3 - Ostexercise Dietary Protein

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International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2016, 26, 168-178

2016 Human Kinetics, Inc. SCHOLARLY REVIEW

Postexercise Dietary Protein Strategies

to Maximize Skeletal Muscle Repair and Remodeling
in Masters Endurance Athletes: A Review
Thomas M. Doering and Peter R. Reaburn
Central Queensland University

Stuart M. Phillips
McMaster University

David G. Jenkins
The University of Queensland

Participation rates of masters athletes in endurance events such as long-distance triathlon and running continue
to increase. Given the physical and metabolic demands of endurance training, recovery practices influence the
quality of successive training sessions and, consequently, adaptations to training. Research has suggested that,
after muscle-damaging endurance exercise, masters athletes experience slower recovery rates in comparison
with younger, similarly trained athletes. Given that these discrepancies in recovery rates are not observed
after nonmuscle-damaging exercise, it is suggested that masters athletes have impairments of the protein
remodeling mechanisms within skeletal muscle. The importance of postexercise protein feeding for endurance
athletes is increasingly being acknowledged, and its role in creating a positive net muscle protein balance
postexercise is well known. The potential benefits of postexercise protein feeding include elevating muscle
protein synthesis and satellite cell activity for muscle repair and remodeling, as well as facilitating muscle
glycogen resynthesis. Despite extensive investigation into age-related anabolic resistance in sedentary aging
populations, little is known about how anabolic resistance affects postexercise muscle protein synthesis and
thus muscle remodeling in aging athletes. Despite evidence suggesting that physical training can attenuate
but not eliminate age-related anabolic resistance, masters athletes are currently recommended to consume
the same postexercise dietary protein dose (approximately 20 g or 0.25 g/kg/meal) as younger athletes. Given
the slower recovery rates of masters athletes after muscle-damaging exercise, which may be due to impaired
muscle remodeling mechanisms, masters athletes may benefit from higher doses of postexercise dietary protein,
with particular attention directed to the leucine content of the postexercise bolus.

Keywords: aging, muscle protein synthesis, exercise recovery

A masters athlete is defined as an older athlete who & Cattagni, 2012) and Ironman triathlons (Lepers et al.,
specifically trains for and competes in organized sport 2013). For example, significant increases in participa-
(Reaburn & Dascombe, 2008). Over recent decades, tion rates have been noted at both Ironman Switzerland
masters athletes have increasingly been participating in (Stiefel et al., 2014) and the Hawaii Ironman world
endurance-type sports such as marathon running (Lepers championship (Lepers et al., 2013) over a 16- and 25-year
period to 2010, respectively. Given a recent report that
Doering and Reaburn are with the School of Medical and masters athletes represented 56% and 47% of male and
Applied Sciences, Central Queensland University, Rock- female race finishers, respectively, at the 2010 Ironman
hampton, Queensland, Australia. Phillips is with the Dept. of world championship (Lepers et al., 2013), it is clear that
Kinesiology, Exercise Metabolism Research Group, McMaster increases in participation are at a global level.
University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Jenkins is with the Despite performances of these masters athletes
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, The improving relative to previous years (Lepers et al.,
University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia. 2013), recovery from exercise, both perceptually (Fell
Address author correspondence to Thomas M. Doering at et al., 2008) and physiologically (Easthope et al., 2010),
t.doering@cqu.edu.au. appears slower in masters compared with similarly

Maximizing Muscle Remodeling in Masters Athletes 169

trained younger athletes. For example, impaired recovery older adults (age 64 1 years) requiring an additional 24
of both muscular strength and exercise performance is hr to recover maximal strength of their elbow flexors in
evident after trail running (Easthope et al., 2010), which comparison with younger adults (age 25 2 years) after
involves lengthening contractions known to result in 30 maximal voluntary lengthening contractions (Chap-
structural muscle damage (Tidball, 2011). Given that the man et al., 2008). However, in contrast to these studies,
degree of muscle damage experienced after a given rela- Sultana et al. (2012) reported comparable recovery of
tive intensity exercise stimulus appears similar between knee extensor and flexor maximal voluntary isometric
younger and masters athletes (Easthope et al., 2010; Fell contraction torque between masters (age 52 10 years)
et al., 2006), we propose that masters athletes may have and younger (age 28 6 years) well-trained triathletes 24
an impaired ability to repair and remodel proteins within hr after an Olympic distance triathlon. In contrast, mas-
skeletal muscle. This impaired remodeling may, at least ters triathletes in the same study exhibited significantly
in part, be responsible for the poorer muscle recovery reduced running speed (8.3%) at ventilatory threshold
observed in older athletes. Thus, attention to more spe- two in comparison with younger triathletes who recov-
cific postexercise dietary strategies, such as age-specific ered to baseline run speed at ventilatory threshold two
protein feedings in masters athletes, may improve muscle 24 hr postexercise (Sultana et al., 2012). This finding
recovery, subsequent exercise performance, and training holds significant practical implications for endurance
adaptations. performance given the high correlation (r = .95) between
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ventilatory threshold and running performance (Loat &

