawn figures (graphs, diagrams, flow charts and photographs) can be
included in the text or on separate sheets. The figures and tables must be
numbered and have meaningful captions.
The cover page will contain the project title, module number, year of submission,
course, name of the group member and the supervisor.
The report should be clear, concise and as short as possible consistent with
presenting all relevant information. Over-long reports, especially with little, will
result in a reduced mark.

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