Design Handbook For Calculating: American Welding

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American Welding Society

Design Handbook
for Calculating

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services


Located, reviewed and reformatted underthe

AWS Product Development Committeeas a service
for quality-minded welding fabricators.

This publication is designed to provide informationin regard to the subject matter covered.It is made available with the
understanding that the publisher is not engagedin the rendering of professional advice. Reliance upon the information
contained in this document should not be undertaken without an independent verification of its application a particular
use. The publisher is not responsible for loss or damage resulting from use of this publication. This document is not a
consensus standard. Users should refer to the applicable standards for their particular application.

American Weldlng Society

550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
The design of a welded connection is usually the first operationin the construction of a welded product. The optimiza-
tion of the design for the initial manufacturability and thelife cycle performance of the component is a challengeto the

Fillet welds are the most common joint designs in the fabricationof many welded products. The use offillet welds sim-
plifies the material preparation effort and increases the opportunity for using automation
in the welding operation.

Traditional designs base thesize of the welds on the allowable unit loads that the welds are expectedto experience in
the intended applications. For sectionsof different thicknesses, the minimum fillet size can be governed by the thicker

While this approach is conservative, the weld sizes may not be the optimum. As the volume of weld metal is severely
impacted by the sizeof the weld, each increasein the specified leg length has a dramatic effect on the amount
of weld-
ing required.

An alternative system for calculating fillet weld sizes was presented by two researchers. Selection of the correct fillet
weld size is essential for the satisfactory performance of many weldments in service today.Fillet welds are used in vir-
tually every industry, and when properly designed, provide effective and efficient connections. An alternate approach to
the more traditional design philosophy is the basis for this handbook, and seeks to provide a method for determining
the optimum fillet weld size.

O Copyright 1997 by the American Welding Society. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United Statesof America.


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services


Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................... ii
1.O Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Development of Criteria........................................................................................................................................... 1
3.0 Development of Fillet Weld Sizes............................................................................................................................ 3
4.0 Fillet Weld Size Tables ............................................................................................................................................ 3
5.0 Assumptions ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.0 References .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Appendix A....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Part I - Steel
Intercostal Member
Ordinary Strength Steel.......................................................................................................................... 10
High Strength Steel................................................................................................................................. 11
Quenched and Tempered Steel (HY 80)................................................................................................. 12
Part II -Austenitic Stainless Steel
Intercostal Member
Austenitic Stainless Steel ........................................................................................................................ 15
Ordinary Strength Steel.......................................................................................................................... 15
High Strength Steel................................................................................................................................. 16
Quenched and Tempered Steel (HY 80) ................................................................................................. 16
Part III - Aluminum Alloy
Intercostal Member
Aluminum Alloy 5052.............................................................................................................................. 16
Aluminum Alloy5083 .............................................................................................................................. 18
Aluminum Alloy 5086.............................................................................................................................. 20
Aluminum Alloy 5454.............................................................................................................................. 21
Aluminum Alloy 5456.............................................................................................................................. 23

1. Base Material Strength Values ................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Filler Material Strength Values ................................................................................................................................. 6

1. Double Fillet Welded Joint Loaded in Longitudinal Shear ....................................................................................... 7
2. Double Fillet Welded joint Loaded in Transverse Shear ......................................................................................... 7


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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S T D = A W S FWSH-ENGL L997 .
I0784265 0539473 5bB

1.O INTRODUCTION Selection of thecorrectfilletweldsizeisessential for thesatisfactoryperformance of

many weldmentsin service today. Fillet welds are used in virtually every industry, and
when properly designed, provide effective and efficient connections.

Traditional designs base the size

of the welds on the allowable unit loads that the welds
are expected to experience in the intended applications. For sections of different thick-
by the thicker member (references1 and 2).
nesses, the minimum fillet size is governed

While this approach is conservative, the weld sizes may not be the optimum. Fillet
welds can be too large or too small and it is important to have the correct size for each
connection. As the volumeof weld metal is severely impacted by the size of the weld,
eachincrease in thespecified fillet weld leg length has a dramatic effect on the
amount of welding required.

