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1 Overview of Coordinate systems in post-processing

The solver writes out results as a set of component values at nodes and/or elements with respect to a coordinate system determined by the solver and
element formulation. When you load results into NX, this unprocessed data is transformed into a consistent coordinate system, and derived results are
When you define the results display for a post view, you can specify the coordinate system into which component results are transformed.
When boundary conditions are defined with respect to local coordinate systems, transforming results into those coordinate systems can produce cleaner
and more meaningful results displays.
You can post-process results with respect to the following coordinate systems:

Absolute. The software transforms results with respect to the absolute coordinate system origin and orientation. Although the absolute coordinate
system is always Cartesian, you can specify Absolute Rectangular, Absolute Cylindrical, or Absolute Spherical for post-processing.
Work. The software transforms results with respect to the current work coordinate system (WCS) origin and orientation. As with the absolute
coordinate system, you can specify rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates.
Material. If any meshes or elements in your model have a defined material orientation (as for orthotropic or anisotropic materials or composite
laminates), you can view tensor component results in the material coordinate system.
Optionally, when Material is selected for the coordinate system on the Set Result dialog box, you can click Display Material Orientation to
temporarily display the material orientation vectors.
Selected. You can select any coordinate system that is visible and selectable in the graphics region, or listed in the Simulation Navigator, to
arbitrarily transform results. Choose from Selected Rectangular, Selected Cylindrical, or Selected Spherical.
Native. For post-processing, the native coordinate system is the untransformed coordinate system in which results are written to the solver output
file. Typically, this is the element coordinate system, but may be some other coordinate system based on the solver, analysis type, or element
formulation. This coordinate system is useful for viewing element resultants for structural elements, such as beams and shells.
The coordinate system you select when you define the results display applies to all other post-processing operations as well. For example, if you display
results using the Work Cylindrical coordinate system, and then use Identify to output results values at selected nodes, the result components at those
nodes will be defined in the work coordinate system using cylindrical components. Likewise, deformation are defined with respect to the specified
coordinate system.
The following image compares contour plots of corresponding stress components as transformed into different coordinate systems.

(1) XY shear stress, absolute rectangular CSYS; (2) XY shear stress, untransformed native results (element CSYS); (3) 12 shear stress, material CSYS;
(4) r shear stress; selected cylindrical CSYS.

Selected coordinate system support

You can select any coordinate system that is visible and selectable in the graphics region, or listed in the Simulation Navigator, to arbitrarily transform
results. You can select:

Coordinate systems listed in the solver output file, such as nodal coordinate systems and local coordinate systems used to define component force
loads or user-defined constraints.
Coordinate systems in the solver output file are listed under the Post View node in the Post Processing Navigator. Result coordinate systems are
hidden by default.
Expand the Post View node and select the visibility check box for the Result CSYS node to display result coordinate systems and make them

Coordinate systems in the displayed part file (typically, the Simulation file).
You must ensure that the displayed part coordinate systems are visible in the graphics region. To do
this, you can create a multiple viewport layout, or you can control the visibility of layers containing
coordinate systems.
Coordinate systems listed in the Simulation Navigator.
By default, all local coordinate systems defined in the currently displayed Simulation or FEM file are
listed in the Simulation Navigator. You can click to highlight the CSYS node in the Simulation
Navigator to select a coordinate system when setting the result display in a post view.
The following figure compares arrow plots of (1) XYZ displacement in the absolute rectangular coordinate
system and (2) displacement in a selected cylindrical coordinate system, for a model undergoing twisting.
The selectable result coordinate system is just visible at the bottom center of each image.

21.7.2 Example: Displacements on a cylinder under torsion

For the following example, consider a simple cylinder. The bottom edge is constrained, and a torque load is applied to the top edge:

The following figure shows banded contour displays of (1) X displacements in the absolute rectangular coordinate system and (2) R displacements in the
absolute cylindrical coordinate system.

You can more clearly visualize the difference using an arrow display. The following figure shows (1) XYZ components and (2) rZ components of
displacement at element centroids.

Likewise, results are returned with respect to the specified element coordinate system when you use Identify to return results for selected elements.
Absolute rectangular coordinate system:
Elem ID, ... XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, ZX
9.2900e+002, ... 7.2177e+000, -1.0313e+001, -1.0755e+000, -3.3338e-001, -1.0861e+001, 9.4264e+000

Absolute cylindrical coordinate system:

Elem ID, ... RR, TT, ZZ, RT, TZ, ZR
9.2900e+002, ... -2.1657e+000, -2.2135e+000, -1.4290e+000, -7.6104e+000, 1.5099e+001, 5.8387e-002

21.7.3 Transform results in a selected solver output coordinate system

Coordinate systems defined in the solver output file are listed in the Post Processing Navigator beneath the Post View node. Coordinate systems are
hidden by default. To transform results into a coordinate system defined in the solver output file:
1. Create a post view.
2. In the Post Processing Navigator, expand the Post View node.
3. Select the Result CSYS visibility check box, or expand the Result CSYS node and choose individual coordinate systems to display.

