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DTCPing.exe version 2.0

July 2005
(c) Microsoft Corporation, 2005. All rights reserved.
To use the DTCPing.exe tool, you must follow these steps:
1. Replace A and B with the appropriate network name of your testing computers.
2. Input the name as is, without two forward slashes (//). No Internet Protocol
addresses are permitted in testing.
3. Make sure that you have Read/Browse permissions on the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT regi
NOTE: There are two files for testing on each direction.

I. Prepare DTCPing.exe
Copy the DTCPing.exe file to both Computer A and Computer B.
If you receive any error message in "Test Network Connectivity" section,
copy the log file that is specified in the DTCping.exe window, and
then send two files on both Computer A and Computer B to Microsoft for
II. Test Network Connectivity
1. On Computer A, run DTCPing.exe.
2. On Computer B, run DTCPing.exe.
3. On Computer A, type the NetBIOS name of Computer B, and then click Ping.
4. On Computer B, type the NetBIOS name of Computer A, and then click Ping.
NOTE: The DTCPing log file can be found in the same folder as the DTCPing.exe fi
The log file name has the following format: NetBIOSName + ProcessID + .log

III. Tool Functionality

The DTCPing.exe tool performs the following functions:
* Tests name resolution.
Because each Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) servic
uses the NetBIOS name of its peer to talk to other MS DTC services, name
resolution is the first step toward MS DTC troubleshooting. The DTCPing.ex
tool first tries to resolve the computer network name to the IP address.
DTCPing.exe uses this IP address to obtain the host name.
* Tests Remote Procedure Call (RPC) communication.
RPC is the basis for MS DTC communication. The DTCPing.exe tool uses the
dynamic port with Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
protocol to test RPC communication. MSDTC requires successful, two-way RPC
communication to function. The DTCPing.exe tool also reports more details
if the host computer is running out of the TCP/IP port.
* Detects and display MS DTC settings.
The DTCPing.exe tool displays all registry key settings that are touched b
MS DTC. These settings include the Security setting that is new to the
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system.
* Tests DTC communication.
MS DTC is based on two-way RPC and uses MS DTC Connection Manager protocol
to establish connections. The DTCPing tool simulates MSDTC at the Connecti
Manager level.
* Logs the Current Adapter configuration (except on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
* Detects the cluster configuration of MS DTC. If the DTCPing.exe tool
detects the cluster environment, the tool logs the IP address resource
and the name resource for MSDTC.

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