The larger than necessary welds will increase the amount of welding material, reduce
the speed of welding, and increase the resultant distortion effects. All of these will
have a negative impacton the economy of the workand theoverall productivity of the

Similarly, too small fillet welds will not provide the necessary performance for the
weldment and will most likely resultin repair work being required.

two research-
An alternative system for calculating fillet weld sizes was presented by
ers through reference 3. This approach is the basis for this handbook, and seeks to
provide a method for determining the optimum fillet weld size. This document is not a

2.0 DEVELOPMENT As thestrengthandductility of filletwelded joints variesasafunction of theloading

OF CRITERIA direction,
both longitudinal and
shear loads. It is also fundamentally important that the equations be applicable for a
wide range of base materials and filler materials.

It is common for all fillet welds to have a combination of longitudinal shear, Figure 1,
and transverse shear, Figure 2. For design purposes, bending moments should be
similar to transverse loading on the fillet welds. It is common in structural design for
the intercostal member to be the "weaker" member in the joint. For these cases, the
longitudinal shear connection need only develop the ultimate shear strength of the
intercostal member, and the transverse shear connection must develop the ultimate
tensile of strength of the intercostal member. When welds are designed for these load-
ing conditions, they are normally adequate for the variety of combinations of shear
and tension loads that a member can sustain.

Traditionally, fillet weld size is based upon the thickness of the "weaker" member and
two mechanical properties, the ultimate tensile strength of the base material, and the
longitudinal shear strength of the weld material. The alternate method, presented in
this handbook, requires six equations and four mechanical properties, the same two
as before, plus the ultimate shear strength of the base material and the transverse
shear strength of the weld material for the intercostal member. A similar set of equa-
tions is required for the continuous member.

AWS Design Handbook 1

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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For each fillet weld connection, there can be a failure in one of three locations in the
weld zone:

l. Failure through the throat (ignoring bead reinforcement or penetration).

2. Failure in the heat affected zone of the intercostal member.
3. Failure in the heat affected zone of the continuous member.

Based upon the geometrical relationships and two thedirections of loading, a seriesof
equations can be developed that will resultin a fillet weld size that will provide a load
carrying capacity equal to either the intercostal or continuous member, .e., a 100%
efficient weld.

For longitudinal loading:


Weld Throat Tl x us, Tc x us,

S = 1.414U,, = 0.707 ULS

HAZ Boundary
(Intercostal) S = 0.454Tl
Tc x us,
1.1 us,
HAZ Boundary
(Continuous) Tl x us, S = 0.909 Tc
2.2 us,

For transverse loading:

Weld Throat
Tl x 'TI
S = 1.414,U,
Tc x
S = 0.707 ,U,

HAZ Boundary
(Intercostal) Tl x 'TI
Tc x us,
S=- S = 1.1
2.2 us, u,
HAZ Boundary
(Continuous) Tl x UTI Tc x us,
S=- S=
2.0 UTC uTC

Fillet Weld Size

Thickness of Intercostal Member
Thickness of Continuous Member
Ultimate Tensile Strengthof IntercostalMember
Longitudinal Shear Strengthof Weld Metal
Shear Strengthof Intercostal Member
Transverse Shear Strengthof Weld Metal
Ultimate Tensile Strengthof Continuous Member
Shear Strengthof Continuous Member

2 AWS DesignHandbook

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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S T D - A W S FWSH-ENGL L997 m 07842b5 0539475 330 E

.O DEVELOPMENT Tables 1 an 2 provide the mechanical properties required to solve the various equa-
OF FILLET tilons. References 4, 5, and 6 are the sources for the majority of the values. For the
WELD b'ase materials that do not have published values for shear strength the following con-
SIervative estimates have been made:

Shear strength= 0.75 x tensile strength (steels)

Shear strength = 0.60 x tensile strength (aluminum)

S8imilarly, for the filler material values, selected data

is not readily available,so mathe-
relationships have been used to complete the table. As documented in refer-
ence 3, a conservative value for
filler metal transverse shear strength is:

Transverse shear strength= 1.33 x longitudinalshear strength

4.0 FILLET WELD For most designs, the intercostal member is the weakest memberof the assembly for
SIZE TABLES b0th longitudinal and transverse loads. Exceptions to this include, cases where the
irltercostal member is much thicker than the continuous member or the strength of the
irltercostal member is much greater than thatof the continuous member.

he tables contained in Appendix A specify the minimum fillet weld size required to
rovide a 100% connection for those cases where the intercostal is the weaker mem-
er. The sizes were derived by solving the six equations presentedin Section 2.0 for
le intercostal member. To be conservative, the largest calculated value has been
elected as the required weld size. For convenience, the decimal value has been
Iunded up to the nearest 1/16 in. dimension.

