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Day: A or B


Answer the three questions below, in a 100 word or more paragraph in the space below using
RED text. Watch the Guernica 3D video and look at the painting Guernica on the project
website to help answer these questions. Save this to your Google drive, and Hand it into the
Dropbox on Haiku.

What details in the painting catch your attention?

The first main details that caught my attention when first looking at this photo was the mix of
humans and animals and also how they both had what seemed to be the same look on their
faces. The next thing I noticed was the background which is dark but also has what seem to be
a brick wall and an eyeball/sun light on the ceiling.
What questions of curiosity are sparked by the painting?
The questions of curiosity I have would be directed towards the author of this painting. I would
ask why do the faces seem to be in agony and what the purpose that sures along with the odd
amount of misplaced limbs.
What conclusions can you make that are based on information in the painting?
I can conclude from looking at this painting that the painter wanted to send a message of
dismay and chaos in an artsy and creative form. This is shown by the faces, the limb, and the
dark colors and lack of light colors used.

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