Bashar ReadingMaterial 1688

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Mystery and Understanding

Q: Hi.
B: Hi!
Q: Last Saturday I was sick, and it was in my abdomen, and it was on the left and right side. And they
took me to the hospital because it was so severe a pain. They took tests, they gave me medicine, they
took blood and everything, and they didnt know what it was. And they said: Well, since youre feeling
better, were going to let you go home, and it will be a mystery.
B: Oh, a mystery!
Q: And that I wouldnt know what it was. And I was wondering why I created this situation for myself,
and what was the sickness?
B: Do you find that at this time, you, in one sense, have allowed it to be demystified?
Q: Not really.
B: How long did it take for the situation to alleviate itself approximately what you would call one to
two of your days?
Q: No.
B: How long?
Q: About three.
B: Three. All right. How do you feel now?
Q: Not too great, but okay.
B: All right. One idea is to simply allow you to know that, regardless of the structure of information that
has been set up in your society, regardless of the structure of information that you refer to as authority,
even to that structure there are many things that are a mystery. And that you you are your own final
answer; you are your own exploration of any mystery you create. Everything does occur for a reason,
and many of the reasons can be extremely simple. The reasons, in and of themselves, do not have to be
mysterious, in that way.
Many of the things that individuals may not understand at any given moment, they, as you say, chalk it
up to mystery. But that may simply be another way of saying that you do not have to have conscious
analytical awareness of all the things that occur in your life, or why they occur at that given moment.
But that somewhere down the road, it will make itself clear, make itself plain. Now, one of the ideas was
to allow you to know that you dont necessarily have to worry about relying upon the authoritative
structure so much, and that you eventually will alter yourself, one way or another, regardless of what
they say they can or cannot do.
It allowed you to go through a door of trust regarding authority, and allowed you to know that the final
authority is in you. That is one of the reasons you created that idea. Because in the past, you see, you
have created in many different lives many run-ins, as you say, with authority. Now you have given

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