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UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

Secondary Learning Segment Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title: The ConstitutionLearning Segment: 3 Branches/Checks & Balances
Key Content Standard(s)- Content, Common Core & ELD: List the complete text of only the
relevant parts of each standard. TPE 1

8.2.3 Evaluate the major debates that occurred during the development of the Constitution
and their ultimate resolutions in such areas as shared power among institutions, divided
state-federal power, slavery, the rights of individuals and states (later addressed by the
addition of the Bill of Rights), and the status of American Indian nations under the
commerce clause

8.2.7 Describe the principles of federalism, dual sovereignty, separation of powers, checks
and balances, the nature and purpose of majority rule, and the ways in which the American
idea of constitutionalism preserves individual rights

Learning Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do at the end of this lesson?
Students will be able to explain the duties and functions of each branch of government
and how those branches check and/or balance each other

Assessments- Formal and Informal: How will you assess if and what students are learning? TPE 2

Processing Assignment: Checks and Balances Flow Chart students will create a visual
representation of the three branches of government, including at least 1 way that each
branch checks/balances the other 2 branches

Exit Slips Each Day

Modifications, Accommodations, Scaffolding- How will you adjust your instruction and
assessments to meet the diverse needs of students (esp. language learners and/or special needs)?
TPE 4 and 7

Checks and Balances Flow Chart- students can choose whether to fill in a worksheet with
a flow chart already printed OR they can create their own graphic representation

Students will have access to assigned readings in simplified form and/or read aloud to
them; some texts will be translated into Spanish

Enhanced or zoom-in handouts for students who may be visually impaired or need more
time with a graphic

Interactional Scaffolding- Students who are ELD Level 1 are in groups with students who
are comfortable conversing in both the students L1 and English

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge and Experiential Backgrounds. TPE 8

How will you access and activate students prior knowledge and connect to students lived
Students will need to have an understanding of the failures of Articles of Confederation and
compromises that arose during the making of the Constitution

Academic Language
Unit-Specific General Academic
Executive Articles Flow Chart
Legislative Separation of Establish
Judicial Bicameral Explain
Checks and Bill Justify
UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

Veto Representative
We the People

Other text structures, organizational, stylistic, or grammatical features that will be explicitly taught:
Flow Chart

Daily Lesson Plans

Day 1 of 6
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning. TPEs1,4,5,6,9,10
How will you 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning,
2)identify learning outcomes 3)present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4)monitor student learning during
instruction, 5) build metacognitive understanding.
List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing.
Time Students Teacher Moves
Please write a one paragraph Warm Up Journals
response to the following Ask students to write silently for 6
question. (5-7 sentences) minutes Computer

Journal: What do the words We Think-Pair Share (4 min) LCD

the People mean? Has this Partner who is the oldest will share Projector
Ope meaning changed over the last for 2 minutes first, I will go around
nin 200 years? Why or why not? stamping as you talk to your
g/ partners
Eng 15 Min
age Class Share/Discussion (5 min)
me Talk Moves
nt So what you are saying is
In other words
I heard ___ blank say, I would like to

Connection to todays class:

Recall Essential Question Unit Introduction: LCD
10 Projector
Min Reflect on outcomes of class PowerPoint Presentation:
str convention Legislative Branch Computer
tio 10 Become familiar with terms: Connect to Constitutional Journals
na min Legislative Convention to Representation
l Bicameral and the 3/5 Compromise Word Wall
tiv Students will listen to Add words to Word Wall
iti presentation
Take notes in journal, following
along with presentation
UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

Students will use their text and In your table groups: Read Leg Branch
25 their journal notes to answer Section 9.3 Cards
In Min card questions collaboratively
str Distribute Legislative Branch Journals
uc Record answers individually in Card Questions
tio complete sentences. For bonus Ex: How old must a person be
points, record the article and to be elected to the U.S. House
Ac section where the answer can be of Reps? To the Senate?
tiv found!
iti Teacher will move from group to
es group. Will be careful to praise,
prompt, and leave

Respond to Exit Slip Write Exit Slip Question on dry Index Cards
5 Min erase board
What is one question you have
Cl about todays lesson? Excuse groups one by one based
os on who is ready (books stacked,
in Clean up, get ready to go, and desks clean, quiet)
g wait to be excused. Hand in exit
slip as you leave Collect Exit Slips as students

Day 2 of 6
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning. TPEs1,4,5,6,9,10
How will you 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning,
2)identify learning outcomes 3)present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4)monitor student learning during
instruction, 5) build metacognitive understanding.

