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Report 2007

UNODC Annual Report 2007

covering activities in 2006

Printed in Slovakia
February 2007
Cover: Young boy harvesting opium in Afghanistan,
where opium production surged to record levels in 2006.
Photo: Alessandro Scotti

Editor: Preeta Bannerjee

Associate Editor: Richard Murphy
Pictures: Melitta Borovansky-König
Layout and design: Nancy Cao

This publication has not been formally edited.

The boundaries, names and designations used in all maps in this report do
not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Report 2007

Making the world safer

from crime, drugs and terrorism

covering activities in 2006

of the Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Highlights of 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Feature on human trafficking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

UNODC field offices

Africa and the Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Europe and West/Central Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Latin America and the Caribbean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
South-East Asia and the Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Headquarters activities
Research and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Convention support and legal advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Transnational organized crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Counter-narcotics and law enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Combating money-laundering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Fighting corruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Criminal justice reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Countering terrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Preventing drug abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
HIV/AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Scientific support for drug control activities . . . . . . . . . . . .84

Key financial data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

Myanmar, Shan State.

Community-based centres
offer detoxification
therapy to farmers living
in remote areas of the
Photo: Alessandro Scotti


Foreword of the Executive Director

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is a UNODC is drawing attention to the debilitating links
small office with big mandates. between drugs, crime and under-development and try-
ing to help States escape from this vicious circle.
To deal with this challenge, the Office must be focused,
fast, and innovative. For maximum impact, UNODC Many young people are already taking desperate meas-
positions itself as a pivotal wedge to leverage global ures to free themselves from this trap, fuelling a boom-
attention and resources into initiatives that can control ing and dangerous industry in people-smuggling from
drugs and prevent crime and terrorism. As custodian of Africa. As custodian of the world's only Protocol against
key international instruments on drugs and crime, it the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, the
reminds States of their commitments and helps them Office has encouraged States to use this unique instru-
with implementation. As an incubator of ideas, a source ment to stem the flow of young Africans, whose dreams
of evidence-based research and facilitator of contacts, it of a passage to Europe are exploited by criminals and all
seeks to promote fresh approaches and better networks too often end in death in the desert or at sea.
to effect change in coping with some of the planet's
most sinister challenges. UNODC also pays special attention to the crime of traf-
ficking in persons. In 2006, the Office issued the first
In 2006, UNODC’s announcement of a record opium ever report showing global patterns in human traffick-
harvest in Afghanistan grabbed the world headlines and ing. This was an attempt to cast light on a crime that is
reinforced the Office's reputation for providing the gold often in the shadows, yet affects millions of victims
standard for drug cultivation data. world-wide. At the beginning of 2007 UNODC launched
a Global Initiative to Combat Trafficking in Persons and
But there is more to UNODC's work in Afghanistan than Slavery aimed at producing a turning point in the
counting poppies. Having brought the problem to world world-wide movement against these crimes.
attention, UNODC proposed solutions. Our proposals
won broad-based support and triggered concrete initia- The Office also worked to generate momentum against
tives like a Good Performers Fund to grant money to another global problem within its mandate: corruption.
Afghan provinces which eliminate poppy, the addition UNODC is custodian of the world's only universal anti-
of drug traffickers to a United Nations Security Council corruption instrument, the United Nations Convention
“most wanted” list and the creation of regional intelli- against Corruption, which entered into force in December
gence-sharing centres in Central Asia and the Gulf. 2005. States Parties met for the first time at a Conference
to review the Convention's implementation in December
Afghanistan's opium earthquake sent shock waves well 2006 in Jordan. Expectations for the Convention's poten-
beyond its borders. To reduce the impact, UNODC— tial impact are growing among the public, businesses and
thanks to generous donor support—stepped up its tech- anti-corruption authorities. International financial insti-
nical assistance to Afghanistan's neighbours, which tutions now view the Convention as a common blueprint
faced an HIV/AIDS epidemic due to an increase in for their campaigns to fight corruption and improve the
injecting drug use. Mayors and healthcare officials in effectiveness of aid. UNODC is responding to a growing
Western European cities were warned to prepare for an number of requests from States for technical assistance.
increase in drug overdoses. Perhaps the tide is starting to turn.

UNODC also raised the alarm about growing cocaine There was also increasing demand for UNODC's techni-
use in Europe in 2006. While cocaine demand around cal and legal assistance in preventing terrorism. The
the world has levelled off, it has risen dramatically in landmark Counter-Terrorism Strategy adopted by the
Europe. To feed this demand, traffickers—unsettled by General Assembly on 8 September 2006 makes exten-
better law enforcement that resulted in record seizures sive reference to the work of the Office in preventing
of the drug—looked for alternative smuggling routes, for terrorism and urges States to make more use of that
example through the Caribbean and West Africa. These expertise. This is clearly a growth area for UNODC.
regions, already suffering from poverty and high youth
unemployment, now face additional burdens due to While demand for assistance is rising, so too are volun-
crime and corruption generated by drug trafficking. tary contributions from Member States, which account


for nearly 90 per cent of the Office's annual budget. In the world are increasingly working together to counter
2006, donors pledged voluntary contributions for the the threats posed by drugs, crime and terrorism.
drugs and crime programmes totalling $US150.7 mil- Governments, NGOs and the private sector realize that
lion, a rise of more than 25 per cent from last year and these threats and challenges which defy borders require
a 72 per cent increase since 2003. multilateral solutions. More and more, they turn to
UNODC for help.
Still, the Office aims to remain lean and fit to improve
performance and spark innovation. Our efforts were As this 2007 report demonstrates, at headquarters and
recognised in the number of UN21 awards and com- through its field offices around the world, UNODC is
mendations picked up by UNODC in 2006—four out of working hard to live up to Member States' growing
the twenty prizes that were given out in the entire expectations. We live in a dangerous world, but togeth-
United Nations system to acknowledge innovation, effi- er we have a better chance of confronting the evils of
ciency and excellence in the delivery of programmes drugs, crime and terrorism.
and services. That's an impressive 20 per cent of the
prizes for an Office that receives less than one per cent
of the total United Nations budget.

In short, while 2006 brought some setbacks in terms of

drug control and demonstrated the extent of continuing Antonio Maria Costa
challenges in addressing threats like the smuggling of Executive Director
migrants and trafficking in persons, forces for good in United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


Explanatory notes
The following abbreviations have been used in this report:

ADB Asian Development Bank

CSTO Collective Security Treaty Organization
EU European Union
EC European Community
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
IADB Inter-American Development Bank
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
ILO International Labour Organization
IMF International Monetary Fund
INCB International Narcotics Control Board
Interpol International Criminal Police Organization
IOM International Organization for Migration
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
OAS Organization of American States
OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
SADC Southern African Development Community
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population Activities
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WCO World Customs Union
WFP World Food Programme

UK United Kingdom
US United States of America

of 2006

Pakistan, North West

Frontier Province. The city
of Peshawar is flooded
with heroin from neigh-
bouring Afghanistan. In
the muddy streets of a
tribal area, drug abusers
meet to smoke heroin
Photo: Alessandro Scotti


Highlights of 2006
A chequered year for drug control cent compared with 2005 and only six of the country's
34 provinces were opium-free in 2006.
2006 was a mixed year for international drug control.
The good news was the remarkable success of the In November, a joint report by UNODC and the World
Golden Triangle countries, particularly Laos, in slashing Bank entitled Afghanistan’s Drug Industry: Structure,
illicit opium production to near-negligible levels. Functioning, Dynamics, and Implications for Counter-
Narcotics Policy concluded that efforts to combat opium
But those gains were eclipsed by the bad news from production in Afghanistan had been marred by corrup-
Afghanistan, the year's big story. Afghan opium pro- tion and had failed to prevent the consolidation of the
duction, which accounts for 92 per cent of total world drugs trade in the hands of a powerful few with strong
supply, surged 49 per cent to a record 6,100 tonnes. political connections.
UNODC warned Western countries to prepare for a pos-
sible increase in drug overdoses as a result of the The Golden Triangle
increased purity of heroin.
Opium poppy cultivation in the once-notorious Golden
Rising cocaine consumption in Europe was another Triangle—Laos, Myanmar and Thailand—fell 29 per cent
cause for concern. in 2006, bringing the total decline since 1998 to 85 per
cent, according to UNODC's Opium Poppy Cultivation in
Afghanistan the Golden Triangle survey.

Opium cultivation soared to record highs, especially in Cultivation dropped to 24,160 hectares in 2006 from
the troubled south of the country. Drugs, crime and cor- 34,720 in 2005, a dramatic reduction compared with
ruption were not only buoying the narco-economy but the 157,900 hectares cultivated in 1998. The Golden
also fuelling insurgency across Western Asia, reported Triangle thus produced only about 5 per cent of the
UNODC in its 2006 Afghanistan Opium Survey. world's opium, down from 33 per cent in 1998.

With 165,000 hectares under opium cultivation in 2006, Laos became virtually opium-free in 2006. The world's
up almost 60 per cent from 2005, the harvest out- third largest opium producer until the mid-1990s, it had
stripped global consumption by 30 per cent. Poppy cul- slashed output by 93 per cent in seven years. Laos was
tivation in Helmand province alone rose by 162 per probably no longer a supplier of illegal opium to the
world market.

Cocaine threatens Europe

UNODC warned that Governments in Western Europe—

especially Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom (UK)—
should face up to alarming levels of cocaine consump-
tion among their educated professionals. Stable or even
falling demand for cocaine worldwide was being under-
cut by the upward trend in Europe.

The level of cocaine use in Spain, which stood at 3 per

cent of the population aged 15 to 64, surpassed that in
the United States (US) for the first time. The UK was not
far behind, with 2.4 per cent of the population trying
cocaine, four times as many as a decade earlier. In
Spain, 42 per cent of people entering treatment for drug

Making opium paste, Afghanistan

highlights of 2006

Wa region, Myanmar, UNODC project to train former opium growers in traditional Lahu bag-weaving techniques

abuse were addicted to cocaine, six times as many as in Focus on intelligence-sharing

2002. UNODC said that Europe could not afford to
focus exclusively on cutting off the supply of cocaine UNODC took several important initiatives in 2006 to
from the Andean region whilst ignoring domestic con- support cross-border counter-narcotics and anti-organ-
sumption, as the cocaine trade was fuelled by demand ized crime efforts.
from the world's 13 million users.
In February, the five Central Asian countries, Russia
UNODC and counter-terrorism and Azerbaijan agreed to set up a regional intelligence
centre in Almaty, Kazakhstan to fight illicit drug traf-
In September, the United Nations General Assembly ficking. Around one fifth of Afghanistan's 2006 opium
unanimously adopted the United Nations Global crop had been smuggled through the five Central Asian
Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the first time that all 192 republics.
Member States of the Organization had agreed to a
common global approach to fighting terrorism. The new Central Asian Regional Information and
Coordination Centre (CARICC), supported by UNODC,
The Strategy made extensive reference to the work of will be staffed by law-enforcement officials from the
UNODC, reinforcing its counter-terrorism mandates and countries in the region. It will compile and analyse
recognizing its role in key areas such as international intelligence on drug trafficking and coordinate regional
criminal justice and international cooperation in crimi- law-enforcement operations against criminals.
nal matters. It also encouraged UNODC to enhance its
technical assistance to Member States and urged them UNODC's regional drug-control portfolio in Central Asia
to make use of that assistance. is one of its largest, totalling some $US 40 million
annually, and it continues to expand.
UNODC will aim to integrate counter-terrorism aspects
in other relevant substantive areas of its work, includ- In April, UNODC agreed to work closely with the six-
ing money-laundering, transnational organized crime, country Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)
corruption and criminal justice reform. in fighting drug trafficking, terrorism and trans-border


Cannabis field in Afghanistan. Photo: Alessandro Scotti

crime. The CSTO consists of Armenia, Belarus, is due to become operational by mid-2007. It will help
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. law-enforcement authorities in the region to share oper-
ational intelligence and boost their ability to arrest drug
Under a Protocol signed by UNODC Executive Director traffickers.
Antonio Maria Costa and the Secretary-General of the
CSTO, Nikolay Bordyuzha, the two organizations will Container Control Programme extended
develop joint projects against drugs and crime and
share information about their activities. More than 220 million sea containers move around the
globe every year, transporting 90 per cent of the
Under an agreement with the NATO-Russia Council in world's cargo virtually uninspected.
July, UNODC will support the training of anti-narcotics
law-enforcement officers in Central Asia and To reduce the risk of organized crime syndicates and
Afghanistan. terrorists using containers for criminal purposes,
UNODC designed a Container Control Programme to
UNODC, the executing agency for the $US 927,000 help Governments control the movement of sea freight.
project, will assist experts from NATO countries and The programme began in Ecuador and Senegal in 2005
Russia in developing training programmes and provid- and new pilot projects were added in Ghana and
ing logistical support. They will deploy mobile training Pakistan in 2006.
teams in Afghanistan and its five Central Asian neigh-
bours, supplementing training in permanent facilities In March, the Joint Port Control project pulled off a
provided by Russia and Turkey. stunning success in Guayaquil, Ecuador, when customs
and police seized more than 5.5 tons of cocaine, a haul
In September, the Government of Qatar pledged $US 10 worth over $US 556 million in North America or
million to set up a high-tech criminal intelligence cen- Europe. The consignment had arrived from the
tre in Doha to help Gulf States combat drug trafficking. Colombian port of Buenaventura in December 2005 in a
UNODC will provide technical help for the centre, which container carrying bed sheets.

highlights of 2006

Major UNODC reports The absence of reliable global data, such as those
which UNODC compiles every year on the illegal drugs
UNODC's flagship publication, the World Drug Report, trade, makes it more difficult for Governments and
published in June, concluded that drug control was international organizations to fight trafficking effec-
working and the world's drug problem was being con- tively.
States meet to review Convention against
However, UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Corruption
Costa urged Governments to address three key prob-
lems: soaring heroin production in Afghanistan, grow- UNODC is custodian of the United Nations Convention
ing demand for cocaine in Europe and increasing global against Corruption, which came into force in December
consumption of cannabis. 2005.

The 2006 Report contained a special focus on cannabis, Representatives from the 80 countries that had ratified
the world's most abused illicit drug, which it cautioned the Convention met at a high-level conference in
was more potent than it had been a few decades ago. Jordan in December to review its first year of operation
Its harmful characteristics were no longer very different and discuss the way ahead.
from those of other plant-based drugs such as cocaine
and heroin. They agreed to develop mechanisms to confiscate and
return stolen assets to their countries of origin and to
In December, UNODC published a report entitled monitor implementation of the Convention.
Violence, Crime and Illegal Arms Trafficking in
Colombia, which said the country needed to do more to Practical tools for law enforcement
crack down on organized crime and arms trafficking
and called for stiffer penalties for carrying or dealing in UNODC produced technical assistance tools for police,
illegal arms. law-enforcement officers and crime experts.

Although Colombia has one of the highest homicide A Counter-Kidnap Manual, produced with the help of
rates in the world, the report challenged the perception the Government of Colombia and experts from 16
that it was plagued by indiscriminate violence. Rather, countries, was developed to give police officers and
the use of firearms was highly controlled and regulated policy-makers concrete guidelines on how to respond
by criminal gangs, rebel factions and the Government. effectively to kidnappings. More than 10,000 people are
kidnapped around the world every year.
The report showed that although the flow of illegal
weapons into Colombia was limited, weapons were con- The Manual identified different types of kidnapping,
stantly being recycled. It was therefore important to including for extortion or political purposes, and
control the circulation of weapons. advised Governments on how to formulate effective
legislation and preventive measures. It also provided
A new UNODC report in April, entitled Trafficking In guidance for senior police investigators on sensitive
Persons: Global Patterns, showed that virtually no subjects such as negotiation, surveillance and interven-
country in the world was unaffected by the crime of tion options.
human trafficking for sexual exploitation or forced
labour. A Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons included a
checklist to help identify trafficking victims and provid-
The report, which identified 127 countries of origin, 98 ed guidance on interviewing victims and victim protec-
transit countries and 137 destination countries, showed tion. The Toolkit addressed the need to bring national
that global efforts to combat trafficking were being legislation into compliance with international standards
hampered by a lack of accurate data, reflecting the and strengthen international cooperation in criminal
unwillingness of some countries to acknowledge that justice, including the extradition of criminals and con-
the problem affected them. fiscation of the proceeds of crime.


will provide grants contributed by Qatar for activities

promoting a healthy lifestyle.

UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa

appointed Qatar's Nasser Saleh Al-Attiyah, world cham-
pion rally driver and Olympic skeet shooter, as the first
Global Sport Fund Ambassador.

Goodwill Ambassadors take their message

across the world
With the help of the sporting and arts worlds to amplify
its messages, UNODC harnessed “star power” to raise
UNODC and the Qatar National Olympic Committee awareness of global problems.
launched the Global Sport Fund in May at an event
featuring professional athletes and schoolchildren. In her address to the 15th Session of the United Nations
UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
(centre) attended the launch in Vienna, British actress Julia Ormond, UNODC
Goodwill Ambassador on Anti-Trafficking, called on all
countries to ratify the Palermo Protocols outlawing traf-
Finally, a Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit was ficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants.
designed to help reform national criminal justice sys-
tems and bring them into line with international stan- She visited Ghana, where she met children forced by
dards. Written by a team of experts from the United fishermen to dive in life-threatening conditions to
Nations and the Organization for Security and Co- untangle nets, Cambodia and Thailand. Testifying
operation in Europe (OSCE), it covered areas such as before the US House of Representatives Subcommittee
policing, access to justice, prison and alternatives to on Africa, Ms Ormond highlighted the need for effective
incarceration, juvenile justice and the treatment of vic- international action on trafficking.
tims and witnesses.
Italian photographer Alessandro Scotti continued
UNODC Global Partnership Forum to document the global drugs trade in his capacity
as UNODC Goodwill Ambassador, with visits to
In October, UNODC hosted in Vienna its first Global Afghanistan, Iran, Laos and Pakistan. He presented
Partnership Forum for the private sector, international some of his powerful photographs, which will be
foundations and philanthropists to explore ways in published in book form, to delegations from Member
which these partners could unite to tackle the global States at the Commission on Crime Prevention and
problems of drug abuse, human trafficking and the Criminal Justice.
spread of HIV/AIDS. The event included participants
from the Chemical Dependency Centre (UK), the UNODC Goodwill Ambassador and Olympic champion
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (Germany), the gymnast, Igor Cassina, visited Tirana, Albania to partic-
Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), ipate in events marking the International Day against
the MTV Europe Foundation and the Novartis Illicit Trafficking and Drug Abuse on 26 June.
Foundation (Switzerland).
UNODC operations
New Global Sport Fund targets young people
UNODC reported a significant increase in its drugs and
UNODC, in partnership with the Qatar National Olympic crime programmes, reflecting a growth in worldwide
Committee, launched the Global Sport Fund, a pro- demand for its specialist services. UNODC managed a
gramme using sport to prevent drug use and criminal portfolio of 279 ongoing projects in 2006. Counter-nar-
behaviour among vulnerable young people. The Fund cotics enforcement accounted for 26.2 per cent of the

highlights of 2006

total, while prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in increase of 12 per cent to $US 69.1 million in the drugs
the field of drug abuse made up another 25.4 per cent. programme and a dramatic rise of 186 per cent to $US
Sustainable livelihood projects, aimed at giving farmers 22.6 million in the crime programme.
in drug-producing countries legitimate alternatives to
growing illicit crops, accounted for 7.2 per cent. While demand for assistance is rising, so too are volun-
tary contributions from Member States, which account for
Total operational expenditure on drugs and crime tech- nearly 90 per cent of UNODC's annual budget. In 2006
nical assistance programmes implemented by UNODC's donors pledged voluntary contributions for the drugs
21 field offices and by head-office specialists in 2006 and crime programmes totalling $US 150.7 million, an
rose 32 per cent to $US 91.7 million. This reflected an increase of more than 25 per cent over the previous year.

Breakdown of 2006 ongoing projects by theme

Breakdown of 2006 ongoing projects by region

Breakdown of 2006 expenditures by thematic area (total: US$ 91,696,045)

Feature on
human trafficking
Escaping forced labour at
home in Myanmar, these
workers look to commer-
cial fishing in a neigh-
bouring country as a way
to a better life. They are
prey to unscrupulous traf-
Photo: Kay Chernush for
the U.S. State Department


Feature on human trafficking

Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. specialized assistance, including the development of
Virtually every country in the world is affected by local capacity and expertise, as well as practical tools to
trafficking for sexual exploitation or forced labour. encourage cross-border cooperation in investigations
Reliable global data are limited but the number of and prosecutions.
victims is believed to be reaching epidemic proportions.
The international response is, at best, uneven. Reported The adoption in 2000 by the United Nations General
victims are mainly women and children. Assembly of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and
Punish Trafficking In Persons, Especially Women and
The challenges for all countries, rich and poor, are to Children marked a significant milestone in international
target the criminals who exploit desperate people and to efforts to stop the trade in people.
protect trafficking victims.
As custodian of the Protocol, UNODC addresses human
UNODC offers practical help to all countries, not only trafficking issues through its Global Programme against
by helping to draft laws and create comprehensive Trafficking in Human Beings. By the end of 2006, 117
national anti-trafficking strategies but also assisting States had signed the Protocol and 111 countries had
with resources to implement them. Countries receive ratified it.

