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n:er ore:a:ion o'cynamic

cone oene:ra:ion:es:s
with particular reference to Terzaghi and Peck's chart
by D. S. TOLIA", BSc, MSc(Geotech.Eng) (UK), AMIE

SITE INVESTIGATION is a scientific pro- 60'one fitted to the end of the spoon spoon sampler from damage in compact
sampler and found the relation N, = N soils and gravels, as otherwise it is neces-
cess, its main objective being to provide
definite values of soil properties for the
foundation designer and construction en-
for sandy soils, and N,
in boreholes. Meyerhof (1956) used a 60
N for gravels sary to form a borehole for this test.
The second method is the dynamic cone
gineer, so that an economic and safe cone of 51mm base diameter attached to penetration test with sleeve (i.e. casing).
design can be prepared. For many years, A-rods in boreholes and an impact energy It consists of driving a cone ahead of the
plate loading tests and standard penetra- of 4, finding the relationship casing so that skin friction on the shaft
tion tests have been used and they both as N, = N. Schultze 8r Knausenberger is eliminated. Terzaghi 8z Peck (1948)
yield dependable information. Field pene- (1957) also realised that SPT, which can- reported a dynamic Swiss cone penetro-
trometer methods offer considerable prac- not be carried out on compact soils and meter in which a 33mm dia. cone attached
tical advantages, with results obtained in- gravels, may be replaced by fitting a 51mm to the rod and a 43mm dia. casing were
situ, quickly and inexpensively. These ad- dia. 60'one to the end of the spoon driven alternately in soft ground. Gadsby
vantages permit testing in volume and, sampler. The author also tried a 62.5mm (1971) conducted sleeved dynamic cone
thereby, ensure a better evaluaition of any dia. 60'one attached directly to A-rods penetration tests by driving a 57.1mm
important consequences resulting from the and driven in boreholes with a 63.5kg dia and 60'one about 60cm ahead of
non-homogeneity of most foundations on hammer falling throug'h 76cm; it was found the casing with a 63.5kg hammer and
sandy soils. that cone resistances were similar to 76cm fall. He found the relation N
The standard penetration test is tradi- those of standard penetration. These tests'nly
1.5N, up to 25m depth. Meardi (1971)
tionally used for the geotechnical inves- advantage lies in protecting the used a 48mm d'ia. casing in which a 51mm
tigations of sands and sandy soils. In some
parts of the world the dry dynamic cone
penetration test is also being employed
for this purpose, as it is economical and
less time-consuming. In addition, this test
is so simple that it can be carried out pipe
by an unskilled person with ease, since
it involves no boreholes, sleeve (casing ~ Drill rod

pipe) or drilling mud.

However, there is confusion and mis-
understanding regarding the testing met-
hods and the correlation of cone resis- on pipe

tance with SPT and other soil properties. Itt Settling

In this article, firstly, a review of the slurry
dynamic cone penetration tests and their
Nl k
is given. Secondly, proper
interpretation with empirical equations is -z Split spoon
expressed for obtaining the relative den- I~i,
sity, allowable bearing pressure and other type
properties of cohesionless soils on the 51.0mm dia.
60'one 62.5mm dia.
basis of the observed dynamic cone re-
fk 60'one
sistance (N,) values. (I) Cone fitted to the end (m) Wash-point dynamic cone test
of spoon sampler
Types of dynamic cone penetration
Previously various investigators have
used different sizes of cones and testing
methods with which they obtained differ-
ent correlations between standard pene- Drill rod
tration resistance (N) and dynamic cone 'A'ize
resistance (N,). These methods have been
grouped in to the four categories (Fig. 1)
discussed below:
Drill rod ~ Plug
(i) Cone fitted to the end of spoon
sampler and driven in boreholes, 'pYAv~/hl~ itpaoza~
(ii) Sleeved dynamic cone penetration
(iii) Wash-point dynamic cone penetra-
tion test, and
(iv) Dry dynamic cone penetration test.
The first method refers to the dynamic Casing pipe
(sleeve I
cone penetration test in boreholes. Palmer a Push-fit type cast iron cone
8r Stuart (1957) used a 51mm dia. and (62.5mm dia. & 60 )

Soil Mechanics Division, Central Road Research <IY) Dry dynamic cone test (continuous driven)
Institute, New
Delhi 110020, India. Formerly,
(Ilf Sleeved dynamic cone test
postgraduate student, Department of Civil Engin- f. Different types of dynamic cone tests
eering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Fig.
October, 1977 37
0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Average retie
of N,IN ~
5.0 6.0 7.0

90 2.45kg/cm't

Cone size
1) 43.75mm
2) 51.00mm
3) 56.00mm

4) 62.50mm
5) 68.70mm 8 c 1.41kg/cm'
6) 75.00mm co EIJ 60
ce 50

5 co 0
C o
IJ 40
o E
O c



() 20 0.0kg/cm'0

0 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Relative density 1'to)

