Gamma Rays Radio Visible Light Microwaves

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Light Sources and Colours Quiz


1. Which of these words describes the bouncing of light off an object?
a) Absorption
b) Reflection
c) Transmission
d) Radiation

2. Incandescent light produces what?

a) Nothing
b) Glow
c) Heat
d) Cold

3. Which of these colours is a primary ADDITIVE colour?

a) Magenta
b) Cyan
c) Red
d) Yellow

4) What colour is created when you mix blue and green?

a) Cyan
b) Magenta
c) Yellow
d) Black

5. A window allows light to fully pass through it. This means the window is
a) Opaque
b) Transparent
c) Invisible
d) Translucent

6. Put the wavelengths below, in order from LARGEST to SMALLEST (4 marks)

Gamma Rays Radio Visible Light Microwaves

Largest 1.



Smallest 4.
7. Match the ways to produce light (3 marks)

Fluorescence Biolumenescence

Chemilumenescence Tribolumenesence

1. Organisms that produce their own light _________________

2. Light produced by smashing two objects together _________________

3. Use mercury vapour to produce light in a tube ___________________

4. Light production using chemical reactions __________________

8. What does ROYGIBV stand for and which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is it
associated with? (2 marks)

9. Complementary colours, are two colours (one primary and one secondary) of the
spectrum that when combined create white light. Keeping in mind that secondary colours
contain two of either Red, Blue or Green, answer the following questions.
a) What is the complementary colour of Red? _______________
b) What is the complementary colour of Green? _______________
c) What light is created when you add Red, Green and Blue together? _____________

10. Define the ADDITIVE and SUBTRACTIVE colour theory.

(2 marks)

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