A leader of a community vigilance group and her daughter on India’s border with Nepal

feature on human trafficking

But translating the Protocol into reality remains prob- which included helping Colombian television to produce
lematic. Very few criminals are convicted and most vic- a prime-time television soap opera about human traf-
tims are probably never identified or assisted. ficking. Aired nightly to millions of viewers, the series
exposed common traffickers' ruses, such as Internet
The following is an overview of UNODC's work in the scams, and explained where victims could seek help.
human trafficking field, with real-life stories to illus-
trate the complexity of the issues. Vulnerable communities

Community-led activities are an important prevention

Prevention tool. The porous border between India and Nepal, for
example, is an area of heavy cross-border human traf-
ficking. In 2006, UNODC supported NGO initiatives,
Boi Ngoc is a young woman living in a remote farm- such as the Community Vigilance project led by local
ing village in South-East Asia. She has a child, but leaders and women's groups, which has mobilized thou-
lives in a hostile family environment, with little sands of villagers to detect and prevent trafficking.
means of securing any income. Desperate to support
her child independently, she contacts a woman rec- In 2006, UNODC provided funding for NGOs in Bosnia
ommended by a relative, who says she can arrange a and Herzegovina and Croatia to run trafficking preven-
job as a waitress in a neighbouring country. tion campaigns among asylum-seekers, a particularly
vulnerable group. Counselling was provided to young
Burim is a young Eastern European boy staying in an people like Burim to make them aware of the risks and
asylum seekers’ camp in a foreign country. He and his where they can seek help.
brother have been separated from their family for
several years. As asylum seekers they have no right to Conflict zones
work in their host country but need money for cloth-
ing and other essential items. Their status and Sometimes the threat of trafficking can emerge very
prospects are likely to remain uncertain for many suddenly. In mid-2006, during the armed conflict in
years. A man approaches Burim and offers him and Lebanon, UNODC became aware that traffickers were
his brother the chance to start a new life. targeting some of the 300,000 domestic workers from
Ethiopia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka who were left
behind when their foreign employers were evacuated.
Having abruptly lost their livelihoods and official resi-
People like Boi Ngoc and Burim are seeking better lives dent status, the workers quickly became vulnerable. As
and are therefore vulnerable to manipulation by traffick- embassies struggled to assist their nationals, trafficking
ers. UNODC's research shows that victims are often duped gangs offered alternative options. UNODC set up an
by a recruiter who is a relative, a supposed friend or emergency information campaign within days: it pro-
seems like someone they can trust. Traffickers and victims duced 12,000 pages of information in various lan-
often share the same nationality. In some parts of the guages, including the number of a telephone hotline
world, female traffickers are selected to recruit women. run by the NGO Caritas Migrant for assistance and sup-
port. The materials were distributed in shelters,
UNODC helps to make people like Boi Ngoc and Burim embassies, churches, shops and markets.
aware of the risks by making video and radio spots
(public service announcements), which are broadcast in Research
numerous languages throughout the world. It also runs
campaigns with non-governmental organizations UNODC's prevention work includes raising awareness
(NGOs), distributing written information and contacting among policy-makers, law-enforcement bodies and civil
actual and potential victims. society. In April, UNODC published the report
Trafficking In Persons: Global Patterns that identified
In December, UNODC Colombia received a UN21 127 countries of origin, 98 transit countries and 137
Commendation for its anti-human trafficking activities, destination countries. The sensitive nature of the issue


Many of the children who sell fruit in the streets of Nigeria are trafficking victims

and the lack of systematic action on trafficking world- Protection

wide make information collection a challenge, reflecting
the unwillingness of some countries to acknowledge Police and criminal justice staff need standard working
that the problem affects them. The absence of reliable procedures to guarantee the physical safety of victims,
global data, in turn, makes it more difficult for protect their privacy and make it safe for them to testi-
Governments and international organizations to fight fy against their abusers. These issues are part of
trafficking effectively. The UNODC report was a first UNODC's human trafficking training for police, prose-
attempt to get a clearer picture of the problem. It high- cutors and judges. Guidelines on witness protection are
lighted the complex nature of trafficking, such as in the pipeline for 2007.
women committing trafficking offences against other
women, and identified national and regional character- Tools
istics of offenders, victims and exploitation. The report
listed States on a scale from “very low” to “very high” In October, UNODC launched a Toolkit to Combat
as countries of origin, transit and destination. Trafficking in Persons to provide practical help to

Alexandru, a 24-year-old Eastern European, went to a Juana, a South American woman, was trafficked to
Western European country for seasonal work but was North America and sexually exploited. With a poor
paid almost nothing and lived in a shack with no elec- family to support, she initially consented. Arrested and
tricity or running water. After Alexandru complained, deported as an illegal alien, she received no assistance
his boss beat him up and left him in a critical condi- from her Government, NGOs or the local community.
tion. When he was found, police placed him in custody But her family’s predicament did not improve and
as an illegal immigrant. They said he refused to coop- soon afterwards Juana agreed to be re-trafficked in
erate by refusing to sign the papers required, though the hope of earning much-needed money.
with both arms in a cast, he was physically unable to.
Alexandru was immediately deported.

feature on human trafficking

Governments, policy-makers, police, NGOs and others Ukraine. The programme offered emotional and practi-
to enable them to tackle human trafficking more effec- cal support, including health care, legal aid, psychologi-
tively. cal assistance and referrals. More than 280 victims have
been repatriated from India to Nepal alone.
The Toolkit includes checklists to help identify traffick-
ing victims as well as guidance on interviewing victims Reintegration
and victim protection. Other tools help police to under-
take cross-border investigations and advise Government Victims need assistance that extends beyond the end of
officials on how to ensure the safe repatriation of vic- their exploitation and any criminal prosecution.
tims. These and many other current “best practices” are Vocational training can reduce the risk of their being
available for immediate use and adaptation worldwide. sucked into exploitative situations again. In 2006, com-
panies in the Philippines joined the fight against re-vic-
Identification timization by participating in the Corporate
Apprenticeship programme, a joint initiative between
In many countries there is a lack of awareness of the UNODC and the Department for Social Welfare and
fact that someone like Alexandru could be a victim and Development. Under the scheme, trafficking victims are
not an offender. Trafficking victims also commonly accepted as apprentices for six months to a year and
blame themselves for what has happened to them, given on-the-job training in factories, the hospitality
which can stop them from seeking help. Without identi- trade and other businesses.
fication and recognition as victims of crime, they can
unjustly suffer prosecution because of their irregular Prosecution

Victim identification checklists and techniques, such as

In late 2005, a police officer in a major European city
those outlined in UNODC's Toolkit to Combat
noticed a young boy begging at the entrance of a
Trafficking in Persons, are crucial for rescuing individu-
large shop. The police officer tried unsuccessfully to
als and making sure they are not re-victimized.
communicate with the boy. All he would say was, “I’m
a tourist, and I’m waiting for my father”. The police
officer decided to take the boy to a police station.
There, the boy produced a bad copy of a foreign pass-
A “rescuer” must know how to refer victims to experts,
port. With the help of a translator, a trained police
whether in official bodies or NGOs, for appropriate sup-
interviewer established that the boy, named Krasimir,
port. In 2003, UNODC helped to set up one of the first
was living in the city with a “friend” and that his
victim referral mechanisms in the Czech Republic,
family was still in his home country. Based on this
which led to a national strategy for combating traffick-
information, specialist investigators were tipped off.
ing in persons in that country. UNODC has helped to
Three more boys were found and the “friend” was
introduce such systems in the Philippines and in
arrested. Interviews took place before an investigative
Poland. In late 2006, work started on similar services in
judge and a defence lawyer so that the boys did not
Moldova and the Slovak Republic. The purpose of such
have to go to court. The interviews revealed that the
systems is to ensure that a trafficking victim, like
boys had been forced into begging by the adult
Alexandru, is identified as such, that support is avail-
“friend,” Two months later, the case went to court
able to them and that those who come into contact with
and the trafficker was sent to prison.
the victim act in an appropriate way.

Much of UNODC's work centres on strengthening
Under a major global programme, largely completed in national criminal justice systems. UNODC's goal is to
2006, UNODC funded support projects for victims of see a greater number of convictions achieved globally.
trafficking run by 19 NGOs in India, Indonesia, Mexico, This means not only that human trafficking must be a
Moldova, Pakistan, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda and criminal offence in the country where an act of traf-


ficking is detected, but also that the law must be their application to the sexual exploitation of women
enforced. and girls. That means they provide no assistance to
people like Krasimir or, for example, to women traf-
As in the case of Krasimir, successful convictions ficked to work in domestic servitude or sweatshops.
depend on the police and others making the right deci- Without specialized human trafficking laws, victims are
sions. This can only happen if they have the knowledge subjected to greater uncertainties while traffickers bene-
and capacity to respond to human trafficking. Things fit from reduced risks and penalties.
can also go wrong: in some countries, for example,
prosecutions are brought but the police fail to protect In 2006, UNODC offered Armenia, Lebanon and South
the identity of witnesses or prevent intimidation of vic- Africa assistance in drafting anti-human trafficking leg-
tims and court officials by defendants. In other cases, islation. Criminal justice officials from Burkina Faso,
traffickers get a lighter sentence because of their youth. Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo and Ukraine
received specialized training. UNODC assisted NATO in
To try to prevent this happening, UNODC helps coun- training its senior officials to combat trafficking in per-
tries to develop effective law enforcement and criminal sons. Three computer-based training modules to combat
justice institutions. human trafficking were finalized in Thailand. The
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
UNODC has helped to develop legislation in many publication, Training Manual on Trafficking in Persons,
countries. Many human trafficking laws are limited in containing an action plan for West and Central African
countries, was launched in 2006.

Participant in the first national conference on human UNODC also trained police, border guards, prosecutors,
trafficking, 11-15 December, Laos judges and NGO staff in many countries, including
Burkina Faso, Finland, Ghana, Laos, Moldova, Nigeria,
South Africa, Ukraine and Viet Nam.

Viet Nam has one of the highest conviction rates for

traffickers in the world, thanks in large part to training
by UNODC. More than 110 people have been convicted
of human trafficking offences. Following a UNODC
cross-border cooperation workshop, the police in China
and Viet Nam rescued dozens of female victims traf-
ficked for forced marriages. More than 50 trafficking
rings were disrupted by late 2006.

United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and

Punish Trafficking In Persons, Especially Women
and Children
• Provides the first internationally agreed
definition of trafficking in persons;
• Requires countries to criminalize
trafficking in persons;
• Provides a framework for assisting and
protecting victims;
• Requires cooperation within and between countries.

Field offices
Africa and the Middle East
Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Kenya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Nigeria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Senegal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
South Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Europe and West/Central Asia

Afghanistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Islamic Republic of Iran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Pakistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Russian Federation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Uzbekistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

Latin America and the Caribbean

Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

South-East Asia and the Pacific

India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Laos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Myanmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Viet Nam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Colombia. Roasting coffee

The coffee business offers
a good alternative to
growing coca in the region
of Southern Cauca.
Former coca farmers are
now producing, roasting
and selling coffee for
domestic and international
Photo: Alessandro Scotti


Africa and the

Middle East

The UNODC Regional Office for the Middle East and UNODC reacted promptly to the conflict in Lebanon in
North Africa covers 19 countries, including those on the July and August, supporting a campaign to make dis-
Arabian Peninsula, the Palestinian territories and Israel, placed foreign domestic workers from Ethiopia, the
an area with a total population of 194 million. Philippines and Sri Lanka aware of the risk of human
trafficking. Working closely with the Lebanese
Countering illicit trafficking and organized crime Government and Caritas Migrant, a local NGO that
operates a help-line for victims of trafficking, UNODC
As a facilitator of dialogue between the Palestinian and prepared information materials for shelters, embassies,
Israeli drug-control authorities, UNODC launched a churches, shops and markets. Beneficiaries and national
project with the Palestinian Authority to improve its authorities responded positively to the initiative.
drug-control and law-enforcement capacities. This fol-
lowed a meeting in 2005 between the Palestinian Anti- Action against drug abuse and related HIV/AIDS
Narcotics General Administration and the Israeli Anti-
Drug Authority, which agreed to strengthen coopera- New regional drug information systems made it possible
tion and coordination on drug control and related to carry out rapid assessments on drug-abuse trends.
crime. UNODC will continue to mobilize support for Run by UNODC's Global Assessment Programme on
institution-building and the training of Palestinian per- Drug Abuse, these networks give access to national
sonnel. sources of drug information, including health and mor-
tality statistics, police files and surveys. Following the
A training centre was established in the Palestinian successful example of the Jordanian Drug Information
Anti-Narcotics General Administration Headquarters in System (JorDIS) launched in 2005, the Egyptian
Gaza. Supervisors also went to Egypt and Jordan for Secretariat for Mental Health began developing a
extensive training in drug law enforcement and border Treatment Demand Information System. Both systems
control. Course graduates will supervise and train other will serve as models for replication in other Middle
staff of the anti-narcotics body and border-control per- Eastern and North African countries.
The Fourth Regional Working Group on Drug Abuse
In Libya, UNODC's project to upgrade the skills of the and HIV/AIDS, organized by UNODC and other United
drug law enforcement authorities and to install equip- Nations agencies, took place in Cairo from 5 to 8
ment helped the authorities to detect illicit drugs, November. The workshop focused on building a com-
including in the postal service. prehensive regional approach to the problems of drug

field offices

Many street children sniff glue to relieve pain and adjust to life in the streets

use and HIV/AIDS. In Egypt, the National Strategy for Direct technical assistance was also provided to help
Treatment and Rehabilitation of Street Children, countries of the Middle East and North Africa strength-
prepared by UNODC and the National Council for en the legal regime against terrorism. UNODC organized
Childhood and Motherhood, helped bring improved a conference of the ministries of justice of 27 French-
services for the prevention and treatment of drug abuse speaking African countries in Sharm-El Sheikh, Egypt,
among street children. Some 45 trainers from the to help enhance counter-terrorism cooperation with
Ministries of Social Affairs, Health, the Interior and regional organizations.
Youth and seven NGO representatives received training
based on the street children manual prepared by Promoting the rule of law and reforming
UNODC in 2005. UNODC refurbished two reception cen- criminal justice systems
tres for girls in the Imbaba and Al Marg districts, which
have particularly high numbers of street children. Since July 2005, a juvenile justice programme imple-
mented by UNODC has been in place in Jordan. Some
Under UNODC's school programme in Egypt, 750 stu- 260 officials from the judiciary, police, social services
dents were trained to teach fellow students about and legal professions were trained in 2006. UNODC
healthy lifestyles, HIV/AIDS and drug-abuse prevention.
helped to draft a new juvenile law with the Jordanian
The trainees went on to provide 12,000 fellow students
Government, leading to better conditions for juveniles
with preventive information on drug use and HIV/AIDS.
in detention. A coordination mechanism was estab-
Some 250,000 scouts were trained by peer educators on lished with other national and international organiza-
the prevention of drug use and related HIV/AIDS in tions.
Egypt, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and the West Bank.
In Egypt, a database system on juvenile cases was
In the Palestinian Territories, UNODC pilot-tested a established in Alexandria, Cairo and Giza to help the
comprehensive training package on drug abuse and Ministry of Justice gain a better understanding of crim-
HIV/AIDS prevention, early detection and counselling inal behaviour of children in conflict with the law and
services for 60 professionals from health centres of gaps in the justice system. More than 250 people,
(including refugee camps), social services, drug-control including magistrates, social workers, police officers
authorities and NGOs. and prison personnel, received training. Representatives
of the Ministries of Justice and Social Solidarity became
UNODC helped to organize a Regional Media Training trainers after receiving instruction from UNODC and the
Workshop from 28 May to 1 June at which journalists NGO Penal Reform International.
from national and satellite television channels through-
out the Arab world received training on issues related In Iraq, UNODC launched a series of activities and part-
to street children, drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. The nerships to help the Iraqi authorities draft a comprehen-
workshop led to a number of in-depth television pro- sive strategy for reform of the judiciary, law-enforce-
grammes, as well as newspaper and magazine articles. ment agencies and the prison system.


Kenya. To improve the access of drug users to treatment
and voluntary counselling and testing services for HIV,
UNODC supported two drop-in centres. A youth network
in Kenya received help to establish a resource centre on
drugs and HIV/AIDS and to provide counselling to
young people, including those on probation. Over 8,300
people were referred for voluntary counselling and test-
ing, 1,300 joined the drug-treatment programme and
nearly 200 enrolled in HIV care programmes.

UNODC organized two workshops in Mombasa, Kenya

on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS in line with UNODC's
Programme of Action for Africa 2006-2010. Experts
focused on strategies for prisoners and vulnerable
populations. Drug-control agencies and HIV/AIDS
commissions from Arab and French-speaking countries
agreed to establish working groups on drug-abuse and
HIV/AIDS prevention to help make these issues national
Performance during the World AIDS Day commemoration priorities.
in a women’s prison in Kenya
UNODC participated in the East African Prison Games
and produced promotional material with the slogan
The UNODC Regional Office for Eastern Africa, which "Race against Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS" featuring the
covers 13 countries, focuses on drug abuse, HIV/AIDS world marathon champion, Catherine Ndereba, who
prevention and organized crime, a rising security chal- works for the Kenya Prison Services and serves as a
lenge for the region. The Office helps countries to tackle role model for young people.
money-laundering and strengthen their legal framework
to combat terrorism. To underline the Kenyan Government's appreciation
for UNODC's technical aid, Minister of Health, Charity
Fighting illicit drugs Ngilu, visited the project site in Mombasa in May and
heard testimonies from recovering HIV-positive drug
The region serves not only as a transit point for illicit addicts.
narcotics from South-East Asia, but also for cocaine
from South America. In March, UNODC was part of an UNODC also helped the Kenya Prison Service develop a
operation to destroy a record 1.1 tonne consignment of policy document on HIV/AIDS and supported the
cocaine seized in December 2004. The cocaine, with a Government in developing its National Drug Control
street value of about $US 100 million in Europe or Strategy 2007-2011.
North America, was incinerated by order of the High
Court in Nairobi. The Government of Kenya led the Money-laundering
operation in cooperation with experts from the US and
the UK, while UNODC advised on the safe disposal of UNODC provided anti-money laundering training to
the cocaine. officials in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. The Office
pilot-tested computer-based training in May for over 50
UNODC also helped Kenya to draft regulations on the investigators from the Kenya Anti-Corruption
seizure, analysis and disposal of narcotic drugs. Commission.

Action against HIV/AIDS A workshop to assist money-laundering investigators,

organized with the International Criminal Police
UNODC continued work to curb injecting drug use and Organization (Interpol) subregional bureau for Eastern
related HIV/AIDS among vulnerable populations in Africa, took place in December.

field offices

Action against terrorism National Consultation Workshop in June. UNODC and

UN-HABITAT will work to develop a joint technical
UNODC prepared a technical assistance project with assistance project on urban crime prevention and access
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to justice in selected East African cities.
entitled Strengthening Counter-Terrorism Capacities for
a Safer Kenya. A joint mission between UNDP, UNODC Anti-human trafficking project
and the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee
Executive Directorate took place in May and a work- A UNODC technical assistance project was finalized to
shop on Kenya's draft counter-terrorism legislation was create a regional action plan to combat human traf-
held with national authorities. ficking in 11 East African countries. UNODC and
Interpol will execute the project, endorsed by the
Urban crime prevention Eastern African Police Chiefs Cooperation
UNODC, the UN-HABITAT Safer Cities Programme and
the Kenya Ministry of Local Government organized a

UNODC partner wins United Nations Vienna Civil Society Award

Murad Abdulkarim Saad (standing second from left), an out- in creating risk-reduction strategies, voluntary counselling
standing Kenyan campaigner in the field of drug abuse and and testing and support for HIV/AIDS health care.
HIV/AIDS prevention, received the 2006 United Nations
Vienna Civil Society Award in December. His work
with vulnerable populations, such as drug users,
sex workers and trafficked women, has enabled
thousands of people in Kenya’s Coastal Province to
have access to treatment and preventive services.

Mr. Saad made the Province’s authorities aware of

the dangers of drug abuse and HIV/AIDS, and of
related issues such as drug trafficking, organized
crime and insecurity. His campaigns have targeted
faith-based organizations, especially the Islamic
clergy, whose support he has won. He has also
developed excellent relations with community
radio stations.

