IWMW 2017 Draft Timetable

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Institutional Web Management Workshop

(IWMW 2017)
Understanding Users; Managing Change; Delivering Services

IWMW 2017 will be held at the University of Kent on 11-13 July 2017.
IWMW 2017 is the 21st in the series of annual events for those with responsibilities for managing
institutional web services and other digital channels.

The theme of IWMW 2017 is Its The End Of The Institution As We Know It (And We Feel Fine).

Tuesday 11st July 2016

11:00 17:00 Registration
13.45 15:30 Opening Session: The End of the World?
Chair: TBC
14:00 14:45 Plenary 1: xxx
xx, University of Kent
14:45 15:30 Plenary 2: Having a Good Crisis...and Not Wasting It
Andrew Millar, University of Dundee
15:30 16:00 Tea/Coffee
16:00 17:30 Workshop Sessions
17:30 19:00 Free time
19:00 late Workshop Dinner

Wednesday 12th July 2017

09:00 10:45 Morning Session 1: We Feel Fine
Chair: x
09:00 09:45 Plenary 3: x,
x, Precedent
09:45 10:15 Plenary 4: High Sights, High Standards
Carley Hollis, St Andrews
10.15 10.45 Plenary 5: Making Digital Change Happen
Melanie Read, University of London
10:45 11:15 Tea/Coffee
11:15 12:45 Morning Session 2: xx
Chair: xx
11:15 11:45 Plenary 6: Oxford Mosaic - A Web Publishing Platform for the
Future, Matthew Castle, University of Oxford
11:45 12:15 Plenary 7: Realising the Vision of a Single Source of Course
Information, Graham Bird, Cardiff University
12.15 12:45 Plenary 8: Building a Digital Publishing Platform
Rich Prowse, University of Bath
12:45 14:00 Lunch x
14:00 14:30 Afternoon Session: xx x
Chair: xx
14:00 14:30 Plenary 9: A Practical Guide to How We Built a Self-
Documenting Digital Pattern Library, Stephen Evans, St Andrews
14:45 17:30 Master Classes (includes coffee break)
19:00 late DIY eating and entertainment

Institutional Web Management Workshop: Its The End Of The Institution As We Know It (And We Feel Fine)
University of Kent, 11-13 July 2017
Thursday 23rd June 2016
09:00 11:00 Morning Session 1: ??? xx
Chair: xx
09:00 09:30 Plenary 10: xx
Paul Boag, xx
09:30 10.00 Plenary 11: The Life Academic,
Chris Gutteridge, xx University of Southampton
10:00 10:30 Plenary 12: Building a Collaborative Culture in HE
Stratos Filalithis, University of Edinburgh
10:30 11:00 Tea/Coffee
Morning Session 2: xx
Chair: Mike McConnell, University of Aberdeen
11:00 11:15 Open to all: xx
11:15 12:00 Plenary 13: xx, xx, xx
Concluding Session: Learning and Planning
12:00 12:30 Plenary 14: Learning From the Past; Looking to the Future
Panel session ??
12:30 12:45 Conclusions

Social Events
The event dinner will be held on the first evening at TBC. On the second night delegates are free to arrange their own
meal and drinks. Details of recommended restaurants and pubs will be provided.
The cost is TBC per person. The delegate fee includes full attendance at the workshop, accommodation for 2 nights,
conference materials, refreshments and lunch, workshop dinner and social events.
Further Information
Further information about the event is available on the IWMW 2017 Web site at http://iwmw.org/iwmw2017/
In addition details of the event are available on Lanyrd at http://lanyrd.com/2017/iwmw17/
Workshops (16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 11 July)
Participants can attend one of the workshop sessions which last for 1.5 hours.
A1: The Sixty Minute (Data Dashboard) A2: Create Effective Content Quickly A3: User testing - A Toolkit
Makeover - in 1 hour 30 minutes! With Pair Writing
A4: Rolling Out New Website to A5: How To Be A Productivity Ninja A6:
University Departments workstream
A7: A9: A10: Debunking the Myths of WordPress &
External Hosting

Master Classes (14.45-17.30 on Wednesday 12 July)

Participants can attend one of the master classes which last for 2.5 hours.
B1: Working in an Agile way - Content B2: Implementing a New Brand B3: Precedent
Creation, Delivery and Standards (Redux)
B4: B5: B6: IWMW in Miniature???
B7: Corporate Use of Social Media??? B8: Writing Well for the Web???

Institutional Web Management Workshop: Its The End Of The Institution As We Know It (And We Feel Fine)
University of Kent, 11-13 July 2017

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