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John Rhee Ababa


My Fascinating Experience

My two semester of college in University of Cebu is such a

fascinating experience. This past month back at the University of Cebu. Ive
been noticed how college freshmen are so obviously freshmen. They wear
lanyards , spend hours picking out their first day of school outfit, and cheer
out wrong names of players at basketball games. During my two semesters
in college , I spent a lot time trying to get myself motivated , listening to
inspirational music and reading some books. But I actually spent very little
time being motivated and working hard.

In my college I also attend an activity of UC which is BREAKOUT

party they are a lot of performer and a lots of stunds did they perform, they
have also a lot of people that attend and witness how amaze this party.
College was different, college wasnt what I expected. Its so hard to explain
until youve actually experience it, jump from the comfort zone that I had in
high school. They were many moments when I didnt understand what I
was doing in such a foreign land; it seemed as if I was in a videogame,
trying to unlock the secreat that would defeat the ultimate boss called life.

In University of Cebu Ive been experienced to tour in mechanical

laboratory it has consist of many machine like milling, grinding machine and
etc. Its include enhanced mestery of science subject matter, developed
scientific reasoned abilities increased, understanding of the complexity and
ambiguity of empirical work it is also developed practical skills, then I had
noticed they had a some of students use there machines to study how to
use it and enhanced there ability and skills. Many times college was
everything I had wished for and everything I had not, when I stay in this
school it is so memorable.

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