Rhodes, 1993). In summary, masters athletes generally
Recovery of Masters Athletes experience slower rates of muscle recovery after endur-
After Endurance Exercise ance exercise that results in EIMD to contractile and
connective tissue, but not after fatiguing, nondamaging
When postexercise recovery is monitored after exercise exercise, than similarly trained younger athletes.
such as cycling that results in neuromuscular fatigue but In light of the available evidence, impaired muscle
not necessarily muscle damage, recovery rates are similar protein remodeling (i.e., protein synthesis) mechanisms
between masters and younger athletes (Fell et al., 2006). may be responsible for the slower postexercise recovery
For example, Fell et al. (2006) reported no difference in of masters athletes after muscle-damaging exercise. This
recovery of cycling performance between masters (age 45 suggestion was recently supported in a review by Briss-
6 years [M SD]) and young (age 24 5 years) cyclists walter and Nosaka (2013), who proposed that the damage
after three 20-km cycling time trials conducted over 3 to the contractile elements of muscle persists for longer
consecutive days. In contrast, when postexercise recovery in masters athletes than in younger, similarly trained ath-
is monitored after exercise that results in exercise-induced letes. A review of the factors contributing to muscle repair
muscle damage (EIMD), such as long-distance running, after muscle-damaging exercise is beyond the scope of
research has suggested that masters athletes take longer to this review, although one can be found elsewhere (Zanou
recover than similarly trained younger athletes (Easthope & Gailly, 2013). We acknowledge that other factors, such
et al., 2010). Moreover, although the degree of muscle as lower satellite cell activity with increasing age, may
damage after a given relative exercise stimulus may be also contribute to the delayed recovery of skeletal muscle
similar between younger and masters athletes (Easthope in older adults and athletes versus younger individuals
et al., 2010; Fell et al., 2006), regeneration or repair of (Fry et al., 2015). However, critical to the remodeling
musculotendinous tissue appears slower in older individu- of skeletal muscle after muscle damage is a protracted
als (Brisswalter & Nosaka, 2013). stimulation of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) that is
Few studies to date have assessed muscle recovery observed after endurance exercise.
after muscle-damaging endurance exercise in masters
athletes compared with younger athletes. However, of
those studies that have, none have assessed the efficiency Mammalian Target of Rapamycin
of the repair and remodeling mechanisms postexercise.
For example, Easthope et al. (2010) reported that mas-
Complex 1 and the Subsequent
ters runners (age 46 6 years) required an additional 24 Muscle Protein Synthetic Response
hr to recover maximal voluntary isometric contraction to Endurance Exercise and Feeding
torque of the knee extensors after a 55-km trail-running
competition in comparison with younger runners (age The mammalian (mechanistic) target of rapamycin
30 7 years) matched for performance. Despite sug- complex 1 (mTORC1) is a central protein in an intricate
gestions that the delayed recovery in maximal voluntary signaling pathway that integrates contractile and amino
isometric contraction observed in masters athletes was acid (feeding) signals that are imperative in mRNA
due to neuromuscular factors, it is known that prolonged translation and, subsequently, MPS. The mTORC1
running such as that completed because of the associated receives signals resulting from the systemic milieu
lengthening muscle actions, resulting in a loss of force- (hormonal, aminoacidemia), and its activation results in
generating capacity (Close et al., 2005). Similar findings phosphorylation of downstream targets to effect an MPS
have also been reported in nonathletic populations, with response (Figure 1). Importantly, both muscle contraction

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Figure 1 Schematic overview of relevant signal transduction pathways in skeletal muscle with exercise and protein feeding leading to
protein synthesis. Akt/PKB = protein kinase B, AMPK = Adenosine monophosphate kinase, eIF4E = eukaryotic initiation factor 4E, GDP =
guanosine diphosphate, GTP = guanosine triphosphate, IGF1 = Insulin like growth factor 1, mTORC1 = mammalian (mechanistic) target of
rapamycin complex 1, p70S6K1 = 70 kDa S6 kinase 1, Rheb = Ras homolog enriched in brain, S6 = S6 ribosomal protein, TSC 1/2 = tuber-
ous sclerosis 1/2, 4E-BP1 = 4E-binding protein 1.

