EPS (Extended Planetary Significations) System - Ebook

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Respected my Astro Friends !

My Hearty welcomes to you to this wonderful EPS (Extended Planetary Significations) System!

I dedicate this Book to my Shridi Sai Baba and to our Guruji Shri.KSK !

EBook Edition: 2017 March 1st

Pages: 199


For the benefit of all the Astrology friends who are interested in learning my new invented system of
EPS SYSTEM I have not fixed any price to this Ebook!

But for learning a new system, a Guru Dakshana is required!

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Name of A/c (SB) :G.K.Adith Kasinath
Bank : State Bank of India
SB A/c No:33025308398
Branch : Dadagapatti, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
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Copy right: to the Author Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath

EPS (Extended Planetary Significations) System is a registered Trade Mark under India
Trade Mark Registry.

All rights reserved. No part of this manuscript or EBook may be reproduced without written
permission from the Author except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.



PH: 9043419466
Email: astrologer@bestkpastro.com
Website: www.bestkpastro.com


Sl. No. Headings Page

1 Introduction 1
2 EPS (Extended Planetary Significations) Table 5
3 ESI Grade Table 8
4 ESI Graph Table 11
5 Preparation and Study on EPS table 12
6 Preparation and Study on ESI table 15
7 The concept of analysis in EPS system 17
8 Important elements and their detailed explanations OCCL Grades 18
9 Supports Self Support 21
10 Supports Other Support 21
11 Supports Rulers Link Support 23
12 PILT (Planetary Interlink Theory) 25
13 PIL1 1 connections 26
14 PILT 2 connections 30
15 Analysis Methodology on ESI Table 36
16 Important points to be considered and their explanations0 41
17 Type of Supports that could support OCCL 45
18 List of Required supports to elevate the falling grade at OCCL 46
19 Strength and weakness of a planet for an event 47
20 Comparative study 48
21 Studying Destiny of an event 49
22 Predictions on the Life events 51
23 Timing of event: Finding Significators of an event 52
24 Studying Dasa lord 53
25 Timing of Marriage 54
26 Timing of Child Birth 57
27 Timing of routine life events 58
28 A Special note on events involving Two purposes 59
29 A Special note on events with more than one Primary house 60
30 A special note on Profession related events 61
31 Creating a New event and Allocation of Grades 61
32 Ruling planets 61
33 Transit 61
34 A note on Accuracy of birth time 62
35 Explanation on Example 1 64
36 Legends 66
47 EXAMPLE # 11- JOB 147
48 EXAMPLE # 12: Abroad Travel (Job) 153
49 EXAMPLE # 13 -Abroad Travel (Higher education) 159
50 EXAMPLE # 14- JOB (Presently in abroad) 162
51 EXAMPLE # 15 - Birth time Rectification 167
52 EXAMPLE # 16 - Birth time Rectification 172
55 EXAMPLE # 19 - (HORARY- Sports/competition) 186
56 EXAMPLE # 20 - (HORARY- Sports/competition) 189
57 Thanks 192
57 EPS System SOFTWARE - Important Features - Snap shots 193
58 List of important events and the grade allocation to the houses 198



My Pranams to all the respected Gurus including our Guruji Shri.KSK who dedicated their valuable
contributions to the divine and scientific Astrology world!

Our beloved Guruji Jodhida Marthand Prof. late Shri.K.S.Krishnamurthi ji, had invented the marvelous
system called KP (Krishnamurthi Paththathi) as a revolution in the astrology world. He could find the
reasons behind the difference in the life events of Twins. With his great knowledge in traditional Vedic
astrology and Western astrology, he invented a new system. He named his noble invention as KP system
with the prime principle as Sublord theory. As per this the cuspal positions in the birth chart of every
human will be unique. His system has been followed all over the world now. Our Guruji had mentioned
that This is the duty of my students and KP followers to do further research to fine tune and upgrade
the system. And many of his followers and disciples have done many studies and added their valuable
contribution to this system with their new studies and experiences.

Point # 1:
According to KP, a planet will give its effect according to the constellation (Starlord) in which it is
deposited and the result of the effect will be decided by the Sublord. This is the basic and vital principle
of KP. Planet is the Source, Starlord is the Effect and the Sublord is the Result.

As per KP, the occupant is stronger than the owner of a house. They are significators of that house.
Further the planets that are traveling in the star of the occupant are the prime significators of that

In order to identify the planets that signify the strong primary houses (Significator) that can conduct or
favor an event, in their Dasa Bukthi periods; he advocated an easy method called 4 fold significators as

He has given the strength of significations by the planets in the descending order:

A Grade: The planet in the star of the occupant of the house.

B Grade: The Occupant of the house
C Grade: The planet in the star of the owner of the house
D Grade: The owner of the house.

He also invented a great and divine supportive tool called Ruling planets (RPs) to find the strongest
significators from the 4 fold significators.

We could see that he had taken occupant of house and the owner of the house (cuspal lord) and the
planets traveling in their stars as the significators of a house. But he did not take the cuspal Starlord and
cuspal Sublord of that house into the consideration.

A cusp is ruled by not only by a lord as Cuspal lord but also by a lord as Cuspal Starlord and by a lord as
Cuspal Sublord.

The cuspal Sublord is his greatest invention as the Supremo who decides the destiny of the particular
event in ones chart and also makes the difference between two people born within few minutes
difference. But he did not take this Sublord of a cusp as a significator. Of course, later some of his
disciples considered this Sublord also as a significator especially when its constellation is untenanted.
But they did not consider consistently all the time in their analysis. Further the cuspal Starlord was not
considered at all.

During his period, the birth time accuracy was a great task and the cuspal Sublord would not be of
reliable one. Even in such conditions, he had done his research and found this wonderful method by
doing all the calculations manually. Hence he majorly gave interest and focuses on the Prasanna and
application of his system and found astonishing results. Because of the doubt on the birth time accuracy,
Prasanna was followed mainly by him where in he applied his system easily and found the results. Hence
he could not concentrate much on further study on natal chart during his periods with his busy schedule
and lack of time. But now we have everything computerized and we could make a chart in seconds.
Hence we could do further study and some research on the birth chart easily.

In the Prasanna (Horary) chart, the chart is meant only for the particular query. So the chart will be so
unique to the question and finding the significators using the 4 fold significators table could also be
enough. But in case of Birth chart which consists of all the life events, a planet will have many
significations for many events of a native during his life time. So here finding all the planets that are
signifying a house or all the houses signified by a planet could not be so easier like horary chart. i.e,
finding the significators of a house will not be as easy as that of Horary in case of Natal chart.

We will tend to miss some of the planets from the significators of a house when restrict our selection till
the star level. Moreover even when a planet is present in the RPs list, but not in the 4 fold significators,
we will ignore that planet as per rule and also the divine help! Because that ignored planet could give
the result in its period. So here the problem is not with the system but with the system of application
especially in case of Birth chart.

Hence, KP being the Sublord theory, selection of a significator has to be done till Sublevel. And 4
fold significations is an incomplete one.

Point # 2:
In KP we consider the significations of a planet in 4 levels as the Planet, its Starlord, the Sublord and its
Star lord to find the total significations for an event. In this, significations are taken only based on the
planets ownership and occupation of a house. I would say this way of analysis is Incomplete. Why?

Kindly read the following carefully:

Lets assume A and B are the two people who were born within 5-10 minutes difference on the
same day and city. Here the cuspal Sublord of few or more cusps of each native would differ between
them. Hence the destiny indicated by these Sublord of a particular cusp would vary between them as
per KP. But the planetary positions in each house may not change (if no planet is at the margin to a cusp)
for both the natives. So, the planetary significations (lordship and occupation) would be the same for
both the natives. Because they would not vary since the planets transit will be slow and they would be
almost in the same position for longer period of time.
The fastest moving is the cuspal positions and then the Moons position.

Both will be running the same Dasa and Bukthi. When we study the significations of the running Dasa or
Bukthi we could find the same significations for both. Of course the destiny level could vary due to the
different sub of the particular cusp. But some time the destiny level also may not have major difference
due to the change of sub within the few minutes.

For example, both the natives 7th Sublord is different but the destiny indicated by both the Sublord is
promising marriage but the level of marital prosperity varies for both. So, both have the destiny for
getting married with some difference in the marital prospects. When we follow only the significations of
ownership and occupation for all the 4 levels of a planet, the significations of all the planets will
remain the same for both the native.

Please note this is not meant for only twins but for all the people born in the same Lagna within the two
hours duration on that day as the ownership and the occupation of all the planets may not change unless
if any planet is in the margin of a cusp or any cusp is in the margin of a sign.

When we are analyzing to find the significators for marriage for both, we could select same planets as
significators as discussed above. But we could see marriage is not conducted at the same DBA period for
both. I have seen a case of a twin born with just 2 minutes interval, the time interval between each
marriage is 8 years. Why?

This is because, the planet that is connected to the 7th cuspal Sublord which varies between the natives,
plays an important role in conducting the marriage.

So the role of cuspal Sublord, cuspal Starlord apart from Cuspal lord are present in the
significations of a house.

Further in my 10 years of research and experience in KP especially on the Birth charts, I could find
practically an event does not happen always as per the 4 fold significators. We could see many marriage
happen in the DBA of 6,10 significators or weak significators period also. An expected strong A grade
planet would not have given its result. Why? Because the significators in the 4 fold significators are not
complete. And as discussed under Point #2, studying only on the ownership and occupation of a planet
is also incomplete.

For my research purpose I initially started focusing mainly on one event (Marriage) which is an
important event in ones life and everyone is known the date of that event accurately so that this would
help for the research. And it is also not a routine event like job, property purchase etc.

Moreover, this is an important event in day to day life where every client asks the question on the
period of marriage. But the rule is simple that a native will get married in the joined period of 2,7,11
significators. As explained the significators given in the 4 fold significators is restricted to Planet and Star
level only. No significators has been considered from the sub level. Suppose if a planet and its Starlord
do not signify 2,7,11, they will not be listed in the 4 fold significators table. In case if they signify other
houses (not completely detrimental) up to its star level but signify these 2,7,11 houses at the sublevel,
they could give their result. So we could miss some of the significators in the 4 fold significators which is
based on stellar theory. But KP is the Sublord theory, the significations to be studied till sublevel.

As said above, for horary charts, the 4 fold significators could be satisfactory as it is exclusive for that
event. But even in that, selecting the significators studying up to the sublevel would be more accurate
which many KP astrologers follow.

Based on the above grounds, three major points we have to understand in finding the significators:

1) Significations by the Sublevel of a Planet

When we study a planet for their significations, as we study till the sublevel, we can find the 2,7,11
significations even if it shows at the sublevel. So we will not miss the significations. But when trying to
find the significators of the 2,7,11 houses as per 4 fold significators, we will miss those significators as
we do not consider the sublevel. This is the primary important point.

2) Cuspal Starlord and Cuspal Sublord as significators

Another important point is the role of Starlord and Sublord of the cusp as a significator of that house.
Because, as explained above, the lordship and occupying houses will not change for a planet until the
cuspal position and the planetary position change majorly for all the people who are born in the same
Lagna. The difference exists in the lordship of Sublord and Starlord of the cusps.

The planets who are in the star and sub of these Cuspal Starlord and also Sublord are also the
significator of that particular house.

3) Significations of Conjoined planets and Planets under Aspects.

When a planet is in conjunction or aspected by or aspecting a planet who is a significator of that house,
it gets the influence from that planet and becomes a significator of that house as well.

Further to my studies, finally I have understood that apart from the Cuspal Signlord, cuspal
Starlord and Sublord also do play major role as the significators. And also the Conjunction and
Aspects do play a vital role in that. This is the base for the foundation of EPS.

Here we have to find all the houses and planets that are connected to a planet in a wider way
and not in a narrow way. Out of them, we have to find the favorable, unfavorable, strong and
weak planets for an event by studying them at least with the 4 levels viz, Planet, its Starlord,
Sublord and Starlord of the Sublord where the 3rd level (sublevel) is an important one.

I named it as Extended planetary significations system as it contains many stages and levels.
The EPS table will cover almost all the possible connections of a planet to the houses and to the
other planets.

As per EPS, for every event a planet and its rulers have to get connected to all the rulers of a
primary cusp of that event. Especially the strong connection to the primary cuspal Sublord is
required. So, the same event occurs at different Dasa Bukthi periods for twins or those who were
born within short interval on that same day with same Lagna position. The Dasa Bukthi
significations will remain almost the same if we do not include the planets role as cuspal
Starlord and Sublord. So including the significations of a planet as cuspal Starlord and cuspal
Sublord is required to get the complete lordship signification of a planet.

A small note on the importance of a Sign:
We generally do not give much importance to the Sign in which a planet occupies. But the Karakathwa
of the Sign and Sign lords role do have impact on the occupant of that sign. When Sun occupies
Sagittarius owned by Jupiter, it indirectly causes a connection between the Jupiter and Sun. If that
Signlord Jupiter is a good significator of a house for an event, the planet that is occupying any sign of
Jupiter will have some impact of that house. It is like when a tenant is in a house, the activities of the
landlord of that house (even if he is not present at the same house) either favorable or unfavorable
would have some impact on the tenant. Another example: when a person is celebrating a party in his
house he is living, suppose if that landlord is not much supportive to such party, then the native could
have difficulty in experiencing the complete happiness of the party due to the regulations of the
Landlord and lack of support. So the signification of the Signlord has some impact on the occupant.

As our Guruji had found the importance of the Sign, he had added the 6 subdivisions to the 243 subs (27
stars x 9 subs = 243). In this the Rahu subdivision of the Sun stars would be present in two signs.
Similarly the Moon subdivision of the Jupiters star would be present in two signs. For example, the Rahu
Sub of the star Kirthika (Sun) would extend from Aries to Taurus. So there will be two combinations or
sensitive points as Mars-Sun-Rahu and Venus-Sun-Rahu. The difference is only at the Signlord. The
combination of these planets would give different results as their karakathwa are different. So Guruji
KSK had added the 6 subs in the list and made it to 249 subs. It is unfortunate to notice that many of the
KP followers do not give importance to the role of sign and its lord. Though the Sign and its lords impact
could not be stronger on the occupant of that Sign, they could cause some impact either favorable or
unfavorable. Actually we do give importance to the significations of the Sign lord only for the Nodes
(Rahu and Ketu) since their influence will be more. But actually such impact will be present for all the
planets though not to the extent of Rahu and Ketu. Hence role of Sign is also included in the EPS to some

EPS: (Extended Planetary Significations) Table

Let me explain about the EPS table of a planet.

For example : Significations of SUN

I have structured the significations of a planet in a Table form which consists of

1) Cuspal lordship (CL) (Sun is lord of which cusp)

2) Occupation (OCC) (Sun where it is occupied)
3) Cuspal Starlord (CST) (to which cusps Sun has appeared as Starlord)
4) Cuspal Sublord (CSL) (to which cusps Sun has appeared as Sublord)
5) Conjunction (planets conjoined with Sun)
6) Aspected by (Aspd.) (Sun is aspected by which planets)
7) Aspecting (Aspg.) (Sun aspects which houses and planets).

The Conjunction: In EPS, all the planets within one sign are considered to be conjoined to each
other. No orb is considered. Even two planets posited in a sign but in different houses (cusps),
they are also considered as conjoined. Because the conjunction between the planets is formed
on the base of the sign. More they closer, more the impact will be.

The Aspects: They are taken as per Vedic aspects from sign to sign and not on Western aspects.

As explained above, in practice we majorly take only the OC and CL and the conjunction and aspects to
some extent. But in EPS we consider all the above 7 stages of significations. The purpose is to show all
the houses and planets that are connected to each planet.

Hence a planet by itself would signify many houses.

The Rulers of a Planet :
Planet, its Starlord, its Sublord and Starlord of Sublord are the rulers of a planet and are considered as
the 4 levels.

As per KP principle a planet will give the effect of its Starlord and the Sublord will decide the
As Sublord is also considered as a Planet, its Starlord is also to be studied.

ie, Planet, its Starlord,, its Sublord and Starlord of the Sublord have to be studied for each planet.

Sometimes Star lord of the Starlord and SubSub lord and its Starlord also can be studied if both
the planet and Sublord or both the Planet and the Starlord (planet in its own star) are the

By studying a planet in 7 stages x 4 levels, it could show almost all the 12 houses!!
If so, EPS is leading to more complications?
I know this is the question that rises in your mind as well!
But answer is a Big NO. Because the method of analysis and interpretation is important
If so, how to judge the planets significations in EPS table?

I have formed a method of study and interpretation on this EPS table which I will explain in detail in
the coming pages.

In EPS, while studying, the primary focus has to be given to the OCC and CL ie, Planet owns
which house and occupies which house.
The Cuspal Starlord and Cuspal Sublord Significations have to be given Secondary importance as
a Supportive one.
The Conjunction signification has to be given next importance as Supportive.
The Aspected and then Aspecting Significations have to be given next importance as Supportive

So the Significations of Cuspal Starlord, Cuspal Sublord, Conjunction and the Aspects are considered as
Supportive significations to the Houses signified by the cumulative result of Occupation and Cuspal

EPS table of a planet will be useful to study the significations and the effect of that planet on all
the life events. It is like the master scan report of a planet.

Initially one may feel difficult in studying the EPS table for an event as it has many stages and levels.

In order to simplify the analysis, I have invented another Technique focusing the significations of
a planet for an event in the EPS table. In this technique, the houses pertaining to the required
event are signified by giving specific Grades and the big EPS table is constricted to a smaller
table and the Table is called ESI (EVENT SIGNIFICATORS) TABLE for an event.

This ESI table will differ according to the Event. Here focus is on the significations related to the
specific event. This will be more useful in finding the strength and weakness of a planet for an
event. Importantly, the chances of missing the most favorable house or unfavorable house that
a planet signifies in EPS table are avoided in this ESI table. Further it is made more comfortable
to look at the strength and weakness of a planet in each stage.

EPS table is a Master Report card

An ESI (Event Significators) Grade Table is like a Progress card of a particular event.


EPS table is created in the following format:

Planet Cuspal Occupied Cuspal Cuspal Conjunction Aspected Aspecting

lord Starlord Sublord by

There are 4 levels (rows) and each level has 7 stages (columns).

Kind note:
As per EPS, a planets ownership is not limited to the ownership of a cusp and its occupation but also to
the ownership of the Starlord and Sublord of the cusps.

Ownership of a cusp (CL) and Occupation of house are together called as OCCL
The Planets cuspal Starlord ownership is called as CST
The Planets cuspal Sublord ownership is called as CSL

So a planets signification is considered in three portions as (OCCL/CST/CSL) with / separation.

These are called the Self significations of a planet.

So, the planets in Conjunction, Aspected by and Aspecting stages are also shown with the self
significations within bracket.

Important note: When Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are coming as a ruler (PL or ST or SL or ST-SL), its Signlord
also is to be taken for its significations along with the nodes significations.

In ESI Grade table , this EPS table is constricted to a smaller table wherein the houses signified in the EPS
table are converted in to Grades for the required event in question. And the above 7 stages (CL, OCC,
CST, CSL, CONJN., ASPD BY, ASPG.) are reduced to 4 major stages (as OCCL, STSB, CONJN and ASP). This
is called ESI Grade Table.

Lets study how to create this ESI Grade table for an event:

1) Cuspal lord (CL) and Occupation (OCC) are combined into one Stage called as OCCL
2) Cuspal Starlord (CST) and Cuspal Sublord (CSL) are combined into one stage called as STSB
3) Conjunction (CONJN) is taken as one stage and called as CONJN
4) Aspected by (ASPD) and Aspecting (ASPG) are combined into one stage called as ASP

For each event, though there are one or more primary houses, all the 12 houses will have a role for that

For every event, the houses are dived into 4 major groups and Grade is allotted accordingly.

1) Primary houses (A Grade)

2) Secondary houses (B Grade)
3) Supportive houses (C Grade)
4) Detrimental houses (D grade)

Within this Detrimental houses (D Grade) there are 3 categories

I. Bad (D1 Grade): This is like a neutral house which would support to the A,B,C grade houses if
joins with them and support the Detrimental (D) houses if joins with them. (Very Less
II. Detrimental houses Worse (D2 Grade) : Obstacle causing houses for that event
III. Detrimental houses Worst (D3 Grade) : Negating houses for that event

For example: For the Event Marriage:

7 = Primary house = A grade
2,11= Secondary house = B grade
1,3,5,9 = Supportive houses = C Grade
4 = Low Detrimental house (Bad) = D1 Grade
8,10,12 = Obstacle giving Detrimental houses(worse) = D2 Grade
6 = Negating detrimental house (Worst) = D3 Grade

(Kind note: The Grouping of houses under each Grade for important events is given at the last pages of
the book)

Each house will be given a Grade according to the allotted Grade. As more than one house is present in
one Stage (OCCL,, STSB, CONJN, ASP), the houses have to be studied together and an overall grade is to
be given. This Grade will signify the overall strength at the stage.

In the ESI Grade table, for each stage (OCCL, STSB, CONJN or ASP), only one overall grade is given for all
the houses it contains within it.

How? Let me explain:

You may feel as if it is a tough process while growing the explanation. But it is very simple once
understood. Moreover, in the EPS software, these Grades and Tables would appear automatically. The
explanations are given to make you understand the process involved in this.


Grade is containing one Alphabet as Prefix (A,B,C,D) and a Number (1,2,3) as suffix.

The A,B,C houses are indicating the presence of favorable houses and the suffix 1/2/3 are
indicating the presence of detrimental houses (D1,D2,D3).

While grading, the highest favorable house (A or B or C) is indicated as Prefix and the highest
unfavorable houses is indicted by the number 1/2/3 as suffix.

Among the A,B,C houses, A is the most favorable followed by B and then the C.
Among the 1,2,3 suffix grades, D3 is the worst , D2 is the worse and the D1 is Bad.

In a group of houses in OCCL or STSB or CONJ or ASP

1. First we have to find the highest favorable house (Primary or secondary or Supportive) that is

If A is present even if B and C are present, A grade is to be given

Without A, if B only is present even with C, B grade is to be given
If C only is present, C Grade is to be given.
For example for marriage, if house 7 is present, it is given grade A.

2. Next we have to find the highest unfavorable house: for example 6 is present, now 3 is to be
added to A grade.
3. And now the final Grade is given as A3.

The combination of highest favorable and Unfavorable grades and the final Grade:



In case no D3/D2 houses are present,
Grades are given as A1 or B1 or C1

In case no A/B/C is present,

If D3 present as highest detrimental = D3
If D2 = D2
If D1 = D1

So a Grade indicates the Highest favorable house and the highest unfavorable house in one stage.

Suffix 1 indicates absence of any Detrimental houses (D2 or D3).

Suffix 3 indicates presence of the worst Detrimental houses (D3 grades houses)
Suffix 2 indicates presence of worse Detrimental houses (D2 grades houses)

If there is no A or B or C, then only the Detrimental houses Grade as D1 or D2 or D3 has to be


Hope I made it clearer, and the below illustration could help you for your easy understanding.


1 A D2/D3 B1/C1/D1 A1
2 A+D2 D3 B1/C1/D1 A2
3 A+D3 B1/C1/D1/D2 A3

4 B A/D2/D3 C1/D1 B1
5 B+D2 A/D3 C1/D1 B2
6 B+D3 A C1/D1/D2 B3

7 C A/B/D2/D3 D1 C1
8 C+D2 A/B/D3 D1 C2
9 C+D3 A/B D1/C2 C3

10 D1 A/B/C/D2/D3 Alone D1
11 D2 A/B/C/D3 D1 D2
12 D3 A/B/C D1/D2 D3

How to give the Grade in ESI table in each OCCL, STSB, CONJN and ASP stages?

1. To get the grade for OCCL, the houses in CL and OCC have to be studied together and a grade is
to be given
2. To get the grade for STSB, the houses in CST and CSL have to be studied together and a grade is
to be given
3. The Grade for CONJN can be given by studying at the CONJN column.
4. To get the grade for ASP, the houses in ASPD and ASPG have to be studied together and a grade
is to be given.

This is an another useful Table made from the ESI grade table in the form of Graphs

The ESI Grades are indicated in the form of Graphs as shown the above illustration table.

Anyhow let me explain

The A grade is indicated by Green bar, B Grade is indicated by Blue bar, the C grade is indicated by
the Yellow bar and D grade is indicated by Red bar.

D3 is indicated by a full lengthy Red bar

D2 is indicated by 2/3rd lengthy bar and 1/3 is left blank.
D1 is indicated by 1/3rd lengthy bar and 2/3 is left blank.

A1 is indicated by a full lengthy Green bar.

A2 is indicated by 2/3rd Lengthy green bar and 1/3 Red bar
A3 is indicated by 1/3rd Lengthy Green bar and 2/3 Red bar.

B1 is indicated by a full lengthy Blue bar.

B2 is indicated by 2/3rd Lengthy Blue bar and 1/3 Red bar
B3 is indicated by 1/3rd Lengthy Blue bar and 2/3 Red bar.

C1 is indicated by a full lengthy Yellow bar.

C2 is indicated by 2/3rd Lengthy Yellow bar and 1/3 Red bar
C3 is indicated by 1/3rd Lengthy Yellow bar and 2/3 Red bar.

This Graph table will highlight the Grades at a glance.



Now Let me explain with an example to prepare EPS table and a ESI table from that EPS table.

Example 1:
Birth details: Female 18/3/1981 8.24 AM Chennai.
Event: Marriage


I will explain the details of the EPS table for SUN and the same way rest of the planets have to be done.

(Note: In the EPS software, both the EPS and ESI tables would automatically be generated.)

EPS table : SUN

1st Level: Planet: SUN

CL: Sun is lord of 5
OCC: it is posited in 11 conjoined with 12th cusp. (11+12)
CST: It is 6,10 Cuspal Starlord.
CSL: It is not Cuspal Sublord for any cusps.
CONJN: It is conjoined with Mars(1,8/11/2) (Mars CL of 1,8 and CST of 11 and CSL of 2).
ASPD: It is aspected by Jupiter(9,12,6/-/9) (Jupiter CL of 9,12 in 6 and it is CSL of 9)

It is also aspected by Saturn (10,11,6/4,8,12/1,4,7,10). (Saturn is C L of 10,11 in 6 and CST of
4,8,12 and CSL of 1,4,7,10)
ASPG: It aspects 6th cusp. It also aspects both Jupiter (9,12,6/-/9) and Saturn

Similarly the details at all the 7 stages are filled in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels.
This is how the EPS table for all the 4 levels have to be prepared.

As discussed under ESI table, the 7 stages are grouped in to 4 stages for easy valuation as follows:
Aspected by + Aspecting = ASP

As we are aware the Planet is the Source, its Starlord is the Effect, the Sub lord is the Result as per KP.

1. The OCCL (CL and OCC) is to be studied together for each level first
First the Planet (1st level) - Source
Then the Starlord (2nd level) Effect
Then the Sublord (3rd level) Result
Finally the Starlord of the Sublord (4th Level) Effect of the Result

So from the first level (planet) to the last level (Starlord of the Sublord) it has to be studied.

The favorable significations shown at first level has to be supported at the second level.
The significations at the 3rd and 4th level have to support the 1st and 2nd level significations.

2. Here next the STSB (CST and CSL) significations of each Level has to be studied from the first
level to 4th level if they either support the significations shown by the OCCL of its level or I would
rather say their impact on the signification of OCCL of its level. The support can be either
favorable or unfavorable.
3. Similarly next we have to study the role of Planets in Conjunction (CONJN) for each level.
4. Then the role of ASP (Aspected by and Aspecting houses/Aspecting planets) has to be studied.

These STSB (CST+CSL), CONJN, ASP significations are called as SUPPORTS to the OCCL
significations of a planet in each level .
Out of these SUPPORTS, the support from STSB is the Strongest Support. It is called Self
Support (SS) as they are the significations of the Planet itself. Within this, the support as CSL is
stronger than the CST. I.e., if a planet is a CSL of a primary house, it is showing stronger support
than being CST of a primary house.
The support at the CONJN and ASP (Aspected by and Aspecting stages) are called as Other
Support (OS) as it is signified by the other planets.
The SS (STSB) support is stronger than the OS (Conjn./Aspected by / Aspecting) supports

Among the Other Supports,

The support signified at the CONJUNCTION stage is considered to be supportive next to STSB
The Support signified at the ASPECTED By stage is considered as next supportive and The
Support signified at the ASPECTING stage is taken as the last supportive.

The support could be either beneficial or non beneficial or mixed.

If any levels OCCL significations are not favorable, if the houses in its STSB (SS support) or in CONJN or in
ASP stages are favorable, they would support to the OCCL. The support would try to improve the

If the supports are also unfavorable the detrimental effect of OCCL will further be increased.

For example for the event of marriage, at one level, it signifies 6 at OCCL. But, at CST or CSL it has house
7, it supports to reduce the impact of 6.
Then the 7th house signification at CONJN would support
7th house significations at Aspected by would also support and
Finally the 7th house signification at Aspecting would support.

STSB, CONJN, ASP is the order of support in descending order.

So a planet that is having weak significations for an event in its OCCL level, if it signifies favorable
significations at its STSB or CONJN or ASPD or ASPG it could support.
The strength of support will vary as explained above.
Similarly, if a planet is signifying favorable houses at its OCCL stage, but in STSB/CONJN they
signify negative houses, the favor would be reduced.
More over the support would also be depending on the strength and weakness of the
significations in OCCL.

Hence the Support from STSB, CONJN or ASPECTS would either be favorable or Unfavorable.
If a planet has favorable significations at all the stages (OCCL,STSB,CONJN,ASP) it will be stronger
at its level.

Kind note: More detailed explanations on these will be discussed under Methodology of Study on ESI
table in the later topics

Lets analyze the planet SUN for the event of Marriage in the given example chart:

1) 1st level: Planet:

Sun signifies 5,11+12 (CL+OC). It is CST of 6,10.
5,11 is supportive for marriage whereas the 6,10 at CST level reduces the strength as it is

2) At 2nd level, SATURN (SUN is in the star of SATURN) signifies (10,11,6). Here 11 is good and 10 is
worse and 6 is worst. So from the first level of (5,11+12) the 2nd level 10,11,6 significations do
signify mixed significations.

Lets check the support at the second level:
SATURN has 4,8,12 at CST and 1,4,7,10 at CSL.
The 4,8,12,10 houses are not supportive but the presence of 7 is supportive. This 7 would try to
support the CL+OC significations to improve.

Similarly we have to check if the houses at CONJN / ASPD by / ASPG for that level for any further

3) 3rd level, Sun is in the sub of SATURN itself equal to 2nd level. The significations are repeated.

4) 4th level, MOON (Sublord Saturns Starlord): It is lord of 4 in 5 (CL+OC). It is 2nd CST and 8th CSL.
Similarly we have to check if the houses at CONJ, ASPD by and ASPG for that level for any further

Hence In EPS table , we should start studying from the 1st level to 4th level initially at the CL and OC
stages followed by the support at the CST, CSL and then at CONJN and then at the ASPD by and then

Please note it is not that the SUPPORTS are used only to check for the presence of any Supports when
the OCCL is weak. Even if the OCCL is good, if the houses at the Supports are weak, then the favor
indicated by the OCCL will be reduced to some extent according to the houses they signify. According to
the level of significations at the STSB, CONJ and ASP, the level of support either favorable or unfavorable
or mixed will be there to the OCCL significations.

The explanations and study on SUPPORTS would be explained in detail in coming pages.

Hope you may feel it is so tedious process while reading the explanation though it is simple practically.
But while explaining in the EPS table it would be found difficult to understand some time. In the software,
it is programmed in such a manner that the houses for each event are shown in different colors
according to their groups (Primary favorable or Secondary or Supportive houses or Detrimental houses).

In order to make it simplified on the analysis, as said already the ESI grade table is formed and method
of analysis is given below.


Now I switch over to the ESI Grade table of SUN which is pertaining to the event of marriage and the ESI
Table is generated from the original EPS table.

The method of analysis is the same as explained for EPS table above. But it would be very easy to
explain, understand and follow.

Now lets prepare the ESI grade table for the event of Marriage from the EPS table of SUN of the
example chart 1.

EPS table:

ESI TABLE OF SUN : for the event of Marriage


PL SUN* B2 D3 B2 A3
ST SAT B3 A2 C2 B3
SL SAT B3 A2 C2 B3


Here only 4 stages are given. As already explained,
CL+OCC is combined and given under OCCL
CST and CSL are combined and given under STSB,
CONJN is given as CONJN itself and
ASPECTED by and ASPECTING are combined and given under ASP.

1st level: SUN.

At OCCL: CL+OCC (5,11+12 in EPS).
The favorable houses present 5 (C grade) and 11 (B grade).
The highest favorable house is 11 = B grade.
The unfavorable house present is 12 = D2 Grade
Now the combined Grade : B+D2 = B2
So at OCCL, B2 grade is given

At STSB: (CST=6,10, CSL=nil in EPS)

No favorable house. So No A or B or C Grade
Highest unfavorable house is 6 = D3
So the final grade at STSB is give as D3

At CONJN.: In EPS, it has MARS (1,8/11/12). ie., (CL of 1,8, CST of 11 and CSL of 12)
The favorable houses 1,11.Highest favorable house is 11 = B Grade
Unfavorable houses 8,12. Both are D2
Now combined Grade is B+D2 = B2
So at CONJN B2 grade is given

AT ASP: we have to check both the Aspected by and Aspecting stages.

There are many houses present. Do not bother.

Just have to check the higher favorable house is present. i.e, house 7 (A) is present , if not the 2,11(B), if
not the 1,3,5,9(C) houses are present.
In this 7 is signified by Saturn as its CSL position. So A grade comes.
Then we have to check the highest unfavorable house present.
House 6 is signified by both Jupiter and Saturn.
Hence the combined grade is A+D3 = A3
So the final grade at ASP is given as A3.

Hope you understand the formation of the Grades . Though the software would automatically generate
the ESI grade table, the concept and the logic behind it has to be understood by the user. So I am
explaining in detail.

