Wellspringchurch Communityoutreach

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Welcome to Myrtle Beach Intermediate School

Wellspring Church - Love Week Agenda

July 18, 2016

A. Welcome and Introductions

i. Prayer led by Wellspring Church Member

B. Assignment of Task groups:

a. Picnic Table Crew (Mrs. Alber - Outside Courtyard)
b. Technology Crew (Mr. A- Library/Teachers classrooms)
c. Laminating Crew (Ms. Maxwell - Team Room)
d. Cutting Crew (Ms. Maxwell - Team Room)
e. Cleaning Crew ( Ms. Colliver - Teachers classrooms)
f. Organization Crew (Ms. Maxwell - Team Room)

C. Report to task crew area after assignment

D. Lunch - Team Room @ 12:00

E. Closure and Clean-up @ 4:00

Thank you so much for your time and hard work!

MBI appreciates YOU!
Planning/ Ideas for Wellspring:

1. Laminating Kagan Flipbook Cards

2. Assembling Kagan Flipbooks
3. Laminating/cutting out Kagan Bucks
4. Hooking up computers in teachers classrooms- old to the gym
5. Assembling back to school gift for teachers - (Kids???)
6. Painting picnic tables
7. Library set up
8. Count out whiteboard- deliver to rooms
9. Clorox wipes on the desks
10. Replanting flowers in pots

Stuff to do:
Get PTO cooler - ice machine
Ask Custodians to assist that morning
Get unmatching desks out of classrooms
Make an agenda and assign tasks

a. Team Room - Laminating and cutting Crew
b. Computer Crew - 2 teams
c. Picnic Table crew
d. Room Assistance - Cleaning/Setting up
e. Library - Whiteboard Count

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