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Customer satisfaction is an indicator of how much a business has met the expectation of

customers by the service and product(Trim and Lee, 2015). This is an important indicator for
business because it gives business a metric to improve and manage their performances stated
by. In support with him, has also said that there are six reasons consumer satisfaction is
important. One is it is the best indicator for a company to know about the intention of
repurchase from that particular brand by the customers.

Figure 1: Consumer Satisfaction(Teboul Model) (Source:Makanyeza, 2015)

It plays a point of differentiation for the business. Such as in this cut throat business
environment when customers are satisfied with the product business gets to know they are
doing well said by. This reduces the churn of customers in the business. The lifetime value of
customers can be measured too(Trim and Lee, 2015). The negative words of mouth reduce. It
means when a customer is satisfied with the brands product, it will produce compliment to
other potential customers and inspire them to buy from that brand. Customer satisfaction
cheapens the cost, new customers. Satisfied customers stay with the brand and help to sustain
the brand in the market(Thopte and Poldner, 2014). These are the reasons customer
satisfaction in fashion industry plays a significant role in shaping a brand in the market for a
long time. Businesses are sustaining on this customer satisfaction metric.

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