For example, where the intercostal member is high strength steel, 1/4 in. thick, the
C1ontinuousmemberishighstrengthsteel, 1/4 in. thick, andtheweldmaterial is
Fi701 8,


T, = 1/4in.
Tc = 1/4 in.

Emd from Tables 1 and 2:

AWS Design Handbook 3

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
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277 m

S, = 0.454 (1/4) = 0.011

(1 /4) (56250)
= 0.011
3 = 2.2 (56250)

(1/4) (75000)
= 0.150
5 = 2.2(56250)

(1/4) (75000)
= 0.125
6 = 2.0 (75000)

Therefore, the controlling size is0.170 or 3/16.

5.0 ASSUMPTIONS Thefilletweldsizespresented in AppendixAareonly valid for 100% efficientdouble

continuous fillet welds. For designs that require unequal fillet legs or require skewed
fillet weld connections, alternate sourcesof information are required.

Also, the values presume that the intercostal member will always be the weaker mem-
ber of the design. As this is true in the great majority of structural designs, the tables
have been constructed accordingly. For those designs having the continuous member
as the weaker member, the formulas contained in Section 2.0 for the continuous mem-
ber may be used to calculate the optimum fillet weld size.

The data presentedin Appendix A must be used withcorrect welding procedures. It is

understood that the joining of the materials is controlled by an appropriate welding
procedure. Considerationsof the essential elements of welding procedures, and other
essential features required for a specific weld application, are not incorporatedin the
derivation of the weld tables.

6.0 REFERENCES l . Welding

Handbook, Volume 1, EighthEdition,AmericanWeldingSociety, 1987.

2. Welding Handbook, Volume 5, Seventh Edition, American Welding Society, 1984.

3. Reduced Fillet Weld Sizes for Naval Ships,R.P. Krumken, Jr. and C.R. Jordan,
Welding Journal,American Welding Society, April1984.

4. MIL-STD-1628, FilletWeld Size, StrengthandEfficiencyDetermination, June


5. Evaluation of Fillet Weld Shear Strength of FCAW Electrodes, Welding Journal,

American Welding Society, August1989.

6. MareIslandNavalShipyardTechnicalReport 138-4-80, Revision A,December


4 AWS Design Handbook

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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Table l . Minimum Ultimate
Material Type Tensile
Strength (psi) Shear
Strength (psi)
Quenched 114,000 85,500
VALUES Alloy Steel (HY-100)

72,000 96,000
Tempered and Quenched
Alloy Steel (HY-80)

High Strength

60,000 Steel StrengthOrdinary 45,000

56,250 75,000 Steel Stainless

6,000 70,000 Alloy Copper Nickel

Chromium Nickel Iron 57,000 80,000

27,000 45,000 5456 Alloy Aluminum

1,600 Aluminum
2 36,000
Alloy 5454

22,800 38,000 5086 Alloy Aluminum

24,000 40,000 5083 Alloy Aluminum

15,000 25,000 5052 Alloy Aluminum

22,500 45,000 (70/30) Nickel Copper

(90/1 NickelCopper O) 40,000 20,000

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Table 2. Minimum Average Average

Ultimate Tensile Longitudinal Shear Transverse Shear
79 E11018M 110 105
E lO018M 99
1O0 72
69 E901 8M 90
E801 882 80 62
59 E701 8 70
E601O 65 62 49
E309 80 58 77
E31 6 81 70 61
61 ENiCrFe-3 80
70 ENiCu-7
ECuNi 50 45 60

Bare Electrodes

ER120S-1 120 87 116

ER100S-1 1O0 83 99
ER70S-X 70 59 78
ER309 80 67 89
ER316L 70 61 81
ERNiCr-3 80 55 73
ERN~CU-7 70 53 70
ERCuNi 50 45 60
ERCuSi 50 18 24
ER5356 35 22 29
ER5556 42 24 31
ER4043 24 13 17
ER1100 11 7 9

Flux Cored Electrodes

ElOlTl 1O0 74 103

E71T1 70 64 85

6 AWSDesignHandbook

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Figure 1.

Figure 2.

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APPENDIX A The values containedin the following tables are based upon the following statements:

l . The equations contained in Section 2.0 for the intercostal member being the
weaker member have been used to develop the weld sizes.

2. The sizes shown in the tables are for 100% efficient double continuous fillet
welds and do not include welds with uneven legs or skewed welds.