List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing.
Time Students Teacher Moves
Please write a one paragraph Warm Up Journals
response to the following Ask students to write silently for 6
question. (5-7 sentences) minutes Computer

What do you think about when Think-Pair Share (4 min) LCD

you hear the word executive? Partner who is the youngest will Projector
Ope What are some jobs or people share for 2 minutes first, I will go
nin that are associated with that around stamping as you talk to your
word? partners
Eng 15 Min
me Class Share/Discussion (5 min)
nt Talk Moves
So what you are saying is
In other words
I heard ___ blank say, I would like to

Connect to todays class

UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

Become familiar with terms: PowerPoint Presentation: LCD

15 Executive Executive Branch Projector
In Min Veto
str Connect to previous Computer
Students will listen to presentation on Legislative
na presentation Branch Journals
Ac Take notes in journal, following Add words to Word Wall Word Wall
tiv along with presentation

Students will use their text and In your table groups: Read Exec Cards
20 their journal notes to answer Section 9.4
In Min card questions collaboratively Journals
str Distribute Executive Branch Card
uc Record answers individually in Questions
tio complete sentences. For bonus Ex: What is the length of a term
na points, record the article and of office for the president of the
section where the answer can be United States?
tiv found!
iti Praise, Prompt, Leave

Respond to Exit Slip Write Exit Slip Question on dry Index Card
5 Min erase board
todayands/heasksyoutoexplainthelesson. Return Exit Slips
Cl Whatwouldyoutellhim/her?
os Excuse groups one by one based
in Clean up, get ready to go, and on who is ready (books stacked,
g wait to be excused. Hand in exit desks clean, quiet)
slip as you leave
Collect Exit Slips as students

Day 3 of 6
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning. TPEs1,4,5,6,9,10
How will you 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning,
2)identify learning outcomes 3)present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4)monitor student learning during
instruction, 5) build metacognitive understanding.

List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing.
Time Students Teacher Moves
Ope 15 Min Please write a one paragraph Warm Up Journals
nin response to the following Ask students to write silently for 4
g/ question. (5-7 sentences) minutes Computer
If you could choose just one Share/Discussion (6 min) LCD
nt occupation/career/job to do for the Projector
rest of your live, what would it be? Talk Moves
Why? So what you are saying is
UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

In other words
I heard ___ blank say, I would like to

Connect to todays class

Students will watch video about Show SCOTUS video LCD
30 SCOTUS Projector
In Min In your table groups: Read
str Students will use their text and Section 9.5 Computer
uc their journal notes to answer
tio card questions collaboratively Distribute Judicial Branch Card Journals
Ac Record answers individually in Ex: How many members of the Judicial
tiv complete sentences. For bonus Supreme Court are there? Cards
iti points, record the article and
es dd section where the answer can be Praise, Prompt, Leave Word Wall
Add Judicial Branch to Word Wall
Respond to Exit Slip Write Exit Slip Question on dry Index Cards
10 erase board
Min Out of the 3 branches of
government, which do you think Out of the 3 branches of
has the most power? Explain government, which do you think
your answer has the most power?
(5 min)
Clean up, get ready to go, and
Cl wait to be excused. Hand in exit Community Circle Whip Around
os slip as you leave with answer
in (2 min)
Return Exit Slips

Excuse groups one by one based

on who is ready (books stacked,
desks clean, quiet)

Collect Exit Slips as students


Day 4 of 6
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning. TPEs1,4,5,6,9,10
How will you 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning,
2)identify learning outcomes 3)present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4)monitor student learning during
instruction, 5) build metacognitive understanding.

List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing.
Time Students Teacher Moves
Ope 15 Min Please write a one paragraph Warm Up LCD
nin response to the following Ask students to write silently for 5 Projector
g/ question. (5-7 sentences) minutes
Eng Computer
Look at the political cartoon, Talk Moves- (Student revoicing)
nt respond to the question Use Magic Paper Journals
What is the cartoonist trying to Sentence Frame: _____ said ______,
say? How do you know the and I think that______ Checks and
cartoonists message? Use Balances
details from the image to Then, What do you think.? To call Political
support your ideas. Do you on someone else Cartoon
UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

agree/disagree with the

cartoonist? Connect to todays class Magic Paper

Recall Essential Question In your tables groups: Journals

30 Read sections 9.6 9.8
Min Students will use their text and Constitution
their journal notes to answer Distribute Checks & Balances Cards
card questions collaboratively and Amendment Process Card
In Questions Word Wall
str Record answers individually in Ex: Who approves amendments
uc complete sentences. For bonus to the Constitution?
tio points, record the article and
na section where the answer can be Praise, Prompt, Leave
l found!
tiv Add words to Word Wall

Respond to Exit Slip Write Exit Slip Question on dry Index Cards
10 erase board
Min Review Word Wall: Pick one
word/concept are you most Return Exit Slips
Cl confident about?
osi Pick one word/concept that you Excuse groups one by one based
ng are still having trouble with on who is ready (books stacked,
desks clean, quiet)

Collect Exit Slips as students


Day 5 of 6
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning. TPEs1,4,5,6,9,10
How will you 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning,
2)identify learning outcomes 3)present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4)monitor student learning during
instruction, 5) build metacognitive understanding.

