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(I'm terrible at ASCII art :P)
Thank you for downloading the Kerbal Space Program!
Version 1.0.4
Installation / Updating:
Zip Package:
* Unzip the contents of this package onto a directory of your choice (ex. C:/Pro
gram Files/KSP)
* If you plan to overwrite a previous version of KSP with this one, please delet
e the contents of the folder before unzipping.
Windows Installer:
* Run the installer .msi file once it finishes downloading, follow the instructi
ons it presents.
OSX Dmg Installer:
* Mount the dmg volume once it finishes downloading, then open it with Finder.
* Drag and drop the KSP icon and over the Applications icon.
KSP Patcher:
* Run Patcher.exe (Found in the same folder as KSP.exe), and log in using your K
SPStore credentials.
* The Patcher tool will download any files needed to update the game to the late
st version.
* Patcher not included in the Steam version.
* Steam will keep the game automatically updated. You can change update preferen
ces in Steam's application settings for KSP.
WARNING: It's very likely that parts, ships and/or saves created on previous ver
sions will be incompatible with the latest release. Although we try to preserve
saved data as much as we can during development, it is impossible to ensure back
ward-compatibility on every update, especially with modded installs, so please k
eep this in mind. If you encounter something that appears to be a bug, try again
on a fresh installation and no addons. It may just be an incompatibility issue.

(not that any of the above should happen anyway, but it's good to be on the safe
Created By / Lead Game Developer:
Felipe Falanghe (a.k.a HarvesteR)
Game & Tools Development:
Mike Geelan
UI Development:
Jim-Kyrre Benjaminsen (a.k.a. Romfarer)
Game & Server Development:
Alejandro Mora
Marco Salcedo
Jesus Montao
Miguel Pia (a.k.a. MaxMaps)
3D Artist:
Daniel Rosas
Rogelio Dominguez
Content Design:
Nicholas Havas
Hugo Gutierrez
Community Contributor:
Christoph Thrsam (a.k.a PorkJet)
Brian Provan (a.k.a Arsonide)
Tanuki Chau
Bob Palmer (a.k.a RoverDude)
Frank Pierce (a.k.a Frizzank)
Sound Design:
Ed Castillo
Original Music:
Vctor Machado
KSP Main Theme:
Written by Felipe Falanghe
Arranged by Vctor Machado
Written & arranged by Felipe Falanghe
Other Tracks:
Arcadia, Bathed in the Light, Brittle Rille,
Dreamy Flashback, Frost Waltz, Frost Waltz (Alternate),
Frozen Star, Groovy Grove, Impact Lento, Wizardtorium
Written by Kevin MacLeod (
Licenced under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
QA Director / Lead:
Ted Everett
The Awesome QA Team:
Mathew David Banks (a.k.a. sal_vager)
Colum Cantwell (a.k.a. Liquid)
Dane Jensen
Kyle Kotowick
Sean Larkin (a.k.a. Seanoog)
Sven Riedel
David Tregoning (a.k.a. TriggerAu)
Ivan Welsh (a.k.a. hermes47)
Alessandro Villa (a.k.a. diomedea)
Martin Mager (a.k.a. Nachtwind)
Jonny Paton
Steve Diver (a.k.a Squelch)
Nathanael Deraney (a.k.a NathanKell)
Claw (a.k.a Claw)
Community Lead:
Kasper Nahuis
Executive Producers:
Ezequiel Ayarza
Adrin Goya
Special Thanks to:
The KSP Community
The KSP Community Moderation Team
The Experimental Testing Team
The Orbiter Community - Hail Probe!
Ondraus Jenkins and people at Bungie Aerospace
Kurtjmac and all our loyal Youtubers and Streamers!
Our friends at Valve
All the space agencies that play our game
Loading Screen Artwork by:
Riess, of Our Intrepid Crew
Eduardo Reyes - Project Manager
Robert Holtzman - Public Relations
Chad Jenkins (a.k.a. C7) - Technical Artist
Jeff C. (a.k.a. NovaSilisko) - Content Design
Jacobo Rosas - Content Design
Artyom Zuev (a.k.a. Bac9) - Content Design
Rob Nelson (a.k.a N3X15) - Game and Web Development
Mario Maqueo - Programming
Juan Carlos Demeneghi - Additional Art
Ivn Vzquez - Additional Art
Anthony Keeton - Community Manager
James Kupperian (a.k.a. Skunky) - Community Manager
Chaz Chiarello - Media Director
Claira Lyrae Safi - Content Design
Lock Bel (a.k.a. 707-Engineering) - QA
Clay Campbell - QA
Arthur Vilain - QA
Anthony Guzzardo - Community Manager

=================================== v1.0.4 =====================================
Bug Fixes:
* Hot-Fixed an issue where loading vessels equipped with heatshields from pre-1.
0.3 saves would cause the game to crash.

=================================== v1.0.3 =====================================

* Added five new Radiator parts, three of which are deployable.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed a bug where using the reset button with an Asteroid loaded would break t
he Mun tutorial.
* Made part's internal highlighter much more efficient.
* Disabled flashing highlighter in temperature gauges. (fixes memory leak with t
emperature overlay)
* Fixed KSPUtil.PrintLatitude/Longitude giving wrong result for small negative v
* Fix for horizontalSrfSpd being incorrectly calculated.
* Fixed unfortunate typo in the Docking Tutorial.
* Fixed an issue where moving the camera using a 3D mouse would break drag-and-d
ropping of parts in the editors.
* 1.0.3 features a revised thermal mechanic to better balance heating/cooling be
tween pods and spaceplanes.
* Parts now have separate internal temperature and skin temperatures.
* Skin temperature is the temperature used for radiation and convection, as well
as engine exhaust damage.
* Part internal temperature is increased by modules that generate heat and is us
ed for part-part conduction.
* Part internal and skin temperature also conduct between each other.
* Solar panel efficiency is now calculated based on skin temperature.
* When in an atmosphere, there is a divide between the exposed (to convection) a
nd unexposed skin temperatures.
* When not in an atmosphere, only one skin temperature is tracked; the two tempe
ratures are unified on atmosphere exit.
* Radiative outflux and influx is tracked separately for exposed and unexposed a
reas of skin (since the shock temperature is much higher than ambient temperatur
* Added curve to control drag coefficient exponent to DCL and Physics.cs
* With lowered drag for sharply-tapered cubes, wing lift and wing drag lowered t
o match.
* Convection velocity exponent raised to 3.3 to increase reentry heat, as well a
s convection factor.
* Convection min area typo corrected.
* Newtonian convection kept pace with hypersonic convection.
* Drag curves modified to lower transonic hump.
* Wing curves modified to lower change in drag based on deflection.
* Calculation of exposed area for convection fixed, spaceplanes no longer get as
extreme heat.
* Flight integrator: allow setting of newtonian density exponent (default 0.5) a
nd use density or density^exponent whichever is greater.
* Broke radiation into two parts, you get the regular background temp on your fa
ce not exposed to reentry flux, and the very high reentry one for the area that
* Clamped convection correctly so you will never pass external temperature.
* Added a factor to simulate the switch from laminar to turbulent flow (in layma
n's terms, if you're going too fast too low, you get a massive boost to heating)
. That corrects so steep reentries are in fact deadlier than shallow ones.
* Added conduction-changer module to Mk1 and Mk1-2 pods (necessary to not kill c
hutes), buffed heat shields for new heat loads. Changed burn/rip numbers for dro
gue chutes.
* Parachute module updated to use the new convection code.
* Skin temperature variables are controllable on per-part basis.
* Sped up Flight Integrator slightly by minimizing repeated loops through parts.
* Better compute various vessel values This should lower phantom orbit changing
and wobble!
* Remove thermal mass as a factor in conduction rate: what matters is area.
* Add conduction between parts' skins (as well as between the internals of parts
, between a part's internals and its skin, and between the exposed and unexposed
skin of a part, all of which were already in.)
* Fix some small issues in conduction (better clamping), sped it up slightly.
* Fixed issue with radiation (no longer have to use dirty hack to prevent parts
blowing up).
* Lowered skin thickness slightly globally, made magic number sane (part.skinMas
sPerArea is now in kg/m^2).
* Added Hsp (resource thermal mass value) to Ore resource.
* Updated Mk1 Inline Cockpit model.
* Further decrease in LV-N heat production.
* Rebalance of SRB for the new drag changes.
* KR-2L description updated, mass to 9t, SL Isp to 255.
* Jet thrusts rebalanced for new drag (thrusts lowered, BJE curves altered). Jet
Isp halved due to increased fuel quantity and lower drag.
* Lowered LV-N heat a bit, still a bit hot.
* Edited KS-25x4 "Mammoth" engine description.
* Update description of radial-mount engines to recommend use for extra attitude
* Mk1 fuel tank: uses same dry mass fraction and resource filling compared to it
s LFO counterpart as Mk2 parts do.
* Radial attachment point cost lowered.
* Shielded docking port radial attach node fixed.
* Aerospike mass lowered as a buff (it needed a buff to compete with late-tier e
ngines) and tangents fixed.
* Heat shield thermal mass modifier increased to 0.05 to deal with increased hea
ting. Max temp lowered to 3000 to avoid totally overpowered radiation heatloss.
* Mk3 cargo bays have override cubes (they got missed when cargo bays got custom
cubes) - should now have expected drag.
* New large landing gear have override cubes (cubes were reversed).
* Mk3 parts have breaking forces/torques specified and should no longer break on
* Mk2 cockpits have same breaking force/torque as other Mk2 parts.
* Ablator resource heat capacity increased.
* Rebalanced LV-1 to have Sea Level ISP of 80.
* Rebalanced Poodle to have Sea Level ISP of 90.
* To fix spaceplane vs pod reentry and better allow hot reentries, temp is separ
ated between part internal temperature and part skin temperature.
* Fixed some occlusion issues. Occlusion is now over-generous rather than under-
* Buffed heat resistance of spaceplane parts.
* Added in CoL and CoP offsets for wing parts, no longer at the attach node.
* Fix for ablator and configs not taking skin temp into account.
* Fixed Radian vs Lat/Lon bug in Overlay and made displays more consistent.
* Fixed potential exploits with sci lab.
* Removed transparency and added direct-attach node to heat shields.
* Balanced heat shields for skin temps. A Mk1-2 straight-in reentry to Eve start
ing at 6.5km/sec surface (more orbital) is just barely survivable (ablator fully
depletes), and regular Eve and Kerbin Munar reentries deplete about 1/6 to 1/4
the shield.
* Added a tuning factor to conduction between parts with different shielded stat
es, so a cargo/service bay won't conduct much to parts within it. Since radiatio
n is disabled for parts within bays, they'd just increase in temperature with no
way to cool during reentry, and parts in bays would be the first to blow up on
* Upped non-drogue chute default full-deploy altitude since pods were crashing b
efore the chute fully opened.
* Upped non-drogue chutes' stress/thermal limits for deployment (safe speed is n
ow around 290m/s at sea level rather than 250). Increased the time to fully depl
oy slightly so less of a G shock.
* Increased max temp of linear RCS, slightly decreased max temp of RCS quad.
* Tweaks to fairings to change the skin:internal thermal mass distribution, and
better protect parts inside fairings and cargo bays.
* Not-Rockomax Micronode side stack nodes corrected.
* Parachutes now have deployment warnings in the Part Action menu, when it's saf
e to deploy etc.
* Halved intakeAir requirements for jets. Slightly raises service ceiling, mainl
y helps mitigate flameouts due to resource transfer issues.
* Balanced thermal mass of drogue chutes to correct max opening velocities.
* Attach node refinements on Wing Connector Type A and Structural Wing Type A.
* Removed drag from Intake context UI.
Modding API:
* flow multiplier curves can multiply thrust rather than flow.
* Added method to convert string to ConfigNode.
* Un-hardcoded altitude for navball velocity indicator to change modes.
* Heat animations for engine nacelles and 1.25m intakes.
* SR-71 style exhaust flame for TurboRamjet.
* Nose and tail cones heat animation.
* Fixed incorrect transparency on the letter P on the UKSA flag.
=================================== v1.0.2 =====================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed ships potentially overheating when splashed down.
* Small tweak to Mk16 parachute drag.
=================================== v1.0.1 =====================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Temperature gauge system.
* Vessels which are splashed will now have much higher convective coefficients m
aking them cool to ambient temperature faster.
* Removed node size from being taken into account for stack occlusion. Added cus
tom drag cubes for remaining hollow parts.
* Parachute heating/burning.
* Fix for bug in FI dealing with unpacking vessels at analytic warp (>=1000) rat
* Fixed conduction on service bays. Added Module Conduction Modifier to help ser
vice bays not incinerate their contents & configs updated
* Updated emissivity for spaceplane configs.
* Lowered heat production on LV-N.
* Replaced overheat mechanic of the ISRU and drills with a skill-based mechanic.
* Removed Overheat Throttle mechanic.
* Increased mass of Ore tanks to match wet/dry ratio of stock tanks.
* Aerodynamics
* New values for physics global drag and lift multipliers.
* Added a CoP offset calculation to procedural fairings
* Fix for the aero debug drag arrows switching directions. Added body lift arrow
s (cyan)
* Fixed occlusion on mk2 docking port.
* Fix for Laythe's atmosphere.
Solar Panels:
* Solar panels now use the proper inv square from FI's solar flux.
* Removed obsolete power curves from solar panels.
* Rebalanced solar panels against each other.
* Doing science at the flagPOLe, the north POLe, or the south POLe, will no long
er mark Pol as visited with the progress tracker.
* Science contracts and science World Firsts can no longer be triggered with sci
ence gained by reverse engineering recovered vessels. You have to transmit or re
cover an actual experiment.
* Ensured that if a grand tour contract includes Kerbin, that Kerbin is chosen a
s the final stop on the tour.
* Capped amount of recovery contracts that can generate, but increased caps on s
tation and base to increase contract variety.
* Fixed "On Wheels" optional side objective not triggering on outposts when util
izing the new fixed landing gears.
* ISRU contracts round their capacities up, to handle cases where the player bri
ngs exactly enough resource capacity.
* Use the word "spaceflight" instead of "flight" when appropriate, to prevent pl
ayer mistaking certain things for atmospheric flight.
* If the game cannot find an agent listed in the save file, it will pick a rando
m agent.
* Remove some debug information from survey waypoint generation.
* Added Tier 0 rocket fin.
* Added RescaleFactor to the RT-5 (preventing a potential regression bug).
* Removed the allowstack option from the NBS and orbital scanners to fix a bug i
f they were used as the root part.
* Fixed an issue where the physicsSignificance flag was set to 1 for heat shield
* Added an option to clamp the lower bound of the deploy pressure of parachutes.
* Adjusted parachutes to open at a slightly higher atmospheric pressure.
* Fixed fairings not initializing their masses in flight properly.
* Added module info section for fairings.
* Rebalanced engine entry costs.
* Moved all Part Loader part info code into a separate method which is run after
drag cubes are loaded/created. Thus modules can access the part s drag cube infor
mation in their info.
* MapSO and CBAttributeMapSO methods made virtual and member variables protected
* Made physics-less part mass effect KB mass value.
* Zero part count vessels will not be run through Flight Integrator.
* Increased mass on some wings.
* Fixed a nullref being caused when clicking between vessels and empty space in
map view.
* Vessels that blow up in atmosphere properly kill off their crew members.
* Added Part temperature gauges/highlighting (toggle with F10).
* Part temperature overlay can now be toggled with F11
* Part aerodynamic forces overlay can now be toggled with F12

=================================== v1.0.0 =====================================

* New:
- New Engineer's Report Toolbar App, provides warnings and advice during constru
ction, notifying players of possible design issues with their ships.
- Added 'Cross-Section Profile' Filter to Parts List.
- Added Thumbnail images for Craft files in both Launch Dialog and Craft Browser
- Added 'Merge' button to Load dialog, allowing ships to be loaded without repla
cing the current one
- Added confirmation dialogs when overwriting a save, launching or leaving edito
r without saving.

- Complete overhaul of the flight model.
- Lift is now correctly calculated and applied for all lift-generating parts.
- Drag is now pre-calculated automatically based on part geometry, and applied b
ased on part orientation in flight.
- Both lift and drag are dependant on density and the speed of sound; both prope
rly calculated from temperature and pressure.
- Stack-mounted parts can occlude each other for drag calculations.
- Lift-Induced drag now properly simulated.
- Stalls are now properly simulated.
- A new body-lift system meaning parts can induce lift even if they are not desi
gned to do so.

Heat Simulation:
- Completely revised part heating model, energy flux is considered, not merely t
- All game temperatures changed from Kervin to proper Kelvin.
- Radiative, conductive, and convective heating and cooling are simulated.
- Parts can have individual radiative, conductive, and convective properties.
- All parts now emit a blackbody radiation glow if they get hot enough.
- Conduction between attached parts is more accurately modelled.
- Parts can occlude other parts from being exposed to sunlight, celestial body a
lbedo/radiation and supersonic flow.
- Reentry/hypersonic flight heating is now simulated.
- Added difficulty Setting to scale aerodynamic heating.
- Atmospheric temperature, and thus density, takes latitude and sun position int
o account.
- Celestial bodies accurately emit thermal radiation making nearby craft warmer.
- Service modules, fairings and cargo bays can be used to protect parts inside f
rom heat.
- Heat shields provide (finite) ablation-based protection for parts behind them.

- New procedural Fairings added, in 3 sizes
- New Heat Shields added, in 3 sizes
- Service Bay parts added in 1.25m and 2.5m sizes
- Several new Landing Gear parts added, in many sizes.
- Many New large airliner and shuttle style wing sections added.
- Large wing sections have internal fuel tanks.
- All old spaceplane parts overhauled with a more up-to-date style.
- Old Avionics Nose Cone overhauled and repurposed as a standalone, non-autonomo
us SAS module.
- New atmosphere scanner part added.
- New Inline Xenon Tank part added.
- New RT-5 'Flea' Solid Rocket Booster added.
- New Fuel Cell parts added (small and large), convert LiquidFuel and Oxidizer i
nto Electricity when turned on.
- New models for Circular and Ram air intake parts.
- New models for Engine Nacelle parts.
- Several new nose cones and tail sections.
- New Airbrake part.
- New module for Airbrake parts, responds to Brakes input and can also be used a
s pitch/yaw actuator.

Internal Spaces:
- Added new IVA space for the Mk1 Inline cockpit
- Added new IVA space for the Science Lab
- Added new IVA space for Mk3 Shuttle Cockpit
- Added new IVA space for Mk3 Passenger Cabin
- Added new IVA space for Mk2 Passenger Cabin
- Added 'Ore' resource, which can be mined across the Solar System
- New drill part added
- Ore container tanks added
- ISRU Ore processor unit added, converts Ore into Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer or Mono
- Three new Ore scanner parts added
- Added new MapView overlays displaying Ore density for all Celestial Bodies.
- Support for moddability of resources added (including atmospheric and oceanic)
- New Difficulty Setting to scale resource abundance (both stock and modded).
- Asteroids can also be mined for Ore.
- Engineer Kerbals are able to overdrive drilling equipment for increased yield (a
nd less safety).