To deal with the rapid increase in the number of

heroin addicts, Mr. Saad opened the Reachout
Rehabilitation Centre in 2003, which offers mod-
ern facilities for the treatment of drug addicts. In
collaboration with UNODC, he has been involved


UNODC focused in 2006 on providing technical assis- Ahmadu Bello University, Delta State University and the
tance to the Nigerian Government's criminal justice University of Abuja began carrying out prevention
reform programme. Much of its work centred on activities and the Technical Advisory Committee of the
strengthening national anti-corruption efforts, especially University of Abuja was inaugurated in May. Made up
against financial crime. UNODC also supported drug con- of the NDLEA, the National Action Committee against
trol and national initiatives to tackle human trafficking. AIDS, academics and NGOs, the Committee will provide
input into Government decision-making.
Reform of the justice system
Under the project, 600 students were trained as peer
In March, President Olusegun Obasanjo inaugurated educators and 12 HIV/AIDS drug-free clubs were estab-
the Presidential Commission on the Reform of the lished on university campuses.
Administration of Justice, which included a representa-
tive of UNODC Nigeria. International Day against Drug Abuse
and Illicit Trafficking
Some of the Commission's key recommendations for
reform included the development of Fast-Track Courts,
Observances of the International Day against Drug
more efficient coordination of the justice system, a
Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26 June included activi-
national crime-prevention strategy and a legislative
ties ranging from a seminar by the Federal Government
framework for the protection of the rights of victims of
in collaboration with UNODC, NGO activities across
crime. Two studies were undertaken on the police and
Nigeria and a "Walk against Drugs" to a Children's
prison system, and recommendations on strengthening
Parliament on Drugs.
the rule of law and access to justice in Nigeria were
presented to President Obasanjo in November. UNODC
About 600 children from 14 schools in the Federal
will support the Government in its efforts to implement
Capital Territory, as well as national youth service corps
those recommendations.
members and university students, took part in these
At the request of the Federal Government, UNODC under-
took an assessment of the country's prison system in or-
der to design a technical assistance programme for prison Enhancing the capacity of the Economic and
reform. Following the assessment, which exposed major Financial Crime Commission
shortcomings in the prison services, UNODC proposed to
coordinate national and international support for reform UNODC launched a programme in March to support
under a programme that includes the training of staff and Nigeria's foremost corruption-fighting agency, the
the rehabilitation and social reintegration of inmates. Economic and Financial Crime Commission. The
UNODC also helped to raise funds for prison reform. $US 32 million project funded by the European Union
(EU) will enhance good governance and financial
National Drug-Control Master Plan accountability while helping to reduce fraud, waste and
UNODC supported the development of a Drug-Control
Master Plan for 2007-2011 by the Nigerian Drug Law UNODC also began to develop specialized legal and
Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), approved by the anti-money laundering software. The goAML pro-
Government in December. UNODC experts contributed gramme will help Nigeria's Financial Intelligence Unit
to the planning by focusing on data collection and manage its investigations of financial and economic
research, advice on drug-demand reduction, treatment crimes and comply with the requirements of the
and drug-law enforcement. Financial Sector Assessment Programme of the
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Prevention of drug abuse and HIV/AIDS Under the same project, in April and November, the
National Working Group on Judicial Integrity met the
UNODC established a project to build partnerships for chief judges and registrars of 10 Nigerian states that
drug-abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention in Nigeria. were receiving assistance.

field offices

In 2006, regional training curricula were developed and

the UNODC computer-based training package for West
Africa was installed and adapted for local use. The proj-
ect also helped to foster collaboration between English-
and French-speaking West African drug law-enforce-
ment agencies.
Abuja, March against Corruption, 9 December
UNODC and the National Agency for the Prohibition of
Observance of the International Day against Trafficking in Persons finalized the National Action
Corruption Plan and established a National Task Force on human
The International Day against Corruption was celebrated
on 8 and 9 December in Abuja and other parts of the UNODC Nigeria, in close cooperation with the UNODC
country. Activities to mark the occasion included a Regional Office in Senegal, provided support to Benin,
symposium on the war against corruption in Nigeria. Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria and Togo to help
Representatives of Government anti-crime and anti- establish a mechanism to prevent human trafficking in
drugs agencies, the Ministry of Justice, the Economic West Africa. In November, a "train-the-trainers" work-
and Financial Crimes Commission, the National Agency shop took place to enable Nigeria's criminal justice per-
for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons, the Prisons sonnel to learn about investigating and prosecuting
and Immigration Services and business leaders partici- international cases of human trafficking.
pated in the event. On 9 December, 5,000 people took
part in simultaneous "Marches against Corruption" in During 2006, UNODC supported ECOWAS in the imple-
Abuja, Kano, Lagos and Port Harcourt. mentation of its Plan of Action against Trafficking in
Countering illicit trafficking and organized crime
In July, UNODC and ECOWAS organized a training sem-
Law-enforcement officers from the subregion continued inar in Abuja on international legal instruments against
to benefit from the UNODC project to upgrade the terrorism for participants from 14 ECOWAS Member
NDLEA in Jos. States.

The Regional Office of UNODC for West and Central rity, guarantee the rule of law, administer justice, help
Africa, based in Dakar, Senegal, covers 22 countries—15 victims of crime and reduce the impact of illicit drugs.
in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte
d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, The Cape Verde Integrated Crime and Narcotics
Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sierra Leone, Senegal Programme (CAVE INTECRIN) was developed by UNODC
and Togo) and seven in Central Africa (Cameroon, in 2005 to reduce the risk of Cape Verde being used for
Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial trafficking operations. The project is built around four
Guinea, Gabon and São Tomé and Príncipe). goals: border and territorial control; good financial
management (anti-money laundering and corruption);
Criminal networks exploit weak governance in this con- drug-demand reduction; and anti-terrorism legislation.
flict-ridden region. UNODC provides advice and techni- The country's five law-enforcement agencies fighting
cal assistance to countries in their efforts to boost secu- drugs and organized crime collaborated more closely in


inspection and searches, will monitor containers to try

to prevent them being used for smuggling by criminals
and terrorists. UNODC also set up an e-learning and
mentorship programme to help the container teams
upgrade their skills. UNODC planned to extend the pro-
ject to the port of Tema, in Accra, Ghana early in 2007.

Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS

School surveys on drug use were conducted in Burkino

Faso, Senegal and Togo.

UNODC established two new treatment centres in Togo

and Benin, spearheading regional efforts to establish
high-quality treatment and rehabilitation in West

International Day against Corruption: In many West African countries, prison populations are
Senegalese NBA star, Rolando Blackman, vulnerable to drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. UNODC
took part in UNODC’s Basketball Clinic designed programmes for HIV/AIDS prevention and
care, including information, voluntary counselling and
testing and training of prison personnel. The pro-
2006 under a crucial law-enforcement reform led by the grammes are due to be implemented in 2007. UNODC
Government. also collected data on drug abuse and related HIV/AIDS
among prisoners in Cape Verde and Sierra Leone.
UNODC concluded the first International Crime Victims
Survey 2006 to gain more knowledge of crime in the UNODC undertook awareness-raising projects in West
country, gauge how citizens perceived the threat and Africa, including the production of a leaflet for use in
help to build strategies to tackle trans-border crime. schools on the prevention of cannabis consumption.
UNODC organized a concert for schoolchildren, parents
The Office assisted the Government of Cape Verde and teachers, during which two Dakar-based choirs per-
in developing and implementing an anti-corruption formed songs on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention.
strategy. A Financial Intelligence Unit was set up to Coumba Gawlo Seck, a famous Senegalese musician
combat money-laundering. UNODC and the national and UNODC Senegal Goodwill Ambassador, started the
Anti-Corruption Working Group published a manual "School Tour," a series of activities to warn secondary
entitled Towards an Anti-Corruption Strategy for Cape school students in Dakar about the dangers of drug
Verde: Basic Instruments to Fight Corruption. abuse.

UNODC also helped strengthen the Anti-Narcotics Cape Verde “Basketball Clinic”
Coordination Commission by developing treatment and
rehabilitation services and designing drug-demand pre- To mark the International Day against Corruption on 9
vention strategies. December, UNODC, the University of Delaware (USA)
and the Government of Cape Verde organized a
Container Control Programme “Basketball Clinic,” opened by Jose Manuel Andrade,
Cape Verde's Minister of Justice. NBA players Rolando
As part of UNODC's Global Container Control Blackman and Amadou Gallo Fall and Senegalese
Programme, already functioning in Ecuador, officers Basketball Champion Fatou Kiné Ndiaye led the “com-
from the police, gendarmerie and customs began opera- petition against corruption” bringing together some 150
tions in the port of Dakar, Senegal. The team, trained youngsters from secondary schools and the national
with UNODC assistance in data collection, analysis, Basketball Federation.

field offices

Fishermen in the Senegalese port of Noadhibou who were identified by a smuggling ‘coordinator’ as potential clandestine
migrants to the Canary Islands.

Trafficking in persons The Ministers agreed to step up cooperation against ter-

rorism and identified areas where UNODC could offer
UNODC cooperated with ECOWAS to establish an Anti- technical expertise, particularly in the training of crimi-
Trafficking in Persons Unit in Abuja, Nigeria and assist- nal justice officials and the harmonization of national
ed Member States in the implementation of the ECOW- laws with international standards.
AS Plan of Action against Trafficking in Persons.
The Regional Office also helped Niger's National Law Smuggling of migrants
Reform Commission to draft an anti-human trafficking
law in line with the United Nations Convention on
In 2006, migrant smuggling from Sub-Saharan Africa
Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol on
to Europe emerged as a grave humanitarian problem.
human trafficking. Similar work took place in Benin,
UNODC collected information on smuggling trends
Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea
and the involvement of organized crime gangs. The
(Conakry), Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal,
analysis was published in UNODC's report Organized
Sierra Leone and Togo.
Crime and Irregular Migration from Africa to Europe
Counter-terrorism in July. Based on those findings, UNODC developed an
integrated anti-migrant smuggling programme called
In May, UNODC, with support from the Government IMPACT (Irregular Migration Prevention and Control)
of Spain, organized the Madrid Ministerial Round scheduled to start by mid-2007. It was presented by
Table of West and Central African Countries on a UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa at the
Counter-Terrorism Legal Framework, bringing together Euro-African Ministerial Conference on Partnership
26 countries. for Migration and Development, held in Rabat in July.


Guinea-Bissau and Mauritania gramme will strengthen border operations by providing

equipment, training for law-enforcement agencies
The UNODC Regional Office began work with Guinea- dealing with intelligence and support for international
Bissau and Mauritania, two of the world's poorest coun- cooperation. Reform of the prison system was due to
tries, on boosting national security and justice. follow, with UNODC helping Guinea-Bissau to adopt a
human-rights based legal system.
UNODC carried out an assessment of Guinea-Bissau's
prison system and the capacity of the Government to Mauritania's porous borders leave it vulnerable to
halt the growing use of its territory as a transit point organized crime. At the request of the Government,
for international cocaine trafficking. UNODC carried out assessments of its border-control
operations and ability to fight corruption and money-
At the request of the Government of Guinea-Bissau, laundering. UNODC will offer Mauritania's law-enforce-
UNODC led a programme to support security sector ment agencies and judiciary investigative and prosecu-
reform, help consolidate peace and protect the country torial expertise against financial and economic crimes,
from illicit trafficking and organized crime. The pro- money-laundering and the financing of terrorism.

South Africa
The UNODC Regional Office for Southern Africa covers Strengthening court systems
11 countries: Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, UNODC and the Department of Justice and
South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Constitutional Development in South Africa completed
an assessment and devised an action plan to enhance
UNODC launched several initiatives to foster regional the integrity and capacity of the courts.
cooperation to fight drug trafficking, cross-border crime
and money-laundering. In Mozambique, UNODC helped the Government to
draft a National Action Plan to strengthen the integrity
UNODC-supported drug prevention project of the justice system through a
joint project with UNDP and the

National drug awareness

and schools education pro -
gramme in South Africa

Under a programme launched in

2005, UNODC helped the South
African Government to draw up
guidelines on substance abuse
prevention in schools and higher
education. Master Trainer cours-
es in drug-abuse prevention
supported by UNODC assisted
350 professionals who in turn
reached around 300,000 young-

field offices

Africa Seaports Project United Nations Convention against Transnational

Organized Crime and its Protocol on Trafficking in
The Africa Seaports project, which helps specialized Persons. In addition, technical assistance was provided
anti-drugs units seize drug shipments passing through to police and prosecutors. In June, senior police officers
the ports of East and Southern Africa, had benefited 12 and prosecutors from 11 SADC countries underwent a
ports by the end of 2006. The project ended in pilot training course on recognizing, investigating and
November with the establishment of a Joint Port Drugs prosecuting trafficking cases.
Unit at Cape Town harbour in South Africa and training
of personnel. A new project focusing on container con- UNODC's project to curb child trafficking in the Western
trol in South Africa was under preparation. Cape province of South Africa was finalized. The results
will take the form of a resource manual on child traf-
Drug prevention and HIV/AIDS in prisons ficking in the province.

A UNODC project using peer educators to raise aware- Combating violence against women and children
ness on drugs and HIV/AIDS reached 3,000 juvenile
offenders in South Africa in 2006. With donor pledges In South Africa, UNODC and the Department of Social
secured for additional funding, the project looked set to Development continued a victim support programme to
reach a further 4,000 prisoners in four more prisons. help prevent gender-based violence. UNODC delivered
UNODC will support other countries in Southern Africa legal, health and social services to victims and promot-
in developing HIV/AIDS monitoring systems in prisons. ed knowledge of violence against women. More than
8,300 women and children received counselling and
UNODC helped to ensure that the issue of HIV/AIDS other support and 500 schoolchildren were given spe-
prevention in prisons was included in South Africa's cialized courses, including in assertiveness training.
National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan.
Survey of violence against women in
Drug prevention in Malawi Mozambique

The pilot drugs and HIV/AIDS prevention project in UNODC published the first comprehensive analysis of
Malawi, begun in 2005, progressed well in 2006. Staff male violence against women in Mozambique. It
and equipment were made available to coordinate proj- showed that at least half of Mozambican women had
ects and support the work of the Inter-Ministerial been subjected to physical or sexual violence, mainly
Committee on Drug Control. by their partners. Nevertheless, only 10 per cent of the
victims reported the violence to the police.
A drugs and HIV/AIDS prevention media campaign was
developed, with radio and television broadcasts sched- UNODC contributed to developing questionnaires and
uled for mid-2007. UNODC prepared questionnaires to analysing data on over 2,000 women. Recommending
help design training materials on drugs for teachers and education and awareness-raising to stem violence,
peer educators. the report was the result of a successful partnership
between national institutions, United Nations agencies
Countering human trafficking and civil society.

UNODC continued its two regional anti-human Anti-corruption initiative in Swaziland

trafficking projects in collaboration with the Southern
African Development Community (SADC) and the With the active involvement of UNODC, a National
Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Anti-Corruption Strategy was agreed in Swaziland,
Organization. Countries received technical assistance which will be followed by a national action plan.
and training to help them ratify and implement the


Europe and
West/Central Asia

Afghanistan’s opium harvest reached an all-time high In November, the Good Performers Fund, a programme
in 2006, with total cultivation increasing by 59 per cent supported by the US and the UK, was set up to reward
and production up 49 per cent, according to UNODC's Afghan provinces that had eliminated opium poppy
2006 Afghanistan Annual Opium Survey. with development grants. UNODC will certify whether
provinces are opium-free and as a result whether they
The main increases were seen in the troubled southern qualify for grants. UNODC also encouraged the creation
provinces. With 165,000 hectares under opium culti- of a central opium-free region in Afghanistan to
vation in 2006, the harvest of around 6,100 tonnes of achieve a drastic reduction of opium poppy cultivation
opium represented a staggering 92 per cent of total by 2010. UNODC developed a timetable for the plan,
world supply and exceeded total global consumption which it proposed to monitor.
by 30 per cent. Poppy cultivation in Helmand
province alone rose by 162 per cent compared with Through its Country Office in Kabul and five provincial
2005. Only six of the country's 34 provinces were offices, UNODC helped the Afghan Government to boost
opium-free. its counter-narcotics capacity and improve its legisla-
tive framework and judicial system. In particular, it pro-
UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa made vided support in the areas of drug law enforcement,
several visits to Afghanistan in 2006. He urged the alternative livelihoods, drug-demand reduction, criminal
Afghan authorities to crack down on rampant corrup- justice reform, drug-data collection and the monitoring
tion at all levels of Government and to arrest traffick- of drugs and crime.
ers. He also appealed to major drug-consuming coun-
tries to do more to curb demand for illicit drugs. Strengthening provincial institutions

In partnership with the World Bank, UNODC issued a UNODC helped the Ministry of Counter-Narcotics (MCN)
report in December entitled Afghanistan's Drug to establish five provincial offices, an important new
Industry: Structure, Functioning, Dynamics, and area of work. These offices will handle all areas of
Implications for Counter-Narcotics Policy. It analysed counter-narcotics at the local level.
the $US 3 billion annual narcotics trade, which
accounts for one third of total economic activity in the UNODC piloted projects to develop alternative liveli-
country and involves 13 per cent of the population. The hoods for opium farmers in five provinces. It estab-
report concluded that efforts to combat opium produc- lished networks of experts working for the MCN, pro-
tion had been weakened by high-level corruption. vided them with training and advised them on policy

field offices

UNODC has piloted projects to develop alternative livelihoods for opium farmers in five provinces. Former opium
grower selling nuts and pomegranates

development. The Office also helped the new provincial Increased enforcement activities resulted in a ten-fold
offices to update a database on alternative livelihood rise in the number of laboratories being destroyed
projects in Afghanistan. (262 in 2006 compared with 26 in 2005), while the
number of drug-related arrests more than doubled
Counter-narcotics law enforcement and to 900.
border control
Criminal justice
UNODC trained the Counter-Narcotics Police of
Afghanistan (CNPA) in drug law enforcement in eight UNODC trained 100 officers of the Counter-Narcotics
provincial offices, including Kabul, and set up a Criminal Justice Task Force, established in 2005 to
Forensic Science Laboratory at the CNPA headquarters speed up the process of bringing drug traffickers to
in Kabul. It also established a precursor chemical unit trial, in investigation techniques and drug-seizure and
to help stem the flow into Afghanistan of chemicals intelligence operations.
used in the illicit manufacture of heroin.
The Office built Justice Support Centres in five
To strengthen security on the Afghan-Iranian border, provinces. It will establish legal libraries in each Centre,
UNODC provided equipment and established a network assist the Ministry of Justice in producing legislative
of communications among control centres in Herat documents and train the judiciary on rule of law issues.
province and at 10 border posts. Similar assistance was
planned for another 25 border posts in Farah and In 2006, UNODC, in partnership with the United Nations
Nimroz provinces. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, led working groups


UNODC Criminal Justice Programme in Afghanistan — institution and capacity-building

on criminal justice reform and anti-corruption efforts around 920,000 drug users—1.4 per cent of the total
within the framework of the Afghanistan National adult population. Based on those findings, UNODC
Development Strategy. UNODC also helped to create a developed a country-wide action plan to support
Government regulatory body to supervise the import Government efforts to reduce demand.
and export of drugs.
UNODC provided detoxification treatment for over
As part of its work in support of reform of the Afghan 1,500 drug abusers through six Drug Demand
criminal justice system and prison administration, Reduction Action Teams based in Kabul, Nangarhar,
UNODC worked on the construction of a juvenile deten- Herat, Kandahar, Balkh and Badakhshan.
tion centre for girls and a prison for women in Kabul.
UNODC concentrated on the needs of women and chil-
The growing number of illicit drug users among dis-
dren, and helped ensure that they would have access to
placed people and former refugees was destabilizing
rehabilitation after release.
society. In response, UNODC, the Ministry of Health and
the Ministry of Education worked with partner agencies
UNODC also paid special attention to the development
such as the United Nations High Commissioner for
of juvenile justice in Afghanistan, focusing on improv-
Refugees (UNHCR) to reduce drug demand among these
ing data on children in conflict with the law. As a
groups. UNODC also trained staff to promote drug
member of the Child Protection Action Network,
reduction in Afghan refugee camps in the North West
UNODC supported the development of an awareness
Frontier Province of Pakistan.
campaign on the newly adopted Juvenile Code, which
raised the age of criminal responsibility from seven to
12 years, and trained personnel dealing with juvenile UNODC raised awareness on reducing drug demand
offenders. among the police in Kabul's central prison. It estab-
lished a clinical laboratory enabling the Government's
Reducing drug abuse only Drug Dependency Treatment Centre to conduct
blood tests to detect narcotics, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS.
In 2006, UNODC published the first survey on drug use This was the first facility to provide such services for
in Afghanistan, which showed that the country had drug addicts undergoing treatment.

field offices

Islamic Republic of Iran

Iran bore the brunt of soaring opium production in Drug Control Headquarters to organize consultations on
neighbouring Afghanistan and saw worrying numbers HIV/AIDS prevention among injecting drug users in
of people succumb to drug addiction. Afghan opium Tehran. UNODC strengthened coordination with organi-
was trafficked into Iran for both domestic use and zations including UNICEF, UNFPA and UNAIDS in the
onward passage to European and Gulf markets. area of drug-abuse treatment.