3. The maximum calculated size determined by the Section 2.0 formulas was
selected in each case. Theactual calculated decimal valuewas rounded up
to the nearest 1/16 in. for presentationin the table.

4. It was assumed that 1/8 in. was the smallest weld sizeto be considered. For
each case having the maximum calculated value to be less than 0.124 in.,
the optimum weld size was selectedto be 1/8 in.

AWS Design Handbook 9

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PART I - STEEL Table A l
Intercostal Member: Ordinary Strength Steel
Continuous Member: Ordinary Strength Steel
Electrode Type
Thickness E601
1I0 110 1/0 1I0 1/0 1I0
1I4 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116
318 1I4 114 114 114 1I 4
112 310 5116 5116 5116 5116
510 7/16 7116 7116 7/16 7116
314 112 112 112 1/2 112

Table A2
Intercostal Member: Ordinary Strength Steel
Continuous Member: High Strength Steel

Electrode Type
Thickness ER70S-X
E601O 8E8018E701
1I8 1I8 1/8 1/0 1/a 118
1I4 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116
310 1I4 1I4 1/4 1I4 1I4
112 318 5116 5/16 5116 5116
510 7116 7116 7116 7116 7116
314 1I2 112 112 112 112

Table A3
Intercostal Member: Ordinary Strength Steel
Continuous Member: Quenched and Tempered Steel(HY 80)

Electrode Type
Thickness E901
8 E lO018 E l lO18
1/a 1I0 1I0 1I0 1/8 1/0
1I4 3116 3116 3116 3116 3/16
310 1I4 1/4 1I 4 1I4 1I4
112 5116 5116 5116 5116 5/16
711 510 6 7116 7116 7116 7116
314 1/2 112 1/2 112 1/2

10 AWS DesignHandbook

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Intercostal Member: Ordinary Strength Steel
(Continued) Continuous Member: Quenched andTempered Steel (HY 80)

Electrode Type
Thickness ER70S-X
ER1 E71T-1
OOS-1 E l01T-1
118 1I8 118 1/a 1I8
311 114 6 3116 3116 3116
114 318 1/4 1/4 1I4
511 112 6 5116 5116 5116
711 518 6 7116 7116 7116
314 112 1/2 1/2 1/2

Table A5
Intercostal Member: High Strength Steel
Continuous Member: High Strength Steel

Electrode Type
Thickness E6010
E801 8 E9018 ER7OS-X E~~T-I
1/a 1/a 118 1/a 1/8 118 1/a
1I 4 1/4 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116
511 318 6 5116 1I 4 114 5116 1I4
711 112 6 318 318 5116 318 5116
911 518 6 7116 7116 7116 7116 7116
518 314 9116 112 1/2 9116 1/2

Table A6
Intercostal Member: High Strength Steel
Continuous Member: Ordinary Strength Steel

Electrode Type
Thickness E6010
E701 8 E8018 ER70S-X
1T-E7 1
1/8 1/a 1/8 1I 8 1/8 1/8
1I4 114 3116 3116 3116 3116
511 318 6 5116 1I 4 5116 1I4
711112 6 318 318 318 5116
911 518 6 7116 7116 7116 7116
518 314 9116 112 9116 112

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STDeAWS FWSH-ENGL 1997 M 0784265 0519483 407 m


Intercostal Member: High Strength Steel
(Continued) Continuous Member: Quenched andTempered Steel (HY 80)

Electrode Type
8 E801
8 E701
8 E l O01
1I8 118 118 118 118 1I8
1I4 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116
318 511 6 1I4 1I4 114 114
318 112 318 5116 5116 5116
518 7116 7116 7116 7116 7116
911 314 6 112 112 1I2 112

Table A8
Intercostal Member: High Strength Steel
Continuous Member: Quenched and Tempered Steel (HY 80)

Electrode Type
Thickness ER70S-X ER1OOS-1 E71T-1 E l 01T-1
118 1/a 1/8 118 118
1I4 3116 3116 3116 3116
318 5116 1I4 1I4 114
112 318 5116 5116 5116
518 7116 7116 7116 711 6
314 9116 112 112 1I2

Table A9
Intercostal Member: Quenched and Tempered Steel (HY 80)
Continuous Member: Quenched andTempered Steel (HY 80)