- Female Kerbals added, with new randomly-generated female names
- Valentina Kerman (Pilot) added to initial Crew Roster
- Kerbals are now able to clamber onto ledges within reach, because their jobs w
eren t dangerous enough already.
- Kerbals can now climb out of ladders onto ledges.
- Tourist Kerbals added. They have zero skills, are unable to control vessels, a
nd are required to keep their heads inside the vessel at all times.
- Kerbals now cost increasingly larger amounts of Funds to hire in Career Games.

- R&D Tech Tree completely revised. Several new nodes added; many, many parts re
assigned for a better progression.
- Kerbal Scientists are now able to restore inoperable experiment modules.
- The Science Lab has been retooled to run long-term research on experiment data
, providing much higher amounts of science over time.

- New Smoke effects added to Launchpads
- New Surface Effects added whenever rocket engines fire near terrain
- New Water Effect added whenever rocket engine fire near water
- Revised all part shaders for improved rendering of lighting effects and shadow
- Main Flight UI can now be made transparent.

- Added new Tourism contracts and tourist kerbals.
- Added ISRU resource extraction contracts.
- Added Grand Tour contracts.
- Replaced Rescue contracts with Recovery contracts, which can ask the player to
recover a part, a kerbal, or both, and can spawn on the surface of planets, wit
h props nearby.
- Added two 'immediate' Strategies to convert existing Reputation and Science in
to Funds.
- World First contract line now extends all the way out to Eeloo, and is depende
nt on player progression.
- Record contracts are now always active, and will complete in order even over t
he course of a single mission.
- All tutorials revised and rewritten to explain most game features.
- Expanded Flight Basics Tutorial to cover the essentials of launching into orbi
- Added new Return from Mun tutorial.
- Added new Science and R&D Tutorial.
- Added new Docking tutorial.

- 'Warp To' action added to orbit context menu. Allows warping to a specific spo
t along your trajectory.
- 'Warp to next morning' button added to KSC toolbar.
- Asteroids can now be found orbiting near Dres.
- Engine thrust now varies according to Isp and throttle setting, instead of the
other way around.

- Completely revised Input Mapping system.
- Flight input bindings is now much more straightforward and more flexible as we
- Duplicate control bindings for Docking/Staging modes now replaced by a much mo
re robust system based on secondary key bindings.
- Joystick Axes are now consistently enumerated and persist across sessions.
- Up to 10 joysticks with 20 axes each now supported.
- Added secondary channels for Axis Bindings.

- New 'Chase' Camera mode added, old mode now called 'Locked'.
- Added Camera wobble/vibration effects during flight (engine vibration, explosi
ons, ground roll, G-force, and many more)
- TrackIR support added to all game views (toggleable independently in game sett
ings). (FreeTrack also reported to work)
- Added FOV control to main flight camera. (Hold ModKey and zoom)

* Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

- Fixed several issues with editor attachments, attachment node orientation and
- Shift+Clicking a 'frozen' part in the editor will detach it from its parent.
- Fixed several bugs with cloned parts and persistence.
- The editor no longer requires a full scene reload to load new craft files.
- The KnowledgeBase panel for Vessels now shows 'Max Accel' and 'Estimated burn
time to 0m/s' (as shown on navball) fields.
- Several part context menu actions now properly apply to symmetry counterparts
- Added new custom cursors.
- Fixed 'infiniglide' bug.
- Switching SOIs no longer causes the next orbit to change at high time warp rat
- Added a warp speed limit when approaching an SOI transition.
- Kerbal EVAs should no longer fly off when disembarking in space.
- SAS now disengages autopilot modes automatically (and falls back to stability
assist) in cases where the target vectors would change very rapidly.
- Parachute deployment should no longer cause vessel disassembly at high physics
warp rates.
- Deployed parachute sway now actually has an effect on the vessel.
- LV-N Nerv Engine now runs solely on Liquid Fuel and has no gimbal.
- OSCAR-B tank can now be surface attached
- Air-breathing engines now drain fuel evenly from all tanks in a vessel.
- Fixed radial decouplers not applying ejection forces correctly.
- Parachutes no longer cause massive G spikes when opening.
- Control Surfaces can now be deployed as flaps, controllable via context menus
and Action Groups.
- Stats of Antennas revised for a proper progression with the more advanced mode
- Added nicknames to all engine parts.
- Revised and balanced part costs.
- Balanced fuel amounts for Mk2 and Mk3 tanks.
- Balanced engines (Isp/thrust/mass) in line with the new aerodynamics.
- Added fuel gauge to LV-1 Ant engine.
- Materials Bay now faces away from the part it s radially attached to.
- RoveMate rover body is now a probe body as well.
- The unshrouded solar panels are now non-retractable.
- Balanced probes electric charge usage, mass and crash tolerance.
- Lowered crash tolerance of the Structural Pylon to 70 from 999!
- All parts given bulkhead profile tags in cfg files. Profile tags inferred automa
tically for parts missing this field.
- Cargo bays now properly detect enclosed parts, and can be grouped to make larg
er bays.
- Experiment Modules, Solar Panels, Antennas and such will not deploy while stow
ed inside a fairing or cargo bay.
- RCS thrusters will not function if stowed inside a closed cargo area (or fairi
- Lifting surfaces will not generate lift if stowed inside a closed cargo area (
or fairing).
- Much improved flight ambience sounds for Kerbin and other bodies with atmosphe
- Added new sound effect when pulling high G forces.
- Eliminated audible gaps on several looping clips.
- Improved sound/particle effects for all Air-Breathing engines
- Splashdown effects no longer spawn underwater.

- All part textures converted to DDS format, load times are now 3x faster.
- Fixed a serious persistence bug which prevented Scenario/Training saves from u
pdating scenario modules properly.
- Fixed persistence bugs which caused state data from Upgradeable Facilities to
carry over to other saves.
- Fixed an issue which caused Kerbals to not be generated randomly enough, which
led to slowdowns with larger Crew Rosters.
- Fixed issues with the terrain during scene switching making scene load times f
- Fixed terrain scatter generation which was causing memory leaks.
- Elon Kerman added to name pool.
- Crew name generator can now output 10,000+ female names
- Fixed an issue with markers in the KSC scene potentially causing the game to l
ock up.
- Restructured GameData folder, integrated the NASA folder into the Squad one.
- Valentina Kerman added to Main Menu s Space scene.
- All contracts other than World Firsts or Records are halted until the player r
eaches space.
- Prevent stacking of various contract types.
- Resource parts added into satellite, station, and outpost contracts.
- Prose of contracts involving kerbals re-evaluated with gender appropriate text
- All contracts in career given balanced income for all three currencies.
- Science and reputation no longer scale with the celestial body of a contract,
and are handed out more conservatively in general.
- All strategies in career given equivalent exchange rates.
- Aggressive Negotiations strategy given a discount on building repair/upgrade.
- Recovery Transponder strategy now lowers maximum recovery rate, while raising
minimum recovery rate.
- Facility upgrade costs re-evaluated, lowered by about a quarter overall.
- Kerbals now properly receive experience for suborbital flights.
- Part Test contracts now request much saner flight parameters.
- Survey contracts choose much saner locations to survey.
- Sensor Experiment Modules are now able to perform experiments in all situation
- The R&D Tech tree is now defined in a cfg-file.
- The cfg file for the Tech Tree is defined separately for each save.
- GameVariables methods are now all virtual and can be overwritten by mods.
- Added a new set of debug tools to tweak Physics parameters.
- Added a new set of debug tools to tweak R&D tech tree nodes and part assignmen

=================================== v0.90.0 Beta ===============================

Editor Overhaul (Gizmos):
* Added Offset and Rotation Gizmos to Editor ([2] and [3] keys)
* Added Re-root tool to Editor ([4] key)
* Gizmo coordinate system can be toggled between Absolute and Local with the [F]
* Rotation and Offset gizmos can also snap to angles and to a 3D grid.
* Gizmo snap can be toggled to constrain to an absolute grid or a local one depe
nding on coordinate frame.
* Holding shift during placement or while gizmos are up will decrease angle snap
interval to 5 (from 15) and grid snap interval (for offset gizmo)
* WSADQE keys still work to rotate in 90 or 5 (Shift) increments, and are now more
consistent with pitch, yaw and roll rotations.
Editor Overhaul (Parts List):
* Fully overhauled Parts List UI.
* Added Filters system to allow new methods to find parts, apart from the existi
ng category tabs.
* Existing categories overhauled into 'By Function' Filter.
* Split Propulsion category into Engines and Fuel Tanks.
* Added 'By Resource' Part Filter: Lists parts based on resources they contain/u
* Added 'By Manufacturer' Filter: Lists parts based on their manufacturers
* Added 'By Module' Filter: Lists parts based on the modules (functionalities) t
hey implement.
* Added 'By Tech Level' Filter: Lists parts based on their corresponding Tier on
the Tech Tree.
* Custom Filters (and subcategories) can also be created and edited for user-mad
e collections of parts.
* The Parts list can now be sorted based on several criteria (to organize displa
yed parts after filtering).
* Added Sorting by Size to parts list
* Added Sorting by Cost to parts list
* Added Sorting by Mass to parts list
* Added Sorting by Name to parts list (default)
* Subassemblies can also be sorted and arranged into custom categories.
Editor Overhaul (General):
* The VAB and SPH are now based on a single scene.
* Editor Logic fully overhauled and rewritten using the very reliable KerbalFSM
framework used for character animation and many other systems in the game.
* Most editor Keyboard inputs are now remappable.
* All Craft files can now be cross-loaded in the VAB and SPH.
* Crew assignment is now fully persistent during construction, including detache
d parts.
* Vastly improved placement logic for angle-snapped parts.
* Symmetry methods can be toggled between Radial (VAB) or Mirror (SPH) using the
[R] Key
* Radial Symmetry coordinate frame can also be toggled with [F] key.
Upgradeable Space Center Facilities:
* All KSC Facilities can now be upgraded through levels (currently 3 levels impl
emented for all facilities).
* Added new models for KSC facilities at each level.
* KSC Facilities now start at level 1 (in Career Mode), and can be upgraded to t
op level separately.
* Upgrading Facilities costs Funds, lots of Funds.
* Repair Cost of destroyed structures varies depending on facility level. (Highe
r-Level Facilities are more expensive to repair)
KSC Facility Upgrade Effects:
* Vehicle Assembly Building / Spaceplane Hangar:
- Increase part count limit
- Unlock Basic and Custom Action groups
* Launchpad / Runway:
- Increase Mass Limit for launched vessels
- Increase Size Limit for launched vessels
* Tracking Station:
- Unlock Patched Conics in Map View
- Unlock Unowned Object Tracking
* Astronaut Complex:
- Unlock EVAs off of Kerbin's surface.
- Increase Active Crew Limit
- Unlock Flag-Planting during EVA
* Administration:
- Increase Active Strategy Limit
- Increase Strategy Commitment Limit
* Research And Development:
- Increase Max Science Cost Limit
- Unlock part-to-part Fuel Transfer
- Unlock EVA Surface Sample experiment (requires EVA on Astronaut Comple
* Mission Control:
- Increase Max Active Contract Limit
- Unlock Flight Planning (Requires Patched Conics in Tracking Station)
Space Center (General):
* All KSC Facilities in all levels are destructible (except level 1 runway and l
evel 1 launchpad, which are indestructible).
* Hold Ctrl while Right-Clicking over KSC Facilities to display 'extra' options
concerning upgrade levels.
* Expanded Context Menu for KSC Facilities, to allow upgrading and viewing the c
urrent (and next) level stats.
* Hovering over the Upgrade button on the Facility Context Menu will display sta
ts for the next level.
* Space Center ground sections and Crawlerway change levels based on level of ne
ighboring facilities.
* The Flag Pole in front of the Astronaut Complex will change levels based on th
e average level of all KSC Structures.
Facility Interiors:
* Editor scenery now loads independently of the editor scene.
* Exterior Scenery (out-the-door view) loads based on current editor Facility (V
AB or SPH)
* The KSC as seen from the editor facilities will change to reflect current leve
l and destruction state of visible facilities outside.
* Interior Scenery loads based on current editor Facility and Facility Level.
* Added new 3D interior scenery for Level 1 and 2 VAB
* Added new 3D interior scenery for Level 1 and 2 SPH
* Added new 2D interior backdrops for Level 1 and 2 Astronaut Complex UI
* Added new 2D interior backdrops for Level 1 and 2 R&D UI (Archives Tab)
* Added new 2D interior backdrops for Level 1 and 2 Mission Control UI
* Added new 2D interior backdrops for Level 1 and 2 Administration UI

Parts (Mk3 Spaceplane Set):

* Added 15 new 'Mk3' parts:
- Mk3 Cockpit (IVA is blank atm)
- 3 Mk3 Rocket Fuel Tanks (2.5m, 5m, 10m versions)
- 3 Mk3 Liquid Fuel Tanks (2.5m, 5m, 10m versions)
- Mk3 MonoProp Tank
- Mk3 Crew Tank (holds 16 Kerbals, IVA is blank)
- Mk3 - Mk2 Adapter
- Mk3 - 1.25m Adapter
- Mk3 - 2.5m Adapter (slanted)
- 1.25m to Mk2 Adapter
- 1.25m to 2.5m Adapter
- 1.25m to 2.5m Adapter (slanted)
- 3.75m to Mk3 Adapter
- Mk3 Cargo Bay Long
- Mk3 Cargo Bay Medium
- Mk3 Cargo Bay Short
* Old Mk3 cockpit, fuselage and adapter removed.
Parts (General):
* Struts and Fuel Lines now use a common base system called CompoundPart.
* New CompoundPartModule base class added to provide functionality for parts bas
ed on CompoundPart.
* Added CModuleLinkedMesh CompoundPartModule, handles the mesh objects connectin
g between both ends of a CompoundPart.
* Added CModuleStrut, creates a physical Joint between both ends of a CompoundPa
* Added CModuleFuelLine, creates a fuel re-routing between both ends of a Compou
* LandingGear and Rover Wheels 'Invert Steering' option now changes to 'Uninvert
Steering' when inverted.
* Part-to-Part Resource Transfer now possible between more than 2 parts. (In/Out
options will push/pull from all other selected parts evenly)
* Kerbals now have Skills they can develop.
* Kerbals now gain experience after returning from missions.
* Kerbal Experience is needed to level up crew skills.
* Added Scientist Skill. Scientists increase recovery value of collected data, t
ransmission value of uploaded data and the lab boost factor (when manning a lab)
* Added Engineer Skill. Engineers are able to repair broken parts like Rover Whe
els and repack parachutes.
* Added Pilot Skill. Pilots provide SAS features at various levels. Basic SAS is
available as long as at least one pilot is aboard.
* Crews in the Astronaut Complex can now be Sacked (if available) or given up fo
r dead (if missing).
SAS Overhaul:
* SAS is no longer available in any vessel for free. A pilot or an operational S
AS-cabable probe core are needed for SAS to be available.
* Level 0 pilots and basic probes provide basic SAS functionality (kill rotation
* Higher level pilots and more advanced probes provide new Autopilot Functions.
* Added new Autopilot System featuring 8 modes:
- Stability Assist (Basic SAS)
- Prograde/Retrograde Hold (Level 1 Required: Automatically orient and m
aintain attitude towards prograde or retrograde vectors.
- Radial In/Out, Normal/Antinormal Hold (Level 2 Required): Automaticall
y orient and maintain attitude towards R+, R-, N and AN vectors.
- Target/Anti-Target Hold (Level 3 Required): Automatically orient and m
aintain attitude towards the selected target.
- Maneuver Hold (Level 3 Required): Automatically orient and maintain at
titude towards the first upcoming maneuver's burn vector.
* AP modes respect the current reference frame on the navball (surface, orbit or
* Overhauled the existing ModuleSAS part module so it acts as a SAS provider in
any level.
* Removed ModuleSAS from all parts except probe cores.
* Tweaked the R&D tech tree progression for all probe cores.
* Tweaked costs and descriptions for all probe cores.
* Probe cores set up with progressing levels of SAS service.
New Contracts (Fine Print Mod by Arsonide):
* Added asteroid redirection contracts.
* Added surface outpost construction contracts.
* Added orbital station construction contracts.
* Added satellite deployment contracts.
* Added survey contracts at specified locations on the map.
* Fine Print contracts revised and overhauled with new graphics and to follow Ca
reer progression.
* Fine Print contracts unlock based on KSC Facility level when applicable.
* Existing contracts also revised to better follow progression of KSC facilities
* Existing and new contracts revised to be configurable.
New Biomes:
* Added new Biome Maps to all celestial bodies.
* Over a hundred new biomes available in total.
* Added cheat menu option to visualize biomes in map view.
* Added a one-page 'Welcome Intro' tutorial module to all newly-started games.
* Added new Edge Highlight visual effect when hovering over part icons on the st
aging UI, or when selecting a new root part or choosing a part to transfer crew
* Added new Tooltips for several UI controls in the Editor, R&D, Flight and many
other areas.
* Added new ESA flags.
* Improved some of the Loading Screen images.
* Added new Craft Stats app to Editor toolbar, to display ship information like
part count, total mass and size.
* Craft Stats app icon will turn orange if any limit is exceeded for the current
editor facility level.
* Added new sound fx for gizmos and re-root in editors.
* Added new destruction FX for all new facility models.
* Added EditorBounds system to define part spawn point, construction boundaries,
camera starting position and bounds for each editor interior.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* KSPScenario 'Remove' creation options now work.
* Added new PreSAS and PostSAS callbacks to vessel API.
* Revised VAB and SPH camera behaviour so they stay within scenery bounds as bes
t they can.
* Overhauled time-of-day system for KSC emissive textures. All facilities light
up at night. (except ones without lights, like lvl1 runway)
* Fixed several issues with destructible building persistence.
* KSC grounds grass shader now uses worldspace UV coords for consistent tiling.
* KSC grounds grass shader now enforces vertex normals to smooth out the transit
ion between PQS and KSC terrain.
* Linux version now forces thread locale to 'en'. Solves most issues with instal
ls in foreign locales.
* Fixed several issues with Undo/Redo (ctrl+Z, ctrl+Y) in the editors.
* Tweaked sideslip factor in landing gear (was much too strong).
* Increased Mk55 Engine's ISP and gimbal range.
* Fixed an issue with part rotation and placement using Mirror symmetry.
* Fixed issues with symmetrical 'subgroups' after attaching a parent part using
* Re-saved all stock craft so they are fully compatible with this version.
* Existing craft files from previous versions will require re-saving in the edit
or before they are allowed to launch in Career Mode, to calculate size data.
* Crew auto-hire will respect Astronaut Complex crew limit.