UNODC strengthened its programmes in Iran in 2006. In May, UNODC organized a workshop for 30 local
Its portfolio, totalling $US 21.3 million over three years, officials and NGOs on HIV/AIDS prevention among
focused on countering drug trafficking, preventing and injecting drug users, in collaboration with the NGO
treating drug abuse and HIV/AIDS and promoting the Hayat-e Shargh and UNAIDS. In coordination with the
rule of law through crime prevention and anti-corrup- United Nations Joint AIDS Team Group, UNODC con-
tion measures. Thanks to the contribution of UNODC, ducted training for journalists on drug and HIV/AIDS
the Government's policy shifted from pure drug-supply control.
reduction to a more balanced approach, including
demand reduction, building the capacities of NGOs and Rule of law and legal assistance
judicial reform.
As part of its efforts to promote international coopera-
UNODC worked to promote international cooperation in tion on crime prevention, UNODC organized a visit by
the areas of drug control and crime prevention. It the Deputy Head of the Italian Anti-Mafia Bureau, Dr.
implemented a number of joint initiatives in supply Giovanni Melillo, which resulted in the signing of a
reduction, rule of law and demand reduction in collabo- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau
ration with the “Mini Dublin Group” of 23 countries, and the Judiciary of Iran. UNODC and the Iranian
the Presidency of the EU and national authorities. Judiciary explored the possibility of establishing an
anti-organized crime structure under a project funded
New Iranian drug-control policy by Italy and the UK.

UNODC contributed significantly to the adoption by Under a UNODC project funded by the European
the Government of new General Policies in Fighting Commission (EC) and the Government of the
against Narcotics. Netherlands, the Iranian Judiciary received assistance
with its reform plans for the justice and prison systems.
UNODC continued to assist the Government by promot-
ing regional and international cooperation and drug UNODC Executive Director’s visit to Iran
control, including the establishment of an e-mail net-
work of drug liaison officers and police experts based UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa went to
in the region and beyond. Iran in November to review the anti-trafficking efforts
of the Iranian authorities. The Executive Director visited
Equipment provided to the Iranian Anti-Narcotics Police the Central Command of the Anti-Narcotics Police and
Force on the borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan police garrisons in the Sistan-Baluchestan and South
was given maintenance checks, which enabled the Khorasan provinces bordering Afghanistan and
authorities to tighten controls on the trafficking of Pakistan.
opium and heroin.
He signed agreements with the authorities for two proj-
Reducing drug abuse and HIV/AIDS ects: the first, under which UNODC and the Drug
Control Headquarters will strengthen integrated border
In 2006, UNODC focused on advocacy and fund-raising control, and the second, to assist the Judiciary in
to address drug-demand reduction. It made possible improving its legislative and judicial capacities to tackle
the first visit in March of international delegations organized crime and money-laundering and to promote
(from 21 European countries, Canada, Mexico and the international mutual legal assistance. UNODC and the
World Bank) to the Rajaee Shahr Prison in Tehran. Iranian Government agreed to increase cooperation
UNODC, the World Bank and UNAIDS worked with the between Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan.


Assessment mission to Afghanistan-Iran- counterparts organized an assessment mission for the

Pakistan border areas international donor community to the border areas of
Sistan, Baluchestan and South Khorasan provinces,
Despite Government efforts to control narcotics traffick- which were seriously affected by international drug
ing across Iran's borders with Afghanistan and trafficking. The visit enabled the donors to learn first-
Pakistan, the authorities struggled to shut down new hand about Iran's efforts to stop drug trafficking at its
trafficking routes. In November, UNODC and Iranian borders and the types of support it needed.

UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa visiting the border points between Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan
with UNODC staff and Iranian anti-narcotics police

UNODC Pakistan works at both the national policy and 2011. A Steering Committee comprising Pakistan's Anti-
grass-roots levels to help prevent drug abuse and drug- Narcotics Force and UNODC supervised completion of
related HIV/AIDS, and to support the treatment and the plan for submission to the Federal Cabinet in early
rehabilitation of drug users. UNODC also supports 2007. UNODC contributed substantive inputs on law
action against drug trafficking, organized crime and enforcement, drug-demand reduction and HIV/AIDS
corruption. prevention.

Strengthening policy Action against drug abuse and HIV/AIDS

UNODC assisted Pakistan in the preparation of its Pakistan could be on the verge of a serious HIV/AIDS
Second National Drug Control Masterplan for 2007- epidemic driven by a combination of injecting drug use

field offices

and commercial sex. A major epidemic was detected high-quality drug treatment to women, UNODC
among injecting drug users in Karachi, 26 per cent of designed a project for the counselling and treatment
whom were found to be HIV-infected in 2004 (source: of women with substance-abuse problems. The
Ministry of Health, Pakistan, 2005). project includes a twice-weekly radio programme
in Urdu to advise women on drug abuse and
UNODC, in conjunction with Pakistan's Anti-Narcotics treatment options, with a telephone hot-line to
Force, carried out a national drug-abuse assessment counselling and referral services. It will also provide
study on drug-abuse levels and trends, including home-based drug treatment.
behaviour likely to increase transmission of HIV/AIDS.
The results of the assessment, to be published in early Other initiatives in the pipeline included a project to
2007, will help shape policy and determine where to train prison staff and NGOs on drug-abuse and
allocate resources. HIV/AIDS prevention in prisons; a pilot substitution
therapy programme for the management of opium
In October, UNODC helped Pakistan's National AIDS dependence; and a project to increase awareness of the
Programme to establish a National Task Force to risks of drug abuse among injecting drug users, prison-
address the link between injecting drug use and ers and other high-risk groups.
HIV/AIDS, as well as HIV/AIDS in prisons. UNODC also
developed training in motivational counselling skills for Crime prevention and law enforcement
outreach workers dealing with injecting drug users.
Although Pakistan was declared poppy-free in 2000,
Pilot activities on drug-abuse treatment and HIV/AIDS there is a real risk that cultivation could resume, dis-
prevention services for street children and women were placed from neighbouring Afghanistan as a result of
launched in July. The projects will help reintegrate law-enforcement efforts there. The trafficking of opiates
street children into their families, teach them to read to Europe via Pakistan rose between 1990 and 2005 as
and provide vocational training and micro-credit Afghan production of opium and heroin increased.
enabling them to earn a living. To strengthen the UNODC monitored residual poppy cultivation closely in
capacities of public institutions and NGOs to provide collaboration with the Government of Pakistan.

Street children in Pakistan


Pakistan also faced the challenges of organized crime, Plans went ahead to introduce Urdu-language computer-
including trafficking of weapons and human beings and based training for the law-enforcement agencies of
the smuggling of migrants. UNODC provided training on Pakistan based on a UNODC training programme already
fighting organized crime for Government agencies and in use in 26 countries. The programme will provide 180
NGOs and promoted more effective collaboration hours of computer-based instruction in dedicated train-
between agencies in the country and the region. ing centres in Pakistan, addressing subjects including
risk management for senior officers, human rights obser-
UNODC continued to strengthen the intelligence collec- vance, interdiction techniques for airports, seaports and
tion and analysis capacities of four Pakistani law- land border crossings, measures to counter money-laun-
enforcement agencies—the Anti-Narcotics Force, Frontier dering, searching vehicles, aircraft, shipping containers,
Corps Baluchistan, Frontier Corps of North West Frontier baggage and persons, and drug identification and test-
Province and the Federal Investigation Agency. So far, ing. The project will provide an effective, flexible and
over 300 law-enforcement officers have benefited from low-cost means of improving the quality of training in
training provided by specialist international trainers law-enforcement agencies.
(either in Pakistan or at the Turkish Academy on Drugs
and Organized Crime) or by fellow-nationals previously Three mentoring visits in 2006 assisted former trainees
trained under the programme. UNODC provided equip- in making full use of know-how acquired during the
ment to improve national intelligence collection, com- 2005 project training. Another project in the pipeline
munications and surveillance. will help Pakistan improve security on its borders with
Afghanistan and Iran by training law-enforcement agen-
UNODC provided a two-week regional advanced drug cies and promoting cooperation between the three coun-
law enforcement and intelligence management course in tries. That project will complement a recently agreed
Islamabad, together with the Royal Canadian Mounted UNODC integrated border-control project for Iran.
Police, for officers from Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The British In 2006, UNODC also worked on helping the Federal
High Commission in Islamabad sponsored another Investigating Agency to address the problems of cyber-
course on investigation techniques. crime and theft of intellectual property.

Russian Federation
Russia is a primary destination country for trafficked the Government and civil society to work harder to halt
Afghan opium. As President of the G8 group of its spread. About 340,000 drug addicts are registered by
leading industrial countries in 2006, the Russian the Health Ministry but the real figure is thought to be
Government, together with UNODC, organized the as high as 1.8 million.
Second Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking
Routes from Afghanistan in Moscow in June to high- UNODC is active in confronting the dual drug and
light the importance of international cooperation in HIV/AIDS epidemics in Russia. As a UNAIDS co-spon-
countering the threat of Afghan opium. Ministers rec- soring organization, it is at the heart of efforts to sup-
ognized that the Afghan opium problem required action port national prevention, treatment and care strategies.
on both the demand and supply fronts and adopted a UNODC focuses primarily on two of the most vulnerable
number of concrete recommendations. groups—injecting drug users and prisoners.

Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS UNODC developed academic and practical partnerships
with experts from around the world. In partnership with
In April, Russian President Vladimir Putin said St. Petersburg State Medical University of Pavlov and
HIV/AIDS posed a grave national threat and called on the US National Institutes of Health, UNODC organized

field offices

a two-day international seminar in November for

healthcare specialists on evidence-based drug-treatment
methods. Experts presented a comprehensive model of
drug treatment, including abstinence-oriented treatment
methods, cognitive behavioural interventions, as well as
rehabilitation and treatment of HIV-positive drug users.

UNODC organized a series of seminars on medication-

assisted therapy for regional officers of the Federal
Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FDCS)
to help keep them abreast of the latest developments in
treatment and rehabilitation. About 200 officers attend-
ed the seminars given by leading researchers in
Moscow, Volgograd, Kurgan and Irkutsk.

In December, UNODC conducted a study visit to London

for high-ranking FDCS officers to familiarize them with
British drug-treatment services. Officers also learned
how police and other law-enforcement agencies could
support public health initiatives in their daily work.

By mid-2006, the total number of children born to HIV-

infected mothers in Russia had exceeded 30,000. Up to
70 per cent of them were less than three years of age.
As many as one fifth of children born to HIV-infected
mothers were abandoned and mainstream schools and
orphanages often rejected them due to their mothers' Youth event “Drugs are not child’s play” in
HIV status. St. Petersburg, organized by the Eastern European
Youth Network
UNODC joined UNICEF in developing a project for
abandoned children in state care in Cheliabinsk, one of
the most HIV-affected regions of Russia. The aim is to conducted training on the prevention of addictive sub-
help reintegrate them into pre- and primary schools, as stances for 30 network members from youth NGOs from
well as children's homes. The initiative, supported by the four countries. A special web page
generous contributions from the private sector, was due was created.
to be launched in early 2007.
Workplace substance-abuse prevention
Pilot drug-referral scheme
Since President Putin launched a major project in 2005
The number of drug-using and HIV-infected detainees to improve health care, Russian businesses have become
in Russian prisons continued to rise. UNODC, with sup- more involved in social partnership projects. Poor
port from the police, the FDCS and treatment services, health and premature death arising from chronic sub-
provided expertise for the establishment of a pilot drug- stance abuse are widespread. Private firms are keen to
referral scheme in the city of Voronezh, which will help find a solution to problems such as a loss of productivi-
to ensure that detainees are sent for appropriate treat- ty and absenteeism, which are estimated to cost the
ment. equivalent of about 1.4 per cent of GDP every year.

UNODC created the Eastern European Youth Network of UNODC Russia teamed up with UNODC Brazil to present
NGOs active in drug-abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention in its workplace substance-abuse prevention programmes
Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. In 2006, UNODC to leading national and multinational firms in Russia.


Fighting corruption of UNODC and the OSCE. More than 80 senior prosecu-
tors attended a separate workshop on strengthening
To implement the United Nations Convention against prosecutorial integrity. The workshops dealt with the
Corruption, which Russia ratified on 17 February, the independence and responsibility of the court and prose-
Russian Government organized workshops in October cution systems, the evaluation of efficiency, the intro-
for 50 judges on strengthening judicial integrity and duction of a transparent system of selecting and
accountability. The workshops were held under the aus- appointing judges and the application of ethical princi-
pices of the State Duma (parliament) with the support ples of conduct for judges and prosecutors.

UNODC counter-trafficking projects led to tighter border Officers from the Drug Control Agencies in both
controls in Central Asia, the main corridor for Afghan Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan made important drug-related
heroin smuggled into Europe. The region also faced the arrests—including among members of the police, cus-
challenge of a rapid rise in heroin use by its own peo- toms and national security services. Besides improving
ple, which could spark a major HIV/AIDS epidemic. law enforcement, UNODC helped to strengthen profes-
sionalism and integrity in both agencies. Significantly,
UNODC develops programmes for regional cooperation the Kyrgyz Government extended lie-detector tests
on border control and counter-trafficking, as well as already in use in the Drug Control Agency to the civil
improving legislative and judicial systems. It encour- service in a bid to tackle corruption.
ages countries to ratify and implement international
treaties and enhances their ability to combat organized The newly established Mobile Rapid Intervention Teams,
crime and terrorism. The Office gathers and analyses which had received training and equipment from
data on trends affecting the region. UNODC, improved security along the Tajik-Afghan bor-
der and conducted successful counter-narcotics opera-
UNODC's Regional Office for Central Asia serves tions. Promising new projects included the establishment
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and of border liaison offices on the Tajik-Uzbek frontier.
Uzbekistan through its office in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
and project offices in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Dushanbe Traffickers are not the only challenge. To help disrupt
(Tajikistan), Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Ashgabat shipments into Afghanistan of chemical precursors used
(Turkmenistan). The Regional Office managed a portfo- to turn opium into heroin, UNODC piloted “Operation
lio of 20 projects in 2006. Transshipment” at 20 strategic border checkpoints in
five Central Asian countries. This exercise combined the
Counter-trafficking training of law-enforcement officers with mentoring
and real-life operations to seize precursors.
UNODC strengthened partnerships with the region's
Governments to help them counter drugs and arms traf- The Central Asian Regional Information and
ficking. The new Kyrgyz Drug Control Agency (DCA), Coordination Centre (CARICC), a significant regional
set up with UNODC assistance, seized over 700 kg of project supported by UNODC, was approved by the
drugs during the first half of 2006. seven participating States in February. Located in
Almaty, Kazakhstan, it will mobilize international law-
In July, the Kyrgyz DCA opened a southern branch in enforcement cooperation against drug trafficking and
Osh with UNODC support, significantly boosting its improve the communication, analysis and exchange of
ability to combat drug trafficking with a modern foren- intelligence, as well as the planning and execution of
sic laboratory and detention facilities meeting interna- joint exercises. Operations were due to commence in
tional standards. mid-2007.

field offices

In July, UNODC and the NATO-Russia Council agreed UNODC continued to provide computer-based training
to cooperate in training law-enforcement officers in throughout the region to law-enforcement personnel
Central Asia and Afghanistan to fight the narcotics and this paid dividends in the form of increased drug
trade. Under the agreement, mobile training teams from seizures.
NATO countries and Russia will visit Afghanistan and
its five Central Asian neighbours, and provide specialist A UNODC team made an assessment of Central Asia's
training to local counter-narcotics forces that will sup- borders with Afghanistan and met senior officials in key
plement training in permanent facilities provided by the agencies as well as border officers. The mission yielded
Governments of Russia and Turkey. UNODC will act as valuable information on the potential for curbing drug
executing agency for the $US 927,000 project launched trafficking and other illicit flows across borders.
by Foreign Ministers of the NATO-Russia Council in
December 2005. Some 90 Afghan and Central Asian Legal assistance
drug-control personnel at centres in Russia, Tajikistan
and Turkey have already received training. In 2006, Kyrgyzstan introduced anti-money laundering
and anti-terrorism financing laws with UNODC assis-
Afghanistan expressed interest in joining CARICC and tance, while Kazakhstan passed legislation bringing it
its membership will be considered when the Centre into compliance with United Nations drug control con-
becomes operational. This would complement the pio- ventions. In Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, UNODC facili-
neering joint initiative by UNODC and the NATO-Russia tated the establishment of Financial Intelligence Units
Council. to trace and freeze the proceeds of crime. It also pro-

Drug seizures in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan


moted extradition and mutual legal assistance practices paigns highlighting the dangers of drug use. Over 50
among the countries of the region and their neighbours. young journalists from the region were trained in
The United Nations Democracy Fund approved a HIV/AIDS and drug awareness so as to stimulate better-
UNODC project to assist the National Anti-Corruption informed reporting on sensitive issues.
Commission of Kyrgyzstan.
UNODC and the Uzbek Ministry of Education conducted
Human trafficking is a serious problem in Central Asia, workshops for 1,200 schoolchildren and 200 teachers to
involving large numbers of male labourers, as well promote healthy, drug-free lifestyle choices.
as young women and children, many of whom are
sexually abused. UNODC designed a new national In recognition of UNODC's expertise in this field, the
project in Uzbekistan to promote tougher national World Bank commissioned the Regional Office to con-
legislation in line with international conventions, duct a study of drug-use patterns and HIV infection in
establish a human trafficking database and train law- Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, which will be
enforcement personnel. completed by mid-2007.

Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention UNODC supported Governments in their efforts to
develop prevention and care programmes for people at
Central Asia is witnessing an explosion in injecting risk of contracting HIV/AIDS through unsafe injecting
drug use, sex work and migration, factors conducive to practices and unprotected sex. UNODC assisted coun-
the spread of HIV/AIDS. In 2006, the Office assisted tries in compiling internationally comparable statistics
NGOs in carrying out education and information cam- on drug users, commercial sex workers and prisoners.

field offices

Latin America
and the Caribbean

UNODC assists the Government of Bolivia, the Alternative
world's third largest coca-producing country, Development.
in combating illegal drugs. UNODC's surveys of Bolivian women
coca crop, using advanced satellite surveillance tech- growing flowers
niques, help the Government to eradicate illicit coca instead of coca
production. crops

UNODC supports grass-roots development projects,

pursues public and private partnerships and involves
civil society in public education schemes. It has sup-
ported Bolivia's efforts to diversify crop production Harvesting ‘camu
in the two main coca-growing areas inhabited main- camu’ plants
ly by indigenous peoples, the Cochabamba Tropics
and the Yungas de La Paz.

Forest management and agro-forestry

In the Cochabamba tropics, UNODC and the Food and

Agriculture Organization (FAO) have jointly devel-
oped forest management and agro-forestry systems
(farming based on planting crops and trees that help
An exhibition of
to preserve the soils and watersheds) enabling farm-
organic honey and
ers to earn decent incomes from wood and agricul-
other products
tural products.

A new project got underway in early 2006, and in

just one year more than 1,000 farming families were
trained to develop new forest management systems
by planting 1,000 hectares of annatto (a natural
colouring agent), cocoa, coffee, camu-camu (a tropi-
cal fruit) and rubber.


These goods were produced in an environmentally The survey also included a national map of legal coca-
friendly way, which was both fair to growers and growing areas. This work provided valuable information
commercially viable. Organically produced crops to the Government, for example, delineating coca areas
fetched higher prices in export markets. A total of 3,800 allowed for traditional use and so-called expansion
hectares were managed under community-run schemes. areas.
The UNODC-FAO project drew upon the expertise of
various local institutions, including municipalities, the The United States Agency for International Develop-
National Forest System, the National Parks System and ment (USAID), one of the main funding partners in
universities, to help build up regional licit businesses. alternative development in Bolivia, approved a grant for
UNODC to continue a survey of Yungas de La Paz and
Vocational training and support for small the Cochabamba Tropics. A coca yield study was under-
businesses taken in 2006 to determine the number of metric tonnes
of coca harvested in one year per hectare of cultivation.
Since 2001, UNODC has been working with the Taking measures from 102 sample points, the study,
International Labour Organization (ILO) to provide scheduled for completion in early 2007, will give a
vocational training for young people and help them comprehensive outlook on trends in coca crop cultiva-
set up businesses. They have acquired skills in dress- tion.
making, confectionery, bakery, carpentry, beekeeping,
gastronomy and producing indigenous foods and dairy Drug-abuse prevention
products, and received training in computer use and
business start-ups. A nationwide prevention project in schools came to an
end in 2006 after six years. A total of 4,900 teachers in
To date, UNODC and ILO have trained 22,200 people, of 1,000 schools were trained in drug-abuse prevention
whom over 700 found stable employment. In 2006 alone, methods and some 592,000 students received instruction.
more than 2,400 young people from the Tropics of
Cochabamba—more than half of whom were women— Several local government entities asked UNODC to
received vocational training. More than 200 received adapt the material on preventive education for use in
help to establish small businesses. Importantly, these their own municipalities. UNODC started to work with
schemes have helped women to become more self-reliant. the municipality of La Paz.