In the same manner as we studied for the 1st level (Planet), the balance 3 levels have to be
prepared. Finally the ESI grade table is ready for the Event of marriage.

Important note to keep in mind:

To make the EPS table simple for study on a particular event, the ESI table with Grades is
generated. But there are some demerits in the conversion into Grades. Though there are many
houses signified in each stage, a grade containing two Letters (One Alphabet as Prefix and one
number as suffix) only is generated out of them. This is for the easy analysis purpose focusing on
the prime houses. But, there are chances for ignorance of some houses, as we take only the
highest favorable and unfavorable houses in the Grade. The role of other houses could be
missing in this. Hence it could be better to cross check with the EPS table also along with ESI
table during analysis especially for predictions.

Before going into the method of analysis in the ESI table, let me brief the basic concept with an easy
example so that you will not forget


I would compare the rulers of a planet and their role to a Movie.
Planet is like a Story
The Starlord is like the Script or Screen Play
The Sub lord is like the Direction
The star lord of the Sublord is like the Ending (Climax)

Even if the Story is simple, a good Script and a Better Direction and the Best Climax would make the film

A very good story with an average script and a bad Direction would make the film flop.

The Story travels as per the Script (Star lords significations).The Sublord is the Director of the
significations of a planet and its Starlord which will decide the impact and also the result through its

Here, there are many other factors in each level that could either strengthen or weaken through their
role as Supports. Its is team work!

Now let me explain how to study an ESI grade table which is an abstract of the EPS table but
for a particular event.

It will be easier to understand the method and interpret. Once understood, in the same
manner the EPS table can also be studied for an event.

Study on the ESI grade table along with the EPS table and the Birth chart would be more
advisable for better interpretation

The ESI grade table would help to find the strength and weakness of a planet in an easy manner
for a particular event. This will be very useful for timing of event also.

Whereas the EPS table would give the complete picture showing all the significators and
significations involved in each stage. This will be more useful for predictions along with ESI table.

Initially, learning to study the ESI table would help to follow the same procedure at EPS table.

Before going into the Analysis procedure on ESI table, I like to describe the following important
Elements involved in ESI table

III. PILT THEORY (Planetary Interlink Theory)


We have to study the Grade of OCCL starting from 1st level to the 4th level.
Here we have to check the trending of the Grade from one level to the next level. It indicates if each
level favors the prior levels till the last level for an event.

The study on the Trending would be useful in finding the strong planet for an event,

4 types of Trending can be found in the Grade from 1st level to the last level.

1) Upward trend
2) Downward Trend
3) Equal Trend
4) Mixed Trend

A grade is the Top most Rank (PRIMARY HOUSES)

B is at the next Rank to A (SECONDARY HOUSES)
C is at the next Rank to B (SUPPORTIVE HOUSES)
D is at the last rank (DETRIMENTAL HOUSES)

1) Upward trend: In OCCL
A planet will have the upper Grade in the next level(s) without any downfall in any of the levels.
It is called upward Trend. It is basically a favorable trend.

2) Downward trend:
A planet will have down fall in grades from the first level to the last level
It is called downward trend. It is basically an unfavorable trend.

3) Mixed Trend.
A planet will have a down fall in one or two levels. This will have up and down in grades
This is mixed trend.

Note: If a planet has an upward trend in its 2nd level, it should not fall in both the 3rd, 4th level.

In the example BACC, 2ND level raises to A from B (upward). 3rd level falls down to C from A
(downward). At 4th level it has C grade equal to that of the 3rd level. Though it maintains the same grade
it does not mean that it is in good trend. When the 3rd level Grade has the Downward Grade, it loses its
eligibility for comparison. It means the 4th level has to be compared to the prior higher Grade which
does not have the downward trend. Here the 2nd level is in upward trend (A), hence 4th level also is in
downward trend.

4) Equal Trend:
A planet will have equal Grades in all its level. There will not be either up or down.
It is called Equal trend.

In general the Planet with upward trend is considered as the favorable planet for that particular event.
But it depends on the level of strength and weakness at its SUPPORTS, PILT link and finally the result of
Comparative study with the other planets.

An example to understand the concept:
For the Marriage event, the significations at OCCL for two planets A and B:

Planet A= 5,12,1111,37,2 = C1B1B1A1

Planet B= 2,711,32,115,1 = A1B1B1C1

Both the planets do have favorable 2,7,11 houses for marriage. So, both will support the marital life. But
who will favor in conducting the marriage?

Planet A is having its OCCL Grades at a Upper trend from C to A whereas Planet B is having Downward
Trend from A to C. Out of this planet A will be stronger than the Planet B for conducting the marriage
event. This is a rough example to make you understand the logic and principle. The actual strength is
also depending on the other factors like Supports, PILT etc.


Generally the grades at the STSB, CONJN and ASP, the Link within the Rulers are primarily called as

The study on the supports would be helpful for the following:

1. To find the level of strength or weakness of a planet through the supports.
2. To support the falling grade at OCCL: To find the Bukthi lord or Andhra lord for an event like
Marriage, Child birth etc, the study on these supports would be useful to find if they could help
to elevate the falling grades at OCCL.

As already explained under study on EPS table, these Supports does not mean that they are
always beneficial. The role of the supports is the impact on the OCCL grades at each level. They
can be either beneficial or non beneficial or mixed support depending on the grades they have.

There are 3 types of Supports

1. SELF SUPPORT (SS support)

2. OTHER SUPPORT (OS support)

Here please note: In the ESI Grade table.

The presence of the Primary cuspal rulers (CL,CST,CSL) are indicated with different shades for easy

The Cuspal Lord is indicated by Yellow background/shade which is considered as Strong Support
The cuspal Starlord is indicated by Blue Back ground/shade which is considered as Stronger
The cuspal Sublord is indicated by Green Back Ground/shade which is considered as Strongest

When both the CSL and CST are present, Green background/shade and Blue color Grade is given

When both CSL and CL are present, Green background/shade and Yellow Grade is given
When both CST and CL are present, Blue background/shade and Yellow Grade is given
When all the three of CL,CST and CSL are present, Green Background/shade and Yellow Grade is

1) SELF SUPPORT: As explained above, the Support at the STSB stage is called Self Support.(SS support)
In this the SS support as CSL of the primary house of the event is Stronger than the support as CST of the
primary house.

In the software, the support as CSL of the primary cusp is indicated by the Green back ground in the ESI
table. The support as CST of the primary cusp is indicated by the Blue back ground in the ESI table

For example, for the event of marriage, if a planet at its STSB has A grade it means that that planet is
either CST or CSL of the primary house (7). If it is 7CSL, it is stronger than it is 7CST.



In the above ESI grade table for Marriage event, at first level Planet has A1 grade at STSB with Green
Back ground. It means it is CSL of the primary cusp of 7
At the 2nd level its Starlord SUN has A2 Grade with Blue color back ground. It means Sun is the 7th cuspal
At the 3rd level Rahu is present. As already said when Rahu or Ketu are coming, along with that its
Signlord also has to be taken for significations. Because, they do not own a house but act as their
Signlord. Here Rahu is in the sign of VENUS which is the 7CSL and has the Green back ground.

This support will be helpful to support the Grade signified at the OCCL stage. If the grade at
OCCL is falling down, the A support at the STSB could support to improve its Grade at OCCL. This
depends on the situations which will be explained later.

2) OTHER SUPPORT: As explained above, the Support at the CONJN and ASP stages is called Other
Support (OS support).

Out of Other supports at CONJN and ASP stages, the OS support at CONJN is stronger than the ASP
Within the ASP (ASPD by + ASPG), the support at ASPD by is stronger than the support at ASPG.

When the OCCL Grade is falling down, the OS Support at the CONJN could help to improve better than
the OS support at the ASP which could also support to improve to some extent. The impact of support
could vary depending on the situation which will be explained later.

(RL- (MAR) B2

In the above example (a rough sample for easy learning) is given above.
In this, in the 2nd level OCCL is falling down from B1 grade to C2 grade at 2nd level. It is indicated by Red
downward Arrow in the software.
There is A2 grade at CONJN stage with Blue Background. It means in conjunction the Starlord SUN has a
planet who is Cuspal Starlord of the Primary house (A grade). This A grade support would help the C1
grade from falling down.

A primary cuspal Lord or Cuspal Starlord of Cuspal Sublord at Conjunction or Aspect would help
the falling Grade at OCCL to raise its grade.

The level of help would depend if the support is as CL or CST or CSL and also the level of down

The detailed explanation on the level and use of support will be given later.

Similarly at the 4th level OCCL again falls down to C1 grade. It needs a support from primarily from
STSB/CONJN through primary cuspal rulers (CL/CST/CSL). Here at CONJ stage A1 grade is given with
Green back ground. It means Moon is conjoined with a strong CSL significating planet. The conjoined
planet is none other than the Saturn which at the 1st level. (ie, there will be a linking line between Planet
Saturn and Moon). This A1 grade at CONJ would support* C1 grade at OCCL to raise its Grade level to B.

The favorable supports would help to minimize the unfavorable Grades at OCCL
The unfavorable supports would further support the unfavorable Grades at OCCL
The favorable supports would further support the favorable Grades at OCCL
The unfavorable supports would reduce the favorable Grades at OCCL

STRENGTH OF SUPPORTS: Out of the above three Supports (Self support, OS support from CONJN and
OS from ASP)
The Support from Self Support (STSB) is the strongest of all the other supports.
The support from Conjunction (CONJN) is stronger than the support from Aspects (ASP)
Within the ASP, the Support from Aspected by (ASPD) is stronger than the support from
And further,
The support as CSL (Green shade) is stronger than CST and CL
The Support as CST (Blue shade) is stronger than CL(yellow shade)

Kind note: Hence forth where ever I mention Strong support it means the strength is in the order given

This is an important support.

A) RL support through CONJN and ASP

We have studied above about the Supports at CONJN and ASP who could help the OCCL grade

Though the A grade support at CONJN and ASP is helpful to improve the Grade at the OCCL, if these
Supports are extended from the ruler of a Planet than any other planet, then the level of support would
be more.

For example,

The Sublord of a planet (X) is having C grade at OCCL, but it has A grade support at the CONJN which
means it is conjoined to a Planet who is significator of A grade and it would support the C grade at OCCL.

Suppose if that conjoined planet is the Planet (X) itself, the impact of support will be more favorable as it
is supporting its ruler.

Similarly the support from the Aspects is within the rulers itself, the support will be good.

If a planet with A grade at OCCL/ STSB is conjoined with or Aspecting its Starlord of Sublord or Starlord
of Sublord would extend its support with great extend.

Among the 4 levels, the planet with A Grade at OCCL/STSB would support the OCCL of its next levels
when it is conjoined with them (CONJN) or Aspecting them (ASP).

Simply saying the other supports (OS support) got from the Ruler itself is called Rulers Link



In the example, the Planet Jupiter is having A2 Grade at STSB being Primary cuspal Sublord.
It is showing Grade B2 at OCCL. But its 2nd,3rd and 4th level are having C grade at OCCL. (downward

But these falling levels are having A support at the CONJN and ASP.
2nd Level Saturn is having the A2 grade at CONJN as it is conjoined with the Planet Jupiter itself so it is
shown with Green background.
So the planet having A grade at STSB is conjoined with its Starlord
In the 3rd level, Venus is having A2 Support at its ASP. Because venus is aspected by the Planet Jupiter

In the 4th level, Moon is having A1 grade at ASP as it is aspecting or aspected by a (X) planet who is
Primary cuspal Starlord (Blue Background). But this (X) planet is not the Jupiter. Though this support
would also be helpful, but the strength when compared to the support extended from the Ruler itself is

The said supports through the Rulers itself is called Rulers Link Support. Hope you understand.

For easy identification in the sw,

The Conjunction Link is shown by a Green line between the rulers (Jupiter and Saturn) at the
The Aspect Link is shown by Brown line between the rulers (Jupiter and Venus) at the side

As already explained the A support at ASP with the RL support will be favorable.

B) RL support through the exchange of Starlord. (Nakshatra Parivarthana)

If the Starlord of a Planet is traveling in the star of the Planet which means both are traveling in each
others star, this Support is considered.

For example



In the above example,

In the first level Planet Jupiter shows B1 grade at OCCL.
In the 2nd level, its Starlord Saturn shows C2 grade. It falls down from B1 to C2.
In the chart, this Saturn is in the star of Jupiter itself (Star exchange).
As Saturn is in the star of Jupiter who is its 1st level planet and significator of B, it would also signify B1
Grade apart from its C2 grade. Hence this would support the C grade to rise to B1 grade.

This Rulers Link support is called Star Exchange Support and a valuable support.
This is indicated by a Red line at the side between the rulers Jupiter and Saturn.

Please note in the same way, if the planet is having unfavorable significations and the Starlord is having
favorable significations, by this exchange of their stars, the Starlord would also connect to the
unfavorable significations of the Planet.

In the same ESI table, look at the 3rd level, the Sublord Venus is showing D3 grade at OCCL. At the 4th
level the Starlord of Sublord Moon shows B2 grade. Here the D3 grade rises to B2 grade which is upward
trend only. But this Moon and Venus are traveling in each others star so the Red line is marked between
them. Hence the Moon will also connect to the Venuss D3 significations. So its favorable signification of
B2 is getting reduced.

This is called RL Star Exchange Support.

C) RL Support through Signlord

Normally when a planet is posited in a sign of a planet who is significator of favorable houses of a
particular event, that planet would have some supportive impact through its Signlord. Suppose if that
Signlord is a ruler of the Planet itself, then this Support is considered as supportive link. This is indicated
by a Blue line between these planets in ESI table.

If a planet is in the Sign of its Ruler Planet, both are connected to each other and their support will be
extended to some extent.



In the above example, there is a Blue line shown between Planet Jupiter and its Starlord Saturn. It
means either Jupiter is in it the Sign of Saturn or Vice versa. Further in this case, you can find a Yellow
color shade given for Jupiter as it is Cuspal lord of the Primary cusp and it gets the A1 grade at OCCL.
Meanwhile in 2nd level Saturn has Yellow shade at OCCL where C2 Grade is present. This Yellow shade
indicates the Saturn occupies the Sign which is ruled by the Cuspal Lord of the Primary house of that
particular event ie, Jupiter. As Saturn occupies a sign of the Jupiter and the Signlord is Jupiter is having
A1 grade being the primary cuspal lord a Blue line is given between them at the sides. Here Saturn will
have some support from its Planet Jupiter through this RL support.

Similarly in the same example, at the 3rd level Venus shows D3 grade and it is posited in the sign of
Moon who is at the 4th level. So the Blue line between Venus and Moon is given.

The above SS and OS supports are the important Direct supports and there are some indirect
supports as additional supports which are discussed in the later pages.


I am pleased to inform that this PILT theory is a unique theory invented from my hard research work.

This is a theory based on the inter link between the planet and the Primary cusp of an event and within
the planets that are ruling the Dasa periods.

A planets significant role or impact on a particular event in its Periods is influenced by two important

1. Connection 1. Between the Planet and Primary cusp: A planet and its rulers should have
connection to all the Rulers of the Primary cusp (Cuspal Lord, Cuspal Starlord and Cuspal
Sublord) of a particular event directly or indirectly.

2. Connection 2. Between the Planets: A planet and its master periods planet should have
connection between them for an effective result. The effect is depending on the level of
connections and the significations.

These connections are called PILT connections 1 and 2



A planet and its rulers should have connection to all the Rulers of the Primary cusp of a
particular event directly or indirectly.

The connection to the primary Cuspal Sublord is Strongest, Cuspal Starlord is Stronger and Cuspal Lord is

The cuspal sub lord connection is the most important among the PILT 1 connection as it will differ
between the Twins also.


Ie. A ruler of a Planet can be connected to a ruler of Primary cusp of an event either directly or in

The direct connections are stronger than the indirect connections. For a planet that is not
detrimental at OCCL, in the absence of direct connections, looking at the indirect connection is
valuable. But when a planet has got both the direct and indirect connections it becomes

Primary CSL is indicated by Green shade, the CST is indicated by Blue shade and CL is indicated by Yellow

As a ruler itself (PLANET will get shade)
Conjunction with the ruler (CONJN will get shade)
Aspecting or Aspected by the ruler (ASP will get shade)
Aspecting the Primary cusp (Shade will not present. Only A grade will be present in ASP)
Planet is posited in the Sign of a primary ruler. (OCCL will get shade)

When Nodes are coming as a primary ruler of an event, their sign lords will indirectly signify the
A grade of the nodes. In ESI table the Sign lords will get PILT shades at appropriate places. This
is also supportive

This connection can be easily identified by the PILT shades (yellow/Blue/Green) in ESI table.

Actually all the 3 PILT shades should get connected to the all the 4 rulers of a planet to support an event:
But sometime we will face the following conditions:

A grade at ASP on account of aspecting the Primary cusp there will not have PILT shade.
A grade at OCCL on account of occupying the Primary house but not within the sign of Primary
cusp that falls. There will not have any PILT shade at OCCL

Even though they are not having the PILT shade at that level, they can be considered supportive
for the event as they signify the A grade. But check if they get the PILT shade indirectly as that
will be more favorable.


The PILT shades at Planet, STSB, CONJN are stronger than at OCCL and ASP
PILT shade at STSB is strongest (as CSL- Green is stronger than CST-Blue shade)
PILT shade at CONJN and Planet are stronger
PILT shade Only at OCCL and ASP are medium. (They are more supportive along with other PILT
shades or when the OCCL grade is good). Their supports are having some special conditions as
given below.


Sometime, a planet will NOT have either A grade or PILT shade at any stage. In such case we have to
look for any INDIRECT CONNECTION to A grade or PILT shade is present.

The Indirect connection is supportive Only If the OCCL, STSB, CONJ are not detrimental (No
D2,D3,3 grades) but having some supports
The Indirect connection will not be supportive, If the OCCL is weak and no Supports at STSB and
CONJ or detrimental supports at STSB and CONJ

The INDIRECT PILT 1 connection can be through the following ways:

1) Through Starlord
a) If at 2nd and 4th level: They could travel in the star of any of the Primary cuspal ruler. Ie., the
Starlord of the Starlord (2nd or 4th level) could be a Primary Cuspal ruler
b) If at 1st and 3rd level: A primary cuspal ruler can travel in the star of 1st or 3rd level planet. Ie., this
1st or 3rd level planet can be a Starlord for any of the Primary cuspal ruler.
c) If the 1st or 3rd level is a free planet, any of the primary cuspal rulers can travel in the sub of this
free planet.
d) In case of Rahu and Ketu, the star lord of their Signlord also can be checked for connection to
the Primary cuspal ruler.

2) Through Sign
e) A ruler of the primary cusp can be posited in any of the sign of the planet.

3) Through the Conjoined planet

f) Any ruler of the primary cusp can occupy any of the sign of the conjoined planet or the
conjoined planet can aspect any of the primary cuspal ruler.

4) Through Signlord:
g) The Signlord of the planet can be in the star of a ruler of the primary cusp
h) The Signlord could be the same for both the planet and a ruler of the primary cusp
i) The Signlord of the planet can be in conjunction or aspect with a ruler of the primary cusp

In case of absence of any other above connections:

1) Through another planet
j) A third planet that occupies any sign owned by the planet can have connection to any of the
Primary cuspal ruler.

2) Through Aspect of a cusp

k) A planet can aspect any of the cusp that is owned by a ruler of the Primary cusp or Vice versa
This is mostly valuable in the cases when a planet does not have any connection to any planet
and will be placed lonely in its own sign itself (this Planet is called LONELY planet)

Though there are many ways for the Indirect connections as listed above, first give importance
to the below before going to others

1) If the 1st and 3rd levels are not having A grade or PILT shade, first check for any indirect connections
through its SIGNLORD

2) If the 2nd and 4th levels are not having A grade or PILT shade, first check for any indirect connection
through its STARLORD

Presence of PILT shades is indicating the connection to the primary rulers. But mere presence will
not be supportive if the OCCL and Supports are weak with detrimental houses. Hence Strength
and weakness of OCCL, STSB and CONJ of all levels are primarily important and the PILT 1
connection is important.
Out of the Direct PILT 1 connections, the Connection through STSB, CONJ and ASP are indicating
the presence of the MAIN SUPPORTS that we discussed above
These indirect connections are Additional supports to the Main Supports
If a planet has both Main Support and also this Indirect Additional support, this will increase the


A planets PILT connection (1st rule) can be easily identified through these Shades at the ESI table.

Example # 1:
For the event Marriage, 7 is the primary cusp.
7th cusp falls in the sign of Libra and the 7th rulers are : VENUS (CL) RAH (CST) SAT (CSL)
In the given example chart 1, SUN is the DASA lord.

As per PILT Rule 1, SUN should have connection to the VENUS , RAHU and SAT in all its 4 levels
Lets study the SUNs ESI table where in the connections are indicated through the Shades.

This should satisfy the first rule (connection to the Primary cuspal rulers)

This Sun in its all 4 levels should have connection to all the rulers of the 7th cusp (Venus , Rahu and
Saturn) directly or indirectly.

1st level : Sun has Green shade at the ASP. It means it has 7th Sublord Saturn in Aspects. Both are
aspecting each other. So the A grade is given with Green shade
2nd level: SAT has A grade with Green shade at STSB. It means Saturn is the 7th Sublord.
3rd level: again Saturn. Green shade at STSB
4th level: MOON has B grade but having Blue shade at STSB and A grade with Yellow shade in
Moon aspects 7th lord Venus so the yellow shade and A grade in ASP.
But Moon is not the 7th Starlord, so it is not given A grade at STSB. But it has given Blue shade
which indicates the 7th Starlord. How ?

Whenever Rahu and KETU are the rulers of a primary cusp, their Signlord also would represent the Rahu
or Ketu.
Here the 7th Starlord is RAHU. And Rahu is posited in the sign of MOON (Cancer), so MOON represents
RAHU. Hence Moon gets the Blue shade at the STSB.

So Sun has all PILT shades at all levels. All the shades (Yellow, Blue and Green) are present.
Hence, all the levels and all the shades are connected in SUN and the PILT rule 1 is satisfied well.

As explained above the connection at the STSB is the strongest and at the CONJN is stronger
than the ASP.
Importantly the important PILT shades of Green (7SL) and Blue(7ST) are connected to the STSB
level itself. This is a strong connection.
Because in some cases a planet and its rulers could be connected to the 7th rulers at the ASP
level only which is weaker.

Moreover, there could be more than one planet could have such connections at the STSB level or CONJ.
The planet with good OCCL, Supports and the PILT 1 connection is stronger or favorable than the
other one.


This is about the connection between the two planets that are ruling a period.
Like link between the Bukthi and Dasa , Andhra and Bukthi


A planet and its rulers can be connected to the rulers of other planet directly or indirectly.
More than one planet can have similar connections to other Planet.
Some planets will have good connection with all the rulers of another planet. Some will have
less connection.
More they are connected to each other with each level, their connection level becomes strong.
Such connected planets will be supporting to each other. The connection indicates the influence
of one planet on the other one.
Here the support is depending on the significations of the connecting planets. The support can
be either favorable or unfavorable also.

A planet can be favorable or unfavorable or mixed for an event as per its OCCL and impact of its
Supports at all 4 levels.

But the effect of a planets significations for an event in its sub period is based on the following:
Its own strength and weakness on OCCL and Supports
Its Master periods strength and weakness on OCCL and Supports
The connection between the Planet and its Master periods planet

Hence a planet cannot give similar results in its all sub periods for a particular event. It would
vary depending on its Master period under which it runs as Bukthi or Andhra or Sukshma.

For a planet who acts as Bukthi, its master period is Dasa under which it is running as Bukthi.
For a planet who acts as Andhra, its master period is Bukthi under which it is running as Andhra

So when one planet is running as Dasa lord, the planets who are having good connection to this Dasa
lord will try to get the influence or the support from the Dasa lord. According to the level of connections
the level of impact will be there.

It is similar to that of logic that a person who is well connected to his higher officer would get benefited
than the other one. It is equal to effect of the politics and recommendations that we experience.
(As the planets have such behavior, we the human being who are ruled by the planets do have such
effect in the routine life).

Here the support is depending on the significations of the connecting planets. The support can be either
favorable or unfavorable also.

Dasa lords rulers and Bukthi lords rulers can be connected to each other directly or indirectly.

The major type of connection between the Dasa and Bukthi:

1. Dasa lord and Bukthi lords rulers can be in conjunction or under Aspect to each other.
If the Bukthi lord is in CONJ or under ASP with Dasa lord, this is strong.
2. Dasa lords rulers can act as Rulers of Bukthi.
Importance has to be given primarily to the Rulers of the Dasa lord and then the planets
connected to them. If their significations are good, they will act as more supportive Bukthi
lord under the Dasa lord.
3. Dasa lord can have some planets connected to its rulers and the same planets could have
connection to the Bukthi lord.
These planets will be significators of the event. Or they will form common platform for
both Dasa and Bukthi. For example their Signlord or Starlord will be the same.

Similarly the connection between Andhra lord and Bukthi lord has to be studied. Along with this
connection to Dasa lord further increases strength.


1. When the Dasa lord is favorable for an event, if the Bukthi lord is also favorable for that event
and has good connection to the Dasa lord, it will get more support from the Dasa lord. And its
favorable significations will be more effective.

Whereas the Bukthi lord who is also favorable for that event but has less connection to
the Dasa lord will get less support and its favorable significations will not be more
effective as that of the other one.

2. When the Dasa lord is unfavorable for an event, if the Bukthi lord is also unfavorable for that
event and has good connection to the Dasa lord, it will get more influence and its unfavorable
significations will be more effective.

Whereas the Bukthi lord who is also unfavorable for that event but has less connection to
the Dasa lord will get less influence and its unfavorable significations will not be more
effective as that of the other one.

3. When the Dasa lord is having mixed significations for an event, if the Bukthi lord is favorable for
that event and also has good connection to the Dasa lord, it will get support and its favorable
significations will be more effective.

Whereas the Bukthi who is also favorable for that event but has less connection to the
Dasa lord will get less support and its favorable significations will not be more effective as
that of the other one.

4. When the Dasa lord is having mixed significations for an event, if the Bukthi lord is unfavorable
for that event and also has good connection to the Dasa lord, it will get more influence and its
unfavorable significations will be more effective.

Whereas the Bukthi who is also unfavorable for that event but has less connection to the
Dasa lord will get less influence and its unfavorable significations will not be more
effective as that of the other one.

Hope you could understand the concept and logic of the PILT connection between the planets and the

This is called the PILT connection (planetary interlink theory). A planet reacts differently according to
its master period depending on the significations and the level of connections between them.

When a Subperiod (Bukthi/Andhra) and the Master period (Dasa/Bukthi) have good Strength as
per rules with PILT 1 connections, if they are connected to each other, logically they are
connected with strong significations for the event.

In general when a planet who is a mixed significator for an event, starts an event at its Subperiod
under one favorable Master period, the same Planet could end up that event in its Subperiod
under an unfavorable MASTER period. Here both the Master periods should be well connected to
that planet. This is due to the PILT connections!

For example:
Suppose a native gets a job in an Andhra of a Planet (C) in Bukthi of A. It means Planet C is capable to
get him a job. Looking at this we may tend to conclude that the planet C would be favorable as Andhra
for his job prospects in the next Bukthi (B) also.

But he loses the job in the same Andhra (C) in the Bukthi of B. How and Why ?

So a planet(C) could find a job in its Andhra under a Bukthi of planet A.

But the same planet (C) could cause loss of the job in its Andhra but under a Bukthi of Planet B.
This is because, the Planet C has both favorable and unfavorable houses.

Planet A has more favorable houses than the unfavorable ones. And the favorable house significators
of the Planet A are well connected to the favorable significators of the Planet C, so Planet C has
the authority to get the job in its Andhra under the Bukthi A.

Planet B has more unfavorable and less favorable houses. And the unfavorable house significators of
the Planet B are well connected to the unfavorable significators of the Planet C, so Planet C has
the authority to make him lose the job in its Andhra under the Bukthi B. This is Because, Planet C
having mixed significations has to act according to significations of its Master periods and its
connections with that.


Example Event: JOB. This is just a rough example created for understanding the concept on the PILT

For example, Bukthi Lord SUN is indicating favorable significations with upward trend in OCCL with A
grades and Supports at STSB and also All levels are having the Yellow, Blue and Green shades which
indicates the PILT 1 rule fulfillment (connection between the rulers of the primary cusps of the event-

The JUPITER Andhra would run and next Saturn Andhra would follow that.

Imagine that both the Jupiter and Saturn Andhra have having favorable OCCL and supports with PILT 1
Suppose the native has lost his job during the Rahu Andhra and he is looking for the job.
First Jupiter Andhra would run and then the Saturn Andhra would run.

Now the native will get a job in whose Andhra either JUPITER or SATURN?
The ESI Grade table for the event JOB for all these planets are given below.

Bukthi: SUN


PL B1 A2 A3
SL MOO A1 C2 C2 B3

Andhra 1 : JUPITER


ST MAR A2 B2 C2 A3
SL MAR A2 B2 C2 A3

Andhra 2 : SATURN


ST MOO A1 C2 C2 B3
(RL-SL) B1 A2 A3

JUPITER Andhra under SUN Bukthi
Bukthi lord SUN: It has SUN, JUPITER, MOON and MERCURY as its rulers.
Sun has Brown dot indicating the Bukthi lord.
At 4th level Mercury has Brown dot at CONJ which indicates it is in conjunction with SUN the
Bukthi lord.
In OCCL, SUN and its rulers are indicating (B1B2A1A3) Grades and has good (A) supports
at each level. The PILT shades are indicating the same. This is supportive for job prospects

Now lets study Andhra lord : JUPITER:

It has JUPITER, MARS, MARS and MERCURY as its rulers at its 4 levels
In OCCL, Jupiter and its rulers are indicating B2A2A2A3 Grades and good A supports at
ASP in 3 levels and at STSB and CONJ in 4th level (These can be seen by the PILT shades). It is
supportive for job prospects in general.

But lets check the PILT 2 connection with Bukthi lord Sun:
1st level: JUPITER has appeared as the Starlord of the SUN. It aspects SUN. so Brown dot at
ASP. So connected.
2nd level: Its Starlord MARS is having A grade in OCCL which means it occupies the primary
house. It also has A grade with Yellow shade at ASP which means that it is aspecting a Cuspal
lord of a Primary cusp say MOON. So it is connected to Sublord of the SUN.
3rd level: Again it is MARS itself which is again showing its connection to the MOON at ASP.
4th level : Jupiter has MERCURY who has played the role as Suns 4th level. And Mercury is
conjunction with SUN. so the Brown dot given at CONJ. So connected to Sun.

So Jupiters 1st and 4th level have directly played role by the 2nd and 4th level of SUN.
But Jupiters 2nd and 3rd level (Mars) has weak connection at ASP. And Mars does not have any
important role in SUN.
Hence at 2 levels the connection is weak as two levels are ruled by same planet which has weak
connection to the rulers of the SUN

So the connection between the Jupiter and Sun rulers are weak. Hence Jupiter is having weak
support from the Dasa lord

SATURN Andhra under SUN Bukthi

Saturn has SATURN, MOON, RAHU(SUN) and MERCURY as its rulers at 4 levels.
In OCCL, Saturn and its rulers are indicating C2A1A2/B1A3 Grades with A supports at
ASP in 1st and 2nd levels and at STSB and CONJ in 3rd and 4th level. (These can seen by the PILT
shades) It is much supportive for job prospects in general.

Lets check the PILT 2 connection between Saturn and Sun:

1st level: Saturn has Brown dot at ASP which indicates it is aspecting SUN the Bukthi lord. So
Saturn has not come directly as ruler in SUN. Moreover, lets assume that Saturn is also
aspecting Jupiter. So it is connected to Jupiter of SUN.
2nd level: its Starlord MOON is present who is the primary cuspal lord and is the 3rd ruler of SUN.
So directly connected.

3rd level: its Sublord is RAHU. Rahu is in the sign of SUN the Bukthi lord itself. This Sun is having
Mercury primary cuspal Starlord Mercury who is also the 4th ruler of SUN. So, Rahu is well
connected to SUN.
4th level: The primary cuspal Starlord and also the 4th ruler of SUN, the Mercury has appeared
directly. It has SUN in CONJ also which is indicated by the Brown dot at CONJ

So at 4 levels, Saturn is well connected to all the rulers of the Bukthi lord SUN

Hence Saturn is well connected to Suns rulers along with good PILT 1 connections also in STSB
and CONJ when compared to the JUPITER

Hence SATURN Andhra would fetch him the job in the SUN Bukthi. It is gets strong authority from the
Bukthi lord to fetch the job.

Please note the above is an example to make you understand the logic easily. But practically the level
connection could vary.

Similarly the effect of results would be present according to the connection which may be favorable or
unfavorable. Hope understood,

Please note the Jupiter who could not get him a job in SUN Bukthi could have fetched him a job in some
other favorable Bukthi where the Jupiter, Mars and Mercury are well connected.

A question may arise here. During the SUN Bukthi, if the native did not lose his job in Rahu Andhra, what
could be the impact of this JUPITER and the SATURN?

Jupiter is a good significator for job prospects but not well connected to the rulers of the Bukthi lord
SUN (as explained above). It does not mean that it would not favor for the professional prosperity. It
would certainly but not to the expected level. But, SATURN who has good connection to Bukthi lord (as
explained above) will certainly favor for a better prosperity than the Jupiter. Hope you understand.

Kind note:
Such detailed analysis on connection may cause confusion at the early level of learning the EPS method.
So initially studying the PILT 2s connection in so depth as discussed above could be felt as tough.

Hence initially you can just check for the direct connection of the Dasa lord alone to the rulers
of the Bukthi lord. This is a basic connection.
The Dasa lord can be a ruler of Bukthi lord or can be conjoined with a ruler of the Bukthi lord or
can be in aspect with the ruler of the Bukthi lord and so on.
This detailed PILT 2 connections as explained will be more useful finding the strength in the
comparative study and also in predictive part. I have tried to explain the detailed PILT 2
connection in each Example charts for your better understanding

Such direct connections are indicated in the given examples as follows.

