Standalone & Consolidated Financial Results, Limited Review Report For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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To l3h February, 2017

The Corporate Relations Department, The National Stock Exchange oflndia Ltd.,
Bombay Stock Exchange, Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex.
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Bandra(E),
Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001, Mumbai - 400051
F axNo. 022-22723121 137 19

Dear Sir(s/\tladam(s),

sfJB: outcome of Board Meeting - Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing obligations and Disclosure
Requirements), Regulations, 2015
Ref: Scrip ID: BSE: 523796 NSE: VICEROy

with referenceto the subject matter cited above, we would like to inform you that the Board of
Directors ofthe Company at its meeting held today i.e. l3s Day ofFebruary, 2017, have inter alia:

1. Approved the Standalone un-audited financial results for the third quarter ended 31't December,
2016 as recommend by the Audit Committee and reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.

Approved the consolidated un-audited financial results for the third quarter ended 3l't December,
2016 as recommend by the Audit Committee and reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.

3. Appointed Ms. Sonam Jaiswal as the Compliance officer ofthe Company.

This is for your information and necessary records.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,




DIN: 01442233


n@dlft)tficdBF2PldNdszq. Sttdtt, tBfir6lrGft Adi#i6tnrodHdafrep$ry. N<Ji.64,' Mdha$&n liltddriaEdtb b6d6CE034.

phoaiec|g_!t1)48a0#1D9F5rx g!mc4 982A Er*b*teil|wifjciuEBoproh.sGbm
c[lN L55E 1rnnsGErPtcooro4tB
136 February,20l7

The Corporate Relations Department, The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.,
Bombay Stock Exchange, Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Bandra(E),
Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001, Mumbai - 400051
F ax N o. 022-227 23 tzl /37 t9

Dear Sir(s/l\4adam(s),

SUB: Submission of Un-audited Financial Results of the Company and Limited Review
Report as per the provisions of Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obtigations and
Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015
Reft Scrip ID: BSE: 523796 NSE: VICEROy

with reference to the subject matter cited above, we would like to inform you that the Board of
Directors ofthe company at its meeting held today i.e. l3s Day ofFebruary,2017,have approved the

l. Un-audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the third quarter
ended 3 I'r December. 20 I 6.

2. A Certified copy of Limited Review Report on Standalone financials for the third quarter by the
Statutory Auditors.

3. A Certified copy ofLimited Review Report on Consolidated financials for the third quarter by the
Statutory Auditors.

Further, please find enclosed copy of the Un-Audited standalone and consolidated financial results
and a copy of the Limited Review Report on standalone and consolidated for the quarter ended
December 31, 2016.

This is for your information and necessary records.

Thanking you

Yours faithfirlly,


P. \"2
DIN: 01442233


RRed&6ffireia#Plbrwd."04,Settit0<tr4tHfl$iftjrrfi,{)$irutffiruqfrbale,*}: Uogd4,iftrlbdfidFftre iigUsF.J6Hdalg6dtogp:+

PhoFbce:-ao4B-14!36999+d.x gll{.o4gE d*92t. llJebefe:WYW|{f,QLrdd,?,r6lEEftbm
ct6r N rt5 508ttr ffiFtlddll 04t
Regd.Office: Plot No.20, Sector-t,4lH Ftoor, HUDA Techno Enctavei lradhapur, Hyderaba.t - 500 081


{Rs hLrihs

S,NO. Preceding 3 Corresponding I months

g 9 months 131-03-2016)
(31-12-20161 {30,09-2016) ended (31-12- (31-12- ended {3.tJ2,
2015) in the 2016) 2015)in the

(Refer Notes Below) (Unaudited)

{Unaudited) {Unaudiled) {Utr.udiled)
Income from opeEtions 2 140 90 1.973 76 2,i79.16 5.948.87 5,904.50 8.198 66
(a) Net sales/ tncome from operations
(Nel or ercise duly)
(b) Otheroperatinsincome 66.17 61 53 TO 14 199 11 218.11 281.4A
rotal income from operations (net) 2,207.07 2,035.29 2,219.30 6,147.9E 6,122.61 8,ta0.06
(a) cost of materials consumed 309 26 246 38 255.47 84183 723.96 1,091 99
(b) Pu'chases oi slock i4 rde
(c) Changes in inventodes offinished goods, worxjn-
progress and stock-in-rrade
(d) Employee benenrs expense 447 95 537 89 418.05 '1494.26 1,251.44 1,709.87
(e) Heai Light & Power 203 77 235 40 214 06 66219 724.60 940.64
(i) Deprecialion and amorrisation expense 141.94 151.10 260.59 439.15 T41.77 1.053 70
(g) Olher expenses(Any item exceeding 1oolo ofthe 452.66 424_46 443.13 1,235.71 1.226 33 1,637.03
tolal exoenses relatino lo continuino oDerations lo b
(h) Loss on Sale ofAssets
1,555.58 1,595.23 '1,591.30 ,t,673.1il 4,704.30 6,433.23

Profit / (Loss) from operations befoe other income, 651.49 44{t,06 658.00 1A74.A1 1,1t18.31 2,046.83
finance costs and exceotional items t.t-2)

Prcfit/{Loss) from ordinary activities before Rnance 651,!t9 rt40.06 658.00 1,171.U 1,418.3'l 2,046.83
costs and eicptional iGms (314)

6 622.69 644.11 542.79 1,877.68 1,790.22 2,443.46

7 Profit / (Losslfrom ordinary actjvitaes afrerfinance 2E.60 {204.05) 75.21 (402.84) (371.e1) (436.63)
costs but before exceptional items (5 t 6)

9 Profit / (Lossl from ordinary activities before tax 28.80 {204.05) 75.21 {402_84) (371.91) {4}6.63)

10 22 9A 22.13 t2 4e) 68 70 17.47) {13.49)