Fig. 3. Correlation between relative density and dynamic cone
Fig. 2. Average ratio of Nc/N with depth for different cone sizes resistance at different overburden pressures in sands
(after Mohan, Aggarwal 8t Toha) (after Mohan, Aggarwal & Toha)

dia. cone with 33mm dia. shaft was The fourth method is a continuous and 60'one which exerts a minimum
operated with a similar impact energy driven dry dynamic cone penetration test. frictional resistance and can be driven to
and found the relation N, = N in sandy It requires no casing and drilling mud. In greater depth (Fig. 2). They gave the
soils. Schultze 8t Knausenberger (1957) the fiirst three methods, only point resis- following approximate relationships be-
tried two types of cones (i.e. 35mm dia. tance is determined while in this one both tween Nc and N values with depth for
and 60'one and 62mm dia. and frictional and point resistances are found silty fine sand to sand of SM to Ml soil
with casing and found it more as a total resistance. Terzaghi 8t Peck

time-consuming and difficult to operate by (1948) suggested a push-fit type 51mm Nc = 1.5 N (for a depth of 1-4m), and
hand. dia. and 60'one attached to a 33mm N,, = 1.75N (for a depth of 4-9m)
The appreciable shaft resistance, due to dia. extra strong steel pipe and driven by
the large cone and casing cross-section, means of a 73kg hammer with 76cm fall. Effect of overburden pressure on
produced during the continuous dynamic Schultze 8t Knausenberger (1957) tried Nn value
strain on the apparatus often leads to two different types of cone (35.7mm dia. Gibbs 8t Holtz (1957) have already
breakage. The casing sometimes encoun- and 60'nd 43.7mm dia. and 90'ones). shown the effect of overburden pressure
ters high resistance, and in some circum- They concluded that due to an enlarged on standard penetration tests. Similar
stances entails stopping the test even in cone base area, it could be used without effects of overburden pressure will exist
the upper strata of sub-soil. Hence it difficulty for any soil type up to a maxi- in the case of dry dynamic cone pene-
should be conceded that driving a cone mum depth of 25m. tration tests 'in addition to the increas-
without casing is simpler and more eco- Golder (1961) used a 51mm dia. and ing skin frictional resistance with depth
nomical than one with casing. 60'one attached to A-rods and driven on the periphery of drill rods. Mohan et
The third method is the wash-point dy- dry by means of a 63.5kg hammer and al (1971) have produced a chart (Fig. 3)
namic cone penetration test. Mohan 8t 76cm fall. He found the approximate re- which shows the effect of overburden
Sengupta (1970) carried out a study using lationship Nc = 1.5 N up to 7.5m for fine pressure on Nc value at different relative
a push-fit type of 62.5mm dia. and 60 sand. Desai & Roy (1968) made use of densities. Hence the ratio Nc/N will be
cone having holes on four sides above a 51mm dia. and 60'one attached to of an increasing order with an increase
the base area. Attached to the cone is A-rods and driven dry with a 63.5kg ham- of depth.
a short stem fitting a 12mm hole in a mer and 76cm fall. They found Nc = N The author suggests the following re-
plug that is screwed into the lower end up to 6m deep, and only after this depth lationship should apply between Nand
of A-rods. The cone is driven into the did they find any effect of depth on the N with increasing depth below ground
ground by means of a 63.5kg hammer Nc and N values. Desai (1970) employed level:
falling 76cm under a continuous circula- a 51mm dia. and 60'one attached to
tion of bentonite slurry through the drill A-rods and dr'iven dry using a 63.5kg Nc = N 1 +
rods and passing out from the sides of hammer and 76cm fall. He has given a
the cone. They found good agreement correlation of cone resistance (Nc) with
between the dynamic cone and standard ultimate bearing capacity of silty sands where D = depth of cone in m from G.L.
penetration resistances. by using a different correction method for
In the second and third methods, the the surcharge effect. Rodin (1961) con- Before interpreting the dynamic cone
skin friction is supposed to be eliminated ducted, for comparison, dry dynamic penetration test results, the observed N,
on the shaft by either casing or bentonite cone tests in the vicinity of a plate loading value at any particular depth should first
slurry, and hence both types of test may test pit using a 62 5mm dia. and be corrected by eliminating the effect of
be taken as similar to the standard pene- with impact energy.