The Dasa lord is indicated by Pink Dot and the Bukthi lord is indicated by Brown dot
In the software also the same indications will be present which will be useful to know the connection.

For example, if the Starlord of a planet is aspected by the Dasa lord, there will be a Pink dot at the ASP
stage of the Starlord.

Similarly if the Bukthi is in conjunction with the Sublord of that planet, a Brown Dot will be shown at the
CONJ stage of the Sublord of that planet.

To remember: A planets prospect for an event depends on the following four key parameters:

1. Its significations: The level of strength and weakness through OCCL and Supports
2. Its connection to primary cuspal rulers of the event: All the levels should have connection to
the A grade and PILT shades directly or indirectly (PILT 1 connection)
3. Its Master periods significations: The level of strength and weakness through OCCL and
4. Its connection to the Master periods planet: The level of connection between the Planet and
its Master periods planet. (PILT 2 connection)

While analyzing a planet we need to study the following:

1. Study on OCCL of the 4 levels: A planet has to be studied from 1st level to 4th level at OCCL
primarily to check if the trend is good or if they favor in each level.
2. Study on the Supports that each levels OCCL gets: This has to be studied from OCCL STSB
CONJNASP to find if they support OCCL.
3. Study on the impact of each level from 1st to 4th level on the strength (OCCL and Supports)
4. PILT 1 connection and PILT 2 connection: These PILT connections are important. According to
their level of connection, the effect of significations will be present.


Study has to be done from 1st level to 4th level , if each level is supportive to the prior level.
2nd level has to support or improve the 1st level significations for an event.
3rd level has to support or improve the 2nd level (this level is most important)
The 4th level has to support the 3rd level.


It has to be studied the level of supports that OCCL gets from STSB/CONJ/ASP at each level
The Supports can be favorable or unfavorable or mixed.

For example:
Story needs a good script
Good script needs a talented Director
Finally the Ending should be applauding
Similarly the Story has to be supported by a good Hero and heroine

The Script has to be supported by Dialogues, Songs, sentiments, Stunts
The director has to be supported by assistant directors and Editing
The Ending (Climax) has to be supported by message and Stunts

Study on the Supports and their effect on the OCCL will help to find the strength and weakness of a
planet ruling that level. In this manner a planets Self Strength can be found.

Favorable or unfavorable Supports:

A1/A2 grade is the favorable support
D3 and D2 are detrimental supports
A3 is dual support
B1,C1,B2,C2 are medium supports
B3,C3 supports are weak supports
D1 is neutral support

Level of Impact of Supports:

The STSB has the primary impact on OCCL.
The CONJ has the next impact on OCCL
The ASP has the last impact.

If the OCCL is unfavorable, if the STSB and CONJ/ASP are also unfavorable, they will support the
unfavorable significations.
If the OCCL is unfavorable, if the STSB and CONJ/ASP are favorable, they will support to reduce
the unfavorable significations.
When the OCCL is favorable, the unfavorable significations at the STSB and CONJ/ASP would
reduce the favorable significations.
When OCCL is favorable, if the Supports also have favorable grades, the favorable significations
would be supported.

1. When a planets OCCL has A1/A2 grade, if the STSB has 3 grade, the strength is reduced. If
CONJ also has 3 Grade, it further reduces the support. If ASP also has 3grade it would further
reduce. If the 3grade is A3, there will be dual role. If it is D3 more detrimental. The 3
grade at STSB will dilute the effect of OCCL. In such case, if the CONJ has A grade the impact of
STSBs 3 grade will be reduced to some extent.

2. When a planets OCCL has A1/2 grade, if the STSB has A grade, the strength is increased. If
CONJ also has A Grade, it further increases the support. If ASP also has A grade it would
further increases. If the A grade is A3, there will be dual role.

3. When a planets OCCL has 3grade, if the STSB also has 3 grade it would add fuel to the fire
(supports the unfavorable significations). If CONJ also has 3 grade, it further add negative
supports. If ASP also has3grade, it would also join hands with them. If the 3grade is A3
there will be dual role. If it is D3 more detrimental. If the grades are B3/C3 the impact will be
lesser when compared to D3. If the CONJ has favorable (A) or medium supportive
grades(B1/B2/C1/C2), then it could support to some extent depending on the grade.

4. When a planets OCCL has 3grade, if the STSB has A grade it would reduce the negative
effect of OCCL or it would favor even if any detrimental effect occurs due to 3 at OCCL. If CONJ
also has A grade, it further supports with favorable significations. If ASP also has A, it would
also join hands with them to support. If the A grade is A3 there will be dual role. The A
support at STSB will save the OCCL from 3 grade by reducing the detrimental effect.

5. When OCCL or STSB has A grade, if the Grade at CONJ is D3 will reduce the impact of OCCL
and STSB. If ASP also has3 grade, it would further reduce the support for that level

6. If the Support Grade at STSB/CONJ/ASP has mixed grades, the impact will also vary. As said
already, STSB, CONJN, ASP are the descending order of impact of Supports either favorable or

7. If all the STSB, CONJ and ASP are having or detrimental or weak Supports (without favorable or
medium supports), the support to that OCCL will be very weak.

8. In case of a Free planet in CONJ, its influence will be more on OCCL and STSB.

9. In case of Jupiter at ASP, the impact will be more as Jupiters aspect has special value. The
impact may be either favorable or unfavorable depending on the significations of the Jupiter.

Depending on the strength of the planets that rule all the 4 levels of a planet, the total impact of a
planet would be present.


Now we have to study the impact of the next levels on the 1st levels strength of OCCL and its supports

1. When one level is weak (with 3 grades at OCCL or STSB or CONJ), if the next level is also having
weak significations, then the weakness will increase. Similarly the strong significations would
increase the strength. This is the principle.

2. A Planet may be weak in OCCL and also in its Supports. This planet will cause detrimental effect
to the prior levels significations for another planet to whom it appears as 2/3/4th ruler. But it
does not mean that that planet itself is detrimental. Because that planets strength is based on
its 2/3/4th level only even its 1st level is weak. As far as that planet itself is concerned, it is weak
in its 1st level. But if its 2/3/4th levels are favorable, then that planet will not be detrimental
rather it would be supportive. Hence for an event, a weak planet can weaken other planets by
playing as their rulers where as it may be favorable if its rulers are supportive.

3. A planet with unfavorable Grade (3) at both OCCL and STSB is weak by itself. If that planet is
coming as ruler especially at 2nd or 3rd level would cause weakness for that event. Added to this
if 3 grade is also present at CONJ, it would become further weaker.

4. If the OCCL of 2nd or 3rd level is having 3 grade, this will be weak as it does not support the 1st
level for the event. If the STSB is also having 3 grade it would become weaker. If the CONJ also
has 3 grade, the strength will be further reduced. If the Grade 3 areD3 grade, it will be
completely detrimental. If the Grade 3are A3 grades, it will play dual role. It will cause both

favorable and unfavorable results. If the 2nd or 3rd level is weak at OCCL but has A supports at
STSB/CONJ, the weakness will be reduced.

5. In general if the OCCL or STSB of 2 or more consequent levels are having 3 grades, that planet
will become weaker for that event. It depends on the grade is either A3/B3/C3/D3. You have
to keep in mind that theA3 grades would give both favorable and unfavorable results (dual
role). If it is D3, it is completely detrimental.

6. Even if the OCCL at two consequent levels have 3 grades, if the STSB has favorable A1, the
negative impact will be reduced due to the good support. The favorable signification will
withstand to some extent. If the next level is favorable with good OCCL and Good A support at
STSB, this will become supportive after initial struggles.

7. Even if the OCCL at two consequent levels have A1 grades, if the STSB has unfavorable
3grades, the positive impact will be greatly reduced due to bad support. The favorable
signification will not be stable. Presence of A support at CONJ could support to OCCL. Further
the result will be depending on the next levels significations.

8. The effect of 3 grades at two consequent levels in OCCL/STSB: a small Explanation

At PL and its Starlord Indicates both the initiation and effect are having struggles and
unfavorable effect (Bad)
At Starlord and Sublord indicates detrimental effect are further enhanced (Worse)
At Sublord and its Starlord Indicates the final result will be detrimental and failure.

9. Even if the 1st and 2nd levels self strength are good and supportive for an event, if the 3rd level or
the 4th level is weak, the outcome of the event will not be either fruitful or the event will not

10. If these 3 or A grade levels have RL links, then the impact will be more accordingly.

11. Even if all the levels are having A3 grades at OCCL, STSB and CONJ, they are weak and
detrimental for dual roles. If D3 and D2 grades join hands with them, it will be completely

Similar to OCCL study, a separate study on the STSB also could help to know the self strength of the

As said the STSB Support has great impact on the significations of OCCL either favorable or
unfavorable through its support.
If one level has unfavorable 3 grade at STSB, that indicates it does not support the OCCLs
significations and would reduce the effect of OCCL. If subsequent levels of STSB also have similar
3Grades , it means the Supports are not favorable to the OCCL at consequent levels which will
further reduce the effect of OCCL. So study on the STSB supports could show the level of
primary support at all levels.

If A1/2 grade at STSB of the 1st level falls to B3/C3/D3 at the 2nd level it becomes weak.
In addition the 2nd level, if the 3rd level also has B3/C3/D3 it would become weaker. This means
the Supports at consequent levels are falling down and weaker.

In such cases if the CONJ has A supports, the impact will be reduced.
If the OCCL also has 3grades the level become further weaker.
If the 3Grades at STSB are A3, there will be dual supports. It will support and also cause

The above points are given to make you understand the fundamental principles on the effect and use of
Supports and impact on the predictions. Because, there are more such combinations and that would be
difficult to explain all here.

Suppose in the OCCL if the trend is either in Mixed Trend or Downward trend, we should not
immediately decide it for weak significators. Because mixed or downward trend only with 3
grade is weak. If there are no 3 Grades at OCCL especially at consequent levels, then it can be
favorable. Depending on the level of support at the STSB, CONJ or Asp, the significations
strength would be present.


According to the strength of Grades at OCCL and also the strength of Grades at the Supports
(STSB, CONJ, ASP) the level of support will be present to the OCCL. The support can be favorable
or detrimental

Similarly if the Grade at OCCL is a falling grade from above level, the level of Support would be
present according to the level of Downfall and also the strength of Supports at STSB and CONJ /

(Please refer: The List of Required Supports to elevate the falling Grades at OCCL, if the OCCL at
one level is falling down in its grade, the necessary supports from STSB, CONJ would be helpful to
support the OCCL from its down fall.)

If the fallen grade at OCCL is detrimental (3 grades) then the help from the Good Supports
from STSB and CONJ will be less.
If the fallen grade is completely detrimental D3, the help will be lesser. If the STSB and
CONJ also has A3/D3 grade with them, then it will be detrimental.
If the fallen grade is not detrimental (no3) then the help from good supports will be more
If the fallen grade is not detrimental (no3), but if the STSB, CONJ also has detrimental
(3) grades then the support level will be lesser.

Hence the grade of OCCL has to be studied with the impact of the Supports from 1st level to 4th
level if the prospect becomes favorable or detrimental as it moves to the next level.


Please follow the details and rules discussed under PILT 1 and 2 connections

Some Important Points to be considered and their explanations:
1. RAHU and KETU as Ruler:

Whenever Rahu/Ketu are coming as the ruler, special attention has to be given. Because, it
would represent its Signlord also. Hence it would signify both the grades (itself and its sign
lords). We should consider either of the Grade shown by itself and its Signlord so that it does
not fall down in its Grade.
Whenever it is coming, out of two grades it poses, one grade at OCCL has to be fixed for
evaluation of the trend.

At the 1st level, we have to fix the Grade considering the 2nd levels OCCL so that 2nd level does
not fall down.
Here at 1 level Rahu has C and its Signlord Moon has A grade. So Rahu has C/A grade with it.
At the 2nd level, JUP has B grade. If Rahu is fixed for A grade, the OCCL at JUP will fall down. If
Rahu is fixed for C grade, the OCCL at JUP will take upper trend. So Rahu has to be considered
as C grade at OCCL

At the 2nd or 3rd or 4th level, one Grade which is in upper trend has to be fixed so that it does
not fall down its grade.



In the given example, Rahu is at the 2nd level. It has both C and A. 1st level JUP has B grade.
At the 3rd level SAT has B grade.
Rahu has to be fixed with A grade so that its OCCL grade does not fall down.
But at the 3rd level SAT has B grade. Once Rahu/Ketus Grade is fixed, the comparison has to be
done only with that (A) and not with the other one (C).
Because, if Rahu is fixed at C grade, the 3rd OCCL will not fall. But Rahu itself will fall down. This
is not allowed. First of all, Rah or Ketu would tend to save guard its level. So, A grade is fixed
but the 3rd level Grade will fall down.

If both the Grades of Rahu/Ketu are in upper trend to the previous levels Grade, then fixation
of the Grade out of these two is to be done considering the next levels OCCLs grade so that
that level does not fall down.

In the above sample, Rahu has B and A. As the 1st level has C grade, Rahu is in upper trend with
either of its grades. Now the 3rd level has to be checked. It has B grade. So, if Rahu is fixed at A
grade, then it would fall down in 3rd level. If it is fixed at B grade, the grade will be maintained
at the 3rd Grade and not fall down. So B grade is to be considered. Hence Jup will have
CBBAn upward trend.

Please note, though the required grades are taken for the benefit of the planet, the other
Grade which has not been fixed will have to be taken for analysis during the comparative study.
If they have 3 grades, then the strength will be weak.

If Rahu or Ketu has appeared as the Starlord or Sublord of the Primary cusp of the required
event, as they also represent their Signlord, wherever their Sign lords are coming as rulers or
in Conjunction or Asp, the respective PILT shade of that Rahu or Ketu will be given for their Sign
lords also.



For example, in a chart RAHU is the 7th Starlord (Blue shade) and KETU is 7th Sublord (Green
Rahu is posited in the sign of MOON and KETU is posited in the sign of SATURN.
For the event of marriage, in the ESI table of JUPITER, Rahu and KETU are not present.
But MOON who represents RAHU is present at 2nd level. At STSB it is not having any A grade. But
it is given Blue PILT shade as it is represented by RAHU (7STL)
Similarly at the 4th level SATURN has got Green PILT shade at STSB as it is represented by KETU
the 7th Sublord.

2. If the Rahu or Ketu are completely detrimental, even if their Sign Lords are favorable, the
detrimental impact will be more.

3. If Rahu or Ketu are coming at 2nd or 4th level, considering the Starlord of them for the
significations will be useful.

4. As per PILT 2 connections, while checking the connection between the rulers / Prime
significators, we have to give importance to Rahu and Ketu if they play a role as a significator
in the master period. If so, Rahu and Ketu could mostly play their role directly or indirectly in
the sub period.

5. Whenever same planet is coming more than once as ruler, care to be taken in analysis. If
that planet is not strong in OCCL or supports, the same significations will be repeated two
times in the ESI table which could be unfavorable. Similarly if the planet is good in OCCL or
Supports, it would support twice. Hence importance has to be given for such planet with
repeated ruler. In PILT 2 connection, care to be taken as this could either increase or reduce the
level of support

6. A planet can be traveling in its own star. So a planet will have same planet in the 1 and 2nd
level or 3rd and 4th level (if it appears as Sublord). Normally it is considered strong. But it is not
so all the time. This is because, it will have the same Grade and supports at its both the levels.

For example one planet (X) is showing B grade by itself and is in its own star. So it will have B
grade at 1st and 2nd level Suppose another planet(Y) who is in star of another planet also has
the same B grade at 1 and 2nd level.

So both the planets have same B grade at two consequent levels. But the planet (Y) showing B
grade through two different planets could be stronger than the other one (X) who is in its own
star. Because, the planet (X) that is in its own star will have the similar supports at 2 levels.
Whereas, the other planet(Y) will have different supports as the planets vary.

The impact is based on the strength of the Supports. So, if the planet is not strong in OCCL and
Supports, the planet will become weaker when compared to the other planet that is in the
star of another planet. Further the PILT 2 connection would not also be strong as same planet
is repeated.

7. When a same planet is in its own star consideration on the Subsublord of the planet would
also be useful.
When a planet is in its own sub, study on Subsub lord and Starlord of the Starlord could also
further help.
(Such study would be useful to find the indirect PILT 1 and 2 connections also)

8. When the 1st and 2nd ruler are the same with A grade, if the 3rd and 4th levels are in
downward trend but has some good supports to elevate the fallen grades, that planet could
become stronger if other planets are comparatively weaker. Because this planet will get
revised A grades at all OCCL.

9. When the same planet is coming at 1st and 4th level, importance has to be given if that planet
has A grade either at OCCL/STSB. Because as a planet starts with A grade and ends with A
grade by the same planet, it would try to maintain its strength as if it has constructed its own
boundary. In case the 2nd 3rd levels are having fallen grades but with supports at STSB/CONJN,
even if these supports to elevate the grades are little lesser than required level, they could
help to elevate the grades if they have good PILT connections. And this planet will become
stronger as it could attain A grades with support at all 4 levels along with the 1st and 4th level
are ruled by the same planet.

10. When the same planet is coming at 1st and 3rd level (as Sublord), its 2nd and 4th level will be
the same.

Here if the planet is having unfavorable significations in its OCCL/STSB and Supports, it will be

Suppose a planet with B grade is in the star of a planet having A grade. If that planet is in
its own sub, then the planets at 1st and 3rd level will have B Grade and at the 2nd and 4th level,
they will have A Grade. So it will be B-A-B-A. Mixed trend signified by the same planet. Here
only one level at 3rd level is falling.

If that planet is having a good supports to elevate the Grade B to A at the 3rd level, it will
become stronger as it would attain B-A-A-A. Here the role of PILT 2 connections are to be
checked as the connection may be weak as same planet is repeated.

Suppose a planet with A grade and its Starlord is B grade. That planet is in its own sub.
Then the planets at 1st and 3rd level will have A grade and at the 2nd and 4th level will have B
grade. So it will be A-B-A-B. This is also mixed trend. But here two levels (2nd and 4th levels) are
falling. Now strong supports are required to lift the fallen grades to A. If the supports are not
stronger enough, it could not conduct an event and also would become weak as at two levels
the grades are falling down.

But in general for conducting an event like marriage and child birth the planet with its own
sub with mixed OCCL trend is mostly weak. Because only two planets will play the role and the
supports also will be limited. This also would limit the strength and support and also the PILT 2
connection to its master period. If that planet is strong enough with good supports, then the
impact would be better. Meanwhile if that planet has 3 grades at OCCL or STSB, it will
repeat its negative significations in its sublevel also which is not favorable.

11. FREE PLANET: Free planet is a planet that has no other planet traveling in any of its star.
Suppose the Free planet is having A grade and if its Star lords grade is falling down, the free
planet will try to retain its grade from falling down. So it will extend its support to its Starlord.
We are aware that the Starlord has to get sufficient supports to elevate the Grade equal to the
Free planet. Here the Free planet status also will act as one of the indirect support to help the
Starlord along with the other supports

12. If the FREE PLANET is having D3grade at OCCL or STSB, that planet becomes weaker. If it has
D2 or other3 grades, it is weak depending on the Support at STSB

1. Always check the Starlord of the Starlord:
If the Starlord of the Starlord (2nd level) is ruling the 3rd level with A, then it further
adds strength. This is like indirect RL support
If the Starlord of the Starlord (4th level) is ruling the 1st level, then it further adds
strength depending upon the significations. This is like Indirect RL support.
2. If a planet and its Starlord have good A grades and PILT shade, when it comes at 2nd or 4th
level to a planet, then that planet will get more strength indirectly
3. A planet with more indirect supports as discussed under Indirect PILT 1 connections along with
the Main Supports, this will add more strength.

4. Sometime a planet may have the PILT 1 connection comparatively weaker than other planet(s).
But that Planet may be having Strong PILT 2 connections to its Master period, it will become
stronger. This depends on the Strength and weakness of OCCL and supports.
A planet and its rulers may have good connection to Dasa lord itself (1st level) by CONJ
or ASP, this forms strong connection.

On the Basis that the supports from the STSB,CONJ and ASP could help the fallen grade at OCCL,
the following are derived:

We have studied about the different type of Supports above. Now lets study the different kind of
supports that could support OCCL

Primary supports:
1. A grade at STSB as Primary CSL (Green shade) /CST(Blue shade).
2. A grade at CONJN through CSL(Green)/CST(Blue)/CL(yellow).
3. A grade at ASP in case of JUPITER as Ruler or at ASP
4. RL Support (Star exchange)-Redline with A grade. This is supportive if the star level planet is not
completely weak

Additional supports (they will act only as additional supports along with other supports).
5. RL support (CONJN)-Green line- from the 1st level or from the previous level preferably with A
6. RL support (ASP)- Brown line- from the 1st level or from the previous level preferably with A
7. RL support (Signlord)-Blue line - from the 1st level or from the previous level preferably with A
8. A grade at ASP (exclude #3 in Primary supports)
9. PILT shade at OCCL - CSL(Green)/CST(Blue)/CL(yellow). It means that the planet occupies the
sign of primary cuspal lord or Starlord or Sublord. This forms an additional support.
10. Free planet at 1st and 3rd level and if its Star lords grade is falling down, It would try to extend its
support to its Starlord
11. Starlord of the Starlord (2nd level) / Starlord of the Starlord of Sublord(4th level) signifies A
grade. If the Starlord is not completely detrimental, this is supportive.
12. In case of Rahu and Ketu, the star lord of their Signlord also can be checked for connection to
A Grade.
13. Role of Dasa or Bukthi lord as ruler or at CONJ or ASP. Being the ruler of period, they will have
their influence as a support

In the supports
The Support as CSL (Green shade) is stronger than CST (blue shade)
Support as CST (Blue shade) is stronger than CL(Yellow shade)


The below rules or hints are applicable in most of the cases. Sometime, it could vary depending on the
level of other planets.

BA :
Two A : STSB or CONJ or ASP + Any other support,

C B:
One A : STSB or CONJ
One A : ASP + any other support.
In case of JUPITER as ruler or A grade is through Jupiter, One A at ASP will support

Two A: STSB + ASP + Any other supports

D2 C/B
One A : STSB or CONJ
One A : ASP + any other support

D3 C / B
One A: STSB + Other support

Two A: STSB +CONJN or ASP + Any other supports


Special Note:
1. A lonely planet (who has no direct connection to any other planet through conjunction or
aspect) may have falling Grade when it is playing at 2nd or 3rd or 4th level of any planet. There
will not be any supports to elevate the fallen grade. This will be the condition wherever this
Planet comes as ruler for any planet for that event. So some special attention has to be given.
Suppose if that planet has not a drastic fall or not completely detrimental (3 grade) but has
strong Indirect PILT1 and good connection to its master Master period (PILT 2 connection),
then it needs to be considered favorable and can be listed under waiting list.

2. Sometime A Lonely planet will have strong Indirect connections to all the rulers of the
primary cusp. If that lonely planet is not detrimental at OCCL and STSB, be default it will
become strong as if it gets A grades despite absence of direct Supports

3. Insufficient supports to elevate the grade:
Suppose a planet has A grade but its Starlord has C grade. But the Starlord may have only
inadequate A supports which may not be enough to elevate the grade to A. Where ever
this planet comes at 1st or 3rd level, this will be the condition in that chart. So some
consideration can be given for this planet. If its 2nd level is having some additional supports,
those supports can be considered to elevate the grade. In case if that planet has good PILT 2
connection to the master period, this would further add its support.

4. A planet with Primary supports and also Additional supports will be strong

The above are just for idea for understanding the logic. But there could be some variations
between the charts which depend on the strength of other planets.
A planets strength and weakness for an event has to be evaluated by following the discussed Analysis
methodology on the ESI grade table, Some Important Points to be considered and Special points.

On this basis, the Strength and Weakness of a Planet can be derived as follows:
Please keep the below points in mind in evaluating a single planet or planets under comparative study


The following are the Strength and Weakness to be considered

a) Good OCCL trend
b) Presence of A grades at OCCL
c) No D3 or No or less 3 grades at OCCL especially at 2nd ,3rd and 4th level
d) Good supports (A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2) especially at STSB and CONN
e) No D3 or Less 3 grades at STSB and CONJ especially at 2nd and 3rd level
f) A planet with A Grade at OCCL or STSB if rules both the 1st and 4th levels, it indirectly
becomes strong.
RL Supports
a) Star Exchange with A grade is strong
b) RL supports from the 1st level (with A at OCCL/STSB) to all the balance levels is stronger
c) RL link through CONJ or ASP with A grade is favorable
PILT connections
a) Strong PILT 1 connection: PILT shades at Planet, STSB and CONJ are Stronger.
b) PILT at ASP, OCCL will be additional strength, if the OCCL, STSB, CONJ are not weak
c) Indirect connections along with Direct connections adds strength

Strong PILT 2 connections: (Bukthi to Dasa, Andhra to Bukthi and Dasa).

d) Connection of the 1st ruler to the Rulers directly is strong.
e) Connection of all the rulers to the rulers directly or indirectly is stronger
f) If a planet and its Starlord have good A grades and PILT shade, when it rules 2nd or 4th
level of a planet, then that planet will get more strength indirectly

g) If the Starlord of the Starlord (2nd level) is ruling 3rd level also with A, then it further adds
strength. This is like indirect RL support

a) OCCL downward grade trend without Supports at STSB and CONJ is weak
b) Presence of D3 or 3 grades in the OCCL / STSB at the 2nd or 3rd or 4th level it is weak
c) Presence of combination of D3/D2/3 grades in the OCCL and STSB and CONJ at one or
more levels is weaker
d) Consequent levels have 3 grades at OCCL or STSB is weaker
e) Presence of D3 or C3 grade at CONJ is weak, even if the OCCL, STSB are having A
grade. This will be further weaken with presence of 3 grade at ASP
f) If 3 grade is D3 is worst. C3 is worse. B3 is bad. A3 is dual role.
g) Free planet with 3 grade at 1st 3rd level is weak.
h) Repetition of a same planet is weak if not strong at OCCL and Supports.
i) RL supports with detrimental grades are present.
j) Absence of PILT 1 connection at Planet, STSB and CONJ directly or indirectly is weaker.
k) Absence of strong PILT 2 connection with the master periods planet is weaker.
l) Presence of Strong PILT 2 connection with the detrimental significators of the Master
period is weaker
This is an important study in EPS especially in the process of finding the strong planet who can conduct
an event.

The actual strength and weakness of a planet can be found only after the comparison with other planets
in a particular chart.

Because in a natives chart, we may consider a planet as weak for an event as per the rules, but if the
other planets are weaker than this planet, then it would become the strongest among others for that
event. Similarly a planet considered as strong may be found comparatively weaker when compared with
other planet.

A planet that is having downward trend may have good supports and also the PILT connections. In the
chart if no other planet is favorable, this planet will favor.

Hence Comparative study is important in EPS especially finding a better planet in selection process.

For this Comparative study follow the points given in STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS OF A PLANET

Actually the study on all the CL, CST and CSL of the primary cusp of an event would give the complete
picture of the Destiny prospects.

To study the destiny prospects of an event, importantly we have to scrutinize the cuspal Sublord
of the Primary house of that event.

The destiny planet (CSL of the primary cusp) may not be required to be with good trend in OCCL. It can
have mixed trend or downward trend also. But it should have good Supports.


In general, if the Sublord of the primary cusp of an event has A grade at OCCL or STSB or CONJN or ASP
at all its 4 levels, this supports for the event. But this depends on the presence of other detrimental
grades especially at OCCL and STSB.

Studying the EPS table along with ESI table is advisable so as to find the complete significations that a
Grade signifies and their impact.


1) Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of
D3,D2,C3) in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

2) Condition 2: A grade shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at

Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly

The presence of A grade can be easily identified by PILT shades at any of the stages at each level. This
condition signifies the promise of PILT 1 connection.

In cases where in the Rahu or Ketu is the ruler of primary cusp, their Signlord will also get the
relevant PILT shade at STSB or CONJ or ASP. They can also be considered as A grade provided
the Grade is not completely detrimental.


1. A grade only at ASP
A grade with PILT shade Or without PILT shade will be present in ASP

When a planet is aspecting the Primary Cusp, A grade at ASP will be preset. But there will not
be any PILT shade. Even though it is not having the PILT shade, they can be considered as they
signify the A grade. But check for any indirect connection to the Primary cuspal rulers

PILT SHADE OR A grade only at ASP will be supportive

Only If OCCL, STSB and CONJ are not completely detrimental
If it has RL support or any other Additional Supports
If the Ruler is Jupiter or if A grade at ASP is by Jupiter

Note: if A grade at ASP is A3, it is weak

2. PILT shade only at OCCL without any A grade even at supports

One planet can have PILT shade at OCCL as it occupies the sign of a ruler of the Primary cusp.

PILT shade only at OCCL (Occupying the primary rulers sign) will be supportive:
Only If the OCCL, STSB and CONJ are not completely detrimental (Combination of
D2,D3,C3 grades).
(If it has indirect connection to A grade, it is further better)

3. Neither A grade nor PILT Shade at a level (INDIRECT CONNECTION)

In case of absence of A grade or PILT shade, the presence of indirect connection to a ruler of
the Primary cusp (as it would connect to A grade) is to be checked. For Indirect connections,
refer PILT 1 connection But in the following conditions:

The Indirect connection is supportive Only If the OCCL, STSB, CONJ are not detrimental
(No D2,D3,3 grades) but having some supports
The Indirect connection will not be supportive, If the OCCL is weak and no Supports at
STSB and CONJ or detrimental supports at STSB and CONJ

Special Note:
Even if no detrimental grades are present at OCCL, STSB and CONJ, if there is no strong
PILT shade (A Grade) connection even through indirect connections, the destiny is not
promised or weak.
If a level is having downward trend with detrimental grades and without any A grade
or PILT shade at OCCL, STSB or CONJ, then the Destiny is weak. If indirect connection is
also not present, then destiny is not promised.
If the 3rd level is a free planet and having complete detrimental houses at OCCL and
STSB, then destiny is weak or not promised.

If the above conditions are not fulfilled, the destiny does not promise the event.

In case if you find the Primary cuspal Sublord is weak, a study on the Primary Cuspal Lord and Cuspal
Starlord would be useful to evaluate the total strength and weakness of the Rulers of the Primary cusp.
They are also weak, and then the destiny will become weaker.
Even If the Cuspal Sublord of the Primary cusp is favorable, if the Primary cuspal Starlord and Primary
Cuspal lord are weak, then the destiny prospects will not be so fruitful or favorable to the expected

Kind note:
While analyzing the Destiny on the Primary CSL, even if the OCCL is in Downward trend or Mixed
trend, if the downfall levels have A grade or PILT shade at STSB, CONJN, ASP, OCCL without
any complete detrimental Grades at OCCL, STSB, CONJ, then that would be sufficient. It is not
required that that level should have sufficient Supports for the falling Grades to elevate their
Suppose if that level has enough supports to elevate the fallen grades that would be more


Even if A grades at all 4 levels are present, if these A grades are A3 grades and more other
3 and 2 grades are present at other stages, the destiny prospects has to be studied carefully
along with other significations. A3 would cause both the favorable and unfavorable results.
Further 3 grades at consequent levels would be unfavorable.

The Destiny prospects of an event can be well found by studying the strength and Weakness of the
primary cuspal Sublord following the points.

Good OCCL Trend with A grade
No or less 3grades at OCCL, STSB and CONJ
RL supports
Strong PILT 1 connection: PILT shades at Planet, STSB, CONJ are strong. This signifies the
favorable supports. (Consider the SPECIAL NOTE ON PILT SHADE AT ASP/OCCL AND NO

OCCL downward grade trend
Weak PILT 1 connection at STSB, CONJ which signifies Less Supports
Presence of D3 or 3 grades in the OCCL / STSB at the 2nd and /or 3rd and/or 4th level
Consistent 3 Grades in OCCL, STSB at two or more levels. If D3 detrimental. If A3 dual role.
Free planet with 3 grade at 1st or 3rd level.
Lack of RL supports especially when detrimental grades are present.

In case of events where more than a house comes under Primary houses, analysis on the EPS table along
with ESI would be helpful. Because, A grade would be allotted, in case of presence of any of the
Primary houses. By the indication of A grade, it would not be possible to identify the houses signified.
If the planet in each level is connected to most of the Primary houses, it will be more favorable than the
other one. So in order to find the primary houses involved in each level, analysis also on the EPS table
would be helpful not only to know the prospects of the destiny, but also to find the complete the
significations of the planet on that event.

The predictions on the prospects on marital life, job, finance, health etc, the ESI/EPS table of
running and upcoming periods have to be analyzed following the ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY
described in the earlier pages.

1. First the level of destiny prospects has to be studied through the analysis on the primary cuspal
rulers of the event and especially on the Sublord. Within the limit of destiny prospects, the Dasa
periods would act.

Destiny is like the condition and engine capacity of the vehicle, Lagna is the driver. The
Dasa is the High way and the Bukthi is the short road within the Highway. Even if the road
is good, the Vehicle would run according to its condition and engine capacity only. Similarly
the happiness of the drive also depends on the driver.
Hence before analyzing the running Dasa and Bukthi study on the strength and weakness of
Lagna and Destiny are important. And study on the Dasa and then Bukthi has to be
followed. Because all are inter connected.
2. Check the significations of Dasa lord.
3. Check the Significations of Bukthi lord and then the Andhra lord.
4. Check the PILT 2 connection between the Andhra and Bukthi, Bukthi and Dasa as discussed.
5. Predictions have to be given accordingly.

On the predictive part, study on the EPS table and the Birth chart along with ESI grade table
would be recommended as the EPS table would show the planets that are signifying the houses
in each level at all stages and Birth chart would show the signs involved.

For the events with more than one primary house, the ESI table may have more A Grade
connections. But the actual house signified by the A grade can be found only at EPS table.
Hence studying ESI table along with EPS table will be recommended

The significations found at the ESI tables are restricted mostly to the house significations. But
considering the karakathwa of planets involved and signs involved along with house
significations are recommended for better predictions and without which the predictions will be
incomplete. For this, we have to study the EPS table and also the birth chart along with ESI table.