Electrode Type
Thickness E901
8 E l O018 E l l O1
ER18 OOS-1 El OlT-1
I /a 118 I /a 1/a 1I8 118
1I4 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116
318 5116 5116 1I4 5116 5116
112 318 318 318 318 318
518 1I2 1I2 7116 7116 7116
911 314 6 9116 112 9116 9116

12 AWS DesignHandbook

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PART I - STEEL Table A10

Intercostal Member: Quenched and Tempered Steel(HY 80)
(Continued) Continuous Member: Ordinary Strength Steel

Electrode Type
Thickness E801
8 8 E901
8 E lO018 E11018
1I0 1I0 1I0 1I0 1I0 1I0
1I4 1I4 114 1I4 1I4 1I4
310 310 5116 5116 5116 5116
112 7116 7116 7116 7116 7116
911 510 6 9116 112 112 112
314 11/16 510 510 510 510

Table A l l
Intercostal Member: Quenched and Tempered Steel(HY 80)
Continuous Member: Ordinary Strength Steel

Electrode Type
Thickness ER70S-X
ER1 E71T-1
OOS-1 E l 01T-1
1I8 118 1I8 1I0 1I0
1I4 1I4 1I4114 114
318 310 5116 5116 5116
711 112 6 7116 7116 7116
510 112 9116 112 112
510 314 518 11/16 518

Table A l 2
Intercostal Member: Quenched and Tempered Steel(HY 80)
Continuous Member: High Strength Steel

Electrode Type
Thickness E901E7018
8E801 8 E E11018
110 1I0 1I0 1I0 1I0 1I8
1I4 1I4 1I4 3116 3116 3/16
310 310 5116 S116 5116 1I4
711112 6 7116 318 318 318
911 510 6 9116 112 112 7116
314 11/16 SI0 9116 9116 112

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Table A l 3
PART I STEEL Intercostal Member: Quenched and Tempered Steel (HY 80)
(Continued) Continuous Member: High Strength Steel

Electrode Type
Thickness ER70S-X
ER1 E71T-1
OOS-1 E l 01T-1
1I0 1I0 110 110 110
1I4 1I4 3116 1I4 311 6
310 310 5116 5116 5116
711 112 6 310 7116 310
510 9116 7116 1I2 7116
314 11/16 9116 5/0 9116


STEEL Intercostal Member: Austenitic Stainless Steel
Continuous Member: Austenitic Stainless Steel

Electrode Type
Thickness ER31
5/16 6-1 E31 6L
110 110 110
114 3116 3116
310 114 1I4
112 318 310
510 7116 7116
314 1I2 112

Table A l 5
Intercostal Member: Austenitic Stainless Steel
Continuous Member: Ordinary StrengthSteel, High Strength Steel
or Quenched andTempered Steel (HY 80)

Electrode Type
Intercostal ER309E309-15/16
110 110 1/a
114 311 6 3116
310 5116 114
112 310 5116

510 7116 7116

314 9116 1I2

14 AWS DesignHandbook

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Intercostal Member: Ordinary Strength Steel
STEEL (Continued) Continuous Member: Austenitic Stainless Steel

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER309E309-15/16
118 118 118
1I4 3116 3116
318 1I4 1I4
112 5116 5116
518 318 7116
314 112 112

Table A17
Intercostal Member: High Strength Steel
Continuous Member: Austenitic Stainless Steel

Electrode Type

Intercostal E309-15/16 ER309
1I8 118 1/a
1I4 3116 3116
318 5116 1I4
112 318 5116
518 7116 7116
314 9116 1/2

Table A l 8
Intercostal Member: Quenched and Tempered Steel (HY 80)
Continuous Member: Austenitic Stainless Steel

Electrode Type

Intercostal E309-15/16 ER309
118 118 1/8
1/4 114 1/4
318 318 5116
1I2 112 7116
518 9116 1I2
314 11/16 518
~ ~~

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PART 111 - Table A19

Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052

Electrode Type
Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 1/a 1/a
114 114 1I 4
318 5116 5116
112 7116 7116
518 112 112
314 518 518

Table A20
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083

I Electrode Type I
ntercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 1/a 1/a
114 114 114
511 318 6 5116
112 7116 7116
518 112 112
I 314 518 518 I
Table A21
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 1/a 118
114 1I4 1I4
318 5116 5116
1I2 7116 7116
518 1I2 1I2
3/4 518 518

16 AWS Design Handbook

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PART 111 - Table A22

Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5454
Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 1la 118
1I4 1I 4 1I4
511 318 6 5116
711 112 6 7116
518 112 1I2
314 518 518

