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Focus Question Task #1 - Aniya Holmes

On August 14, 1914, British men began to join the military to fight in
WWI for several reasons. One reason men joined was because they were
patriots. In the article Meeting were held in every town and village where
politicians, priests, and local worthies exhorted men to do their patriotic
duty. it states that because of their patriotism, men joined the war . This
demonstrates that the love that men have for their country allowed them to
willingly fight for it. Another reason men joined was to get away from the
endless insults of the press and women. In the article Those who did not
volunteer faced insults from the press, and were publicly ridiculed for their
lack of manliness the text mentions that the press along as the women
were ashamed of the men who did fight in the war and felt although the
men were cowards. This implies that most of the men that joined the war
only joined to get away from the life they have now. These examples show
how British men joined the war because of their patriotism and to get away
from the humiliation.

On the other hand, the United States joined World War I by declaring
war on Germany in 1917 for different reasons. One of the main reasons
was that President Woodrow Wilson declared war was because of land. In
the article For nearly 3 years, he had struggled to keep the united states at
peace. But that night he had come to ask war. the text states that
President Woodrow Wilson was doing all he could to keep the U.S calm but
unfortunately for him he couldn't. This illustrates that to end the. Another
reason for the United States involvement was the Germans sunk The
Lusitania. The text Over 1,100 people out of more than 1,900 on board
died, including more than 120 Americans. also says that the Germans
killed more than 120 americans and the U.S wasnt to happy about that.
This suggests that the because of the americans dying the U.S declared
war on the Germans. This evidence reveals that while British men joined
World War I because of their patriotism, the U.S. joined because the
germans sunk The Lusitania and it held more than 120 americans

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