RULING PLANETS AND TRANSIT: Usage of Ruling planets at the time of judgment and Transit of
planets can be considered as we normally follow as per KP during the analysis of the planets
through EPS method.
Now let me explain how to study the ESI table (EPS also the same way) to find the strong significator to
conduct an event

There two major type of events:

Events like Marriage and Child Birth (where two Lagna are connected) are not equal to other
events like job, foreign travel, property etc, which are routine events in ones life and would occur
many times.

The Marriage and child birth are important and vital events which occur only once or few times in ones
life. These events happen only if the said following rules or connections are satisfied to the maximum. In
case of other routine events, if the rules are satisfied strongly, the impact will be very good. Depending
on the level of connection, the effect or outcome will be present. Because, the other events could occur

even if, the level of strength is weaker. The level of fruitfulness would be depending on the strength.
And the native would experience the result accordingly.

A Planet can conduct marriage but it is not required to be a completely favorable planet for
marital life.
A planet may not be strong enough to conduct marriage but it could be favorable for the marital

The above are two different things which need to be understood.

Even among Marriage and Child Birth, the Marriage is more sensitive where the compliance of the said
rules is most important. But the Child Birth has got some other factors which could influence. Like, appx.
9 months of pregnancy period this is a default one. Within this period, one could run one or more than a
Bukthi or Andhra from conception to delivery. So, there could be some exceptional leverage on the
rules. Moreover this Child birth also depends on their social culture which would vary from country to
country. In India we calculate the period of child birth only after the event of marriage but it need not be
so in some other countries.

Hope you got it.


Studying the Dasa lord for its support for an event is almost equal to the procedure of Destiny
finding explained above.

Dasa lord is not required to be a very strong planet for any single event as it is having lot of events in its
major period. But Dasa lord should fulfill the following conditions:

1) The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3) in all
4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

2) PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly as
explained above under Indirect PILT 1 connection

METHODOLOGY ON ESI GRADE TABLE OF A PLANET for the detailed prospects of Dasa lord for the

Kind note:
While analyzing the Dasa lord, even if the OCCL is in Downward trend or Mixed trend, if the
downfall levels have A grades or PILT shades at STSB, CONJN, ASP, OCCL without any
complete detrimental Grades at OCCL, STSB, CONJ, then that would be sufficient. It is not
required that that level should have sufficient Supports for the falling Grades to elevate their

Suppose if that level has enough supports to elevate the fallen grades that would be more

If the Dasa lord itself is very strong with good OCCL trend, without or less detrimental houses at
all 4 levels of OCCL and STSB with strong PILT 1 connection, it could fructify the event in its own
Bukthi itself



For the important event like marriage and Child birth, EPS does not recommend to follow the procedure
of choosing a strong planet from the significators of 2/7/11 houses for marriage and 2/5/11 for child
birth. Because as explained above, we may miss some planets in the significators list and also miss
important factors while selecting.

In EPS, we need to study all the Planets and their strength to select the Bukthi and then the
Andhra after a comparative study

Marriage is conducted by the Bukthi lord who is the strongest one and the Andhra lord will be next
strongest one according to the rules dictated below.


Study the OCCL from 1st level to 4th level slowly.
Find the Trend of OCCL whether it is in Upward, Downward, Equal or Mixed trend.
Select the Planets with upward trend or Equal trend. Ie., without down fall of Grade (Red arrow)
at any level
They are to be listed under PRIMARY SELECTED

STEP 2 (Selection with Supports): WAITLISTED PLANETS

After the Primary selection, check each of other planets for the following:

Check each planet in which level it drops its Grade.

Now we have to check if the fallen grade can be elevated to the prior levels higher Grade with
the help of Supports so that it equals the grade at OCCL. Those planets which has such supports
should be listed under WAITLISTED

This elevation is possible with the help of the A grade SUPPORTS at STSB/CONJN/ASP, RL supports and
other indirect supports at that level.

To know required supports to elevate the fallen grades, please refer to the LIST OF REQUIRED

If we could find that the Grade fallen is at one or more levels and that could be elevated to the
required Grade, then it has to be listed under WAITLISTED
List the rest of the planets without sufficient supports or with complete detrimental
significations under REJECTED

Some time many or most of the planets will have such falling grades and insufficient supports in
a chart. In such cases, we have to choose the best out of it through proper comparative study.


We have to check the PILT 1 connection and PILT 2 connection.

A planet must have both the PILT 1,2 connections.
The planet with strong PILT connections is stronger

RULE 1: PILT 1 connection: Connection to the Primary cuspal rulers:

We have to check if all the rulers of a planet are connected to the rulers of the primary cusp of
the event.

It can be easily found by the PILT shades (yellow/Blue/Green). The PILT shades at Planet, OCCL,
Out of these, PILT shade at Planet, STSB, CONJ are stronger than OCCL and the ASP. Green shade is
strongest, Blue is stronger and the Yellow is strong

The Connection can be favorably through Direct connection or Indirect connections.

Refer the detailed explanations on the PILT 1 connection under PILT THEORY for the types
of connections and special instructions involved.

RULE 2: PILT 2 connection: Connection of Bukthi Lord to the Dasa lord

The Bukthi lord should be favorable for that event and then it should have good connection to
the rulers of the Dasa lord.

As discussed under PILT 2 connection, the BASIC connection between the Dasa lord itself and
the rulers of the Bukthi lord, the Bukthi lord and the rulers of the Andhra lord alone can be
considered. Then in depth connection can be studied which would throw more light to find the
good connections as discussed under PILT 2 connections. I have explained such detailed
connections in the example charts for your understanding.
PILT 2: In the process of selecting the Bukthi lord, give importance to the Rulers of the Dasa lord
and then the Planets that are connected to the Rulers of the Dasa lord as they could become the
Bukthi lord. If they have strength also, they will become stronger in conducting the event in their


This is required to find the strongest one among the Primary or Waitlisted planets.


A planet with Good OCCL trend/Grades, less unfavorable grades, good supports and strong PILT 1 and 2
connections have to be selected among the others.

Follow the STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS OF A PLANET discussed above

When only one planet is in the PRIMARY SELECTED list, if it has strength, less weakness and with
PILT 1 and 2 connections, that can be selected as BUKTHI lord
When more than one planet are in the list, after the comparative study among them, a planet that
has Good Strength and no or less weakness with PILT 1 and 2 connection is to be selected as
The rest of the planets are to be kept under PRIMARY WAITLISTED

Note: Some time all the planets that are under Primary Selected may not have good strength in
OCCL, Supports and good PILT 1,2 connections. In such situation, Bukthi lord cannot be chosen from
them at this level. They should also be kept under PRIMARY WAITLISTED for further study

This is how BUKTHI lord is selected.


Check the OCCL with revised Grades after the elevation of grades with the help of Supports.
Follow the Strength and Weakness parameters and do the comparative study within the planets
under Waitlisted.
Reject the planets with weak OCCL, Supports and PILT connections.
Select the planets with best OCCL trend, strong STSB connections, Good Supports, PILT1
connection and importantly PILT 2 connection to the Bukthi lord (if connected to Dasa lord
further supported)
Those planets are listed under WAITLIST SELECTED



If BUKTHI was not chosen from the PRIMARY SELECTED list, study following the same method of
analysis and select the best one as BUKTHI.

If Bukthi was already chosen, this comparative study is to be carried between Primary
Waitlisted and Waitlist Selected to find the Andhra lord.

While following the same procedure of study, check for the PILT 2 strong connection to the
Bukthi lord. If Dasa lords connection is also present, it is an additional support for the Andhra

Select the best planet out of them with good strength and less weakness, good PILT 1 and PILT 2
connections as ANDHRA lord. A planet connected to both Bukthi and Dasa lord is stronger to
become ANDHRA lord.
PILT 2: In the process of selecting the Andhra lord, give importance to the Rulers of the Bukthi
lord and then the Planets that are connected to the Rulers of the Bukthi lord as they could
become the Andhra lord. If they have strength also, they will become stronger in conducting the
event in their Andhra.




The procedures are exactly as the steps given for marriage event but some liberalization

Most of the time the Bukthi and Andhra would be as per selection dictated under Marriage. But
sometime it would vary.

The Child birth involves a period of 9-10 months which would cover more than an Andhra or Bukthi. So
the native could conceive in one favorable period and deliver in another favorable period. And both
periods cannot be expected to be with equal strength.

Normally Marriage will happen during Strongest Planets Bukthi and Stronger Planets Andhra.
But for child birth this may differ some time.

As explained the child birth has many other factors that influence.

The Bukthi who conducts the marriage could be a good significator of progeny also (either in the primary
list or in the waitlisted but with strong supports and PILT connection). That Bukthi could last for another
few months or few years also.

If the destiny for the progeny prospects indicated by the 5th cuspal Sublord and also the running Dasa
lord do not show strong obstacles or delay, the same Bukthi would support for the progeny as well.

The conception and the child birth could happen during the periods ruled by the planets among the
Primary Selected or Waitlist Selected planets. Some time, the Child birth (delivery) may happen
during the strongest Planets Andhra in a stronger Bukthi or vice versa. But the Bukthi and Andhra would
be fulfilling the required significations and the importantly the PILT connections.

The next Bukthi could be a stronger Planet (Primary Selected) than the running Bukthi (Waitlist
Selected). The conception could happen in the running Bukthi and delivery could happen during the next
Bukthi of the primary list in a strong Andhra which can be in the primary list or waitlist selected with
PILT connections.

Within the stipulated period of 9-10 months, the last few months could be run by an Andhra which
could be either strongest one (Primary list) or stronger one (waitlisted but with strong supports).
Suppose the next Andhra which follows after few months could be one among the Primary list, but we
cannot expect that period as it will start only after the 10th month which is not possible.

The combination of Bukthi and Andhra would be depending on the strong PILT 2 connection of
the rulers or the house significators between each planet.

Moreover, in some countries couples have child birth even before marriage. Hence we cannot stick to
the rule of child birth after marriage. In recent years, we do follow contraceptive measures to postpone
the conception as well. Hence as an astrologer, we can check each planets strength on the progeny

matters. If the running and coming periods are favorable and strong enough as discussed above, if the
couple wishes they could have the progeny in that supportive period.

Hence the selecting of timing of event for progeny may differ from Marriage event. Marriage
happens during the strongest Bukthi whereas the Child birth may happen during the strongest
Bukthi or stronger Bukthi and similarly the Andhra.
The PILT 2 connection between the Bukthi and Dasa, Andhra and Bukthi lord would also play a
major role

Follow the same method of analysis as followed for selection of Bukthi and Andhra for the
event of Marriage. And Keep the above points in consideration while selecting the Bukthi and

Among these events the very first FOREIGN TRAVEL for Job or Education will happen during the
stronger Bukthi and Strongest Andhra or Vice versa. But the subsequent Travels will happen
depending on the running periods. But strength of OCCL with Supports and PILT 2 connections
are important.

HEALTH etc are the routine life events.

Here the strongest planet in its Bukthi and Andhra as discussed for marriage and Progeny above
can favor for the event with its best result.

But depending on the significations of the running Dasa, Bukthi and Andhra and the PILT 2
connections, the native will experience the result on these events.

Getting a job is not one time event. At the period ruled by a planet that is with good trend in its OCCL
with Good supports and also satisfying the PILT connections, the native will have a better prosperity in
the career. But when unfavorable Bukthi for job prospects is running, he may be looking badly for a job
for his livelihood. The Andhra or Bukthi of the best planet may run only after few months or years. We
can tell him that only that period will be the best. But we have to find the comparatively supportive
Andhra or Bukthi within the coming periods and tell him that period would be supportive according to
its strength. Instead, we cannot tell him that he will get a job only in that best period.

Hence we should analyze the running and upcoming periods and find the favorable one which has
supportive OCCL, supports and PILT connections and could fetch him a Job which may or may not be to
his satisfaction and stability. Depending on its strength the prosperity will be present.

The strongest planet will fetch him good job prospects and the native will experience the variation in the
prospects depending on the strength and weakness of the running periods.

But a native can be well off and not depending on the upcoming monthly earnings and he will be looking
for the best job to his satisfaction. He could not get a desired job in the supportive periods as said
above. He may not take up the jobs that he gets as he can wait for the best one. In such cases, we will
have to advocate only the best upcoming periods which may be after few months also. So it varies
person to person depending on the practical situations.

Hope you got the point.

Hence, for other events the timing of an event on the running periods, we have to study the EPS
and ESI table of the running and upcoming sub Periods for their level of strength and support
and predict accordingly.

A comparatively better upcoming period would give better results.

Apart from the strength at OCCL and Supports, the PILT 2 connection between the Bukthi lord
and Dasa lord, Andhra and the Bukthi lord would also play major role in giving the result in their

Role of both A and B grades for some events

In EPS all the 12 houses are categorized under 6 grades (A,B,C,D1,D2,D3). As you aware that the houses
under A grade are the Primary houses for an event and the houses under B grade are the Secondary

For some events, there will be combination two events will play role. For example, Abroad travel
for Studies, Abroad travel for Job, Job prospects for people already in Abroad etc.

The Primary houses (A) signify the Primary event and the Secondary houses (B) signify the
Secondary event.

Here, falling down of Grade from A to B need not be considered as Weak provided if that level
has A support at STSB/CONJ/ASP

For abroad travel, travelling abroad is the Primary one and the purpose of that travel (for studies or job
or tour etc) is the Secondary one.

Actually one has to go abroad first for the studies or job etc. Hence going abroad is the primary event
and 3,9,12 houses are getting A grade. The purpose of travel is the secondary event, say for the
purpose of education, 4 is getting B grade. But it does not mean that B grade is having less important.

But in the ESI table, the Primary houses are given A grade and the PILT 1 connections are considered
accordingly so that it will be easier for evaluation on the PILT 1 connections and also the Supports. If we
give the 3,9,12 and also the 4 (education) in the A grade list, a planet who has 4 at all its 4 levels
without 3,9,12 will also show A grades and a planet who has 3,9,12 also will have A grades. We cannot
differentiate the actual value of A. But the later will be the favorable one for foreign travel.

So A grade has been assigned only to the houses pertaining to the Primary event and the associated
houses are given (B) grade. But both A and B are important as they are connected to each other for this
event. Hope you understand. In Such events, importance has to be given to the role of 3 grades.

In such situations, sometime a planet may have A grade at one level but B grade at the next level; it
could be assumed as the Grade is falling down. But it is not exactly so. It is supportive only. If it has A
grade at SS or OS supports, then it is fine. Not required to have required supports to lift the B grade to
A grade as we look for marriage and child birth events. Hence for such events, both the primary and
secondary houses are associated with each other. Care to be taken in analyzing the Trend and the
strength along with PILT 2 connections.


1. As the event is involving two purposes -Foreign travel (A) and Job (B). Hence it is required to
check if the B grade houses are also connected in all the 4 levels directly or indirectly.
(Please note when A and B grade houses are present, only highest favorable A grade alone will
be given. So A grade also may consist of B grade. This can be checked only at the EPS table.)

2. As there are 3 primary houses, most of the levels will show A Grades as if they have any of
these primary houses and also all PILT shades. But a planet showing A grades having all the
Primary houses at all the levels is stronger. Hence study on the ESI grade table along with EPS
table will be useful.

For a native who is already in Abroad, for the job prospects, the Job(6,10) is the primary one and
the abroad(3,9,12) is secondary one.
For a native who is in his home land, for his abroad travel for the Job prospects, the foreign
travel (3,9,12) is the primary one and the job (6,10) is the secondary one.
But when a doubt or question raised on ones stay in Abroad for JOB (even if the native is living in
abroad), then 3,9,12 will be the Primary houses and 6,10 will be the secondary houses. Ie, the
event Abroad Travel (Job) should be studied.

Hope you understand.


When more than one primary house is present under A grade, it is better to analyze the EPS table
along with ESI table.

For example, for the event of Abroad Travel, the Primary houses are 3,9,12. Any of these houses if
appeared in EPS table will get A grade in ESI table. Actually all the levels of a planet in ESI table will get
connected mostly to all of these 3,9,12 houses. But a planet may have A grades because of presence
of any of these houses (3 or 9 or 12). So, Checking the EPS table on the house involved give clearer


In general for the Job or business, as the house 5 and 9 are considered as detrimental houses and
grouped under D3 grade. But for the profession related to the karakathwa of 5th or 9th houses, these 5
and 9 houses could not be taken completely detrimental. But they can be considered as secondary or
supportive houses. House 5 supports for the Professions in the field of shares, medical, spiritual,
astrology, commission, Sports, Media and house 9 for import export, contracts etc., .The ESI grades are
grouped for General Job or Business in the SW. If do consider 5 as D3, you could wrongly interpret. When
5 or 9 are connected to 10,11 houses, they are favorable. Meanwhile the combination of 5,8,12 or 9,8,12
houses will cause troubles. You can also create your own events according to your requirements and
expertise keeping in mind this while allocation of grades to each house.

While creating any new event, you have to keep the above special notes in mind while allocating the
houses for each Grade.

Further D1 grade has to be given to the house which is acting either neutral or acts according to its
conjoined planet. For example for marriage 4 is given D1 grade because 4 is not a complete detrimental
house for marriage event. When it is joined with 6,10,8,12 houses, it would support to that. When it is
joined with 7,2,11,1,3,5,9 houses, it would support to that. Because 4 signifies as house of comfort and
also lack of affection ( 12 to 5).

It is not compulsory that D1 grade has to be assigned to any house.


In EPS, in the given examples, the usage of RPs is not considered for selection of significators for
the events in the Natal chart. But, one can consider the RPs in the process of analysis and
selection of Periods.

In Horary charts, as we normally follow in KP, the RPs can be considered as a divine tool in
helping the selection of the Significators and timing of events

The usage of Transit can be followed in the timing of events and the impact of transit on the predictive
part can be considered as per the fundamental principles we normally follow. The role of retrograde
state is also included in this.


Dear friends,

With this I complete the theory part of EPS system. Hopefully I have taken my best effort to explain you
the principle, concepts, rules, the method of analysis on EPS and ESI tables, use of PILT theory and the
important points to be considered while analysis.

Now let me proceed to the analysis part with explanations on few charts which would further make you
understand clearly the said theory part. As explained above, I shall explain focusing on the method of
analysis on the important life events like Marriage, Child birth, Job, Foreign travels, BTR, horary etc., as it
would help you to understand the method of analysis, finding a planet for timing of event and also for

I have taken the Example charts with the aim to explain and educate you the important rules on different
circumstances for the important events.

Moreover, for the event of marriage and Child birth, we will do comparative study on all the planets to
find the favorable Bukthi and Andhra that can conduct the event. Here all the steps and rules will be
checked. And this would give good exposure and experience in learning the EPS system. Importantly the
use of PILT theory is to be understood in the Timing of events and also in the predictions.

For the timing of events Marriage and Child birth, ESI tables alone have been analysed along
with the EPS table as and when required. This will be easier to find the Bukthi and Andhra.
For timing of other routine events and also for Predictions, it is recommended to study both ESI
and EPS table.
Consideration of Karakathwa of Planets, Rasi and Nakshathra along with the house significations
would be more appropriate in Predictive part.


The case studies or examples discussed below are considered to have correct birth time. Because if the
birth time is not accurate the Sublord of the cusps would vary and that would have great impact on the
ESI significations on STSB which is an important factor in EPS.

Once one becomes well versed with the concepts and the logics and in finding the planet for timing of
an event through EPS system, one can check if the given birth time is correct or not by verifying the ESI /
EPS tables of the DBA planets that conducted the important event. During the given time of the event, if
the Andhra or Bukthis ESI tables are not fulfilling the required standards to become as Bukthi or Andhra,
then the time is not correct and it needs correction. For instance, the respective Bukthi lord, in which
the Marriage was conducted, may not be strong enough as per the EPS principles. The Sublord of the
primary cusp may not be well connected to the Bukthi. By adjusting the time (the help of RPs can also be
taken) by each minute we can find the changes in the ESI table especially in the STSB stage and
Supports. At one position the PILT connection and the support at STSB would be found strong enough to
qualify to conduct the event. This way the sub of the primary cusp can be fixed

Making use of the RPs as guidance and fixing up the birth time by cross checking the important event
would be authentic. For this, ESI table would be more useful. I have explained in two charts about the
BTR (Birth Time rectifications) by verifying the DBA of the past important event and the method of fixing

the sub. This would be useful. Hence EPS will also be more useful in fixing the birth time by verifying the
past events. But while learning the method it is always best to study the charts which are with correct
birth time. Hence I have taken the birth charts for analysis which are birth time verified/rectified.
Because most of the KP followers just assume that if the Lagna Sublord fixing is fixed with the help of
RPs, the birth time is rectified correctly. This is wrong. Sometime the two adjacent Planets will be ruling
the RPs. One will have difficulty in choosing the correct sub as both the RPs is strong in RPs. Even if Sub
is fixed, fixing of Subsub lord will be a great task. They should remember that a sub normally runs for a
duration of 4 8 minutes depending on the sub. Within this 4-8 minutes interval, each minute could
change any of the other cuspal Sublord which decides the destiny of that cusp. So, care to be taken in
fixing up the sub of all cusps. Practically that could be a great task. But by cross checking the important
events on health, marriage, child birth, accident, profession, foreign travel etc we can fix up important
sub. For example if we fix Mars as the Sublord of 7th cusp, now the other cusps including the Lagna
should be within the 4 minutes interval of Mars sub. Verifying few important events would be more
helpful in fixing the correct time. The verification on the connection of the Moons rulers of the blood
relative to the respected cuspal Sublord in the natives chart would be an additional help while
confirmation on the sub.

Sometime the native could be having very less notable past events or it can be a young child, there the
role of RPs and the cross verification of the Moons rulers of their parents or siblings to the respective
cuspal Sublord would be helpful. The important available details on health, education could be of useful
to verify. May be later, once a notable event happened, the time can be further fine tuned.

Lets learn driving using a car with a good condition. Having learnt the method of driving on different
roads, one can start learning the condition of the vehicle also. If anything wrong with the vehicle, one
can identify the trouble and try to rectify. But we cannot make one learn the driving a car without good

Hence doing rectification of birth time can be done later once he is capable to identify the planets that
could favor for important events and timing of events. This is because; he can cross check the periods of
past events whether they were really capable to fructify the said event. Otherwise adjust the times
gradually until the planets get the required strength especially at the STSB.

In the example charts given below, couple of charts has been discussed under BTR which will be useful.

Let me the start with the Example chart 1 that we have been discussing from the beginning.

Female 18/3/1981 8.24 AM Chennai
Event : MARRIAGE: Timing of event

Birth chart:

Before we go into EPS Method of analysis, lets just try to find the significators who could be favorable
for marriage as per 4 fold significators as normally followed.

Significators of 2,7,11 for marriage:

House Planet in the star of Planet occupied the Planet in the star of The owner of the
Occupant(A) house (B) the owner of the house (D)
house (C)
2 - - - Ven*
7 - - - Ven*
11 - Ven* Sun* Sat
Mer* Mar
Sun* Rah*

The significators are:

Venus * = 2,7,11 houses
Mercury*, Sun*, Mars, Rahu* and Saturn = 11th house

Here we could find Venus* a free planet (having no other planet in its star), the karakathwa planet is the
only significator of 2 and7 and significator of 2,7and 11th houses.
Mercury, Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn are the significator of 11th house.

Hence marriage would be conducted in the conjoined periods of Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Rahu and

This can be further filtered and selected through the help of RPs at the time of judgment by selecting
the planets who are present both in RPs and also in the 4 fold significators list.
As per rule, we have to ignore the RP who is not present in 4 fold significators list.

I like to say that the RPs the marvelous tool advocated by our Guruji could help the astrologer.

For example Jupiter can be present in the RPs list. But as Jupiter is not in the list of 4 fold
significators, we will ignore Jupiter.
Some astrologers intelligently would check the significator of the RPs in the birth chart (this is
always better). But in this chart, Jupiter is lord of 9 and 12 posited in 6 and in the star of Moon
lord of 4. It is in the sub of Rahu in 4. THESE 6,12,4 significations indicated by Jupiter is
detrimental. So, Jupiter will not be selected

But actually this Native Got married in the Jupiters Bukthi in the Sun Dasa.

Jupiter is not in the 4 fold significators list but signifies detrimental houses rather.

Some may claim that Jupiter is in the star of Moon who is in 5 and Jupiter aspects house 2 that
supported. Some can add that Jupiter is conjoined with lord of11 Saturn and also aspects lord of
5 Sun and lord of 8 Mars which also support for marriage.
But do they consistently follow such findings in every chart? No
If we add the houses 5 and 8 also in the significators list, then the number of significators will
become more and there will be a great task in selecting the one who could conduct the
Sometime we could see some to find the planets who could complete the chain of strong
significators of 2,7 and 11.Though there are some logics behind it, it also does not help in this

As the answer is known, we can try to justify through many ways with valuable points. But we
should follow this all times and not whenever required.

If we can follow uniformly and consistently all the possible ways in finding a planets significations in
every analysis, the probability of missing a significator will be very less. But there could be more work
load and chances for confusions in selecting the favorable ones due to many significators. As said, even
if the RP indicates Jupiter, on over sight we may ignore that being not a good significator of 2,7,11.
(Here we could realize that proper scrutiny of RPs will be helpful is required.)

Further, when study on a planet is considered, a detailed study is required. The 4 fold significators are
restricted up to star level only.

Hence KPs principles are assets and the RP is boon to us. But incomplete application leads to failures
many times. Most of the KP astrologers in the field do blindly follow the house significators shown at
their software and predict and fail also. There they start blaming on the accuracy of our KP system. Even

now many of us do experience such failures which are not due to lack of concepts in KP but in our
inadequate application.

For example: When a crime happened in a house, the occupant of that house, the people who are
connected to him, the owner of the house and the people connected to the owner will be taken for
enquiry immediately. They will be under the first suspicious list. These are the 4 fold significators.
But police will not stop with that. They will do a detailed investigation to find the other people who
could be connected to that incident / house in some ways. And also will have a detailed enquiry on each
people. Finally they will spot the culprit who may or may not be in the first suspicious list.

Similarly we have to scrutinize a house!

Keeping all these in mind, the EPS (Extended Planetary Significations) System is formed.

Now lets study the EXAMPLE charts through EPS system.

As I have said already I will be explaining on the ESI table which will be easier.


* No Planet in its
star (Free Planet)
# Planet in its own
Houses in Primary houses
Green color
Houses in Secondary
Blue color houses
Houses in Supportive
Purple color houses
Houses in Bad/Worse /
Red color Worst houses
Red Arrow Grade is down
Green line Planets are in
Brown line Planets are in
Blue line Planet is in the
sign of other
Red line Both the planets
are in each
others star
Pink Dot Presence of Dasa
Brown Dot Presence of
Bukthi Lord

Green color Presence of
(Back ground) Primary Cuspal
Blue color Presence of
(Back ground) Primary cuspal
Yellow color Presence of
(Back ground) Primary Cuspal
Green color Presence of
(Grade) Primary Cuspal
Blue color Presence of
(Grade) Primary cuspal
Yellow color Presence of
(Grade) Primary Cuspal








2) 365.25 DAYS / YEAR

Female 18/3/1981 8.24 AM Chennai
Event: MARRIAGE (Timing of event)

House Grading : Event : MARRIAGE:

A Primary house 7
B Secondary houses 2,11
C Supportive houses 1,3,5,9
D1 Detrimental or Neutral 4
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 8,10,12
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 6

Lets first check the DESTINY: Check the 7CSL: SATURN


ESI GRADE TABLE: SATURN (for the Event: Marriage)

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3)
in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
OCCL has downfalls at 2nd 3rd levels but have Supports at STSB and ASP
All levels are not completely detrimental.

Condition 2: A grade shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or
1st level has A2 at STSB (Green shade-7CSL),
3rd level has A1at STSB (7CST-Blue).
4th levels has A2 grade at STSB again.
2nd level has not A grade at STSB/CONJ but has A3 in ASP.
As OCCL is not detrimental, this A grade at ASP can be considered. Further if you see at STSB
has Moon has B2 grade but with Blue PILT shade. The blue shade indicates 7th Cuspal Starlord.
Rahu is 7th CST. As Rahu is in the sign of Moon, Moon represents Rahu and signifies the
connection to A grade. So the blue shade is given

Conclusion: The marriage is promised.

You can see the Grades are converted into Horizontal Bar Graphs in the ESI Graph Table for easy
identification of A/B/C and 2 and3grades.

Marital prospects: You can find at 2nd 3rd level there is red arrow mark which indicates down fall of
grade at both levels. For destiny finding we need not much bother if sufficient Supports are present to
elevate the Grades equal to the previous level. Even if the grade is fallen, if A grade present at
OCCL/STSB (and ASP) as explained above, the destiny is present. Such elevation process is required to
know the strength of the planet if it could conduct the event or not.
Hence the native has got the destiny for getting married. Moreover we can see no more number
of 3 grades at OCCL/STSB and also CONJ. Further absence of 3 grades at consequent levels
indicates the destiny level for marital prospects is not weak but good.

Now lets study the DASA LORD if it is favorable for marriage:


ESI Table: SUN (For the event: Marriage)

As explained already Studying the Dasa lord for its support for an event is almost equal to the procedure
of Destiny finding. Dasa lord is not required be a very strong planet for any single event as it is having lot
of events in its major period. But it has to fulfill the following rules.


1) The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3) in all 4
levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

The OCCL has B2B3B3C1. Though there are (B)3 grades at 2nd and 3rd levels, there are A
grades at STSB which reduces the negative effect. Further 4th level is having C1 grade only.
Hence the OCCL and STSB are not completely detrimental.

2) PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly as
explained above under Indirect PILT 1 connection
1st level: Sun has 7CSL Saturn in ASP (Green shade)
2nd and 3rd level: Saturn itself is 7CSL (STSB has A grade with Blue shade)
4th level: Moon has 7CL Venus at ASP (Yellow). Further it has Blue shade (7CST) at STSB though it has
only B2 Grade. As already explained, Moon represents Rahu the 7CST as it occupies the sign of Moon.
Yes. All 4 levels have PILT shades. And all the 3 shades (yellow, Blue and Green) are present. It
means this planet is connected to all the rulers of the Primary cusp (7th cusp).

Result: SUN is favorable to conduct the marriage in its Dasa period


NOW we have to study ESI Tables of all the Planets in the Vimsoththari order following Dasa lord SUN as
explained under Timing of Marriage.

Dasa is SUN. Hence study the ESI table from MOON to VENUS in the Vimsoththari order
Check the planets which are not having any down fall grade at OCCL at any level.

Moon, Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Venus and Mercury is having down fall grades in OCCL at one or
two levels (indicated by the Red down arrow mark).
Jupiter and Ketu are not having any down fall.

Hence the JUPITER and KETU are listed under PRIMARY SELECTED.

Now we have to study the strength and weakness of JUPITER and KETU and select the better one that
is fulfilling all the required conditions. That would be BUKTHI lord.



JUPITER Details Strength Weakness

OCCL C3C1D1/C1B3 OCCL trend is Upward It has 3 grade but
trend. Starting from only at 1st and 4th
C ending at B level

SUPPORT STSB has good supports at STSB and CONJ STSB has no 3 Grades.
STSB has A grades at 3rd
and 4th level
PILT 1 All levels have all 3 PILT shades Blue and Green PILT
shades (7CST,7CSL) are
in STSB and CONJ
PILT 2 Connection between JUPITER and SUN Good PILT 2 connection
st th
Jupiter at its 1 and 4 level has Pink dot to Dasa lord SUN
at ASP indicating Dasa lord is in ASPECT.
Jupiter is conjoined with the 2nd and 4th
level ruler Saturn of Sun
2nd and 3rd level Moon is ruling the 4th
level in Sun and in the sign of Sun
Result: Hence Jupiter has Upward OCCL trend without much unfavorable grades in OCCL, STSB and
CONJ. It has strong PILT 1 and PILT 2 connections. So JUPITER is strong.



KETU Details Strength Weakness

OCCL D2/B3C1C3C1 1st level Ketu has D2/B3. If we
consider the B3 grade, then the 2nd
level will have down fall as it is C1
grade. So if we consider D2 grade
then 2nd level will get upper trend.
Though it could get upper trend,
having D2 and also D3 at OCCL is
It also has C3 in the 3rd level.
Though they have favorable A
grade in STSB and CONJ, having 3
grade at 3rd level is not favorable.
SUPPORT 1st level has You can find one Red line between
7CSL, 2nd 4th Ketu and Moon (between 1st and
level have 2nd level). This indicates the Star
indirect 7CST exchange RL link. It means Ketu is in
Moons star and Moon is in Ketus
Due to this, 2nd and 4th level Moon
which has C1 grade will indirectly
connect to D2/B3 of Ketu. Weak
PILT 1 All levels have PILT shades PILT shades at
PILT 2 connection between KETU and GOOD PILT 2
SUN connections.
1st level: KETU in the sign of SAT
the 2nd and 3rd ruler of SUN and
is aspected by SUN (Pink dot)
2nd and 4th ruler: MON is the 4th

ruler of SUN and also in the sign
of SUN
3rd ruler JUP aspects SUN and
conjoined with 2nd 3rd ruler of

When compared to JUPITER, KETU is weaker as found in the Weakness. JUPITER is strong at
OCCL and its supports with PILT 1 and 2 connections .And we can select JUPITER is stronger than

JUPITER is taken as SELECTED and KETU is listed under PRIMARY WAITLISTED

JUPITER is chosen as BUKTHI lord for the Marriage.

Please note Jupiter has NO A grade (house 7) at its OCCL. And as per 4 fold significators,
Jupiter will not be found in the list of significators.