Almost 1,000 indigenous people were trained to meet Organized transnational crime and corruption
local community needs, for example, setting up a vil-
lage pharmacy. This UNODC project, the only one of Bolivia, which ratified the United Nations Convention
this kind worldwide, was due to be replicated in the against Transnational Organized Crime and the United
Yungas. Nations Convention against Corruption in 2005, fol-
lowed up by ratifying the Protocol on Trafficking in
Annual coca survey Persons in May 2006. UNODC worked with the Bolivian
authorities to produce a report entitled Assessment of
The UNODC survey Coca Cultivation in the Andean Organized Crime and Corruption in Bolivia. The study
Region 2006 showed that the surface area of coca culti- focused on the characteristics of organized crime, the
vation in Bolivia was 25,400 hectares, including 12,000 methods that criminals employed and the discrepancies
hectares of traditional coca crops in the Yungas permit- between domestic legislation and international instru-
ted by the Government. The survey also examined other ments, which hampered the performance of local law-
data, such as yield and prices as well as sales points enforcement institutions.
and the volume of coca leaf sold for traditional con-
sumption. The survey gave a picture of the environ- The assessment revealed gaps in national legislation as
mental impact of coca cultivation, such as deforestation well as a lack of comprehensive public policies in these
caused by slash-and-burn clearing of land for coca cul- areas. The Government began work on an anti-corrup-
tivation and the illegal encroachment of coca crops on tion strategy, set up a committee on trafficking in
national parks. human beings and prepared a draft law on weapons.

field offices

The partnership between the Government of Brazil and
UNODC evolved into new areas of activity, especially
campaigns against corruption. UNODC teamed up with
NGOs to address urban crime, drug trafficking and
abuse, as well as drug-related HIV/AIDS transmission.
Work on those issues extended to Argentina, Chile,
Paraguay and Uruguay, known as the South Cone coun-

As a sign of the importance it attaches to UNODC’s

work, the Brazilian Government pledged $US 36 million
to the UNODC/Brazil cost-sharing programme for the
period 2007-2009, the largest single national or interna-
tional donor pledge made to UNODC during the past
decade. The Governments of Norway and Sweden also
supported the UNODC programme in Brazil with funds
for major new projects.

In 2006, UNODC developed new fund-raising partner-

Nurse at an HIV/AIDS prevention course jointly organized by
ships with the private sector. The Brazilian mining
UNODC, UNAIDS and the National Aids Programme
company Fundação Vale do Rio Doce donated money
for UNODC to sponsor a national award to elementary
and high schools for the prevention of HIV/AIDS that the incidence of HIV/AIDS among injecting drug
and drug abuse. The award was a joint initiative of users had fallen 71 per cent between 1996 and 2005.
Government. The Belgian and Swedish Governments In 2006, UNODC began new activities to help prevent
also granted funding to UNODC for a project in the violence and crime among people exposed to HIV/AIDS
Public Prosecutors' Office aimed at preventing violence and drug use. UNODC, UNAIDS and the National Aids
in the Federal District and Brasilia. Programme organized training in the regions of São
Paulo, Salvador and Porto Alegre targeting profession-
Joint work with other United Nations agencies in Brazil als who work with victims of substance abuse and vio-
remained an important part of UNODC’s portfolio in lence, street children and prostitutes. A training guide
2006, especially in the fields of urban crime and vio- was under preparation to improve the services provided
lence prevention, arms-trafficking control and anti-cor- by governmental institutions, NGOs, the health and
ruption. social sectors and the police.

Successful awareness-raising activities continued. With Anti-corruption measures

support from UNODC, TV Globo, the largest media net-
work in Brazil, introduced topics such as human traf- UNODC campaigns mobilized the private and public
ficking, smuggling of migrants, drug trafficking and sectors to raise awareness on the importance of pur-
corruption in its telenovelas (soap operas). chasing legal products rather than smuggled goods.
UNODC also worked to improve supervision of public
Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention spending by specialized NGOs and other institutions.

Injecting drug use continued to fuel HIV/AIDS infec- The Government's General Comptroller's Office, which
tion. UNODC's 12-year partnership with the Brazilian has benefited from UNODC technical assistance,
Government has improved efforts to provide injecting increased its contribution to UNODC. UNODC arranged
drug users with information and help to reduce their the visit of a specialist to help prepare a national cor-
risk of contracting and spreading HIV/AIDS. The ruption survey, due to be implemented in 2007, and did
National HIV/AIDS Programme's 2006 report showed the groundwork for a project to provide expertise in


modern auditing techniques and training for Brazilian Firearms Protocol of the United Nations Convention
auditors. against Transnational Organized Crime.

UNODC joined an innovative anti-corruption pact with The successful Brazilian Workplace Drug Prevention
over 400 signatory companies. Brazil's first Pact for programme was expanded to South Cone countries. It
Transparency against Corruption in the Private Sector was also implemented by companies in Argentina and
was a joint initiative between UNODC, the Ethos the University of Valparaiso, Chile, and offered to
Institute of Corporate Social Responsibility, UNDP UNODC Russia.
and others under the umbrella of the United Nations
Global Compact, the world's largest voluntary corporate The South Cone Governments increased cooperation
citizenship initiative. A major task will be to verify the to reduce drug supply and firearms trafficking with
private sector's compliance with the Compact's anti- support from UNODC programmes. As projects neared
corruption principles. completion, Government agencies and the Federal
Police took over responsibility for their management.
Urban crime prevention Success stories included the Six Border Operation,
designed to curb the trafficking of chemical precursors
Homicide is the third leading cause of death among to drug-producing countries.
men in Brazil and the leading cause among males
aged 15-39 years. UNODC has led the United Nations
Thematic Group on the prevention of urban violence
and crime since its creation in 2005. The Group invit- In the state of Rio Grande do Sul in the south of
ed representatives of United Nations agencies and Brazil, the Research and Training Centre on HIV/AIDS
academic experts to compile best practices from has developed an effective computer-based training
Brazil and abroad. Specialists from the Health and programme for health professionals. The Centre is
Justice Departments, public prosecution service, uni- linked to the Brazilian HIV/AIDS Programme and the
versities and the United Nations system worked to University of California AIDS Centre. UNODC sup-
forge public policies dealing with violence prevention. ported the training programme for research into the
prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted dis-
Regional cooperation eases. Distance learning has allowed experts to
acquire a low-cost and high-standard qualification,
UNODC and UNDP worked to support the ratification especially useful for people working in remote areas.
by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay of the

In 2006, UNODC supported projects to help farmers the UN21 Commendation presented to the best United
give up coca cultivation and earn money legally in Nations projects in 2006.
Colombia, the world's largest producer of cocaine and
the third largest producer of heroin. UNODC also raised Illicit Crop Monitoring Programme
awareness of the dangers of drug abuse among young
people. UNODC helped the Colombian Government to evaluate
the impact of its coca eradication campaigns. The Illicit
UNODC launched a major report on illicit firearms traf- Crop Monitoring Programme showed that the area of
ficking and violent crime in Colombia. UNODC land being used for cocaine cultivation had risen 8 per
Colombia's anti-human trafficking programme received cent in 2005, from 80,000 hectares to 86,000. This was

field offices

Colombian musician César López who invented the

“Escopetarra”—part rifle, part guitar—in 2003 as part of a
UNODC campaign against violence

the first annual increase after four successive years of

decline, but it was still well down on the record of
163,000 hectares reported in 2000.

Using satellite imaging, UNODC monitored and evaluat-

ed alternative development programmes, the largest of
which—the Colombian President's Forest Warden
Programme—resettles families living in conflict zones.
As Forest Wardens, families receive incentives to give
up coca production, switch to licit crops and protect the

UNODC's data showed that 80 per cent of the area

under the Forest Warden Project was free of illicit crops
in 2006. Families were profitably selling alternative
products and reinvesting in activities such as bee-keep-
ing and growing organic coffee and cocoa. They also
conserved 2 million hectares of woodland and replanted
a further 136 million hectares.

In 2006, UNODC made it possible for 200 beneficiary

families to participate in a national workshop to share
their experiences. With UNODC assistance, a periodical
entitled El Bosque was published, which explains the
challenges involved in becoming a Forest Warden.

UNODC opened the Café Tienda de La Paz in September

in the UNODC office in Bogotá. The Café promotes
alternative development by selling coffee from all five
regions of Colombia—Andean, Amazon, Caribbean, Although Colombia has one of the highest homicide
Orinoco and Pacific—grown to replace coca crops. rates in the world, the report challenged the perception
that it was plagued by indiscriminate violence. Rather,
Preventing crime and violence the use of firearms was highly controlled and regulated
by criminal gangs, rebel factions and the Government.
In November, UNODC and the Colombian Ministry of
Defence ran a training course on investigation tech- The report showed that although the flow of illegal
niques for the control of firearms, munitions and explo- weapons into Colombia was limited, weapons were con-
sives for 60 officials from the Department for Security, stantly recycled. It was therefore important to control
Ministry of Defence, the Military University and the the circulation of weapons. The report found that law
Home Office. It covered issues such as legislation and enforcement authorities lacked the operational capacity
international cooperation to regulate firearms. to intercept illicit arms trafficking and preventive intel-
ligence was deficient.
In December, UNODC published a report entitled
Violence, Crime and Illegal Arms Trafficking in UNODC campaign urges: “Turn guns into
Colombia, which stated that the country needed to do guitars”
more to crack down on organized crime and arms traf-
ficking and called for stiffer penalties for carrying or UNODC launched a campaign entitled “Generation No
dealing in illegal arms. Violence” with Cesar Lopez, a musician and peace


activist who was appointed UNODC Colombia's of national legislation and public policy. It held a work-
Goodwill Ambassador in June. Inspired by the shop for 14 different national authorities, which culmi-
biblical command to beat swords into ploughshares, nated in the drafting of a national policy document on
Lopez turned 25 Kalashnikov rifles into guitars or dealing with traffickers and granting compensation to
“escopetarras”—part rifle (escopeta) and part guitar victims.
(guitarra)—to donate to international celebrities
willing to condemn gun violence. UNODC and the British Embassy in Bogotá also prepared
an instruction manual aimed at guaranteeing the rights
An escopetarra was put on display at the Headquarters of child victims of human trafficking and exploitation.
of the United Nations in New York as part of the per- Those recommendations were due to be incorporated
manent disarmament exhibition. UNODC and Cesar into Colombia's penal procedure code in 2007.
Lopez presented an escopetarra to Spanish/French musi-
cian Manu Chao and planned to approach other inter- UNODC created highly successful awareness-raising
national stars in 2007. campaigns such as: “We are going to prostitute you” (Te
vamos a prostituir) launched in partnership with the
Anti-human trafficking projects advertising agency Leo Burnett. Colombian magazines
such as Semana, Credencial and Soho, as well as daily
UNODC helped to strengthen Colombia's ability to newspapers, published campaign material depicting the
investigate and try traffickers through the establishment tragedy of human trafficking.

UNODC and Leo Burnett advertising agency created a campaign against human trafficking in Colombia with this design

field offices

UNODC worked with the Colombian television networks UNODC Colombia also worked with RCN and the
RCN and Caracol to produce prime-time soap operas Ministry of Communications to produce the “Safe
aired nightly to millions of viewers, including Internet Programme,” a series of campaigns to alert
“Forbidden Games”, which showed how Internet scams possible victims to the dangers posed by traffickers on
lure victims for bogus modelling and other job opportu- the Internet.
nities and explained where victims could turn for help.

The UNODC Regional Office for Mexico and Central assistance through the National Drug Control System,
America covers Mexico, the Caribbean, Costa Rica, El which it has implemented throughout Latin America.
Salvador, Guatemala. Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. The System authorizes the import and export of con-
trolled substances, compiles statistics and enables infor-
UNODC provides technical assistance to help countries mation exchange at the national and international lev-
fight corruption, organized crime and youth gangs, els. A similar system was under development through-
drug abuse and trafficking. out Central America as part of a joint UNODC project
with the Federal Commission for the Protection against
Corruption Sanitary Risk of the Mexican Ministry of Health and the
Central American Drugs Commission. It will enhance
The Mexican Confederation of Employers gave financial regional cooperation and national compliance with the
support to a joint UNODC/Mexican Government pro- United Nations drug conventions.
gramme to fight crime, corruption and drugs at the
state level. Agreement was reached in 2006 to extend In 2006, UNODC began conducting a regional evalua-
the project from the state of Nuevo Leon, where it start- tion of the precursor controls and issued recommenda-
ed in 2005, to Querétaro, Michoacán and other priority tions.
states. UNODC's Mexican partners pledged $US 20 mil-
lion to expand the project. Drug abuse

The project's main achievements included the establish- Central America faces formidable challenges in drug-
ment of a “crime observatory” in Nuevo León, which set demand reduction, including a shortage of rehabilita-
up a database of assessments and recommendations to tion services and trained personnel.
help combat corruption, drugs and crime. The recom-
mendations were due to be implemented in 2007. A UNODC is working to establish a regional network for
seminar on investigation techniques was organized for the treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration of
police in December. drug addicts. Liaison centres have been established in
six countries to coordinate this work. UNODC helped to
Diversion of chemical precursors draw up minimum treatment standards and develop a
regional strategy to train the staff running the centres.
Trafficking in precursor chemicals, which can be used They in turn will train other national personnel and
to manufacture cocaine, heroin and other illicit drugs, help to address shortcomings in existing treatment serv-
from Mexico to Central America has become a serious ices. The first workshop of the Regional Training
threat. Strategy took place in Puerto Rico. In 2006, Belize
joined the network. UNODC worked with the Central
To prevent the diversion of precursors from the legiti- Caribbean University of Puerto Rico to develop a tool
mate pharmaceutical industry, UNODC offers technical for research into drug prevention and treatment.


Youth crime

Violence by youth gangs, known as

“maras”, was at the top of the
political agenda throughout Central
America, especially in Guatemala,
El Salvador and Honduras.

To help stop vulnerable young peo-

ple from being sucked into crime,
UNODC promoted a schools project
for drug-abuse prevention and
rehabilitation. In 2006, the schools
prevention programme reached ele-
mentary schools in Costa Rica. An
assessment of the project showed
that it had exerted a positive influ-
ence on very young children by
reinforcing self-esteem, social
interaction and healthy lifestyles.
Other Central American countries
showed interest in adopting this Computer workshop for street children undergoing drug treatment at the Liaison
programme. Centre in Guatemala

In Honduras, UNODC offers young

people at risk and former drug abusers
an opportunity to stay away from criminal gangs and completed the programme, receiving National Training
drugs, and provides vocational training to help them Institute certificates, and another 40 enrolled. Over 30
find jobs. Students also receive scholarships, work course graduates found jobs thanks to the Social and
clothes and school supplies. In 2006, 80 young people Labour Integration Office.

A former gang member’s story provided I got help from COMPARTIR (Honduran NGO)
tutors. I agreed. I started to take group and individual ther-
As a child, I grew up in a marginal area of Tegucigalpa apy sessions. My teacher at the National Training Institute
(Honduras). My dad abandoned my mother, my two younger was a great help: she gave me advice and helped me to get
siblings and me when I was 12. In the second grade of jun- along again with my classmates. Almost a year later, I par-
ior high school I joined a “mara”. Members of the gang gave ticipated in a practical professional programme at a hotel in
me money and introduced me to the mara “business”: Tegucigalpa and worked as an assistant chef. I got the high-
assaults in buses, marijuana and alcohol consumption, mug- est final grade of my group. Now I am certified and I work
gings and so on. In 2005, I heard about the UNODC youth at a hotel where the Social and Labour Integration Office
reintegration project. I realized that my mother could no got me a job. I feel happy. This project has helped me so
longer afford my siblings’ school costs. In August 2005, I much; I don't drink or use drugs and I can help to support
decided to enrol in the cookery course. In the beginning, I my siblings. I am back at high school, which I hope to finish
had many problems: I even robbed some of my classmates and then enrol in a graduate programme.
and nearly got expelled. I was allowed to stay in the group Anonymous

field offices

Drug abuse and related crime continued to climb in prises saw steady increases in sales and exports. In
Peru, the world's second largest producer of coca leaves 2006, their combined sales totalled almost $US 48 mil-
and cocaine. Working with central and local govern- lion, a 20 per cent increase over 2005. Europe account-
ment authorities, NGOs and international donors, ed for 60 per cent of exports, while North America
UNODC develops statistics and information on coca cul- bought about 38 per cent of total output. The rest went
tivation, drug-abuse prevalence and related drugs and to Asia, Australasia and Latin America.
crime issues. In 2006, UNODC piloted a project to pre-
vent drug-related urban crime and backed teachers' As coca cultivation ruins soil quality, alternative liveli-
training schemes to address drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. hood activities were designed with environmental con-
servation in mind. In the second half of 2006, work
Alternatives to coca cultivation started with indigenous communities in the biodiversi-
ty-rich jungle areas of San Martin in central Peru to
Much of UNODC's work was devoted to helping coca explore the feasibility of developing a project under the
farmers find alternative sources of income. In 2006, Kyoto Protocol “clean development mechanisms.”
UNODC helped former coca growers to increase the
yield, quality and export value of their coffee, cocoa In 2006, UNODC continued supporting the NGO Sport
and palm heart harvests. Other sustainable livelihoods and Life, which offers cultural, sporting and artistic
promoted by UNODC in 2006 included tree-planting activities to disadvantaged youngsters in Peru's capital,
and protecting ecosystems in indigenous communities, Lima. During the 2006 World Cup, community street
raising livestock, harvesting rubber and developing the football events were organized across the country to
palm oil industry. highlight the role of sports in drug-abuse prevention.
Using local stars as role models, UNODC trained 50
More than 6,000 farmers' families in Peru received sup- football coaches. It also supported the Peruvian team's
port from UNODC. The top 12 UNODC-supported enter- participation in the Street Football World Championship

The son of an ex-coca grower proudly showing the first cocoa pods harvested in Inambary Valley, Tambopata


Sustainable livelihood enterprises in Peru: Fighting street crime

Combined sales performance 2000-2006
UNODC continued to forge partnerships to fight crime.
In 2006, a UNODC pilot project to curb street-level drug
pushing and crime brought together 14 of Lima's
municipalities. The project encouraged communities and
local law-enforcement agencies to share information
more effectively and helped authorities to improve their
crime-fighting skills.

UNODC support helped police officers gain expertise in

using sophisticated crime-fighting tools, including Geo-
Reference Information Systems (GIS), to pinpoint prob-
lem neighbourhoods in Lima. Police and municipal
* authorities feed information into the system on loca-
tions favoured by youth gangs, along with other data
* Estimate
on schools and even small-scale drug-production facili-
ties. Citizens were encouraged to come forward with
that took place in Berlin in July as part of a programme information on drug dealing. The system won a ringing
to promote drug education and healthy lifestyles in endorsement from the mayor of Independencia munici-
poor neighbourhoods. pality, who said it had made a real difference to tack-
ling crime there.
In Ayacucho province, a hub of drug trafficking,
UNODC helped train 500 women to develop drug- A similar approach will be used in the country's south-
awareness and prevention campaigns. The Quechua- ern region of Tacna, close to the border with Chile and
speaking women received training and manuals in the a busy transit point for drug traffickers. In a recent
local language and organized games and musical activi- countrywide survey, Tacna showed the highest inci-
ties in villages to help spread the anti-drug message to dence of drug use among students after Lima. Regional
children and teenagers. Two community centres were authorities were adopting the GIS technology and
set up and equipped with audiovisual equipment and UNODC will help develop the system.
computers to help women leaders.
UNODC continued helping Peru's judges to speed up
A third of Peru's population is under the age of 15. In the investigation of criminal cases and boost their effi-
2006, UNODC and the Organization of American States ciency by using specialized software and mentoring
(OAS) released the first comparative study on drug use services to analyse and track data. With a better under-
among secondary school students in nine countries in standing of complex crime cases, judges convicted
South America, including Peru. The study highlighted more consistently and issued more orders for the seizure
the regions in Peru where young people faced a higher and confiscation of illicit assets. UNODC helped the
risk of substance abuse. UNODC worked closely with Government to draft a new anti-human trafficking law
Peru's Ministry of Education to help vulnerable young consistent with international protocols, particularly
people, training more than 400 teachers to provide those dealing with women and children. The draft law
guidance in communities where drug abuse was submitted to the Peruvian Congress in December was
increasing. The teachers received materials on drug approved within a few weeks. It included measures to
abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention and went on to train facilitate the prosecution of traffickers, provide assis-
other teachers in a peer programme connecting more tance to victims and encourage programmes to prevent
than 3,500 educators across the country. human trafficking.

field offices

Teachers offer first line of support to students under Fidela, Felix and the chocolate factory
Rural entrepreneurs in Peru’s
Rosanna Yactayo Castro has been teaching for 18 years. She Apurimac River Valley who used
works in a secondary school in Lima’s port area, Callao. Her to cultivate coca are now growing
district is one of the areas recently identified as a high-risk cocoa beans for Swiss chocolate
zone for drug abuse among young people. Yactayo was one maker, Pronatec. The cocoa bean
of more than 400 teachers across Peru who received train- harvests of Fidela del Villar Baca
ing through a UNODC-supported initiative to get students and Felix Martinez Escribas were
talking about healthy lifestyles and conflict-resolution. among the approximately 300
tonnes of cocoa beans sold in
“Students have always felt comfortable approaching me 2006. Since 2002, the company
with problems at home or with friends,” said Yactayo. “Now, has purchased organically certi-
with this training, I feel better equipped to introduce these fied Peruvian cocoa from the
discussions in the classroom in a proactive way as opposed Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera del Felix Martinez
to waiting for someone to have a crisis.” Valle Rio Apurimac (CACVRA). Photo: Christine Skladany

Yactayo says her students feel stress because of drugs and The cooperative, made up of 3,000 farmers, demonstrates
gangs in the community, family conflicts and unemployed that it makes good economic sense for farmers to work
parents. She uses role-playing, art, music and group discus- together to produce cocoa and coffee for export markets.
sions as a way to talk about problems or introduce new Israel Pisetsky, general manager of CACVRA, says coopera-
ways of dealing with uncomfortable situations. She remains tives are helping the region to rebuild its economy after
an optimist about the future of her students: “Today’s young Shining Path guerillas and drug traffickers infiltrated the
people are much more aware of what’s going on around area in the 1980s and 1990s.
them. They’re also tuned in to new forms of communica-
tions, such as the Internet. We need to capitalize on this to “Our cooperative is promoting the ideals of working togeth-
reach out to them.” er to bring investment and democracy to our region. Our
members see how working together can translate into bet-
In a classroom upstairs, another teacher, Elizabeth Gamboa ter health and education opportunities for their children,”
Dios, is doing just this. Gamboa received the same training. says Pisetsky.
Her classroom is filled with computers and the students are
hooked up to “Huascaran Project” (, Both del Villar and Martinez are former coca growers. They
a website constructed by Peru’s now agree that producing cocoa and coffee is much better
Ministry of Education as an for their long-term viability as business people and as
electronic meeting and learning breadwinners. Del Villar, a mother of five children, says she
place for students. Developed is proud to be producing cocoa for export: “I remember in
with support from UNODC, the the 1980s when we were afraid to do anything. We had no
website provides teachers with choice but to grow coca leaves because that's all we could
modules for classroom discus- sell. It was very difficult for us. The future can only be bet-
sion and suggestions for inter- ter.”
active games focusing on
healthy lifestyles and drug Having recently learned about the business side of farming,
awareness. Two of Gamboa’s Martinez, a former leader of a regional coca-growers’ union,
students recently took their says he appreciates the support he has received from
homework assignment very UNODC.
seriously and wrote a rap song
called “Piensa” (Think), warning UNODC encourages farmers in coca-growing areas to
students of the consequences adhere to fair-trade standards as such products fetch a
Elizabeth Gamboa
of experimenting with drugs. higher market price.
and her pupils
Photo: Christine Skladany


South-East Asia
and the Pacific

The UNODC Regional Office for South Asia in New ber of people living with HIV/AIDS. Injecting drug use
Delhi, India, covers six countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, is fuelling the epidemic throughout the region and more
India, the Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. women are contracting HIV.