(mechanotransduction) and amino acid feeding can inde- elongation factor 2 (eEF2) in the early postexercise
pendently stimulate the mTORC1 via upstream signaling period. Furthermore, Camera et al. (2010) have shown
(Figure 1). However, when postexercise dietary protein the acute phosphorylation status of AktThr308/Ser473 and
feeding occurs, contractile and amino acid stimuli work mTORSer2448 to be comparable after cycling at 70%
synergistically to confer additional stimulation of the VO2max and high-load (80% one-repetition maximum)
mTORC1 signaling pathway, leading to increased rates resistance training. Cycling exercise similarly increased
of MPS than either stimulus alone. Independent of the p70S6KThr389 phosphorylation (62%140%) 1 hr after
upstream signal stimulating the mTORC1, downstream exercise despite a concomitant increase in AMPKThr172
targets of mTORC1, namely the 70 kDa S6 kinase 1 phosphorylation, which was seen only after cycling exer-
(p70S6K1) and 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1), are rate cise (Camera et al., 2010). Taken together, these results
limiting to mRNA translation. As such, the phosphory- suggest that endurance exercise can mediate mTORC1
lation statuses of these two kinases are often used as signaling to a similar extent to that of resistance train-
readouts of mTORC1 activity and have been suggested as ing, despite increases in AMPK phosphorylation, which
indirect proxy markers of MPS. Although a review of the has been suggested to inhibit mTORC1 phosphorylation
primary and secondary molecular signaling events lead- (Atherton et al., 2005; Dreyer et al., 2006).
ing to increased MPS are beyond the scope of the pres- In addition to elevating mTORC1 signaling, endur-
ent review, Figure 1 provides an abbreviated schematic ance exercise has been shown to promote MPS (Table
overview of signaling events; however, comprehensive 1). A study by Mascher et al. (2011) found similar
reviews can be found elsewhere (Coffey & Hawley, 2007; patterns of phosphorylation in mTORSer2448, p70S6K-
Jacobs et al., 2014). Thr389, and eEF2Thr56 in line with their previous work

Substantial data have shown that the mTORC1 is (Mascher et al., 2007); however, they also reported
activated after both resistance and endurance-type stimuli. a significant concomitant increase in mixed muscle
Mascher et al. (2007) reported that 1 hr of cycling at 75% fractional synthetic rate (FSR) at 120 min after 1 hr of
maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) increased phosphoryla- single-leg cycling at 65%70% VO2max. Di Donato et
tion of proteins in the mTORC1p70 signaling axis and al. (2014) also found myofibrillar FSR to be elevated
significantly decreased phosphorylation of eukaryotic after both low- and high-intensity endurance cycling

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Maximizing Muscle Remodeling in Masters Athletes 171

