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Snacks Toddler TTH Spring 2015

Tuesday Thursdav
Applesauce and pretzels; juice and water

5-12 s-14
strawberries, crackers; juice and water strawberries; crackers; juice and water

5- 19 5-21
Peaches; cracker and water andjuice Peaches; cracker and water andjuice

5-26 5-28
String cheese and pretzels; juice and water String cheese and pretzels; juice and water

6-2 6-4
Granola bar; pears; milk and water Granola bar; pears; milk and water

6-9 6-1 1

Applesauce and pretzels; juice and water Self- Selected Use up what is left

6-16 6- 18
cantaloupe; Crackers, water and juice cantaloupe; Crackers. water and juice

6-23 6-25
Mandarin oranges; crackers w'ater and juice Mandarin oranges; crackers water and juice

6-30 7-2
Vz go-gurt, cracker, water and juice
1/z go-gurt, cracker, water and juice

7-7 7-9
Watermelon; crackers juice and water Watermelon; crackers juice and water

Self- Selected Use up what is left

Juice : I can to 6 cans of water Milk: ll2 gallon Crackers/ pretzels (4 to 5 per child) = llzlb
Canned fruit : ll4lg can Yogurt : 1 lg cartons Fresh fruit : 1/4 per child
pudding: 1 lg or 2 sm boxes Watermelon, % slice per child, cantaloupe 4 cubes per child
Strawberries 2 per child
Cucumber slices 4 slices per child Granola Bars 1 per child
Muffins, cheese slices, string cheese toast, tortillas, hard boiled egg: 1/2 per child

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