Wartime Issue 67 The War That Ended Peace

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ENDED PEACE other of the European powers. The First

IN 1914 THERE WERE FORCES AGAINST World War marked the end of Europe as a
THE WAR WHICH MIGHT HAVE PREVAILED. world power. It saw the emergence of new
From a talk by Margaret MacMillan powers, the United States in particular,
which was already on its way to great power,
something the First World War accelerated.
It also sped the disappearance of the

European empires. It brought in or fostered
efore 1914, Europe was the most new ideologies I think it is fair to say that
powerful part of the world, without the First World War, we would not
dominating much of it through have had Bolshevism in Russia, and I doubt
wealth, investment and trade, but we would have had fascism either. The First
also through Europes superior technology World War created a new and more brutal
and science. Much of the world was European society in which people were
controlled directly or indirectly by one or prepared to resort to violent ways of settling


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sometimes with fear for the future.

There are a great many explanations of
how the war started, and that in itself is a
danger, because we can look back into the
period before the First World War and we
can see all sorts of possible causes, from
nationalism to the military plans. And
there is a danger that we then assume that
it had to happen, it was inevitable. I dont
think it was inevitable, I dont think very
much in human affairs is inevitable, and I
think we should all fight against that sense
because when that happens, we give up.
What I think important is to look
beyond who was responsible and ask
what Europe was like by 1914, and why
it was that there were tensions in Europe
that pushed it towards war. I think we
need to remember that there were very
many people who thought that war was
impossible or improbable, many of whom
actually did their best to try to make
sure that war would not happen again.
We look so often at the forces that were
pushing for the war in Europe before 1914
that we forget that there was a very big
peace movement, among both the middle
classes and the working classes, which at
the time seemed likely to keep Europe in
a state of peace rather than in a state of
war. So I want to look at both of those
forces and in the end try to understand
how it was, by the summer of 1914, that
yet another crisis broke out in the small
backyard of Europe in the Balkans. I
want to understand why enough people
in positions of power thought that war
was a reasonable option. Why did they
think they could use it, why did they not
issues: increasing numbers of assassinations, foresee as we think they should have
Above: Street
increasing numbers of street battles. For that fighting in Berlin
done that the dangers of stalemate were
reason, the First World War still haunts during the Spartacist very, very great? Trying to understand the
us, because its consequences have been so uprising in 1919. Its origins of the First World War, I feel, is
enormous and many of those consequences suppression marked like playing a chess game on many levels:
the end of the
are still shaping the way in which we live. German Revolution,
you are trying to understand the forces
The First World War also haunts us though political that are pushing Europe towards war, but
because we still cant decide whose fault street violence was also pulling it back from war. And you are
it was, and that does worry us, and the not uncommon trying to understand, in the end, those
in Germany in the
debates go on and on. If we cant agree 1920s and 1930s.
who had to make the decisions and what
on how it started, or if we cant come to AWM A01667 their thinking was.
a consensus on how it started, then we The age before 1914 was like
may be left with the very uncomfortable our own age: a time of tremendous
feeling that it may have been an accident, globalisation. It had knit the world
it may have been a mistake. That worries together in unprecedented ways. New
us not just because it happened in the communications such as steamships,
past, but because it could happen in the the spread of telegraphs, the beginnings
present. So we look at the origins of the of the spread of telephones and of air
First World War with shame, horror, and travel, just before 1914, were bringing the


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them as a threat to their way of life. There
woe to him who sets Europe was a growth of local nationalism and a
growth of reaction to globalisation. In
alight, who puts the first fuse to many parts of Europe, Jews were blamed
the powderkeg. for the transformation of society, and
so there was a growth of anti-Semitism
in places such as Vienna, where the
different parts of the world into a much Jews were somehow identified with the
closer relationship with each other. Trade awesome power of capitalism.
was expanding hugely around the world, Globalisation does not necessarily
and there were massive movements of make those that trade together great
people as well: peoples from Europe going friends. In the period before 1914,
to Australia, peoples from Asia going to Germany and Britain were each others
the West Indies or Brazil: peoples moving greatest trading partner. Many in Europe
around the world in a way which I think thought the natural alliance in Europe
is really only paralleled today. Sadly was between those two nations. Britain
enough, increased globalisation did not was the greatest naval power in the world
make a happier and more stable world. A with the biggest empire and most overseas
number of people were hurt or disturbed investment; Germany was the biggest land
by globalisation: it is a force that can power in Europe with the biggest army in
be immensely disruptive and which Europe. There were family ties, of course,
can sweep away sources of income and which went from the royal families right
previous occupations. Some people benefit down to the middle classes. There were
from globalisation, but not everyone. natural alliances because of shared values:
Some people were uncomfortable both were predominantly Protestant
about the rapid expansion of the global countries in an age when Christianity still
community. So before 1914, localisms are meant a great deal in national identity.
becoming very strong, people are taking There was a sense that the British and
refuge in local identities and turning their the Germans were the sober ones in
faces against immigrants, because they see Europe, unlike the French who were seen