in an intensity-dependent manner, with high-intensity between 60% and 90% one-repetition maximum in rec-
cycling (60% Wmax) elevating myofibrillar FSR up to 28 reationally active older (age 70 5 years) compared with
hr postexercise. In contrast, low-intensity cycling (30% younger (age 24 6 years) adults. Similarly, after the
Wmax) elevated myofibrillar FSR for only 4.5 hr postex- provision of 10 g of essential amino acids, Cuthbertson
ercise. Furthermore, high-intensity cycling produced a et al. (2005) observed a down-regulation of mTOR and
significantly greater myofibrillar and mitochondrial FSR p70S6K1 phosphorylation in elderly adults (age 70 1
than did low-intensity cycling (Di Donato et al., 2014). years) compared with young adults (age 28 1 years).
As shown in Table 1, a number of other research groups Furthermore, Guillet et al. (2004) also observed blunted
have reported an elevated MPS response after low- and p70S6K1 phosphorylation and lower mixed muscle FSR
moderate-intensity endurance-type exercise with and in healthy older (age 72 2 years) compared with younger
without protein feeding. adults (age 25 1 years) in both the postabsorptive state
In addition to mechanotransduction, the mTORC1 and after feeding with induced hyperinsulinemia.
can be stimulated by hyperaminoacidemia and thus by Taken together, these studies have suggested that
protein feeding (Yang, Breen, et al., 2012; Figure 1). age-related impairments within the mTORC1 pathway,
Several studies have shown that preexercise (Coffey et specifically at 4E-BP1 and p70S6K1, are observed in
al., 2011) or postexercise (Breen et al., 2011; Rowlands older compared with younger individuals after exercise,
et al., 2015) proteincarbohydrate consumption further protein feeding, or both. Given that the phosphorylation
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stimulates myofibrillar FSR after endurance exercise in status of p70S6K1Thr389 has been shown to be predictive
comparison with isocaloric carbohydrate feeding (Table of myofibrillar FSR in endurance-trained young men
1). Recently, Rowlands et al. (2015) showed that a (Rowlands et al., 2015), impairments at this kinase may
mixed macronutrient beverage containing 23 g of protein result in lower rates of MPS and thus slower recovery
increased myofibrillar FSR by 33% compared with an from muscle-damaging exercise.
isocaloric carbohydrate control beverage after 100 min
of high-intensity cycling in an endurance-trained cohort Effect of Endurance Exercise
(age 30 7 years). Taken together, the provision of pro-
on Age-Related Anabolic Resistance
tein before and after an endurance exercise bout appears
to increase both mTORC1 activation and MPS. These Previous research has suggested that the age-related
observations (Breen et al., 2011; Rowlands et al., 2015) decrease in physical activity levels, not aging per se, may
suggest that postexercise protein consumption facilitates be the underlying cause of anabolic resistance (Burd et al.,
muscle protein remodeling and may facilitate both repair 2013). This hypothesis is supported by data from Wall,
from muscle damage and exercise adaptation (Moore et Snijders, et al. (2013), who recently found that 14 days
al., 2014). Indeed, in some cases endurance exercise has of leg immobilization resulted in a 31 12% reduction
been found to result in muscle hypertrophy (Konopka & in postprandial MPS in response to ingestion of 20 g of
Harber, 2014); however, increases in MPS after endur- dietary protein in healthy young adults. Furthermore,
ance exercise appear to reflect muscle remodeling and Breen et al. (2013) recently confirmed that even a rela-
often not muscle hypertrophy per se. We propose that tive degree of inactivity in elderly men (age 72 1 years)
deficits downstream of the mTORC1 noted in older adults resulted in a 26% reduction in postprandial myofibrillar
may result in lower rates of MPS in masters athletes in FSR and a 3.9% loss of lean muscle mass over a 14-day
response to both protein feeding and exercise stimuli period. Given such large reductions in MPS after short-
independently or concomitantly. term inactivity or limb immobilization, it is clear that
maintenance of physical activity into aging is important
to reduce the effects of age-related anabolic resistance.
Age-Related Anabolic Resistance However, whether increased levels of physical activity
into older age can completely negate anabolic resistance
Muscle contraction and amino acid feeding are the two has yet to be determined, and current evidence to suggest
primary stimuli regulating anabolic responses in young this is the case is lacking.
healthy adults on an hour-to-hour basis (Rennie et al., Many studies have examined muscle protein metabo-
2010). In older adults, age-related anabolic resistance lism after endurance exercise (Table 1). However most,
may compromise the ability of older muscle to elevate but not all (Breen et al., 2011; Coffey et al., 2011; Row-
MPS to the same rate as younger muscle in response to lands et al., 2015), of these previous studies have used
muscle contraction (Kumar et al., 2009), amino acid feed- untrained participants (De Pauw et al., 2013). Moreover,
ing (Burd et al., 2013), or both. Several studies have pro- the effect of acute or chronic low-volume endurance
posed that the mTORC1p70 signaling axis is impaired exercise on protein metabolism has rarely been compared
in healthy older adults in response to exercise (Kumar et between younger and older adults (Durham et al., 2010;
al., 2009) and to protein feeding with both basal insulin Sheffield-Moore et al., 2004; Short et al., 2004). The
clamps (Cuthbertson et al., 2005) and during hyperinsu- available research has suggested that endurance exercise
linemia at rest (Guillet et al., 2004). For example, Kumar results in acute postexercise increases in markers of MPS
et al. (2009) reported a blunting of p70S6K1 and 4E-BP1 (Mascher et al., 2011) and increases in MPS above resting
phosphorylation after resistance training at intensities levels in young and older adults alike (Sheffield-Moore