overburden pressure as given below. In

tration test. Since, the author found cone The dry dynamic cone penetration test Fig. 3, from the intersection of the point
resistance equal to SPT when 62.5mm or has been standardised by Mohan, Aggarwal representing the measured Nvalue and
51mm dia. and 60 cones were driven 8t Tolia (1971) after an exhaustive study the overburden pressure curve at that
at corresponding SPT levels in boreholes using six different cone sizes varying from depth, a line is drawn vertically down-
1m away from the SPT. In this way cone 43.75mm to 75mm dia. and each having wards to intersect the zero overburden
resistance found by the second and third a 60'pex angle, adopting a standard pressure curve. The point so obtained is
methods should be equal to those of the impact energy of They have then projected horizontally to give the
standard penetration resistances. recommended a push-fit type 62.5mm dia. corrected Nc value.
38 Ground Engineering
N value (h(ows) D
30 45 60 I

q, = 6.5kgicm N,=26

~N=r 15

N,= 23 C
E 0
Io = 13
E c ttl
O ta N, = 20
01 aal

N= 11 0CO
q= 6.5kg/cmt sal 0 N,=17 E
c 10 10~ c N=I C
N=(5 C
=14 aa
al I-
tn N=1 Na

N,= 10 59

15- 0
= 6.5kg/cmt
q, N,=6
f N=(5
N = 61 N=l
N =1
Sail stratum assumed homogeneous (D, = 90%)
0 150 300 450 600
Width of footing, cm

Fig. 4. Validity of Terzaghi and Peck's chart anillustrative Fig. 6. New penetration-allowable pressure chart
exam pie (after Mohan, Aggarwal & Tolia, 1971)

The author simplifies this method by a

simple empirical Nc-correction equation
which can also be used for higher over-
burden pressure also:

where N,' Nc value for zero
surcharge, 90
N, observed N, value at any
depth, and
80 SPT correction methods:
overburden pressure in kg/
cmz at the level of obser-
ved N, value,
Teng (1962), Thorburn (1963)
Mohan, AgganNa( 8t Tolia (1971) 2.81kg/cm

Validity of Terzaghi and Peck's chart

A plate bearing test is normally
ducted with the stipulation
that there
zID 60
should be no surcharge around the plate,
and hence any correlation of the allowable
cta Eo
I Ct
Terzaghi 8t Peck's curve assigned by Gibbs & Holtz ~ I/
pressure so determined can only be pos- al
c0 a
I al
sible with the N-value free from over- IN /~i

burden pressure effect. Terzaghi 8( Peck's

+ Ja
(1948) chart grossly underestimates the ID
40 1.4kg/cm'.7kg/cm'0

bearing pressure and the validity of this 0

chart is questioned.
In the opinion of the author the original
correlation eras incorrect. They correlated
--- -+---'-+ . +M
the surface plate bearing pressure value
found at footing level with the average
N-value for a depth B (i.e. footing
I!P 0.0kg/cm

width), whereas the average N-value for

this depth is not only affected by the
overburden pressure but also increases or 10
decreases with the change of the footing
This fact can be clearly demonstrated by
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
an example (Fig. 4) in which a homo-
geneous stratum of nearly 90% relative Relative density (%)
density throughout the depth has been
assumed. Now from Gibbs 8( Holtz (1957) Fig. 5. Correlation between relative density and SPT at different overburden pressures
chart (Fig. 5) corresponding to this (after Gibbs Bt Holz)

October, 1977 39

bearing pressure
Observed N,. Equivalent Effective corresponding to allowable settlement
Source Site Soil
using 62.5mm N,, for col.
and 60'one 4 with kg/cm'-'llowable
of 2.5cm and footing width of 3m
type with impact impact (p) by Eq, 2 From chart Using From plate Remarks
energy of energy of Fig. 3 using Eq. 4 for bearing tests
9680 kg. cm 4840 kg. cm corrected observed curves
N,.'alue N,.'alue (after Rodin)
1 2 8 9 10
1. Rodin Site 1, Sand &
(1961) a gravel 75 150 0.7 62.5 ) 9.0 19.8 21.0 Above GWT
70 52.2 ) 9.0 16.6 14.3 Above GWT
58 116 0.98 39.2 ) 9.0 12.4 7.8 Above GWT
32 64 1.12 1 9.8 5.7 6.3 4.9 At GWT
25 50 1.33 14.0 4.2 4.3 3.7 At GWT

2. Rod'in Site 2, Gravel

(1961) a 18 36 0.84 13.4 4.0 4.3 63 At GWT
22 0.98 14.9 4.3 4.7 28 At GWT
31 64 1.12 19.1 5.3 6.0 5.6 At GWT
37 74 1.26 21.0 5.8 6.6 6.7 At GWT

relative density, we can find a linear in- diameter spoon than in the SPT test. This relations', which were not really correla-
crease in N-value with depth due to the clearly invalidates the Terzaghi & Peck's tions, but more truly amendments. Hence
overburden pressure effect. On the other penetration allowable pressure chart for Terzaghi & Peck's chart should be altered
hand, if we conduct the plate loading future use. directly without any devious 'correction'f