List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing.
Time Students Teacher Moves
Ope 10 Min Please write a one paragraph Short Day LCD
nin response to the following Warm Up Projector
g/ question. (5-7 sentences) Ask students to write silently for 5
Eng Computer
Do you believe our system of
nt checks and balances works Talk Moves- (Student revoicing) Journals
well? Why or why not? Use Magic Paper
Sentence Frame: _____ said ______,
and I think that______

Then, What do you think.? To call

on someone else
UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

Connect to todays class

Students will use their text and Continue working in your tables Journals
25 their journal notes to answer groups:
Min card questions collaboratively Read sections 9.6 9.8 Constitution
Record answers individually in Distribute Checks & Balances
In complete sentences. For bonus and Amendment Process Card Word Wall
str points, record the article and Questions
uc section where the answer can be Ex: Who approves amendments
tio found! to the Constitution?
l Praise, Prompt, Leave
Add words to Word Wall

Respond to Exit Slip Write Exit Slip Question on dry Index Cards
5 Min erase board
Review Question:
Receptive Modality:
Out of the 3 branches of Fingers: 1 for Legislative, 2 for
government, which do you think Executive, 3 for Judicial, Closed
has the most power now that Fist for no branch
weve learned more about all the
branches? Out of the 3 branches of
government, which do you think
has the most power?

Return Exit Slips

Excuse groups one by one based

on who is ready (books stacked,
desks clean, quiet)

Collect Exit Slips as students


Day 6 of 6
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning. TPEs1,4,5,6,9,10
How will you 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning,
2)identify learning outcomes 3)present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4)monitor student learning during
instruction, 5) build metacognitive understanding.

List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing.
Time Students Teacher Moves
UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

Please write a one paragraph Warm Up LCD

response to the following Ask students to write silently for 4 Projector
Ope question. (5-7 sentences) minutes
nin Computer
g/ Is the American system of checks Think-Pair Share (4 min)
Eng 10 min and balances sufficient (enough) to Partner who is the most siblings will Journal
age prevent a president from becoming a share for 2 minutes first, I will go
me tyrant? around stamping as you talk to your
nt partners

Connect to todays class

Students self-select whether Checks and Balances Flow Chart Flow Chart
30 they will use the Flow Chart Choice- Fill in Flow chart to Handout
Min Handout or a blank sheet of demonstrate knowledge of how
paper to create their Processing the three branches check and 8 by 11
Assignment balance one another Blank Paper
Students will use journal notes Create your own graphic Art Supply
In and card question worksheet for representation of how the three Boxes
str assistance branches check and balance
uc each other
tio Students work on flow
chart/visual representation of Criteria-
Ac checks and balances Three Branches Labeled
tiv A symbol for each branch
iti One example of how each branch
es checks and balances the other
two branches
Uses at least 4 words from the
Word Wall

Flow Chart must be finished for

homework if not completed

Respond to Exit Slip Write Exit Slip Question on dry Index Cards
5 min erase board
How can peoples individual I
rights be protected under the
Cl Constitution? Return Exit Slips
in Excuse groups one by one based
g Clean up, get ready to go, and on who is ready (books stacked,
wait to be excused. Hand in exit desks clean, quiet)
slip as you leave
Collect Exit Slips as students

Core Practices Implemented in this Learning Segment

Core Practice 1: Designing Cognitively Demanding Tasks and Content

_____Backwards Design of Social Justice-Oriented Curriculum
_____High-Level Tasks
Core Practice 2: Engaging Students in Content Discourse
_____Questioning Levels and Learning
_____Think-Pair Share
_____Talk Moves
UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

Core Practice 3: Scaffolding and Differentiation for Equitable Access

_____Word Bank/Wall
_____Formative Assessments (esp Receptive)
_____Activating Prior Knowledge
Core Practice 4: Developing and Maintaining a Classroom Ecology for Learning
_____Opening and Closing Routines
_____Community Circles

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