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Name: Cohort: Social Studies: WWI Homework Packet Due Date: Friday, February 24 Directions (Check off as you complete): O Write YOUR Name on each page OQ Read AND Map EACH Passage -YOU MUST ALSO JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWER (100 pts) OQ Answer the Question (100 pts) QO Parent Signature (50 pts) OTurn in COMPLETED PACKET ON TIME Parents, Please ensure that the first 3 items are completed before signing. (Parent Signature) —___ ‘The Sehlieffen Plan Jane Re st ein seb pclaparieatonaees ian eceencaccace™ Saari ‘arbi om ‘hey lek erenentby he Gems Germany vee ling ap ts army se hing athe den ‘Bethe woud keto take conta smaller’ ume Eases Europe Fane nd tet ‘Stam made tn pce a beip each tein ‘beevent of Geman stuck They ecse to {nce Rams nthe agreement Tht wool ‘baa thal he ester er wth Genta Would be pratt France and Gretta Th easter orer wath Genny wo epctedy Rosse a Gear tal te igs ate a cera Se a es Seman em erect ae Span Daeg ee eer tre Gt Siete ee St conn ‘soundly defened ne war, Great Briain wan weak chough tha it Seeder Geri ce ene ty Se aaa ee ere See ert, SS ema ete ere ra Saemeceeneeniies sett ne inl yr mn faite pertains sShocal ns eeaesegee inamaeyiahiracer atoeae ‘Genmany would take contol ofthese sma weak cur in quick Sees teemn cemsrace utyo dere ee Pa ee Sa imma womb ceases Fea ‘The Schlieten Plan uestions, — 1. Great Bin, France, and Germany joined igen Otepdemary hosting owe alerts ‘Acie fe — 2 Wy at Aeon sein crea pan tac on Fra ‘A. The German were aiid thatthe allies would wack ten, 1p The Geman were afi ofthe United Stas The Geman waned to contol France 1B. The Gcnmane wanted seare he cours of wetem Bure Wy were the Genacs wo afi of Great Beta? — 4. What percent ofthe Geman amy did Sebo plano send Fre? 480% Bom Cie Dolo ter 1% ofthe German rope would be set he Russian border ‘Toe Geman bere th he Rann wuld wae ono Tsp the Germans, ht iy wos ave plenty of ake oe anc tnd hn tna te peor Rasa 1 1906, vo Sheen was replaced by Helm von Mole He changed be Seleffen pl jst sght}y He cd sea ned to ‘cd nap though Halla Tere wos be o reste fom he Duc etc dit wart to waste tc me Benes, the Belge ‘oul ot give the Germane ch eine, Why oj Send ‘hem tough Belgian? 1914 te Seiesen Plan wae fal patito ation On 2 ved Lancmboug wed Begum. To ium potups fh "hd ely ahy nd exeied Another pee bce ly dean they hae etree ‘Sparen ben he Russa amy amenity moved ia he ‘Story named fat Psa The a weeks You Steen fad oumed on as wrens. Te top Kf wops fom Gre Baan ‘Si moved ino Frtce an Belgium suppor oes. In September 1904 the Aled forces wer able die the Sorin ty ceed ac help sappy he Coma. be Fret ok etl lt be athe ie Pars They ied these tus 0 Vapor 600 mere woop tenle. By he 9 o fhe German eed tht he pl feanwh tkemerof farce was ot gig to wrk. The ofc {aed fr ure ofl German oops bk ote eat The ‘Ehsaan dro wocke: Bute Geran ery ha ot been Sted he chine Now hy Know wi ote — 5. How di von Mote change Seite’ plan? ‘He planed tack Russia, Be planed gatack Pst, Henge the perenne oop gong to Rosia to D. Hetook Holand out of he pla of wack. How id Begin chang he Shien Pan? —— 17 How dite French trnspor solders into bate? tte brains D. siplanes 1 How di the Shien Pan it? country Name ‘Causes of World War I By Sharon Fablen May peopl int wan wa tobi. Motard ber lover Ee {ergo esr hn who were ft Sige Yong mented tg sa ves y gang ower ge Mare and sng ee ein TBtemany of hem went ower Some ofthe der in Europe did want he giclee br ty ed cance Sih not ogo war asta, oe sa ‘after another declared war. ad How did it happen? What caused World War? ‘There were sever causes of World War I. The most immediate ‘cause was the asusinaton of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of ‘Austia-Hungay,Austia-Hungay decided that Serbian was o lame fc the assassination and declared war on Serbia. Before the asasiation, there wee oer things gong on in Es shat ep he war, One ting wi an ase te eng a tational in many Europe Counties. National it someth lke patotam so you aye suprised to hea that was oe case ofthe war bu atonal Joc ext mean supporting your om unr. Naonalism means puting the eres of your on eounry shove neryting clo and ighring thighs of poope in othr Another cause of be wae was military alinces. When two o more eum line ty agree pp cach te war eran ore a allan mh Acar Hungary, and Gest Be formed sliances wits France and ast Alliances made counties on both sides fee power. With thee allie, they esate from aack The alliances were a cause of te wat because, once counre felt sae from mack, they ato fel re to ake ~~ eee 5. Weld War Twas fought__. ‘A. athe rest of several problems in Europe Bend slavery to save Ausina-Hungary froma Seti Bi. fee redo tack — 4 Thefiestcourtry to declare war was, ‘A. Great Britain B, Abeta Hengary Seria 5. Gemany 5. The word tat means an apeement among counties to support ‘ach teria tine of ar * ‘A nationalism B tension arma nce Di. alimnce — 6 One definition ofthis word could be “oo much patiotsa.