tests in a pit of 1.5m x 1.5m size at differ- the data on which it is supposedly
ent depths, we shall obtain a more or less Validity of existing SPT-correction based.
constant bearing pressure for this homo- method
geneous stratum. The following three main It has been mentioned above that the Allowable bearing pressure from
conclusions can be drawn from this Terzaghi & Peck chart grossly underesti- Nc-value
example: mates the allowable bearing pressures. Mohan, Aggarwal & Tolia (1971) have
(i) In the first instance, we cannot Gibbs & Holtz (1957) did not describe given a new cone penetration-allowable
directly correlate one constant pro- any SPT-correction method except their pressure chart (Fig. 6) after conducting
perty (i.e. the allowable bearing well-known chart (Fig. 5) showing the controlled laboratory tests in a 1.5m x
pressure) with the N-value, which effect of overburden pressure on N-value. 1.5m size pit at different relative sand
changes with depth under the same
conditions of constant density.
Several authors
Coffman (1960), Desai densities. Their assumptions were based
(1970), Teng (1962), Thorburn (1963), on the allowable bearing pressure found
(ii) The second point is that a plate (1964), and A 1am Singh (1975)
loading test, carried out at the foot-
ing level by means of a 0.3m square

Al pan
have suggested that the N-value should
at footing level by plate load'ing tests,
and using Terzaghi & Peck's (1948) ex-
be corrected to reflect the influence of pression s = s, (2B/B + 1) -" and the
plate, reflects the contribution by effective overburden pressure. The method corrected N,-value for zero surcharge
the soil within a depth of only 0.6m of correction is based on increasing the conditions. In Fig. 6, the N refers to SPT-
whereas, according to Tenaghi & measured N-values by drawing a line value, whereas N, refers to the corrected
Peck's assumption, the depth B vertically upwards from the intersection number of blows in the dry dynamic cone
(i.e. footing width for which an of the point representing the measured test using a 62.5mm dia. cone. Before
average N-value is obtained) can N-value and the overburden pressure at us'ing this chart, the measured N,-value
possibly include different strata and that depth (Fig. 5) to intersect Terzaghi at a particular depth should first be
can differ from the 'significant & Peck's dotted curve assigned by Gibbs adapted for zero overburden pressure by
by the plate loading test.

& Holtz (1957). Peck & Bazaraa (1969) means of any of the methods given
(iii) Thirdly, the example, Fig. 4, shows reported that this dotted curve was earlier.
clearly that the average N-value for never published by Terzaghi & Peck and On the basis of the cone penetration
a depth B (assumed 3.0m) increases the numerical values were given by Gibbs allowable pressure chart and the N,-cor-
from 23 at 2m depth to 61 at 17m & Holtz for a limiting range of N-values. rection equation (2), the author suggests
depth, whereas the allowable bear- De Mello (1971) has commented in his the following empirical equations for a
ing pressure, q found in the pit state-of-the-art Papers that most of the quick appraisal of the allowable soil pres-
at the corresponding levels will above-mentioned authors followed the sure 'in kg/cm"- of a spread footing on
remain constant as it is homogen- line of suggesting 'corrections to the cor- sand:
eous stratum. Furthermore, it is not
possible to find a unique value of
With Terzaghi & Peck's assumption, the
increased N-value so obtained has been Corrected Relative Degree of Angle of internal
correlated with the surface bearing pressure
N,,-value density (%) compactness friction (degrees)
at footing level, and this is the reason
why the Terzaghi & Peck chart under-
estimates the bearing pressures. Further
reservations may also arise, as Bazaraa
2 12
0 35
Very loose, loose ( 30
Medium 30- 36
(1967) reported that the Terzaghi & Peck
(1948) correlation was based on limited 12 22 65- 85 Dense 36-41
plate loading test data and some of the
N-values were obtained using a smaller ) 22 85 100 Very dense ) 41

