Foundmaterialtrenchpoem Aniyaholmes

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Why are we in this-

Aniya Holmes

Bombardment is a vicious pit bull

ready to pounce at the
first sight of an enemy.
Trenches are hell,
Concrete slabs reinforced the wall
the red eyed,
long tail,
rats and
black monsters we call roaches
Infest our chambers. Diseases such as
Influenza, pneumonia, and skin afflictions
come and go like seasons.
The stench of ripped out,
Disemboweled, organs stick with my nose
for infinity.
I look to the left there i see a man with his head
torn completely off,
blood spouts out his neck like a chocolate fountain.
The first thought on our minds is taking out that bayonet
and getting ready to fire it.
All this death turned my comrades eyes
Red with fury,
Their souls dark and gloomy.
The screams of my fellow brothers
will stay with me every time i close my eyes.
I use to recognize myself when i looked in the mirror
but now all i see is a lonely,
hollow man.

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