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Complete: Comparative and Superlative

1- The USA has living area per person

2- Sales arelast year (low)
3- way to contact an online retailer is by
email (cheap)
4- Women aremen in looking for health
related information
5- activity in my area is to classify the
files on the computer (Tire)
6- Whats time you start work in the
morning? (early)
7-A showan advertisement (effective)
8- Sales of travel, accommodation and holidays
arentas film, music and DVDs (high)
9-The quality of the clothes in the store is
ever before (bad)
10- We think a new Volkswagen isproduct to
develop (good), because VW customers want a
one (lucurious)
11- The process of branding is asthe product
itself (important)
12- Most customers feelbuying a famous
branda product they dont know
Complete each
sentence with a
suitable word



1- Acustomer is the best business strategies of all

2- Employees who dont care about responsibilities, are disorganized and

cant meet deadlines are considered to be.ones.

3- Our new secretary is very good with people so

she..with all the complaints

4- A: Good morning, Julias speaking. Im calling you because we

are.a survey to check if our Internet service functions
properly and if you are with it.

5- This company offers a personalized service to


6- A successful and serious business not only ..the needs of

the.but also good customer service
7- I left my job because I was.with the pay offers.

8- A secretary must be .to each and every client.


1- Who is Robert McMath?
.................................................................... ....................................................
2- Whats special about his museum?
................................................................... ....................................................
3- Why is it useful for companies to visit the
museum? .................................................................. ......................................
Complete the chart
Peanuts sold in a coffee packet
Bottled water for pets
Smokless cigarettes

Choose: Prepositions
1- What do you think on/of/about our customer service?
2- The company has to fire three employees, how do you feel in/about/of
3-I completely agree to/at/with you
4- Its impossible to deal of/with/at everything in 4 hours!

Choose the correct option: Give and ask for an opinion

A: What you think/do you think we should do about customers
B: Well, if they complain, I think we should/I think should we apologize
A: I dont agree at all/it all. If we say sorry, it looks as if it was our problem
B: I think you right/youre right. So what should we do?
A: Well, I feel personally/personally I feel that we should see what the
problem is and how we can help.
B: How feel you/do you feel about making that our official policy?
A: I not think/I dont think we can make that decision today.
Choose the correct option
1- There are 5 terminals/departures/check-ins in Heatrhow, so make
sure you know which one you need.
2- The time/journey/travel to Brazil took 27 hours and 25 hours on the
way back
3- Please return your key to departure/check-in/reception desk before
you leave
4- There a shuttle/transfer/transport bus between here an the airport
5- Hes gone on a business trip/journey/travel to Berlin
6- The flight to Rome is now departing/boarding/arriving at Gate 7. Have
your passport ready for inspection
7- Weve got a three-hour delay/waiting/stoppage because of bad
weather at the airport
8- I asked for a twice bed/large bed/double bed, but I only got a single
9- This hotel can accommodate 442 hosts/guests/passengers
10- How much does/many does/does a taxi cost?
11- Is there/are there/have there any taxis around at this time of the
12-Were a bit late. How much/many/some time do we have?
13- Is there/are there /there is any news about the sales conferences?
14- I havent got times/timed/time to do it all today
15- They lost my luggages/luggage/baggages between Sao Paolo and
16- Go to the informations/information/informative desk and ask there
17- Does/has/is your first time in Madrid?
18- A: What kind of food do you like? B: Sushi/Yes, sushi?/Thank you,
19- What did you feel/think/consider of the speeches?
20- Do/have/are you ever go abroad?
21- How good/what/how was your journey?
22- Have you seen/did you see/Were you seeing the tennis match

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