40 Ground Engineering
Ne. S
for B(1.5m ... (3)
Relative density and p from
Field measurements
(14p+ 7) Dry dynamic cone tests made at ground
(conD'nued from page 22)
level would give the minimum N,-value, can be attributed in part to the assump-
N, S B+1 whereas at depth the same soil with the tion of plane strain in the analysis whereas
or q = same relative density would give a higher the real situation is three-dimensional.
(26p+ 14) B N,-value due to the effect of overburden However the difficulty of correctly model-
pressure and the skin friction on the drill
for B) 1.5m ... (4) rods, Hence the observed N;value when
ling the top 10m of loose granular materials
is thought to be the main reason for
and for rafts on sand, corrected for zero overburden pressure discrepancy. The predicted horizontal
will give a more exact picture of the movements are in reasonable agreement
Nc S, soil parameters at a particular depth. A with the observations.
q= (5) relationship between relative density and
(20 p + 10) the angle of internal friction, 4, of sandy Conclusion
soils with the corrected N,-value is sug- In this article a few examples have been
in which B is the foundation width in gested in Table II. given of the way in which the results of
metres, field measurements have been used in the
actual measured N; Conclusions design and construction of foundations.
Nr is the
The dynamic cone penetration test is The author is conscious of the fact that
value in blows per 30cm at
very quick and economical for all types the examples have been limited in number
the overburden pressure of p
of site investigation work and in parti- and devoted largely to conditions found in
in kg/cm'-', and
cular for the design of shallow founda- the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, perhaps
S allowable settlement
is the tions. Allowable bearing pressure of sandy sufficient has been presented to demon-
of the footing in cm. soils can be predicted using Fig. 6, with strate the importance and value of field
These equations can be used directly corrected Nr-values and Equations (3) to measurements in foundation engineering.
for N-value as recorded without making (5), using directly the measured N- It has been emphasised that successful
any Ne-correction since these equations values and without resort to any further field measurements require simple, reliable
include a correction factor for the sur- corrections. The relative density and the and robust equipment which is thoroughly
charge effect. Their validity is shown in angle of internal friction may be esti- protected from accidental or wilful damage.
Table I, by comparing the actual plate mated from Table II, using the corrected The measurements require careful planning,
bearing value with values found from N,-v a I ues. preferably at the design stage, so that all
Equation (4), using the measured N,- It is apparent that considerable judge- the parties involved are fully aware of
values at the same level. Table I is worked ment is necessarily involved in evaluat- what is being done. Having made all the
out on the basis of in-situ data reported ing such relationships at the present time. plans, success depends on the dedication
by Rodin (1961). On the whole, available data from a var- and perseverance of the staff carrying
The effect of the water table on N,- iety of sources seems to provide a out the work. If possible, one person
value has not been considered in the reasonably consistent pattern, thereby in- should be responsible for the ordering,
equations above. Theoretically, settle- creasing confidence in the practical signi- acceptance, installation, reading and main-
ment increases due to submergence of ficance of the dynamic cone penetration tenance of the equipment. If responsibility
the soil for a given bearing area and test, though variations in field procedures is split failure will certainly occur once
under a given load. Obviously, because of may sometimes make it difficult to develop things become difficult on site.
this, both allowable soil pressure and the general rules. In the past quantitative interpretation
Ne-value decrease with more or less the has been hampered by analytical difficulties.
same degree. Hence, the effect of sub- Acknowledgements The advent of modern numerical methods
mergence is already reflected in the The author is grateful to Mr. W. M. of analysis has greatly improved our
measured Ne-value and this is also con- Kilkenny, Senior Lecturer, Civil Engineering ability to draw quantitative conclusions
firmed by an analysis of plate bearing Department, University of Newcastle Upon from our field measurements. Indeed, it is
tests above and below the groundwater Tyne for reviewing this article and offering here that such methods appear to have
table (Table I). helpful comment, their greatest application in geotechnics.
Experience at BRS confirms that the
most successful jobs are those in which
References the client and engineer are convinced of
1. Alpan, L. (1964): "Estimating settlement of
foundations on sands", Civil Eng, and Public
Works Rev., Vol. 59, November, 1964, pp.
Proc. 4th Panamerican Conf. on Soil Mech.
and Found, Eng., San Juan, Puerto Rico,
Vol. 1, June, 1971, pp. 1-86.
the value of the work not just for the
1415-1418. 15. Meyerhol, G. G. (1956): "Penetration tests job in hand, but in providing experience
2. Alam Singh (1975): Soil Engineering in Theory and bearing capacity of cohesionless soils", for the profession at large. The author
and Practice, 2nd Edition, Vol. 1, Asia Publish- Jour. Soil Mech, and Found Div., ASCE, believes that engineers have a responsi-
ing House, Bombay, London. Vol. 82, SM 1, January, 1956, pp. 866/119.
3. Bazaraa, A.RiS.S. (1967): "Use of the Stand- 16. Nararajan, T. K. and Tolls, D. S. (1972): bility to ensure that engineering works are
ard Penetration Test for estimating settle- "Interpretation of standard penetration test