Table A23
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5456

Electrode Type I
Intercostal ER5556 ER5356 I
118 118 1/a
1I 4 114 1I 4
318 5116 5116
1I2 7116 7116
518 112 112
314 518 518

Table A24
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083

Electrode Type
Intercostal ER5556 ER5356

114 114 114

318 310 318
112 112 112
518 518 518
314 314 11/16

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PART 111 - Table A25
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083
ALUMINUM Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052
Electrode Type
Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
118 118 118
1I4 1I4 1I4
318 318
112 112 112
518 518 518
314 314 11/16

Table A26
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
118 1I8 1I8

1I4 1I4 1I 4
318 318 318
112 112 112
518 518 518
314 314 11/16

Table A27
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5454

Electrode Type
Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
118 1/a 1I8
1I4 1I4 1I4
318 318
112 1/2 112
518 m 518
314 314 11/16

18 AWS DesignHandbook

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PART 111 - Table A28

Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083
ALUMINUM Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5456
Electrode Type
Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1I0 1/a 1I0
114 1I4 1I4
310 318
112 112 112
510 518 510
11/16 314 11/16

Table A29
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1I0 1I0 1la
1I4 1I4 1I4
310 318 310
711 112 112 6
518 510 9116
314 314 11/16

Table A30
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052

Electrode Type I
Intercostal ER5556 ER5356 I
118 1I0 1I0
1I4 114 1I4
310 318 318
1I2 112 7116
518 510 9116
314 314 11/16

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PART 111 - Table A31
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086
ALUMINUM Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083
Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 1la 1la
1I4 1I4 1I4
318 318
112 112 7116
518 518 9116
314 314 11/16

Table A32
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5454

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1la 1/a 1/a
1I4 1I4 1I4
318 318 318
112 1I2 7116
518 518 9116
314 314 11116

Table A33
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5456

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 1/a 1/a
1I4 1I4 1I4
318 318 318
112 112 7116
518 518 9116
314 314 11/16

20 AWS Design Handbook

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

PART 111 - Table A34

Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy5454
ALUMINUM Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5454
Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 1/a 118
1I4 1I4 114
318 318 5116
112 1I2 7116
518 9116 9116
314 11/16 518

Table A35
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5454
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1I8 1/a 118
1I4 1I4 114
318 318 511 6
112 1/2 7116
911 518 6 112
314 11/16 SI8

Table A36
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy5454
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1I8 1I8 118
114 1I4 1I4
3/8 3/8 511 6
1/2 1I2 7116
518 9116 911 6
314 11/16 518

AWS Design Handbook 21

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STDmAWS FWSH-ENGL L977 m 07842b5 0519493 356

PART 111 - Table A37

Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5454
ALUMINUM Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5086
Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 1/a 1/a
1I4 1I4 1I 4
318 3/a 5/16
1I2 1/2 7116
518 9/16 9116
314 11116 518

Table A38
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5454
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5456
_____ ____~ ~~

Electrode Type
Intercostal ER5556 ER5356

114 1I4 1I4

318 318 5116
1I2 112 7116
518 9116 9116
314 11/16 5/a

Table A39
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5456
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy5456

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 3116 3116
1I4 5116 5116
711 31a 6 7116
1I2 9116 9116
11/16 518 11/16
71a 314 13116

22 AWS DesignHandbook

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

PART 111 - Table A40

Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy5456
ALUMINUM Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5052
Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1I8 3116 3116
1I4 5116 5116
318 7116 7/16
1I2 9116 9116
518 314 11/16
314 na 13116

Table A41
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5456
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5083

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1I8 3116 3116
1I4 5116 5116
711 318 6 7116
112 9116 9116
518 314 11/16
314 718 13116

Table A42
Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy 5456
Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy5086

Electrode Type

Intercostal ER5556 ER5356
1/a 3116 3116
1I4 5116 5116
711 318 6 7116
911 112 6 9116
314 518 11/16
311 718 314 6

AWS Design Handbook 23

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-AWS FWSH-ENGL 3997 m 07842b5 0539495 327 m

PART 111 - Table A43

Intercostal Member: Aluminum Alloy
ALUMINUM Continuous Member: Aluminum Alloy 5454
Electrode Type

ER5556 ER5356 Thickness

1I8 3116 3116
1I4 5116 5116
711 318 6 7/16
1I2 9116 9116
518 314 11/16
314 718 13116

24 AWS DesignHandbook

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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