====================================== v0.25.0 =================================

Destructible Facilties at KSC:
* Crashing into buildings at KSC can now cause them to collapse, which although
satisfying, is very counter-productive to the Space Program.
* Destroyed Facilities won't function until repaired, although most facilities c
an still operate with some degree of damage.
* Repairing broken facilities will cost you in Career Mode.
* Added a new Context Menu to Facilities at KSC which show extra info and to rep
air when necessary.
New Explosion Particle and Sound FX:
* We've added a huge new set of sounds and effects, which can be seen (and heard
) whenever a facility at KSC gets destroyed or repaired.
* Part explosions have also been overhauled for much more violent and better-loo
king fireworks.
New Difficulty Options Menu:
* A new panel is now available when starting a new game (and also through the in
-game settings menu) to allow configuring difficulty settings, like whether or n
ot crews can respawn, whether facilities can be destroyed, and several other par
Administration Facility:
* Added a new facility near the Astronaut Complex, and lets you access the Strat
egies screen.
* Added a new music track to play in the background of the Admin Facility, calle
d "Stratejazz".
* Managing your Career is greatly expanded with the addition of Strategies. Stra
tegies let you take control over how your Space Program is managed, allowing you
to tune it to best fit your own playing style.
* Space Program Department Reps: Meet Mortimer Kerman, your Finances guy, Linus
Kerman, Science rep and Wernher's intern (because Wernher is too important to be
bothered with these meetings) and Walt Kerman, PR representative who takes his
job very literally sometimes, and Gus Kerman, head of Operations, who hopefully
cleaned his boots before showing up this time.
* Strategies are of course, completely mod-friendly, and defined through cfg. So
are the departments, in fact.
Crew Transfer:
* Kerbals in the same vessel don't need a spacesuit anymore to switch seats. Jus
t click the crew hatch and select Transfer to tell them to go sit somewhere else
Spaceplane Parts Overhaul:
* We've incorporated many parts fromthe very awesome SpacePlane Plus mod by Chri
s Thuersam (PorkJet), giving stock spaceplane parts a much needed overhaul.
* Many, many new parts: Wing sections, Control Surfaces, Air Intakes, Fuselage S
ections and even Cargo Bays added.
* All parts in the Mk2 set were redesigned to be symmetrical in 3 axes. They als
o act as lifting surfaces too.
* The Mk1 Cockpit and Mk1 fuselage sets were also overhauled, and we've also add
ed a new Inline intake part.
* Rebuilt all stock vessels using the new parts.
* Obsolete spaceplane parts replaced by new ones when applicable. (Delta wing, S
tructural wind, Wing Connector, Mk2 fuselages)

KSC Vessel Markers:

* You can now see (and focus/recover) vessels landed near the Space Center direc
tly from the Space Center scene. Markers will show their positions and expand to
show extra information when clicked.
NavBall Vectors:
* The Navball now shows all 6 vectors when in Orbit mode: Progade, Retrograde, R
adial In/Out, Normal and Antinormal.
* Off-screen maneuver vectors now have an arrow which points towards them so the
y're easier to find.
* Added a new stock craft, the Learstar A1: A hybrid multistage vessel that func
tions very much like the Shuttle did.
* MapView Filtering state is now persistent.
* Added a Full Throttle Key (Z)
* New "Space Center" Button above the altimeter allows you to return to the Spac
e Center without having to go through the Pause Menu.
* Added MonoProp gauge to OMS engines on staging stack
* Added 'Return to Editor' buttons to flight end dialog when Reverting isn't all
owed (due to difficulty settings).
* VAB and SPH scenes now show visible KSC facilities in their current states (as
in destroyed).
* Hold ModKey to override surface attachment in editors (when you want to stack
to a node but can't because the part insists on sticking to the surface).

Crew Management:
* Automatic Crew Hiring is now disabled depending on difficulty setting.
* Tweaked the main terrain shader to use worldspace triplanar mapping on near de
tail textures. This means we now have enough texture accuracy to texture small r
ocks or even blades of grass. This is still an ongoing project though, not all C
elestial Bodies use this new shader yet.
* Entry Purchases in R&D are now required depending on difficulty mode.
* Added a 'Purchase All' button to purchase all parts after researching a node i
n R&D.
* Science Results in Sandbox Mode. They may not be worth much Science (or any at
all), but running science experiments in Sandbox Mode will now show you the sam
e results as in other game modes.
* Recovering/Transmitting Science Data requires an operational R&D Facility (as
in not destroyed).
* GameDatabase code tweaked to allow modders to write their own asset loaders.
* Added GameEvents.OnCrewTransferred, fired from CrewTransfer and EVAs leaving a
nd boarding
* Added SCREENSHOT_SUPERSIZE parameter to settings.cfg to allow taking ultra-hig
h-res (multisampled) screenshots.
* Application Launcher added to tracking station (Messages and Contracts App vis

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Fixed a small bug where entering the KSC scene for the first time in a session
would cause it to jitter from FP inaccuracy. This fixed itself after going into
other scenes, but was annoying nonetheless.
* Tweaked text on Editor Cost Widget, so characters align with the Funds widget
* Funds Widget now has commas to separate groups of 3 digits.
* Fixed a bug in the Editor which prevented some parts from attaching properly t
o n-couplers using symmetry (like the RamJet Turbines)
* Added an "Addons&Mods" button to the Main Menu, that will take you to KSP's of
ficial mod site.
* Massive reorganization of the part folders in the GameData directory.
* Inline Reaction wheel rescaled to size 0, since it was redundant with the Adva
nced Reaction Wheel module before.
* Cupola Part mass changed from 4.5 to 1.76. Total mass (with full monoprop) is
now 1.8
* Tweaked the intake area of several intakes for better consistency.
* Fixed Experimental parts not being available in cases where the node was resea
rched but the part itself not purchased.
* Set up a transition matrix system to bypass unnecessary loading screens on som
e scene transitions.
* Improved number formatting on all Contract values, from "F1" (123456789.0) to
"N1" (123,456,789.0)
* Overhauled the in-game settings dialog UI, which was sorely in need of some at
* Removed useless 'None' option for Docking Lin/Rot state when assigning a key o
r axis in the Input Screen.
* Revised and updated in-game and readme credits.
* Fixed mouse detection for KSC facilities not working if camera was zoomed too
far out.
* Fixed a bug where crew portraits would draw out of place after switching vesse
* Fixed a bug which could cause a general game breakdown on rare occasions when
vessels planted themselves into the ground.
* Fixed Index Out of Range exception and general crash on moving to flight after
deleting a crewed part in a certain way.
* Kerbal recovery reward set to zero for the time being, to stop reputation expl
oit from recovery at the launchpad.
* Mk2 Cockpit renamed to Mk1 Inline Cockpit (makes a lot more sense, since it wa
s a Mk1 type part anyway).
* Fixed several cases of UIs not stopping mouse clicks on objects behind themsel
* Fixed a bug on OSX which made it impossible to open the Crew Hatch Dialog and
possibly other dialogs too.
* Contracts App panel is now scalable in the VAB/SPH
* Fixed missing title bar on VAB/SPH on larger resolutions
* Fixed a bug with rescaleFactor parameter in part.cfg when a MODEL node was use
* Fixed scaling issues with OMS Engine.
* Fixed vessel airlocks becoming falsely obstructed sometimes on certain ship de
* Upgraded all parts using deprecated Winglet subclass to use ModuleLiftingSurfa
ce instead.
* Fixed minor visual issue with galaxy backdrop.
* Moved over ion engine and xenon tanks to Propulsion from Utility.
* Fixed Staging input locks not clearing if leaving the Editors while hovering o
ver staging icons. (resulted in total game freeze)
* Improved GUI skin for input page in Game Settings scene.
* Editor sidebar panel transition speed increased.
============================ First Contract (v0.24.2) ==========================
* Fixed a critical issue which prevented opening the right-click menus for sever
al parts.
============================ First Contract (v0.24.1) ==========================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed a relatively serious issue with module loading which could result in mis
sing modules if loading old craft.
* O-10 Maneuvering engine scaling was off. Engine rescaled to proper size (small
* Fixed an issue with propellant-defined resource flow modes which prevented som
e configurations of Vernier engines from working correctly.
* Fixed an issue with some decoupler modules failing to apply ejection forces wh
en activated.
* Fixed missing FX components on root parts after resuming a saved game or rever
* Fixed a potential issue with the internal maths in ModuleRCS, which could resu
lt in odd RCS response from center-aligned or stack-mounted RCS modules.
* Fixed an issue with the App Toolbar where mod apps wouldn't display/hide prope
rly at the VAB.
* Fixed an issue with custom staging icons and switching vessels.
* Fixed an issue where the Messages Dialog in the VAB would drift out of place w
hen discarding many messages.
* Fixed a bug in Rescue Kerbal contracts, where rescue by means of external seat
s or claws wouldn't complete the contract.
* Fixed a save-related bug which made the Orbiting 101 tutorial impossible to co
* Fixed vessels not leaving 'pre-launch' condition during take-off roll.
* Fixed a very annoying and potentially destructive bug where approaching anothe
r vessel could mess up your control state.
Game Balance:
* Tweaked costs for several spaceplane and aerodynamic parts:
- Advanced Canard: 900 -> 800
- Standard Canard: 1500 -> 720
- Delta Wing: 500 -> 680
- Swept Wing: 500 -> 620
- Wing Connector: 500 -> 560
- R8 Winglet: 500 -> 640
- Structural Wing: 500 -> 540
- Aerodynamic Nose Cone: 680 -> 240
- C7 NCS Nose Cone: 680 -> 320
- Rocket Nose Cone (large): 1000 -> 450
- Standard NC (small): 680 -> 180
* Added IPartCostModifier interface, to allow part modules to tweak a part's cos
========================= First Contract (v0.24.0) =============================
* Currencies:
- Added Funds and Reputation as new Career Mode Currencies.
- Funds are required to launch vessels.
- Part Costs are now in use in Career Mode.
- Resources like Liquid Fuel and Mono Propellant now have costs of their own, wh
ich figure into the cost of a launch.
- Tweaking a part's resource sliders in the Editors will adjust the cost of the
vessel accordingly.
* Mission Control:
- The Mission Control Facility is now active in Career Games.
- Mission Control allows you to select Contracts, review them, and either accept
or decline them.
- Added Gene Kerman as advisor in the Mission Control screen, ready to give his
opinion about what you're doing.
- The Mission Control screen also features an 'archives' tab, where you can revi
ew previously-completed contracts.
* Contracts:
- Contracts require you to complete objectives, in order to gain Funds, Science
and Reputation
- Once accepted, contracts must be completed before the deadline expires.
- Contracts will fail if the deadline expires or if some critical parameter fail
s (like killing a Kerbal in a mission to rescue him).
- Added procedurally generated 'mission briefings' for contracts, which may even
make sense sometimes.
- Contracts come in three levels of Prestige ("Trivial", "Significant" and "Exce
ptional"). Higher levels offer greater rewards and are usually more ambitious.
- Reputation regulates the amounts of each level of contracts on offer.
* Early 'Starter' Contracts:
- First Launch: Launch any vessel.
- Altitude Records: Set a new altitude record.
- Reach Space: Escape Kerbin's atmosphere
- Achieve Orbit: Achieve a stable orbit around Kerbin.
* Dynamically Generated Contracts:
- Part Test: Perform a test of a part in a specific location, situation and with
in given flight parameters (when applicable).
- Collect Science: Return or transmit any scientific data from a specific locati
- Rescue Kerbal: Rescue a Kerbal who is stuck in orbit.
- Plant Flag: Plant the Agency's flag on the surface of a given location.
- Explore: Complete several exploration goals for an unexplored location.
* Agencies:
- Added Agencies, which offer contracts.
- Each agency has its own personality traits, which affects the generation of th
e contracts they offer.
- Agency Logos added from the winners of the Community Logo Design Contest.
- Clicking the agency logo in the Mission Control screen will display extra info
about the Agency.
* Vessel Recovery:
- Recovering vessels now refunds you for the value of recovered parts and resour
- Recovered value varies based on distance from the Space Center. Land at the Ru
nway for 100% value.
* Space Center:
- Added a universal time clock to the KSC scene UI.
- Added a Pause Menu to the KSC scene, instead of leaving to the main menu immed
iately on pressing the Quit button.
- The KSC Pause Menu allows saving and loading with a custom filename.
* UI:
- Added new UI Toolbar, which exists in all game scenes and is mod-friendly.
- Added new UI Widget to display state of ongoing Contracts in Flight, KSC and t
he Construction Facilities.
- Added new UI Widgets to display the current amount of Science, Reputation and
- Added Messages UI App, shows messages about contracts and such.
- Redesigned the Resources Panel from flight as a toolbar app, overhauled panel
- Overhauled the old 'Science Summary' dialog into a complete 'Mission Summary',
displaying information about recovered Experiments, Parts and Crew.
* Parts:
- Added new "Vernor Engine", a very powerful RCS module powered by Liquid Fuel +
- Added new O-10 Maneuvering Engine, a low-thrust main engine powered by Monopro
- Gimballing Engines now respond to roll input.
- 4x Engine Cluster and RAPIER Engine have gimbal roll authority even if stacked
over the centerline (due to multiple nozzles).
* Builds:
- Added Windows 64-bit executable.
* Tutorials:
- Added several new tutorials.
* Game:
- Added 'Science' Game Mode, where Science is the only currency and Mission Cont
rol is closed (as in pre-0.24 'Classic' Career).
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Flight:
- Asteroids are now able to collide with other asteroids.
- New launches now start with throttle set to 50%, like in the old days.
- Saving restriction when throttled up removed.
- Timewarp restriction when throttled up removed. Engaging time warp now automat
ically cuts throttle.
- Improved logic for detecting a vessel in 'orbiting' situations.
* Editors:
- Fixed a bug in the editors where dragging a part off the ship and deleting it
straight away would not generate an undo state.
- Fixed a bug where ctrl+clicking over a part in the build area would not reveal
the part in the parts list.
- Orientation of VAB scenery rotated so spacecraft orientation is consistent at
- VAB Flag moved to the opposite wall.
- Redesigned the Parts List UI 'Footer' section.
* Tracking Station:
- Fixed a bug where map objects were created but never removed, leaving dozens o
f 'leaked' objects behind.
* Space Center:
- Launchpad and Runway Launch Dialogs now show vessel costs.
- Added 'Edit' Button to Launch Dialogs, which takes you to the VAB or SPH to ed
it the selected vessel.
- Launch Dialogs and Craft Browser now allow selecting vessels with 'invalid par
ts' (for editing).
- Added new Pre-Flight Checks to prevent launching vessels containing invalid pa
rts or with costs exceeding available Funds.
* Solar System:
- Kerbin's Solar Day is now exactly 6 hours long (sidereal day is now 59 seconds
- Slight optimization to Kerbin, Mun and Eve surface shaders.
* Parts:
- Resource flow mode can now be defined for each propellant on Engine, EngineFX
and RCS Modules in the part config.
- Previously useless Engine Nacelle and Radial Engine Body parts repurposed as a
ir intake + fuel tank combos.
- Tweaked Costs for almost every part.
- Tweaked Mass for several parts, especially spaceplane fuselage sections and st
ructural components.
- Fixed a potentially gamebreaking issue when activating a Separator if it was t
he root part of a vessel.
- Fixed a bug where some particle FX (mainly on newer engines) would cause a str
eam of errors when the vessel was unloaded with the FX active.
- Fixed a bug where StrutConnectors could cause hierarchy issues if linked in ce
rtain configurations.
- ModuleRCS can now use multiple resources.
- Fixed an issue where decoupling Physicsless parts while moving at speeds up to
700 m/s could result in unplanned vessel disassembly.
* Tech Tree:
- Revised R&D node layout so 'control' type nodes have a more logical progressio
- Moved basic RCS parts to tier 4 (from tier 5).
- Added more connections into aerodynamic parts from other nodes on tiers 5 and
* Progress Tracking:
- Fixed an issue introduced in 0.23.5 where unowned vessels could complete progr
ess nodes.
- Fixed AltitudeRecord progress node (now used for contract generation).
* Crews:
- Fixed crewmembers not being properly flagged as dead if their vessel was destr
oyed while unloaded.
- Crewmembers are now keyed by name in the roster, and can properly be added and
- Added reputation reward and penalty for recovering and killing crewmembers.
- Added new unique names for Kerbals, suggested by the Community Logo Design Con
test winners.
* Misc:
- Fixed issue with persistence when reverting to flight.
- Added rich text support to several UI text fields.
- Fixed several cases of texture point-filtering issues resulting in crooked tex
- Fixed potential crash related to reentry FX on Linux when no depthtexture hard
ware support is available.
- Overhauled all UI screens and text. All text fields using Arial font now use p
roper Calibri.
- Exposed Gameplay difficulty options to the Alt+F12 Debug Toolbar.
- Updated Credits Scene.
- Fixed permission issues with KSPLauncher which prevented it from properly laun
ching the game on Linux.
- Messages displayed on the upper-right corner in flight are now displayed above
the crew portraits instead.
- Removed a 'rogue' tooltip from the Staging Reset button at the VAB and SPH.

========================= Asteroid Redirect Mission (v0.23.5.460+) HOTFIX ======

* This build is a quick hotfix patch to address some issues that managed to slip
by testing
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed an issue with loading existing games, which would cause scenario modules
(like R&D) to not load properly.
* Fixed an issue which caused Kerbals on EVA to become unresponsive after resumi
ng a save.

========================= Asteroid Redirect Mission (v0.23.5.459) ==============

The Asteroid Redirect Mission Patch is a special update in many ways. This time,
we've partnered with NASA to produce a completely new set of features for the g
Main Features:
* Asteroids:
Kerbin is no longer alone in its orbit. Nearby are countless objects that buzz i
n and out of its sphere of influence, some flying by harmlessly, others on impac
t trajectories. Ranging in size from just a few meters through 5 size classes up
to gigantic objects weighing thousands of tons, these new objects should provid
e a new challenge for both new and veteran players. Each asteroid is procedurall
y generated, so no two are the same. Also, asteroids can have samples taken from
them by EVAs, providing a constant source of valuable science data, right on th
e edge of Kerbin's SOI.
* Object Discovery and Tracking:
Before you set out after an asteroid, you first need to identify and track them
using the Tracking and Discovery features on the Tracking Station Facility. Sele
ct one of the unknown objects spotted near Kerbin, and start tracking it activel
y to reveal more information about it. Also mind that untracked objects can be l
ost if they're left unobserved for too long.
* The Advanced Grabbing Unit (aka "The Claw")
As the name probably implies, this new part is the means by which asteroids can
be captured to be redirected. Just arm the device, approach the target carefully
, and the claw will do the rest. It's like a docking node, but without the need
for a mate node on the other side. Better still, the AGU can be used to grab on
to much more than just asteroids. In fact, it can pick up just about anything, e
ven Kerbals.
* New SLS-inspired Size 3 parts:
We've added a host of new parts, featuring the largest engines and fuel tanks e
ver seen in KSP. These new parts were designed based on NASA's upcoming Space La
unch System, and they pack a huge amount of rocket power. Here they are:
- Size 3 Liquid Fuel + Oxy Tanks, in Full, Half and Quarter-Sized Variants
- 4x Size 3 Engine Cluster. The single most powerful piece of rocketry we've ev
er added to KSP.
- Advanced Size 3 Single-Nozzle Engine, for when you need immense amounts of th
rust in your upper stages
- New Liquid Fuel Booster: A new way to boost your spacecraft, the LFB is a sin
gle part featuring twin engines, plus a very respectable amount of fuel. What mo
re, you can even stack more liquid fuel tanks on top of it.
- The Launch Escape System: Modelled after the Apollo LES, this new escape towe
r can save your crew should you underestimate the sheer power of your new rocket
* Completely Overhauled Part Joints:
We have completely re-done the way parts attach to one another, to allow for muc
h greater flexibility and control over each joint. Joints are also more accurate
and stable, as both jointed sides are now anchored at the attachment node (this
wasn't possible before the Unity 4.3 update).
- Large parts also have a new system that allows them to attach much more rigid
ly to other parts, eliminating many cases where spamming struts was required.
- Increased PhysX's global max angular velocity settings to improve joint stabi
- Angular inertia values for parts now properly scale with mass. Some ships may
feel heavier to fly now, but handling feels much more realistic overall. This a
lso improves joint stability a lot.
- Re-did the Strut Connector joints as well, to use the new joints system inste
ad of their old ones. This dramatically improved their reliability and significa
ntly reduced the number of ocurrences where ships spontaneously disassemble them
selves on the launchpad.