ments of shallow foundations on sand", Ph.D. results", Proc. 3rd Southeast Asian Conf. properly monitored, not simply for safety
Thesis, University of illinois, Urbane. on Soil Engineering, Hong Kong, Vol. 1, Nov., reasons but to add to the pool of ex-
4. Collman, B. S. (1960): "Estimating the rela- 1972, pp. 53-57. perience on which the profession draws.
tive density of sands", Civil Engineering, 17. Palmer, D. J. and Stuart, J. G. (1957): "Some
ASCE, Vol. 30, No. 10, October, 1960, pp. 216- observations on the standard penetration test Sub-surface engineering has developed
219. and a correlation of the test with a new
5. Desal, M. D. and Roy, M. B. (1968): "Correla- penetrometer", Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Soil largely on the basis of case histories
tion of dynamic cone and standard penetration Mech. and Found. Eng., London, Vol. 1, tempered with scientific knowledge. If we
tests", Jour. Indian Soc. Soil Mech. and August, 1957, pp. 231. ever reach the situation in which we
Found Eng., Vol. 7, No. 3, 1968, pp. 311. 18. Peck, R. B. and Bazaraa, A.R.S.S. (1969):
6. Desai, M. D. (1970): Sub-surface exploration Discussion: Jour, Soil Mech. and Found. Div., believe that engineering science can re-
by dynamic penetrometers, First edition, In- ASCE, Vol. 95, SM 3, May, 1969, pp. 905-909. place experience and judgement based on
dia, 1970. 19. Rodin, S. (1961): "Experience with pene-
7. Golder, H. Q. (1961): Discussion: Proc. 5th trometers with particular reference to stand- such experience, disaster is not far away.
lnt. Conf. Soil Mech 8i Found. Eng., Paris, ard penetration tests", Proc. 5th Int. Conf. As long as we adopt the habit of testing
Vol. 3, 1961, pp. 160. on Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., Paris, Vol.
8. Gadsby, J. W. (1971): Discussion: Geotech- 1, July, 1961, pp. 517-521. our theories and predictions there is no
nique, Vol. 21, No. 2, June, 1971, pp. 188-189. 20. Schultze, E. and Knausenherger, H. (1957): danger of our profession becoming com-
9. Gibbs, H. J. and Holtz, W. G. (1957): "Re- "Experience with penetrometers", Proc. 4th
search on determining the density of sands Int. Conf. on Soil Mech, and Found. Eng., placent. Nature has too many surprises
by spoon penetration testing", Proc. 4th London, Vol. 1, August, 1957, pp. 249. in store for that to happen.
Int. Conf. on Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., 21. Terzaghl, K. and Peck, R. B. (1948): Soil
I ondon, Vol. 1, August, 1957, pp. 35-39. Mechanics in Engineering Practice, Wiley and
10. Mohan, D., Aggarwal, V. S. and Tolia, D. S. Sons, New York, 1948 and 2nd Edition, 1967.
(1970): "The correlation of cone size in the 22. Tang, W. C. (1962): Foundation Design, Pren-
dynamic cone penetration test with the tice Hall, Inc., New York, 1962. The author wishes to pay tribute to the
standard penetration test", Geotechnique, Vol. 23. Thorburn, S. (1963): "Tentative correction loyalty and dedication of his colleagues in
20. No. 3, September, 1970, pp. 315-319. chart for the standard penetration test in
11. Mohan, D., Aggarwal, V. S. and Tolia, D. S. non-cohesive soils", Civil Enq, and Public the Geotechnics Division who spend so
(1971): "Bearing capacity from dynamic cone Works Review, Vol. 58, No. 683, June, 1963,
penetration tests", Indian Geotechnical Jtiur- pp. 752-753. much time in the field, often under very
nal, Vol. 1, No. 2, April, 1971, pp. 133-142. 24. Tolia, D. S. (1971): "A critical review of trying conditions, making the observations
12. Mohan, D. and Sen Gupra, D. P. (1970): Terzaqhi's penetration - allowable pressure
"The dynamic cone penetration test", Civil chart", St. Journal Institution of Engineers which form the basis of so much of the
Enqineering, ASCE, Vol. 40, No. 2, February, (India), Vol. 4, March, 1971, pp. 69-71. work of the Division. The work described
1970, pp. 49-50. 25. Tolls, D. S. (1976): "The interpretation of
forms part of the programme of the Build-
13. Meardi, G. (1971): Discussion: Geotechnique, static cone penetration tests with particular
Vol. 21, No. 2, June, 1971, pp. 184-188. reference to the influence of overburden pres- ing Research Establishment and is pub-
14. de Mello, V. F. B. (1I971): "The standard sure", M.Sc. dissertation submitted to the lished by permission of the Director.
penetration test", State-of-the-Art Papers, University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1976.
October, 1977 41
Bishop, A. W. Webb, D. L. & Lewin, P. I. (1965):
"Undisturbed samples of London Clay from the
Precast piles range for piles in excess of 20m
total driven length would ensure a theo-
Ashford common shaft: strength-effective stress (continued from page 26) retical stress wave length well in excess
relationships". Geotechnique, Vol. 15, 1-31. Pile shaft still above ground level. of the pile length, and so avoid tensile
Bi errum, L. (1967): "Engineering geology of Nor-
wegian normally-consolidated marine clays as
The inherent weakness of the one-piece stresses developing in the pile during driv-
related to settlements of buildings". 7th Rankine precast concrete pile was its inability to ing. There is evidence that the joints part
Lecture, Geotechniques, Vol. 17, 81-118.
Brelh, H. 8, Amann, P. (1974): "Time-settlement resis~ the stresses involved in rough handi- during driving, and although the amount
and settlement distribution with depth in Frankfurt 'ng and hard driving. The short element is insignificant in terms of subsequent
Clay". Proc. Conf. on Settlement of Structures, lengths of the jointed pile solve the
Brit. Geot. Soc., Pentech Press, London 1975. contraction when closed up by loading, it
141-154. handling problem and the steel joint sec- is highly significant in terms of its effect
Borland, J. B. & Lord, J. A. (1969): ''The load- tions and rock shoes strengthen and pro-
deformation behawour of Middle Chalk at Mund- on the length of the stress wave and the