South Asia is vulnerable to Afghan opium production South Asia is also home to vast numbers of victims of
given the region's proximity to the source. India is also human trafficking exploited for sexual slavery or forced
one of the largest producers of licit pharmaceuticals, labour. As a result the numbers of under-age girls con-
which are sometimes diverted due to gaps in the control tracting HIV/AIDS have risen.
system. India is now the country with the largest num-
UNODC assists countries in their struggle against drugs,
crime and terrorism. At the policy level, the UNODC
Regional Office has been supporting the Governments
“I am Mr. S.S. (name withheld), a Deputy of South Asia to establish a framework of laws and reg-
Superintendent of Police working in the field in ulations. In 2006, with UNODC help, Bhutan acceded to
Andhra Pradesh. I have put in 28 years of service in all United Nations drug conventions and Nepal ratified
various capacities, starting my career as a Sub- the 1971 United Nations Drug Control Convention,
Inspector of Police. I feel ashamed that all these years becoming the last country in South Asia to sign up to
I have been violating the rights of (trafficked) women all drug control conventions.
by branding them as prostitutes, despite the fact that
they are victims of trafficking. Today (after the Dealing a blow to human traffickers
UNODC training-empowerment programme), I realize
I have done wrong all these years and feel guilty A report by the National Human Rights Commission of
about it. From now on, I will make sure that such vio- India in 2004 found that over 80 per cent of police offi-
lations do not take place. Victims of trafficking will cers largely ignored human trafficking and 40 per cent
be treated as victims and receive appropriate treat- did not know what the term meant. To address that lack
ment. They will never again be treated as criminals.” of awareness, stop the criminalization of victims and
help put traffickers behind bars, UNODC worked with
Testimony of a senior police officer in Andhra Pradesh central and state governments and anti-trafficking
following UNODC training (November 2006) NGOs in 2006 to provide training for law-enforcement
officers in five of the worst-hit states in India. Within a
few months, over 2,000 police officers and almost 350

field offices

prosecutors had received training. There was soon evi-

dence that law-enforcement authorities were shifting
their focus from arresting the victims (as prostitutes)
towards apprehending the perpetrators.

Supporting the victims of human trafficking

UNODC, from its base in India, runs a global project to

build NGO support structures for victims of violent
crime, including trafficking. In 2006, 10 rescue/shelter
homes were set up or supported, more than 900 victims “I decide” drug-awareness campaign posters
of violent crime and trafficking received direct assis-
tance and over 500 police officers underwent training
as a part of this initiative. UNODC also supported the
setting up by NGOs and communities of three hotlines The schools programme aimed to alert pupils aged 11 to
for people in distress, especially on India's border with 18 years to the perils of drug abuse and help them
Nepal. UNODC gathered data on the relationship make informed choices. The UNODC project will reach
between child marriages and trafficking and on convic- 250 schools directly.
tion rates for trafficking-related offences. It supported
the development of an information kit on safe migra- Preventing the spread of drug abuse and HIV
tion and a training manual and handbook for law-
enforcement officers. The project also helped NGOs in The UNODC Regional Office's report Drug Use in the
India to take up high-profile cases in the high courts to North-Eastern States of India gave an assessment of
ensure that the victims were treated justly after rescue. problem drug use in eight states grappling with particu-
larly high incidences of HIV/AIDS and made appropri-
National drug-awareness campaign in India ate recommendations.

In 2006, UNODC helped the central government of India In 2006, UNODC promoted a comprehensive package of
and several state governments to heighten awareness of services for drug users, especially injecting drug users
drug abuse with a broad prevention programme, pro- and their sex partners. An important aspect of this work
viding young people with accurate information and was the inclusion of a significant number of women
life-skills training (decision-making and negotiation both as service providers and target populations.
skills). The approach consisted of a national drug- UNODC analysed data provided by some 14,000 drug
awareness campaign, a peer-led awareness programme users and their sex partners to design strategies based
and a schools programme. on those findings.

The “I Decide” campaign kicked off in 12 states in In the latter half of 2006, the programme extended to
India, which had not witnessed a nationwide drug- over 60 operations across South Asia, but particularly
abuse prevention campaign for over a decade. Launched in India. The comprehensive programme will thus reach
on 26 June, the International Day against Drug Abuse around 10,000 drug users. Drop-in centres to advise
and Illicit Trafficking, by Meira Kumar, Union Minister people who are HIV-positive were established at 26 sites
for Social Justice and Empowerment, the campaign in India, oral substitution treatment using buprenor-
makes young people aware of high-risk behaviour, gets phine was expanded and low-cost community detoxifi-
them to talk about drugs and encourages them to resist. cation camps were started up.

Starting in north-east India, an ambitious community Drugs and HIV in prisons

awareness programme got underway. Some 2,000 peer
trainers reached out to 40,000 community volunteers There are approximately 450,000 inmates in South
with information on drug-related HIV/AIDS, and they Asian prisons, where drug use is rife and HIV/AIDS is
in turn reached out to 800,000 young people. spreading.


UNODC supported 11 prison projects throughout South to tackle this problem by holding an advanced forensic
Asia, developing on-site education programmes for training programme in New Delhi on cyber-crime and
prison staff, NGOs and inmates on the prevention of computer-facilitated crimes against children. A work-
drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. shop, jointly organized by the Central Bureau of
Investigation, Microsoft and UNODC, targeted law-
UNODC began developing a “South Asia protocol for enforcement personnel from across India with training
prison interventions” to address drugs- and HIV-aware- given by instructors from Microsoft Hong Kong and the
ness and prevention, vocational training, access to serv- US.
ices and the reintegration of former prisoners into soci-
ety. At the request of the Governments of India, Nepal Precursor control
and Sri Lanka, UNODC was set to expand its prisons
projects in 2007. South Asia may be the weak link in the chain of inter-
national initiatives to contain heroin production in and
Public-private partnership to tackle around Afghanistan. In 2006, UNODC launched a new
cyber-crime in India initiative to strengthen the control of chemical precur-
sors used to convert opium into heroin and manufacture
As police clamped down on cyber-crime (and especially amphetamine-type stimulants. Under the project, spe-
online offences against children) in other parts of Asia, cialized law-enforcement units will be trained to work
paedophiles were increasingly looking towards India. In with the chemical industry to monitor trade patterns
October, UNODC initiated a public-private partnership and track suspect shipments.

Working with incarcerated women, India

field offices


ATS abusers undergoing treatment at the Somsanga treatment centre

Towards an opium-free future rate was relatively low. UNODC also helped the
Government to monitor and collect data on addiction.
Laos, once the third largest illicit opium producer in the Laos faces a growing problem of trafficking and abuse
world, reached a landmark in 2006, becoming virtually of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS). Workshops to
opium-free. Vigorous government eradication efforts mobilize communities against drug abuse, especially
have reduced the area under opium cultivation by 93 ATS, were carried out in 16 of the country's 17
per cent since 1998. provinces. UNODC also helped to develop and distribute
thousands of compact discs on ATS prevention, promot-
The 2006 UNODC survey Opium Poppy Cultivation in ed media coverage on drug prevention and carried out
the Golden Triangle showed that Laos was no longer national prevention campaigns against drugs.
exporting opium, but it warned that the progress could
unravel unless poor farmers were given secure alterna- UNODC's socio-economic impact surveys showed that
tives sources of income. half of former opium-producing communities needed
urgent assistance. UNODC helped develop an Action
UNODC worked with the Laos Government to devise a Plan targeting 1,000 priority villages.
new national strategy—”The Balanced Approach to
Sustaining Opium Elimination in the Lao PDR (2006- Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh announced meas-
2009)”—focusing on alternative development, drug- ures to address drug control during the national cam-
demand reduction, civic awareness and law enforcement. paign against drugs in October. At a meeting to harmo-
nize drug-control efforts, many development partners,
Drug-demand reduction including the EC, the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
and the World Food Programme (WFP), pledged funds
UNODC and the Government continued to support to bring development to these villages.
treatment and rehabilitation programmes for opium
addicts in all 10 northern provinces. During 2005-2006, UNODC carried out a rapid assessment survey in mid-
over 8,250 addicts received treatment and the relapse 2006, which showed an increase in injecting drug use


and related HIV/AIDS among young people in the 2006, Laos had ratified seven of the 13 universal legal
country's capital, Vientiane. instruments, with the remainder due to be presented for
approval by the National Assembly in 2007. UNODC
In November, UNODC conducted a workshop with the also supported Government efforts to raise awareness of
Government of Laos, the World Health Organization corruption.
(WHO) and UNAIDS to identify responses to the ATS
epidemic, injecting drug use and the heightened risk of Human trafficking
HIV/AIDS infection in Laos.
Laos faces a serious human trafficking problem as
UNODC assisted the Government in developing a com- both a source and transit country. In October, UNODC
prehensive new drug law and a national drug law- launched a project to strengthen the capacity of legal
enforcement strategy. It also provided training for legal and law-enforcement institutions to combat human
and law-enforcement agencies. trafficking. It will also assist the Government in imple-
menting the Protocol relating to human trafficking of
UNODC held a National Workshop for government offi- the United Nations Convention against Transnational
cials on the ratification and implementation of the uni- Organized Crime.
versal legal instruments against terrorism. By the end of

Opening of the new 55-kilo-

metre track which was con-
structed under the North
Phongsaly alternative devel-
opment project. It used to
take up to two days to travel
from Boun Nuea district to
the remote village of Yao
Fang. Now it takes just under
two hours by car. Opened in
April 2006, the road has
brought new social services
and trade and development
opportunities for the thou-
sands of villagers living in
districts that used to be
among the largest opium
poppy-cultivating areas.

field offices

Myanmar, the world's second largest opium producer, were switching to mon-
continued to see opium cultivation decline in 2006. soon season planting,
UNODC ran community support projects, introduced which could work against
drug-demand reduction initiatives and helped to pro- the Government's eradi-
vide treatment and rehabilitation for the country's cation efforts (eradication
opium addicts. traditionally takes place
during the normal culti-
UNODC's 2006 Golden Triangle Opium Survey showed vation season). Off-sea-
an overall decrease in opium poppy cultivation of 29 son poppy cultivation
per cent in Myanmar, Laos and Thailand compared with was reported in three
2005. In Myanmar, cultivation fell 34 per cent to 21,500 townships. The rapid sur-
hectares, representing a dramatic 83 per cent drop vey confirmed that there
from the 130,300 hectares under cultivation in 1998. was no evidence of culti- Illicit Crop Monitoring Programme staff
Wa Special Region 2, which used to account for the vation in the most notori- surveying opium poppy fields
bulk of Myanmar's opium poppy cultivation, was ous areas.
declared opium-free. This resulted from an opium ban
imposed by the local authorities in June 2005 as part of UNODC's Drug Demand Reduction programme in the
a five-year Government plan to make Myanmar opium- Wa provided treatment and detoxification programmes
free by 2014. for drug addicts in five townships in Mong Pawk and
Wein Kao districts. Between 2004 and July 2006, it
Rapid opium eradication has hit some impoverished treated more than a thousand addicts and provided
rural communities hard. UNODC has led initiatives to counselling sessions for families.
provide farmers with alternative livelihoods. The
Kokang and Wa Initiative is a broad UNODC-led part- Ai Sum’s story
nership designed to meet the humanitarian needs of
thousands of former opium farmers and their families. My name is Ai Sum. I am 26 years old. I got addicted
UNODC provided comprehensive assistance to help them to opium four years ago. It all started when my
obtain food, basic services and education. In 2006, opium-addicted friends told me about the “heavenly
UNODC completed major irrigation schemes, such as the pleasure” they felt when they smoked opium. So I
Nam Du canal in Ho Tao Township, which will irrigate started smoking too. Smoking opium gave me a satis-
80 hectares of land, including areas that could previ- faction as if all my dreams would come true. I
ously be used only during the rainy season. The proj- thought it was the most pleasurable thing in the
ects will contribute to helping farmers develop their world. Within a week, I became an addict and could
land. not stop using it, even as I began experiencing with-
drawal symptoms—agonizing pain, nausea and vomit-
UNODC monitored progress in the Wa and surveyed dis- ing. Production from my rice farm plummeted as I
tricts needing assistance. A survey conducted in early became less able to perform my daily tasks. I was in
2006 on the impact of project work in Mong Pawk dis- despair and did not know how to balance the need to
trict between 1999 and 2005 showed major achieve- spend cash to buy opium and the shortage of funds. I
ments, including 785 hectares of newly developed irri- was very excited when I heard that UNODC’s Drug
gated rice paddy fields and a 21 per cent increase in the Demand Reduction programme was going to be
number of households cultivating lowland paddy. Up to established in my township in 2006. I began receiving
42 per cent of households were using an improved low- treatment at the centre, and after detoxification, I
land rice seed variety compared to virtually none in learned carpentry under the “Food for Training” pro-
1999, while 60 per cent had adopted at least one new gramme. Now I am starting a new life, growing maize
crop. and soybeans for income and fixing up my house dur-
ing my spare time.
An off-season opium survey was conducted by Ai Sum
Myanmar's drug-control agency and UNODC in south- Yong Moot village
ern Shan state. Preliminary results showed that farmers


Villagers in
the Wa hills
in the “Food
for work” ini-
tiative under
which they
build irrigation
systems and
receive rice as

Human trafficking In August, the community-based Drug Demand

Reduction Project in Lashio collected data on drug
In 2006, UNODC strengthened links with United Nations orphans and found 290 orphaned children in the
agencies and NGOs working on human trafficking. A province, 33 of whom had lost both parents.
national seminar on the draft Anti-Trafficking in Community associations and the Project Implementation
Persons Law took place in Yangon, which recommended Teams took care of them by providing food and school
developing a National Plan of Action to include the books and teaching them how to read and write.
protection of victims and witnesses and assistance in
the return of Myanmar's citizens identified as trafficked
victims abroad. Gyaw Saing Maing lives with her grandmother and
two older siblings. Her mother is serving a 15-year
Building on the success of the UNODC-supported Border prison sentence for selling drugs, and her father died
Liaison Offices created to increase cooperation on drug when she was a baby. While her grandmother owns a
control between regional law-enforcement agencies, the small shop, the income is not enough to support the
UNODC regional centre in Bangkok, UNODC Myanmar education of the three children. However, thanks to
and the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human the community’s assistance, Gyaw Saing Maing, who
Trafficking in the Mekong subregion led an initiative to is now 4 years old, has recently joined her brother
provide anti-human trafficking training to border offi- and sister at school.

HIV/AIDS and drug-demand reduction

Two new centres opened in Theinni and Tachilek to
UNODC is the lead agency in the area of HIV/AIDS and provide comprehensive drug services, including treat-
drug use in Myanmar. Following UNODC's recommen- ment and detoxification, counselling and support,
dation, the new National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS health care, education and training. An increase in the
recognized injecting drug use as a primary means of number of young people attending the centres led to an
transmission of the virus, requiring specific and imme- expansion in activities and an increase in the number
diate responses. of staff trained at field sites. In northern Shan State,
outreach activities and youth centres expanded to
UNODC led initiatives on injecting drug use in prisons, include over half the target population.
among uniformed services and other “at risk” popula-
tions. Cooperation with the Department of Health and The HIV/AIDS Prevention project for the police force in
the National AIDS Programme was strengthened. Myanmar provided training at one police academy,
UNODC and the Myanmar drug-control agency under- three police training schools and two anti-narcotics task
took a study to determine the role of the law-enforce- forces. Training was also given to the Army Medical
ment sector in the national response to HIV/AIDS. Corps.

field offices

The UNODC Regional Centre for East Asia and the UNODC focused on developing strategies to prevent
Pacific, based in Thailand, covers 34 countries and ter- young people from using ATS, including producing
ritories. Transnational organized crime, as well as drugs publications and deploying national project teams to
and human trafficking, are major problems throughout carry out awareness-raising and education activities. A
the region. Much of UNODC's work in 2006 centred on Laotian music video on drug-abuse prevention, pro-
responding to growing abuse of amphetamine-type duced with assistance from UNODC, included songs that
stimulants (ATS) and the trade in the chemical precur- won a local songwriting contest. CDs of the songs were
sors used to make drugs. to be distributed to schools and videoke clubs in 2007
and aired for one year on 17 stations of the Lao
UNODC Thailand’s Computer-Based Training National Radio network.
Academy won a UN21 Award for the best United
Nations projects of 2006, after the Regional Centre Community-based alternative development
pioneered an interactive law-enforcement training
programme. Governments in Afghanistan, Laos and Myanmar
stepped up their efforts to provide former poppy farm-
Precursor control and laboratory drug profiling ers with alternative livelihoods. The Regional Office

By promoting the use of standardized laboratory data as

a primary reference source, UNODC helped countries to International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
strengthen precursor controls and upgrade their capaci- (26 June). Promoting public awareness on the dangers of
ty to profile drugs. drug abuse

UNODC developed a DVD training programme and

handbook in 10 languages on restricting precursors and
on clandestine drug laboratories.

Safrole, a liquid extracted from plants, is a precursor

for the clandestine manufacture of synthetic drugs.
UNODC made possible the first survey on safrole-rich
oils for Project Prism, an international operation on
ATS precursors initiated by the International Narcotics
Control Board (INCB). The survey found that safrole
from the region was being traded internationally in
large quantities. The results of the survey will help
countries to develop mechanisms to prevent the diver-
sion of the oil for the illicit manufacture of drugs.

Tackling the ATS threat

Based on three years of data, UNODC published Patterns

and Trends of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants (ATS)
and other Drugs of Abuse in East Asia and the Pacific

UNODC developed training for policy-makers on pre-

venting ATS abuse among young people in order to
assist with the drafting of appropriate legislation.
Training was given to journalists to improve reporting
on drug abuse.


helped to establish bilateral agreements between rorism. Direct technical assistance was given to Fiji,
Thailand and other countries on sharing their experi- Laos, the Philippines and Thailand.
ences in alternative development.
Support for victims of human trafficking
UNODC organized a seminar on illicit crop monitoring
in the Greater Mekong subregion to share expertise on Through its anti-human trafficking project in the
surveying techniques, satellite imagery, land use prac- Philippines, UNODC helped to provide medical and psy-
tices, and soil and climatic data. It also conducted a chological care for nearly 100 victims and support for
study on the coping strategies of former opium poppy victims/witnesses who were assisting with the prosecu-
farmers in Laos and Myanmar and recommended ways tion of offenders. UNODC also arranged vocational
to prevent the farmers from relapsing. training to help them become reintegrated into the
community. UNODC participated in an International
Addressing the challenges of HIV/AIDS Organization for Migration (IOM) project to train
Cambodian provincial court officials in dealing with
Injecting drug use is the main cause of HIV transmis- human trafficking.
sion in the region but access to treatment is severely
limited. The Regional Centre intensified its focus on Computer-based training
HIV/AIDS and injecting drug use, including in prisons.
Projects included the training of personnel and assess- Computer-based training developed by UNODC to
ments of areas with high rates of HIV infection among counter drug trafficking and related cross-border crime
injecting drug users. was provided through 94 training centres.