New Features:
* Added new buttons to the Map Filtering panel to filter Unknown and SpaceObject
type vessels.
* Focusing vessels on the Tracking Station will now display their patched conics
* Added Time Warp controls to the Tracking Station and Space Center scenes.
* Added a button to the Time quadrant in the main flight UI to allow switching b
etwen Mission Time and Universal Time.
* Targeted vessels now display their trajectories as patched conics instead of s
ingle orbits.
* Maneuver Nodes are now persistent.
* Targeted Objects are now persistent.
* Added buttons to discard/accept maneuvers on the delta-v gauge by the navball.
* Added buttons to add/remove an orbit to the date of a maneuver node, allowing
nodes to be planned for several orbits ahead.
* Maneuver handles can now be fine-tweaked with the mousewheel when hovering ove
r them.
* RCS and XenonGas containers on earlier stages are now drained before container
s on later stages.
* Celestial Bodies now show a 'Focus View' button on their context menus in Map
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Celestial bodies you have an encounter patch with will display that patch in l
ocal mode when they are focused on the Map View or Tracking Station.
* Switching between Linear and Rotation controls in Docking UI mode no longer to
ggles SAS.
* Fixed a bug where patched conics on extremely eccentric orbits could break the
simulation at very high warp speeds.
* Fixed incorrect rendering of ascending and descending nodes when targeting a n
on-closed orbit.
* Fixed a bug where targeting an object on a hyperbolic orbit wouldn't display r
endezvous information on the map.
* Tweaked the thrust and Isp values of Ion Engines and the two tiny rocket engin
es. All were severely underpowered to be of any practical use.
* Quicksaving is now allowed at all times. In unstable situations, an autosave w
on't be created at the same time.
* Greatly improved the accuracy of the physics->rails transition, eliminating dr
ift on nearby vessels when warping during a rendezvous situation, especially hig
h-velocity ones.
* The Map Filtering buttons now toggle independently on left click, and toggle s
ingle/all on right click.
* Fixed several cases where Kerbals on EVA would glitch out in very painful ways
, mostly when the game changed reference frames while they were in ragdoll state
* Intersection nodes between orbits no longer 'skip' the closest intersection wh
en placing a maneuver node near the player's position.
==================================== v0.23.0 ===================================
* The Science Archives:
- Browse through all the science you've done in your Career games in this new se
ction of the R&D Facility.
* Tweakables:
- Several parts can now be tweaked individually by right-clicking them during co
- Landing Gear can be set to start out deployed or retracted, and can also be ma
de steerable.
- Engines can have a thrust limiter set on them, so you can balance out asymmetr
ical thruster configurations (or use differential thrust for taxiing).
- Wheels can be tweaked to have their engines toggled, steering locked, all befo
re launch (and after, of course).
- Control Surfaces can be tweaked to toggle response to pitch, roll and yaw inpu
t individually.
* Science Revisited:
- Transmitting scientific data no longer allows you to max out the value of a su
bject just by repeating the transmission multiple time.
- Removing the experiment data from some experiment modules (for transmission or
by EVA) will render them inoperable.
- Resetting an experiment can still be done freely as long as the data is not re
moved from the module.
* Solar System:
- Added a new Biome Map for Minmus.
- Cleaned up the Biome Maps for Kerbin and the Mun, to remove areas where Biomes
would be detected incorrectly.
* The Lab Module:
- Added a new part called a Laboratory Module, which allows experiment data and
samples to be processed before transmission, increasing their science value.
- The Lab Module requires 2 crews inside to operate and a whole lot of power as
- Added a new button to the experiment review dialog to process collected data o
n the Lab if one is available (and operational) on your vessel.
* EVA Data Transport:
- Kerbals on EVA can now collect the data from experiment modules and store them
on crew-carrying modules.
- Kerbals can also collect data from other data container modules, including oth
er Kerbals.
- EVAs can also store samples collected from other experiments on the Lab.
* Part Tooltips Overhaul:
- The tooltips that pop up when mousing over a part on the editors have been com
pletely redesigned.
- The tooltips show essential info only at first, but can be expanded to show mo
re info with RMB.
- Once expanded, you can right-click again to collapse, or to pin other tooltips
if you hover over other parts.
- Re-organized the part information to group stats for each module and resource
container on a part.
- Added a larger icon for the part on the tooltip itself, featuring a scale to g
ive an idea of size before picking.
* All-around Optimizations:
- We've gone over all our code to make sure it runs as efficiently as possible.
- Upgraded to Unity version 4.2.2 to make full use of its own bugfixes and tweak
- Texture loading has been sped up, loading times are noticeably reduced.
* [Windows-Only] 6-DOF Device Support:
- 6-DOF input devices such as the Space Navigator are now supported both as came
ra and flight controllers.
- Scroll Lock will toggle the device mode in flight.
- Due to driver limitations this is a Windows-only feature for now. We're ready
to implement support in OSX and Linux as soon as those drivers become available.

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Parts:
- The logic for all-vessel resource flow (such as Electric Charge and MonoPropel
lant) has been re-done.
- Fixed those resource containers not being able to drain fully or store an amou
nt larger than their current available space.
* Docking:
- Fixed an issue that caused docking ports to resume their states incorrectly af
ter docking, making it impossible to undock afterwards.
- Fixed a big issue with docking operations through physicsless parts in the hie
rarchy between the port and the original vessel root.
* EVAs:
- EVAs now use actual MonoPropellant for their jetpacks, instead of their own fu
- Fixed an issue with collision resolution that caused EVAs to sometimes fall ov
er and become uncontrollable.
- Kerbals other than you will now pick themselves up from ragdoll state if they
are involved in any 'accidents' or are flat out being used as Kerbowling pins.
- Parts that land onto splashed-down parts are now considered to be landed. This
allows EVAs to walk on floating platforms.
* Other Fixes:
- The Return key will no longer reset the staging sequence in the Editors, or re
turn you to the Main Menu at KSC.
- The Main Menu now remembers the 'page' you were at when you left it, so if you
return from a loaded game, you'll find it still at the "Start Game" screen.
- Fixed several issues with joystick axis mapping and indexing.
- Updated the Input settings screen to expose a few new control options that wer
en't accessible before.
- Fixed an issue that could lead to loss of GUI responsiveness after leaving fli
ght during reentry or supersonic flight.
==================================== v0.22.0 ===================================
* Career Mode:
- Career Mode is now open! Although still very much under development, you can n
ow start new Career saves.
- Sandbox mode, of course, is also available from the start.
* Research and Development:
- Added the Research & Development Facility to the Space Center.
- R&D allows players to unlock parts (and later other stuff) by researching node
s on the Tech Tree (In Career Mode).
* Science:
- Researching requires Science, which must be earned by performing experiments d
uring your missions.
- You can now collect surface samples while on EVA, and process them to do Scien
- Science experiments return results, which are different for each situation in
which the experiment is performed.
- Experiments can (as all proper experiments must) be repeated over many differe
nt situations across the whole Solar System.
- Added a new dialog to show the results of experiments when reviewing the colle
cted data.
- Added a new dialog to show a breakdown of all scientific progress made after r
ecovering a mission.
* Parts:
- Added new scientific parts, like the Materials Bay and the Mystery Goo Canister
. Also added experiments to many existing parts.
- The old science sensors now have a purpose. They all have their own experiment
s which enable them to log scientific data.
- The antennas are now functional, and can be used to transmit science data back
to Kerbin, if recovering the physical experiments is not an option.
- Antennas consume massive amounts of power when transmitting. Make sure you hav
e fresh batteries in.
- Added a new deployable antenna, which is an intermediate model compared to the
two original ones.
- Completely remodelled the Communotron 88-88 Comms Dish. The new mesh uses the
same placement rules so it won't break ships that have it.
- Nose Cones now actually help with improving stability during atmospheric fligh
- Revised a lot of part values and descriptions, in preparation for them actuall
y meaning something in the near future.
- Overhauled the landing legs and gears, they now have proper shock-absorbing su
* Editor:
- Added a system to allow saving and loading of Sub-Assemblies.
- Subassemblies are subsets of spacecraft, which can later be attached to other
designs and re-used.
* Space Center:
- The KSC Facilities have all been revised, and feature new ground meshes and ma
ny other graphical improvements.
- Greatly improved the Island Airfield.
- Added lighting FX to several facilities. The Runway (among many other things)
is now properly lit at night.
- Added a new backdrop and soundtrack for the Astronaut Complex Facility.
- Added a new music track for the R&D Facility.
* Flight:
- It is now possible to recover a flight after landing/splashdown on Kerbin with
out going through the Tracking Station. Look above the Altimeter.
- The SAS system was again largely overhauled, based on all the feedback we've g
otten from everyone. It's now stabler than ever.
* Solar System:
- Celestial Bodies now support Biome Maps, which are used to create different co
nditions for experiments.
- Biomes are currently implemented on Kerbin and on the Mun, more will be added
on later updates.
* Launcher:
- We've got a new launcher application for KSP, featuring a news bulletin, patch
er management, and also allows you to tweak settings from outside the game.
* Windows and OSX Installers:
- The KSPStore version of the game can now also be downloaded as an installer wi
zard on Windows, and as a .dmg image on OSX.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue that caused a stream of errors to be thrown after planting a fl
ag and opening the map.
* Fixed several minor and not-so-minor issues with scene transitions.
* Greatly improved the scene transition times. Loading delays between scenes sho
uld be significantly reduced.
* The SAS indicator on the UI now changes colors to indicate when your input is
overriding it.

==================================== v0.21.1 ===================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Removed some unused assets from KSP/Parts.
* Fixed an issue with some scenery meshes that could cause bits of the UI to bec
ome unresponsive in some cases (mainly in the VAB and SPH).
* Tweaked some object scales slightly.
* Tweaked the ocean color at sea level on Kerbin (was way too dark).
* Fixed an issue that would cause lag while moving parts around the editor scene
s if too many crews were hired at the same time.
* Fixed an issue with the new SAS not properly maintaining attitude. Should be m
uch better now.
* Tweaked some parameters on the SAS to make it more responsive.
==================================== v0.21.0 ===================================
* Space Center Scene:
- The Space Center scene now uses the same terrain as in flight.
- Time now passes in the Space Center scene, and day/night is consistent with in
- The game terrain persists across scene transitions, making loading scenes much
* Construction:
- Completely overhauled the interior models for the VAB and SPH buildings, compl
ete with animated trucks and cargo lifts.
- All-new exterior models for the VAB, SPH and Tracking Station.
- New Astronaut Complex building.
- Added a description field where you can write up a few lines to describe your
space-faring contraptions.
* Crew Management:
- It is now possible to assign crew manually to missions before launch, both fro
m the Construction Facilities and from Launch Sites.
- Added completely new Launch Dialogs on the Runway and Launchpad at the Space c
- The new Astronaut Complex dialog allows you to hire crews from a list of Appli
cants, and view the status of all your crewmembers.
- Revised the crew handling game logic, for a much more reliable and robust syst
* SAS Modules:
- Rewrote the SAS control logic from the ground up.
- SAS is now enabled for the entire vessel, and requires actuators like winglets
, RCS or others to actually have an effect.
- Repurposed the old SAS modules are now Reaction Wheel Modules, that apply torq
ue while consuming electricity.
- The new SAS logic allows applying manual input while SAS is on, letting you se
t the ship's attitude without having to constantly toggle it.
* Procedural Terrain:
- Added a new module to generate craters procedurally on the Mun.
- Largely revised Kerbin's terrain to produce much more interesting mountains, h
ills, valleys and coastlines.
* Flight Re-Flow:
- Removed the physically-impossible "End Flight" button.
- Added new options to "Revert" a mission back to launch or to construction.
- Added new 'Recover' button on the Tracking Station, to allow recovering a vess
el (as opposed to Terminating it) when possible.
- Recovering vessels makes its crew available again, while Terminating kills the
- The 'Space Center' button now allows you to leave flight at any time, warning
when necessary about saving restrictions.
* Progress Tracking:
- The game now tracks your progress as you play, providing essential data for th
e upcoming Career Mode features.
- Progress data is (optionally) uploaded to our servers,
* Misc:
- Improved the in-game shadowing to enable shadows at much larger distances.
- Added several new parts from the KSPX pack as stock content.

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

- Scenario Modules now properly save and load when the rest of the game saves an
d loads.
- Scenario Modules can now have multiple target scenes set.
- Improved the internal logic for switching to nearby vessels, it shouldn't refu
se to switch with valid vessels nearby anymore.
- Added a system to attempt upgrading incompatible save files if/when possible.
- Tweaked PQS on other planets and moons to not initialize until approached. Imp
roved performance a bit.
- Added a new system on PQS to clamp terrain subdivision while moving very fast.
Orbiting low near the surface is a lot smoother now.
- Many more small tweaks and improvements.

==================================== v0.20.2 ===================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
- Tweaked the PNG and JPG texture loaders to not use such insane amounts of memo
- Fixed the issues with mousewheel input on Linux.
==================================== v0.20.1 ===================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
- Tweaked the logic for part-to-part collisions. Things should be much less like
ly to explode on contact.
- Reverted the Mun's height values, so landmarks and bases shouldn't spawn below
ground anymore (mind 20.0 saves though).
- Tweaked part components on EVA so they start up with the right values.
- Tweaked the suspension on the new Medium Rover Wheels, to fix jittering.
- Fixed the too-low resolution on planetary diffuse and normal maps.
- Fixed the screen resolution not being properly applied on game start.
- Fixed some situations where the 'Control From Here' selection would be lost on
resuming a game save.
- Fixed a serious issue with the Cupola Pod that could cause spontaneous unplann
ed vessel disassembly.
- Fixed an issue that caused internal spaces to spawn in duplicate sometimes. It
was harmless but wasted resources.
- Fixed the scale of Gilly in the Tracking Station scene.
- Fixed a few issues with flags behaving weirdly after they were toppled down.
- Fixed the camera jitter when walking around on EVA.
==================================== v0.20.0 Exp================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
- Decoupled vessels now properly inherit the action group state of the original
- "Root-dropping" decoupling now properly preserves the staging count for the ne
w decoupled vessel.
- Fixed the EVA flags looking weird during the initial part of the flag-plant an
- Fixed staging icons on decoupled parts not being removed from the staging list
- Fixed the suspension jitter on the Medium Wheels.
- Several improvements to how collisions are detected and handled in the editors
- Symmetrical counterparts now properly glow red or green based on whether they
can attach or not.
- Added a sound for when placing/releasing parts in the editor isn't possible.
- Added the flag pole to the editor scene background.
- Adjusted collision and torque values for the medium wheels so they're a bit fa
ster and tougher.
- Adjusted wheel breaking logic to take into account the relative velocities of
==================================== v0.20.0 ===================================
* Parts:
- Command Seats for Kerbals on EVA.
- New Cupola pod with IVA.
- New Small Lander pod with IVA.
- 2 new Probe Cores.
- New Large Docking Clamp.
- New Medium Wheel.
* Flags:
- Kerbals on EVA can now plant Flags on terrain.
- Several Stock flags to choose from.
- Flags are moddable. Create your own!
- Planting a Flag allows you to name the site, which becomes a focusable object
in flight and on the Tracking Station.
- Planted flags have a Plaque, which can be written during placement, and read o
nly when approached by an EVA.
- Added a Flag selector to the Game Start Dialog.
- Added a Flag Pole Facility to the Space Center.
- Added a FlagDecal part module. Allows any part to have a part of its model tex
tured with the selected flag.
* Editor:
- Added Flag selector to Editor scenes, to select a flag for the mission (defaul
ts to space program flag).
- The Editor no longer requires that the first part on a vessel be a Command Pod
- Any part which allows both stacking and surface-attaching can be used as the v
essel root.
- Added a new part filtering system to the parts list, which allows excluding an
d greying-out parts based on any criteria.
- It is now possible to delete the first part on a vessel, and replace it.
* UI:
- Added the first iteration of the Kerbal Knowledge Base: A collection of vessel
and planetary information on the Map and Tracking Station.
- The Knowledge Base shows information about known Celestial Bodies, displays th
e crews inside vessels, and much more.
- Added Filtering by vessel type on the Tracking Station.
- Added Filtering to the Map View as well (hover around the top-center of the sc
- New Loading Screens, with hints.
* I/O:
- GameDatabase: Completely overhauled the loading process with a completely new
- Mods and Stock Parts can now have their own separate folders for organization.
- Added a Flags folder to collect flag bitmaps.
- Added a scene transition buffer system, to ensure optimal memory cleanup when
switching scenes.
* Controls:
- Switching vessels no longer resets throttle and other input whenever possible.
- Going on EVA and boarding a vessel (or boarding a seat) also no longer reset t
he vessel's input state.
- Decoupled vessels inherit the old vessel's control state.
- All parts on a stage will get activated now, even if that stage causes some of
those parts to get jettisoned away.

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

- Streamlined PQS Terrain Assets, reduced memory usage by up to 30%.
- Upgraded Debug Menu, allows reloading parts and cfg files while playing.
- The Map View now properly prioritizes selecting moused-over map nodes when mul
tiple orbits overlap.
- It's now possible to 'pin' the Ap and Pe nodes, so their captions remain visib
le after moving the mouse away.
- Removed the Splash Screen scene. Now the game starts loading as soon as the ap
plication starts.
- Rewrote and organized many scattered game events into a single coherent GameEv
ents System, which plugins can use.
- If you crash/explode, focus now shifts to the nearest controllable vessel (if
any) instead of going straight to the End Flight dialog.
- Many more small bug fixes and tweaks.

==================================== v0.19.1 ===================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed re-entry shader failing on highly scaled parts
* Corrected an issue that would prevent large rover wheels from applying brakes
* Tweaked braking speed and power on rover wheels
* Adjusted how rover wheels display resource usage
* Changed Ladders on the launchpad ladders to make it easier to climb them.
* Changed the names of launchpad and runway objects to be more descriptive when
you crash into them.

