Industrial Revolution II

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Name: Cohort: Social Studies: Industrial Revolution Homework Packet II Due Date: Friday, February 3, 2017 ections (Check off as you complete): QO Write YOUR Name on each page O Read AND Map EACH Passage -[Mapping includes: 1) Numbering each paragraph, 2) Underline Key Terms, Phrases, Vocab, 3) Summarize paragraphs, 4) Justify your answer by indicating which paragraph number you got the information to answer the question] (100 pts) QiAnswer the Questions (100 pts) QO Parent Signature (50 pts) OTurn in COMPLETED PACKET ON TIME Parents, Please ensure that the first 3 items are completed before signing. (Parent Signature) eft Machines for the Industrial Revolution Sharon Fabian opto: penre fie ‘Marhebed itt the Inducret Revouton ‘The Industral Revoaion began eth vents people ‘resus about ow i make Tork mor ecient “Th oe invenion ta ed eee 1 hes Snr, natin nd ine ‘Sil tam ene sor plan war ose 1 pup er outer rigs Ate ela tr, hase, ‘proved on Savers one wa Ebay sed for purpose of pemping wa ou of ues A ‘hd iver, this one #Sesunan by pane of Fes Wa ade ‘ore improvement he sen ene, Wats nea cges wre ‘more elcet than eater model Before to Lng ty were Fecnath achcs nary one ior ays Neth Carnet ed he own, staring ih ‘the textile industry in England, " ‘ne ote invests wat Area Whitey, the inventor ofthe coton gin The goon ym ws amachine ha bmn ‘enol of ton eas oct er etre te erton of {Brecon into day oreo remove tesa fr st ‘te pound of ton, Wik cto i ify pounds of lened gn soul be pouced in one day, Ctr poduee ys aster tethod son eganto make ack Engin whee ead ‘apn and woven imo loth James Hargreaves, ever rom England, invented ncher ep Machines fr the Indus! Revoiion juestions — 1. The inventions ht bean be Industrial Revoluton were Crenedmaily ug he ‘5. 16008 8 Ifo © 100 5. oe _— 2 allot ie ftlowing were inventions hat det affected the {nual Revoun ie Englnd EXCEPT the inverted the mel of he sa engine tat was wed ‘Taso darg the Industral Revolution. ‘A. Whitney & sn € Wan 1, Newcomen 5. Before Richard Arkwright Became an inventor and fictoy owner, hewerked evan et hin, i igo ich mid ert Posie ce tpenpen Pry Sessa eter rat Tal PiocheSialwcata! ince tllocract pore tc alelpento pen oe In 168, Rehr Arhriht a wigmakr fom England invented ‘amachio th fare ome te proces of making tad ls rear -Ateuright wast ely an invent: be wat ai a invest. He ‘ought nd and bala age factory where wrkers could produce ‘igs emauns of cl very quickly. He its ator tow allot otis to sac worker hs try He averse for works ‘thane fami Men who cold weave clos and nso bad age Temes were fen hired. Whe the men wove clo he Wiest ‘lr ax young atten years od wrked ters spinaing al of ‘tetirend ht he wenvers woul ped ‘Arkwright model of ato il 40 spend, an spring smi al Snkesaks Sprang up al over England ‘Tax inventions paved the way forthe Indu Revolution, ‘They ld many unexpected res ncling bl bor a the {Senn etn end ofthe ew pepe wo steady ney test simulans ‘They aloo paved the way for out moder socey in which people have closet fl of clothes stead ofthe pees ha the ergs Peron once owned They edo a crac loetgn trade and opalation booms fo factory een Asa mater ef tee ae for {open modes history tat erin some Way be ced back te ‘vention ofthe Indra Revolt, =: seein aim ia = Snee ena tent pois eay er Caer ive, am engine Hear engn, spin Joy 1 One reatie ft of the Industri! Revoltion was A he invenion of he seam engine BG imventon of thespian Sey : inerese inde 5. chalaber ‘De you think thatthe inventions ofthe Industral Revolution had an ‘reall potive or negetive effect? Give a reat fer pour suse ee Parents Demand Schools! By Sharon Fabian [Ashe Industrial Revolution progressed, more and more people ‘moved int heey. The demand for service grew amie ced Sd demanded services ike edcaton forthe Sten ‘Some for of edsiton ha ben aval for years, and working ‘class families ha taken advantage of tbem. But in the mid-1800s, tna fcory clea sleeved le ota educan, ache an 1, here a ben hry eh an Sanday fering tc cidren pS schol on tbe ve dy tthe fay Ade te fort work. Sunday sebools taught eligrus values tn ‘np alte reading. The teachers were volte whe unl ‘so aula to be tears. By the 1850, working lg parents wanted mare, They wanted» ecenledsaton fot tac, sote aes pcs etl ihe sets for