Ezekiel Owuor - KRU Manifesto 2017

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Ezekiel Owuor

Candidate for the Position of

Director of the Kenya Rugby Union
March - 2017
Rugby Administration
Treasurer, Kenya Harlequin FC current

Lenana School 1st XV - 1995 & 1996
Kenya Under 19 1996
Mean Machine 1st XV Flanker, 1997
Kenya Harlequins - 2nd XV 1998 2000
Moi University Captain, 1999 2001
Rugby Support and Sponsorships
Strathmore Leos - Pan Africa Life
Kenya Harlequin FC CIC Group
Kisumu RFC CIC Group
My Profile
I have an MBA in Strategic Management from Strathmore Business School and a degree in Arts - Government and
Public Administration from Moi University. I am qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing - UK (MCIM
- UK), Retail Banking Academy- UK and hold a Certificate of Proficiency in Insurance from the college of insurance. I
am a member of the Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK) and have attended several leadership courses both locally
and abroad. Currently, I am the Managing Director at CIC Life Assurance Ltd; a subsidiary of the CIC Group with an
Asset Base of Ksh. 27 Billion. I am an expert in distribution & marketing and acquired over 15 years experience in
the financial services industry, mainly life insurance, asset management and banking. My skills include s a l e s
m a n a g e m e n t , n e w b u s i n e s s d e v e l o p m e n t , f i n a n c e , business strategy, strategic planning, business
analysis, account management, negotiation, marketing, communication and customer service. I have previously
worked with The Insurance Company of East Africa as a Marketing Executive, Invesco Financial Services as a
Marketing Supervisor, Old Mutual Kenya as Head of Sales & Marketing, CfC Life as Head of Sales and Marketing,
Liberty East Africa as the Country Head of Sales & Distribution, Pan Africa Life as General Manager in charge of Retail
Business and Chase Bank as General manager of Consumer Banking. I serve in the board of CIC Africa and previously
served in the boards of Parklands Sports Club and Lenana School among others. I have also served in various committees
at Karen and Muthaiga Golf Clubs. I am married with three children.
The Game today
Rugby in Kenya enjoys a widespread enrollment of players and a fast growing fan base that is
constantly laden with high expectations from the good game. These expectations are mirrored
back into the personnel involved right from the players, coaches and the match officials that
handle our game within the country.

We have seen tough times where none of the units involved in this have been considered as
drivers of the development of the game. It is in this regard that the Players who participate in
the league (Kenya Cup, Eric Shirley and Nationwide), the technical staff who prepare them for
the same matches and the Referees/Match officials that take care of the proceedings DO NOT
feel motivated or have a dwindling enthusiasm while participating in the league matches. This
has been as a result of the League format not being packaged attractively not only to the
players and officials, but also to the Fans that attend the matches.

These three leagues form the backbone of our Rugby structure in Kenya. It is only by
developing these leagues to world-class levels that we can boast of the growth and
development of the game in Kenya.
I will not cast a dark shadow over the management and steering of the good game within the
country. I acknowledge the strides made by our predecessors in office BUT believe that I can
turn around the stagnant areas, refine the works in progress and offer a more professional
approach to the management of the game in the country.

Rugby in Kenya is enjoying an increase in the goodwill and acceptability right from the age
grade level, high schools, institutions of higher learning and eventually to club and national
team levels. This goodwill should not be mistaken as a right but should be nurtured and
monitored to achieve its intended purpose.

I shall share my focus areas in my vision as a testimony to my commitment to achieving full

recognition and participation from all stakeholders that contribute to the overall success of
Rugby in Kenya.
My Vision
My focus is a Back to Basics approach that will place emphasis on the well-being of all the
stakeholders that participate in the game tirelessly.

1. Kenya Cup, Eric Shirley and Nationwide League Title sponsorship.

This will be my flagship task that will change the face of Rugby in Kenya. A title sponsor will
ensure that the game profile is hyped and the league taken as the ultimate trophy in the land.
This will also culminate in more attendance of league games and in turn create value for the
title sponsor to push the brands that support us.

2. Kenya Rugby Referees Society partnership.

The match officials play a key role in the development of the game in any setting. Any
sponsorship that shall be signed in my tenure should stipulate how the Referees and match
officials shall be treated as part of the game. We also need to attract young men and women
into this area as a career option only if we make it lucrative.
3. Club and Match venue Facilities.
It is sad to note that we are proceeding with Rugby matches at venues that DO NOT have basic
requirement to proceed with the same. Safety and emergency medical provisions will be a
priority in my leadership. Key to this will be engaging third party providers to handle this very
vital area of the safety and development of our players. Basic equipment like Scrum machines,
basic gym equipment and tackle bags are essential to the development of player levels in the
country. I have targeted corporate sponsorship to take up this area and bridge the gap to bring
the same to acceptable levels.

4. Financial Integrity and Prudent utilization of Resources available to the Union.

Financial openness is a key ingredient to the overall smooth running and equitable distribution
of resources that we are accessible to. I shall strive to create an open environment of
transparency in the allocation, expenditure and distribution of financial and material resources
available to the union at all times.

5. Development of Womens Rugby league.

I shall treat the area of Womens Rugby with the seriousness it deserves in order to be part of
the development strides made in the same at Global level. A womens league with a structured
format plus a corporate partner to oversee the same shall be my focus to motivate and increase
the player base at national level.
What do I bring to the Board?
I am keen on actualizing sponsorship and partnership deals that are aimed at
improving the welfare and overall development of the game. These sponsorships are
aimed at increasing the Profile and the general appeal of the game to the large pool of
players leaving high school and college for a smooth transition into club and national

My performance driven culture shall be deployed to achieve professionalism and best

practice standards much to the benefit of the technical staff and the playing units of the
game. I believe the high standards of performance attained by my vast experience in
running business entities outlined in my profile shall be key in transforming the
operational standards expected for the game to thrive.

Lastly I seek an all-inclusive and participatory approach in the running, management

and development of the game aimed at achieving an overall picture of success.
Teamwork will be a key ingredient in my leadership for these scenarios to be
All for one and one for All Kenya Rugby.

Ezekiel Owuor @2017

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