==================================== v0.19.0 ===================================

* Added visual (and sound) effects for re-entry and supersonic flight.
* Overhauled the Kerbal Face Expression System with new animations, which are al
so visible on EVA.
* Added wheel parts and modules for the construction of rovers.
* Added several new general purpose structural parts.
* New mesh for the launch pad area, now with 100% less launch tower.
* New mesh for the Runway, with sloping edges to drive on and off it.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* The sun no longer shines from below on ships and scenery objects at night, or
while in orbit over the dark side of a planet.
* Fixed the airspeed sound not looping properly, and adjusted the pitch range fo
r it.
* Various minor balance tweaks.
* More texture variety added to probe cores, to better determine their positioni
* Fixed a few objects that were on the wrong layer.
* Fixed an issue when comparing versions, which could result in false 'incompati
ble' warnings.
* Fixed an issue with velocity changes when resuming 1x time while on a hyperbol
ic orbit inside a rotating reference frame.
==================================== v0.18.4 L3 ================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Changed the debug toolbar key combo to ModifierKey+F12 (RShift+F12 by default)
* Changed the quick scenario loader key combo to ModifierKey+F10 (was Ctrl+F10 b
* Removed an unused shader that caused the game to crash on Linux systems with A
MD video drivers.
==================================== v0.18.4 L2 ================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* The Alt modifier key is now remappable, and defaults to RightShift on Linux.
* Remapped all ocurrences of the Alt key to RightShift on Linux (as Alt is OS-re
served on most distros).
* Fixed double-clicks not working properly.
==================================== v0.18.4 L1 ================================
* Linux Version Release
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Added a setting to tweak the mouse wheel axis scaling.
* Input Axes now support linear scaling.
* The Debug console can now also be toggled using the Grave and AltGr keys
==================================== v0.18.4 RC3================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed the latest version checking.
* Fixed some places that were using an old and inaccurate value for the vessel's
G-force, preventing entering warp sometimes.
* Fixed an issue which caused DAE model loading to fail.

==================================== v0.18.4 RC2================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue where controls could become locked when switching focus out of
a dead uncontrollable vessel.
* Fixed a collision issue with the large RCS Tank.
* Fixed a transparency issue with smoke FX and explosions.
* Boarding a vessel from EVA no longer toggles the SAS on the vessel.
* The VAB and SPH now show decoupler ejection forces on the part stats.
* Removed a part that wasn't ready and had sneaked its way into the build.
* Fixed a few typos on part descriptions and tutorials.
* Increased Jool's rotating frame threshold altitude to prevent entering its atm
osphere with the rotating frame disabled.
* Fixed an issue with the UI background not scaling correctly on the SPH.
* Fixed winglet colliders.
* Fixed EVA light orientations.
* Updated Copyright dates.
* Fixed vab transparency issue.
* Fixed Explosion Shader Transparency issues.
* Fixed Part Actions being clickable if Time Warp was engaged while the Action U
I was already up.
==================================== v0.18.4 RC1================================
* Ported the game over to Unity 4. Expect improved performance.
* Added a new stock spaceplane: The Ravenspear Mk4.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed some buttons not being locked out properly on the Tracking Station and p
ossibly other scenes.
* The Staging Stack now automatically scrolls back into view if a staging operat
ion sends it off screen.
* Stage groups and icons now accurately follow the mouse when dragging.
* Fixed some UI controls and keys being responsive during pause.
* Fixed some sounds (mainly voices) being affected by 3D effects when they shoul
* Fixed an issue when going in and out of Map View after crashing the ship.
* Fixed the EVA map icons not showing.
* Fixed the planetary terrain not starting up properly sometimes.
* Fixed the error messages when exiting the game from the flight scene.
* Added a bad name filter for the Kerbal name generator.
* Fixed issues with the popup dialogs that allowed them to spawn a massive numbe
r of duplicates.
* Parts on the parts list no longer show the author on their tooltips (that brok
e immersion).
* Flight basics tutorial now requires player to set throttle to max before finis
hing the tutorial (and launching).
* fixed the non-persistent StateName field on MunFlight Tutorial.
==================================== v0.18.3 (Demo)=============================
* Demo release
==================================== v0.18.2 ===================================
* Official Release
* Scenarios:
- Added a scenario called Station One, where a refueling station is already in o
==================================== v0.18.2 RC6================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Main Menu:
- Fixed an issue which caused the Load Game dialog to give false positives when
checking for invalid saves.
* Graphics:
- 800x600 is no longer a valid resolution option. Minimum possible resolution is
now 960x720.
==================================== v0.18.2 RC5================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Tutorials:
- Fixed the Construction Tutorial erroring out with an "incompatible" sfs when l
aunching after completing the tutorial.
- Tutorial Scenarios now delete the instructor objects when the ScenarioModule i
s destroyed.
- The Construction Tutorial now allows launching the constructed vessel, and goi
ng back to edit it later.
* Controls:
- Action groups are now locked when in map view, to prevent accidental activatio
n without being able to see the ship.
- Map View won't lock RCS off anymore when the navball is up.
* UI:
- Added some sanity checking to text fields (vessel names and saves), so illegal
characters don't cause trouble.
==================================== v0.18.2 RC4================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Controls:
- Added input locks to action groups and part context UIs, so they lock when app
* UI:
- Part Resource Context Gauges now correctly go away when the corresponding part
gets detached from the current ship.
* Parts:
- Fixed an issue that could cause RCS thrusters to fly off on their own because
of numerical spikes.
- Landing gear now remember to set the brakes when resuming flight.
* Gameplay:
- Added a rule to prevent saving the game or switching vessels while the current
one is throttled up.
- Unrestricted vessel switching is now only allowed if the vessel to be focused
is loaded and unpacked.
==================================== v0.18.2 RC3================================
* Training:
- Added a Basic Flight Tutorial.
- Added a Basic Vessel Construction Tutorial.
* Solar System:
- Added a new icy planet called Eeloo, somewhere out past Jool.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Gameplay:
- Fixed an issue where crashing a ship wouldn't properly remove the root part an
d cause weird "physics" sometimes.
- Fixed an issue with renaming vessels from symmetrically-placed command pods.
* Maneuver Nodes:
- Fixed a small but annoying issue where maneuver gizmos would switch modes when
rotating the camera just after creating a maneuver.
* Training:
- Fixed Gene Kerman introducing himself as Wernher von Kerman on the Orbit 101 t
* Parts:
- Fixed an issue where the root part of a vessel would live on in a weird state
after crashing.
* Docking:
- Fixed an issue where docking ports wouldn't resume their fuel crossfeed proper
ly sometimes.
==================================== v0.18.2 RC2================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Parts:
- Fixed an issue with the engine fairings which caused engines to lose mass on s
ave/load cycles.
- RCS thrusters no longer try (and fail) to do lever arm compensation.
* Music:
- Fixed an issue where some tracks were subject to doppler effects in flight.
* Solar System:
- Pol's gravity increased slightly
- Bop and Pol's semi-major axes increased (Bop's SOI almost intersected Tylo's)
==================================== v0.18.2 RC1================================
* UI:
- Added a button to open the SpacePort site on the Main Menu (opens on the defau
lt browser)
* Music:
- Added two new tracks for space and another one for construction.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Docking:
- Fixed ejected debris being incorrectly typed as "Unknown".
* UI:
- Fixed an issue where the "Resume Saved" dialog wouldn't show if a save folder
was missing its persistent.sfs file.
- The "Resume Saved" and Craft Load dialogs now offer to clean up incompatible f
iles if any are detected.
- Incompatible/Invalid entries on those dialogs are now greyed out, and the reas
on why they can't be loaded is displayed.
- Fixed an issue with popup dialogs cutting out content (text and buttons) when
multiple dialogs were spawned at once.
- The Resources panel is now visible while in the Map View.
* Parts:
- Decouplers now break the connection at a specific node, instead of breaking th
e connection to the parent part. This enables choosing which side will remain at
- Physicsless parts now get "promoted" to physical ones if they become the root
of a vessel (by decoupling)
* Persistence:
- Vessel rotation is now stored relative to the universe, instead of in worldspa
ce. This fixes vessels having seemingly random rotations upon resuming a save.
==================================== v0.18.1 ===================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Docking:
- Fixed an issue which could cause an error when undocking if the undocked vesse
l was missing its original root part.
- Fixed the vessel snapping when docking, which could cause misaligned docking c
onnections sometimes.
- Fixed an issue where docking to docked vessels could cause trouble when undock
ing again in a different order.
- Fixed manually-defined vessel types getting lost after docking.
* Parts
- Fixed a misspelled parameter on the smallRadialEngine cfg
- Fixed an issue with the solar panels exposure detection maths.
- Fixed a case where RCS could become activated by ASAS during time warp and eat
all propellant
- Adjusted Solar Panel raycasting to prevent false positives on planetary occlus
- Gimbal module now displays vectoring information in the VAB
- Adjusted initialization of the gimbal module for better mod support - gimbals
now have an optional movement speed parameter
- Changed Airflow Display during timewarp on the intakes
- Gave Launch Pad Clamps power, so probes don't die waiting for a launch window.
* Many other small tweaks and fixes.
==================================== v0.18.0 RC4 ===============================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Controls:
- Fixed an issue with ASAS which could cause unfocused vessels to start correcti
ng for the wrong vessel's rotation.
* Part Loader:
- Fixed an issue with DAE loading.
* UI:
- Fixed the resources button on the Map.
* Docking:
- Exposed docking node acquire and capture thresholds to the cfg.
==================================== v0.18.0 RC3 ===============================
* Stock Craft:
- Added the Aeris 4A. A just-barely-able-to-SSTO spaceplane.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Docking:
- Docking nodes now have a "Control from Here" option, to make off-axis docking
procedures easier.
- Docking nodes can now specify a transform for the "control from here" action i
n the cfg.
* PartModules:
- A few tweaks to enhance modability on Engines, Solar Panels and generic animat
ion modules.
* Parts:
- Tweaked a few cfg values for air intakes, landing legs and the sepratron motor
* Credits:
- Updated credits scene to add music information and generally sped it up a bit.
==================================== v0.18.0 RC2 ===============================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* UI:
- Fixed the Action Groups menu not working.
- Fixed an issue with the resource transfer UI coming up in an invalid state whe
n a resource was pinned to the screen.
- Fixed the Action Groups panel not scaling to the bottom of the screen.
* Parts:
- Added a NoCrossFeedNodeKey parameter to the stackBicoupler. Prevents fuel from
flowing across stacks.
==================================== v0.18.0 RC1 ===============================
* Flight Planning:
- Implemented map cues for close approaches when targeting celestial bodies.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Docking:
- Fixed an issue which caused docking nodes to sometimes not be selectable as ta
- Fixed an issue where very large/wobbly docked vessels could become misaligned
after reloading.
* UI:
- Fixed the Parts list on the SpacePlane Hangar not reaching the bottom of the s
creen on some resolutions.
- Fixed the Stats Tracking and Version Prompt dialogs fighting for window focus
when the running the game for the first time.
- Fixed the gauges on engine icons reading 50% when no fuel was available.
* Flight Planning:
- Fixed an issue which made maneuver gizmos non-draggable sometimes.
- Fixed an issue where placing a second maneuver after having passed the first o
ne would get it placed incorrectly.
- Map cues for target objects will now only appear if the cues are inside the pa
tch bounds.
* Parts:
- Corrected a misspelled parameter on some parts.
==================================== v0.18.0 x6 ================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Physics:
- Fixed an issue which caused ships to sometimes respond weirdly to pitch, yaw a
nd roll controls after switching vessels.
* Part Modules:
- Improved the part description texts on the editor tooltips.
- The Engine Nacelle part now has a functional air intake.
- Alternator Modules now produce resources based on the final engine thrust outp
ut, and only when they are operating properly.
- Command Modules no longer wait for their vessels to become focused before sett
ing the part as an input source.
- Fixed the Decoupler module not properly saving its state (could cause a null r
ef on resume).
- Unmanned command pods now hold a small amount of electric charge on them.
- Part icons on the list are now rotated again.
- Part tooltips now keep a few pixels away from the cursor itself.
- Fixed the editor UI becoming active on refocus or cancelling load without a se
lected initial part.
- Fixed the editor camera becoming active on the same cases as above.
* Controls:
- Fixed the SAS toggle and hold keys not working properly.
- Fixed unfocused vessels not receiving control updates properly after resuming
the game.
- Fixed the SAS losing sync with the Lin/Rot control modes if toggled manually w
hile in docking mode.
* Main Menu:
- Fixed the "flights in progress" count on the game load dialog not counting all
commandable vessels properly.
* Docking:
- Preattached Nodes now also have the option to enable/disable crossfeed.
* Flight Planning:
- Fixed the Burn Vector on the navball and DeltaV reading being incorrect if the
maneuver was in a different SOI than you.
* Tutorials And Scenarios:
- Updated the tutorials and scenarios from 0.17 to be compatible with 0.18.
- Updated all stock craft to be compatible with 0.18
==================================== v0.18.0 x5 ================================
Bug Fixes And Tweaks:
* Docking:
- Undocking the primary docking node on a multiple-docking-port system will no l
onger undock other ports.
- When the primary docking node undocks, other docked nodes reset so that one of
them can dock as primary.
- All docked nodes now have the "Undock" action available (and that will undock
only that node).
- Updated IVA nav ball to have working target and maneuver node indicators.
* Persistence:
- Loading an sfs or craft file that contains more part module defs than the part
has at loading time won't crash the game anymore (the surplus modules just won'
t load)
* PartModules:
- Manned Command Pods no longer generate power. They can store some amount of ch
arge on themselves though.
- Engines from the LV-T 45 and above are now fitted with alternators, which will
produce electricity while the engine is running.
- Fixed an issue with RCS thrusters and the ship center of mass which could caus
e them to not work properly if the vessel was moving quickly.
- Fixed an issue with the OX-4B solar panels that could cause a null ref spam if
they got ripped off in an airstream.
- Improved the triggering logic on the Launch Clamps a bit.
* Control:
- It is now possible to leave SAS on and focus another vessel.
- ASAS modules run automatically on unfocused vessels.
- Fixed an issue which caused ASAS to not function properly after decoupling a s
econdary vessel.
* Resources:
- Fixed an issue with all-vessel-flow resources which caused resources to not fl
ow properly if a few containers had very low but non-zero amounts on them.
- Fixed a problem with the IntakeAir resource which made radial intake parts sto
p working.
- Fixed a glitch with fuel lines that allowed disconnected parts to continue pro
viding fuel to engines.
- Flow rates on the Resource UI aren't affected by time warp anymore.
- Fixed an issue which made it possible to start the editors with an empty ship.
- The Part Rotation keys now have their own bindings in the settings.
* Physics:
- Fixed an issue where animated parts wouldn't ignore collisions on the same ves
sel properly, causing "phantom forces" even when they weren't animating.
==================================== v0.18.0 x4 ================================
Bug Fixes And Tweaks:
* General
- On rails warping not allowed when the ship is throttled up.
- Remapping the Staging Mode Pitch, Yaw and Roll keys won't affect the part rota
tion keys on the editors anymore.
* Part Modules:
- Parts now have temperature indicators on the icon stack again
- Intakes now produce drag at higher speeds and mach numbers
- Fixed an issue that prevented engines from saving ignition states
- Fixed engine action groups linkage
- Some rcs tanks still had the old rcsTank part behavior. They're now displaying
information correctly.
- Changed default start behavior for generators, so they could work independentl
y of staging
- Fixed the solar panel colliders getting re-enabled on destroyed panels
- Fixed Gigantor panels not producing electricity due to an error in the
g file
- Adjusted raycasts for solar panel blocking detection
* Resources:
- Engines now have gauges for each resource next to their icons.
- These gauges show how many resources are available to that engine.
- Fixed the resource search algorithms. "Stage Only" display mode should now wor
k properly.
- All resource containers will display a dry mass value in the VAB. (The weight
of the part with no resources)
* Action Groups:
- Action groups can now be given a cooldown time, and cannot be toggled again un
til the cooldown period ends.
- Action group cooldowns are persistent and time-warpable.
* Docking:
- Fixed a bug where decoupling pre-docked vessels could leave them uncontrollabl
- Decoupled vessels now get proper default names based on their vessel types.
- Fixed the Mk1 Pod not setting a "Ship" vessel type.
- Docking nodes now have an action to enable/disable resource crossfeed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause docking nodes to stop functioning if the game
was saved and reloaded just after undocking.
- Clamp-o-tron Jr. now has a top stack node and can be properly attached in the
- Docking ports of different sizes can no longer be docked together.
- It is now possible to dock multiple ports simultaneously, and dock to ports on
the same vessel.
* Parts:
- Mainsail and Poodle given thermal animations.
- More accurate collision model for large stack decoupler.
- Enabled surface attaching onto the regular decoupler.
- Fuel Lines and Strut Connectors now stay connected after decoupling (unless th
ey were connected across the decoupled bits).
- Light modules now use interpolated dimming, and support the use of animations
to enable emissives

==================================== v0.18.0 x3 ================================

* Physics:
- Added a slider to the settings screen to control the maximum delta time allowe
d for a single frame.
- The MET timer on the UI will turn yellow (and red) if time is passing slower t
han normal (if max DT exceeded).
Bug Fixes And Tweaks:
* Part Modules:
- Fixed a serious issue in which non-controllable vessels would prevent your own
vessel from receiving input properly.
==================================== v0.18.0 x2 ================================
* Docking
- It is now possible to select a Vessel Type when renaming a vessel.
- VesselTypes are used to determine dominant vessel when docking (when possible)
* Parts:
- 2.5m fuel tanks have been redone.
- Added two new sizes of 2.5m tank (double and quarter length)
- Added big nose cone for 2.5m rockets.
* Part Modules:
- Added ModuleCommand. It controls whether a part is able to provide input to th
e ship.
- Crewed pods require a minimum set of crew aboard, and unmanned pods require po
* Action Groups:
- Added Buttons to the Flight UI to show (and control) the state of the Lights,
Gear, Brakes and Abort groups.
* Planet Changes:
- Enhancements of Eve, Duna and Tylo.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Docking:
- Fixed an issue where docking two vessels with the exact same mass would cause
the game to crash.
- Added a DockingNode module to the Clamp-O-Tron Jr. (it seems we forgot about t
hat one)
- Fixed a bug which caused docking nodes to not function properly if they had be
en connected to a decoupler earlier.
- Landers and other controllable vessels are no longer flagged as debris after d
- Vessels no longer rely on crew capacity to determine if it is controllable. No
w, a vessel is controllable if it's got at least one operational control source.

