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Cover Letter

By: Aniya Holmes

There was a time in my life when me and my mother were

inseparable like two of the largest magnets. Wherever she went I
went. For as long as I could remember it was just us two. We
didnt needed nobody else. But as, many months went by I had

noticed her stomach,
it was enormous . She was pregnant, and
because of the pregnancy we couldnt go anywhere. On
December 30th, 2009, my life had changed for the good and for
the bad but mainly for the bad.

My first poem in*sep*a*ra*ble is a definition poem. I chose

to write the form of a definition poem because it shows how close
me any my mother are. My second poem Mom, how much more
do I have to do without you? is an occasional poem. Its an
occasional poem because it describes all the things my mother
use to do but now she cant. My last poem 5 reasons why I
disapprove of having a sister is a list poem. Its a list poem
because I wanted to list all the negative effects of having a sister.
I had written these specific types of poems to relate to my poems
I write. These poems conveys the relationship between the form
and content.

These paragraphs reveal the narrative arc of before the birth

of my little sister and after. It was a little challenging trying to
remember that one emotional/ greatest moments of my life seven
years ago. I think putting that moment in 3 poems helped me to
better understand what happened and how now it contributes to
my life. While, I was writing these paragraphs I was wondering
would if I cant explain my challenges correctly. Would if I dont
express the way I felt before she was born in the first paragraph.

3 poems
By: Aniya Holmes

Poem one.) Definition Poem

[in*sep*ah*rah*ah*ble] adjective

Unable to be separated

As in: A tree without branches,

a lion without his roar,
a pen without its ink,
a volcano without lava,
is like me without my mother;

As in: When me and my mother are together

were inseparable like
Mr. Crab and an $100 bill.

As in: Were inseparable like

TNT and a match
whats the string is lit not even you cant stop it.
Poem two.) Occasional poem
Mom, How much more do I have to do, without you?

Because shes pregnant I have to do everything she cant.

I have to wash the dishes, which r eeked of old slimy fish, soggy

I have to clean my room myself.

I have to defeat the h umongous slimy, green and red skinned,

with his footsteps as loud as thunder, t he smell of burnt flesh, fire
breathing dragon.

I have to make her delicious PB&J sandwiches which I love.

I have to go outside in the 90 degrees weather to the playground

with my so called FRIENDS and their loud s melly annoying
sisters and brothers by myself

I have to fly a 50 feet long airplane with the engine cluttering and
cluttering across half of the world with almost 6 0 passengers.

I have to open the giant hole in the wall, press the BEEP BEEP
numbers I dont understand, and watch it burn my food.
I have to stand in the tub. Watch as r ain from the metal thing on
the ceiling goes down the drain, DRIP DROP as I get clean.

I have to take the take the t wo bunny hoops,

put one in the hole and pull with all my might.

I have to read to myself (wasnt very hard the words were

gigantic) to seep.

y own clothes
I have to pick out m

I have to demolish my mothers room

search high and low just to find her remote.

I have to open the DVD case,

take the DVD out, and put the DVD,
in the DVD player just to watch a movie.


Poem 3.) List Poem

5 Reasons Why I Disapprove Of Having A Younger Sister!

5.) I get the more advanced choirs

4.) I dont receive all the objects I want
3.) If my sister wants something I have to give it to her
2.) My sister is always in my face
Most of all,
1.) Most of the attention that my parents have given me is
now transformed to my sister.

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