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Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Infrastructure Rehabilitation (BLDG 6931)
Winter - 2017
Course Outline


Instructor Office E-Mail Phone Office hours

EV- Thursday:
Dr. Jassim Hassan Ext:3191
6.243 11:30 am-1:00 pm

Time & Location:

Lecture Day time Location

Lect Tuesday 5:45 8:15 pm H-401

Course Assistant:

Teaching Assistant T/M Office E-Mail Phone

Ms. Marwa Ahmed Marker TBA TBA TBA

Recommended/Reference Books:

Wojciech Radomski, Bridge Rehabilitation, Imperial College Press, 2002

Mohiuddin A. Khan, Bridge and Highway Structure Rehabilitation and
Repair, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Course Evaluation:

The course will be graded on the following basis:

Project 40%
Final exam 60%


To be announced.

Course Content:

Tentative Schedule

Typical Damage of Bridge Structures

Assessment and Evaluation Techniques
Some General Problems of Bridge Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of Concrete Bridge Superstructures
Modernization of Concrete, Steel and Composite Bridges

Final Examination:

Tuesday, April 4, 2017. Start at 5:45 pm.

Locations will be announced.

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