Now we have to find the strong one from the rest of the planets.
First we have to check the planets which have required supports to elevate the fallen grade and
list them under WAITLISTED PLANETS. Please check the Required Supports to elevate the
fallen grades in the previous pages.
Then reject the planets which do not have any sufficient supports to elevate the fallen grades.
Have a comparative study and Select a Planet which is having good OCCL, Supports, PILT 1 and
PILT 2 connections with the Bukthi lord. (Refer important points given under STRENGTH AND
The selected planet from WAITLISTED will be the ANDHRA lord


Now to check each planet that has falling grades.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Venus and Mercury are having falling grades in their OCCL
Lets start from SUN Andhra within the VENUS Bukthi

SUN: It is the Dasa lord. (for EPS table, refer earlier discussion on SUN)


ESI TABLE: (Marriage)

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. STATUS

SUN B2 4th level falls down. B2 WL
B3 Support: B3
B3 It has B2 Grade with Blue shade (through Rahu 7th CST) and B3
C1 A3 grade at Aspect. They are sufficient to lift the grade from B1
C to B.
Result: SUN is listed under WAITLISTED


ESI TABLE (For Marriage):

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. STAT

MON C1 Moon has downfall at 3rd level (Mars) C1 WL
D2/B3 Supports: At 2nd level Ketu has D2 and its Signlord Saturn has B3. D2/B3
C2 Considering the B grade, the 2nd level does not fall down from the B2
B3 1st levels C grade. B3
3rd level has A3 grade with green shade at ASP. And this MARS
has RL link with Saturn as Saturn aspects Mars (Brown line between
Saturn and Mars). So the A grade at ASP is from the Saturn a ruler
of Moon. Hence this A grade at ASP would be sufficient to elevate
the falling grade C to B (2nd levels grade)
Result: MOON is listed under WAITLISTED


ESI TABLE (for marriage)

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MAR C2 4th level has down fall from B to C. C2 WL
B3 Supports: B3
B3 4th level Mars has A3 grade at ASP with the RL link B3
C2 (Brown line). So it could be elevated to B grade B2
Result: MAR is listed under WAITLISTED


ESI TABLE (For marriage)

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

RAH D1/C1 Grades are falling down from B grade (2nd level) to C grade D1/C1 WL
B3 at 3rd and 4th level B3
C3 Supports: B3
C1 At 3rd level, A2 (Green shade-7th Sublord is conjoined) B1
grade at Conjn. This would help to elevate the C grate to B.
At 4th level, Moon has Blue PIT shade at STSB (7th Starlord
through Rahu) and A3 grade at ASP (yellow shade-7th lord).
This would support to elevate the grade from C to B.
Result: RAHU is listed under WAITLISTED


ESI TABLE (For marriage)

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

SAT B3 2nd and 3rd levels are falling down to C from B at 1st level B3 WL
C1 Supports:2nd level MOON has supports at STSB and ASP. B1
D1/C1 3rd level Rahu has A1 support at STSB and through its D1/B1
B3 Signlord Moon also has support. B3
With these supports, it could elevate the grades from C to B
Result: SAT is listed under WAITLISTED


ESI TABLE (For marriage)

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. STATUS

MER B3 2nd and 3rd levels are falling down to C from B at 1st level B3 WL
C2 Supports: B2
C1 2nd level has A grade at ASP. It has got RL link to the 4th level Ketus B1
D2/B3 Signlord Saturn. Actually such RL supports from the previous levels D2/B3
are stronger than the next levels. Anyhow, it has Dasa lord at CONJ
and Bukthi lord at ASP. Hence they could support to elevate the
falling Grade C to B.

3rd level MOON as discussed already has supports to elevate the
grade from C to B. Further it has RL link from 1st level Mercury as
they aspect each other.
Result: MER is listed in WAITLISTED


ESI TABLE (for marriage)

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. STATUS

VEN A1 At 2nd ,3rd and 4th levels grades are falling down REJECTED
C3 Supports:
B2 2nd level has OS support at CONJ through 7SL (Green shade)
B3 3rd level has only one A3 grade at ASP.
No grades at STSB or CONJ. This is not enough for the
elevation of B to A grade.
(Further, SUN is a free planet and having D3 grade at STSB.
This is weaker.)
4th level: Only one A grade at STSB which not enough to
Hence no sufficient Supports to elevate the fallen Grades at
all the 3 levels

Further to the study on all ESI tables, VENUS is REJECTED and all the other planets are listed under
WAITLISTED as they have sufficient supports to elevate the fallen Grades


Now we have to compare these Planets under WAITLISTED and select the best one with strong PILT 2
connection to Bukthi lord. That planet will be the ANDHRA LORD


OCCL/ Strength Weakness
SUN B2 First level has D3 grade at STSB. Being free planet, its D3 grade in
B3 STSB is weak.
B3 2nd and 3rd level having the same planet, Saturn with B3 grades
B1 is weak.
Repetition of same planet with such 3 grades are making weak.
As they have A2 support at STSB, it reduces weakness. They are
supportive as Dasa lord. But for Andhra lord, it is weak
MON C1 It has D2 and 3 grades at 2nd and 4th levels.
D2/B3 Due to the RL link from Saturn to Mars at 3rd level, Mars get not
B2 only A support but also 3 grade influence.
MAR C2 At 2nd level Saturn has B3 grade
B3 At 3rd MER* a free planet has B3 in OCCL and D3 at STSB.
B3 Two consequent levels have 3 grades and especially the
B2 sublevel being free planet has B3 and D3 grade
RAH D1/C1 It has two 3 grades at the important 2nd and 3rd level. Further both
B3 the rulers of these levels are conjoined (Green RL line). Hence it is
B3 weak at OCCL at 2nd and 3rd level.

SAT B3 In the 1st and At 1st and 4th level it has 3 grades but with its Self support of A
B1 4th level same at STSB.
D1/B1 planet (If this3grade was at the 2nd and 3rd level, it would be weaker.)
B3 SATURN rules
with A grade
(7th CSL) at
As said in the
points, when a
planet is ruling
the 1st and 4th
level with A
grade, it
should be
2nd and 3rd
levels also
have Blue PILT
shades at STSB
(7th CST)
MER B3 1st level is free planet but has 3 at OCCL and D3 at STSB
B2 Further the 1st level influences on the 3rd level by the Aspect (RL
B1 link).
D2/B3 Ketu shows 3 grade through its Signlord Saturn. Both Mercury
and Saturn have exchanged their Sign also. Mercury is in the sign
of Saturn and Saturn in the sign of Mercury. Hence 3 and D3
grades are influencing

KET D2/B3 1st level Ketu has D2/B3. If we considertheB3 grade, then the 2nd
C1 level will have down fall as it is C1 grade. So if we consider D2
C3 grade then 2nd level will get upper trend.
C1 Though it could get upper trend, the 1st level has D2 and also D3
that is weak
It also C3 in the 3rd level. Though they have favorable A grade
in STSB and COJN, having 3 grade at 1st and 3rd level is not

Out of the above, Saturn has good strength in OCCL, Supports and less weakness as discussed under
each Planet. All the planets have more weakness as explained

Hence is SATURN is found stronger and selected as ANDHRA LORD

Lets study the PILT 1 and 2 connections for SATURN:
PILT 1: As said above all 4 levels have all PILT shades with good connections


1st and 4th level of SAT has Brown dot at CONJ. This indicates it is conjoined with Bukthi lord
Jupiter. And it also has Pink dot in ASP which indicates it has Dasa lord at ASP.
2nd, 3rd and 4th rulers of SAT are the same rulers of 2nd 3rd and 4th levels as both are raptly
Hence, a good PILT 2 connection with Bukthi and Dasa lord is present.

If we look at the PILT 1 connection, KETU and RAHU also have good connections but they are weak in
Strength and PILT 2 connection.

SATURN is the ANDHRA Lord for conducting marriage under the BUKTHI of JUPITER

Kind note: While studying the Supports for the elevation of grades, if we find the said weakness, we can
reject there itself. But for the benefit of understanding the rules and method of analysis, I have kept
them under Waitlisted and studied further.

RESULT: The native would have got married in the period of SUN Dasa- JUPITER Bukthi-
ACTUAL: She got married on 13/9/2007 during the Dasa periods of SUN-JUPITER-SATURN

Regarding: SUKSHMA: I normally do not recommend for finding the Sukshma lord for conducting
marriage as there are many external factors that are influencing the same.

The Andhra period can be running for a period of few weeks or few months depending on the Bukthi
and Andhra ruler. Within this interval, the marriage could be conducted in a month according to the
own practices followed by the Natives religion, community, caste etc. Some do not conduct marriages
in some months which differ between states, communities or castes etc. Further the general Muhurtha
periods, favorable stars for both the Boy and Girl as per the Muhurtha principles that they follow would
also play major role. Hence fixing up the Sukshma is advisable according to the practical grounds.


FEMALE: 24/06/1976 4.55 AM Tuticorin, TN
Event: MARRIAGE: (Timing of event)

Taurus Lagna born. 7th cusp the house of marital prospects falls in Scorpio
7th cusp is ruled by : MARS-MERCURY-MOON as 7CL-CST-CSL

7th cuspal Sublord: MOON


ESI Grade table: MOON (Marriage)

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of
D3,D2,C3) in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
OCCL: C2C1C2C1. Equal trend. Good.
OCCL, STSB and ASP are not completely detrimental.

Condition 2: A grade shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or
1st and 3rd level, PILT shade at OCCL and also STSB (Green shade CSL)
2nd and 4th level, PILT shade only at OCCL. No A grade is present. As explained already
on Special note on PILT shade only at OCCL, this PILT shade can be considered as the
connection to the 7CST and the OCCL and STSB are not detrimental.

Result: DESTINY for MARRIAGE is promised.

Marital life: Due to B3,D2 grades at CONJ and ASP, they indicate some unfavorable significations. But
not completely unfavorable for marital life, as OCCL and STSB are favorable.


RAHU Dasa: between 24 to 40 years of age.


ESI TABLE (Marriage)


1) The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3) in all 4
levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
All the 4 levels are ruled RAHU and its Signlord VENUS.
AT OCCL C1/C3 grades are repeated. At STSB B2 grades are present at all levels.
Though C3 grades are present, they have C1 grade also.
And At STSB B2 and at CONJ, they have C1 grade and no 3 grades to reduce the support

Hence the OCCL and STSB are not completely detrimental.

2) PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly as
explained above under Indirect PILT 1 connection

Each level has A3 Grade (Green shade with yellow Grade =7CSL and 7CL) at ASP and Blue
shade at OCCL (7CST).
As the OCCL and STSB are not detrimental the PILT shade at ASP can be considered supportive.

Hence the RAHU Dasa is supportive for conducting the marriage in its Dasa.


Now we have to study ESI Tables of all the Planets in the Vimsoththari order in the Dasa of RAHU
following the steps as explained under Timing of Marriage.
Dasa lords presence is indicated by Pink Dot


First find the planets that are not having any down fall grade at OCCL at any level. They are called

PRIMARY SELECTED PLANETS: VENUS and MOON are the planets which are not having any downfall of
Grades at any level. Other planets are having downfall of Grades at one or more levels.

Now we have to study the strength and weakness of Venus and Moon and select the better one that is
fulfilling all the required conditions.


ESI Grade table (Marriage)

VENUS Details Strength Weakness

OCCL C3C1/C3B2B2 Upward trend 2 3 grades are
present at all levels.
SUPPORT STSB has no A supports. Good supports at
But CONJ has good supports at 3rd and CONJ
4th level
At ASP 2,3,4th levels have supports
PILT 1 1st level OCCL has 7CST Blue shade. Strong PILT 1
2nd level has 7CL+7CSL (Green with connections of all
yellow grade) at Asp. It also has colors especially at
blue shade at OCCL CONJ, ASP and OCCL
3rd and 4th level: 7CL (yellow) shade
at CONJ, 7CSL Green shade at ASP
and OCCL.
PILT 2 Between VENUS and Dasa RAHU PILT 2 connection is
Venus is represented by the Dasa strong with Dasa lord
lord Rahu who is in its sign.
Further Venus is also in the star of
Rahu the Dasa lord
The 3 and 4th level Saturn is posited
in the sign of Moon who is
aspected by Rahu
Venuss 3rd and 4th level Saturn is
aspecting the Jupiter who is the
Subsublord of Rahu.



MOON Details Strength Weakness

OCCL C2C1C2C1 No detrimental Equal trend
grades Same planet ruling the
1st and 3rd level, 2nd and
4th level.
No direct A grades at
2nd and 4th level
SUPPO 1st and 3rd level: STSB has A1 supports 1st and 3rd level have 2nd and 4th level have no
RTS (7CSL) good SS support supports
2nd and 4th level: No Supports 7CSL (Green shade) All levels at CONJ and
ASP have B3 and D2
PILT 1 1st and 3rd levels: OCCL has 7CSL Strong PILT 1 Weak PILT 1 connection
Green shade. connection at 1st at 2nd and 4th level
2nd and 4th level have blue shade at and 3 level
PILT 2 Between MOON and Dasa RAHU No strong connection to
1st and 3rd level have Pink dot at Rahu or Venus of Dasa lord.
ASP as MOON aspects RAHU.
2nd and 4th level SUN is conjoined
with Venus which represents Rahu.
So when compared to MOON, VENUS is stronger.

VENUS is selected as BUKTHI lord for conducting marriage under RAHU Dasa


Having chosen the Bukthi lord as VENUS, now we have check the balance planets and find the Planets
that are having sufficient Supports to support the falling grades get elevated. The selected ones can be
listed under WAITLISTED Planets.

Then a comparative study has to be done between them to find the Strength and weakness to select

Please note in the ESI table, the presence of Bukthi lord will be indicated by Brown dot and
the Dasa lord by Pink Dot


Lets start from SUN Andhra within the VENUS Bukthi


ESI TABLE(Marriage)

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

SUN C1 4th level: No A grade support present at STSB, REJECTED
C1/C3 CONJ, ASP to elevate the falling grade



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

MAR A2 2ND level: A at STSB and ASP. REJECTED
B2 3rd and 4th: 7CL A at CONJ and A at ASP.
B2 The STSB has C3 which weak.
B2 They are not sufficient to elevate the grade B to A.



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

RAH C1/C3 Dasa lord with Equal trend WAITLISTED
(Dasa C1/C3
lord) C3



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

JUP B2 4th level has A (7CSL) support at ASP REJECTED
C1 But No supports for 2nd and 3rd level to elevate the
C1 falling grades



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

SAT B2 4th level has A (7CSL) support only at ASP REJECTED
B2 3rd level has no support to elevate the grade C to B



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

MER B2 2nd and 4th levels have 7CSL (Green) support at STSB B2 WAITLISTED
C2 B2
B2 B2
C2 B2



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

KET B1/A2 3rd level has A support at STSB REJECTED
C3 2nd and 4th levels have no Supports to elevate the
C2 grades

Out of the other planets the WAITLISTED planets are: RAHU and MERCURY
The Planet under PRIMARY WAITLISTED: MOON (it was defeated by VENUS in the selection of
We have to do Comparative study between MOON, RAHU and MERCURY to select the
Andhra under VENUS Bukthi


Comparative study between MOON, RAHU and MERCURY

PL OCCL/ Strength Weakness
MOO C2 No fall of grades. Same planet ruling 1st and 3rd level, 2nd and 4th
C1 PILT 1: at 1st and 3rd level: 7CSL at level
C2 STSB (Green shade)
C1 PILT shade only in OCCL at 2nd and 4th level
2nd and 4th level SUN conjoined
with Bukthi lord Venus
1st and 3rd level: MOON aspects
Dasa lord and Bukthi lords 3,4th
ruler Saturn is in the sign of Moon.
RAH C1/C3 All levels have C3 grades
C1/C3 No strong PILT shades at STSB and CONJ
MER B2 PILT 1: All levels have PILT shades
Elevation of Grades with supports at 2 levels
B2 at STSB Same planet ruling 1st and 3rd level, 2nd and 4th
B2 level
B2 PILT 2: No direct connection to Bukthi lord
(Indirect connections are only present)
Venus is in the sign of Mercury
Venus 3rd and 4th lord Saturn is in the sign of
MOON who is 2nd and 4th ruler of MERCURY
(weak connection)
While comparing, MOON and MERCURY are in the final competition as RAHU has lesser strength.

Both of them have same planet at 1st and 3rd level, 2nd and 4th level.
Mercury gets the equal OCCL trend only after the elevation of Grades at 2 levels where as Moon
have no falling grades.
Main difference is the strength of PILT 2 connection with the Bukthi lord.
Out of them MOON has more strength and less weakness than MERCURY especially in PILT 2

Hence MOON is chosen as ANDHRA Lord

CONCLUSION: The native would have got married during DBA of RAHU-VENUS-MOON
ACTUAL: She got married on 15/5/2011 during that time she was running Rahu-Venus-Moon
periods. During the marriage she was running 35 which was a delayed marriage.

Note: Venus will not be in the 4 fold significators list of 2,7,11. Moreover, it is lord of 1,6 in 1. Hence we
may not tend to choose it even if it appears in RP.


Female, 12/6/1978, 6.39 AM, Ramanathapuram, TN (9n22 78e52)
Event: Marriage: (Timing of event)

She was Gemini Lagna born.
Her 7th cusp falls at Sagittarius and is ruled by JUPITER-KETU-RAHU as 7CL-7CST-7CSL

Lets study the 7CSL RAHU for the destiny prospects on marriage



Study on Destiny:

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3)
in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
OCCL: D1/C2C2B2A2. Upward trend. Good.
All 4 levels are not having complete detrimental Grades.

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP)
or indirectly

1st level has A grade with Green PILT shade at STSB
2nd level has Green shade at CONJ. Please note there is no A grade. But it has Green shade
which means 7CSL is present at CONJ. But as there is no A grade, the Signlord of the Primary
CSL as either Rahu or Ketu is present at CONJ.
The 7CSL is Rahu, Mercury is the Signlord and Sun conjoined with Mercury, So at CONJ Mercury
gets the 7CSLs green shade. Hope you understand.
As already explained about this under Special note under Destiny, as the OCCL and STSB are not
completely detrimental, this PILT shade can be considered as A grade.
3rd level: Venus a free planet has no PILT shade at any stage.
Please refer the Birth chart on the VENUS: Venus is in the sign of Moon without any planet
conjoined with that and it aspects neither a planet nor a planet aspects it. Hence this is called
Lonely planet.
Hence wherever Venus is playing as a ruler for any planet in the chart, Venus will not
have any PILT shade. We have to look for the indirect connection to any of the Primary
rulers (PILT shade). This has to be kept in mind.
Here the Mercury who represents 7CSL RAHU is posited in the sign of VENUS. This is an
indirection PILT connection to 7CSL
4th level: Jupiter has PILT shade at Planet, OCCL and STSB. At STSB, through 7CST Ketu (Blue
shade) being its Signlord, Jupiter gets the Blue shade.
So at all levels it is having PILT Shades and connecting to A grade.

DESTINY: Hence the destiny promises the marriage.




Dasa lord should fulfill the following conditions:
1) The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3) in all 4
levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
OCCL has downward trend at 3rd and 4th level.
But they do not have complete detrimental Grades.
And 3rd level has PILT shade (Green-7CSL) at STSB
4th level has PILT shade (Green-7CSL) at CONJ.
At the 3rd level, RAHU has D1 with A2 in STSB. Its Signlord has C2 with C3 in STSB and C2 in CONJ.
Though it has C3,C2 grades, as it has A2 grade at STSB, it is not completely detrimental.
Hence all the 4 levels are not completely detrimental.

2) PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly as
explained above under Indirect PILT 1 connection
1st level: As discussed above under Destiny, Venus being a lonely planet has indirect connection
to 7CSL
2nd level: Ruler Jupiter itself is 7th lord (Yellow) and as it represents the 7CST Ketu, it has Blue
shade at STSB. Further it occupies the Mercurys sign(Gemini) and Mercury gets the Green
shade through Rahu the &CSL as it occupied the Mercury sign (Virgo).
3rd level, Rahu is having Blue shade at STSB being 7 CST
4th level Sun gets Green 7CSL shade at CONJ as it conjoined with Mercury who represents the 7
CSL Rahu.
Hence all the three shades are present at all 4 levels especially at STSB and CONJ
Hence DASA LORD supports for the Marriage

Lets proceed to select the BUKTHI and then Andhra by analyzing all the planets.
Now we have to study ESI Tables of all the Planets following the steps as explained under Timing of

First check all the planets in the Vimshoththari Dasa order and find the planets that are not having any
down fall grade at OCCL at any level. They are called PRIMARY SELECTED

PRIMARY SELECTED PLANETS: RAHU, KETU. Only these two planets do not have any downfall of grades
at any level.

Now we have to study the strength and weakness of RAHU AND KETU and select the better one that is
fulfilling all the required conditions.


RAHU Details Strength Weakness

OCCL D1/C2C2B2A2 Upward trend with one A grade
No 3 grades
SUPPORTS 1st level has A2 at STSB (7CSL) 7CSL,7CST support
4th level has Blue shade RL support:
representing 7CST at STSB Green line: Mercury (1st level) and
the 2nd level Sun are conjoined.
4th level Jupiter is in the sign of
Mercury (blue line)
PILT 1 1st level: Green at STSB Good PILT 1 connections
2nd level: Green at CONJ
3rd level: Indirect Green
4th level: Yellow, Blue and
PILT 2 Between RAHU and Dasa VEN PILT 2 connection is strong
The rulers of Rahu and Venus
are the same but in different

(Venus in the Jupiter star,

Rahu sub who is in Sun star.
Rahu is in Sun star, Venus sub
who is in Jupiters star)

KETU: ESI TABLE (Marriage)

KETU Details Strength Weakness

OCCL D2/A2C2B2A2 Upward trend
If we consider the D2 grade at 1st Two A grades at OCCL
level, next levels do not fall down. No 3 grade at OCCL
Instead, it gets upwards trend
SUPPO 1st level has A3 support at STSB 7CST support at 1st and 4th level A3 support at 1st
RTS (blue) RL support: level
2nd level has D3 at STSB and B3 Ketu and its Starlord SAT has D3 and B3 at
at CONJ Star exchange (red line). This STSB and CONJ
4th level has B2 with Blue shade supports the SAT. at 2nd level
and A at ASP (Jupiter) 1st and 4th level has RL support
(Blue line) Ketu is in the sign of
PILT 1 1st level has Blue and Green All levels have connection to all 3
2nd level has Green at ASP PILT shades especially at STSB and
(through Mercury) OCCL
3rd level indirectly to 7CSL
4th level, Green, Blue at
PILT 2 Ketu has JUPITER at its 1st and Strong PILT 2 connections
(betwe 4th level. Jupiter is the strong especially through Jupiter
en significator of all the 3 shades.
KETU Jupiter is the Starlord of Dasa
and lord Venus.
VENUS) Ketus 2nd ruler Saturn aspects
Mercury who represents the 3rd
ruler of Venus
3rd and 4th rulers (Venus and
Jupiter) are the 1st and 2nd rulers
of Venus

Both Rahu and KETU are having their own strength and weakness.
Importantly KETU is having 2 A grades at OCCL and has Star exchange RL support between 2nd
and 1st level with A grade. Further it has good PILT connection through the key planet Jupiter
who is Venuss Starlord.
On the above strength, KETU is comparatively better than RAHU

As KETU fulfills the PILT 1 and 2 connections, it can be selected as PRIMARY SELECTED

RESULT: KETU is selected as the BUKTHI Lord


Having chosen the Bukthi lord, now we have check the balance planets and find the Planets that are
having sufficient Supports to support the falling grades elevated. They are called WAITLISTED Planets.
Then a comparative study has to be done between them to find the Strength and weakness to select the

WAITLISTED PLANETS: Lets start from VENUS Andhra within the KETU Bukthi


PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

VEN* B2 3rd level has one A grade at STSB - REJECTED
(Dasa) A2 4th level has Green shade at CONJ
D1/C2 They are insufficient to elevate the fallen
C2 grades.



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Revised OCCL STATUS

SUN C2 4TH Level: Falling to D1/C2 from A2. It has one A REJECTED
B3 (green) at STSB
A2 Insufficient support to elevate the fallen grade



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MOO B1 2nd level: Considering A, it does not fall down. REJECTED
D2/A2 3rd level: falling down to D1/C2 from A.
D1/C2 4th level: falling down to C2 from A of level 2
C2 Both 3rd and 4th levels have only one A support
No sufficient grades to elevate the fallen 3rd and
4th level to A



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MAR B3 2nd level: Considering A, it does not fall down. REJECTED
D2/A2 3rd level: falling down to B3 from A2.
B3 3rd Level has only one A support at ASP.
D2/A2 Insufficient supports to elevate the fallen grade.




PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

JUP A2 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels falling down from A2 grade of REJECTED
D1/C2 1st level
C2 They have only one A support. Insufficient to
B3 elevate to A.

Please note JUPITER by itself is good being significator of all the PILT shades. So when it comes as a ruler
at 2nd or 4th level to another planet, it supports that planet. But, for its own strength, it could not help, as
its other rulers are weak. In the world, we are seeing many people who would be beneficial to others
but not to their family. It is similar to this!



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. STATUS

SAT C2 3rd level is considered falling down to B2 from A2 grade of 2nd C2 WL
D2/A2 level C2/A2
B2 3rd ruler the Dasa lord itself and as discussed already, Venus is B2
A2 not having any Direct A. but it has indirect A supports A2
Note: The 2nd level has Red RL link (Star exchange). Hence if
we consider D2 at 2nd level, it would get C grade through its
Starlord SAT. Further its A support at STSB also would be
enough to support.
By this, if the 2nd level gets the C grade, the 3rd level does not

fall down. Rather, it would be in upper trend.
Hence it need not be considered as Falling down of Grades



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. STATUS

MER C2 3rd level: falling down to D1/C1 from B3. REJECTED
B3 It has A(7CSL) which is sufficient to elevate from C to B
D1/C2 4th Level falling down to C2 from B3 of 2nd level
C2 It has C3 support at CONJ. But it has PILT shade (7CSL)
and RL support from the 1st level Mercury. Though this
could somehow try to help, the C3 Grade at STSB by the
Free planet Mercury does not favor.

Finally after the analysis, SATURN is selected under WAITLISTED


Now we have to compare RAHU and SATURN to choose the better one as ANDHRA lord

OCCL/ Strength Weakness
RAH D1/C2 Upward trend with one A grade Only one A grade
C2 No 3 grades PILT 2:
B2 No direct connection to Bukthi
A2 lord Ketu
SAT C2 Upward trend Due to Star exchange, 2nd level
C2/A2 Two A grades will get the influence of D3 grade
B2 of 1st level also. But due to JUPs
A2 PILT 1: A grade, it would support
1st : Green at ASP
2nd and 4th : Yellow at Planet, Green at OCCL
and Blue at STSB
3rd: Indirect Green

PILT 2: (SAT to KET)

Bukthi lord Ketu and Saturn are having Star
3rd and 4th ruler of both Saturn and Bukthi
lord KETU are the same
Dasa lord Venus is the 3rd ruler

Result: SATURN is comparatively better than RAHU

Hence SATURN is chosen as ANDHRA lord for conducting Marriage in KETU Bukthi
So marriage would have been conducted during the DBA of VENUS-KETU-SATURN

ACTUAL: Marriage was conducted on 24/2/2002 during the Venus-Ketu-Saturn periods.

Hope you could have understood the importance of RL support (Star exchange).

Moreover, the planets that are directly connected to free planet VENUS are SAT, RAH and KETU.
Venus a free planet is in the star of Jupiter a good significator of A grade with three PILT shade
connections. All these planets are having this Venus at their Sublevel.

Out of them the strongest one KETU played as Bukthi and the SAT who has good connection
to KETU has played as Andhra.

Moreover, if we check the periods that are running after the marriageable age of 18, she was running
only SAT, MER and KETU Bukthi. So, logically she should get married only in one of these 3 Bukthi. But
without considering during the analysis, we did our analysis on all the planets and found the best one as
KETU and the next one as SATURN.!


Male 31/7/1972 , 8.46 am, Guntur (16n22 80e27), AP
Event: Marriage (Timing of event)

The native is Leo Lagan born. The 7th cusp falls at Aquarius
The 7th cusp is ruled by SATURN-JUPITER-MERCURY as Signlord-Starlord-Sublord

7th cuspal Sublord: MERCURY


ESI TABLE (Marriage)

STUDY ON Destiny:
Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3)
in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
3rd level drops but has A1 support at STSB
At all 4 levels no detrimental significations.

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP)
or indirectly

All 4 levels have A grade and also PILT shades especially at STSB , CONJ , OCCL and also ASP.

Result: The native has got promise of Marriage.

Marital Prospects: At 1st and 2nd level, Mercury which has 2 grade at OCCL and STSB, is having
3 grades at CONJ along with 3 at ASP, it indicates some obstacles and delay. But marital life
will not have any major troubles.


ESI TABLE (Marriage)


Dasa lord should fulfill the following conditions:

1) The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3) in all 4
levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
All the 4 levels are not having complete detrimental significtions

2) PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly as
explained above under Indirect PILT 1 connection
1st level: Green shade at OCCL (7CSLs sign), Blue shade at ASP with A2 grade.
2nd level: Green shade at CONJ and Yellow shade at ASP
3rd level : Green shade at CONJ, Yellow shade at ASP. Signlord Moon has Blue shade at OCCL
4th level: Blue shade at STSB (7CST)
So all 4 levels are having PILT 1 connections.

Result: Dasa lord is favorable for marriage.

Now we have to study ESI Tables of all the Planets following the steps as explained under Timing of

PRIMARY SELECTION: First check all the planets after VENUS in the Vimshoththari Dasa order and find
the planets that are not having any down fall grade at OCCL at any level. They are called PRIMARY

PRIMARY SELECTED: NO PLANETS are without downfall of grades

Now we have to check all the planets and find the Planets that are having sufficient Supports to support
the falling grades get elevated. Also lets check the strength and Weakness. The selected ones can be
listed under WAITLISTED Planets.

Then a comparative study has to be done between them to find the Strength and weakness to select the
BUKTHI lord and then the ANDHRA Lord.

Now lets start analyzing from SUN


ESI TABLE (Marriage)

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

SUN B1 3rd level: considering A3, it does not fall down B1 WL
A3 4th level: falling down from A3 to B1 A3
C1/A3 4th level has A grade (Green) at CONJ and A grade at C1/A3
B1 ASP with RL link from Saturn. 1st and 4th levels are the A1
same which is supportive. Sufficient supports to elevate
the B grade to A



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MOO A2 3rd level: falling down to C2 from A3. REJECTED
A3 4th level: considering A2, it will not fall down
C2 Falling 3rd level needs min 3 supports to elevate from C
B1/A2 to A. but it has A 7CST at STSB. This is not sufficient to
elevate C to A



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MAR C2 3rd level: falling down to C2 from B2. C2 WL
B2 B2
C2 Falling 3rd level has A 7CST at STSB. This is sufficient to B2
B1/A2 elevate C to B B1/A2



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

RAH C1/A3 3rd level: falling down to C2 from B2. C1/A3 WL
B1 Falling 3rd level has A 7CST at STSB. This is sufficient to B1
C2 elevate C to B B2
B1/A2 B1/A2



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

JUP C2 3rd level: considering A, it does not fall down from 2nd C2 WL
B1/A2 level B1/A2
C1/A3 4th level: falling down to B1 from A3. C1/A3
B1 Falling 4th level has A (7CSL) at CONJ and 7CL at A1
It receives Aspect (Brown RL) from its prior level SAT
who is 7CL. Supportive RL link
2nd level KET and SUN are conjoined (Green RL).
These RL supports add as Additional supports.
They are capable to elevate B to A



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS
SAT A3 2,3,4 levels are falling down. REJECTED
C2 Falling 2nd and 3rd level need min 3 supports to elevate
C2 from C to A. but it has A (7CSL) at CONJ and A3 (7CL) at
B2 ASP. No A at STSB but 3 grade at STSB.
Though RL support from 1st level is present, this is not
sufficient to elevate C to A



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MER B2 3rd level: falling down to C2 from B2 B2 WL
B2 B2
C2 But it has A support at STSB (7CST) B2
B1/A2 This is sufficient to elevate C to B B1/A2



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS
KET B1/A2 2nd level: falling down to C from B (if A grade not B1/A2 WL
C2 considered at 1st level). B2
C1/A3 4th level: falling down to B1 from A3 C1/A3
B1 A1
2nd level has A (7CST) which could elevate C to B.

4th level has one 7CSL at CONJ and 7CL at ASP with good
RL supports. They are sufficient to elevate the B to A

From the waitlisted we have to do comparative study and choose the Bukthi first and then



OCCL/ Strength Weakness
SUN B1 2nd and 3rd levels have 3 grades. No support at
A3 CONJ. 3 grade also at ASP
C1/A3 3rd level a free planet has 3 at STSB and 3
A1 through its Signlord.
PILT 1: Direct connection to 7CST Jupiter (Blue)
PILT 2: Direction connection to Dasa lord Venus
MARS C2 OCCL: Presence of A grade
B2 No 3 grades

Strong PILT shades at all 4
levels especially at STSB and
CONJ. All shades are present
PILT 2: (strongly connected)
Mars is the Starlord of Dasa
lord Venus.
Mars Starlord is Mercury and
Dasalord Venus is in the sign of
Mars 3rd level JUP is ruling 4th
level of Venus
Mars 4th level KET is ruling 3rd
level of Venus
RAHU C1/A3 1st level: Free planet But has 3 grade at STSB,
B1 OCCL and ASP. No support at CONJ.
B2 Hence Weak.
B1/A2 PILT 1:
Though all 4 levels have PILT shades, PILT shade
is strong like MAR
RAHU / SAT are not having good connection to
Dasa lord Venus as MARS has.
JUP C2 Three A Grades 3rd level is weak: Rahu being a Free planet has
B1/A2 PILT 2: 3 grade at STSB, OCCL and ASP. No support at
C1/A3 JUP aspects Dasa lord VEN. CONJ.
A1 JUP and its Starlord are Hence Weak.
running the 3rd and 4th level PILT 1:
of VEN. Though all 4 levels have PILT shades, PILT shade
3rd level SAT is in the sign of is not strong like MAR
VEN (indirect)
JUP s 4th level SUN is
conjoined with Mars the 2nd
ruler of VEN.
MER B2 One A Grade 1st and 2nd level ruled by same planet MER.
B2 No3 grade Weak.
B2 PILT 1: They have 2 and 3 grades at OCCL, STSB,
B1/A2 Strong PILT (Green and Blue) CONJ and ASP. Weak.
connections at STSB and CONJ PILT 2:
at all 4 levels. 1st and 2nd level ruler MER is indirectly
PILT 2: connected to VEN Dasa lord as VEN is in the sign
3rd level JUP and 4th level KETU of MER. Weak connection.
are the rulers of VEN also.
KET B1/A2 Three A Grades OCCL: Grades are fallen at two Levels
B2 PILT 2: 3rd level is weak: Rahu is Free planet But has 3
C1/A3 KET and its 2nd level JUP rules grade at STSB, OCCL and ASP. No support at
A1 the 3rd and 4th level of Dasa CONJ. Hence Weak.

lord VEN. PILT 1:
JUP aspects Dasa lord VEN. Though all 4 levels have PILT shades, PILT shade
3rd level SAT is in the sign of is not strong like MAR
VEN (indirect)
KET s 4th level SUN is
conjoined with Mars the 2nd
ruler of VEN.
SUN : More weakness
MARS: No weakness. Good Strength with PILT 2
RAHU: Weak
JUPITER: Both Strong and Weak. Good PILT 2
MER: Weak. Weak PILT 2
KETU: Both Strong and Weak. Good PILT 2.