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by both the British and the Germans the schools. Tied into that growth of
Far left: A British
as rather skittish and frivolous. So you heightened nationalism was a sense that
poster from
would have thought that increased trade we are different and in some ways better. 1916 depicting
between Britain and Germany would have Ethnically-based nationalism requires an Germany and
fostered that sense of having something in opposite, it requires an enemy. AustriaHungary as
octopuses spreading
common. In fact it didnt. What common Tied in with this heightened
their tentacles
trade did sometimes was to create fears in nationalism was a growth in both the across Europe.
both countries that the other was jealous, extent and importance of public opinion. AWM ARTV00125
or that the other was cutting into natural This was something really new in Europe.
Below: A pre-war
markets. There were occasional waves of Until the middle of the century, most
recruitment poster
fear going through Britain that it was European rulers didnt have to worry about featuring Irish and
going to be invaded by the Germans. public opinion. They didnt have to worry Scottish Coldstream
Along the coast of Germany, there were about the next election. It was only as Guards and
Grenadier Guards.
fears that the British were planning a the century went on that it became more
surprise landing. So greater closeness did important to appeal to wider and wider
not necessarily bring greater friendship. sections of the population. The growth
Before 1914 there was also a period of public opinion was of course fuelled
of heightened nationalism. Th is wasnt by the spread of communications and
just a reaction to globalisation, this was literacy, and by the growth of the mass
something that had been building in media that made available cheap books
Europe since the end of the 18th century. and newspapers. And along with these
Before the 18th century most Europeans changes you get highly organised lobby
did not identify themselves as being part groups. These, and public opinion in
of a nation. They identified themselves as general, become things that rulers have to
belonging in this village or that village, take account of. This meant that if there
as living on this estate or that estate. was a crisis, governments found themselves
They identified themselves perhaps by being pushed in directions in which they
language, perhaps by religion, but national
identity was not something that most
people would have felt defined them. But
nationalism increasingly became a way in
which people identified themselves. It was
helped by the spread of communications
it was much easier to feel you were part
of something called the British nation
or the French nation if in your morning
newspaper you could read news from all
over that nation. And of course by the end
of the 18th century, many more people
were reading than had been able to read at
the beginning of the century.
But what you also got was the
elevation of the nation as something
greater than the sum of all its individuals,
and historians arguing that in some way
nations were eternal. Historians actually
play a malign role in this period. They
did in fact encourage the growth of these
passionate nationalisms, often by creating
national histories which portrayed a
particular nation German, French,
British or whatever as something that
had existed for a very long time, and
which would go on existing, to which
people owed allegiance. Often historians
created national histories which had
very little relation to the truth, and
these histories would then be taught in


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did not necessarily want to go. And they Below: A fundraising
Such ideas found particular
found the public was often more ferocious badge collected resonances among the military but
in dealing with other nations than the by an Australian they did also go through society. There
rulers themselves might have been. soldier in England, were forces in Europe and ways of
depicting the ags
Helmut von Moltke, the Elder, of the British,
thinking that helped to predispose many
architect of the German victories of French, Belgian and Europeans to the idea that war was
187071, urged his government, If we Russian allies. possibly a good thing. There was also
get into such a war where the publics are AWM REL41104.013 fear among those who worried about the
engaged, where public passion is engaged, Bottom: A patriotic
future of the race: that somehow Europes
the great powers will find it difficult to handkerchief from very success, and the very advances in
bring such wars to an end. And woe to early in the war, European civilisation, were somehow
him who sets Europe alight, who puts featuring troops of making people soft. There was a real fear,
the three Western
the first fuse to the powderkeg. Very allies.
around the end of the 19th century, of
prescient words indeed. What you got, tied AWM REL38280 degeneracy. At this stage there emerged
to the growth of nationalism, was a belief the new so-called science of eugenics:
permeating European society that war was a the idea that the race could be bred and
natural human activity. This was tied in part somehow manipulated, much as you
to militarism. This was an age in which the would try to breed a better tomato or
military were enormously admired and seen a better poodle. The fi rst international
as the bravest and noblest part of society. eugenics conference was held in London
What also helped to fuel this attitude in 1912. Its patrons included Alexander
was the misapplication of Darwins ideas Graham Bell, the inventor of the
about evolution and the ways in which telephone; Winston Churchill, who
evolution worked in human society; that was First Lord of the Admiralty; and
is, assuming that human societies could be Charles Eliot, the former president of
divided up like species, so that you could Harvard University. So these were
have a French species, a German species not just fringe ideas, they were ideas
or a British species. Social Darwinism affecting the establishment.
got people thinking as though war was The final thing that tended to
a natural part of human society. Just as predispose Europeans towards
species in nature had natural predators, so thinking that war was something
too did nations. You also got this notion good was the glamour of war. We
that those that are fittest will survive. always underestimate it, but for
some people war is something glamorous.
Particularly among the younger generation
in Europe, there was a sense that somehow
they had missed out on the excitement and
the chance to prove themselves in the way
their fathers and uncles had. And there
were those of course, often revolutionaries,
who felt that war would help to destroy
the old society that war in fact would be
a good and an exciting thing.
However we should also remember
that there were a lot of people who
thought such thinking was ridiculous
and crazy. There were many people in
Europe who thought peace was the
natural situation for Europe and that it
was unthinkable that Europeans would
ever go to war again. There were equally
strong forces pushing Europe towards
peace as pushing it towards war. You got
the beginnings of mass organisations
devoted to struggling against war. The
word pacifism begins to be used widely
at this time. There were big international
campaigns for such things as arbitration,