ford, Norfolk. A comparison between full-scale tect the head being driven to some extent. false set which can be read. Energy is
performances and in-situ and laboratory measure- But poor driving techniques,
ments". Proc. Conf. In-situ Inv. in Soils and using the clearly lost in the joints, a noticeable factor
Rock, ICE, London, 3-15. wrong type of hammer for the subsoil in the number and positioning of the joints
Borland, J., B. Moore, J. F. A. & Smith P. D. K. being penetrated, or allowing the hammer
(1972): A simple and precise borehole extenso- present when driving a segmental pile.
meter". Geotechnique, Vol. 22, 174-177. energy to be misapplied through poor The high slenderness ratio of the pile
Borland, J. B. & Moore, J. F. A. (1973): "The alignment of the hammer and pile, or also induces problems of bending, both
measurement of ground displacement around deep
excavations". Sym. on Field Instrumentation. Brit. badly worn leaders or helmet packings, in the section above ground level, and
Geotech. Soc.; Butterworths, London 1974, 70-84. and the pile will quickly become damaged. below ground level, during driving, The
Burland, J. B. Sills, G. C. 8 Gibson, R. E. (1973): Cracks dampen the shock waves, reducing
"A field and theoretical study of the influence of length of the section above ground can
non-homogeneity on settlement". Proc. 8th Int the driving effect which presents a false be restricted, and should be in hard
Conf. SM fk FE, Vol 1.3, 39-46. refusal. The hammer blow must always be
Burland, J. B., Kea, R. & Burford, D. (1974): driving conditions. Bending in the ground
"Short-term settlement of a five-storey building delivered concentrically with the pile and is a phenomenom experienced in the
on soft chalk". Conf. on Settlement of Structures, the pile head must be free to twist and driving of most slender piles, particularly
Brit. Geot Soc., Pentech Press, London 'f975,
259-265. move inside the driving helmet. raking. A flat-ended segmental pile is
Borland, J. B. & Wroth, C. P. (1974); "Settlement Dissipation of hammer energy into pile likely to keep straighter and therefore
of buildings and associated damage". General
Report on Session V. Proc. Conf. Settlement of damage, instead of pile penetration, is to drive more easily than one fitted
Structures, Brit. Geot. Soc., Pentech Press, Lon- particularly severe on sharply raking piles. with a pointed end or rock shoe. It follows
don 1975, 611-654.
Burland, J. B. & Davidson, W. (1976): "A case Since driving raking piles is one of the 5-z'onnes
that a bent pile will demonstrate a higher
study of cracking of columns supporting a silo main advantages the system offers, this ground resistance, but its capacity will
due to differential foundation settlement", Proc. advantage
Conf. on Performance of Building Structures, Vol. is rapidly lost if the raking be the same as a straight one unless the
1, 249-267 Glasgow. piles cannot be driven to a satisfactory bend is very severe so that either the
Burland, J. B. & Hancock, R. J. R. (1977): founding stratum due to energy losses. ground or the pile is overstressed.
"Underground car park at the House of Commons,
London: geotechnical aspects". The Structural En- Hitting the pile harder with the same More efficient driving of segmental,
gineer, No. 2, Vol. 55, 87-100, hammer will only increase pile damage jointed piles would be possible with a
Butler, F. (1974):"Heavily over-consolidated clays", with little extra penetration.
General Report on Session 3. Proc. Conf. on Due to the wder range of hammers. Apart from in-
Settlement of Structures, Brit. Geotech. Soc., wave action of driving stresses it is creasing the weight range of drop ham-
Pentech Press, London 1975, 531-578. necessary to increase the hammer weight,
Chancy, J. E. (1973): "Techniques and equipment mers to suit driving in the stiffer clays
using the surveyor's level for accurate measure- and not the height of drop, in order to commonly met in the UK, a single-acting
ment of building movement". Symp. on Field increase pile penetration without damag- or double-acting
Instrumentation, Brit. Geotech. Soc., Butterworths, power hammer is more
London 1974, 85-99. ing the pile. The stress induced in the suited to driving in the layers of cohesion-
Co/e, K. W. & Borland, J. B. (1972): "Observa- pile head is independent of the weight less soils which frequently overlie clay
tions of retaining wall movements associated
with a large excavation". Proc. 5th European Conf. of the hammer, but is governed by the and soft rock deposits. But all hammers
SM fk FE, Madrid, April 1972, Vol. 1, 445-453. amplitude of the shock wave which is must have their blow height restricted at
De Jong, J. & Morgenstern, N. R. (1973): "Heave
and settlement of two tall building foundations m dependent on the height of drop. The drop once on meeting soft soil, or hard bould-
Edmonton, Alberta". Can Geotech. Jnl., Vol. 10, can and should be increased to compen- ers, or bedrock, or the reflected stress
261-281. sate for the high friction losses in sharply wave will dangerously
Gibson, R. E., Brown, P. T. & Andrews, K. R. F. increase the im-
(1971): "Some results concerning displacements raked driving, or the acceptance set pact of subsequent blows before they
in a non-homogeneous elastic layer". Zeitschrift reduced. can be reduced.
fiir angewandts Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 22,
855-864. Drop hammers have been the normal The great advantage of driven cast in
Hannal, T. H. (1973): Foundation instrumentation, type used with segmental piles. They are situ systems has always been that the
Trans. Tech. Pub., USA.
Lacey, W. D. & Swam, H. T. (1957): ''Design for
simple and cheap, always work, and concrete pile shaft is placed in the ground
subsidence". Architects Jnl, Vol. 126, have the essential facility of immediate unstressed. Driving stresses will continue
Lambe, T. W. (1973): "Predictions in soil en-