Out of them the best planet is MARS without any weakness but with Good PILT 2 connection is MARS.
MARS is chosen as BUKTHI lord.


The rest of JUPITER and KETU have to be studied to choose one of them as ANDHRA:

Here strength and weakness between JUP and KET have to be checked especially the PILT 2 connection
to the Bukthi lord. Bukthi lords presence is indicated by Brown Dot.

Jupiter and Ketu are in star exchange and their 3rd and 4th level are the same.
Both of their Rulers are the same
Hence with regards to PILT connections, there are no differences.
If you look at the Strength and Weakness of both as described above, JUPITER has falling grade at only
one level. But the KETU has falling grades at two levels.

Hence JUPITER is stronger than KETU.


RESULT: The native would have got married during DBA of VENUS-MARS-JUPITER
ACTUAL: The native got married on 29/5/2004 and Venus-Mars-Jupiter period was running.

FEMALE - 28/6/1990, 0.30 am, CHENNAI, TN
EVENT: MARRIAGE (Timing of event)

The native is Pisces Lagna born. The 7th cusp falls at Virgo.
It is ruled by MERCURY-MOON-MERCURY as 7thCL-7th CST-7th CSL


ESI TABLE: Mercury (Marriage)

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3)
in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
OCCL is in downward trend. But not detrimental
No level is completely detrimental

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP)
or indirectly
1st level: A grade in OCCL and STSB WITH Green Shades (7CSL)
2nd level : A grade at ASP. But it has RL (Star exchange) with 1st level. So signifies A
3rd level: A grade at STSB (7CST).
4th level: VEN: No PILT shade and no A Grades. Though Grade falls down, it is not detrimental also.

Hence we have to check for indirect connections for VENUS. Please refer the Birth chart:
Venus is in its own sign. No planet is in conjunction, in its aspects. It is lonely planet. So connection with
other planets will be only through Indirect.
As it is in its own sign and no other planet is in any of its sign, we have to check the connection from the
7th rulers if they are connected to Venus or as Venus is in the 4th level, we can check if Venus is
connecting to any of the Primary rulers through its Starlord.
7th CST Moon is in the star of Venus itself.
Venus is in the star of Sun who is in the sign of Mercury and also conjoined with Mercury who is
7CL and 7CSL.
Hence Venus is having strong indirect connection to 7CL,7CST and 7CSL.

Please note where ever Venus rules any level of any planet, such condition would prevail and we can
consider as VENUS has a good Indirect PILT connection.

So 7CSL fulfilling both the conditions

Destiny promises the Marriage destiny to the native.

Study ON DASA LORD: She was running MOON Maha Dasa between her age of 19 and 29


MOON: ESI table (Marriage)

Dasa lord should fulfill the following conditions:

1. The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3) in all 4
levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
The OCCL grade is in upward trend with A grade
All the levels are not completely detrimental.

2. PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly as
explained above under Indirect PILT 1 connection
1st level : PILT shade at STSB (7CST)
2nd level: VENUS: as explained already it has indirect connection to 7CL,CSL and also CST
3rd level: 7CSL+7CL (Green with yellow at ASP. (OCCL is not detrimental hence it is favorable)
4th level: 7CL+7CSL is ruling. Futher it is in its own sign (so Green shade in OCCL).
So all the shades are connected with all the levels.

Hence Dasa lord MOON is favorable for marriage in its Dasa period.

Now we have to study ESI Tables of all the Planets following the steps as explained under Timing of

First check all the planets in the Vimshoththari Dasa order and find the planets that are not having any
down fall grade at OCCL at any level. They are called PRIMARY SELECTED

Further to the study on ESI table for all the planets, it is found no planet is without any down fall of
Hence NO PLANET is under PRIMARY Selected.

Now we have to check all the planets and find the Planets that are having sufficient Supports to support
the falling grades get elevated. Also lets check the strength and Weakness. The selected ones can be
listed under WAITLISTED Planets.

Then a comparative study has to be done between them to find the Strength and weakness to select the
BUKTHI and then ANDHRA Lord

Lets start from MARS which is the next Bukthi in MOON Dasa.

MARS : EPS table


PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MAR B1 3rd and 4th level: falling down to C2 from A. REJECTED
A1 Both 3rd and 4th levels have only one A support at
C2 CONJ. This is insufficient to elevate the fallen grade to A



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

RAH B1/B2 2ND, 3rd and 4th level: falling down to C from B. B1/B2 WL
C3 2nd level has A grade (7CST) at STSB. 3rd and 4th level B3
C2 have A (7CSL+7CL) at CONJ B2
C2 They are sufficient to elevate the fallen grade to B B2



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

JUP C2 4th level: falling down to B1 from A. C2 WL
C2 4th level has one A support at ASP (7CSL+7CL) with RL C2
A1 support from Mercury. (Mercury aspects Mars) . A1
B1 Further it has Star exchange RL support also with A1
Mercury (Red line). This is sufficient to elevate the
fallen grade to A



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

SAT B2 2nd level: falling down to C3 from B2. B2 WL
C3 4th level : falling down to C3 from B B3
B1/B2 2nd level has one A support at CONJ (7CSL+7CL) with B1/B2
C3 RL support from 1st level. B3
4th level has one A (7CST) at STSB.
They are sufficient to elevate the fallen grades to B



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MER A1 2nd ,3rd and 4th level: falling down from A. REJECTED
B1 2nd level has A at ASP with RL support of Aspect and
C3 also Star exchange. This could support.
B2 But 3rd and 4th levels do not sufficient supports to
elevate the fallen grades to A .



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

KET C1/C3 3rd and 4th level: falling down to C from B. C1/C3 WL
B2 3rd and 4th level have A (7CSL+7CL) at CONJ B2
C2 They are sufficient to elevate the fallen grade to B B2
C2 B2



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS
VEN B2 2nd and 4th level: falling down to C from B. B2 WL
C3 Both 2nd and 4th level have A (7CSL+7CL) at CONJ and B3
B2 also at OCCL. B2
C3 They are sufficient to elevate the fallen grade to B B3



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

SUN C3 4th level: falling down to C from B. C3 WL
B1/B2 4th level has A (7CSL+7CL) at CONJ and also at OCCL. B1/B2
B2 This is sufficient to elevate the fallen grade to B B2
C3 B3


WAITLISTED: RAHU, JUP, SAT, KET, VEN, SUN (The planets that could elevate the fallen Grades with
the supports)

OCCL/ Strength Weakness
RAH B1/B2 PILT 1: Equal trend
B3 All 4 levels have PILT shades One 3 grade
B2 3 levels down
B2 PILT 2: 3rd and 4th level rulers are the same planet
Dasa lord MOON plays the 2nd JUP and has detrimental D2 at STSB and
level. A3 (dual role) at CONJ.
3rd and 4th level JUP is not having good
connection to Moon
JUP C2 Upward trend with two A 1st and 2nd level are ruled by same planet
C2 JUP and has detrimental D2 at STSB and
A1 PILT 1: All levels have PILT shade A3 (dual role) at CONJ.
A1 1st and 2nd level (JUP) does not have any
strong connection to MOON
SAT B2 PILT 1: Equal trend
B3 All levels have PILT shades Two 3 grade at OCCL
B1/B2 4th level has 7CST at STSB
PILT 2: (Sat to MER)
1st and 3rd level: Saturn aspects
4th level Mercury in Moon
2nd level SUN is conjoined with 4th
level Mercury and aspected by 3rd
level Mars in Moon
2nd level Sun is the star lord of 2nd
level VEN in Moon
4th level is ruled by Dasa lord
Strong connection of Moon
(7CST) and MER (7CSL+7CL) to
the SATURNs rulers.
KET C1/C3 One 3 grade
B2 3rd and 4th level rulers are the same planet
B2 JUP and has detrimental D2 at STSB and
B2 A3 (dual role) at CONJ.

3rd and 4th level JUP is not having good
connection to Moon
VEN B2 Two 3 grades in OCCL
B3 Two 3 grades in STSB
B2 Same planet ruling 1st and 3rd , 2nd and 4th
B3 levels

PILT 1: indirect connection at two levels
PILT 2: No direct connection to Dasa lord
SUN C3 Same planet ruling the 1st and Two 3 grades (but only at 1st and 4th )
B1/B2 4th level PILT 1 and 2:
B2 1st and 4th levels have good SUN does not have direct connection to
B3 support at CONJ Moon. Because of this, SUN is lacking PILT 1
RL link to all levels connection to 7CST and PILT 2 connection to
Dasa lord also.


RAHU, JUP and KET can be rejected. Because of the reason that the weakness is more especially
due to the repetition of JUPITER at consequent levels with weak significations and PILT
VENUS is also rejected due to said weakness.


Out of them SATURN is stronger with PILT 1 and PILT 2 connections.

SATURN can be chosen as BUKTHI Lord


Having selected the Bukthi lord SATURN, we have to select the planet who is having strength with less
weakness but having good PILT 2 connection to the Bukthi lord SATURN

As discussed above, next strong planet from the WAITLIST SELECTED is SUN

As explained, SUN actually is having only Indirect PILT 1 to 7CST Moon and PILT 2 connection to Dasa
lord MOON.

But as SATURN has become the Bukthi lord, now the PILT 2 connection has to be checked primarily
between SUN and Bukthi SATURN than between SUN and Dasa MOON.

PILT 2 connection between SUN and Bukthi lord SATURN:

Sun is having SATURN at its 2nd and 3rd level ruler itself.
Sun is the Starlord of SATURN also.
2nd ruler RAHU is the 3rd ruler of SAT
Sun has indirect connection to MOON as Moon occupies the sign of SUN.

Hence SUN is capable to support the event as Andhra lord under its Master period SATURN.
But it could not support as BUKTHI lord as it does not have strong PILT connection to 7CST and
also the Dasa lord.

Hope you understand the effect of PILT connection between the Planets.

Hence, SUN is selected as ANDHRA lord

RESULT: She would have got married during the DBA of MOON-SATURN-SUN.

ACTUAL: She got married on 4/6/2015 during the DBA of Moon-Saturn-Sun


Female 17/3/1966, 3.59 PM, Chennai

She was Cancer Lagna born.
The 7th cusp falls in Capricorn and is ruled by SATURN-MARS-SATURN as 7CL-7CST-7CSL

7th cuspal Sublord: SATURN

EPS Table:

ESI table: SATURN (Marriage)

Study on Destiny of Marriage:

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3)
in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

2,3,4 levels are in downward trend from A grade at 1st level.

2nd level has D2 at STSB, D3 at CONJ. Weak.

The 3rd level is ruled by Venus who is a Free planet and signifying D3 at OCCL but no support at
The 4th level is completely detrimental with C3, D2 Grades in OCCL and STSB without any
support. Further 3rd level Venus and 4th level Moon are having RL Green link as they are
conjoined. So detrimental D3, C3 grades are strong.
Hence 3rd and 4th levels are completely detrimental

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP)
or indirectly

At 3rd and 4th levels there is No A grade or Strong PILT shades. The PILT shade at OCCL cannot
be considered as the OCCL and STSB are completely detrimental.
Hence A grade or PILT shades are not present in all the levels.


ACTUAL: She is now running the age of 51. She remains UNMARRIED


Female, 17/12/1976, 5.20 AM, Chennai
Event: MARRIAGE (Destiny)

In the previous Example # 6, we found a chart which is completely detrimental for marriage.
Now we will be discussing a chart where in the Destiny is very week for marriage and the Dasa period at
the ages of marriage was detrimental and the running Dasa is also not supportive.


This chart will be an unique example for weak destiny.

She was Scorpio Lagna born. The 7th cusp falls in Taurus.
7th cusp is ruled by VENUS-MOON-SATURN as 7CL-7CST-7CSL

SATURN: EPS table:

ESI Table (marriage)

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3)
in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

1st level is good except A3 in ASP
2nd level: Not detrimental.
3rd level: OCCL and STSB are good. But, in CONJ D3 and in ASP B3.
Please check EPS table, the conjoined planet is Rahu who is in its own star and signifies
complete detrimental houses (4,8/6,10). This afflicts the Sublord Moon.
Similarly the in the ASP, B3 grade is signified by JUPITER a free planet and strong significator of
As already specified in early pages, Jupiters role through ASP will have more impact.
The detrimental CONJ and ASP will dilute the favorable significations of OCCL and STSB. This
makes weakness.
4th level: Grade drops to C3. A grade at ASP without PILT shade as it Mars aspects the 7th
house. As the OCCL is detrimental without any support at STSB and CONJ, this A grade will not
be useful.
So, 4th level is also weak.
Hence the 3rd and 4th levels are weak.

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP)
or indirectly

1st and 3rd level: they have the PILT shade connections
2nd level: Mercury has no PILT shade or A grade. Lets check for any indirect connection. but
Mercury is in the star of Venus the 7th Lord and also 6th cuspal Starlord. So Mercury is connected
to Yellow shade.
But it also connects to detrimental 3 grade
4th level: Mars: no PILT connection but A grade as ASP. But as the OCCL is detrimental and no
supports are present, this A at ASP is not supportive.
As Mars is a lonely planet, we have to check for indirect connection. Jupiter is in the sign of Mars
who aspects the 7th cuspal Starlord Moon. This is an indirect weak connection through a third
planet. But here we have to note that the Jupiter is in 6 and aspects not only Moon but also the
Rahu who is strong significator of 4,8/6,10.

Hence there are no strong A grade or PILT connections present. But there are mixed
significations are present.
This makes the destiny WEAK.

Though the 7CSL signifies as if it does not completely negate the Marriage, it indicates destiny
on marriage prospects is weak and it causes strong obstacles in the marriage and also Marital
life if get married.

Depending on the Running Dasa and Bukthi the result will be present.

In such situations we can also check the 7CST, 7CL also in addition to the 7CSL. This will throw more light
the strength of 7CST. If the 7CST is also not strong, then the Destiny will be weaker.

7CST: MOON: EPS table


First level Moon (as explained under SATURN) is weak at CONJ and ASP
The 2nd level Mars has down fall grade to detrimental C3 without any support at STSB and CONJ.
As explained the A grade at ASP is not supportive as it is signified by JUPITER.
Hence2nd level becomes detrimental.
3rd level also has no direct A grade or PILT shade. But it has 3 grade at ASP through JUP.
4th level also has weak significations through MARS. But has RL support from Moon.Good.
But, it is weak at CONJ with 3 through JUPITER.
Hence the 7th Starlord and also the 7th cuspal Sublord are weak for the marital prospects.

Now she is running SATURN Maha Dasa from 2011. Now she is running the age of 40 now.
Till her age of 36, she was running JUPITER Maha Dasa.
Study on SATURN has been done already under DESTINY which is weak.



Jupiter a free planet having 3 grade at OCCL and C2 at STSB is weak. The 3 at ASP further
When the 1st level is weak, if the 2nd level also is weak, it becomes worse. 2nd level has C2 with
downfall grade without any A support. But has 3 at ASP with RL support from 1st level JUP
itself. This further worsens.
The 3rd level Mars has C3 with downfall. Though it has A without PILT shade at ASP, as the
OCCL is weak, it will not be supportive.

4th level Mercury is also under influence of unfavorable Jupiter the 1st ruler through RL support

Hence the consequent levels are weaker and not supportive for marriage.
So Jupiter Dasa was not supportive for marriage.

Now she is running SATURN Dasa itself who is the Destiny decider as we discussed.
As discussed, Saturn is weak especially at the 3rd and 4th level. Not favorable.

Now she is running the age of 41 with weak Saturn Dasa. So her marriage possibility is weak!

RESULT: She is still unmarried and will remain unmarried!!


Female: 12/6/1978 , 6.39 AM, Ramanathapuram, TN (Same Native of Example #3)
EVENT: CHILD BIRTH (Timing of event)

House grading: Child birth

A Primary house 5
B Secondary houses 2,11
C Supportive houses 1,3,7,9
D1 Detrimental or Neutral -
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 6,8,10,12
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 4


The native is Gemini Lagna born.
Het 5th cusp falls at Libra and is ruled by VENUS-MARS-SUN

5th CSL: SUN



Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of
D3,D2,C3) in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
1st level: Not complete detrimental
2nd level: Good
3rd level: C2-B3 with A1 support at ASP. This A at ASP is from Jupiters Aspect on the 5th cusp.
Hence, not detrimental.
4th level: Rahu and its Signlord have D3 and C3 which is detrimental. But the STSB had B2,C2
which reduces the negative impact. Further the A3 support at CONJ with RL support with the 1st
level (SUN is in CONJ) is supportive. As it is A3 and also the D3,C3 grades at OCCL would cause
some obstacles.

So, all the 4 levels are not completely detrimental.

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/ STSB/ CONJ/
ASP) or indirectly
1st level: Green shade at STSB (5CSL) and Yellow shade at OCCL. Sun posited in the sign of 5CL (Venus)
2nd level: Blue shade at STSB (5CST). And Green shade at OCCL. Mars posited in the Sign of 5CSL (Sun)
3rd level: No PILT shade. But has A grade at ASP which is through the 3rd ruler JUPITER as it aspects 5th
cusp. It means that this aspects the rulers of the 5th cusp. Being Jupiter this A grade has good support.
4th level has Green shade at CONJ with Yellow shade at OCCL (MER posited in the 5th lord Venuss sign).

So all the 4 levels are having A grade and all PILT shades at levels though the 3rd and 4th level
are weak.

Result: The native has the destiny that promises Child birth with some obstacles.

The native of EXAMPLE # 3 got married during the DBA of VENUS-KETU-SATURN. ie, at the end of
VENUS Maha Dasa on 24/2/2002.

Hence we shall be studying the next Dasa of SUN

SUN is the 5th CSL which we already studied above under Destiny which supports for child birth.

Now we have to find the BUKTHI and ANDHRA who could favor for the CHILD BIRTH


Now we have to study ESI Tables of all the Planets following the steps as explained under Timing of

First check all the planets in the Vimshoththari Dasa order and find the planets that are not having any
down fall grade at OCCL at any level. They are called PRIMARY SELECTED


Jupiter has no down fall grades where as other have down falls at one or more levels.

Lets study the Strength and Weakness of the JUPITER if it can be selected as BUKTHI lord.


JUPITER Details Strength Weakness

OCCL C2D3/C3C2B2 Upward trend Two 3 grades with one
At the 2nd level if we consider D3
the C3 grade, the level

SUPPORTS 1st level: A grade at ASP Strong Supports
2nd level: A grade at CONJ
(5CSL and Dasa lord)
3rd level: A grade at STSB (5CSL
and Dasa lord)
4th level: A grade at STSB
2,3,4 levels have PILT shade at
OCCL also.
PILT 1 1st level indirectly gets the Strong PILT 1
shade as it aspects the 5th cusp connections
and Jupiters Signlord Mercury
is conjoined with 5CSL SUN. So
2nd, 3rd and 4th levels have all
PILT shades at STSB, CONJ and
also at OCCL (additional)
PILT 2 Jupiters rulers are the same Strong PILT 2
rulers as that of the Dasa lord connection.
Mars. Because Jupiter is in the
sub of Mars and Vice versa.

Result: Since JUPITER is strong fulfilling all the conditions is selected as BUKTHI lord under the SUN
JUPITER is selected as BUKTHI Lord

Now we have to find the ANDHRA Lord

1. Having chosen the Bukthi lord, now we have check the balance planets and find the Planets that
are having sufficient Supports to support the falling grades get elevated. The selected ones can
be listed under WAITLISTED Planets.

2. Then a comparative study has to be done between them to find the Strength and weakness to
select the ANDHRA

Kind note: Checking of the presence of sufficient supports and also the finding the Strength and
weakness be done at the same time. But for your better learning, I am doing each step separately.


Lets start from SATURN Andhra within the JUPITER Bukthi



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

SAT C2 4th level: JUPITER: falling down from A to C. C2 WL
D2/C2 D2/C2
A2 Note on JUPITER: A2
C2 As said already JUPITER is a lonely planet and having A2
A grade at ASP and having the following Strong
Indirect connections.

It is in the sign of MER who is conjoined with 5CSL

Sun and is in the sign of VEN 5th CL.
KETU is representing JUP being in its sign and is
aspected by MARS the 5CST.
So JUP is indirectly connected to all 5CL,5CST,5CSL.
Hence this has to be specially considered even though
no sufficient A grades to elevate. Moreover 3rd level
ruler is a Free planet; hence it would act as a support.
So, the available supports could help to elevate the
fallen grades from C to A.
Moreover wherever JUP rules for any planet such
condition would prevail and the said explanation is valid



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MER C3 3rd level: falling down to C3 from B2 C3 WL
B2 4th level: falling down to C2 from B2 of level 2 B2
D3/C3 Both 3rd and 4th levels have only one A support at D3/B3
C2 STSB and CONJ respectively. This is enough to elevate B2
the C to B.



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

KET D2/C2 4th level: JUPITER: falling down from A to C. D2/C2 WL
C2 C2
A2 As explained already, JUP has sufficient indirect A2
C2 supports to elevate the falling C to A. Further JUP is the A2
Bukthi lord also. It further adds value.



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

VEN A2 2nd level: JUP falling down. But as explained it can be REJECTED
C2 considered.
D3/C3 3rd level: falling down to C3 from A2 at 1st level
C2 4th level: falling down to C2 from A2 of level 1
Both 3rd and 4th levels have only one A support at
CONJ and STSB respectively. This is not enough to
elevate the C to A



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

SUN C2 3rd level: JUPITER: falling down from B to C. C2 WL
B2 As explained, JUP can be considered B2
C2 4th level falling down to C3 from B2 at 2nd level B2
D3/C3 4th level has A (5CSL) at CONJ and It has RL support D3/B3
also from 1st level which has A at STSB. This is
sufficient to elevate the grade from C to B



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MOO B1 2,3,4 levels falling down from B grade at 1st level. B1 WL
D2/C2 2nd level: A grade (5CST) at ASP. D2/B2
D3/C3 3rd level: A grade (5CSL) at CONJ D3/B3
C2 4th level: A grade (5CSL) at STSB. B2
The above supports are sufficient to elevate the grade
from C to B at all levels.



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MAR B2 2,4 levels falling down from B2 to D2/C2 B2 WL
D2/C2 Both 2nd and 4th level: Ketu has A grade (5CST) at D2/B2
B2 ASP with RL link. JUP has A grade at ASP. B2
D2/C2 The above supports are sufficient to elevate the grade D2/B2
from C2 to B2 (Out f D2/C2, only C2 considered).
Further repetition of same planets with D2, 3 are
weak. Hence the planet can be eliminated here itself.
But that can be done at the comparative step. For the
study purpose this planet can be kept under waiting
list at this step.



PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

RAH D3/C3 4th level: JUPITER: falling down from A to C. D3/C3 WL
C2 C2
A2 As explained already, JUP has sufficient indirect A2
C2 supports to elevate the falling C to A. A2

The Planets that are having sufficient grades to elevate the fallen grades are the WAITLISTED and they
are as follows:


Now we have to do a comparative study on the WAITLISTED PLANETS to find the Strength and Weakness
which includes the PILT 1 and 2 connections.

Finally select the best one with Good PILT connection to Bukthi lord JUPITER as ANDHRA
Bukthi lord JUPITER is indicated by Brown dot while the Dasa lord SUN by PINK dot

I have explained in detail about the PILT 2 connections of each planet with its BUKTHI Lord JUPITER (even
though a planet may be weak in significations) for your learning process


OCCL/ Strength Weakness

SAT C2 Two A grades with no 3 grades No PILT shades at STSB
D2/C2 PILT 1: D2 and 3 grades at
A2 1,2,3 levels have all PILT shades (Blue, Green STSB
A2 and Yellow) .
4th level: JUPITER- In direct PILT as discussed
PILT 2: with Bukthi Lord JUP
1st level: SAT in the sign of SUN (3rd ruler) and
in CONJ with MAR (4th ruler).
2nd and 4th level: JUP is the Bukthi lord
3rd level: VEN: JUPs 2nd and 3rd ruler MER and
SUN are in the sign of VEN
SUN being the Dasa lord, SAT is connected to
Dasa lord also.
Strong PILT connection

MER C3 PILT 1: D3 and C3 grades at 3rd
B2 All levels have PILT shades especially at STSB, level
D3/B3 CONJ and OCCL Being Free planet having
B2 PILT 2: with Bukthi lord JUP C3 at OCCL and 3 grade
1st level: MER is 2nd ruler of JUP. It has SUN (3rd at CONJ
ruler and Dasalord) at CONJ Two levels are fallen
2nd level: MAR rules the 4th level
3rd level: Rahu rules the 2nd level
4th level: SUN rules the 3rd level.
Strong PILT 2 connections.
KET D2/C2 Two A grades One D2 at OCCL
C2 PILT 1: No PILT shades at STSB
A2 1,2,3 levels have PILT 1 shades. Two 3 grades and one D2
A2 4th level: JUPITER- In direct PILT as discussed at STSB
PILT2: with Bukthi Lord JUP
1st level: JUP itself. It has MAR (4th ruler of JUP)
at ASP
2nd level: SAT has SUN(3rd ruler) at ASP and
MARS (2nd ruler) at CONJ
3rd level: VEN: JUPs 2nd and 3rd ruler MER and
SUN are in the sign of VEN
4th level: JUP itself
Good PILT 2 connection
SUN C2 PILT 1: All levels have PILT shades No A Grade
(Dasa) B2 PILT 2: With Bukthi JUP D3 and 3 at 4th level
B2 SUNs rulers are the same as that of JUPs Two 3 grades at STSB
D3/B3 rulers. Because Jupiter is in the sub of Mars Two levels fallen
and Vice versa.
Good PILT 2 connections
MOO B1 PILT 1: All levels have PILT shades Three levels fallen
D2/B2 No A Grades
D3/B3 PILT 2:with Bukthi JUP D2,D3 grades in OCCL
B2 1st level: MOO is CONJ with MAR (4th ruler) in especially at 2nd and 3rd level
the sign of SUN (3rd ruler) Two 3 grades at STSB
2nd level: JUP is present
3rd level: RAH rules the 2nd level
4th level: SUN rules the 3rd level
Good PILT 2 connection with JUP
MAR B2 Two levels fallen
D2/C2 Same planet ruling 1-3 and
B2 2-4 levels but with D2 and 3
D2/C2 grades
No A Grade
Two D2 grades
PIL1 : Direct Yellow shade
(5CL Venus) is missing

Only Mars and Ketu(JUP) are

Their strong connection to

the JUPs rulers are limited.
RAH D3/C3 3rd level has Free planet with A D3/C3 at OCCL But at 1st
C2 PILT 1: all levels are having PILT shades level
A2 PILT 2: With Bukthi lord JUP
A2 1st level: RAH: rules the 2nd level of JUP
2nd level: SUN: rules the 3rd level
3rd level: VEN: 2nd ruler MER and 3rd ruler SUN in
the sign of VEN
4th level: JUP itself.

Strong PILT 2 connections.

Kindly note :
RAHU significator of D3/C3 ruling the 1st or 2nd level with A support is less weaker when compared to
its rules the 3rd level of a planet say, MOON, MERCURY and VENUS.

Out of the above SAT, MER, KET, SUN, MOO and RAH are having Good PILT 2 connections.
If you look at the Weakness, except SATURN and RAHU all others have More weakness.

Hence SATURN and RAHU are stronger than others.

Out of the SATURN and RAHU who is stronger and having good PILT 2 connection with the Bukthi lord


Andhra: SATURN or RAHU?

If we look, the 3rd and 4th level of both SATURN and RAHU are the same. The difference is with
1st and 2nd level only.

When compared to SATURN RAHU has D3/C3 grades at 1st level. But please recollect my point
that weakness can be at the 1st level with a good support but not at the other levels. Because its

level is just the Source, its effect and result are based on the next levels. Here Rahu has A (5CSL
at CONJ) and yellow PILT shade at OCCL. But if the 1st level is weak being a Free planet is

Moreover I have also noted a special point that whenever RAHU is involving in the Master
period, its role will be there in the Subperiod directly or indirectly for an effective result.

PILT 1: Saturn has no PILT shade at STSB. But Rahu has A (5CSL) at 2nd level. Strong

PILT 2: Rahu is the star lord of the JUPITER itself. Strong connection. And Rahus Starlord SUN is the Dasa
lord, 5CSL significator and also 3rd ruler of JUP. Jupiter is in the sign of MER who is represented by RAH.
Rahu is having Dasa lord at 2nd level and Bukthi lord at 4th level.

Hence RAHU is having good PILT connection to Bukthi lord JUPITER and also Dasa lord

Hence the Native would have given birth to a child during the DBA of SUN-JUP-RAH

Actual: The native had a baby on 16/2/2005. SUN-JUP-RAHU DBA was running during that

Kind note:
She delivered a Baby in the Bukthi of JUPITER who is the 3rd ruler of Dasa lord and in the Andhra
of RAHU who is 4th ruler.
Similarly she delivered the baby in the Andhra of RAHU who is the 2nd ruler of RAHU.

Such direct connections may not be present all the time. But similar connections can be present.

Hence please refer the points given under PILT 2 connections, while selecting the Bukthi lord,
importance has to be given for the Rulers of the DASA lord and then the planets connected to the
Rulers as they could become the Bukthi lord. If they are strong for the event, they can play as
Bukthi lord. Similarly, for the Andhra lord.

Also please note:

Jupiter will not be found in the four fold significators list.
JUPITER lord of 7,10 is in 1 and is in the star of Rahu in 4 which represents Mercury who is in 12.
Jupiter is in the sub of SUN lord of 3 in 12 conjoined with lord of 1,4 Mercury.

Hence JUPITER is strongly connected to 4,12,1,10 along with 3. They are detrimental for progeny
if we consider only the ownership and the occupation! They are not strong significator of 2,5,11
also. Unless we consider the CST, CSL significations (STSB), CONJ and also ASP, we would tend to
ignore the JUPITER.


Female: 10/9/1987, 5.29 AM, Salem
EVENT: CHILD BIRTH (Timing of Event)

The native got married on 17/2/2014 during DBA of VENUS-JUPITER-SATURN


The native is Leo Lagna born.

Her 5th cusp the house of progeny falls at Sagittarius and is ruled by JUPITER-VENUS-VENUS as Signlord-


EPS Table:

ESI Table (Child Birth)

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of
D3,D2,C3) in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
1st and 2nd level: Not detrimental. 1st and 2nd level has Star exchange (Red RL line) and also they
are conjoined (Green RL line)
3rd level: D2 with supportive B2. But, weak supportive B 3 in CONJ and ASP. Hence not
completely detrimental

But MOON has yellow shade as it is posited in the sign of JUPITER the 5th lord. Further Moon is
aspected by MARS who is conjoined with 5th CST,5CSL Venus.
4th level: Not detrimental.
3rd and 4th level having star exchange.

So all the levels are not completely detrimental.

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at
Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly
1st level has A (Green shade with Blue grade) at STSB and 5L (yellow) at ASP
2nd level Green with Blue in CONJ with Star exchange with 1st level
3rd level MOON has Yellow shade at OCCL. The Signlord of Moon is Jupiter that aspects the 5th
CSL and 5CST Venus (indirect connection). Thus it forms link with 1st level also.
4th level: No PILT shade or A grade. But due to Star exchange with 3rd level, it gets connection
to 5CL Jupiter. Further, Mercury and Moon aspect each other.

So VENUS is connected to all 5th rulers (All PILT shades).

Hence: DESTINY of Progeny is promised.


The native got married on 17/2/2014 during DBA of VENUS-JUPITER-SATURN

As Venus is the Destiny decider and we have already discussed above and found supportive.

Hence VENUS Dasa supports for the CHILD BIRTH.


The Native got married during the JUPITER Bukthi under VENUS Dasa.

As explained in the initial pages under Timing of Child birth, the Child birth has some influencing factors.
It can happen either in the stronger or Strongest Bukthi who is connected to Dasa lord. And if the Bukthi
lord during which the marriage occurred is a good significator for child birth along with strong PILT
connections, the same Bukthi could favor for conception or child birth.

Lets study the JUPITER Bukthi if it is strong enough to support for the Child birth along with PILT
connections to Dasa lord.


ESI Table (Child Birth)

OCCL : A2C1/B1C1C2
2nd ,3rd and 4th levels are falling down. Lets check if supports there.
1st level JUP having A is a Free planet (support)
2nd level MER as discussed has indirect connections. (MER aspects RAHU who represents 5CL
(JUP). MER is in the star of SUN who is conjoined with 5CST,CSL VEN). So MER gets connection
all 3 shades.
3rd level A grade at CONJ and ASP with RL support from 1st level JUP (strong)
4th level VEN also has A grade at STSB and ASP with RL support from 1st level JUP (Strong)
VEN is also the Dasa lord which is an additional support

Hence 3,4 levels have strong connections to help the C grade to A grade along with the 1st levels
Free planet and RL Support.
But the 2nd level does not have direct supports but has strong indirect Support from all the 5th
rulers. This is strong as it does not have detrimental Grades.