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Table 1 Acute Effects of Endurance Exercise With or Without Nutrient Interaction on Postexercise Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis
Age (year; Exercise Duration Intensity (% Protein Timepoint
Study n M SD) mode (min) VO2max) Feeding fraction assessed Postexercise FSR compared with rest
Carraro et al. 6 29 3 Walking 240 40 No Mixed 0240 min Increased
Sheffield-Moore 6 29 2 Walking 45 40 No Mixed 10180 min Increased to 60 min
et al. (2004)
Sheffield-Moore 6 69 1 Walking 45 40 No Mixed 10180 min Increased to 10 min
et al. (2004)
Miller et al. 68 25 1 One-leg 60 67a No Myo & 672 hr Myo increased to 72 hr; sarc increased to 48 hr
(2005) kicking sarc
Durham et al. 9 30 2 Walking 45 40 No Mixed 10180 min Increased
Durham et al. 8 67 2 Walking 45 40 No Mixed 10180 min Increased
Mascher et al. 16 25 2 One-leg 60 6570 No Mixed 090 min & Increased at 90180 min
(2011) kicking 90180 min
Di Donato et al. 8 21 1 Cycling 60 & 30 30 (low) & No Myo & 30270 min & Myo increased at 30270 min at both intensities and
(2014) 60 (high)a mito 2428 hr at 2428 hr only with high intensity. Mito increased

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by high intensity at 2428 hr only
Harber et al. 8 25 1 Cycling 60 72 Yes Mixed 26 hr Increased with and without PRO
Coffey et al. 8 21 3 Cycling 6 10 6b Yes Myo & 15240 min Myo increase with PRO feeding
(2011) mito
Breen et al. 10 29 6 Cycling 90 77 Yes Myo & 0240 min Myo increase with PRO feeding
(2011) mito
Rowlands et al. 12 30 7 Cycling 100 7085 Yes Myo 0240 min Increased with PRO feeding
Note. FSR = fractional synthetic rate, mito = mitochondrial, mixed = mixed muscle fractions, myo = myofibrillar, PRO = protein, sarc = sarcoplasmic; VO2max = maximal oxygen uptake.
a% W b
max. s maximal.
Maximizing Muscle Remodeling in Masters Athletes 173