control of the drop which can be adapted to haunt precast systems unless this as-
gineering". 13th Rankine l.ecture, Geotechnique, to different soils when driving steel piles. pect receives close attention on these
Vol. 23, 149-202. But their adaptation is limited to a change lines, particularly in the varied subsoils
Marsland, A. 8 Quarterman, R. (1974): "Further of weight when driving concrete piles, where the segmental precast pile is chal-
developments of multipoint magnetic extensometers
for use in highly compressible ground''. Geo- since they should be operated at the lenging in situ piling.
technique, Vol 24, 429-433. maximum drop which is within the safe
Morton, K. 8 Au, E. (1974): ''Settlement observa-
tions on eight structures in London''. Proc. Conf concrete stress. References
on Settlement of Structures, Brit. Geotech Soc, Apart from compensating for the driv- Broms, B. B. and Hellman: Proc. Behaviour of
Pentech Press, London 1975, 183-203. Piles. ICE 1971.
Sills, G. C., Burland, J. B. & Czechowski, M. K ing energy losses to which the segmental Fellenius, B, H., "High quality precast concrete
(1977): "Behaviour of an anchored diaphragm system is subject, the more common use piles, Grnd. Eng., March '74
wall in stiff clay''. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. SM Broms. B. B. and Badholm, C.: "High capacity
FE, Tokyo (in press).
of heavier drop hammers in the 4 precast concrete piles'', Grnd. Eng., July 1976.
Simons, N. E. & Som, N. H. (1970): "Settlement
of structures on clay, with particular emohasis on
London Clay''. CIRIA Report No. 22.
Skampron, A. W. l 1961): "Horizontal stresses in
an overconsolidated Eocene clay''. Proc. 5th Int.
Conf. SM & FE, Vol. 1, 351-387.
Swain, H. T. (1974): Successful design for mining
subsidence" Architects Jnl., 8 May 1974, 1047-
Terzaghi, K. (1936): Presidential Address: 1st Int.
Conf. SM si FE, Cambridge, Mass, Vol. 3, 13-18
Ward, W. H. (1974): Discussion on Session 5.
Conf on Settlement of Structures, Brit. Geotech.
Soc., Pentech Press, London 1975, 795-796.
Ward, W. H., Borland, J. B. 8 Gallois, R. W.
(1968): "Geotechnical assessment of a site at
Mundford, Norfolk, for a large proton accelerator''.
Geotechnique, Vol. 18, 399-431.
Ward, W H. 8 Burland, J. B. (1973): "The use
of ground strain measurements in civil engineer-
ing". Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London A, 274, 421-
Whitaker, T. 8, Cooke, R. W. (1966): ''An investi-
gation of the shaft and base resistance of large
bored piles in London Clay''. Proc. Symp. on
Large Bored Piles, ICE London, 7-49. The GKN sectional pile: (left) joint components; (centre) locating point positioned in
Wroth, C. P. (1972): "Some aspects of the elastic driven section prior to forming the joint; and (right) wedges driven and locked in
behaviour of overconsolidated clay". Proc. Roscoe
Memorial Symp. Foulis si Co., 347-361. position to complete the joint
42 Ground Engineering

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