Due to the strong Connections along with indirect connections but without any detrimental
Grades, JUPITER can be found supportive for CHILD birth

Please note: even though the Jupiters 3 levels are falling down but without strong required
supports to elevate the fallen grades, all the 3 levels do have some strength as discussed.
As already explained on the special conditions on the Progeny matters, a strong planet on
significations but may not be the strongest can act as Bukthi in case if there is a strong PILT 2
connection. Here JUP the karaka planet for progeny itself takes added strength. And as
explained it has strong Supports through RL and also Indirect connections. With these supports,
it could elevate the Grades the JUP will have A grade at all levels.

Now lets check the PILT 2 connection between JUP and Dasa lord VEN:

PILT 2 Connection: JUPITER with Dasa lord VENUS

1st level : JUP aspects VEN itself

2nd level: MER rules the 4th level of VEN and Aspects MOON the 3rd ruler.
3rd level: MARS conjoins with VEN and also SUN the 3rd ruler of VEN
4th level : VEN itself.

Further MOON the 3rd ruler of VEN is in the sign of JUP itself.

So JUPITER has strong PILT 2 connection to VEN.

Hence JUPITER is chosen as BUKTHI lord supportive for CHILD Birth


Having chosen the Bukthi lord, now we have check the balance planets and find the Planets that are
having strength with good PILT connections

KETU, SUN, MAR and RAHU are not having any down fall of Grades where as the other planets have
down falls. Lets study these planets

OCCL Strength Weakness
KETU C1/B1 No3 Grades Equal Trend
C1 No A Grade
C2 PILT 1:
C1 1st level has no PILT shade. This will be the
situation for KETU or MER as they do not
have direct connection. Indirect
connection: MER is aspecting RAHU who
represents JUP who is 5th lord. So Yellow
shade it gets.
2,3,4th levels have Green with Blue Shades
are present (5CSL and 5CST) at STSB and
CONJ; and Yellow shade by JUP at ASP.
So good PILT 1 connection.
SUN C1 PILT1: No A Grade
C2 1st and 2nd levels have PILT shades at CONJ, One 3 grade at OCCL
C3 STSB and ASP D3 grade at STSB at 3rd level
B1 4th level: MER, already explained.
3rd level is SAT has PILT shade at ASP PILT1:
3rd level has PILT shade only at
PILT connection is weak ASP but the OCCL and STSB are
detrimental. Unfavorable.

MAR C1 No 3 Grades Same planet ruling the 1-3 levels
C2 PILT 1: and 2-4th levels.
C1 All levels have PILT 1 shades with RL A3 grades at ASP at all levels
C2 supports

RAH C1/A2 One A grade C3 grade at OCCL and D3 grade

C3 3rd level is Dasa lord with A at STSB at STSB but in 2nd level only.
C1 JUP (representing RAH) has RL support
with 3rd and 4th level
All levels have PILT 1 shades. Especially the
3rd and 4th level have 5CSL,5CST shades at
STSB and also CONJ along with Yellow at

Strong PILT connections

Out of the above SUN and MAR are REJECTED as they have more weakness.
The rest are RAHU and KETU.

Who is better either RAHU or KET ?

The 3rd and 4th level are the same for both Rahu and KET. And they are strong with PILT shades at
STSB,CONJ with good RL supports.
The difference between RAHU and KETU is the 1st and 2nd level.
RAH has one A grade in OCCL where as KETU does not have any A grade. So RAHU is strong.
RAHU is in the sign of Bukthi lord JUP itself. So stronger.
KETU is the Starlord of JUP the Bukthi lord which is favorable. But RAHU is in the sign of JUP and
gets A grade
Ketu does not have RL support from the 1st level to other levels. But RAHU has RL support to
other levels through JUP.
So RAHU is stronger and well connected to Bukthi lord JUPITER and also the Dasa lord VEN.

Now we have to check the detailed PILT 2 connection between RAHU and JUPITER.

Rahu is in the sign of JUP only. So, JUP is strongly connected at the 1st level itself.
Anyhow lets check if the rest of the levels also have connections.

Rahus 2nd level SAT and JUP are in the signs of MAR. Further SAT aspects MARS the 3rd ruler of
3rd ruler VEN (the Dasa lord, 5CST,5CST) is the 4th ruler of JUP
4th ruler SUN is conjoined with 3rd (Mar) and 4th ruler (Ven) of JUP
So RAHU is well connected to BUKTHI lord JUP and also Dasa lord VENUS.

HENCE RAHU is chosen as ANDHRA lord under JUPITER Bukthi for Child birth.

Kind note:
SAT, MER and MOO are having Downfall of Grades. Anyhow for study purpose, lets check their
strength also before concluding RAHU.

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

SAT C3 3rd and 4th levels are falling down. C3 WL
B1 But they have A grade at STSB and CONJ. They are B1
C2 sufficient to elevate the Grade C to B B2
C1 B1

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MER B1 2nd and 3rd levels are falling down. REJECTED
D2 No supports.

PL OCCL Supports at falling levels Rev. OCCL STATUS

MOO D2 1st and 3rd levels are falling down. REJECTED
B1 No supports.
Out of the above SAT is the only planet which is under WAITLISTED
But it does not have A grade
It does not have direct connection to JUP as that of RAHU.

RESULT: She would have delivered a Baby during the DBA of VENUS-JUP-RAHU periods.
ACTUAL: She delivered a Baby on 6/2/2016. At the time VEN-JUP-RAHU periods were running.


Female: 23/9/1977, 2.19 PM, Salem


The native is Capricorn Lagna born
5th cusp falls in Taurus and is ruled by VENUS-SUN-VENUS as Signlord-Starlord-Sublord.

5th cuspal Sublord: VENUS


ESI Table: VENUS (Child Birth)

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3)
in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/ STSB/ CONJ/ ASP)
or indirectly

1) 1st level has 3 at CONJ
2) 2nd level has D3 grade at STSB and A grade at ASP without any RL or other support
This support will not be supportive.
The A1 grade at STSB of 1st level falls down to D3 at 2nd level and without any strong Support.
This is Detrimental.
JUP at 2nd level also do not have PILT or A grade. But 3 grade at CONJ

The 2nd level is ruled by KETU an abortive planet and strongly having D3 grade at STSB.
When the 1st level has A1 at STSB, if the 2nd level has D3 at 2nd level without A grade
at OCCL it becomes detrimental.

3) 3rd level is fine. But A3 Grade at CONJ for MER and B3 at ASP for RAH.
The 3rd and 4th level have 3 grade at ASP by MARS a free planet.
So strongly afflicting by Aspect.
4) 4th level: MOON: C1 grade at OCCL. D2 grade at STSB. No A or PILT shade.
Moon is in its own star so D2 grade at STSB repeats and becomes weaker.

The weak 2ND and 4th levels are not favoring for the progeny.

If you look at the EPS table, the 2 grades are indicated by 6,8,10,12 and role of Ketu which are
detrimental for conception and retention of pregnancy. All levels are having these houses.

RESULT: The natives destiny on Progeny is WEAK.

ACTUAL: The Native has not conceived yet. She is now running the Age of 40. Doctors also declared the
possibility of Pregnancy is less to the native.

NOW she is running JUPITER DASA till 2023 March:

Note the 3rd level SAT is a Free planet and has B3 Grade at STSB. This is weak and It is further
aggravated at the 4th level due to D3 grade at STSB and no A grade at OCCL, STSB and CONJ. Only A
support at ASP but with detrimental OCCL, STSB and not RL link also. Hence, not supportive.
So 3rd and 4th level are detrimental.

The Destiny is weak and the Dasa lord JUPITER is also not supportive till her age of 46.


Male, 11/8/1984 4.23 AM Thana , MH (19n15 72e55)
Event: JOB

The native got a job during MERCURY Andhra under the MARS Bukthi in RAHU Dasa
He lost that Job during MERCURY Andhra under JUPITER Bukthi in JUPITER Dasa

How has MERCURY played a dual role of both getting a job and also losing the same job in its
Andhra under different Master periods?
Why did the SATURN Andhra not make him lose the job in its Subperiod even though it was also
detrimental and was preceding Mercury Andhra?

The answer lies in the PILT 2 connections.

House Grading : Event : JOB:

A Primary house 6,10
B Secondary houses 2,11
C Supportive houses 1,3,7
D1 Detrimental or Neutral 4
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 8,12
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 5,9

Lets study the job prospects of MARS, JUPITER and MERCURY independently first and the role of
MERCURY Andhra under MARS Bukthi and under JUPITER Bukthi through PILT theory.



Mercury is not completely detrimental at all the 4 levels.

But its 2nd ruler VEN has 3 grades at OCCL and STSB and it conjoins with MER
Its 3rd ruler also has B1 (RAH) and the same VEN repeats at the 3rd level also as Rasi lord.
And Mercury has its RL support to its 2nd and 3rd level

4th level has B1 grade but A3 support only at ASP. No RL support. Hence, 4th level is under the
influence of A and 3 dual significations.

Mercury has A3 grades at ASP at all levels. Importantly, they are with Yellow Shade. If you check the
EPS table, you can find JUP would be there at ASP. Jupiter is 6,10 CL (Yellow) and also 5,9 CST (3). So it
plays the dual role of both favorable and unfavorable (A3) through its powerful ASP.

So MERCURY is under the influence of JUP at 1,2,3 levels at ASP.

At the 4th level SAT is at ASP (9th lord and also 6th CSL) and indicates A3 grade.

Hence MERCURY is having both favorable significations for JOB and also 3 significations at
consequent 2-3 levels along with Dual influence (A3) of JUPITER at ASP.
So it will act both favorable and unfavorable according to its Master period under which it rules
its Subperiod.
This would cause getting new job (change of Job) or jobless situation due to loss of job. This
depends on its Masters strength and the connection between them.


ESI TABLE: JOB: MARS Bukthi (under RAHU Dasa)

Being a Free planet it starts with A3 with A2 at STSB. Weak.

2nd level has JUP with A1 at OCCL. This supports the weak A3 at 1st level.
But the support from its STSB is weak as the STSB drops from 1st level to C3.

3rd level falls down to B1 from A1. But it has A3 supports only at ASP but RL link from 1st level.
VEN has weak 3 grades at OCCL and also STSB but with A1 (6,10 CST) at CONJ and A3 at
4th level also falls down to B1 from A1 grade at 2nd level. It has A3 (Green) at ASP
Hence MARS is not completely detrimental at all levels but having 3 grades at first 3 levels.
It has A grades / PILT shade at all levels.
Hence MARS will have mixed significations in its period. So Mars indicates Job changes.
So the native changed to a new job in the MERCURY Andhra

PILT 2 connection of MER with MARS

Both MARS and MER are having favorable significations for Job along with some detrimental
significations. They are not completely detrimental independently

1st level MER and 2nd level VEN are conjoined together and are aspected by JUPITER the 2nd ruler
of MAR.
The 3rd ruler (RAH) and 4th ruler (SUN) of both MER and MARS are the same.
In the 3rd ruler of MAR, VEN has MER at its CONJ.

Hence MER is well connected to MAR and both are signifying favorable for JOB changes. As both
Mars and MER do not signify completely detrimental, there is no loss of job or Jobless situation. .

So the Native got a new JOB in MER Andhra under MARS Bukthi.

JUPITER Bukthi (as JUP Dasa-JUP Bukthi)


JUP is good at 1st level OCCL with weak STSB (OCCL). Thats fine as 1st ruler. But if it has its
influence on other level through RL links, it will strongly pass its dual significations to others
being the 1st level.

2nd level: Detrimental D3 and also A3 at OCCL
JUPs 1st levels 3 grade is activated by the D3 at OCCL in the 2nd level. But the supports at
CONJ and STSB would help to reduce the impact.
3rd level: SAT again D3. It further increases the detrimental significations. The A2 support at STSB
would help to reduce the negative impact.

So 1,2,3 levels are having detrimental D3 and JUP C3 has RL link to SAT also.
4th level has mixed significations by B1 , C3 at STSB and also A1 support at CONJ .
Here also JUP extends its RL support to its 4th level also.

So JUPITER is having Weak significations at all consequent levels especially 2,3 levels but with
some Supports. They indicate instability, changes, jobless situation etc.
As Jupiter the Master planet influences the 3 and 4th level and supports their both favorable and
unfavorable significations.
Though JUP is having mixed significations, its detrimental significations are more. And it is
weaker than MARS.
A Planet who is having weak or mixed Grades and also having good connection to JUP or under
the influence of JUP would join hands with Jupiter to execute the detrimental event.

MERCURY Andhra under JUPITER Bukthi in JUP Dasa

MER as discussed is having mixed signification supporting for both JOB and JOB change
Under JUPITER Bukthi, when MERCURY Andhra is running, MERCURY has to act according to its
master period ruler JUPITER.
Jupiter is already having strong negative significations along with some favorable ones.
As discussed already, 1st,2nd and 3rd levels are under the aspect of JUP. These levels are already
having 3 grades (1st at CONJ, 2nd and 3rd at OCCL and STB). By this influence of JUP through ASP
being the Dasa and Bukthi lord, MERs negative significations are further aggravated.
No supports to help MER as no A grades are present at OCCL and STSB at 2,3,4 levels.

So Mercurys detrimental significations are more activated and it leads to loss of job in MER
Andhra under JUPs Bukthi.

Kind note:
Under MARS Bukthi also, MER was having the similar JUPs influence at ASP.
MARS was ruling the period and is the free planet having A3 at OCCL and A2 at STSB.
MARS is not under the detrimental influence of JUP.
Rather JUP was supporting MARS for JOB being the 2nd ruler and having A1 grade at OCCL
Further MARS was aspecting the 3rd ruler RAHU and influences it with its A3 Grades.

Whereas when JUPITER has become the Master ruler by itself, role of JUP will dominate.
Jupiter is having A3 and also A2 at OCCL and STSB.

Its significations are depending on its 2,3,4th rulers. And they are having more detrimental at OCCL but
with Supports at STSB. So it supports for changes. And JUP has its influence on its 3rd and 4th rulers.
Unlike MARS, JUP is weak for the job prospects.

So MARS is comparatively better for Job prospects than JUPITER.

MERCURY is connected to both MARS and JUP well.
It is also a weak significator for Job prospects.
It is under the influence of JUP through ASP.
Hence it will support both MARS (Change) and also JUP (Loss) under their Master period.

MER does not have strong Favorable significations of A grade at OCCL or STSB and hence liable
to the influence of negative significations of JUP. If the MER had any favorable significations at
OCCL or STSB, then the influence through ASP will be less

So MER Andhra who fetches him a job under MARS master period makes him lose the Job
under the detrimental JUP Bukthi.

Just look at the SATURN Andhra under JUPITER Bukthi:


ESI TABLE: JOB: SATURN Andhra (Under JUP Dasa-JUP Bukthi)

SAT also has D3 at 1st level (not a free planet) with A2 support at STSB
2nd level has B1/B3 at OCCL and C3 at STSB but with A1 support at CONJ
3rd level is detrimental with B3 and C3 but with A1 support at CONJ
4th level also has D3 through KET but it has A2 (Green) at CONJ.
Importantly it has MARS a free planet having A3 at OCCL and good Support of A2 at STSB.

Here SATURN also having the influence of JUPITER at 1,2,3 levels. So Jupiters dual influence will
be there on SAT equal to MER
But SAT has strong A grade at 4th level (OCCL and STSB) which does save SATURN from the
detrimental significations of JUP. Rather it could get the favorable significations of JUP .

Whereas MER is not strong at its OCCL/STSB at 2,3,4 levels without any A grades. Hence it was
fallen under the influence of Jupiters detrimental significations and joins hands with JUP and
makes him lose his job.

A dirty example to remember

A person is having dirty mind but not completely dirty as he has Mind control. When a sexy
woman looks at him, it could cause some impact in him but he will not completely fall under her
feet due to his mind control.
Suppose another person is not having mind control capacity but having some amount of dirty
mind. When that sexy woman looks at him, it would cause severe impact in him and he will
literally fall flat at her feet as he has no mind control to save him.

This is PILT theory!

So SATURN who precedes Mercury as Andhra could save him from loss of job despite some
struggles. But MERCURY Andhra could not save him from losing the Job.

Hence a planet reacts according to its strength and its connection to its Master period!

Hope you could understand the role of the Sub periods according to their Master period.


EXAMPLE # 12: Abroad Travel (JOB)
Male 12/6/1974, 7.34 PM, Chennai
EVENT : Abroad Travel (JOB) and Return to home land.
(Impact of PILT connections)

House Grading : Event : Abroad Travel (JOB)

A Primary house 3,9,12
B Secondary houses 6,10
C Supportive houses 1,2,7,11
D1 Detrimental or Neutral
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 5
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 4,8

Here the A and B are connected to each other. Please refer the Special note on Events having
Two Purposes.

Important: As the event is involving two purposes -Foreign travel (A) and Job (B). Hence it is always
required to check if the B grade houses (6,10) are also connected in all the 4 levels. Please note when A
and B grade houses are present, only highest favorable A grade alone will be given. So A grade also
may consist of B grade. This can be checked only at the EPS table.

ESI TABLES ALL (Abroad Travel (Job)): for your study purpose:

The native traveled abroad on account of joining a job during DBA of SAT-MOO-MER periods.

1. During MERCURY Andhra under MOON Bukthi in SAT Dasa, he traveled abroad for Job.
2. During MERCURY Andhra under MOON Bukthi in MER Dasa, he returned home land losing Job

Same MERCURY and MOON favored two different acts on an event to the Native . How ?

It is for sure that MERCURY and MOON must be mixed significator of both abroad travel and also return
to home land.

According to the Master period (Dasalord), the Bukthi lord MOON would act and the Andhra lord would
according to the Bukthi lord. In addition to this, the link between them plays vital role.

Lets study and find the reasons :



It has A1 grade at 1,2 and 4th level.
3rd level (MER) has B1 grade with B3 STSB but has A3 support at CONJ.
Importantly it has Star exchange RL with 2nd level Rahu.
The B grade does not indicate fall of grade. It indicates the 10 (the secondary house). As it
has the A support it is good.
2,4 levels are ruled by RAHU.
STSB are having Primary Cuspal Starlord (Blue shades) connection and in ASP has Green and
Yellow shades with A grade.
SAT has no 3 Grades at OCCL but connects to A grade at OCCL at all levels
Also it is found all the levels have 6/10 houses (Secondary house-Purpose of travel).
Hence SAT is supportive for Abroad travel for JOB

Next MERCURY Bukthi will be running:


1st level has B1 with B3 at STSB and A3 in CONJ (Dasa lord conjoined)
2nd level has A1 at OCCL but A3 at STSB. Mixed support
1st and 2nd level has star exchange. So 3 grades are activated.
3rd level MOON a free planet and significator of A3 at OCCL and A3 at CONJ
4th level JUP also has A3 at OCCL and has A1 at STSB, B3 at CONJ with RL support with 3rd
JUP aspects 1st level MER.
The 3rd and 4th level (Moon and JUP) are indicating mixed significations for foreign travel.

Hence he could not travel for the first time during SAT-MER Bukthi. Moreover, during that period he
would be running only 17-18 years of age.

SAT needs a strong BUKTHI for the event at least for the 1st time.

MER is conjoined with SAT the Dasa lord. Hence under a favorable Bukthi MER could support for
abroad travel if it has connection that Bukthi also

NEXT KET: Check the ESI table, the last level is falling down and KETU does not have any strong
connection to SAT the Dasa lord. So it could not favor for travel

Next VEN and SUN: Check the ESI table, their 3rd and 4th level are ruled by same JUP a strong significator
of A3 with D3 at CONJ. Unfavorable.

Next one is MOON:

ESI Table Abroad Travel- JOB

1st level MOON and 2nd level JUP have A3 grades (where as these are ruling the MERs vital 3rd
and 4th levels).
1st level has A3 with B1 support at STSB, A3 at CONJ and A2 at ASP
2nd level also has A3 which is not supportive but A1 at STSB supports
3rd level has A1 at OCCL which is good but the A3 at STSB reduces the support. The B3 at
CONJ further reduces.
4th level also has A1 at OCCL which is good but A3 at STSB reduces the support. The A1 at
ASP supports.

Hence 1,2nd levels are weak but the 3rd and 4th levels are supportive. This is favorable.
If you look, MOON has A3 grades at all levels (OCCL/STSB)
So MOON has mixed significations and it will act according to the Dasa lord under whom it runs

All levels do not have complete detrimental grades.

They have PILT shades at all levels.
Hence MOON is more supportive.
Moon is also having 6,10 houses at all levels.

Hence MOON is more supportive than other planets for abroad travel for JOB

PILT Connection between MOON and SAT

Both are supportive for abroad travel for JOB.

Moons 3rd level is ruled by SAT itself. 4th level is ruler by Starlord of SAT.
Moon and its Starlord JUP are posited in the sign of SAT itself.

2nd ruler JUP is aspecting MER the 3rd ruler.
Thus MOONs all the rulers are favorable and also connected to all the rulers of SAT. Especially
to the Dasa lord SAT itself

As Dasa lord SAT is supportive for Foreign travel for JOB, MOON who is having mixed
significations but having good connections to Dasa lord SAT, supports for the Abroad travel in its
Hence MOON is well connected to SAT and favors for the abroad travel for JOB.

In which Andhra?

The Andhra must be a good significator of executing the detrimental significations signified by
the Bukthi lord MOON and also well connected to the MOON.

As discussed already MERCURY is supportive till 2nd level but having mixed significations at 3rd
and 4th level which indicate both travel and return.
The 3rd ruler of MER is MOON the Bukthi lord itself
Hence MER is strongly supportive under MOON Bukthi.

Here MOON is having 1st and 2nd levels have A3 at 1st and 2nd level, 3rd and 4th level have A3 at STSB.

Further MER is having the MOON the Bukthi lord as its Sublord (3rd level).
So MER is directed by MOON the Bukthi lord.
The 3rd and 4th level are the same as 1st and 2nd level of MOON.
MER is also conjoined with SAT the Dasa lord. Good.

So MOON Bukthi allows MERCURY Andhra to execute the event.

Hence he traveled during DBA of SAT-MOO-MER. (August 1999)

He was working in Abroad.


As explained already MER is having mixed significations for abroad travel especially at the 3rd and 4th

When compared to SATURN Dasa which was supportive for foreign stay as the all OCCL are
having A1 grades with mixed Supports.

But MER has 3 grades at all levels especially with A3 grades at 3rd and 4th levels at OCCL
indicating dual roles.

So during MER Dasa it will make him return home land during the strong Bukthi with
significations also connected to Dasa lord MER.

During MER-MER Bukthi he had frequent visits to Home land.
NEXT KET , VEN and SUN periods were running.
KET was not having strong 3 grades
VEN and SUN are having strong 3 grades. But they are not strongly connected to Dasa lord


Moon is well connected to MERCURY
1st level MOON is the ruler of 3rd level itself of MER
2nd level JUP has MER at CONJ
3rd level SAT is conjoined with MER
4th level is RAHU who is 2nd ruler of MER

As already discussed under SAT, MOON is having mixed significations as it has A3 grades at
OCCL in 1st and 2nd levels, A3 grades at STSB in 3rd and 4th levels.

So Both MERCURY and MOON are weak especially at 3rd and 4th level (Mercury at OCCL and
MOON STSB) and both are well connected. Mercurys 3rd ruler is Moon itself.
So MOON Bukthi is supportive for the Return to Home land.

The Return to home land will happen during the ANDHRA who is a good significator and also well
connected to Bukthi lord (and Dasa lord).

It is nothing but the Dasa lord MERCURY itself

MER has the MOON in its 3rd level

Mercury who is strongly signifying the return to homeland has supported to the event during its Andhra
itself under the MOON Bukthi.

The native lost his job and returned home land during OCTOBER 2014. He still works in Home land even
now (2017 Feb).

According to PILT theory, in general when a planet who is a mixed significator for an event, starts
an event at its Subperiod under one favorable Master period, the same Planet could end up that
event in its Subperiod under an unfavorable MASTER period. Here both the Master periods
should be well connected to that planet.

Hope you understand the logic and the principle behind this wonder PILT theory.You may feel
little complicated while studying initially. But by careful studying with patience would enlighten
the importance of connection between the planets and their effect on their significations.


EXAMPLE # 13 -Abroad Travel (Higher education)
Male 8/6/1988 7.18 PM Puttur , Karnataka (12n46 75e13)
EVENT: Abroad Travel (Higher Education)

House Grading : Event : Abroad Travel (Higher Education)

A Primary house 3,9,12
B Secondary houses 4
C Supportive houses 1,5,6,7,10,11
D1 Detrimental or Neutral -
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 2
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 8


The native was Sagittarius Lagna born.
For the destiny of Abroad travel (Higher Education) 9CSL should be scrutinized.

9th cusp falls at LEO and is ruled by SUN-KETU-VEN as Signlord-Starlord-Sublord


EPS table:

ESI Table ( Abroad Travel-Higher Education)

Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of
D3,D2,C3) in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

No level is detrimental.

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/ STSB/ CONJ/
ASP) or indirectly.
For events with Two purposes, the Secondary houses should be present at all levels

3rd level falls down but has A1 (Green) at CONJ with RL support from the 1st level.
All the levels are having A grade with All PILT shades.
In the EPS table of VENUS all the four levels have house 4 ( B grade- the purpose of travel).

Hence the Native has the destiny to go abroad for higher education.


Running Dasa lord is KETU

EPS table:

ESI Table

Dasa lord should fulfill the following conditions:

1. The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of D3,D2,C3) in all 4
levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

All the 4 levels are not having any detrimental grades.

2,3 levels are falling down but have supports.

2. PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/STSB/CONJ/ASP) or indirectly as
explained above under Indirect PILT 1 connection

All levels have PILT shades especially at Planet, STSB, CONJ along with ASP and OCCL
All levels also have house 4 (purpose of travel) in EPS table.

So the Dasa lord KETU supports for the Abroad travel for Higher Education.

As the KETU has fallen grades at 2,3 levels, the event would happen in the strong BUKTHI who is
also connected to Dasa lord KETU


VENUS we discussed under Destiny as it is the 9th CSL and is found favorable.
Its grade has fallen down at 3rd level to C from A.
But it has Two A grades at CONJ and ASP and also RL support from 1st level (as it conjoined with).
These are enough to support the fallen grade to elevate to A.

So VENUS will have A1 grades at 2,3,4 levels with Good Supports at STSB, CONJ And ASP.
In the EPS table we can also find all the levels in VENUS have house 4 (purpose of travel)

Hence VENUS is favorable to conduct the event.

Anyhow lets check the PILT 2 connection with Dasa lord KETU.

PILT connection: VENUS Bukthi to KETU Dasa

1st level: VENUS is the 2nd ruler of KETU itself
Ketu in the sign of SUN who is in the sign of VEN
2nd and 4th level: MARS: the 4th ruler of KETU
3rd level MER: is the 3rd ruler of KETU

So PILT 2 connections are strongly present between VEN and KET

Hence VENUS will fructify the event in its Bukthi under KETU Dasa

As VENUS is stronger with significations also having strong Connections with KETU Dasa, VENUS could be
possible to fructify the event in its own Andhra.

RESULT: The native could go abroad for higher education during the DBA of KETU-VEN-VEN

ACTUAL: The Native travelled abroad on MAY 2013 for Higher education during the DBA period of KET-



Male 8/6/1988 7.18 PM Puttur , Karnataka (12n46 75e13)

EVENT: JOB (Presently in Abroad)

The same native discussed under Example # 13 for the event of Abroad Travel (Higher Education).
The native got completed his Higher Education in abroad during MAY 2014 (one year course).
He did not get a job till JULY 2014 despite his hard efforts.

Question: When he would have got the JOB?


House Grading : Event : Job (Presently in Abroad)
A Primary house 6,10
B Secondary houses 3,9,12
C Supportive houses 1,2,4,7,11
D1 Detrimental or Neutral
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 8
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 5
As the native is already present in Abroad, the 3,9,12 houses are taken as Secondary houses and
the 6,10 houses (Job prospects) are taken as Primary houses

We have to check the 10 CSL for his destiny on the career prospects in Abroad.
His 10th cusp falls in Virgo and is ruled by MER-SUN-MER as Signlord-Starlord-Sublord





Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of
D3,D2,C3) in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)
2nd and 4th rulers appear to fall down. But as I explained already under Special note on Events
involving two Purposes, though A grade falls down to B, both are connected to each other
as both are important for the event. Hence it is not exactly falling down. As it has A grade at
ASP and also PILT shade at OCCL, it gets the link with A grade.
But the 3 grades at 2nd and 4th level (MAR) are detrimental. As the 1st and 3rd levels is Free
planet and having A1 grades at OCCL and STSB, this would support to its Star. Further MARS
also has good support at ASP (Green and Blue shades). This supports for job in Abroad.

All the rulers are not completely detrimental.

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/ STSB/ CONJ/
ASP) or indirectly.
For events with Two purposes, the Secondary houses should be present at all levels.
A grade (6,10) present at all levels especially at STSB
Similarly (3,9,12) houses also present in all four levels.

Hence his destiny promises the Job prospects in Abroad despite some obstacles.




4th level has 3 grade with B grade. B signifies (3,12) houses which are secondary houses.
But as explained about MARS in the Destiny that has Green with Blue shade (A grade) at ASP and
Green PILT Shade at OCCL which supports. Further it has RL link also with 1st level (SUN A)

No complete detrimental at any level.

Further A grade or all PILT shades are present especially at Planet, STSB and CONJ.
All the levels have the 3,9,12 houses.

Hence KETU Dasa supports for the Job prospects in Abroad.

RUNNING BUKTHI: SUN (between June 2014 and Mid October 2014)



1st level is good.

2nd level MARS falls down to B3 at OCCL. It has B1 at STSB but C3 at CONJ and A3 at ASP
with RL.
But if the next level is also having 3 Grades, then this will become unfavorable.
3rd level: RAH/SAT: B1 in OCCL and C3 at STSB, B3 at CONJ and A1 at ASP
The C3 and B3 grades at 3rd level will support the B3 and C3 grade at 2nd level.
4th level : JUP: it falls down to C3 at OCCL, D2 at STSB and A3 at ASP.
This is detrimental.

Hence 2, 3, 4 levels are having 3 grades with drastic fall down at 4th level. This is not favorable
for getting a job.

So he will not get a JOB till the SUN Bukthi ends as it is detrimental.




1st level and 3rd level the Bukthi lord is a FREE Planet but has C2 at OCCL and D2 at STSB.
But, please note MOON is not completely detrimental with any 3 Grades.
It has A1 support at ASP as it aspects 10th house.
Since the OCCL and STSB are not completely detrimental, the A grade at ASP can be

2nd and 4th level is ruled by SATURN as 1st and 3rd level is the same Planet
SATURN has both B and A grade (6 CSL-Green) at OCCL and STSB. It also has A3 with Green
and Yellow shade at ASP. This is supportive.

So, 2nd and 4th levels are more favorable for job.
1st and 3rd level are not completely detrimental and have A grade at ASP.

Lets check if there are any indirect Supports to MOON to get A and also B grade houses (3,9,12)
which are missing.

Moon is in the sign of JUPITER who is in the star of SUN the 6,10 CST. It also aspects KET who
represents SUN (CST) again.
This SUN is lord of 9 also(B grade) .
Further JUPITER aspects SAT lord of 3 and 12th CST and also 12th CSL (B Grades).
So MOON is connecting to both A grade (Blue shade) and B grade indirectly through its
Signlord JUP.

So 1st and 3rd level is having supports indirectly.

Moreover, I have already suggested to check for the SSL of a planet when the 1st and 3rd level
are the same. MOON is in the sub of SATURN (2,3,1/4,12/6,12). This signifies both 6 (A) and 3,12
(B) significations.

So 1st and 3rd levels ruler MOON is also supportive and it is not detrimental.
The 2nd and 4th level are ruled by the same favorable SATURN

Hence the native will get a JOB in MOON Bukthi in Abroad.

Lets Check the PILT 2 connections between MOON and Dasa lord KETU

1st and 4th level MOON is not having any direct connection as discussed. But,its Signlord JUPITER
aspects the KETU. Further JUP is in the star of SUN who represents KETU. Good.
2nd and 4th level: SAT: it aspects MARS the 4th ruler, VENUS the 2nd ruler and MER the 3rd ruler of
KETU. Strong connection.
So MOON is well connected to the Dasa lord KETU.

As MOON is good (especially through 2,4th levels) and also with strong PILT connections to Dasa lord, the
native will get a JOB in MOON Bukthi and MOON Andhra itself.

Please note as explained already we have to check the running period if it is supportive for the events
like JOB. We should not check for the strongest planet as it may run only after some period. We have to
find the supportive period within the running and upcoming periods. Hope you understand,

RESULT: The native will get a job during the DBA of KETU-MOON-MOON.
ACTUAL: The native got the job in OCTOBER 2014 during the DBA of KETU-MOON-MOON.


EXAMPLE # 15 - Birth time Rectification
Female: 4/10/1990
Given birth time: 9.27 PM
Place of Birth : Aruppukottai, TN (9n31 78e6)

EVENT: Birth Time Rectification (with the help of Past event)

Birth chart and their details are furnished below for both the Reported and Rectified birth time

Given Past event: Date of Marriage: 21/8/2015

At the time of marriage (21/8/2015) she was running DBA of VEN-MON-RAH

The report Birth time of 9.27 pm was found incorrect and the time is fixed as 9.25 PM.
This was based on the study on the DBA planets that were ruling during the event of
Marriage for both the Birth time.

The ESI Tables of all the planets for the event of Marriage for both the Reported Birth time of
9.27 PM and also the Rectified birth time of 9.25 PM are given below for your study.