beter shoo. The goverment of Eaand began 0 inc atm rare econ waned gb ect provide ey. nino church organizations, t who ee pool fhe of tex woes wr aending ch fo tre ‘Sterns whence al wet ang te tes ‘very day Son, ber ndatne fllowed su Gren of thee, ‘sd eter nds bean aed schol Agger change came in 1870.0 heya, a wa passed tat rosie ar fe pb can or cn chren The chngs Eis happen oven Some calden were tl ne povided as ‘ducauon Alo, the euentin provice fo i's was not these a {education provided to boys Then it 199, National Bord of eGtean 1. The dem for public cation in the 18003 eames peat woehing clas ‘ Netnedsenes & 5. wea 2. Which ist of schoo ain ehronological ore romeo ince school for raining teachers speared. Now; young wemen eo each oul ges good back pound i prepare hee Name Parents Demand Schools! uestions, ‘A. char schools, public secondary schools, public ‘emery schools. 1, pole recondary School, pubic elementary schools, ‘hay seools pale emery sols, ic contr sol, cay shoal, pb cement choot pble ‘Secondary bal _— 4. Which iste abot Suny school? ‘A. Moet factory worker id ot see the ned fo Sunday Fst fed on Sundays. 1, Most tary cikren worked on Few aco workers sem hei chiren Suny choca bocwus they wooked days pe mek b. Hin tery sor se ae Shy — 4 Nomen ouldgsoscoo a etm ae ateacberbegsiog Education was esublised. Thea he la fi fee edustion all Bish children realy be ‘ge children hada school ogo ta In 1900, students of working class flies bepan wo have secondary schools to atend swell, hire of wealthier Familie had te advanage of» good education ‘nil than eer cilren. There were privat schools ox younger ‘hlron and pvt college prep sade fe ler sens eee Day of London nd Rigs Cle ocd ep hoa fr yang oe par Berea oe Workhouse shook provided some education for oor chien witout face. Workers tone rat that ese eilien {Ferived a minimum of three hors of aly sehoting In thet ‘Soot wonoowae cdr feared basi esing. writing, math, tele, tdmaybe some jo sls ‘A typi seool dy in any f these sols was much ferent fm anid a. ene her mere um co ‘ocd quietly oy “Good eming Tosser question clay {turds sino and adreaned thle acer a Siar" am When {ny alcenred he oom, the sade stood pail ales wor git ort nh ee tan, Got Sets tac oc and ood eee orb ech. ‘Stnens were expected nt tak gestions, They wee punished for taking or dpe. They wer ven prise for poo ateanc. Parte ware hoppy to ae ht tir cilren had god schools steal dig eect towing wm fae kin a ied feelings abot gag to schoo ‘chy je Some students do today. — 5. The att provide for public edestion for Betish eden ‘wat paced 189 Beas _— 6 Bezinning in tbe year 1870, al Bist chien atended ‘cite ego ‘Aine Br be 1 Ate Sogn ey otis treme rege yo ieee a Fence — E Sehool chilen wee encouraged to ak estonia cls A. fale aime oyou think tha he trict diacipline ofthe 1800s schools would bea {eed thing for schools today? Way or why mot? The Industrial Revolution ‘The Legend of John Henry ‘During the industrial Revolution, machines started doing the work of people. They were used to make yar, weave coth, and saw wood. They were even 'No one's realy sure where John Henry came trom. Some people say Alabama. ‘Some folks say West Virginia. But one thing's for sure. John Henry was a big man. He could tackle anything, even Big Bend Tunnel. That is where he died. John Henry was a steel-criving man. That means he helped make railroads. He used a big of hammer and a stake to punch holes clean through mountains made of solid rock. He would whiste and sing all day working away. But of John Henry was stubborn as an ornery’ mule. (One day John Henry showed up at a camp yonder in Virginia. A team of men ‘was building a raikoad up the East Coast. The team's captain was a wiry ite rman. He says to John, “What can you do?” John Henry took @ deep breath and puted himself up just ike a rooster. “Tm a ‘too! drivin’ man." he said, “Tm goin’ to take my hammer and my stake and work for you. If you give me a chance, I work from 6 105 lean crumble more ‘mountain than any man you've ever seen.” TOrmeny = atibbom and mean 2 Wang i bu uh #::scvue nrsome cournewn eadWorks. Non Sten: The et Reeton The Lage of ttn Hey “The captain laughed. “With that hammer you aint gonna work for me," he said “We use machinery here called ste! ills to grind that mountain tired. Ther

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