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What is the holy book of your faith, and how does it compare to others?

God had worked through man to write the Holy Bible, so it was written by multiple men and
considered to be the word of God. It also consists of the old testament which is similar to the Torah.

How are the basic beliefs of your faith similar to the other monotheistic faiths?

They are similar and have very similar foundations, for example we all believe in the same God and
believe there is only one.

How are the basic beliefs of your faith different from the other monotheistic faiths?

I am the son of God and Messiah, but Judaism and Islam does not accept me as the Messiah.

Why is the Holy Land an important site for your faith?

It is important because I was born in Jerusalem, and was also crucified. I also then rose from the
dead in Jerusalem and went back to Heaven.

What did your Messiah contribute to your faith?

I was crucified on the cross, and I died for other peoples sins so that they could be saved and
join me in heaven.


What is the holy book of your faith, and how does it compare to others?

It is the Torah, and it could be compared to the Christian Old Testament. Like the Holy Bible and
Quran, God worked through man to write it.

How are the basic beliefs of your faith similar to the other monotheistic faiths?

We believe in the old testament of the bible which is also similar to the Quran.

How are the basic beliefs of your faith different from the other monotheistic faiths?

We do not believe either Muhammad or Jesus Christ is the Messiah sent by God.

Why is the Holy Land an important site for your faith?

Jerusalem is the land our God promised us and I led the Jews from Egypt to our promise land.

What did your Messiah contribute to your faith?

Our Messiah has not yet come.


What is the holy book of your faith, and how does it compare to others?

It is a similar book to the others, and it is called the Quran, but instead of God working through
multiple people he worked through me to tell his word.

How are the basic beliefs of your faith similar to the other monotheistic faiths?

They are very similar, and we have similar views and Holy books.

How are the basic beliefs of your faith different from the other monotheistic faiths?

I am the messenger God has chosen to deliver his message, but the other faiths do not recognize
me as the messenger of God.

Why is the Holy Land an important site for your faith?

We have the Kaaba, which many Islams take pilgrimage to so they can worship, it was built by
Abraham himself.

What did your Messiah contribute to your faith?

He is yet to come, but when he does, judgement day will come soon after his rule of Islam.

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