et al., 2004). However, when MPS rates of older adults Jones et al., 2004). Therefore, although older adults may
are compared with those of younger but otherwise physi- be capable of MPS responses similar to those of younger
ologically matched adults, older adults display lower adults when large doses of protein are consumed, this
rates of, or a lower total capacity to elevate, MPS after may not be the case after exercise when lower amounts of
acute exercise bouts. For example, Sheffield-Moore et al. protein (approximately 20 g) are recommended; as such,
(2004) found that low-intensity walking stimulated mixed postexercise MPS responses may be compromised in
muscle FSR above resting levels in both younger (age 29 masters athletes when this cohort consumes postexercise
2 years) and older adults (age 69 1 years). However, in protein doses recommended for younger athletes.
contrast to older adults in which they observed a transient In summary, age-related anabolic resistance to both
increase in MPS until 10 min postexercise (a measure- exercise and proteinamino acid feeding is likely related
ment that included exercise), younger adults maintained to age-related deficits in the mTORC1 pathway that in
elevated rates of MPS for 60 min (Sheffield-Moore et al., turn reduce the MPS response to these stimuli. Despite
2004). Moreover, Durham et al. (2010) used an exercise suggestions that habitual physical activity into older age
protocol similar to that of Sheffield-Moore et al. (2004) may ameliorate anabolic resistance, older adults and
and found that older adults (age 67 2 years) displayed athletes undertaking endurance exercise seem unlikely to
similar increases in mTORSer2448 phosphorylation and achieve youthful rates of anabolism regardless of training
mixed muscle FSR as younger adults (age 30 2 years) status. Thus, anabolic resistance is likely to reduce muscle
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postexercise. However, older adults showed a 40% reduc- protein remodeling (muscle repair) in masters athletes,
tion in anabolic efficiency in comparison with younger which may in turn slow muscle recovery. As such, we
adults (Durham et al., 2010). suggest that altered postexercise and daily feeding pat-
Similar to the protein synthesis responses reported terns may be necessary for masters athletes to maximize
after acute endurance exercise, Short et al. (2004) muscle remodeling and enhance muscle recovery after
reported that a 16-week aerobic exercise intervention muscle-damaging exercise.
significantly elevated resting mixed muscle FSR to a
similar extent in older (ages 6074 years) and younger
(ages 1938 years) adults. However, given preinterven- Potential Implications
tion findings that MPS declined at a rate of 3.5% per for Postexercise Protein Feeding
decade and similar postintervention increases in MPS
occurred, this suggests that despite retaining plasticity,
for the Masters Endurance Athlete
reduced total anabolism in comparison with young adults Current sports nutrition guidelines suggest that endurance
persists despite training. Taken together, these studies athletes should consume 1.01.2 g/kg of carbohydrate per
suggest that age-related anabolic resistance, or reduced hour postexercise to maximize muscle glycogen resynthe-
anabolic capacity with aging, persists after both acute sis (Rodriguez et al., 2009). In addition, approximately 20
endurance exercise bouts and chronic moderate-intensity g of dietary protein should be consumed in the immediate
endurance training interventions in previously untrained postexercise period to maximize muscle protein remodel-
but healthy older adults. ing (van Loon, 2013). Furthermore, recent evidence has
suggested that sufficient protein intake should be repeated
Effect of Age-Related Anabolic on multiple occasions per day, at evenly spaced intervals,
Resistance on Amino Acid to maximize daily MPS (Areta et al., 2013). These guide-
lines are currently suggested to hold true for all endurance
and Protein Feeding
athletes regardless of age (Tarnopolsky, 2008).
In younger adults, MPS appears to be maximally stimu- Despite short-term physical training attenuating
lated with a bolus of approximately 20 g of protein (van anabolic resistance in comparison with age-matched
Loon, 2013). In contrast, current research has suggested sedentary counterparts (Short et al., 2004), the available
that protein doses of approximately 35 g are necessary evidence suggests that, despite physical training into
to stimulate MPS above postabsorptive levels in healthy older age, masters athletes continue to display anabolic
middle-aged (Robinson et al., 2013) and elderly (Pen- resistance to muscle contraction and protein feeding
nings et al., 2012) adults. Support for these statements (see preceding section). Thus, approximately 20 g of
is found in a recent study by Moore et al. (2015), who postexercise protein is unlikely to maximize MPS in
suggested that older adults (age 71 1 years) require masters athletes. Should contraction-induced MPS be
approximately 0.40 g/kg of body mass of protein to down-regulated in older athletes, higher than currently
maximize MPS, in contrast to younger adults (age 22 recommended doses of postexercise protein will, based
4 years), who require protein boluses of approximately on current evidence (Yang, Breen, et al., 2012), further
0.24 g/kg of body mass (Moore et al., 2015). These find- stimulate MPS in this population to facilitate a positive
ings may explain reports of comparable MPS responses net muscle protein balance and muscle protein remod-
in young and older adults after protein feeding, because eling to support a more rapid recovery from exercise.
these studies have often provided large doses of protein Although this contrasts with a recent review suggesting
(30 g; Symons et al., 2009) or amino acids (15 g; Paddon- no evidence of enhanced muscular recovery after protein

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174Doering et al.

supplementation in young adults (Pasiakos et al., 2014), levels both at rest and postexercise. An interesting find-
we propose that this may not be the case with masters ing was that all doseresponse interventions conducted
athletes. A recent review by Pasiakos et al. (2014) was after exercise suggested that MPS rates could potentially
limited to studies involving participants younger than age increase further if larger quantities of dietary protein were
50 years, and the small sample sizes and large variation administered (Table 2).
in study designs make the findings difficult to interpret. The doseresponse observed between dietary
Contrary to suggestions by Pasiakos et al. (2014), Moore protein intake and MPS may also be protein-source
et al. (2014) recently argued the importance of dietary dependent. For example, Yang, Churchward-Venne, et
protein for endurance athletes, facilitating myofibril- al. (2012) conducted a doseresponse study using soy
lar and mitochondrial remodeling, and achieving a net protein to examine the MPS response with doses of as
positive protein balance. We suggest this may be of even much as 40 g at rest and postexercise using a unilateral
greater importance to masters endurance athletes who exercised leg model in elderly men (age 71 5 years).
may require higher protein doses to stimulate MPS for The investigators reported that 40 g of soy protein was
muscle remodeling after muscle-damaging exercise. not sufficient to raise MPS above that of postabsorptive
rates in the unexercised limb; however, this dose of soy
DoseResponse of Dietary Protein to protein significantly increased MPS in the exercised leg
(Yang, Churchward-Venne, et al., 2012). In contrast to
Muscle Protein Synthesis in Older Adults
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soy protein, 20 g of whey protein was able to stimulate

