PSG Design Data Book - ME6503 Design of Machine Elements

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= see ANNA UNIVERSITY ea DEERE ‘cera fsa OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS —_[E™5F | seaBamsunis Letter No.24100/UG/C1072015 Dated: 31/08/2015 From To DeGV.UMA, “The Principals of al Afilisted College! Controller of Examinations Government College / Deans of University ‘Anna University Colleges under Anna Univesity, Chennai ~ 600 025 ‘Chennai ~600 025 (Zone I t0 XI) Sir, Sub: Ofo COE Anna University, Chennai ~25~ Theory Examinations ~ Afiiated Colleges — Nov/Dec 2015 Exams Permission to use the Code books for ME6SO3, Regulation 2013 ~ Reg. ‘The principals of all the affiliated colleges, offering BE Mechanical Engineering is informed thatthe Approved Additional Pages are also permite along withthe PSG Design Data Book inthe Examination *ME6S03 - Design of Machine Elements’ Yow tts eS \ CONTROLLEROF EXAMINATIONS Exc As above ‘Copy Al be Zonal Co-ordinator Zonal 02 PSG DESIGN DATA BOOK ADDITIONAL PAGES. ANNA UNIVERS TY :: CHENNAL-25 DrG.RA SAIYAN, Paid Perens simzasi CHARAN fata, beni FACULT / OF MECLANICAL ENGINE: RING cated my LeNo. $3 2/AC21/2003 H Date:25" Se tember,200= To — oe The Dire of, = ‘Academic Courses QB. ‘Anna University A tenn? AL a 2A {nae caiculum of BE, Mectaniest Engineering, here is a ours “MB. 331 Design of Machine Elements”. The PSG Design Data Book is an approved te dae book ‘hich is ported in vhe examination. However the Frscipal, Sti Keshn: College of Engineering and Technology, Colmbstore has staid tat data are not avglib=for eeiain items like Design of Pipe Joints, Design of Piston Assembly, Design of set coupings and has sent data including figues for use inte examination, The sane’ has been ‘scrutinized by me and fond tobe inorder. ‘The Principal ofall fined colleges, offering BE. Mechanical Engi sesng may Please be informed that the aditional pages (copy tobe sent) enclosed are eso permited slong with the PSG Design Data Book in the Examination on “Design of Machine Elements” Yours faittuliy, sa Chaleman Enc: Date Sheets: 20 pages ANNA UNIVERSITY:CHENNAI 600 025 Academic Courses 99.2003, Endi No, SVAU/ACOI?003 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action jon (Acadene Gourses) To All Principals offering B.E. Mechanical Engineering Sy 2 CONTENTS: 2. DESIGN OF PISTON ASSEMBLY - 2.1 Design of Cylinder 2.2 Design of Piston . 2.3 Design of Piston Rings : { 24 Piston Barrel : 2.5 Piston Skir . 2.6 Pis : 3. DESIGNOFSHAFTCOUPEINGS == 12 3.1 Mult Copling - oR 3.2 Hage Coupling - 3.3 Hub Design in Coupling - 34 Flexible Coupling [Bushed Pin Tyre] ry 4.5 Marine Coupling - on List of Figures 1.1 Circular Flanged Pipe Joint 1.2 Oval Flanged Pipe Joint 1.3 Square Flanged Pipe Joint 2.1 Piston for IC Engines 2.2 Piston Pin 3.1 Sleeve of Muff Coupling 3.2 Unprotected Type Flange Coupling 43.2 Protective Type Flange Coupling 3.3 Bushed ~ Pin Flexible Coupling 3.4 Macine Type Flange Coupling 10 " “ Is 16 7 8 Li Circular Flanged pine ii Di=Drdh, Son (oom PeeaDyh 40754 100 noo0n750 +16 (eo St 3 bau dye Deze 28 DyeD eae 24 42mm 2 ol Pend (D9? C971? Frnt 6 40.816 100m = 1502 3m ESIGN OF PIPE JOINTS Di~tneral diameter pe W-Discorge or flow aimee frees & “Tonnes for Lig 1» Deny in Kg for gases 2-8 Tonneln? for Tigi VE Flow velit m Dy Diameter ofthe cece ovcing al oles pc ice dete 1 Diameser of bat ele = Resistance terngof ts Cored ofbals No. oFBats P.