The Native approached me for the matter related her Progeny.
RPs: At the time of Judgment, MARS, RAHU and MER were strong RP

Lagna Sublord for the given time is RAHU and 5th CSL is MER.
So they are matching.
But even if few minutes are reduced they will remain unchanged.
Suppose if Lagna Sublord becomes MAR, it is in the RP and even then 5 CSL may not change.

Hence it is better to verify with the past event:

Given Past event: Date of Marriage: 21/8/2015

She is Taurus Lagna born.

Her 7th cusp falls in Scorpio. It is ruled by MAR-SAT-MAR as 7CL-7CST-7CSL

At the time of marriage (21/8/2015) she was running DBA of VEN-MON-RAH

9.27 PM
Dasa lord : VEN:
No direct connection to 7 CL and 7CSL MAR
2nd 3rd levels are not having A grade or PILT shades directly.

Bukthi lord: MOO

Similar to Dasa lord No direct connection to 7CL and 7CSL MAR
1st and 4th level are not having A grade or PILT shades directly
Over all the OCCL and STSB are not found strong without any A Grades to act as a BUKTHI lord.

Andhra lord: RAHU

It is also similar to VEN and MOO at 2nd and 3rd level.
But it has 7CSL MAR connection at 1st level through SAT
Same planet repeating two times consequently without Good grades is weak.

Result: It is understood that the birth time is not accurate. It needs some rectification.
Importantly the 7CSL should not be MAR and I thought the 7CSL could be MOO as all the DBA are
having MOO predominantly.

I started checking the Changes by decreasing or increasing every minute.

First I reduced one minute (9.26 PM), no major changes.

I reduced one more minute (9.25 PM), I could see the difference in few cuspal Sub lords including the
7CSL. You can find in the attached Birth charts and ESI Tables.

Kindly note: The Lagna Sublord RAHU and 5th CSL MER are not changed.

The MOON has become the 7CSL and all these Planets have A1 grade with Green shade at STSB and
also in ASP.
The Supports at STSB are strong and they have become stronger as per EPS rules.
Further SAT (Andhra lord RAHs Signlord) also gets A2 grade from A3.
We could see the Green and Blue shades (7CSL and 7CST) connected strongly.
The 7CL Mars connection is missing for VEN and MOO.
Lets check the indirect connection:
MARS is in the sign of VEN only.
MARS is in the star of MOO only.

So they are indirectly connected to 7CL also.

You can also check the PILT 2 connections between the Bukthi lord MOON and Dasa lord VEN , Andhra
lord RAHU and Bukthi lord MOON.

You can find strong connections between them. Please note the same connections were also
present for both the birth time of 9.27 PM and 9.25 PM.

But the importance is their difference in their significations (Strength , PILT shades).
When they have strong Significations as per rules with PILT 1 connections, if they are connected
to each other, logically they are connected with strong significations for the event.

Please note the ESI Tables (Event of marriage) of these VEN, MON, RAHU for the Reported time 9.27
PM and also the RECTIFIED TIME of 9.25 PM

HENCE the Natives Birth time is not 9.27 PM. And it must be maximum 9.25 PM
The 7CSL must be MOON
The 7CSL MOON would run from 9.21.20 PM to 9.25 PM
Hence she must be born within this interval.

So her correct birth time is between 9.22 PM and 9.25 PM

Next we have to fix the exact minute:

But if further one minute is reduced the Lagna Sublord would change to MAR without change in the
7CSL as MOON and 5CSL as MER and may be some other cusps could change.

So the native is born in between 9.22 to 9.25 PM and fixed as 9.25 PM

Actually after verifying other events or other details on the effect of the cuspal Sublord on the
respective house matters (significations), then finally the minute has to be fixed. In case of
absence of any further details, with the help of the RP, we can try to fine tune or shall proceed
with the 9.25 PM on the required query and later it can be fine tuned.

The above is the authentic and correct method of Birth time rectifications where in we take up
the RPs as guidance and the time is fixed after checking the Past events though EPS.


MALE : 15/6/1979
Reported time: 2.49 PM
Place of birth: Nellikuppam, TN


Given Past event: First foreign Travel for Job: NOV 2006


House Grading : Event : Abroad travel for JOB
A Primary house 3,9,12
B Secondary houses 6,10
C Supportive houses 1,2,7,11
D1 Detrimental or Neutral
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 5
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 4,8

The running Period during the Travel: DBA of JUPITER-VENUS-RAHU

The ESI Tables of JUPITER, VENUS and RAHU are given below for the Reported time of 2.49 PM and

2.49 PM
Please check the Bukthi lord VENUS who favored him for the Abroad travel for JOB in its Bukthi.
2nd and 3rd level are ruled by MOON who has B3 Grade at OCCL, A2 Grade at CONJ and A3 Grade at ASP
Two levels are weak with 3 Grades without Good Support at STSB.
4th level MAR is also weak with C1 at OCCL without A grade at STSB and CONJ. The A grade at ASP
will not support to elevate the fallen C grade to B as it has no other supports.

A planet with weak 2,3 levels and weak PILT 1 connections will not be able to support for the Abdrod
Travel in its period especially for the 1st travel in life.

Now the time is adjusted for every minute.

2.46 PM
At 2.46 PM the 9 CSL changed to MOON. Thus the MOON got A1 grade with Green shade at STSB.
Further the 4th level MARS became the 9th CST and it got the A1 grade with Blue shade at STSB.
This will support to elevate the fallen grade at 3rd level from C to B
Now VENUS has All A1 supports at importantly at STSB along with CONJ and ASP.
Even though the OCCL has some weakness (3 grades) the Supports at STSB helped.

Further all the 4 levels of VEN has 6/10 houses also (secondary houses-Purpose of travel)

PILTconnection between VENUS and JUPITER

1st level: VEN is the 4th ruler of JUP
2nd and 3rd level: MOON: JUP is in the sign of MOON.
Moon is in the sign of SAT and aspected by SAT the 2nd ruler of JUP

Moon aspects RAHU the 3rd ruler of JUP
4th level: MARS: it aspects JUP

Hence VEN is well connected to Dasa lord JUP along with Strong significations as per rules and
PILT 1 connections. Thus favored him for the Abroad travel for JOB.

Similarly we can find the PILT connection between the RAH Andhra lord and VEN Bukthi lord.
1st and 3rd level: RAH aspected by MOON the 2nd and 3rd ruler of VEN
2nd and 4th level: VEN itself.
All the rulers of RAHU are connected to 1,2,3rulers of VEN.
The direct connection of MAR the 4th ruler of VEN to RAHU is missing.
Lets check for the Indirect connection.
RAHU is in the sign of SUN who is in the star of MAR.
So RAHU is connected to the 4th ruler of VEN also.

Hence RAHU the Andhra lord is well connected to VENUS the Bukthi lord

In this chart, only the BUKTHI lord VENUS could indicate the lack of strength.
Further the 9 CSL is fixed to MOON.
As explained in the previous chart, this MOON sub will be for duration of appx. 4 minutes. The
accurate birth time is within this 4 minutes interval.
The same can be fixed after further study.

Hence the native birth time of 2.49 is not correct and is fixed as 2.46 PM

Hope you could understand the use of the EPS method in fixing the birth time even with few minutes.

The ESI tables of all the planets for the event of Abroad Travel for Job for both the Reported and
Rectified birth time are given in next pages for your study.



Good Luck!



Question: AM I PREGNANT?

The question was raised to my sincere EPS Student and Astrologer Mrs.Geetha Mopidevi by her sister.

As there was delay in the pregnancy after marriage, they were under medical treatments. This time she
had the delay in her cycle. So she wanted to know if she was pregnant.

The chart was casted for the time of query and analysed by her

Date of Query: 3/April/2016

Time : 16.06.28
Place: Chennai

House Grading : Event : CHILD BIRTH (HORARY)
A Primary houses 5,11
B Secondary houses 2
C Supportive houses 1,3,9
D1 Detrimental or Neutral -
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 6,8,10,12
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 4



Condition 1: The OCCL, STSB and CONJ should not be completely detrimental (combination of
D3,D2,C3) in all 4 levels or at two consequent levels (2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th levels)

C1/C2C2C1/C3A2. Upward trend.

1st level: Not detrimental
2nd level: Not detrimental
3rd level: C with D3 grade at STSB. But not a Free planet. And it has A support at ASP by JUP 5th
CL. This would support being JUP at ASP and MAR the Dasa lord also in ASP. Moreover, SAT at
3rd level has A grade at ASP with RL support from 1st level.
4th level: JUP itself. Not detrimental.
Good RL supports at all levels.
Strong PILT 1 shades at STSB and CONJ
So all levels are favorable and not detrimental

Condition 2: A grade/ PILT shade should be present at all 4 levels directly (at Planet/ STSB/ CONJ/
ASP) or indirectly
1,2 levels have A grades in STSB and CONJ, 4th level has at OCCL and also CONJ. 3rd level has A support
at ASP from JUP.

All levels have A Grade and all PILT shades especially in STSB, CONJ and OCCL

Result: 5 CSL does support for the event. Though the 3rd level by KETU an abortive planet signifies some
setback at STSB, but is supported by its Starlord JUP through ASP with RL support also

CONCLUSION: She must be Pregnant!

ACTUAL: It was declared after Medical test that SHE WAS PREGNANT.

Now the question arose if she could predict the timing of Child birth with the same chart ?


Mars is the 1st and 11CSL also. This indicates the MOON is in the star of Mars the Lagna Sublord. Thus
Moon is connected to the Lagna the Query. This is also a kind of PILT connection.
Dasa lord is connected to the Lagna Sublord which supports for the event provided its significations are

1st level: C3 at OCCL but C1 at STSB and C3 at CONJ. At ASP A3 as MAR aspects 11th cusp.
No PILT shade at 1st level (Mars).
Indirect connection: MAR is aspecting KETU who is aspected by JUP 5th CL.
SAT who is posited in the sign of MAR who is also conjoined with is aspecting the JUP (5CL) and
RAH (5CSL). Further, MAR aspects 10th cusp which is owned by VENUS the 5th CST.
Hence MARS indirectly connects to all the rulers of 5th Cusp .
2nd level: SAT is having C3 at OCCL and CONJ which is weak. But Dasa Lord and 1st ruler MAR is in
CONJ . Further, it has A2 at ASP. It aspects JUP 5CL and RAH (5th CSL and 11 CST). Supportive.
3rd and 4th level are having good grades and PILT shades

So despite some obstacles, finally Dasa lord is favorable.

Now we have to check the ESI tables for all Planets and do the Selection process


Out of all the ESI tables, The Planets which do not have Fall of Grades are to be selected.
Such planets are RAHU and MOON.
All the others are having falling of Grades at one or more levels.

We have to check if these planets are strong as per the rules and PILT connections.

Actually she was running RAHU Bukthi only till 22/12/2016 ( for another 9 months). As she is
already tested Pregnant , she would deliver a Baby within this 9 months.

So RAHU is supportive. Anyhow lets analyze the strength of RAHU.

Rahu is the 5th CSL itself which we already analyzed and found strong.
So RAHU is supportive to give birth in its BUKTHI.

PILT 2 connection between Bukthi RAHU and Dasa MARS

1st level: RAH a Free planet the 3rd ruler of MAR

2nd level: VEN the 4th ruler of MAR
3rd level: KET represents SAT the 2nd ruler of MAR
4th level: JUP is aspected by SAT the 2nd ruler of MAR

Hence RAHU is well connected to MAR.

The next Planet under PRIMARY SELECTED is MOON.

Even though, lets have a study on all the other planets for study purpose.

At the time of analysis, SAT Andhra was running under RAHU Bukthi.

SAT: 3rd and 4th levels are falling down from A without support. Rejected.
MER: 2nd and 3rd level falling down from A. But no sufficient supports to elevate the grades.
KET: 3rd level falls down but has RL support (Star exchange) with 2nd level. But 1st level is weak
with D3 and C3 grades. Less PILT shades at STSB. Weak.
VEN: 1st and 4th level are the same VEN with A1 at STSB.
3rd and 4th levels are falling down from A to C. But they have Sufficient supports at STSB, CONJ
and RL supports. Role of RAHU is also present. Hence VEN can be listed under WAITLISTED.
SUN: 3rd level falls down. But no sufficient Supports to elevate C to A
MAR: It is Dasa lord we discussed. It has no A grades at OCCL and STSB. For Dasa lord it is fine.
But for Bukthi or Andhra a stronger planet with A grades is required.

REST is MOON: Moon is already in the PRIMARY SELECTED List as it has no down fall of Grades.

Now lets check if MOON is strong in significations, PILT 1 shades and also PILT 2 connections with Bukthi
lord also. If not we shall check for other planets.


1) To check all or any levels are detrimental

1st level: MOON a free planet has D2 at OCCL but with A2 at STSB. It has A grade at 1st level at STSB.
2nd level: C3 at OCCL but C1 at STSB, C3 at CONJ. A3 at ASP. As there is not complete detrimental
significations and the ruler is Dasa lord itself, this A support is supportive.
3rd and 4th levels are favorable
So, all the levels are not completely detrimental.

2) To check if all levels have A or PILT shades especially at STSB and CONJ

All the levels have A grades at STSB and CONJ.

2nd level MARS indirectly has connection to 5CL JUP. Mars aspects KETU who is aspected by 5CL JUP.
SAT who is in the sign of MAR (conjoined also) and is Starlord of MARS also is aspecting JUP (5CL) and
RAHU (5CSL). So MARS has indirect connection to 5 CSL, 5CSL. Moreover, MAR aspects 10th CUSP at
Taurus which is ruled by VEN who is 5th CST (This is also an additional support)
3rd and 4th level are having strong A grades (green and Blue) at STSB with A supports at CONJ

So MOON is supportive.

PILT connection between MOON (Andhra) and RAHU (Bukthi):

1st level: MOON in the sign of SAT who represents 3rd ruler of RAH
2nd level: MAR aspects the KET the 3rd ruler and is conjoined with SAT the 3rd ruler
3rd ruler: RAHU* itself
4th ruler : VEN the 2nd ruler of RAH
Rahus 4th ruler JUPs connection to MOON seems missing. Lets check for indirect connection .
SUN the 3rd ruler of MOON is in the sign of JUP only.
Moon is in the sign of SAT who aspects JUP.
So, all the 4 rulers of MOON are well connected to rulers of RAHU.

Moon is in the star of Dasa lord and Sub of Andhra lord.

Hence MOON is strong and can be selected as ANDHRA under RAHU Bukthi

You could see RAHU is a ruler of Dasa lord and plays role in Bukthi and also Andhra. You can
recollect a special note about this (whenever Rahu / Ketu are coming as a strong significator, it
would play its role directly or indirectly in the Dasa periods).

Also I have suggested checking primarily the rulers of the Dasa lord or the planets that are
connected to the rulers while selecting the Bukthi lord. Similarly for Andhra lord to the rulers of
Bukthi lord. You can find such connection in this chart also.

It was predicted that the native would deliver the Baby in the DBA of MAR-RAHU-MOON
(The period was running between 29/10/2016 and 30/11/2016).

ACTUAL: She delivered a Girl baby on 24/11/2016 on MOON star day.

Actually she was running the DBAS of MAR-RAHU-MOON-VEN. Please note we have already listed VEN



Few years back Jallikattu (a traditional sport of Tamil Nadu usually conducted during the Pongal festivals
in January month every year) was banned by the Court. And our TN government was fighting at
Supreme Court for the permission to conduct the Jallikattu.

On 12th January 2016 around noon, the judgment for the same was expected from the Supreme court.

At this juncture, one of my EPS students Mr.Karthik Tamil who was much interested in knowing the
outcome of the same asked himself the question with a deep urge

Question : Will the Case win and Supreme court permit Jallikattu this year (2016)?
Date of Query : 12/1/2016
Horary number: 199 (out of 249)
Time : 11.11.33 AM
Place : Kattupuththur, TN (10n59 78e14)

The chart was immediately erected for analysis by him.

Genuinity of Query: Moon is lord of 7 (legal case) and also 5th CST (Sport) in 1 and in the star of Mars in
Libra (a sign of Law) and aspects 5th cusp (sports). 5th cusp falls in Taurus which represents Bull which is
the hero of Jallikattu. Venus aspects 5th cusp also.
Hence Query is reflecting in the chart.

House Grading : Event : COURT CASE (HORARY)

A Primary houses 1,6,11
B Secondary houses 10
C Supportive houses 2,3
D1 Detrimental or Neutral 4
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 7,8
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 5,12

For the COURT CASE VICTORY (Hoary) the houses are gruped as follows.
We have to judge the 1,6,11th cuspal Sublord:



1st level SAT is good at OCCL and STSB.

2nd and 3rd level: A3 dual grades but with A1Supports at STSB. Same planet with A3 grades at
OCCL is weak.
Further 1,2,3 levels are having A3 grades at CONJ which dilute the support.
4th level: drastic fall of Grade to D3 complete detrimental. But it has A1 grade at STSB. This
would try to support. But as OCCL is completely detrimental the effect is less. Further SUN is in
its own star. Hence, detrimental with D3 grade. No RL support from the previous levels.
This shows weakness of the Lagna Sublord.



1st level: SUN has D3 at OCCL with A1 support at STSB,

2nd level: Again SUN with D3 grade at OCCL. This is detrimental.
3rd level: MON: a Free planet: OCCL: A2. But it has A3 Grade at STSB. Being Free planet with 3
grade at STSB is detrimental.
Further, A3 grade at CONJ and also ASP are present . Weaker.
So 1,2 levels are having D3 at OCCL and 3rd level has A3 at STSB. Consequent levels are
So, 6th cuspal Sublord does not promise the success of the Case.



1st level: VEN Free planet with A3 in OCCL and STSB. Weak
2nd level: MER: A3 at OCCL. With A1 at STSB, A3 at CONJ and ASP
3rd and 4th level: SUN: OCCL : D3 which is completely detrimental.

Hence 11th cuspal Sublord does not signify the favorable judgment.

If we consider the Jallikattu as Sport (5th cusp), the 5th CSL is also VENUS.
Also it was found the SUN (government) was also not supportive in this matter.

RESULT: The outcome of the analysis was: The court will not permit Jallikattu even this year.
ACTUAL: In the afternoon, Judgment was given by the court stating that the Ban against the
Jallikattu was extended in 2016 also.



Question: Will India win England in ODI match on 19/1/2017?

Date of Query : 19/1/2017
Time : 7.24.45 AM
Place: Kattupuththur, TN (10n59 78e14)

Analysis on TIME CHART

House Grading : Event : COMPETITION (HORARY)

A Primary houses 1,6,11
B Secondary houses 3,10
C Supportive houses 2
D1 Detrimental or Neutral 4
D2 Detrimental (Obstacle giver) 7,8
D3 Complete detrimental (Negation) 5,12


For such Sports activity or one to one competition, the chart has to be studied in favor of both
Lagna and also the 7th Cusp (opponent).

After the study on the Lagna CSL,11th CSL,6th CSL for the 1st party , the chart has to be rotated
setting 7th cusp as Lagna of the opponent party and the study on the Lagna CSL, 11th CSL, 6th
CSL have to be done.

Lagna (India) falls in Capricorn. Lagna sublord is JUPITER
11th Cusp falls in Scorpio. 11 CSL is VENUS

If the JUP and VEN are strong, INDIA will win.

Meanwhile, the Chart has to be rotated to 7th cusp as Lagna to find the strength of the ENGLAND.
After rotation, Lagna of England falls in Cancer. The Lagna SL of ENGLAND is JUPITER

11th cusp of ENGLAND falls in Taurus. The 11th CSL is VENUS

So we could see for both INDIA and ENGLAND the Lagna Sublord is JUPITER and 11th CSL is

Please find below the EPS and ESI table of JUPITER and VENUS for India and also England.

Lagna CSL: JUP


No down fall of Grades

Upward trend
No 3 grade at 2,3,4 levels
1st level has B3 with A2 support at STSB and dual support at CONJ
2,3 levels have A1 grade at OCCL with dual A3 supports at CONJ and ASP
4th level has A1 Grade at OCCL an STSB.
All PILT SHADES are present.
Result: Lagna SL of India is strong

11th CSL: VEN

ESI table:

NO down fall of grades

1st level with 3 grade is weak. It has A3 at CONJ and A2 at ASP. It has Dasa lord at CONJ
and Bukthi lord at ASP
2nd level has B3 at OCCL but A2 support at STSB and dual A3 at CONJ and ASP
3rd and 4th level are good with A1 grades. SAT is a Free planet also.

Hence favorable.
Result: 11th CSL results in Success of INDIA

ENGLAND LAGNA: (after rotation of Chart and set 7th Cusp as Lagna of England)

Lagna CSL: JUP (England)

ESI table:

1st level: JUP is good

2nd level: Falling down with A2 support
3rd level: SAT: Free planet and falling down grade to D3.Detrimental.
4th level: falling down to B3 without any A support.
Hence Lagna Sublord of Opponent team ENGLAND is weak.

11th CSL: VEN (England)

ESI Table:

1st level: VENUS is with A2 at OCCL and dual supports at STSB, CONJN
2nd level is fine
3rd and 4th levels are falling down
3rd and 4th level are SAT and MER as discussed under Lagna SL. Detrimental.
Result: 11th CSL is not promising Success of the ENGLAND.

PREDICTION: India will defeat England

ACTUAL: INDIA won the match.




There are many methods of analyzing a Horary chart

For the time and Place of Query (Time chart)
For a Horary number chart for the time of query
For a Horary number chart for the time of judgment
For a horary number chart for the Scheduled time of the event

Now lets check a Horary chart for a Sports Match that was casted and analyzed actually by our KP friend
Shri.Navin Chitlangia ji. (I am presenting the chart with his consent and thanks to him). He analyzed the
chart for a Horary number but for the Scheduled time and Place of Match.

Here the Lagna is fixed according to the Urge but the planetary positions and other cuspal
positions are fixed according to the scheduled time and Place of the event.

Question: Will India win in T20 match against ENG on 29/1/2017 ?

Horary number: 163

Scheduled date of match: 29/1/2017
Scheduled time of match: 7.00 PM
Scheduled place of match: NAGPUR (21n8 79e6)



For such Sports activity or one to one competition, the chart has to be studied in favor of both Lagna
and also the 7th Cusp (opponent).

After the study on the Lagna CSL,11th CSL,6th CSL for the 1st party , the chart has to be rotated setting
7th cusp as Lagna of the opponent party and the study on the Lagna CSL, 11th CSL, 6th CSL have to be

Now lets do a comparative study between the Teams:


Lagna CSL: MAR Lagna CSL: MAR

No down fall 2nd and 3rd levels fall down without supports
ALL levels have A grade with support


No down fall
ALL levels have A grade with support 1st level Free planet with A3 at STSB
3rd and 4th level are falling down with weak STSB

2nd level falls down. But it has Star exchange RL

2,3,4 levels are falling down without good supports
support with 1st level who has A at STSB
3rd and 4th level are at A grade with supports


ACTUAL: INDIA won the Match!

EPS (Extended Planetary Significations) System is a registered Trade Mark under India Trade
Mark Registry.
All rights reserved. No part of this manuscript or EBook may be reproduced without written permission
from the Author except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

Dear Friends,

Now we have come to the end of this Book. I have taken my best effort in explaining the principles of
EPS system, concepts, and method of analysis, rules, PILT theory usage and many more along with few
example charts.

This EPS book is made with the intention to make you all learn the hidden secretes in KP
Astrology through EPS system. This is not the end. This is also a beginning!

Repeated Study on each line in each page of this book may be helpful for better understanding
the EPS system!

I am feeling proud to be a KP follower and could some contribution to the KP world as advised
by our Guruji Shri.KSK.

Due to time constraint, I could not spend more time on more charts in explaining. May be in
future I may come up or you also can come up with your successful experiences in your practical

I swear with the blessings of Shridi. Sai Baba and our beloved Guruji Shri.KSK that my EPS system
would help you to improve your analysis method and predictions for sure.

I hope many of your long existing doubts and questions pertaining to the failure or confusions in
selection of significators, timing of events and prediction on a planet would have been

I swear that EPS system would be a mile stone in the world of KP Astrology in near future. I am
sure that people who are much talented with great zeal could take this to the next level.

A dedicated mind with Trust and Patience will help you understand well the concept, rules and
method of interpretation through this EPS system.

Vedic Astrology is the foundation and the KP is the building constructed on that. EPS may be a
newly added modern and high tech floor over that. The people who are having good knowledge
in the basic principles of Vedic and fundamental astrology and KP system could be well versed in
EPS system.

With the blessings of Shridi Sai Baba and our beloved Guruji Shri.KSK, I have been made to
design this wonderful new scientific method (EPS SYSTEM) which would be a mile stone in the
world of Astrology.

Though I have invented a new high tech car, you can be a better Driver than me!!



Undoubtedly my hearty thanks to Shridi Sai Baba who made me bring out this system!

My sincere thanks to Our Beloved Guruji Shri.KSK !

I like to extend my sincere thanks to our friend Shri. AMITABH Srivastava ji (the developer of
well known KP software KP starone) with whom Shridi Sai Baba made me join hands with him
in developing the KP STARONE-EPS SYSTEM software.

This software will undergo many valuable updates and features in coming periods. And I
promise that this software will be a boon to the EPS-KP system followers. I once again thank him
for his sincere hard work in understanding my points and executing the same.

I also thank everyone who has supported me in bringing out the book on EPS System in Printed
format in Tamil Language in October 2016 and now in the form of Ebook in English as a
renowned version!

Thank you all who are reading and studying this wonderful Ebook on EPS System!

A great success is ahead! Trust my words!!

For KP STARONE-EPS system Software

For Online Classes on the EPS System

Please write to eps@bestkpastro.com or Contact 9043419466


Om Sai Ram !
Pranams to Guruji Shri.KSK !

With Regards
Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
EPS astrologer and Founder
Address: 101, Mullai Nagar,
Near Shridi Sai Baba temple,
Salem-5. Tamil Nadu, India

Cell: 9043419466
Email: eps@bestkpastro.com
Website: www.bestkpastro.com

EPS System Software (KP starone-EPS system)

Few Screen shots on important features in the EPS System Software (KP starone-EPS System).

1) Home page: Birth chart, cuspal and Planetary positions, RPs, running DBAS periods and EPS tables
with ESI tables of the running DBAS . The Dasa periods of running Dasa, Bukthi, Andhra will be displayed
on the each EPS table

In the screen shot, you can find Event : General prosperity as default which you can change to any of
your interested Event from the EVENT selector.



3) Features in DBAS Menu and DESTINY/SEL Menu









1 ABROAD GREEN CARD / PR (HORARY) 1,3,11 4,6,12 2,7,9,10 5,8
2 ABROAD SETTLE (HORARY) 3,9,11,12 1,2,7 5,6,10 4,8
3 ABROAD SETTLE (NATAL) 3,9,12 1,2,7,11 5,6,10 4,8
4 ABROAD TRAVEL- JOB (HORARY) 3,9,11,12 6,10 1,2,7 5 4,8
5 ABROAD TRAVEL - JOB (NATAL) 3,9,12 6,10 1,2,7,11 5 4,8
6 ABROAD TRAVEL - STUDIES (HORARY) 3,9,11,12 4 1,5,6,7,10 2 8
7 ABROAD TRAVEL - STUDIES (NATAL) 3,9,12 4 1,5,6,7,10,11 2 8
8 ABROAD TRAVEL - TOUR (HORARY) 3,9,11,12 5 1,7 2,6,10 4,8
9 ABROAD TRAVEL - TOUR (NATAL) 3,9,12 5,11 1,7 2,6,10 4,8
10 ABROAD TRAVEL (GENERAL) 3,9,12 7,11 1,5,6,10 2 4,8
11 ACCIDENT - CHARA 4,8 2,6,7,11,12 10 1,3 5,9
12 ACCIDENT - STHIRA 4,8 2,6,7,9,12 10 1,3 5,11
13 ACCIDENT - UPAYA 4,8 2,6,7,12 10 1,3 5,9,11
14 ANCESTRAL PROPERTY (HORARY) 9,11 2,4,6 1,7,10 3 8,12
15 ANCESTRAL PROPERTY (NATAL) 9 2,4,6,11 1,5,7,10 3 8,12
16 BUSINESS INDEPENDANT (HORARY) 7,10,11 2,6 1,3,4 8,12 5,9
17 BUSINESS INDEPENDANT (NATAL) 7,10 2,6,11 1,3,4 8,12 5,9
18 BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP (NATAL) 7,10 2,11 1,3,4 5 6,8,12 9
19 BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP (HORARY) 7,10,11 2 1,3,4 5 6,8,12 9
20 CHILD - 1ST (HORARY) 5,11 2 1,3,7,9 6,8,10,12 4
21 CHILD - 1ST (NATAL) 5 2,11 1,3,7,9 6,8,10,12 4
22 CHILD - 2ND (HORARY) 5,11 2,7 1,3,9 8,10,12 4,6
23 CHILD - 2ND (NATAL) 5 2,7,11 1,3,9 8,10,12 4,6
24 COMPETITION (HORARY) 1,6,11 10 2,3,9 4,7,8 5,12
25 COMPETITION (NATAL) 1,6 10,11 2,3,9 4,7,8 5,12
26 COURT CASE (HORARY) 1,6,11 10 2,3 4 ,9 7,8 5,12
27 COURT CASE (NATAL) 1,6 10,11 2,3 4 ,9 7,8 5,12
28 EDUCATION - HIGHER (HORARY) 9,11 4 1,2,5,6,7,10 12 3,8
29 EDUCATION - HIGHER (NATAL) 9 4,11 1,2,5,6,7,10 12 3,8
30 EDUCATION (HORARY) 4,11 1 2,5,6,7,9,10 8,12 3
31 EDUCATION (NATAL) 4 11 1,2,5,6,7,9,10 8,12 3
32 FINANCE / MONEY (NATAL) 2 4,6,10,11 1,3 7 8,9 5,12
33 FINANCE/ MONEY (HORARY) 2,11 4,6,10 1,3 7 8,9 5,12
34 GENERAL PROSPERITY 1,11 2,3,6,10 5,7,9 4 8,12
35 GENERAL SUCCESS (HORARY) 1,11 3,6,10 2,9 4 7,8 5,12
36 HEALTH - CHARA 1,5 3,9 10 2,4,7,8,11 6,12
37 HEALTH - STHIRA 1,5 3,11 10 2,4,7,8,9 6,12
38 HEALTH - UPAYA 1,5 3,9,11 10 2,4,7,8 6,12
39 JOB - PRESENTLY ABROAD (NATAL) 6,10 3,9,12 1,2,4,7,11 8 5

40 JOB (HORARY) 6,10,11 2 1,3,4,7 8,12 5,9
41 JOB (NATAL) 6,10 2,11 1,3,4,7 8,12 5,9
42 JOB - PRESENTLY ABROAD (HORARY) 6,10,11 3,9,12 1,2,4,7 8 5
43 JOB PROMOTION (HORARY) 1,6,10,11 2 3,7 4 8 5,9,12
44 JOB PROMOTION (NATAL) 1,6,10 2,11 3,7 4 8 5,9,12
45 JOB TRANSFER (HORARY) 3,11 9,10,12 1,6,7 2,5,8 4
46 JOB TRANSFER (NATAL) 3 9,10,11,12 1,6,7 2,5,8 4
47 LOAN (HORARY) 6,11 2 3,4,7,9,10 1,8 5,12
48 LOAN (NATAL) 6 2,11 3,4,7,9,10 1,8 5,12
49 LOAN REPAYMENT (HORARY) 11,12 5,8 1,3,4,7,9,10 2 6
50 LONGEVITY - CHARA 1,8 3,5,9 10 4 6,11 2,7,12
51 LONGEVITY - STHIRA 1,8,11 3,5 10 4 6,9 2,7,12
52 LONGEVITY - UPAYA 1,8 3,5,9 10 4 6 2,7,12
53 LOST ARTICLE (HORARY) 11 1,2,6 3,4,10 7,8 9 5,12
LOST/MISSING PERSON RETURN 1,11 2,4 5,7,10 6 9 3,8,12
55 LOVE (HORARY) 5,11 7 1,2,3,9 8 10,6,12 4
56 LOVE (NATAL) 5 7,11 1,2,3,9 8 10,6,12 4
57 MARRIAGE - 1ST (HORARY) 7,11 2 1,3,5,9 4 8,10,12 6
58 MARRIAGE - 1ST (NATAL) 7 2,11 1,3,5,9 4 8,10,12 6
59 MARRIAGE - 2ND (HORARY) 7,9,11 2 1,3,5 4 8,10,12 6
60 MARRIAGE - 2ND (NATAL) 7,9 2,11 1,3,5 4 8,10,12 6
MARRIAGE - DIVORCE NATIVE APPLIED 1,6,11 4,8,10,12 3,9 2,5 7
MARRIAGE - DIVORCE NATIVE APPLIED 1,6 4,8,10,12,11 3,9 2,5 7
62 (NATAL)
63 MARRIAGE - LOVE (HORARY) 5,7,11 2 1,3,9 8,10,12 4,6
64 MARRIAGE - LOVE (NATAL) 5,7 2,11 1,3,9 8,10,12 4,6
65 MUHURTHA 1,11 2,3,6,10 9 4 7,8 5,12
PROPERTY - GAIN FROM PROPERTY 2,4,11 6 1,7,9 10 8,12 3,5
PROPERTY - GAIN FROM 2,4 6,11 1,7,9 10 8,12 3,5
PROPERTY / VEHICLE PURCHASE 4,11 12 1,2,5,6,7,9 8,10 3
PROPERTY / VEHICLE PURCHASE 4 11,12 1,2,5,6,7,9 8,10 3
69 (NATAL)
70 PROPERTY SALE (HORARY) 3,11 10,12 1,2,5,6,7 8,9 4
71 PROPERTY SALE (NATAL) 3 10,11,12 1,2,5,6,7 8,9 4
72 SHARE / SPECULATION (HORARY) 2,5,11 6 1,3,9,10 7 8 4,12
73 SHARE / SPECULATION (NATAL) 2,5 6,11 1,3,9,10 7 8 4,12


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