In contrast with young adults (van Loon, 2013), several MPS above postabsorptive rates in both rested and exer-
doseresponse studies conducted in middle-aged and cising limbs. Furthermore, 40 g of whey protein produced
older populations have concluded that protein doses significantly greater increases in MPS rates than did 20 g
greater than 20 g result in further increases in MPS of whey protein postexercise (Yang, Churchward-Venne,
rates in older populations (Table 2). For example, a et al., 2012). Collectively, the doseresponse research
doseresponse study by Pennings et al. (2012) showed has suggested that middle-aged and older untrained
that among elderly (age 73 2 years), healthy untrained adults require quantities of protein higher than 20 g at
men at rest, 35 g of whey protein increased MPS to rest and 40 g postexercise to maximally stimulate MPS.
a significantly greater rate than both 20 g and 10 g of This conclusion is supported by Moore et al. (2015),
whey protein. Furthermore, a study by Yang, Breen, et who collated data from several doseresponse studies in
al. (2012) examined the doseresponse of whey protein young and older adults. The authors concluded that older
and myofibrillar FSR at rest and postexercise using a adults (age 71 1 years) require approximately 0.40 g/
unilateral exercised leg model. The investigators found kg of body mass of protein, in contrast to younger adults
that in the resting leg, 20 g of whey protein was sufficient (age 22 4 years), who require approximately 0.24 g/kg
to stimulate MPS above resting levels in elderly men (age of body mass of protein to maximize MPS (Moore et al.,
71 4 years), with a 40-g dose of whey protein providing 2015). This research by Moore et al. (2015) consolidates
a further, but nonsignificant, increase in MPS. However, the evidence that older adults require greater quantities
in the exercised leg, 40 g of whey protein stimulated of dietary protein to maximize MPS and suggests that
MPS to a significantly greater extent than 20 g and 10 prescription per kilogram of body mass may be a superior
g, respectively (Yang, Breen, et al., 2012). Similarly, method to allocate protein content per meal or feeding.
Robinson et al. (2013) conducted a doseresponse Given the available literature, the doseresponse of
study using a similar unilateral leg model and found that dietary protein to MPS is suggested to differ depending
middle-aged adults (age 59 2 years) required 36 g of on the requirement of the muscle (rest vs. postexercise)
protein from beef to stimulate MPS above postabsorptive and is also protein-source dependent (Table 2).

Table 2 Dietary Protein Doses Inducing the Highest Rates of Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis
in Older Adults at Rest and Postexercise
Dose inducing
Age (year; highest FSR Dose inducing highest Protein
Study n M SD) at rest (g) FSR postexercise (g) type
Pennings et al. (2012) 33 73 2 35a Whey
Yang, Breen, et al. (2012) 30 70 4 20 40a Whey
Yang, Churchward-Venne, et al. (2012) 30 71 5 40a 40a Soy
Robinson et al., 2013 35 59 2 36a 36a Beef
Note. FSR = fractional synthetic rate.
aDose of protein was the highest administered in the particular study.

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Maximizing Muscle Remodeling in Masters Athletes 175