* ‘A nationals ‘lance tention Dy arma ce — 7. Inthe early 1900s, counties in Europe were producing more ‘and more weapons inorder o be more powerful han their, ‘eighbering countries. This could be called ‘A analiance tension C tnammerace . natonalsm sctions hat might ange other counties. Tension bai up among the ‘untiesof Europe ee As tensions built up, counties in Europe began to make more and ‘more weapons. Each side wanted tobe ina positon of power, just 0 ‘With at ofthis going on can you ee why pars of Europe were refemedta a “poser keg? The station Europe had made ta ic that could explode a ny momen jst ikea Bare flof umpowder ‘The asasntion ofthe archdke waste spark thats off he ‘onder keg. Feling of naoalsm ade countries decide gh. Aare gh mere coin, Wi serps wenn « ‘warcond beg night away Worl Warl was he res ond most Sore mart heer appencd up tat ire. Did tall ave to happen? Suppose be archduke had never been shot De you think the cour of Europe might have found other ways to selve tee problems? Do you thnk they might have made some ‘ira eeices before was too late? (Causes of World Wart Questions 1 World War Tegan in in ‘A. the United States, 1914 B, Europe, 1914 France, 1914 . Europe, 1814 —— 2 There were_ causes of World War A ve Be C. no known B. ever! ‘This article daceses four causes of World War I~: immediate nase and three deriving cnet: What wes the lamediae cause of the the underlying caver i oe The Black Hand ane Runyon Word Warf oily began with he szeminaion of Archduke Fan Fertiand the ber tothe ‘Aus Hungarian rene But who was tehed ths ate’ Ay ‘hey tink wae port soon! Tepe re sis ‘abe answered pty by les outa secret oct n Seba clled he - Blak Hand Me Te May of 911.a group otienmen eed med te er ee $Sovty. neo leader a hs group was igh kg oficial tiny, Allot ttn fad ve natn puse sd. The a ray. Alo ec nun puese smd The geal meso {fete a Greer Serta and erence goal y any means pus Fy dia nee as ucts aed ya ‘eile an ecto Tey became ssn soy oer nef ht hth Bla Hn aszasiae the Enperr of Auso-Hngy. Fane ‘Mem ale. The group then detded to asassiate he Goverooe ‘tthe Astra province Tey rented a enor fb he ‘poveror wih aplsoned digger This pl lv, wa fale By 1914, the group often men had now grown prop of 2. ny fe enn er ao meer oe Ean ‘imy. Many more were gers teacher, and newspaper. Because of te danger they ced dncotered yr ow [Boverament ha hey were tera war por at each Eciiiytetep rete “he aaa uh gong ‘rganation al he sere thy laroa sho he Saban ene [independence would be then oie grave wih hem ‘When the poup head that Archduke Fedinind was collaborating ~___ 3. How id te Bac Hand Society pla reac tera? ‘A They planted event stacks. 8: he Rte or meine € They gt hemcives ete imo ofc, 1. The Blamed peace as 4. Why do you tink was important tsp he mebeahip withthe Sas in he south part of tr coun, te Blak Hand Iiew i vat ine for anor asasination atempe Ite las Joined forces with he Aust Hungarns te chance for Serbian Inccperdence woul be lost Whe he lees fhe group eared tothe Arce wat planing ato Suave sn ne, ey knew isthe tine strike Thee embers of th Black Hand were feito Suaevoto make the panned tack. Tie prime miner of SS het unr ofan tengo he Ache bathe elon eaters Thorne te stck was cea ‘Artie Felina was ead An investigation pine othe Black Hand as being responsible for he sarin, The Auto angaian government i ot have the net goint Serbia ond and question meres ofthe Bink Han, so they asd the Serban goverment thud te Suspect overt them. The Serban goverment fuse. Thee dys inte, Aust Hunger decored waren Seri. That Was te estonng of Wold War ole Ads iuaganans. The Prine Minister erie. lack apd Society for bringing ths wa onthe people ‘tra le filly dbanded the grep le so rounded wp ‘he ender ofthe sere seit and ale enected By 1917, Serer no mare lack Hand Sse, athe ba I et ‘ne cae wo Dering the i yas of World Wat 1, Sebi seed reat loses seetnd Siar Questions 1 The Bick Hand Society funds membership in ‘iste Hanguy ‘5 False ine —— 2. What waste purpose of the Bick Hand Scien? ‘They wate oak ver Aso Hargy i: TRE waned deter Geoany € They wanted owt the Seb an independent sony. 1. They wanted to win Wold Wa — © tating o eee of te Bk Hand Sosy ater war beg? 'A They were ered and excited by Ausrothingay B They fed io Germany, C They ere aeted and exeated serous they ght mths war adblps im we ‘What lengths would you gto in order to secure independence for your county? 5. The Black Hand fie inher atemp io asasinae he Enero of Austo-ungay ‘A Tue 8 Fae — 6 How age wat the Blak Hand in 19147 ‘A. 250 members 5 fomenbers € loomembers 2.500 members 7. Why id Avs Hungary declare war on Sebi? il

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