Minutes NH 2017-03-08

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Minutes of the New Hutton Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 8th March 2017

170308-1 Present
Pat Bell, Hazel Hodgson, Henry Robinson, Martyn Welch (chairman), Arthur Robinson (clerk), Stan Collins (CCC) and
two parishioners

170308-2 Apologies
Kath Twist and Peter Thornton (SLDC)

170308-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting

The chairman signed the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 26-01-2017 as a true record.

170308-4 Chairmans announcements

a) The annual parish litter pick will be on Saturday 1st April. Please pick up the litter along your lane. Contact
Martyn Welch (01539 724836) if you want any equipment.
b) There will be an exhibition from 5pm to 8pm on Tuesday 21 st March at Old Hutton Public Hall about a proposal
by Satera to build two electricity facilities each generating 49.99MW on land at Greenmoorbank Farm, next to
the National Grid substation. One will save base load power in batteries and release it at peak load times and
the other will generate electricity from gas taken from the national gas pipe which goes through the substation.

170308-5 Declaration of interests

Hazel Hodgson in relation to item 13b

170308-6 Open session

a) An appeal was made to dog walkers not to put dog excrement into plastic bags and then toss the bags into
hedges. Please take the bags home to dispose of them.
b) An appeal was also made to anyone passing the bus shelter to pick up any litter there.

170308-7 Planning applications

a) Applications submitted requiring council comments:
SL/2017/0121 Replacement rear extension at Bloomfield, Fairthorns Lane. The parish council agreed to
support this application.
b) The progress of the following applications was noted:
Five planning applications to CCC from the Roan Edge Inert Landfill and Waste Recycling Site (deadline 01-02-
5/16/9014 to extend the timescale for operations by 15 years to 1st November 2031, provide a revised working
scheme, and allow for night-time working
5/16/9015 - to extend the timescale for use of the access to 1st November 2031 and to allow for night-time
5/16/9016 - to extend the timescale for operation of the wash plant and associated infrastructure to 1st November
2031 and to allow for night-time working.
5/16/9017 - erection of a building containing a concrete batching plant
5/16/9018 - southern extension so as to extract mineral, engineer landfill void and deposit inert waste
It was agreed that CCC should be asked to supply the record of monitoring visits to this site.

170308-8 Payment of accounts

Payment of the following amounts was authorised:
146.00 to L.A.Robinson for parish clerks expenses from 01-04-2016 to 08-03-2017
15.00 to New Hutton Institute for the hire of the Supper Room for the parish council meeting on 08-03-2017
129.00 to Martyn Welch for various small items for the broadband project.

170308-9 Financial report

a) A VAT refund of 3377.03 for 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2016 has been received (3344.28 of this has to be spent
on the broadband project as it stems from the SLDC grant for this purpose)
b) The internal financial control and risk assessments were reviewed
c) Mathew Ellwood (MBE Accountants) was appointed to conduct the internal audit of the 2016/17 accounts

170308-10 Section 137 grants

a) A request for 200 for the Cumbria Dyslexia Project was refused. It did not show a clear link to the residents of
the parish and, therefore, did not satisfy the section 137 criteria.
b) A grant for First Responders will be considered in late 2017.
c) New Hutton Institute was granted 1500 to contribute to the project to provide an extra power supply which is
needed for future developments such as modifications to the kitchen and the siting of the broadband
electronics cabinet. (Proposed by Henry Robinson, seconded by Pat Bell)

170308-11 Correspondence
Receipt of the following items of correspondence was noted:
07-02-2017 from CALC February newsletter [distributed to councillors]
06-03-2017 from CALC March newsletter [distributed to councillors]

170308-12 Extension of the B4RN broadband network to the parish

The total sum raised so far is 342,450. In New Hutton, 127 homes and businesses have expressed an interest in
connecting to the broadband network. This is 87.6% of the total. In the three parishes, the total is now 80.8%. For the
last few weeks, volunteers have installed chambers in the ground and large diameter ducts under walls and hedges to
speed the work of laying the broadband duct. Tony Swidenbank has already laid this duct from the northern end of
Lupton to Barkin House and will continue the work to Bridge End. In New Hutton, more wayleave agreements have
been signed by landowners.

170308-13 Tenancy of the Parish Field

a) Electricity North West has decided not to lay underground cabling in the field. It will replace the poles in May.
Optical fibre has been laid but the work damaged a drain and two ditches have not been cleared; a claim for
repairs will be made by the tenant when all work has been finished. Re-fencing is still needed and will be done
after ENWL has completed its work.
b) The tenants current contract is for the period 21st May 2014 to 14th May 2017. The next contract will be from
21st May 2017 to 14th May 2020. Anyone wanting to rent the field should give their tender in a sealed
anonymous envelope to the parish clerk by 6pm on the 25 th April 2017. The envelopes will be opened at the
next parish council meeting on the 26th April. If there are any questions, please contact the parish clerk before
the 16th April.

170308-14 Roads
a) CCC are planning to repair the small bridge at Garths. The culvert on Long Lane near the Beehive Lane
junction is too small and causes deep floods along Long Lane. CCC is planning changes. Beehive bridge on
the B6254 was damaged in December 2016 and the three pipes under it do not work properly; work on it is
b) Problems with drainage and the surface of roads in the parish will be identified in the annual survey before the
next Parish Council meeting.

170308-15 Date of the next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 26th April 2017 at the Institute. This meeting will
also be the annual open meeting and the AGM of the Parish Council

Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone 01539-725955 e-mail nhpclerk@googlemail.com www.newhutton.org.uk

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