Names of Rasoolullah SAW Book - ch1

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In this chapter, we will discuss:

1. Certain terminology pertaining to this subject of studying Islam;

2. The gifts that have been granted by Allah  to each Prophet ;
3. The four negative actions that all Prophets AS are protected from.

Let us now begin with the definitions of the terminology.

We should realise and be well aware that Allah , The Wise

Creator, has created everything in different forms and has given
them different qualities. Every creation of Allah  differs from each
other in their natures and strengths. In the same way, every human
being is different in his personality, and in the manner he looks at
and considers something.

The welfare of creation, and in particular, humanity, is specified in

the sense that it is directly linked to glad-tidings and warnings.
Allah , through His infinite Mercy and knowledge, had chosen
Prophets and Messengers AS to guide humanity and lead them out
from the darkness of ‘Kufr’ (disbelief) and sin, to the radiance of the
Truth, namely Islam. It is through revelation, inspiration and true
dreams that Allah  enlightened His Noble Prophets AS, who He
gifted with the highest qualities that anyone was gifted with, and the
same qualities that Allah  gifted His pious and noble angels with.

Regarding the term ‘Al-Nubuwwah’, it is “A means of communication

for a servant of Allah  to transmit messages from Allah  Himself, to
those who have understanding from Allah’s  creation. For this reason, it
is always described with the Message and the Mission.”2
The term ‘Al-Nabi’ refers to one who has been sent with news and
information, in other words, he informs people about Allah 
through Divine Revelation. The term ‘Al-Rasool’ refers to the one
who has been sent, in other words, he has been commanded by
Allah  to deliver the message and the revelation. The term ‘Al-
Wahi’ refers to Divine Revelation or Inspiration from Allah  to a
Prophet  of His, which is delivered quickly and without

Furthermore, this ‘Nubuwwah’ (or Prophethood as we understand it),

is not complete except with four special qualities, which Allah 
granted to His Divine Emissaries AS. In the same manner, it is not
complete except due to the fact that Allah  saved His Prophet 
from four negative qualities. Only with both of these two special
gifts, can a person be honoured with Nubuwwah.3 Regarding the
four special qualities that a Prophet AS is gifted with, they are:

1. A special type of virtue: The best and the most praiseworthy

aspect in the life history of kings, is that they always sent the best
person amongst their servants to deliver their messages. This person
is the only one amongst the king’s subjects that has the ability to
carry the responsibilities of the message on his shoulders. Allah ,
The Most Wise and The One Who has power over all things, did not
choose except the most educated and righteous person to deliver His
Message to the people. This is what is meant by the verse of the Holy
Qur’aan: [Allah knows best who He gives the right to deliver His

2 Dalaa’ilul An-Nubuwwah, Al-Haafidh Abu Na`eem Al-Asbahaani .

3 Same as previous reference.
4 Surah Al-An`aam, verse 124.
2. A virtue of high honour: When kings send a messenger, they
choose him for delegations, and assist him with rare gifts and by
granting him very high nobility. They make it easier for him to
speak more than his ability, and they accord him with the right to
serve them. Allah , The Most Compassionate and The Most
Merciful, assisted His Prophets AS with gifts that strengthened their
hearts and encouraged them. These gifts trained the Prophets AS to
acquire praiseworthy characteristics, strong determination, and
wisdom that would last as long as time. An example of this is that
Allah  assisted Nabi Musa  to free his tongue from knots, so
that he could speak without stuttering, and Allah  sent Nabi
Haroon  with him: [You have been granted your request, Oh Musa.]5

3. Modes of guidance: When kings choose someone, they give that

person messages and scriptures that contain guidance and teachings.
Allah , The Most High and Great, when He nurtured a Prophet of
His  for His messages, He sent scriptures and teachings with that
Prophet . Through Allah’s  infinite knowledge, He knew that
acquired knowledge is not learnt except through teaching: [In that
way, We strengthen your heart through the revelation.]6

4. Strong determination when being rejected: When a king sends

someone to guide the people, so that they can serve him faithfully
and love him, he deems it of utmost importance that his message is
delivered. Otherwise, the messenger is punished immediately and in
a severe manner, which teaches him to remain steadfast and
safeguard his own salvation. Allah  is Most Kind to His servants,
and He is most loyal to His closest friends by assisting them. He
does not keep His teachings and warnings away from a servant of
His, who He has chosen to, carry the responsibilities of the message.
It is for this reason that Allah  said to Nabi Nooh  when he
asked for his son’s salvation: [Do not ask me for something that you do

5 Holy Qur’aan, Surah Taahaa, v 36.

6 Holy Qur’aan, Surah Al-Furqaan, v 32.
not have knowledge about. I am giving you admonishment, so that you do mission. In this way, Allah  proved that the Prophet  was
not become of those who are ignorant.]7 receiving Divine Revelation.

Hence, these four special qualities are not achieved through earning 3. Transgression against Allah’s  commands: No Prophet  has
it and striving for it, because they are gifts from Allah  Himself. ever acted in a manner contrary to the commands of Allah . They
The wisdom behind them is directly linked to Allah , in Whose have made mistakes, yes, but none of them have ever transgressed.
hands lies everything, and He does not manifest these qualities,
except in special times and places. That is why He says: [Allah does 4. Ignorance concerning his message: As we have mentioned
not grant anyone knowledge of the Unseen, except whom He has chosen as previously, each Prophet  was enlightened by Allah  about His
a messenger.]8 laws and messages.
The four negative qualities or actions that a Prophet AS is saved I hope that this chapter will broaden our knowledge concerning, the
from are:
gift of ‘Nubuwwah’, which Allah  has only bestowed on a selected
number of His pious servants. Through this, we will gain deeper
1. Disbelief in Allah ; understanding of what we will discuss in the coming chapters of this
2. Falsely claiming to receive Divine Revelation from Allah ; book.
3. Transgressing against the commands of Allah; and
4. Ignorance concerning the laws and rulings of Allah .9 To purchase the complete book, please email me:
1. Disbelief in Allah : A Prophet  of Allah is free and
innocent from even an atom’s weight of ‘Kufr’ (disbelief). This is true
relating to before ‘Nubuwwah’, as well as after. Some people might
have the misconception that Nabi Ibraheem  worshipped the
sun, the moon and the planets before believing in Allah . This is a
false belief, because ‘Kufr’ is something that every single Prophet of
Allah  is completely granted salvation from. Nabi Ibraaheem 
used these creations as proof to teach his people that there is a Great
Divine Entity that exists, namely, Allah , The Greatest and The
Creator of all existence.
2. Falsely claiming to receive Divine Revelation: Every Prophet 
is assisted with certain miracles, known as ‘Mu`jizaat’, to support his

7 Surah Hood, v 46.

8 Surah Al-Jinn, v 26-27.
9 Dalaa’ilul Nubuwwah, Imaam Al-Asbahaani .

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