Strengthening the international legal regime In 2006, six new centres were established in five coun-
against terrorism tries—Fiji, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tonga and
Vanuatu. Work started on the production of a com-
UNODC worked to promote the ratification and imple- puter-based human trafficking law-enforcement train-
mentation of the universal instruments relating to ter- ing programme.

Viet Nam
In 2006, UNODC Viet Nam focused on drug law ect recorded many successes, including the fourth
enforcement, fighting human trafficking, money-laun- largest seizure of heroin (over 40 kg) made on land in
dering and corruption, drug abuse and HIV-prevention, Viet Nam. That consignment was intercepted in Lang
and drug treatment and rehabilitation. Son province on its way from Laos to China.

UNODC forged close links with local and international UNODC provided training for more than 500 officers
partners and NGOs, and the Governments of Laos, from the police, border guards, customs and drug-test-
Cambodia and China. ing laboratories in cooperation with the US Drug
Enforcement Administration and Australian Federal
Fighting illicit drug trafficking Police. It covered basic investigation skills, including
intelligence collection and sharing, surveillance and
Illicit trafficking of heroin and amphetamine-type methods of concealment, and deepened their under-
stimulants (ATS) plagues Viet Nam's border provinces. standing of the three United Nations drug control con-
A UNODC project to help strengthen the drug law- ventions. At its final evaluation by an independent
enforcement agencies entered its final year. The Drug external evaluator in October, the project was recom-
Interdiction Task Force Units established under the proj- mended as a model for other countries to follow.

field offices

UNODC and its partners prepared a follow-up project to undertaking an assessment of national legislation on
help Vietnamese law-enforcement agencies to improve migrant smuggling. This study supplemented reports of
drug intelligence collection and sharing. studies conducted in 2004 and 2005 on the Convention
against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol
Combating human trafficking on Trafficking in Persons. These three legal assessments
will serve as the basis for Viet Nam's future legislation
UNODC trained officers from the justice system, border in these areas.
guards and police in investigating and prosecuting traf-
fickers of human beings. Drug treatment and rehabilitation

Meetings took place between Viet Nam and China, and UNODC and the Committee for Ethnic Minorities con-
Viet Nam and Cambodia, to increase cross-border law- cluded a two-year project to develop prevention and
enforcement cooperation. These resulted in agreements treatment programmes for ethnic minority drug users in
to conduct joint cross-border anti-human trafficking the highland provinces of Lao Cai, Dien Bien and Son
campaigns and develop bilateral agreements on mutual La. The project focused on building up community-
legal assistance. based and culturally appropriate demand reduction
solutions, including support for local treatment facili-
An expert group of law-enforcement officers, prosecu- ties, vocational and educational training, micro-credit
tors and judges from different parts of the world was loans and micro-grants. The programme, whose benefi-
established to produce materials for advanced training. ciaries showed an extremely low relapse rate of 17 per
Viet Nam will be the first country to launch the new cent, provided treatment to over 500 drug users and
UNODC anti-human trafficking manual and curricula in made available over 100 loans and grants.
advanced training scheduled in 2007.
In August, UNODC organized an International Forum on
To pave the way for Viet Nam's ratification of the Development, Drugs and HIV in the Highlands of Viet
United Nations Protocol on Smuggling of Migrants and Nam to address drug-demand reduction among the eth-
help bring Vietnamese law into compliance with its nic minorities in the mountainous north of the country.
provisions, UNODC assisted the Ministry of Justice in A survey took place to monitor drug use and high-risk

Training session for residents in a drug-treatment centre


behaviour among over 600 respondents from 13 com- A total of 25 former

munes. trainees developed
local drug-preven-
Action against HIV/AIDS tion activities.
UNODC started working with the Ministry of Labour, activities were
Invalids and Social Affairs to improve and develop expanded to five
HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services for drug more urban sites,
abusers and to collect data for the design of a moni- making a total of 10
toring system. To develop training materials for effec- project sites in
tive drug treatment, UNODC assessed training needs 2006. New drug-
in China (Shanghai) and Laos and in the provinces of prevention clubs
Lao Cai, Hai Duong, Hai Phong, Phu Tho, Da Nang, were established to
An Giang and Tay Ninh in Viet Nam. “Training of promote cultural
Trainers” workshops were launched at the project activities and voca-
Parents’ guidebook on drug
sites. tional training, such
as music lessons,
Injecting drug users accounted for 53 per cent of newly computer literacy
detected cases of HIV infection in Viet Nam. Training and apprenticeships for mechanics. More than 200 for-
on HIV/AIDS prevention started in August and is due to mer drug users and young people at high risk were
be extended to 22 drug-treatment centres countrywide. expected to complete job training in early 2007.
By mid-2007, over 1,000 people were due to receive
training based on the “Inside Out” education package Money-laundering
developed by the WHO with UNODC.
Vietnamese police officers, prosecutors and judges ben-
Drug prevention targeted at young people efited from financial investigation training courses
organized by UNODC in cooperation with the World
UNODC helped to train newspaper and broadcast jour- Bank. The training addressed money-laundering and
nalists on drugs issues, produced TV spots and distrib- legislation related to financial crimes. It also dealt with
uted promotional materials to hundreds of children on domestic and international cooperation, searching skills,
26 June, the International Day against Drug Abuse and asset tracing and freezing, seizure and confiscation.
Illicit Trafficking.
Officials from the State Bank of Viet Nam and other
UNODC organized training to help 250 people learn Government financial institutions also received basic
counselling skills and ways to engage with young peo- training to tackle money-laundering. The State Bank of
ple. It also produced 1,500 booklets for families entitled Vietnam continued work on the establishment of an
How to Help Our Children Stay Away from Drug Abuse. Anti-Money Laundering Information Centre.

Headquarters activities
Research and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Convention support and legal advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Transnational organized crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Counter-narcotics and law enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Combating money-laundering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Fighting corruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Criminal justice reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Countering terrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Preventing drug abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
HIV/AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Scientific support for drug control activities . . . . . . . . . . . .84

Vientiane, Laos. Samples

of crystal methampheta-
mine, also known as “Ice”,
are tested in the Drug
Testing Laboratory of the
Ministry of Health. The
samples were seized from
Photo: Alessandro Scotti


Research and analysis

Policy and trend analysis is one of three main priorities cultivation increased by 8 per cent in 2005. However,
for UNODC, which continued to work closely with due to simultaneous decreases in Bolivia and Peru, the
Governments to improve drugs and crime data collec- total area under coca cultivation in the Andes in 2005
tion, research and analysis. remained at about the same level as in 2004. A special
chapter of the Coca Cultivation in the Andean Region
The World Drug Report 2006, UNODC's flagship publi- report discussed the environmental effects of illicit drug
cation, presented an analysis of trends in world drug cultivation and processing. While deforestation and
markets. The Report highlighted progress made in 2005, water and soil pollution were identified as problems, the
but drew attention to three areas of concern: heroin study found that very little reliable data were available
supply in Afghanistan, rising cocaine demand in Europe to measure the extent of the problem accurately.
and cannabis demand globally. A special chapter on
cannabis showed that an estimated 162 million people The dearth of data continued to hamper the effective
use the drug, equivalent to 4 per cent of the global pop- monitoring of international crime trends. By November
ulation aged between 15-64 years. While the problem 2006, only 72 of the 192 United Nations Member
posed by cannabis continued to grow, many facts about States had responded to the 9th United Nations Survey
the supply of and demand for this drug remain obscure. on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice
Systems. This highlighted the need to strengthen fur-
In 2006, 92 per cent of the world's opium was produced ther the international reporting system for crime statis-
in Afghanistan, where cultivation increased by 59 per tics.
cent and production was up 49 per cent. Falling
opium poppy cultivation in the Golden Triangle—Laos, UNODC's “Data for Africa” project supported national
Myanmar and Thailand—was a little-noticed success and regional initiatives, such as surveys in Cape Verde
story in 2006. Myanmar recorded a decrease of 29 per and a review of the data collection for Nigeria's
cent in areas under poppy cultivation. This reduction National Master Plan on Drugs. UNODC also produced a
brought the total decline in the region since 1998 to study on Organized Crime and Irregular Migrations
85 per cent, according to the 2006 Opium Poppy from Africa to Europe. Although the true extent of the
Cultivation in the Golden Triangle survey. profits made in smuggling human beings is not fully
known, the report included estimates of the size of the
After the impressive decline in coca cultivation in market, and highlighted the countries most affected and
Colombia in the first half of the decade, the area under the routes used by smugglers.

Coca Cultivation in the Andean Region, June 2006

headquarters activities

Convention support and legal advice

UNODC is the custodian of international legal instru-
ments in the areas of drugs, transnational organized
crime, corruption and terrorism. The Office is also the
guardian of a considerable body of internationally rec-
ognized principles in crime prevention and criminal jus-
tice, encompassing such issues as juvenile justice, the
treatment of offenders, international cooperation, good
governance, victim protection and violence against
women. UNODC also helps countries to reform their
criminal justice systems.

United Nations crime conventions

UNODC works to attain universal ratification of the five

United Nations crime conventions adopted by the
General Assembly of the United Nations—the United
Nations Convention against Transnational Organized
Crime (Palermo Convention) and its three Protocols on
human trafficking, smuggling of migrants and illicit
manufacture of and trafficking in firearms, as well as
the United Nations Convention against Corruption
(Merida Convention). The inaugural session of the
Conference of the States Parties to the Merida
Convention was held in Jordan in December 2006.

UNODC's Convention support includes the provision of

Signing international conventions
legislative drafting assistance, the development of a
series of Legislative Guides for the implementation of the
United Nations crime conventions and the provision of
advice on international cooperation in criminal matters. UNODC developed a new software tool in 2006 to help
legal professionals write effective mutual legal assis-
Legal assistance tance requests and went to work on a similar tool for
extradition requests.
UNODC gave legal advice and legislative assistance in
2006 to a number of countries in Africa, Asia, the An on-line legal library of the legislation adopted by
Caribbean and Eastern Europe. Activities included assis- countries to implement the international drug control
tance in upgrading national drug control laws, drafting conventions is maintained by UNODC. The Office also
new legislation on international judicial cooperation, maintains a comprehensive directory of national
special investigative techniques, pre-trial destruction of authorities empowered to transmit or execute requests
narcotic drugs and advice on reforms of judicial sys- for extradition or mutual legal assistance.
UNODC updated the Compendium of United Nations
The Office provided justice system training in countries Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal
in Eastern Europe, North Africa, South and Central Justice, first published in 1992, and was developing
America and Western and South-Eastern Asia. Judges new legal tools such as the model legislative provisions
and prosecutors participated in mock trials and went on related to the Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving
study tours. Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime.


Transnational organized crime

UNODC's Transnational Organized Crime programme separate checklist providing practical guidance to senior
provides technical assistance to help countries imple- police investigators, covering subjects such as negotia-
ment the United Nations Convention against tion, surveillance and intervention options.
Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols. This
includes providing recommendations for new or In March, a training course based on the Manual was
strengthened laws, improving the institutional and piloted in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, for senior
operational capacities of law-enforcement and judicial police officers from the Caribbean. Training also took
bodies, international cooperation and legal assistance place in Asuncion, Paraguay, in August for participants
between countries and data collection. from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador,
Paraguay and Venezuela.
UNODC provided advisers and mentors to work with
Governments. In South America, the regional legal Combating trafficking in firearms
adviser conducted assessments in Ecuador, El Salvador,
Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. Training on special Trends in illicit trafficking indicate a link between the
investigative techniques was given in Honduras. illegal firearms trade and other crimes such as drug and
human trafficking and terrorism.
In August, UNODC and Interpol provided training to
intelligence analysts from El Salvador, Guatemala, UNODC is developing guidelines to assist Member States
Honduras and Nicaragua on specialized software and a with implementation of the Protocol against the Illicit
network of analysts was set up. Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their
Parts and Components and Ammunition. A first expert
In Peru, UNODC helped to draft legislation on special group meeting in Vienna in November focused on the
investigative techniques, witness protection and human marking, tracing and identification of firearms, as well
trafficking. In Ecuador, equipment was provided to as on establishing effective systems for their export,
assist law-enforcement agencies. UNODC also provided import and transit licensing. Further workshops were
West African police, prosecutors and judges with men- planned for 2007.
tors and training.
Witness protection
Increased UNODC outreach to NGOs resulted in greater
NGO participation in intergovernmental meetings in UNODC began drafting international guidelines on wit-
2006. The Third Session of the Conference of Parties to ness protection programmes in a series of expert work-
the United Nations Convention against Transnational shops. The guidelines were due to be completed by mid-
Crime attracted 50 per cent more NGO participants than 2007.
during the previous session. UNODC launched a new
database containing information on over 1,500 NGOs In July, an expert meeting was held in Chile to finalize
working in drug control, crime prevention and criminal a draft model law on witness protection for Latin
justice. American countries. The first Latin American regional
conference of the International Association of
Counter-kidnapping Prosecutors discussed witness protection, with support
and expertise from UNODC.
With financial support from the Government of
Colombia and contributions from experts from 16 coun- Trafficking in human organs
tries, UNODC developed a Counter-Kidnapping Manual
to give police officers and policy-makers concrete Trafficking in human organs, fuelled by growing
guidelines on how to respond to kidnappings effectively. demand for transplants, is a lucrative business for
organized criminal groups.
It identifies different types of kidnapping—including
for extortion or political purposes—and advises The removal of human organs is included in the defini-
Governments on devising effective legislation, preven- tion of exploitation in the Trafficking in Persons
tive measures and contingency plans. It comes with a Protocol of the Convention against Transnational

headquarters activities

Members of a new Container Control Programme unit, set up with UNODC assistance, stand to attention in the port of Dakar,

Organized Crime. A UNODC study, entitled Preventing, The programme was piloted in Ecuador and Senegal,
Combating and Punishing Trafficking in Human Organs, where Joint Port Control Units were established, with
was presented to the Commission on Crime Prevention training provided by UNODC and the World Customs
and Criminal Justice at its fifteenth session in Vienna in Organization (WCO). In Ecuador in March, the
2006. The study showed that the extent of the problem Guayaquil Joint Port Control Unit intercepted a con-
of trafficking in human organs remains unclear. signment of cocaine with a street value of around $US
556 million.
Global Container Control Programme
The container project was due to be extended to the
The UNODC Container Control Programme, which start- Ecuadorean port of Manta in early 2007, with Ghana
ed in 2005, helps police and customs authorities in and Pakistan next in line.
developing countries to identify and inspect containers,
which might contain illicit goods or materials.


Counter-narcotics and law enforcement

UNODC works with police, prosecutors and judges to bours. The meetings also improved counter-narcotics
help countries respond more effectively to illicit drug cooperation between the States of the Gulf Cooperation
trafficking, providing technical assistance and the Council and the Paris Pact partners.
services of regional law-enforcement advisers. In 2006,
training manuals, covering specialist topics such as In Moscow in June, the Government of the Russian
criminal intelligence, undercover operations and sur- Federation, in cooperation with UNODC, organized the
veillance, were distributed through UNODC field offices second Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking
worldwide. Routes from Afghanistan. The Conference adopted the
Moscow Declaration, which highlighted the importance
Paris Pact of international support for Afghanistan in implement-
ing its National Drug Control Strategy.
Under the Paris Pact initiative to limit the trafficking of
Afghan opiates through Western and Central Asia and Regional intelligence-sharing
Europe, two Expert Round Table meetings were con-
ducted in 2006 on cross-border cooperation and intelli- Five Central Asian States—Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
gence exchanges between Afghanistan and its neigh- Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan—as well as
Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation agreed in
February to set up a regional intelligence centre to help
fight drug trafficking. The Central Asian Regional
Drug seizures in Central Asia. Photo: Stefano Zardini
Information and Coordination Centre (CARICC), sup-
ported by UNODC, will be based in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Gulf States agreed to set up a similar body—the Gulf
Centre for Criminal Intelligence—in Qatar, also with
UNODC technical support.

Modelled on Europol, the intelligence centre of the EU,

both Centres were due to be operational by mid-2007,
helping to improve information exchange among
national police services and leading to more drug
seizures and arrests of drug smugglers.

Computer-based training

Computer-based training is an important part of the

technical assistance provided by UNODC in the counter-
narcotics field. Over 150 hours of law-enforcement
training is now offered in various languages. In 2006
there were 63 individual syllabus modules and more
were under development. The syllabus covers issues
including profiling, targeting, risk assessment and
searching at land borders, sea and airports, precursor
chemicals, human trafficking and money-laundering.
Already available in 15 countries, the training was set
to expand across the Balkans, Brazil, the Pacific Islands
and West Africa.
headquarters activities

Combating money-laundering
In 2006, UNODC provided legal and policy assistance to to offer a comprehensive response to the problem of
over 50 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the combating terrorism.
Pacific through field-based experts operating under the
mentor programme. New mentors began work in The Financial Action Task Force for South America
Eastern and Southern Africa, the Middle East, North became the tenth partner organization of the
Africa and Latin America, sharing their expertise with International Money Laundering Information Network
their local counterparts. (IMoLIN), a one-stop research source administered by
UNODC. UNODC continued to upload the monthly
An information database known as the Anti-Money Central Asia Newsletter, a joint UNODC/World Bank
Laundering International Database (AMLID) Second electronic publication in English and Russian on
Round of Legal Analysis was launched, reflecting the IMoLIN, for e-mail distribution to over 500 recipients.
legal analysis of countries’ efforts to counter money- As the most comprehensive online repository of legisla-
laundering and the financing of terrorism. tion and analysis, IMoLIN is relied on by Government
and law-enforcement officials.
In September, the General Assembly of the United
Nations adopted the United Nations Global Counter- UNODC strengthened its computer-based training pro-
Terrorism Strategy, which encourages UNODC to do gramme by translating the training modules into
more to help Member States comply fully with interna- Amharic, Arabic and Russian. Training classrooms were
tional norms to combat money-laundering and the established in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Costa
financing of terrorism. Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guyana,
Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and
In 2006, UNODC began to participate in the United the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate coun-
try assessment visits. Money-laundering and terrorism In a joint initiative with the OSCE, UNODC conducted a
financing experts assessed countries' compliance with workshop on money-laundering and terrorism financing
Security Council Resolution 1373 of 2001, which seeks for prosecutors from Eastern and Southern Europe.

Sample case of money-

laundering produced
with software devel-
oped by UNODC to
facilitate investigation
and prosecution of
complex cases


Fighting corruption

Image taken from the UNODC campaign leaflet for the International Day against Corruption, 9 December 2006

UNODC's Global Programme against Corruption, in particular judges, prosecutors and investigators in
launched in 1999, provides Member States with techni- charge of anti-corruption work.
cal assistance to improve the judicial and other institu-
tions needed in the fight against corruption. UNODC Altogether, 14 countries have benefited from long-term
also supports the formulation and dissemination of best technical assistance projects. UNODC has also advised
practices, policies and tools to prevent and control cor- countries through regional and subregional workshops
ruption. on a wide range of issues related to strengthening their
legal and institutional capacities.
To date, the programme has trained government repre-
sentatives, individual experts, NGOs and private sector Through public service announcements, posters, flyers,
entities from over 100 countries. It has provided spe- radio and TV shows, particularly for the International
cialized training to more than 1,000 national officials, Day against Corruption observed on 9 December each

headquarters activities

year, UNODC reaches millions of citizens globally, rais- policy development, internal oversight and advocacy.
ing awareness and encouraging them to take an active IGAC has improved cooperation and enabled more
stand against corruption. effective use of limited resources to implement the
Convention against Corruption.
Criminal action
Conference of States Parties to the United
UNODC provided advice and technical assistance to the Nations Convention against Corruption
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission of Nigeria,
the country's leading anti-corruption agency. The The first session of the Conference of States Parties to
Commission conducted several top-level investigations, the United Nations Convention against Corruption took
resulting in the prosecution of State Governors, parlia- place in Jordan in December. UNODC held three side-
mentarians and the Inspector General of Police, as well events bringing together representatives of civil society
as the recovery of assets worth more than $US 5 billion. and the private sector, anti-corruption authorities and
parliamentarians to discuss their expectations
Prevention from Governments and to examine their own roles
in the effective implementation of the Convention.
From 2001 to 2006, UNODC assisted the judiciaries of A coalition of Civil Society Friends of the United
Indonesia, Nigeria and South Africa in strengthening Nations Convention against Corruption consisting of
their judicial institutions. UNODC's comprehensive some 45 organizations from over 30 countries was also
assessments of the state of corruption in the judiciary established.
helped to put policies and action plans into practice.
These helped to enhance the integrity of judicial offi- Technical assistance tools
cers, increase the transparency of the judicial process
and bring corrupt officials to account. In Nigeria, for Work began to develop technical assistance tools,
example, a considerable number of judges and magis- including:
trates were removed.
• Technical guide for the Implementation of the United
Judicial integrity group Nations Convention against Corruption, aimed at sup-
porting policy-makers and legal practitioners.
UNODC continued to support the work of the group • Handbook on Preventive Anti-Corruption Measures
of Chief Justices and senior judges. A key outcome for Small and Medium Enterprises with the United
of this work was the development of the Bangalore Nations Industrial Development Organization
Principles of Judicial Conduct, a comprehensive set of (UNIDO). The handbook provides small businesses,
professional ethics for judges, which were endorsed which often cannot afford large-scale anti-corruption
by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in and corporate ethics programmes, with simple and
2006 and recommended to Member States for domestic easy-to-implement tools to reduce the risk of them
adaptation. becoming involved in corrupt practices.
• Commentary on the Bangalore Principles of Judicial
Partnership and cooperation Conduct, and a guide on strengthening judicial
integrity and capacity. The commentary will provide
UNODC and the United Nations Office for Internal judicial disciplinary and oversight bodies with guid-
Oversight Services form the secretariat for the ance to interpret and enforce the Bangalore
International Group for Anti-Corruption Coordination Principles, while the guide gives an overview of good
(IGAC), which brings together more than 30 multilateral practices necessary to strengthen judicial independ-
and bilateral organizations active in anti-corruption ence, integrity, accountability and capacity.


