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LESSON PLAN Lesson #__5____

Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form

Name: Victoria Behling Content Area: Social Studies

Date: April 20th 2016 Grade Level: 8th

Use this template to plan, removing the notes in parentheses and this box. Give this form to your
cooperating teacher for review and a signature before you teach your lesson.


B.8.2 Employ cause-and-effect arguments to demonstrate how significant events have influenced the past and the
present in United States and world history
B.8.7 Identify significant events and people in the major eras of United States and world history

B.8.8 Identify major scientific discoveries and technological innovations and describe their social and economic effects
on society

Students will determine the reasons as to why an assembly line is a more effective process when
building a product by self-assessing their own experiences in the in class simulation
Students will recognize the importance of the Model T in American Society
Students will efficiently work in groups or individually in order to develop an understanding as
well as draw conclusions of the effectiveness of an assembly line


Informal: class discussion explaining the effectiveness of making a product from start to finish vs.
making a product by using an assembly line

Formal: Students will provide an exit ticket where they will express what they personally think is the
biggest accomplishment from Henry Ford. (Helped build middle class, introduced the assembly line or
the invention of a car that not just upper class could afford) In this exit ticket, they will have to state
what they felt was the most important pro and give an explanation in order to back up their opinion.

Materials Needed:

Simulation materials : Cube templates, scissors, tape, glue, colored pencils

Model T video

(Include time allotments)
Be sure to include enough information so that someone else could follow your plan in your absence.

Introduction (20 mins)

-The introduction for this lesson will be a competition. In this competition, students will be told that their
pods are companies that create cubes. Two of the companies will have workers that create their product
from start to finish with only one person creating a product at a time. The rest of the pods will create a
process where each worker in their company is responsible for one task of creating the product. (Cutting the
paper, coloring the product, folding the product, and assembling the product)
-Explain the process of making the cube as well as the material needed
-Designate which groups will work individually and which groups will develop a process
-Students will be given 10 minutes for their companies to create as many cubes (their product) as they can.
Steps for instruction (10 mins)
-After we record the results of the competition, we will then have an open class discussion about the
results. What worked and why do you think that worked? If you were workers that had to do this every
day, which method would you prefer?
- Introduce Henry Fords invention of the Model T as well as the assembly line. Discuss that when
Henry Ford invented the Model T, he really brought two huge inventions to America, a car that was
accessible to everyone, and the most effective assembly line to date. This was a huge moment that paved
the way for industrialized America
-Play video that explains the pros that Henry Ford brought to American society
- Reiterate the positives that Henry Ford brought to society (Invention of new accessible transportation,
mastering of the assembly line, helped with the growth of the middle class)

Closure (5 mins)
- Explain to students that they will be providing an exit ticket for this lesson. This exit ticket will consist
of students explaining in a paragraph or two, what they personally feel was the most important pro
from Henry Ford and provide an explanation to back up their opinion. This exit ticket should be detailed
enough to let the teacher know that the student was able to grasp at least one aspect of importance that
Henry Ford brought to American Society.

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