* Flight Planning:
- Fixed the DeltaV Gauge not hiding when pressing F2.
- Fixed the sync icon's Separation value, which was being incorrectly calculated
* Part Modules:
- Fixed an issue on the Generator Module which caused it to accummulate resource
definitions as it was saved and loaded.
- Fixed an issue on the Generator Module caused by debugging code.
- Fixed an issue on the Engine Module which could cause it to lose references if
it were the root of a vessel.
- Tweaked the module loading process to make sure it's not possible to end up wi
th duplicated modules after loading.
- Part modules now display relevant information to the VAB on mouse over
- Fixed issue where the radial decoupler module could leave anchors in the VAB a
fter removing the attached part
- Updated Gimbals to have gimbal locking right click actions
- Updated Right click action menu names to be more easily distinguishable on par
ts with multiple modules
- Added a new stage separator part. That will decouple from both sides. Extended
Decouple module to support multiple connections.
- RCS modules moved over to using ISP calculations
- Intakes now support buffered operation and resource storage modes
- Increased accuracy of rotation saving for solar panels.
- Removed srf attachment flag from engines.
- Added action group interface to docking nodes
- Fixed an issue with vessels and modules that could lead to duplicate modules o
n parts, and could cause a game crash.
- Engine Modules no longer save propellant definitions to sfs or craft files.
- Generator Modules no longer save input/output resource definitions to sfs or c
raft files.
- Increased capacity of batteries.
- Increased power consumption of Ion Engines.
- Increased mass of RTGs slightly.
- Engines no longer show effects when disconnected
- Landing gear now have status indicator lights, in addition to landing lights.
- Added light modules, used for new spotlight and floodlight parts, in addition
to landing lights
- Improved Special effects handling for Engines, Engines now have a flameout FX
group and particle effect.
- Fixed issue that could cause fairings not to properly eject if the staging ord
er was off
- Jet engines are now using power band behavior. Support for this is included in
the engine module now.
- Solar Panels generate electricity based on the distance to the sun.
- Landing gear brakes now smoothly blend in and out, to prevent jerking or flipp
- RCS modules now support events and actions
- Upgraded float curves to optionally support in / out tangents. Fixed clamping
issues on existing curves.
- Changed naming on some actions and modules for clarity.
* Docking Controls:
- Fixed a bug where having a joystick axis mapped only to Staging-mode throttle
would cause throttle to jump to 50% on Docking mode.
* IVA:
- Fixed the internal space coordinate maths. Now multiple internal spaces appear
correctly in relation to the vessel.
==================================== v0.18.0 x1 ================================
* Docking:
- New Docking Node parts allow connecting ships in flight.
- Docked vessels merge into a single vessel.
- Docking Nodes can be pre-attached in the VAB and SPH.
* Flight Planning:
- Place Maneuver Nodes to plan flight maneuvers in advance, and see the resulti
ng trajectory for it.
- Maneuver Nodes can be tweaked in realtime using a Maneuver Gizmo.
- Once set, a Delta V gauge next to the NavBall provides guidance cues to fly t
he maneuver.
- Maneuvers can be chained to create complex flight plans.
* Targeting:
- It is now possible to set other objects as targets.
- It is also possible to target orbits on the map.
- Targeted orbits display Ascending and Descending Nodes
- Targeted vessel orbits also display orbital intersects, and cues to assist wi
th rendezvous.
- New Target NavBall Mode, shows speed and velocity vectors relative to the sel
ected target.
- The Waypoint vectors on the navball now point to/from the selected target.
* Part Resources
- Completely overhauled resources system for parts.
- Resources include Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer, RCS Monopropellant, Electric Charge,
Intake Air, and more.
- New Resource Container parts, including batteries, new tanks, solar panels, a
nd heaps more.
- New Resource Display on the UI, makes the state of resources much easier to v
isualize at a glance.
* Part Modules
- Many part types rewritten using the new PartModule System.
- Added Solar panel modules, which track the sun, and fragment when exposed to
fast moving air
- Radial and Stack decouplers are now a module and have Gui Actions
- Added Generic Animation module with GUI Actions
- RCS module Added, with visual FX mode
- Added Engine module which supports full GUI actions, and utilizes resources t
o allow for custom defined propellants
- Jet engines now require intakes to operate
- Gimbal module added, with gimbal lock capability for action groups
- Heat Animation Module added (allows heat based animation on parts)
- Throttle FX animation Module (allows throttle based animation on parts)
- Full suite of Sensors that use a base Sensor module added
- Parachute module added. Supports repacking of a spent chute on EVA. Chutes ca
n be emergency cut if deployed.
- Fairing Module added to all engines to cover them until they are activated
- Resource processing / generation module added. Converts resources from one ty
pe to another
- Landing gear module upgrade for better functionality and support for action g
- Physical object behavior added. Allows for breakable parts (IE, the solar pan
els) More to come.
- Part Modules can be combined in a single part, to create compound functionali
ty and emergent behaviours.
* Action Groups:
- A Massive overhaul to how parts work.
- Assign parts to groups in the VAB and SPH, to create advanced vessel function
- Groups include Gears, Brakes, Chutes, Lights, RCS, SAS, an Abort Group, and m
- Also, 10 Custom Groups which can be set to do anything.
* Staging:
- It is now possible to edit the staging sequence while in flight.
- Stages now only show parts that will respond to the stage activation (reduces
clutter significantly).
* Docking Controls:
- New control mode for docking/orbital maneuvers. Works similarly to EVA contro
- New Docking Mode Input UI Quadrant, shows Pitch, Yaw, Roll, plus X, Y and Z T
ranslation Gauges.
* Completely overhauled Moho:
- No longer tidally locked. Instead, it rotates roughly twice for every orbit
it makes
- Surface gravity changed to 0.25
- Orbit line color changed to better reflect its new design
* Greatly improved Kerbin:
- New types of tree meshes for various locations across the planet
- More varied biomes with more realistic and lush colors
- Slight modifications to the overall terrain
* Many, Many New Parts and Part Types:
- Solar Panels
- Lander Modules
- Probe Parts
- Ion Engines
- Batteries
- Overhauled designs on the existing parts
- And a lot more.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
- Fixed normal map loading
- Explosion effects now respect audio settings
- Aerospike engine attachement fixed
==================================== v0.17.1 ===================================
* Official Release
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Removed the old tutorial toggles from the settings screen.
* Made the EVA Yaw controls mappable.
* Fixed a potential issue with the music logic.
==================================== v0.17.1 x3=================================
* New option on the settings file to enable verbose debug logging, to include a
call stack trace (when available)
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue where the menu ambience music would sometimes start playing on
other scenes after some time had elapsed.
* Overhauled the Debug Console. Entries are now labeled and colored according to
type and the text is selectable.
* Fixed the music volume slider having no effect without restarting the game.
* Fixed the jitter on distant orbits on the map and tracking station.
* Fixed a potential source of errors when warping time after a ship fell to piec
==================================== v0.17.1 x2=================================
* Added a slider in Game Settings to allow adjusting the UI size.
* Added Main Menu and Credits music.
* The Q and E keys can now be used to control yaw with the EVA Jetpack
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed the crewmember name textfields on the flight UI not scaling font size pr
* Fixed the terrain collision detection issues for Gilly and Bop.
* Tweaked the terrain preset settings and PQS subvision methods for a significan
t reduction in object count.
* PQS terrain quads are now positioned as closely as possible to their vertices,
for maximum mesh stability.
* Added a game setting to disable the automatic orientation when pressing any of
the WSAD keys while jetpacking on EVA.

==================================== v0.17.1 x1=================================

* The flight UI now scales dynamically depending on screen resolution, to always
have the same pixel size.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue with the terrain engine that resulted in invisible oceans.
* Fixed a small bug on the patched conics maths that could have caused some trou
* Fixed the misaligned Music and Voice Volume sliders on the Audio Settings Scre
* Added a Render Quality slider to the video settings screen.
* Fixed an issue where ships could break apart when changing warp rates too quic
kly (the "Space Cthulhu" bug)
* Fixed an issue with the VAB/SPH UI, that made it possible to launch without a
ship, causing a total game crash.
* Removed an unused asset from the tracking station scene, which was taking up m
emory without adding anything.
* Fixed a problem that could cause parachutes to despawn when travelling at high
==================================== v0.17.0 ===================================
* Official Release
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Improved the input detection for the LandingGear brakes and toggle keys
* The parking brakes will only set if the vessel is stopped.
==================================== v0.17.0 x9=================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Added compatibility checking for game saves before loading.

==================================== v0.17.0 x8=================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue with PartModules not being initialized correctly if on a suborb
ital or hyperbolic trajectory.
* Rewrote the LandingGear part as a PartModule, for a much more robust and stabl
e implementation.
* Tweaked the friction values for the landing gear wheels
* Fixed an issue in Vessel that could cause a stream of nullref errors
* Fixed an issue with Vessels not properly updating the positions of physicsless
* Double-tapping the wheel brakes key will now set parking brakes.
==================================== v0.17.0 x7=================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue with celestial bodies updating in the wrong order, causing odd
placement of planets at high warps.
==================================== v0.17.0 x6=================================
* Fuel tank parts no longer look into parent parts for fuel, unless connected to
them by a fuel line.
* Fixed an issue with the radar altimeter that could cause sunken parts to explo
* Set Duna's orbital inclination to 0.06

==================================== v0.17.0 x5=================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Found and worked around a unity bug which caused several issues with parts col
liding within the same vessel, and getting twitched out of place.
* Fixed issues with the landing gear (will still need a rewrite, but should be b
etter now)
* Fix for advanced canard inversion of movement.
* The Map Camera no longer rotates when in a rotating reference frame.
* Disabled the Delete button when Stock craft files are selected.
* The ship cache is now properly cleared when starting a new game.
* The Simulate In Background setting no longer requires a game restart to take e
* The orbit trajectory reframing maths are all done with double-precision now, t
o remove jitter from the orbit splines.
* Added Nuclear-Thermal Engine part
* Added focusable areas for internal views
* Added Settings for Music and Voice Volume
==================================== v0.17.0 x4=================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Added smoothing to altimeter.
* Fixed an issue with part initialization order which could cause a lot of troub
le with physics and joints.
* Fixed a bug with crossing SOIs at 1x warp.
* Pressing backspace will now reset the map and internal view.
* Middle mouse modifies the internal camera zoom by an additional 2x.
* Double clicking middle mouse will reset the internal camera zoom.
* Unlit/Transparent shader added to mu reader/writer.
==================================== v0.17.0 x3=================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed a small blunder that disabled auto-saving in X2.
* Planet orbits changed again.
* Fixed an issue with Krakensbane that could cause sub-optimal Kraken-banishment
* Smoke trails are now properly updated in moving reference frames.
* Fixed the Sun flare effect jittering at high warp rates
* Fixed the orbit lines and skysphere jittering when focusing rotating bodies at
high warp rates.
* Fixed the Universal Time being stepped incorrectly while P-warp was engaged.
* Fixed the Kerbal EVA low-G walk system getting stuck at higher than 1x warp ra
* Added a smoothing pass to the vessel acceleration value, to minimize G force n
* Added a warning about the compromised physics accuracy before engaging 3x warp
* Removed the automatic Time Warp mode switch when under acceleration.
* Fixed an issue with P-warp rates persisting when reloading flight, even though
the UI said otherwise.

* Added new tree and boulder meshes for Kerbin (No more paper cutout trees)
* Implemented new version of Laythe, should be less performance intensive as wel
l as nicer looking.

==================================== v0.17.0 x2=================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue with the terrain altitude detection, which could cause vessels
(mostly debris) to fall through terrain.
* Fixed the "cannot switch vessels" message appearing for every mouse click on t
he tutorials.
* Fixed an issue where starting a new game after running a tutorial would not cl
ear some game state values, and result in locked buttons and tutorials starting
when they shouldn't
* Fixed an issue with warping time after crashing.
* Fixed an issue where flying through a Mun arch would destroy the vessel.
* Fixed an issue with Launch Clamps at 2x warp and above.
* Fixed an issue with the G force calculation for vessels, which could prevent s
aving or warping.
* Improved the layout of the Start Game menu.
* Fixed an issue when Kerbals became ragdolls when travelling very fast, and sta
rted displaying odd physics behaviour.
* Fixed several issues with the orbit math while on solar escape trajectories.
* Fixed an issue where some Celestial Bodies would lag behind when timewarping i
n a rotating reference frame.
* Tweaked the orbital parameters of several celestial bodies on the system, to m
ake it more interesting.
==================================== v0.17.0 x1=================================
* Internal Cockpit Views: The first iteration of the IVAs (Intra-Vehicular Activ
ities) feature set.
* Multiple Player Saves: You can now have multiple ongoing game sessions, as eac
h save is kept in its own folder (instead of all using the saves/default one).
* Quick Flight Scenarios: Start flights from pre-set conditions, without interfe
ring with your persistent sandbox save, and also save your own scenarios from yo
ur main game.
* Scenario Logic Modules: Like PartModules, but for scene logic (and defined on
an SFS file instead of a part.cfg).
* Training Scenarios: Hands-On tutorials to teach you everything from craft cons
truction to orbital maneuvers.
* Center of mass, thrust, lift and drag visual cues on the construction scenes.
* Prebuilt ships included with the game, as examples and possible starting point
* Many new planets and moons throughout the Kerbal Solar System.
* Physical Timewarp Modes: An alternate time-warp mode where you can accelerate
time to 2x, 3x and 4x without putting the sim on rails.
* Several new parts
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue with numerical inaccuracy at very high velocities (the "Space K
raken" bug).
* Fixed several issues with the fuel flow logic.
* Tweaked the atmosphere rendering for Kerbin, for improved visuals.
* Ships saved by one player are private to that player. Ships on the KSP/Ships f
olders are common to all players and non-overwritable (from inside the game)
* Added a button on game loading dialog, to delete a saved game and all its cont
ents (prompts for confirmation).
* Added a button on the ship loading dialog to delete saved ships (prompts for c
* Added a button on the Tracking Station to terminate an ongong flight (prompts
for confirmation).
* Implemented dynamic walk cycle blending for EVA Kerbals under G levels between
0.17 and 1G
* Added a floating origin system to the Scaled Space subscene, eliminating the v
isual jittering when viewing distant objects in the map view.
* Revised part titles and descriptions for the parts added in 0.16
==================================== v0.16.0 ===================================
* Official Release
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed some issues with the patched conic solver not finding proper SOI transit
ions sometimes.
* Fixed an issue which prevented Mac builds from loading internal space assets.
==================================== v0.16.0 x5 ================================
* Added a Launch Clamp part. It holds the ship in place at the pad so it doesn't
crumble to pieces before you get a chance to launch.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* mbm texture files are now DXT compressed and cleared from RAM as soon as they'
re uploaded to the GPU. RAM usage is massively improved.
==================================== v0.16.0 x4 ================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Increased the mk1 pod's rotation power back to 5.0.
* It is no longer possible to warp time or switch to distant vessels while kerba
ls are on a ladder (temporary solution).
* Fixed an issue that prevented the game from being saved while on a sub-orbital
* Fixed a velocity calculation for Kerbals on rotating ladders, which caused exc
essive slippage and made ladders very difficult to grab.
* Fixed the crew capacity values on the part.cfg files.
* Fixed the Orbit initialization routine, to prevent NaN errors on landed craft
* Fixed parts that use the Part class having a "Part Type not available" message
on their descriptions at the VAB.
==================================== v0.16.0 x3 ================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue where ending a flight through the pause menu wouldn't really en
d it, but would free the crew again for another mission.
* Fixed an issue with the EVA low-gravity walk system failing under certain phys
ics settings.
* Fixed an issue where any parts exploding on the focused vessel would cause the
Flight End dialog to appear.
* Fixed an issue where empty vessels would sometimes be controllable after switc
hing to them.
* Fixed the Retractable Ladders not saving their states properly.
* Landing Legs now use a much improved collision handling system, eliminating le
g wobble on heavy ships.
* PartTools can now serialize WheelCollider components.
* Fixed an issue where RetractableLadders would be climbable while retracted if
the ladder wasn't cycled once.
* Fixed a problem where Kerbals would collide and crash against ladder triggers
attached to parts.
* Improved detection/response to vessels below terrain and much better terrain a
ltitude detection for vessels.
* It is no longer possible to save the game (or switch vessels) while very close
to the ground and not landed (could cause terrain fallthrough).
* Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when starting an EVA.
* Kerbals on ladders no longer get teleported when packed (they just let go).
* Retracting a ladder with a Kerbal on it while in orbit will no longer cause th
em to go on random trajectories.
* Fixed an issue where older parts that still used direct DAE or OBJ model loadi
ng wouldn't have their collision meshes rescaled.
* Fixed a problem with EVAs saving the fuel value, which sometimes caused a conf
lict that could lead to a game crash.
* Fixed an issue where the crew list on the hatch dialog wouldn't scroll.
==================================== v0.16.0 x2 ================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Kerbals now fall off ladders if they become disabled or are destroyed (can hap
pen with retractable ones)
* Added key and axis bindings for EVA controls. Reorganized the Input Settings s
creen a little.
* Added separate control bindings for walking and jetpacking on EVAs.
* Added 1:1 EVA rotation axes. Using them disables the automatic orientation sys
* Tweaked the automatic orientation system to eliminate gimbal-lock situations,
and flipped the X mouse axis input.
* The NavBall and Staging Quadrant are no longer visible during EVA.
* Fixed issues with saving/resuming EVAs while ragdolling.
* Fixed RCS and SAS toggling on other vessels.
* Fixed an issue that caused Kerbals to tumble in space forever.
* Fixed command pod airlock node positioning, could cause violent crew ejections
* Fixed an issue with Kerbals crashing into things that could cause a stream of
errors and a complete game crash.
* Vessels take collision impact momentum into account whenever possible
* FlightInputHandler now stops running while on EVA.
* Fixed a problem where vessels would be stuck as 'Landed' if boarding a part wh
ile in contact with another.
* Fixed issues with the large Landing Leg colliders.
* Added patcher auto-updater. Will redownload the patcher if a better version is
* Tweaked Physics settings to reduce landed part wobble.
* It is now possible to close the Flight End screen without leaving the flight s
cene (to switch vessels).
* Tweaked part collision handling for better efficiency.
* It is now possible to deploy/retract ladders from outside the ship, provided y
ou're close enough to it. (while on EVA).
==================================== v0.16.0 x1 ================================
* Kerbal crewmembers in Extra-Vehicular Activities, both at the surface and in o
* Kerbal scientists, mechanics and ground crew all around the Space Center Facil
* New Internal Cockpit models, with full modding support.
* New (Much lighter on performance) Particle Effects and Explosions
* Several new, larger rocket parts.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Set all parts on the same vessel to ignore collisions with each other.
Hopefully this will solve all part-to-part collision problems.
* Reduced the minimum collider intersection threshold to much less than before.
Should increase collision accuracy and hopefully solve issues like landing gea
going through the ground. (all thanks to above fix)
* [API Change] MemoryStream wrappers that were mistakenly not committed for 1.15
.1 have been added to the code.
* Packing/Unpacking ships is now done without affecting the ship's scene hierarc
Now, vessels take care of keeping their own parts in place while packed, makin
g for much more stable
physics behavior when going in and out of time warp.
* Improved vessel/part loading from persistence procedure, for more stable and a
ccurate flight resuming.
* Fixed a bug in the Tracking Station scene, which prevented scrolling the vesse
l list.
* The Vessel Switching keys now only cycle between nearby vessels and won't caus
e the scene to reload anymore.
To switch to far-away vessels, you must use the map view.
==================================== v0.15.2 ===================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed an issue with part-to-part collisions that caused unphysical forces and
caused some designs to break apart.
==================================== v0.15.1 ===================================
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed a couple of issues with the parts action UI popups and their code bindin
* Tweaked the time warp altitude limits. It is now possible to warp fast at low
orbits around Minmus and the Mun.
* Tweaked the rotating reference frame thresholds when nearing planets, to reduc
e terrain mesh jitter.
* Fixed the 'Serpinski Terrain' issue, where the terrain mesh would break up whe
n approaching a planet after travelling very far.
* Fixed an issue with the patched conic solver failing on some escape trajectori
* Fixed the normal maps on several parts.
* It is now possible to set the persistent debris budget to zero, to disable sav
ing debris completely.
==================================== v0.15.0 ===================================
* Official Release
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Tweaked the fuel lookup logic on fuel tanks, so they drain themselves before l
ooking to the parent part for fuel, when side-mounted.
* Fixed an error from destroying patched conics renderer components when switchi
ng vessels quickly.
* Tweaked the scale of Minmus' scaled space representation, to make the terrain/
scaled transition more seamless.

