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Stereotypes: The take this prejudice as a fixed truth.


Moroccan Case that all men like sports, listening to news, and
that women are not as strong as men are
common stereotypes not only in our society,
Stereotypes are qualities assigned to
but in other societies as well. Moreover, there
groups of people related to their race,
are stereotypes related to gender. For example,
nationality, and/or sexual orientation. They are,
men are all the same: rjal kolhoum bhalbhal,
therefore, generalizations about a group of
or in other words, all men are wolves. This is a
people whereby we attribute a defined set of
label that many women adopt because of a
characteristics. In Morocco, for example, racial
failed experience they have had with an ex-
groups are linked to stereotypes such as being
boyfriend. Young people, by their turn, have
good at math and physics. People of Errachidia
many prejudices. However,bentnass doesnt
and its surroundings is a case in point. But are
exist anymore; this was said to ask, why didnt
all people of Errachidia good at math? Its a
you get married yet?
generalization because we can find people
there who are bad at these subjects. A person Sociologists suggest that stereotypes are
can also make a generalization about an ethnic the result of conflict, poor parenting, and
group that hasnt been integrated in society. inadequate mental and emotional
It is largely said in Morocco that people development. They are shared because they
who come from the Sahara are good, gentle, are the result of a common environment. Some
and hospitable; but we can find bad people as psychologists say that stereotypes are usually
well as good ones. Similarly, we hear that acquired in early childhood under the influence
Saharans are more attracted to fat women of parents, teachers, peers, and the media.
than to slim ones. This is an overgeneralization
because we can find Saharan men attracted to
slim and fit girls in contrast of this stereotype. Some psychologists say that stereotypes
It is well known that when boys talk to girls are usually acquired in early childhood under
whom they believed to be physically attractive, the influence of parents, teachers, peers, and
they communicate in a more positive and the media. A number of studies have found
friendlier manner than those who believe they that stereotypes are activated automatically.
are talking to unattractive girls. People of Patricia Grace Devine, a professor of
Rabat are accused of being untrustworthy. psychology at the university of Wisconsin-
Madison, for example, suggests that
It is widely said in Morocco that Rabatis stereotypes are automatically activated in the
tend to give wrong directions when asked for a presence of a member of a stereotyped group.
place. I have visited there many times and Besides, we stereotype people when we are
experienced such behavior on one occasion, unable or unwilling to obtain all of the
but the second time, I asked an elderly and information we need to make a fair judgment
was shown the right direction. So, we shouldnt about them or their situations. That is to say,
we just fill in the missing pieces of information due to carelessness, bad habits, and lack of
since we dont have a total picture. Labeling is critical thinking skills.

Edited by Katrina Bushko

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