—Cieamfeenti Pic of bls Pz shouldbe between 201 030%, {4 Nomina! ameter of tts 1 No. of tits (¢-Thickness of ange 1B Wid of ange ‘Dp- Oude ameter of ange Dp Pic ee amatec of bo. Fre eure to separate th anges By Ouse Diameter of Pack D—lovemal Diaeter af Pipe Presi of ie passing Ma Farce or oad taken up by bots Ge Allowable resi sess oo meit Nominal ameter of tots tr These of the age Faas 3 DeeDe2t+ 468 a -Out side daetr of ange D.=D, (0+ 20mm) Dy — Pichi diameter, 1.3 Square Flunged Poe doit CROAT EAT According to Lames equation m4 09" P Fore required ty separate the flanges Fin Fr Force exch bit Fi |. Outside dtmete ofthe pipe +2 Diameter of bolt = Dens L-Miniquen Length of agonal fo te sare uate Ly ~Side of the square lang hetwen eter eof bol holee Lae bitd Ly Side ofthe ange forms & tis without overtang er D4 = Nomina or Major ianeter of tes 2.DESIGN OF PISTON ASSEMBLY 2D r 0? pl] ey? 0 eDp/a (nr) = m] 1 Appetit tes tin ‘Da Outside dante ate eind- a 1D tsi daneser other mn _P--Matinun ves in gin on? ‘GThicknes athe elindr all Hin Poss tin- lly 25 ‘e- Appaencirutvenal rca! eine Fath tener ‘94-Net longitu ses ‘a Net Cicer CAllawance rhein Diam 75 100 150 200 250 300.380 400 450 son cinmm 15 1 00880 + 160m ‘001 Dwo0ssD aa 40 63 40 95°11 125 125 25 Thicke dy ne "w= 00920 + 1m oF 13 fr bigger liner. 34 fr smal yin, ater pace between the ower inde walla nner ‘ket wall = 10mm fr 5mm eine 7S fon Tsim singer oe 0.080 6 Sam ‘ena of he stoke (is ener 1251 «9 29 Leigh he Cinder 15% greet th eth of the stoke, N30 : "he Max ex resre (pay he taken 8 nee themean elective pose) Phe Mange tikes shld be ake a 1.214014 Whee the val thehnese oferta The som or ma ‘otewher tithe the "one dameter or dinner fhe sudo ol (stale Hew 784 Neo ange. As bolt nw ean sate tg The rch ofthe se rbot shold te bance 194 028.8 fase © NepTacd gad a ron 1390776 in mm no HU 12.S6K (Te — Te) vn ‘= Cylinder head thickness Diner bre in mi PM. pres ine the_cyindrin Nin? ‘8.— Allowable cute sess in MP. eS geonsant le 0. Dy —The pte rele diameter eee | fat 'D-Cyliner Borer ots diameter ofthe piston ini, 1,— Permian esi) ses of psn ‘motrin For Grey Ct= 351040 MP, ForNickel C12 Aluminun alloy = 50.0 90M, For forged set ta 100 MP, {Thickness of piston hed (aged on het transl) Heat owing Wrought piston hed in wats onli K-Heat conductivity fetorin Wine For Gry C1~ 46.6Winie ; For Stel = 51.25 Wine For Alaina loys = 174.75 Wine ‘Te~ Temperate a the centr of pin n° Te Temperate st the edge of te pnd "C “Te temperature irene (Te Ty) mat be taken 8 220°C for C1. 76°C Sorts sina H=€.1CV.m. Bp ink) Heat Roi ough the ps ead (0) (C~Corstat eresenting the potion othe at, spilt he engine wale can be her st as TCV = Higher storie wee cn Fewa-b 45X10 41 Rp edit 47X10 fo pol trae ofthe lured ing eake per Sc pes power fhe eng presi 1. The lager oft vals of ake ine acount 2. When ino ese need tobe provided. Whe ys tera nm. ibs hou be provided for a thickest o 3 0/2 3 For engines having length stoke to efinde ore (LID) ratio Uo 59 ps provided inthe top ofthe on ving rads ua 00.70 u=DIIOm bet 12 by 075i 1088 = Radia hicks ofthe ing Pa Presireof gs onthe eer wall Nin? ‘Valu inte from 0025Nfina 9 0.082 Nim

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