==================================== v0.15.0 x5 ================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Changed Minmus' radius to 60km, and increased its surface gravity a bit.
* Fixed an issue with the patched conic solver when calculating encounters with
* Fixed an issue with elliptical patch rendering.
* Added parameters on settings.cfg to control patch draw mode and patch look-ahe
ad limit.
==================================== v0.15.0 x4 ================================
* Added a small, far-flung second moon around Kerbin, called Minmus.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* After a crash, the end flight dialog will only come up by clicking the left mo
use button, hitting Esc or the Space Bar.
* Fixed a few issues with the new moon's material.
* Fixed a minor issue with fuel tanks reporting negative fuel levels before shut
ting down.
* Updated all part files on the release package to their latest versions.

==================================== v0.15.0 x3 ================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed Fuel Lines and Struts not reconnecting once reattached to the ship at th
e VAB and SPH
* Fixed an issue with crossfeed on parts
* Fixed the spazzing with rotated part stacking
* Improved the part dragging on the editor scenes
* Fixed the landing legs appearing extended on resume
* Fixed the terrain disappearing with high detail and Scatter turned on
* Fixed an issue with orbital patch rendering while paused
* Fixed an issue with patched conics ignoring encounters when there was an SOI e
scape later on

==================================== v0.15.0 x2 ================================

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* Fixed several issues with the orbit rendering on the Map View.
* Fixed an issue with going out of warp while inside a rotating reference frame.
* Several improvements to the scene lighting in the Spaceplane Hangar and Vehicl
e Assembly Building.
* Added a new camera for the Spaceplane Hangar, to make it more flexible and use
* Tweaked several parameters in all game cameras, to make them less restrictive.
* Fixed a few issues with the fuel flow logic.
* Fixed the engine smoke trails not fading out when leaving the atmosphere.
* Added editor tooltips to the Atmospheric Engines.
* Fixed an issue with the Radial Decoupler collider and attachment orientation.
* Fixed an issue with joystick throttle when focusing/unfocusing the game.
* Fixed a problem with fuel lines and struts becoming attached to non-existent p
arts when reloaded.
* Fixed an issue that made parts able to attach while overlapping others.
* Fixed the behaviour of the Alt key when Alt-Tabbing out of the game.
* It is no longer possible to enter time warp or save the game if the ship is la
nded or splashed, but still moving.
==================================== v0.15.0 x1 ================================
* The Spaceplane Hangar Facility, allows you to build vehicles horizontally, and
launch them from a Runway
* The Runway Facility, to launch from and land your spaceplanes at.
* A new Part Creation Toolset, allowing for animated models, with normal and emm
issive maps.
* A deployable Landing Gear part
* A new AtmosphericEngine part type, and two new air-breathing engines.
* A Patched Conics trajectory projection system, shows your map trajectory as it
enters and leaves the SOI of planets and moons.
* Parts now can have a context menu where you can view data and perform actions.
(Atmo engines already implement this)
* Parts now visually display their temperatures through a dynamic emmissive heat
* It is now possible to manually rotate parts on the VAB and Spaceplane Hangar p
rior to placement (using the WSADQE keys, Shift, Space to Reset)
* It is now possible to trim the roll, pitch and yaw inputs by holding Alt and p
ressing the roll, pitch and yaw keys (Alt+X to reset).
Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
* The flight log will no longer show the terrain tile IDs when crashing things i
nto them. It will show the correct "crashed into terrain" message.
* Corrected the level of the ocean quadtree, so that it matches visually with th
e simulated water level.
* (Possibly) increased performance on the flight scenes (from the terrain tweak
* Found and fixed the true cause of the orbit NaN bug.
* Corrected the aileron action on ControlSurface parts. Now aileron input is det
ermined based on part orientation instead of symmetry counterparts.

==================================== v0.14.4 ===================================

* Added Shader Model 2 fallback shaders for the terrain. Doesn't look as pretty,
but solves the black terrain issue on SM2 video cards.
* Exposed terrain parameters on the Video Settings screen (Now called Graphics S
* Option to force using SM2 shaders even on SM3 compatible hardware.
Bug Fixes:
* Sometimes vessels could still be seen as being under acceleration and not get
saved. This is fixed now.
* Tweaked the terrain system to use less memory.
* Updated Kerbin's diffuse map, to remove the blue on the ice caps on map view a
nd tracking station.
* Launching the updater with the game in fullscreen mode will no longer cause th
e updater to crash.
* The game will no longer launch the patcher if the latest update is available o
nly as a full download. It will open the KSP Store instead.
* Changed the default game settings so terrain scatter is off by default
==================================== v0.14.3 ===================================
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed an issue with prevented unfocused ships from being saved.
* Removed the KSC on the Mun (don't ask).
* Tweaked the altitude of KSC to better match the terrain level.
* Tweaked Kerbin landclasses to raise ocean and remove the blue from the ice cap
* Fixed the Sun flare not getting obscured by planets on the Tracking Station vi
==================================== v0.14.2 ===================================
* Created a proper icon for the game.
* A completely overhauled terrain engine
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed the patcher launching any executable after it's done patching. Now it la
unches KSP.exe always.
* Fixed a potential security issue with the patcher authentication.
* The patcher will no longer spam console windows while doing its thing.
* Rotated the Mun back to it's original orientation (a fix on the 14.1 left it f
acing the other way).
* Improved the terrain correction system for landed vessels. It now compensates
for terrain slope errors.
* The Map and Tracking Station cameras now respond to the camera control input a
* Fixed an issue with symmetrical parts not clearing references to decoupled cou
* Fixed an issue with the patcher not being able to login using passwords contai
ning special characters.

==================================== v0.14.1 ===================================

Bug Fixes:
* Found and fixed the real cause of the staging issues that have plagued every r
elease from 13.2 onward.
* The debug console is no longer spammed with NaN errors. This could cause extre
me lag in densely populated game worlds.
* Fixed an issue where unloaded vessels would not update their orbits, causing t
hem to resume incorrectly if they switched SOIs.
* Fixed the save folder paths on the Mac version (they were ending up inside the
app package)
* It is now possible to do a Quickload (F9) after a crash (with the flight end s
creen up).
* The game will no longer overwrite the quicksave when resuming flights. Only wh
en creating new ones.
* Landed vessels no longer explode when approached by the player (as when landin
g near other landed ships)
* Fixed an issue with landing detection when landed on other vessels.

==================================== v0.14.0 ===================================

* Official Release
Bug Fixes:
* Added descriptions for the small fuel tank and small engines.
* Added a more efficient input lock for when vessels are in physics-hold mode, t
o prevent staging during that period.
* Made the Langing Gear action a mappable key.
* Fixed the Alt+Tab locking staging issue. (was a poorly thought out control I h
ad set up, which was removed)

==================================== v0.14.0x6 =================================

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed yet another staging issue.
* Fixed an issue with the object scaling for Bill, Bob and Jeb, which made them
not sit right in the cockpit and their screen messages to not appear.
* Fixed a game flow issue in which it was possible to cancel the flight end scre
en, leading to an error and leaving the game stuck in the flight scene.
* Fixed an issue which might have caused repeated Kerbals to be generated.
* Fixed the End Flight screen lockup issue after KIA.
* Fixed the problem with landed vessels being lobbed into the air after resuming
a saved flight.
* Fixed the small fuel tank visual gap when connected to the mk1 pod directly.
* Fixed the tracking station rotation and texturing issues.

==================================== v0.14.0x5 =================================

* Added small fuel tank and small engine parts
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed an issue that caused parts to be detected as landed when in collision wi
th parts from other vessels, even while flying.
* Fixed an issue where the persistence system would not clean out parts that wer
e landed on other parts, rather than on the launchpad or KSC area.
* Unloaded orbiting vessels will continue orbiting into the ground, if there is
no atmosphere to reentry-burn them.
* The 'isPersistent' part cfg parameter, ironically enough, wasn't persistent it
* Removed an 'experimental' tweak done on the terrain shader that caused the Mun
to look very bright in bright areas, and very dark in dark ones.
* Added an icon image for Landing Legs.
* Fixed the buttons of the pod selection window not responding to clicks when th
e VAB tutorial was active.
* Fixed the VAB tutorial never being shown after the first time, even when activ
ated in the settings.
* Fixed the tutorial window disappearing behind the command pod selection window
* Changed the ground detection system to a far more stable hold-and-release meth
* Added an icon for the landing legs (and made it update its colours)
* Tweaked the landing leg collision mesh to avoid phantom forces from poorly-sol
ved collisions
* Updated the description for landing legs (missing description for the other pa
==================================== v0.14.0x4 =================================
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a problem with Jeb's confidence levels (he lost his nerve on x3).
* Fixed a few issues with the atmospheric pressure and temperature curves from x
* Fixed another problem with staging that was made apparent in x3. It caused the
ship to 'skip' stages.

==================================== v0.14.0x3 =================================

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed the vessel label icons, which were invisible.
* Increased the ejection force of Decouplers and Radial Decouplers (too underpow
ered after the physics fix).
* Removed the landingleg.max file that snuck itself into the distribution.
* Fixed the Camera Mode text not being displayed in flight.
* Fixed the map focus switching (Tab not working).
* Fixed Fuel tanks apparently not resuming fuel levels properly (was an icon iss
* Fixed Landing legs not resuming their states properly.
* If a landed vessel decoupled from its base while taking off, the vessel would
still be flagged as being landed.
* Sometimes, landed vessels would spawn a few feet off the ground and stay locke
d in place forever.
* SAS and ASAS modules on other vessels were getting activated along with the cu
rrent focused vessel.
* Reloaded parts were not storing references to their symmetry counterparts prop
erly. That caused all sorts of weird behaviour.
* Fixed an issue that caused vessels to be placed in the wrong positions occasio
nally (most noticeable in the tracking station).
* Fixed an issue that caused incorrect staging when loading ships in the flight
==================================== v0.14.0x2 =================================
Bug Fixes:
* The KSC buildings had lost their tags which identified them as eligible for la
nded debris clean up. Fixed now.
* Fixed the flight scene time step being incorrectly initialized as 0.04ms (woul
d cause wobbly physics).
* Fixed a problem with the Plugins folder in the Mac version, which caused the g
ame to halt when loading.
* Removed a save file that sneaked its way into the distribution.
==================================== v0.14.0x1 =================================
* Flights are regularly saved to file, to be resumed later. (yes, persistence )
* Support for multiple simultaneous flights and switching from ship to ship.
* The Tracking Station Facility at the Space Center, allows you to select and re
sume a flight in progress.
* Holding the middle mouse button will allow you to rotate the flight camera abo
ut itself, instead of rotating its pivot. (double-clicking the MMB will recenter
* Tweaked the orbit rendering on the Map View to reduce clutter when several ico
ns are moused over at the same time.
* Landed or Splashed vessels now display their coordinates (or location, if avai
lable) when moused over on the Map View.
* More Crew Members so you can launch missions while others are underway.
* An External Module Loader, which enables mod makers to program their own part
Bug Fixes:
* The flight camera is no longer able to go upside down.
* The ORBITAL camera mode will no longer change orientations when switching sphe
res of influence.
* Fixed an issue with .craft file saving and loading, which makes it possible to
save ship titles independently of the file name.
* Un-warping a landed ship will no longer cause an unphysical jerk on it, which
could possibly destroy it.
* Landed/Splashed vessels no longer show an Apoapsis icon on the Map View.
* The Map Camera now responds to the keyboard bindings for camera zoom.
* Decouplers now obey the second law of physics (Acceleration = Force/Mass)
* Decouplers now obey the third law of physics (every action has an equal and op
posite reaction).
* RCS Fuel Tanks now drain symmetrically if placed using symmetry.

==================================== v0.13.3 (Demo)=============================

* A Stats Tracking System, so we can collect information of the game for statist
ical purposes.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug with symmetry in the VAB.
* Fixed an issue with the main camera that would create sporadic moments of lag
in map view.
* Fixed a bug that caused symmetrical parts to lose the reference to one of thei
r counterparts, leading to incorrect symmetrical placements.
* Reverted the Staging logic to the 13.1 system, as the changes made in 13.2 wer
e buggy.

==================================== v0.13.2 ===================================

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug with symmetry in the VAB.
* Fixed an issue with the main camera that would create sporadic moments of lag
in map view.
* Fixed a bug that caused symmetrical parts to lose the reference to one of thei
r counterparts, leading to incorrect symmetrical placements.
==================================== v0.13.1 ===================================
* Official Release
Bug Fixes:
* Removed parent-wise fuel crossfeed from Radial Decouplers. Fuel Lines made tha
t obsolete.
* Fixed an issue that prevented attachment nodes from affecting connected part r
otations properly.
* Fixed an issue with the part loader, which would crash if a binary mesh was fo
und, but no .dae or .obj file was present.

==================================== v0.13.1x1 =================================

* Recompiled on the latest version of the Unity engine, to add multithreaded ren
dering support and better memory management.
* Changed the Fuel Line flow direction, so fuel will flow from the first-placed
end of the line to the second end.
* Holding Ctrl and clicking on a part on the ship at the VAB will now automatica
lly flip the parts list to the selected part's page.
* Added in-game credits
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed the custom part sounds loading system, which wasn't working on the last
* The part loader will no longer freeze if it cannot find a part module to load.
It will load the base Part module, and make it visible but unavailable on the V

==================================== v0.13.0 ===================================

* Official Release
==================================== v0.13.0x4 =================================
Bug Fixes:
* Increased the heat conductivity and heat dissipation values for all parts, to
compensate for the new heat exchange system.
* Fixed the time quadrant on the UI being unresponsive to mouse clicks if there
were part icons behind it.
* Fixed the staging quadrant being partially visible in the map view.
* Fixed a problem that made it possible to delete the command pod in the VAB by
using Ctrl+Z.

==================================== v0.13.0x3 =================================

* Tweaked the part heat exchange model, for a considerable fps boost with very l
arge ships
* Added a new icon for the Fuel Line parts.
* Changed the icon grouping rule on RCS Blocks and Strut Connectors to group to
all parts of the same type on it's stage.

==================================== v0.13.0x2 =================================

* Pressing F2 will hide the UI completely (so you can take UI-free screenshots).
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed the weird 'glass-like' artifacts in game during launch
* Fixed the parts not receiving mouse events on the VAB. This also affected coll
ision detection on the VAB.
* Fixed the in-flight settings screen being drawn under the main UI.
* Tweaked the fuel tank surface attachment point. It was a little too close to t
he collider, and sometimes caused false collisions.
* Fixed a bug with the parts code that allowed them to bypass receiving gravity
and drag forces if it's hierarchy root was destroyed.
* Fixed the map camera code so that it will remember where it was if you re-open
it. (this tweak was left out of the X1 build apparently)
* Fixed the part icon numbers (when multiple icons are grouped) not being positi
oned correctly on a few resolutions.

==================================== v0.13.0x1 =================================

* Removed a lot of needless halts on the part processing routine during loading.
* Restructured the sound loading system so the main loading thread doesn't wait
for it to finish before moving on.
* Deferred adding of several part components so they're only added when they're
* Mesh tangents can now be loaded from file, instead of being recalculated every
* The mesh loader now ignores materials from file, because they were going to be
replaced anyway later.
* Meshes are now saved to binary files (serialized) when loaded for the first ti
me, and loaded from those files when they're available.
* Changed the rendering method for the part icons on the staging sequence. This
can prevent thousands of objects from being created when flying large ships.
* Ship parts now have adjustable levels of physics, so small parts are not as de
eply simulated as large ones. This reduces the amount of physics objects and joi
nts to simulate.
* Reduced the amount of code components attached to each part, making for less c
alls on each frame.

* The part loader will check if the saved optimized meshes are out-of-date, and
update them when necessary.
* A new Fuel Line part, that allows fuel to be drained off external (side-mounte
d) tanks.
* It is now possible to warp time freely when the ship is landed.
* Added a progress bar for the loading screen.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed the mission timer not getting started if the first stage was moved befor
e launching.
* Liquid Fuel now flows from the "top" attachment node, instead of from the pare
nt part (unless there is no top node, in which case it flows from the parent par
* Parts now keep the references to the part attached in each attachment node. (m
akes top-node based fuel flow possible)
* Fixed a bug which prevented the ship selection dialogs from receiving double-c
lick events. Now it is possible to select a ship file by double clicking on it.
* Improved rendering of hyperbolic (escape) orbits in the map view. The trajecto
ry is now a constant size regardless of eccentricity, and isn't warped by the sp
* The Map camera will now remember it's last position, and return to it when the
map is reopened.
* The new part loading system will generate optimized meshes for all parts whene
ver it finds new part models. This means the first time you run the game, it mig
ht take longer for loading to complete.
* This update introduces some new features that make ships built on previous ver
sions incompatible. If a ship fails to load, it's because it isn't compatible wi
th this version. We apologize for the inconvenience.
==================================== v0.12.0 ===================================
* Official Release
==================================== v0.12.0x5 =================================
Bug Fixes:
* Removed the SAS disabling itself when going into Map View or into high warp ra
* Implemented a new Kepler Equation solver for extremely high eccentricity orbit
s, the old one was becoming unstable and freezing the game.
==================================== v0.12.0x4 =================================
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a problem with the Floating Origin system which caused the ship to jitte
r on very high warp rates and speeds. (aka The Warp Shakes)
* Fixed another problem which could cause the game to crash if entering/leaving
another planet's SOI while on 1x or 2x warp.
* (Hopefully) fixed a problem with 0 inclination orbits that could cause them to
become reversed or rotated when transitioning between planets/moons.

==================================== v0.12.0x3 =================================

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a problem that caused ships to reverse direction when unwarping while on
a hyperbolic orbit.
* Fixed a few typos in some part descriptions.
* Reduced the gimbal range for the LV-T45 engine, which was way too much after t
he gimbal bug fix.
* Fixed the Decouplers not applying a separation force when jettisoned.

==================================== v0.12.0x2 =================================

* The Surface/Orbital speed reading will now change automatically (and can still
be toggled manually)
Bug Fixes:
* The game would crash if the VAB tutorial is advanced too far while keeping the
command module selection window open.
* Engine gimbals were not deflecting as much as they should be.
* Fixed the Max G reading on the flight end screen. Now it will only log sustain
ed G forces.
* Fixed the Surface/Orbital Speed reading getting messed up when restarting a fl
* Fixed a problem with the Time Warp code, that would sometimes force the time r
ate to 2x, but not unpack the ship. It would also cause G forces and other value
s to be incorrectly calculated.
* Fixed a problem with unpacking the ship for physics that could cause centers o
f mass to be offset, leading to uncontrollable tumbling.
* Fixed a problem that could cause orbits to become reversed when entering/leavi
ng another planet's sphere of influence.
* Changed the Time Warp altitude restrictions to be proportional to the current
planet or moon's radius.