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in which nations would settle their such a war. And of course they could
Above: Crowds have done. If the working classes across
disputes by voluntarily meeting and
outside the
agreeing beforehand that they would o ces of The Europe and around the world had decided
accept the results of that arbitration. There Argus newspaper to go on strike, not only would the armies
are two big disarmament conferences held in Melbourne have been unable to fi ll their ranks, but
anticipating the trains wouldnt have been able to run,
in the Hague before the First World War,
announcement of
in which the nations come together to the outbreak of war the factories would have stopped, ships
talk not of getting rid of war but at least in 1914. could not have been loaded and unloaded.
of limiting war. AWM H11612 In effect, they had it in their hands: the
There is also a huge working class capacity to prevent a general war.
movement in the Second International, But there was trouble under the
which brings together labour parties, surface of the movement. The German
socialist parties from around the world. socialists resisted French pressure for
Th is is potentially a very, very important a fi rm commitment to oppose a war,
force because the number of people voting should it break out. When Italy invaded
socialist is growing. The British Labour Libya in 1911, Italians socialists rejected
party had taken shape, for example, and criticism of their governments civilising
the German Social Democratic party mission. What happens to the Second
was the biggest in Germany by 1912. International when war breaks out is that
It looks as though history is with the it literally falls to pieces on national lines.
working classes as they grow and flood But that wasnt clear before 1914, so you
into the cities, and as more and more do get evidence both ways: that there were
countries become industrialised. The those in Europe that wanted a war, but
Second International, which brings also those in Europe who were prepared
these different parties together, holds to work against it. If you look at the state
international congresses at two- or three- of Europe before 1914, war was by no
year intervals, and at each one they talk means foreordained.
about what they would do if a general war The crisis of the summer of 1914 is
came. Speakers from all countries get up the time when Europe goes over the edge.
and say, We and our members will not My own view is that it neednt have done
fight in a general war, we can prevent so, but there are several factors which


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Right: A German other wars Europe had experienced in

poster c. 1919
the 19th century: short, sharp, a clear
which reads
Bolshevism means victory, and then those who had been
hunger and death, fighting with each other would sit down
but never peace. and discuss peace terms. There had been
warnings that the power of the defence
Below: An unusually was getting very, very strong, that it was
wide poster from getting more and more difficult to attack.
1915. The British The Russo-Japanese War of 190405
regimental badges
had shown that attackers could expect
on the soldiers
caps include losses eight times greater than those of
those of the Royal defenders. But those warnings were either
Engineers, the Royal discounted or explained away; or in some
Artillery, and the
cases, where the military did take them
Irish Guards.
AWM ARTV00585 seriously, they didnt know what else to
do but to keep attacking. There was a
strong belief that attacking forces could
still triumph, and so the military got very
interested in psychology: how do you
motivate soldiers so that they will rush
across a fi re-strewn battlefield and be
prepared to attack?
contribute to making this the crisis in I think that if they had got through
which the the statesmen fail. One factor ABOUT THE the crisis of 1914, things might have
is that they had actually succeeded before. looked very different in 1915, and people
In earlier crises thered been talk of
AUTHOR might have made very different decisions.
war, even threats of war, but each time historian and
What you got in 1914 was a perfect storm
diplomacy and deterrence had worked Oxford University in which a whole lot of things came
and the powers had backed down. Each professor Margaret together at once. You got people in key
previous crisis had been managed and MacMillan is the positions who were determined upon
war had been averted. That very success, author of The war certain courses of action.
I would argue, led to a very dangerous that ended peace. We cant explain how the war
sense of complacency in 1914. Th ings She delivered happened I think there will always be
began to get out of control before people the Boeing arguments about those fatal steps that
really took notice. What the previous commemorative led to war but what we can try to do is
lecture at the
crises also did, however, was to leave a understand what was in the minds of the
Australian War
residue of bad feeling and a determination people then, and try to understand how it
Memorial on
not to back down again. There was also 5 March 2014.
was that they came to think that war was
an assumption that it was too late in This is an edited a reasonable option in 1914. I dont think
the year to have a war. All the wars in transcript of we learn lessons from it, but we should be
Europe up to this point had been fought her talk. warned that with all the best will in the
in JuneJuly, and theyd all been pretty world, clever people, people in positions of
short. Nobody wanted to go to war late power, can make really stupid mistakes. We
in July, when there would not be enough shouldnt think we are cleverer than people
time for a campaign before winter set in. then, and we shouldnt think that we can
Tied in with this was the assumption that avoid catastrophes. One hundred years
many were making about what a future later, we should be reminded that people in
war would look like. Even if a war came, 1914 thought theyd have a nice short war
people tended to assume it would be like and could settle things and didnt.


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