Fringe plots
Post view
Solid(1 Use the visibility check boxes to control the visibility of result
) coordinate systems.
1 - csys
2 - csys
4. The specified coordinate systems are displayed in the graphics window.
5. Choose a command that supports coordinate system selection:

o On the Post-Processing toolbar, click Set Result .

o In the Post View dialog box, from the Display on list, choose Cutting Plane, and click Options.
o In the Post Processing Navigator, right-click a Post View node and choose Free Body Results.
6. Complete the dialog box as necessary to define parameters for your display.
7. From the Coordinate System list, choose Selected Rectangular, Selected Cylindrical, or Selected Spherical.
8. In the graphics window, click a coordinate system to select it.
Note You can select only coordinate systems of the same type that you specified. For example, if you choose Selected Cylindrical, you can select only
cylindrical coordinate systems.

9. Click Apply to transform results into the selected coordinate system. The Set Result dialog box remains open so you can continue to adjust the
display. Click OK to update the post view and exit the dialog box.

21.7.4 Transform results in a model coordinate system displayed in the graphics window
Before you can graphically select a model coordinate system, you must ensure that the coordinate system is visible and selectable in post-processing.
1. If necessary, in the Simulation Navigator, in the Simulation File View panel, right-click the part file containing the coordinate system you want
to use, and choose Make Displayed Part. Typically, this is the Simulation file, but may be the FEM file, idealized part, or master part as well. Ensure
that model coordinate systems are visible and selectable.
2. In the Post Processing Navigator, load the results and create a post view.
3. Ensure that model coordinate systems are visible and selectable using one of the following methods:
o On the Layout Manager toolbar, click Side by Side or Top and Bottom to create a multiple viewport layout. The model file is displayed in
the second viewport.
o Choose FormatLayer Visible in View. Click OK. In the Layer Visible in View dialog box, select the layer containing model coordinate
systems and click Visible. This method is most effective when coordinate systems in the model are on a separate layer.
4. Choose a command that supports coordinate system selection:

o On the Post-Processing toolbar, click Set Result .

o In the Post View dialog box, from the Display on list, choose Cutting Plane, and click Options.
o In the Post Processing Navigator, right-click a Post View node and choose Free Body Results.
5. Complete the dialog box as necessary to define parameters for your display.
6. From the Coordinate System list, choose Selected Rectangular, Selected Cylindrical, or Selected Spherical.
7. In the graphics window, click a coordinate system to select it.
Note You can select only coordinate systems of the same type that you specified. For example, if you choose Selected Cylindrical, you can select only
cylindrical coordinate systems.

8. Click Apply to transform results into the selected coordinate system. The Set Result dialog box remains open so you can continue to adjust the
display. Click OK to update the post view and exit the dialog box.

21.7.5 Transform results in a model coordinate system listed in the Simulation Navigator
To transform results into a coordinate system listed in the Simulation Navigator:
1. If necessary, in the Simulation Navigator, in the Simulation File View panel, right-click the Simulation file containing the coordinate system you
want to use, and choose Make Displayed Part.
2. In the Post Processing Navigator, load the results and create a post view.
3. Choose a command that supports coordinate system selection:

o On the Post-Processing toolbar, click Set Result .

o In the Post View dialog box, from the Display on list, choose Cutting Plane, and click Options.
o In the Post Processing Navigator, right-click a Post View node and choose Free Body Results.
4. Complete the dialog box as necessary to define parameters for your display.
5. From the Coordinate System list, choose Selected Rectangular, Selected Cylindrical, or Selected Spherical.

6. In the Resource Bar, click Simulation Navigator .

When you change navigators, the Set Result dialog box is minimized.
7. In the Simulation Navigator, expand the CSYS node, and click the desired coordinate system node to select it.
Note You can select only coordinate systems of the same type that you specified. For example, if you choose Selected Cylindrical, you can select only
cylindrical coordinate systems.

8. If the CSYS node does not appear in the Simulation Navigator, right-click an empty area in the navigator and choose FilterCSYS to display it.

9. In the Resource Bar, click Post Processing Navigator .

10. Click the title bar of the Set Result dialog box to expand it.

11. Click Apply to transform results into the selected coordinate system. The Set Result dialog box remains open so you can continue to adjust the
display. Click OK to update the post view and exit the dialog box.

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