==================================== v0.12.0x1 =================================

* A Moon
* New Orbital Camera Mode. Like Free Mode, but aligned to the solar system plane
, like the Map View Camera is.
* New Auto Camera Mode. Chooses between the other modes based on the state of th
e flight.
* Liquid Engines now support thrust vectoring (gimballing).
* New LV-T45 Vectoring-Enabled Liquid Engine.
* The VAB will now allow you to select a Command Module before starting a new sh
* Planets and Moons now rotate.
* It is now possible to orbit the Sun.
Bug Fixes:
* Improved the way velocities are applied when resuming physics.
* Fixed the Advanced SAS icon showing as a question mark on the VAB.
* Fixed a bug where cloning parts by removing and undoing would cause them to re
ceive duplicate IDs (and crash the game when loading the ship again).
* Tidied up the flight statistics numbers formatting a bit, so they're easier to
make sense of.
* Time Warp will now smoothly increase/decrease towards the set time rate, for a
much more fluid transition.
* Made several improvements to the Map View orbit rendering.
* Fixed the rails->physics transition, so that there is no significant change an
ymore in orbital parameters when going out of warp.
* Made some significant improvements to the physical joints that hold the ship t
ogether. Ships will not wobble anymore when going back into 1x time after warpin
g, and the joints themselves are more stable overall.
* Made a small tweak to the part tooltips on the VAB, to prevent them from going
off-screen on small resolutions. (was noticeable with the new command pod selec
tion dialog)

==================================== v0.11.1 ===================================

* Hotfix Update
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a small but very annoying bug where unpausing the game would not set tim
e running again.

==================================== v0.11.0 ===================================

* Official Release
Bug Fixes:
* Solved a few more bugs with the time warp system.
* Improved the Advanced SAS module to respond based on the size of the spacecraf
* Fixed the extreme performance loss when using warp with large ships.

==================================== v0.11.0x5 =================================

Bug Fixes:
* Solved the overheating under warp problem introduced in x4.
* Fixed the wobbling problems from x4.
* Fixed a few bugs with Time Warp and Pause.
* Fixed a bug with pressing Esc to close the pause menu while in the settings or
mission log screen.
* Fixed the vertical speed calculation, which was going batty with high time com
pression. (it's perfectly stable now)
* Fixed a bug with unpausing the game while under time warp. It could very likel
y cause a lot of trouble.
* Fixed the highest altitude reading on the flight results screen. It was overfl
owing on really large numbers.

==================================== v0.11.0x4 =================================

* Changed most flight calculations to use double-precision
Bug Fixes:
* Found and fixed the most likely cause of ship destruction when exiting time wa
* Fixed the insane G forces when transitioning into or out of high warp.
==================================== v0.11.0x3 =================================
* Added a proper liftoff/touchdown/splashdown detection system.
* After the pod makes a safe splashdown/landing, the mission will be considered
a success.
* Changed the Flight Tutorial to include the new features added on this update.
* Map Icons now properly organize their popup texts if multiple icons are hovere
d at the same time.
Bug Fixes:
* RCS no longer stops working if a single fuel tank runs dry (and now it drains
from lower-stage tanks first).
* Deorbited/Landed parts no longer stay or go into propagated orbits.
* The Advanced SAS module will now use all control parts on the ship.
* Strut Connectors will no longer try to reattach themselves to disconnected par
ts when physics are resumed.
==================================== v0.11.0x2 =================================
* New Space Skybox and improved day/night/space transition
* Improved Kerbin surface texture maps
* RCS (Reaction Control System) Module Part.
* Added an 'RCS Toggle' key (Default 'R'), to toggle the RCS on and off.
* Changed the useless Overthrottle LED for an RCS LED, which indicates if the RC
S is enabled.
* Advanced SAS Module Part: Uses input-enabled parts (like winglets and RCS) to
stabilize flight, but applies no forces of it's own.
* High-speed wind sound was audible for no apparent reason on map view
* Time warp dropped to 4x even though there were higher possible options availab
le (when altitude goes below the lower limit for a time rate)
* Orbital time was running much faster than it should at 2x and 4x warp.
* Fixed the Kepler Equation solver in the orbit system, which was causing a numb
er of problems when going into and out of high warp rates.
* Going into warp above 4x now is only possible if no forces are being applied o
n the ship
* Improved formatting on orbital node display numbers, to make it easier to tell
the difference between 10,000m and 100,000m
==================================== v0.11.0x1 =================================
* Overhauled Space Center terrain area in both flight and space center scenes.
* Integrated Orbital Analysis/Propagation system.
* In-Flight Time Compression.
* Orbital "Map" View.
* Orbit Display.
* Better Launchpad area textures.
* Splash-down effects, sounds and a basic buoyancy simulation.
* New "Atmosphere" Gauge in the UI, indicates how deep the ship is in the planet
's atmosphere.
* The Orbit system can now track and propagate hyperbolic (escape) trajectories.
* Parts can now cast shadows on themselves.
Bug Fixes:
* Added a simple but hopefully effective stall simulation for winglets and contr
ol surfaces.
* Made a few optimizations to runtime loaded textures. Now they're compressed to
DXT5 and support mipmaps.
* The MET display will now start counting on liftoff instead of on flight start.
* Tuned the terrain system a bit, to improve visual quality at high altitudes.
* Greatly improved the input lock system. Now, components that lock game control
s won't override locks placed by other components.
* Improved the flight camera code. On Chase mode the camera will not spin around
at the poles anymore, and both modes are more stable overall.
* Optimized the terrain system rendering, and got a nice boost in performance du
ring flight.

==================================== v0.10.1 ===================================

Bug Fixes:
* Eliminated the sharp atmospheric cutoff at 34,500m. Now there is atmosphere up
to around 68,000m.
* Improved the drag calculations.
* Created a new ControlSurface module to replace the problematic Stabilizer modu
le. The Stabilizer is now deprecated.
* Changed the folder structure on the Mac version, so it is the same as the PC v

==================================== v0.10.0x4 =================================

* Added alternate mappings to every key binding.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed the strange holes on the north and south pole of the planet.
* Fixed the sun flare effect flickering problem.

==================================== v0.10.0x3 =================================

* Added a Camera Horizontal and Camera Vertical axis bindings to allow using a h
at switch or gamepad thumbstick to move the camera
Bug Fixes:
* Joystick Deadzone and Sensitivity values were applied incorrectly.
* Screen Resolution setting failed to set on game startup. Now it's applied just
before loading starts.
* Fixed a bug with the solid boosters, where they would become heavier instead o
f lighter as their fuel was spent.

==================================== v0.10.0x2 =================================

* Added a Throttle (Incremental) binding to the input config. This allows mappin
g an axis to control the throttle, much like the W/S keys do.
* Added sensitivity and deadzone options to each axis mapping
* Changed the Invert axis method to a more conventional checkbox
* Added a button to completely clear a control assignment.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug with precision mode controls, where they would not increment past
about 10%
* Returned the launchpad colliders to how they were before
* Fixed the altimeter registering 60m at sea level.
==================================== v0.10.0x1 =================================
* Completely overhauled procedural terrain system. Much more reliable and stable
* The whole planet can now detect collisions, so ejected parts can now land safe
* The terrain mesh is far more stable, shorelines and mountains no longer wobble
* The new terrain system is completely translation and rotation-safe. It can be
moved dynamically without breaking visually.
* An Orbital analysis and propagation system, allowing for a complete planetary
simulation, among many other possibilities, is ready for implementation.
* Terrain quads are now queded for subdivision, to improve performance
* The terrain system now allows for a secondary target object, so both the ship
and the camera can subdivide the terrain.
* Mini settings screen for in-game tweaks.
* New (much better) shader for water.
* The R8 Winglet now responds to input, and can be used as an elevator, canard,
aileron, rudder, or any combination.
* It is now possible to crank anti-aliasing up to 8x.
* Joystick Support.
* A working Mac OSX version!
Bug Fixes:
* Hi-subdivision tiles now have mesh colliders, which means the far side of the
planet is no longer an insta-death trap.
* Fixed the textures stretching near the terminator
* The camera will no longer go through the ground.
* The terrain collision mesh now perfectly matches the visual terrain.
* Fixed a problem with the atmosphere, where it would fade in and out at specifi
c points in orbit.
* Fixed a few problems with some game settings not being correctly applied on ga
me start.
* Fixed a problem with the volume settings where explosions would sometimes soun
d out even with volume at 0%
* Added a basic compatibility/integrity check on loading ships. If it fails, the
ship won't load but the game won't crash.

==================================== v0.9.0x6 ==================================

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a problem with the input settings screen on low resolutions
* Set minimum resolution to 800x600
* Fixed an oversight on our part that would prevent the fullscreen setting from
being saved.
* Fixed some parts that were out of date on the distribution
==================================== v0.9.0X5 ==================================
* Parachutes can no longer deploy in a vaccuum (they wait until there is some at
mosphere to open)
* Added staging stack scrolling through the Home and End keys
* Added key mappings for Zoom In/Out, Scroll View Up/Down (VAB) and Scroll Icons
* Added key mappings to rotate the camera
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed the G meter spiking up towards infinity at large distances.
* Fixed some more details with the settings screen
* Changed the layout of the input mapping screen
* Fixed a problem with the sound loading system, that wouldn't load custom sound

===================================== v0.9.0x4 =================================

* Added Settings screen to configure Audio, Video and Input settings
* Removed the old Launcher menu
* Added an input mapping for the Precision Controls Toggle
* Tweaked the settings UI graphics a bit
* Changed attachment mode to the previous one, since the new one was causing sta
bility problems in flight
Bug Fixes:
* Staging would still sometimes fire out of order
* Fixed a problem with the symmetry that could cause the game to crash sometimes
===================================== v0.9.0x3 =================================
Bug Fixes:
* Struts could cause the game to crash if they didn't find their targets
* Alt+copying parts inside grouped icons would eventually lead to a crash
* Heavily modified staging sequences would sometimes fire out of order
===================================== v0.9.0x2 =================================
* all parts now have a fuelCrossFeed value (True/False) to enable/disable fuel f
* Added a new icon for strut connectors
* Added a mouse grab offset on the VAB, so parts can be grabbed without twitchin
g to reach the cursor
Bug Fixes:
* SAS could cause pod to wobble if activated with nothing more than the pod
* Debug console key not consistent with different keyboard layouts (changed to A
* Undo/Redo sometimes caused struts to lose targets
* staging sometimes resetting itself
* Game would hang for a few seconds if selecting/placing a large number of parts
at once.
* loading would sometimes crash when loading a ship with struts
* some icons were not being grouped correctly according to part state
===================================== v0.9.0x1 =================================
* Stages are now persistent when manually edited.
* Stages are now stored in relative values. This means they're now smarter
* Parts can now specify their preferred relative stage though the cfg
* Editing the staging sequence now creates Undo states.
* The Debug Console can now be opened in the loading screen to debug load proble
* Stages can now be manually created and, when empty, deleted
* Stages are now represented as groups with parts inside them, instead of just s
eparated by indicators
* The staging stack now scrolls manually using the mousewheel (when mouseing ove
r it)
* Icons in the staging stack can now be multiple selected and moved as a group
* Whole stages can now be dragged and repositioned
* Stages can now be reset manually through a reset button
* Empty stages delete themselves in flight
* Active parts in previous stages move up to the current stage.
* Parts on the VAB list will now display their stats when hovered over.
* The tooltip for parts in the VAB will no longer go lower than the screen
* Holding shift while selecting a part in the VAB will now select the pod so the
whole ship can be moved
* Parts now have an ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected parameter on the cfg to allow th
em to be activated after jettisoning
* The VS Gauge now uses a log scale, to allow greater precision with small value
* The Strut Connector. A compound part to create physical linkages between any 2
* Parachutes now have a 'useAGL' parameter. If that's enabled, it will deploy wh
en it reaches deploy altitude from ground level
* Symmetrically placed Icons are grouped into a single icon

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug that caused parts to activate out of sequence sometimes.
* The scroll wheel is no longer read if the application is unfocused.
* Staging lock is now preserved if the application is unfocused and refocused.
* Fixed the MET clock, which would loop back to 00:00:00 when a mission went on
for longer than 24 hours
* Changed the debug console key to Alt + the key left of 1. It would interfere w
ith the throttle controls in flight.
* Fixed parachutes not deploying if not set to the last stage. (they can still d
eploy when jettisoned)
* Fixed a silent error when parts set an explosion potential higher than 1.0
* Eliminated the jitter on the VS gauge
* Changed the physical attachments between parts again, so the stack is less wob
bly overall

===================================== v0.8.5 ===================================

* Added copying of parts (and sets of parts) by holding Alt while clicking on th
* Replaced tricoupler textures and UV mapping (UV map by Dippeggs)
* Parachutes can now deploy automatically if jettisoned along with other parts (
allowing for parts to be safely landed)
* Stage decouplers can now share fuel across stages.
* Added Keys to control the camera in the VAB (+/- for zooming, pgup/pgdown for
* Added Keys to control the camera in flight (+/- for zooming)
* Added some sound effects for the parachute opening
* Added cfg-definable parameter for parachute autodeployment delay
* Added a debugging console to the game (can be toggled with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C)
* Right-clicking the Symmetry Button will now step the symmetry mode back.
* It is no longer possible to select a part of the ship while the mouse is over
any interface items.
* Added toggle key to switch between precision or instant input modes (Caps Lock
* Pitch, Yaw and Roll gauges change color to indicate mode (orange for instant,
cyan for precision)
* Exposed Kd, Ki and Kp parameters for tuning the SAS and CommandPod modules
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed the staging lock LED not turning purple after launch
* Icons no longer show a transparent border floating around then mousing over di
sconnected parts.
* Fixed a bug where deleting a symmetrical part would sometimes leave it's count
erparts floating around.
* Fixed a bug where creating a new stage with a decoupler and then removing it w
ould generate errors.
* Fixed most sound volume decay over distance problems.
* Fixed a bug that caused a massive performance drop when fuel tanks emptied (fu
el tank switch lag bug)
* The Flight camera will now remain always centered on the ship's center of mass
* The Screenshot function will now create a Screenshots directory if one isn't f
* The altimeter will now go past 999,999K correctly (it will move up to 1000M, t
hen 1000G, 1000T and so on)
* Fixed a bug that could cause large ships to explode at 5,000m altitude.

===================================== v0.8.4 ===================================

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a small but incredibly disruptive bug which prevented engines from being
connected to fuel tanks
===================================== v0.8.3 ===================================
* Added key to lock staging, to prevent accidental jettisoning (remember to set
it off later). Set to Alt+L
* Added a tooltip for the Symmetry Button
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed A TON of bugs with the symmetry and ship construction in general. Game i
s stable again.
* Fixed a bug where parts would lose staging info and revert to default when ret
urning from flight to the VAB. (the staging reset bug)
* Fixed a glitch introduced in 0.8.3 RC1 that allowed parts to be attached to fr
ozen parts.

===================================== v0.8.2 ===================================

This version is a hotfix for a couple of ugly bugs found with the 0.8.1 release.
The 0.8.1 release introduced a few changes to the .craft file format, so it is p
ossible that ships
created with versions prior to 0.8.1 might not be compatible with the new versio
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a serious bug where swapping about symmetrical parts would crash the gam
* Pod cannot be dropped if an Escape Tower (PunchOut addon) is attached

===================================== v0.8.1 ===================================

* Added options to use Angle Snapping when placing surface-aligned parts.
* Symmetrical placement mode in the VAB.
* It's now possible to set aside a part of group of parts. This enables adding p
arts in between others without deleting half the ship.
* Sound Normalizer, keeps the volume balanced even with 50+ boosters firing
* Added framerate cap to keep GPUs from screaming on light scenes. (configurable
through the settings.cfg file)
* Deleting a part now requires clicking the parts list. This prevents accidental
deletion. (Or you can also press 'Delete)
* Fuel can now flow through Strut parts like the tricoupler
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed bug where starting a new ship with a loaded multi-stage ship would creat
e empty stages
* Smoke trail effects now fade away when nearing the edge of the atmosphere
* Fixed SkySphere culling issues at large distances
* Added cfg parameter to enforce a symmetry mode when stacking (like 3 under the
* Updated editor tutorial to reflect the changes in this update

====================================== v0.8 ====================================

* Saving and Loading buttons in the interface, as well as a ship loading dialog
for picking new ships.
* Ship name field in the editor, allows saving ships with any filename.
* Screenshot button to capture the screen to file.
* functioning MET indicator in the flight UI
* Pages in the VAB part list, whenever the parts exceed the size of the list.
* New skins for the UI windows that pop up. (like the flight results dialog)
* A new splash screen before the main menu enters.
* SAS toggle with 'T' key
* Option to Simulate in Background in the settings.cfg file
* Undo/Redo actions in the VAB, by Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y
* Fuel tanks are now stackable to increase fuel amount (and weight )
* On-screen text popup to let you know the current camera mode
* Cfg interpreter can now parse 2D, 3D, and 4D Vectors, as well as rotations (in
angle-axis format)
* Cfg-defined thrust positions and orientations, make retro-rockets and any othe
r craziness open for addon parts.
* Parts may now create new stages for themselves through the cfg (used to be dec
ouplers only)
* New texture for the Solid Rocket Booster
* The game now checks for updates against the KSP site, and let's you know if th
ere is a new version available
* Loading screen moved to before the main menu appears.
Bug fixes:
* Liquid Engine particle effects responding to engine cutoff
* Icon indicators for all parts that need to show information
* Custom icons for all part types
* VAB placement bug with tricouplers and fuel tanks (and decouplers)
* Reposition the NavBall and main camera focus, so the ship isn't obscured by th
e interface - this one is kinda moot now, since the new camera centers the ship
better, and the navball doesn't hide the ship anymore.
* Pause also affecting particle effects
* Pausing the game no longer produces a G-force peak
* SRB mesh normals correction
* Complete rewrite of the flight camera code. No more jitters and a number of ne
w options in the settings.cfg
* Relaunch button on pause menu. No need to end flight to relaunch.
* Version text on main menu resetting after returning to it from game.
* Inverted the middle mouse button zoom. Now mouseing forward brings the camera
* The text on the stage indicators no longer appears over other interface elemen
* Fixed excessive wobbliness with side-attached parts
* Radial decouplers now have their own module (they used to share modules with t
he stack decoupler)
* Increased the inclination range for the VAB camera from 45 to 80
* Updated tutorial to reflect the changes made in this update (like the new came
ras in flight).
* Tweaked the Radial Decoupler separation. It can now eject lit SRBs safely away
from the ship and not kill the crew everytime.

====================================== v0.7.3 ==================================

* Initial Release

Copyright Notice:
The UKSA logo is property of the UK Space Agency. Used with permission.

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