Effect of Protein Type on Muscle Protein as was 25 g of whey protein containing 3 g of leucine
Synthesis in Older Adults in younger adults (21 1 years). Taken together, these
studies first suggest that leucine is required to efficiently
For a given quantity of protein, alternate sources have dif- stimulate anabolic responses and second provide further
fering absorption characteristics and amino acid profiles support for the use of whey protein in older adults given
that elicit differences in the MPS response (Pennings the considerably higher leucine content of whey com-
et al., 2011). These characteristics of differing protein pared with casein protein (Pennings et al., 2011). Thus,
sources are of particular importance to older popula- it appears that both the protein source and the amino
tions and may explain the source-dependent effect of acid composition of the protein are important factors that
protein on MPS in this population. A recent study by are currently neglected when determining an adequate
Pennings et al. (2011) investigated the appearance of postexercise recovery formula for masters athletes.
dietary amino acids in blood after ingestion of a 20-g
bolus of whey, casein, or casein hydrolysate in healthy
elderly men (age 74 1 years) at rest. The researchers Conclusion
found that the appearance rates of amino acids from both
whey protein and casein hydrolysate were significantly Increasing numbers of masters athletes are participating
higher than whole casein protein (Pennings et al., 2011). in endurance events. Despite a lack of controlled studies,
Despite comparable absorption of amino acids from current research has suggested that masters endurance
Downloaded by Univ of Massachusetts Lib on 09/16/16, Volume 26, Article Number 2

whey and casein hydrolysate, whey protein was shown athletes recover from EIMD at a rate slower than younger,
to elevate mixed muscle FSR to a significantly greater similarly trained athletes. We suggest that this may be
extent than casein hydrolysate or whole casein (Pennings due, at least in part, to age-related anabolic resistance
et al., 2011). The researchers attributed the superior rate underpinned by impairments in the mTORC1 pathway.
of MPS observed with whey protein to the amino acid These impairments seemingly lead to lower rates of
composition, given the similar absorption rate of whey postexercise MPS, which may slow the rate of repair
and casein hydrolysate. A more recent study by Burd et of EIMD and thus compromise subsequent muscle and
al. (2012) confirmed these findings, showing that elderly exercise performance and adaptation. However, several
men (age 72 1 years) had significantly higher MPS recommendations regarding dietary protein intake can
responses at rest and after resistance exercise when 20 g be made to offset this age-related decrease in MPS. On
of whey compared with casein protein was consumed. In the basis of the limited available evidence, and to over-
contrast, Dideriksen et al. (2011) reported no differences come the age-related deficits in molecular signaling,
in MPS rates after resistance training and consumption we suggest that masters endurance athletes should con-
of either whey or caseinate proteins postexercise in sume doses of leucine-rich whey protein in the range of
untrained adults ages 6180 years. However, the method 3540 g, or approximately 0.40 g/kg of body mass, after
of calculating protein dose in that study resulted in low muscle-damaging exercise to facilitate muscle repair and
total and largely variable protein consumption because remodeling. In line with findings by Areta et al. (2013),
of the variability in the population tested (Dideriksen et we suggest it may also be beneficial for masters athletes
al., 2011). Taken together, the available evidence suggests to consume at least four protein-rich meals of similar
that the amino acid content of differing protein sources is doses, as evenly spaced as possible throughout the day, to
central to the MPS response, particularly in older adults. maximize muscle remodeling, for example, immediately
after exercise and at least at each main meal.
Effect of Leucine on Muscle Protein
Synthesis in Older Adults Future Research
The effectiveness of whey protein in stimulating MPS Masters athletes are an exceptional example of aging
in both younger and older populations is proposed to be and, to date, have received little scientific investigation.
due, in part, to the leucine content of this protein. Leu- As such, these recommendations are based on the limited
cine is an essential amino acid and a potent stimulator available evidence on recovery rates of masters athletes
of anabolic activity, as demonstrated in several recent and MPS in older adults. Indeed, the chronological age
studies (Churchward-Venne et al., 2014; Wall, Hamer, and training age of an individual masters athlete may
et al., 2013). Research by Katsanos et al. (2006) found influence his or her anabolic capacity and responses,
that 6.7 g of essential amino acids did not elevate MPS in and future research should examine this premise. Fur-
healthy elderly adults (age 67 2 years) if administered thermore, research should aim to determine the current
as per the dose of amino acids found in whey protein postexercise nutritional practices of masters endurance
(1.7 g leucine). However, 6.7 g of essential amino acids athletes to determine whether poor postexercise dietary
with enriched leucine (41%, 2.8 g leucine) significantly strategies may contribute to the poor recovery observed
increased MPS in a similar cohort (67 2 years). Simi- in this cohort. Finally, controlled laboratory-based stud-
larly, Churchward-Venne et al. (2014) have shown that ies are required to more precisely examine differences
6.25 g of whey protein supplemented to contain 5 g of in recovery rates after muscle-damaging endurance
leucine was equally as effective in elevating acute MPS exercise in well-trained young and masters athletes and to

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