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Lesson Self Assessment for ED 215R

Self Assessment is the ability of a student to deepen his/her learning by observing,

analyzing, and judging her/his performance on the basis of criteria and determining how to
improve it. (Alverno College)

Name: Vitoria Behling

Literacy Lesson #: 3-Video lesson
Literacy Objective: The students will accurately be able to develop meaningful headings in order to
organize their information and create a deep understanding of the material in the book.
Balanced Literacy Component: Mini-lesson followed by readers workshop
Date: November 11th 2015
School/grade level/ number of students: Highland view/ 2nd grade/ 18 students
Name of Cooperating Teacher: Keith Bohlin

(Refer to the criteria for each component of the entire teaching performance on the Supervisor
Observation of EG 215-R Field Student form as you reflect on the following questions.)

Planning and preparation:(AEA:Conceptualization,DiagnosisWTS:1,2,3,4,5,7DISP: Respect,

Responsibility, Collaboration, Communication) Clearly identify the range of literacy development of
the learners in your classroom and describe how you planned to address that range throughout your
lesson plan. Thoroughly explain how an effective theoretical model such as Holdaway or Vygotsky
guided you as you planned your lesson. Explain what worked well in your plan and what you would have
changed/did change and why.

Overall, this class consists mainly of transitional readers with a few students in the early and self-
extending stages. I was able to adress this range of students in a number of ways. First I allowed them
to see multiple examples and while I was showing the examples I made sure to discuss the entire process
through a think aloud. I also allowed for engaement during the mini-lesson by having them do turn and
talks as well as particiapate in the deomonstarion, which I felt was benifical for all learners. I also had the
students work with material that was at their own individual level during the reading workshop which
allowed them to work at their own pace and level. Overall this lesson was very mcuh so influenced by the
holdaway model due to the fact that the beginning of the lesson was soley me do the modeling and then
gradually they participated with me guiding them and we ended with them talking to me completely on
their own. Overall I was very pleased with the lesson, however if I had to change something then I would
have liked them to do partner reading in the wrokshop as opposed to individual so that they would have
had more opportunity to confer with other students.

Classroom environment: (AEA: Coordination, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,3,4,5,6 DISP:

Respect, Responsibility, Collaboration, Communication)
Explain how you set up a positive learning environment and encouraged student participation in the
learning. How did you focus student attention throughout the learning experience to engage them
productively in the learning the lesson objective? Evaluate your interactions with the students and
their interactions with each other.

I feel that this lesson was my most engaging lesson this semester. While I was doing the mini-lesson I
was able to do multiple activities in order to engage them. For instance, I had them do multiple turn
and talks with open ended questions, I had students come up to the board in order to demonstrate
useful examples, I was able to discuss with them about the lesson objective and I also had them do a
share time at the end which they seemed very excited about. I was also able to conference with
multiple students during individual reading time for the workshop. For this I was able to engage the
students even further by evaluating what that individual students specific needs were. Overall, I was
very pleased with the environment and I felt that the students had been engaged throughout the entire

Instruction: (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction WTS:

1,2,4,5,6,7,10 DISP: Respect, Communication)

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Thoroughly explain how you taught this lesson to meet your literacy objective and how you addressed
the academic language. Evaluate your implementation of your plan in relation to student
learning/performance and the theory. Did it have the effect you intended? Explain what you found
most difficult in teaching this lesson. What changes would you make if you repeated this lesson? Why?

For this lesson I had to make sure that I provided very explicit and useful examples because this
learning objective was a fairly difficult objective. I think my best way at helping them understand the
lesson objective was by actually comparing the headings to containers and in my anchor chart I visually
showed containers. I think this was a creative and effective way to show them the how to approach
this lesson. I was also able to compare this lesson to their class library which was nice to have a good
example that they were very familiar with. Overall I was extremely happy with the students
understanding of this lesson. I believe that in this lesson that my explanation and examples were very
helpful because the book that I used was a little bit too difficult, which next time I would like to use
something more simple, however the students seemed to still completely understand the lesson
objective. Overall the most difficult thing about teaching this lesson was to pinpoint exactly how I was
going to teach it due to the fact that this was such a complex lesson. However by physically talking
out loud while planning I was then able to come up with what I felt was the best was to explain and
model this lesson for the students.

Assessment: (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,3,7,8,9 DISP: Reflection)

Explain your assessment procedures and evaluate how well they informed you about student
attainment of your lessons objectives. Explain how you knew if the students learned what you taught
them/if the needs of your literacy learners met. What did you learn from analyzing your assessment
data to inform you about the effectiveness of your teaching and how you would follow up this lesson.
(What would you teach next and why?)

For this lesson I had multiple forms of assessment. During the mini-lesson I was able to informally
assess the conversation between both the entire class and during the turn and talks. Then during
reading workshop, I was able to assess again informally but by working with individual students so this
way I was able to decide exactly what they needed in terms of more modeling. Lastly, I had the formal
assessment with the thinking sheet that I had them do. This was the most telling to me because it
showed me what the students got out of the lesson and now what they could do on their own. Overall I
was very happy with analyzing the thinking sheets because the majority of students showed me that
they had a deep understanding of the learning objective. To follow up this lesson I think that I would
like to work more with fining main ideas, possibly with more lengthy material so that they can start
truly see how effective this learning objective was.

Professional responsibilities: (AEA: Communication, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,6,7,9,10

DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Collaboration, Communication
Explain how you will apply what you learned from the feedback you received on this lesson from your
instructor and your cooperating teacher to future teaching performances.

Concluding this lesson, I think the most important piece of feedback that I received is to understand
the power of good examples. The book that I decided to use for my example was a little difficult for
them and if I wouldnt have been able to use good and clear examples then the students would have
been left confused and frustrated when doing their individual work. However, by being able to provide
good examples then the fact that the material was a little difficult didnt even matter. I feel that this
lesson showed me the power in explanation, modeling and useful use of language.

Reflection: (AEA: Diagnosis WTS: 9 DISP: Reflection)

What did you learn about teaching an effective literacy lesson from this teaching experience that
provides new insights into how you will improve future teaching of literacy? Describe, with examples,
how your learning in ED 225 and/or from prior ED215R literacy lessons you taught improved your
performance on this lesson. Explain how this lesson demonstrates your growth in ONE Wisconsin
Teaching Standard and ONE Alverno Education Ability. (Make sure to state the WTS and AEA in your own
words in your explanation.)

From this lesson I was able to experience the importance of modeling and think-alouds are and this is
something that we have talked about a lot in ED 225. It was neat to be able to use tools such as my
anchor charts in order to assist my modeling and overall I felt that it also is very helpful when it comes
to using proper language and emphasizing exactly what needs to be emphasized in the lesson. This
lesson allowed me to improve my understanding of the AEA of coordination because I truly had to think
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hard about what the best approach was in teaching this lesson and then once I decided on that then I
had to think about what types of things, such as anchor charts, would help me. I also feel that this
lesson allowed me to demonstrate WTS #5. For this lesson I feel that I was successfully able to help
students stay engaged in the learning process both as a group and individually. This lesson provided
engagement for the students and because of that I feel that I was able to create a positive
environment for the students as well.

Revised 8/3/15

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