Bashar ReadingMaterial 1691

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Channeled by
Darryl Anka
From "Feel the Confidence"
Q: Were all familiar with, what we call, especially in the Western World, mythology.
B: Yes.
Q: There is much written about this, the Greek and Roman mythology, Egyptian mythology, the Isis and
Osiris mythology.
B: Yes.
Q: Druidic mythology, the legend of Merlin.
B: Yes.
Q: Old Testament mythology, the stories of Moses, et cetera. My question, going clear back to Mount
Olympus and well before that how much of what we look at as mythology has some truth in fact, or
not a lot of truth in fact?
B: All of it has truth in fact, but not necessarily as you think. In other words, there are different
categories of why some of these things originate. One, the archetypal level ... in other words, your
collective consciousness has the ability to generate a collective consciousness archetypal representation
that represents one aspect, one facet of the total consciousness that your species is. And that can actually
be an autonomous consciousness, self-aware and actually present itself in many ways to beings that are
sensitive enough to perceive them. Sometimes those were looked upon as the "gods." You understand?
Q: Yes.
B: Sometimes the mythologies actually represent interactions with real physical beings from other
dimensions as well, either extraterrestrial or extra dimensional or so forth. Sometimes some of the
mythologies are representative of certain attributes or beings that were even created in your society. In
Atlantean times, for example, there was genetic manipulation, genetic engineering and, what you call,
the myth of the mermaid comes from actual creations that were made at that time. Do you follow along?

Q: Yes, and the Centaur.

B: And that as well, yes. Those things were actually physiologically created in genetic laboratories a
long time ago, not with very pleasant results. The idea, also, can be recognition of ancient memories of
other selves, other lives, other dimensions of experience of your own beingness that you are
remembering and calling into fruition. Calling into manifestation within yourself, and recognizing were
true existences that you may have had in other realms, other dimensions of experience. There are many,

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