Criminal justice reform

A key UNODC priority is to prevent child and youth
involvement in activities that might lead to crime.
UNODC does this by promoting national crime preven-
tion strategies and supporting NGO networks. UNODC
also supports countries in setting up criminal justice
systems that are fair, efficient and accountable and
which enforce respect for the human rights of offenders
and victims.

The main challenges in this area are over-reliance on

detention, including pre-trial detention, coupled with
very poor prison conditions in many countries; the lack
of criminal justice strategies taking into account victims
of crime and the need to reintegrate offenders into soci-
ety; the inappropriate handling by many criminal jus-
tice systems of women and children who have been
subjected to abuse (in particular sexual abuse), and the
lack of oversight mechanisms in criminal justice sys-
tems around the world.

In 2006, UNODC gave practical assistance to criminal

justice officials, policy-makers, international organiza-
tions and NGOs and produced special tools.

Criminal justice reform and rule of law

The Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit, launched in

2006, was designed to help practitioners reform their
own criminal justice systems and bring them into line
with international standards. It also enables advisers
from the United Nations and other bodies to conduct
assessments of the justice systems in individual coun-
tries and identify areas for technical assistance. Written
by a team of criminal justice experts from UNODC and
Overcrowded prison in the Caribbean
the OSCE, the Toolkit covers policing, access to justice,
prison and alternatives to incarceration, as well as other
issues such as juvenile justice and the treatment of vic-
tims and witnesses. Divided into 16 modules, it provides
detailed and comprehensive guidance for practitioners
UNODC works to help improve the lives of some of the and will be updated with regular feedback from users.
most vulnerable people around the world: those who
come into contact with the criminal justice system, Children in the criminal justice system
including women and children.
In order to improve the treatment of children by the
In many countries a large proportion of adults and chil- criminal justice system, UNODC, UNICEF and the NGO
dren who commit offences or who are arrested and International Bureau for Children's Rights produced a
prosecuted for alleged offences come from the poorest child-friendly version of the United Nations Guidelines
neighbourhoods and/or belong to minorities. Many chil- on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and
dren and young people were themselves victims before Witnesses of Crime. This document is available in the
becoming offenders. six official languages of the United Nations.

headquarters activities

To assist Governments in designing policies relating to assistance to prisoners in a number of post-conflict

children in conflict with the law that conform to inter- countries, starting in Liberia.
national standards, UNICEF and UNODC produced a
Manual on the Measurement of Juvenile Justice Violence against women
Millions of women worldwide are affected by violence.
Alternatives to imprisonment The first officials that most victims come into contact
with after violent incidents are the police. However, in
UNODC has encouraged criminal justice policy-makers many countries the police are ill-prepared to give sup-
to go beyond the use of imprisonment by producing port and investigate such offences and in some cases
separate handbooks on Restorative Justice Programmes women are re-victimized through their contact with the
and Alternatives to Imprisonment. In Malawi, UNODC police. UNODC began work on a handbook for law
worked with the NGO Penal Reform International to enforcement officials on effective responses to violence
train paralegals (non-lawyers) to provide initial legal against women.

Countering terrorism
On 8 September 2006, the General Assembly of the international legal instruments. By the end of
United Nations adopted the Counter-Terrorism Strategy. December, 85 countries had ratified the first 12
This was a landmark event, as it was the first time that international conventions and protocols relating
all 192 Member States had agreed on a common to the prevention and suppression of terrorism,
approach to fighting terrorism. The Strategy recognized compared with 75 in 2005, and 26 in 2003.
the role of UNODC in such key areas as international
criminal justice and international cooperation in crimi- UNODC has developed a number of technical assistance
nal matters, and it encouraged UNODC to enhance its tools. One of these, the Office's counter-terrorism leg-
technical assistance to Member States. islative database, includes the full text of the interna-
tional conventions and protocols relating to the preven-
As a result, UNODC reinforced its technical assistance in tion and suppression of terrorism, along with informa-
the legal aspects of counter-terrorism by facilitating the tion on the status of ratifications. The database also
ratification and implementation of the international contains more than 500 laws from more than 130
conventions and protocols relating to the prevention countries.
and suppression of terrorism. During 2006, it provided
54 countries with assistance and conducted 11 regional UNODC's technical assistance work complements the
workshops involving more than 82 countries, training functions of the Counter- Terrorism Committee of the
approximately 1,700 criminal justice officials. UNODC United Nations Security Council and its Executive
also worked to assist cooperation between criminal jus- Directorate. In 2006, UNODC participated in country
tice agencies at the regional level, promoted the use of assessment visits of the Executive Directorate to nine
good legal and criminal justice practices in counter-ter- countries. UNODC also participates in the United
rorism and expanded its counter-terrorism legal Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force.
research and legal training.

UNODC's counter-terrorism activities in 2006 con-

tributed to an increasing number of ratifications of


Preventing drug abuse

UNODC continued to focus on drug abuse, prevention, UNODC developed guidelines and training materials to
treatment and rehabilitation with the aim of reducing help partner organizations evaluate the success of their
drug demand significantly by 2008. prevention programmes.

In 2006, the Global Youth Network for prevention of “Treatnet”, the UNODC-initiated International Network
drug abuse among young people continued to expand of Drug Dependence Treatment and Rehabilitation
and reached more than 500 youth groups around the Resource Centres launched at the end of 2005, got
world with information, resources and training through underway. Treatnet helps to improve the provision of
regional networks. UNODC supported some 125 organi- drug-treatment and rehabilitation services, including
zations with grants for comprehensive drug-abuse pre- support for HIV/AIDS prevention and care. The network
vention activities. These activities reached approximate- comprises 20 drug-dependence treatment and rehabili-
ly 40,000 young people. tation resource centres in 19 countries as well as a
number of associated training providers. Together, the
UNODC's global drug-abuse prevention work in 2006 centres reach 80,000 clients annually.
focused on the prevention of amphetamine-type stimu-
lants (ATS) abuse. More people use this group of drugs, In 2006, Treatnet had two main goals: identifying and
which includes amphetamines, methamphetamines and sharing good practices for drug-dependence treatment
ecstasy, than cocaine and opiates (such as opium and and rehabilitation, and helping its members to deliver
heroin) combined. Methamphetamines, in particular, can better services. It focused on treatment in prisons,
cause severe psychological problems and addiction. HIV/AIDS prevention and care of people with drug
Together with researchers, prevention workers and problems, along with their social reintegration and
young people, UNODC identified the most effective rehabilitation.
ways to prevent ATS abuse and used these best prac-
tices to train NGOs and policy-makers in East Asia, A team led by the University of California at Los
South Asia and Southern Africa. Angeles developed a comprehensive training package
and trained personnel at each Treatnet centre. Starting
in 2007, these trainers will use their new skills to help
UNODC works with local partners. An example is the nurses, doctors, counsellors and social workers.
Kapatiran Kaularan People Coalition (KKPC) in the
Philippines. KKPC has been working in a poor suburb UNODC's Global Assessment Programme on Drug Abuse
of Manila for more than 15 years and brings together continued work in Central Asia, the Middle East and
25 local organizations working to prevent the abuse North Africa to improve knowledge of the drug-abuse
of methamphetamines and solvents among young situation. The Programme has so far helped 62 coun-
people. KKPC undertakes public awareness-raising tries to develop the reporting of comparable data on
activities such as marches through communities; drug-abuse situations and trends. New regional initia-
organizing competitions, concerts and producing tives were launched in West and Central Africa and in
posters; T-shirts and leaflets; as well as promoting the Russian Federation.
sports for young people.

Another project of KKPC is the “back to school” pro-

gramme, which aims to encourage a dialogue
between parents and teachers and organizes tutorials
in mathematics, science and languages to help chil-
dren to go back to school. Other services include
family therapy, counselling sessions and recreational
activities for the whole family.

headquarters activities


UNODC posters for the World AIDS Conference held in Toronto, Canada

A co-sponsor of the Joint United Nations Programme countries do not acknowledge the factors that con-
on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), UNODC is the lead agency for tribute to its spread. An essential step is to create
HIV/AIDS prevention and care among injecting drug awareness among policy-makers.
users and in prisons. It is also responsible for develop-
ing a United Nations response to HIV/AIDS associated As custodian of the United Nations Standard Minimum
with human trafficking in countries of origin and desti- Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, UNODC assists
nation. countries in implementing international standards for
HIV/AIDS prevention and care in prisons.
To improve data on injecting drug use, UNODC under-
took rapid assessments in nine key countries. It also Special attention is given to the needs of at-risk
held consultations on methamphetamine use and inmates, including juveniles, women, foreigners and
HIV/AIDS. prisoners from ethnic and other minorities.

In 2006, UNODC provided technical assistance on HIV In 2006, UNODC, with UNAIDS and the World Health
prevention and care for injecting drug users and prison- Organization, developed a global strategy and a toolkit
ers in partnership with Governments and civil society to help countries develop effective policies and establish
groups from 25 countries, especially in Central Asia and national HIV/AIDS programmes in prisons.
Eastern Europe.
At the World AIDS Conference in Toronto in August,
Effective policies to prevent HIV in prisons and other UNODC organized a meeting on HIV/AIDS in prisons
correctional institutions are often hampered because for over 100 key policy-makers.


Scientific support for drug-control activities

UNODC continued to provide scientific expertise and uals on laboratory analytical methods and drug and
technical support to Governments to ensure that precursor identification kits. These kits were distributed
national laboratories and other scientific institutions to more than 60 countries, including countries in
can reliably provide the forensic expert services Africa.
required under national legislation and international
drug-control treaties. This included working with the The International Collaborative Exercises are a central
EU's Central Asian Drug Action Programme to streng- element in UNODC's laboratory quality assurance sup-
then forensic laboratory capacities in five Central Asian port to Governments, which aims to help drug-testing
countries, and improving inter-agency and international laboratories worldwide to assess their performance and
sharing of drug-related data. take corrective actions, if necessary. UNODC distributes
drug samples to participating laboratories, which then
In South and South-East Asia, UNODC focused for the test and identify drugs using standard procedures.
first time specifically on laboratories and their clients Results from all laboratories are analysed and com-
(law-enforcement, regulatory and health authorities) to pared. In 2006, more than 50 laboratories worldwide
encourage the use of laboratory results and promote participated in these exercises, enabling them to pin-
scientific support as an integral part of national drug- point and rectify weaknesses in their test procedures.
control frameworks. Among the outcomes of regional
collaboration was an agreement to establish an interac- UNODC also created a
tive regional system for information exchange and range of new publica-
knowledge-sharing among forensic laboratories and tions to meet increasing
their clients, as well as collaborative research into the demand for up-to-date
analysis of ephedrine, a precursor chemical for analytical methods, sci-
methamphetamine (an amphetamine-type stimulant), entific support, procedur-
as well as safrole, isosafrole and safrole-rich oils used al approaches and guide-
to make ecstasy-type substances. lines for drug and pre-
cursor identification and
UNODC scientific services in 2006 included the provi- analysis. These included
sion of laboratory reference materials, such as hundreds a manual on the analysis of amphetamine-type stimu-
of reference samples, scientific books and articles, man- lants and, in the field of drug characterization and
impurity profiling, a Fellowship Training Programme
and Trainers' Guide. The Multilingual Dictionary on
Identifying cocaine using a UNODC field testing kit Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, an author-
itative source of multilingual information and terminol-
ogy on all controlled substances, was updated for use
by national and international drug-control authorities.

In order to assist national drug-testing laboratories,

UNODC, on behalf of the INCB, prepared guidelines for
the import and export of drug and precursor samples
used for reference purposes. The guidelines are aimed at
laboratories as well as national authorities that issue the
import/export authorizations required for the control of
drugs and precursors.

A special edition of the Bulletin on Narcotics was

devoted to “Science in Drug Control: the role of labora-
tory and scientific expertise” to raise awareness of the
considerable value of scientific contributions to drug

Key financial data
Myanmar, Shan State.
Opium farmers who sell
raw opium paste in rural
markets are paid in obso-
lete Indian rupee coins.
Farmers use these coins to
buy food within the same
Photo: Alessandro Scotti


Key financial data

UNODC Budget Donor Trends
UNODC's consolidated budget is $US 283 million for the UNODC significantly intensified its cooperation with
2006-2007 biennium—less than 1 per cent of the total major donors and a new group of emerging and nation-
United Nations budget. al donors.

Only 12 per cent of the budget—$US 33 million—comes The Office also achieved a further diversification of
from the United Nations regular budget. The other 88 its resource base. The major donor group—Australia,
per cent—$US 250 million in the current biennium— Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, EC, Finland,
comes from voluntary contributions. France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
In 2006, voluntary contributions pledged to the drugs Turkey, UK and US—provided about 63 per cent of
and crime programmes rose 25 per cent to $US 150.7 all voluntary contributions, down from 83 per cent
million. in 2005.

The distribution of funding was as follows: The emerging and national donor group gave about 32
per cent, up from 11 per cent in 2005.
• Earmarked or special purpose funding
—$US 136.4 million (90.5 per cent) Increased pledges were received from Australia, Brazil,
• Unearmarked or general purpose funding Canada, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, India,
—$US 14.3 million (9.5 per cent) Ireland, Mexico, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand,
Nigeria, Poland, Qatar, Spain, Sweden, United Arab
• Drugs programme—$US 120.2 million Emirates, UK, UNAIDS, UNDP and UNFPA, the Drosos
• Crime fund—$US 30.5 million Foundation (Switzerland), the NATO-Russia Council and
the World Bank.
Special purpose funding has risen rapidly over the past
two years and is used to finance legal and legislative Key institutional support for general purpose funding
assistance, research and analysis, as well as technical came from Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland,
assistance. Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the US. Together, they
contributed 84 per cent of the unearmarked funding.
General purpose funding to meet the costs of UNODC’s Brazil, Colombia and Mexico shared costs significantly
core functions and infrastructure declined steadily. In for local support budgets.
2006, through increased cost-savings and efficiency
measures, UNODC reduced its operating expenditures
to $US 15.0 million from $US 17.9 million the previous

Funding trend



key financial data

Donor support

PLEDGES FOR 2006 (DRUGS AND CRIME) IN US$ as of 23 January 2007


Donor Special purpose funds General purpose funds Total

1 Australia 5,054,671 385,077 5,439,748
2 Austria 804,447 102,610 907,057
3 Belgium 249,378 - 249,378
4 Canada 2,253,216 526,402 2,779,618
5 Denmark 953,030 851,876 1,804,906
6 European Commission 15,843,519 - 15,843,519
7 Finland 2,829,463 288,521 3,117,984
8 France 1,875,787 845,128 2,720,915
9 Germany 1,571,105 765,306 2,336,411
10 Ireland 951,157 514,139 1,465,296
11 Italy 3,777,784 2,564,103 6,341,887
12 Japan 1,365,070 877,200 2,242,270
13 Luxembourg 521,841 131,579 653,420
14 Netherlands 5,342,409 - 5,342,409
15 Norway 2,004,223 1,765,630 3,769,853
16 Spain 1,139,987 213,740 1,353,727
17 Sweden 10,959,126 2,268,306 13,227,432
18 Switzerland 540,688 41,271 581,959
19 Turkey 400,000 150,000 550,000
20 UK 10,856,569 - 10,856,569
21 USA 11,145,536 1,000,000 12,145,536
Sub-total Major donors 80,439,006 13,290,888 93,729,894


Donor Special purpose funds General purpose funds Total

22 Algeria - 10,000 10,000
23 Bangladesh - 1,000 1,000
24 Belarus 20,000 - 20,000
25 Brazil 36,767,671 - 36,767,671
26 Cameroon - 1,957 1,957
27 Colombia 6,198,810 - 6,198,810
28 China 10,000 40,000 50,000
29 Czech Republic 141,891 94,594 236,485
30 Greece - 20,000 20,000
31 Hong Kong - 13,921 13,921
32 Hungary 48,368 - 48,368
33 India 200,000 200,000 400,000
34 Israel - 12,000 12,000
35 Kuwait - 5,000 5,000



Donor Special purpose funds General purpose funds Total

36 Laos - 5,000 5,000
37 Liechtenstein 350,000 - 350,000
38 Madagascar - 2,000 2,000
39 Malaysia - 20,000 20,000
40 Malta - 280 280
41 Mexico 1,487,333 100,000 1,587,333
42 Monaco 60,000 10,000 70,000
43 Morocco - 12,000 12,000
44 Nigeria 23,550 100,000 123,550
45 New Zealand 140,845 66,219 207,064
46 Panama - 2,900 2,900
47 Poland 148,500 - 148,500
48 Portugal - 25,000 25,000
49 Qatar 807,875 - 807,875
50 Rep.of Korea - 93,000 93,000
51 Russia 400,000 100,000 500,000
52 South Africa - 4,022 4,022
53 Saudi Arabia - 50,000 50,000
54 Singapore - 5,000 5,000
55 Sri Lanka - 5,000 5,000
56 Slovenia - 5,000 5,000
57 Thailand 10,000 20,000 30,000
58 Tunisia - 2,722 2,722
59 United Arab Emirates 478,000 - 478,000
Sub-total Emerging and national donors 47,292,843 1,026,615 48,319,458


Donor Special purpose funds General purpose funds Total

60 Human Security Fund 1,171,225 - 1,171,225

61 UNAIDS 4,356,951 - 4,356,951
62 UNDP 1,145,807 - 1,145,807
63 UNFPA 157,700 - 157,700
64 UNICEF 30,000 - 30,000
65 UNFIP 289,150 - 289,150
66 OSCE 57,704 - 57,704
67 NATO Russian Council 539,392 - 539,392
68 IOM 41,182 - 41,182
Sub-total UN Agencies and 7,789,111 0 7,789,111
Inter-Governmental Organizations


Donor Special purpose funds General purpose funds Total

69 World Bank Group 200,000 - 200,000

Sub-total IFI 2,000,000 0 2,000,000

key financial data


Donor Special purpose funds General purpose funds Total

70 Coparmex, Nuevo Leon 12,000 - 12,000

71 DAPC-Japan 146,438 - 146,438
72 DROSOS Foundation 369,218 - 369,218
73 Other private 120,056 3 120,059
Sub-total private donations 647,712 3 647,715

Sub-total Other: 55,929,666 1,026,618 56,956,284

TOTAL ALL DONORS 136,368,672 14,317,506 150,686,178

Distribution of 2006 Pledges

(US$ 150,7 million)

Partnership development Afghanistan and Central Asia, the Programme of Action

for Africa, terrorism financing and crime and stability
To extend partnerships with international organizations in south-eastern Europe.
and financial institutions, UNODC held consultations
with the EC, ADB, World Bank, Inter-American UNODC signed a Letter of Intent with the ADB, with an
Development Bank (IADB), OPEC Fund for International agreed initial focus on sharing the costs of field-based
Development and International Fund for Agricultural projects for anti-money laundering activities and com-
Development (IFAD). In addition, UNODC explored possi- puter-based training in South-East Asia.
ble cooperation with the private sector.
Cooperation with the World Bank continued in the
In 2006, the EC was the largest contributor to the areas of anti-money laundering, anti-corruption and
UNODC technical assistance programme. HIV/AIDS in Central Asia, the counter-narcotics strat-
egy and alternative development in Afghanistan, and
A senior officials meeting took place in Vienna with joint research on drugs, crime and development in the
the EC, with special emphasis on the situation in Caribbean.


The IADB expressed a particular interest in cooperating Collaboration with the Japan Drug Abuse Prevention
in the areas of anti-corruption and urban crime. Centre (DAPC) continued in 2006. The Centre helped
UNODC to award 26 grants to NGOs in support of
The OPEC Fund for International Development signed a grass-roots activities for drug-abuse prevention.
co-financing agreement for a joint HIV/AIDS project in
Central Asia, while IFAD indicated an interest in co- Cooperation with United Nations agencies continued.
financing an alternative development project in The United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security
Afghanistan. approved $US 2.4 million for a joint UNIDO-UNODC
project on alternative development in Laos, combining
In a new initiative, UNODC organized a Global drug-control and prevention activities with the promo-
Partnership Forum to explore ways in which founda- tion of small rural businesses.
tions, the private sector and philanthropists could come
together to tackle the global problems of drug abuse,
human trafficking and the spread of HIV/AIDS.


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