11 Net Prcfit/ (Loss) from oKtinary activitis afte. tax {9 + 5.90 {226.18) n.70 1471.511 {364.14) 1423.111

12 1,855.67


16 Paid up equily share cpital 4,240.52 4,240.52 4,240.52 4,240_52 4,240.52 4,240.52
{Fa@ Value of the Share shall be indicaled)

17 Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserves as per batanc 4,885.26

sheel of Prevaous accounling year

1E.i Earninqs per share (betore extraordinary items) 0.01 (0.58) 0.'t8 (1.11) 3.38
lof Rs.10/- each) {not annualised):
(a) Basic
{b) Diluled

lE.ii Earninqs per share (after xiraord inary items) 0.01 {0.56) 0.16 (1.1r) (0.85) 3.3E
{ofRs.10/- each) (not annualised):
(a) Basic

1 Tne above Un Audiled Resllls were reviewed by lhe Audit Comm itlee on I +02201 7 and approved by the Board of Dnecro6 on i 3,02-20j 7.
2 Figures have been re-grouped whereever necessary.
3 Hoteliering business is lhe company s only business seg menl, Hence disclosurc of segment wise infoflnation is not appticabte.
4 The above tesulls were Limited Reviewed by the Stal tory Audiotrs ln rerms ol Listing Agreement entered with Stock Exchanges.

/'t //
0 [-------='--'-",'
Date : 13th February,2017 \Y7 CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR
Regcl.Office: Plot No.20, Sector-t, 4TH Ftoor, HUDA Techno Enclave, ltadhapur. Hyderabad - 5OO 08i

131-12- ended (30-09 ended (31,12. (31-12-2016) ended (31{2
2016) 2016) 2015)in the 2015) in the

{Unaudited) (Audited)

1 lncome from operarions 3.150 62 2,969.90 3,168.98 4.972.10 8.770 03 12 025 44

(a) Net satev income from operations
(Net oi excise duty)
(b) Otheroperalins income 98 87 93.11 112 95 2 .23 349 40 ,149.00

Total income from operations {oet) 3,2,19.49 3,063.01 3,2E1.93 9,26a.33 9,11S.43 12,471.4
2 Expenses
(a) Cost of malenats consumed 731 66 669 82 710.57 I 963.39 2,71430
(b) Pucfases or sroch-inrrade
(c) Changes in invenbnes of finished goods, work,in-
progress and stock-in{rade
(d) Employee benelits expense 709.69 785.10 672.97 2.291.64 2,052.89 2,775.96
(e) Heal Liqhl & Power 263 67 304 53 269.13 86S.33 914 29 1,194.99
{D Depreclalion and amoitisation expense 242.11 211.25 325 4a 619.64 976.41 1,339.45
(g) Olher expenses(Any item ex@ding 1 0% of the 703 80 675.74 673 42 1,988.15 1,840.81 2,505.57
lotal exDenses relatino to continuina ooratiofis 1o be
(h) Loss on Sale ofAssels
2.6t0.93 2,646.4 2,651.57 7,8E9.87 7,747.79 10,534.57

3 Profit / (Loss) from oprarions before other income, 638_56 4t6.57 630.36 1,378_it6 1,371.64 1,939_77
nnance costs and erceotional items h-21

Olher income

PrDfit / (Los-s) from ordinary activities bfore finance 638.56 416.57 'l,376.46 1,371.61 1,939.77
cosG and exceptional items (3 1r1)

665.35 70122 635.25 2.035 13 1,951.78 2,7U 2A

Prorrt / (Lods) from ordinary activities after finance (26.79) (284.65) {1.8e) (656.67) (580.14) (764.51)
costs bul before ex@ptional items 15 t 6)

Profft / (Loss) lrom ordinary activiriB before rar (26.29) (284_65) (1.6e) (656.671 (560. 14) (76:1.s1)
10 24.39 23.62 0.66 73.11 '|.97

11 Net Proft / (Loss) from odinary activities after tax (9 1 (51.16) (308.27) (5.55) (72s.84) (582.11) 061.E5)
12 1,855.67

1a Share of pfoftl / (loss) of associates' 117 .22) 72) {17. (34.50) (5s.49) (74 .93)


11 Paid up equrty share cpital 4,240.52 4,240.52 4,240 52 4,240_52 4.240.52 4,240.52
(FaceValue otlhe Share shallbe indicted)

1 Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserues as per batance 4,485.26

sheet of previous accounting year

19.i Eamings per share (betore extraordinary itoms) (0.16) (0.75) {0.051 ('l .80) (1.50) 2.10
{of Rs.10/" each) (not annualised):
(a) Basic
(b) Diluled
19.ii Earninqs per share {after extraordinary items) (0.16) {0.75) (0.05) (1.E0) (r.50J 2.4
IofRs.l0^ each) lnot annualised):
(a) sasic
{b) Diluled

1 The above Un Audiled Results were reviewed by the Audir Committee on 1 3-02-201 7 and appfoved by the Aoard or Direclols on 13-02-201 7.
2 Figures have been re-groupd whercever necessary.
3 Holelienng businessis lhe companys only birsiness segmenl, Hence disclosure ofsegmentwise infomation is not applicable.
4 The above rcsulls wre Limaled Reviewed by the Statulory Audiotrs in terms of Lisling Agreemenl entered wilh Stock Exchanges
5 The Consolidaled Financial Results inctude ihe resufis subsidiaru i.e. Nl/s.Cafe D'Lake P\,,1. Lld., which op.ares Restaurants viz lvlinerua
Coffeshop and Elue For Bar& Restaunts at Hvderabad and t\,4/s.Crustum Products Pvt. Ltd.

!,'1 gyle,ar^d)?

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